Video article 6:33
The Work of a Master! The Amazing Kimono Making Process Starting From a Hand-Drawn Sketch!
Traditional Culture- 53 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "How to make Kimono - Digest Ver.," was released by Japanese Kimono Online Shop KYOTO. In this video, the process of making a kimono, starting from the hand-drawn sketches, is shown. The skilled artisans hand-draw the designs, which is a sight to behold in itself. The embroidery is also done by hand, resulting in beautiful kimono. Check out the finished kimono in the video! -
Video article 12:31
Making Yopparaigani! Japanese Blue Crab in Sake Makes for an Exquisite Dish That Takes a Month to Reach Perfection!
Food & Drink- 37 plays
- YouTube
Pickling Live Japanese Blue Crab in Japanese Sake This video, by "Sushi Skills Channel" (寿司の技術), shows how to make "Yopparaigani" (drunken crab), using live, female Japanese blue crabs. It takes two weeks to a month to complete, but it's worth the wait. Ingredients ・Japanese Blue Crabs (live) (5) ・Sake (Junmai) 3,200 ccs ・Brown Sugar 320 ccs ・Salt 80g ・Dark Soy Sauce 200 ccs ・Red Peppers (8) ・Welsh Onions (Green Portion) 3 Stalks ・Sliced Ginger 65g ・Sansho Powder 3g How to Make It 1. Put the sugar and salt in a tub large enough to hold all the crabs, add the sake and mix until dissolved. 2. Add the soy sauce and mix lightly. 3. Tear the peppers apart and add them to "2.," including the seeds. 4. Add the sansho powder, ginger slices, and onions and mix again to complete the marinade. 5. Thoroughly wash the live crabs with a tawashi brush. 6. Remove the rubber bands that bind the crabs. 7. Put the crabs in the marinade. 8. Cover with a lid and shake it around so the crabs are fully covered with sauce. 9. After about 30 minutes, open the lid once and arrange the crabs so that their entire bodies are sub,erged in the marinade, then cover it with paper towels to prevent the crabs from breathing. 10. Cover with a lid and then put it in the refrigerator. Let sit for a minimum of 2 weeks. At the end of the video they show what it looks like when it's finished and arranged on a dish. Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 52:36
A close-up look at the world of Matsuba Crab, a colorful part of Japanese cuisine! You won't want to miss the beautiful techniques of this famous restaurant in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward!
Food & Drink- 93 plays
- YouTube
Video Introduction of Ryugin Japanese Cuisine in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "Japanese Cuisine—RyuGin Matsuba Crab Conference Report" (日本料理 龍吟 松葉蟹学会発表), was uploaded by "TOKYOGASTRONOMY." It introduces food presented by RyuGin at the "2016 World Cuisine Academic Meeting in Hakodate" (世界料理学会 in HAKODATE 2016) in September 2016. RyuGin is a Japanese restaurant situated in Hibiya, Tokyo. The restaurant offers a range of Japanese cuisine prepared with carefully selected ingredients, not least among which is Matsuba crab. At around 52 minutes, the video is on the long side, but there are dazzling skills on display, and a number of dishes using Matsuba crab. First, watch the video, and enjoy an introduction to the flavors of winter in Japan and the charms of Matsuba crab. What is Matsuba Crab? Photo:Matsuba crab Matsuba crab refers to male snow crabs caught in the San'in region of Tottori, Japan. Female snow crabs are referred to as "Seko crab" or "Koppe" in Japan. Snow crabs caught in Kyoto prefecture are known as Tsuiyama or Taiza crab, and crabs caught in Fukui prefecture are referred to as Echizen crab. As you may have noticed, the crabs are referred to by different names depending on where they were caught and whether they're male or female. Snow crabs generally belong to the Xanthidae family of crabs, but in some regions snow crabs belonging to the Oregoniidae family in certain regions are also referred to a Matsuba crab. A snow crab can be identified