Rice ears and you shine shiny
He says this is his first rice harvesting experience.
This young lady is unfamiliar at first, and I am anxiously in my heart.
I was talking, but maybe because I'm young, in less than an hour.
I was working hard to harvest new rice to make a crispy offering to God.
It's been hard and hard to work all the time.
While answering with a smile, she successfully performed the ritual.
Such a healthy smile of accomplishment to everyone!
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Photocon PR 😊
Thank you ✨ for your participation in the photo contest and for posting a nice photo
When selecting, we will also refer to the number of likes on posts on the site.
You can also share the post on SNS or embed it in your blog, so please 😊 try it if you like.
You can apply as many times as you like per person, so we look 😃 forward to receiving many submissions.
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