by its ten clawed feet, its long, slender legs, and its shell, which is small compared to its body as a whole. The crabs can be caught in the Sea of Japan's western area, as well as the area from Toyama prefecture north. They're also found in parts of the Pacific Ocean, such as the Sea of Ohkotsk and off the coast of the Sanriku region of Japan. Tasty Crab Soup From the Shell of a Matsuba Crab The video also shows delicious crab soup. Charcoal-grilled crab legs are added to stock produced by boiling the discarded shell of a Matsuba crab. You can almost smell the crab's fragrance coming from your screen. [Video] 6:13 - Crab Soup Shitamachi Katsushika Edo Dome – Seko Crab Beautifully Arranged in a Dish Made From Its Shell Source :YouTube screenshot Next up is a dish called "Shitamachi Katsushika Edo Dome" (下町葛飾江戸ドーム). This dish brings out the deep flavor of the Matsuba crab's female counterpart, the seko crab. The way RyuGin arranges this crab, with special tin tableware is nothing short of art. The dish is then carried to customers on a dome and platter made using traditional Japanese crafts, such as Wajima-nuri (a type of lacquerware from Wajima, Ishikawa) and Edo Kiriko (a type of cut glass from Asakusa, Tokyo). [Video] 9:20 - Shitamachi Katsushika Edo Dome Itsukiboshi, a Super-Sized Matsuba Crab Next up is "Itsukiboshi" (五輝星). Among Matsuba crabs, these are some of the biggest. Their size is enough to be easily noticeable even via the medium of video. Arranged in its bowl, the crab sashimi is, in a word, beautiful. Served with crab miso ponzu (ponzu is a sauce made from vinegar and bitter orange), it's simply delicious. [Video] 15:13 - Itsukiboshi Enjoy Matsuba Crab Pincers to the Full with "Banshu-yaki" Source :YouTube screenshot This fried crab dish using only the pincers is known as "Banshu-yaki" (播州焼) at RyuGin. This aromatic fried crab has tones of yuzu (a citrus fruit grown in Japan), and is served with crab miso. "Banshu" (播州) is an old name for what is now Hyogo prefecture. Hyogo is known as the number one supplier of Japanese crab, and crab pincers are familiar to many as a Banshu specialty. [Video] 18:50 - Banshu-yaki, Using Only Crab Pincers The RyuGin Burger, a Decadent Hamburger Using Matsuba Crab Next is a slightly eccentric dish, called the "RyuGin Burger." Matsutake mushrooms take the place of the bread, and Matsuba crab is used for the patty. Have you ever heard of such a decadent burger? What makes this burger so special is the "an" (a thick starchy sauce) made using Matsuba crab stock, which really brings out the Matsuba crab's flavor. [Video] 22:03 - RyuGin Burger Matsu x Matsu Shabu – Emphasizing the Crab's Umami Flavors Moving on is a dish called "Matsu x Matsu Shabu." This shabu-shabu (a Japanese hotpot dish with thinly sliced meat and vegetables) dish makes use of stock from Matsuba crab and Matsutake mushrooms. The dish is full of special artisan touches, such as the use of a Matsuba crab's shell in place of the pot, and more. Once you start to pick up the scent of cooking Matsutake mushrooms, it's time to put the Matsuba crab into the pot. [Video] 26:13 - Japanese Crab Shabu-Shabu Wakamatsuba, the Irresistible Sweetness of Young Matsuba Crab Source :YouTube screenshot "Wakamatsuba" (若松葉) is the name for younger Matsuba-crabs, and when translated to English literally means "young Matsuba." These younger crabs have soft, edible shells. You can see the Wakamatsuba crab meat arranged gorgeously on its shell in the video. Shirasu – Stunning Deep Fried Wakamatsuba Crab Tempura "Shirasu" (白砂) refers to Wakamatsuba crab tempura (a type of deep frying technique using batter). Every single detail—not just the batter that envelops the Wakamatsuba crab, but the method and timing of the boiling and deep frying stages, and type of oil used—has been honed to a fine-art. [Video] 33:45 - Matsuba Crab Tempura The Matsuba crab and Matsutake mushroom tempura rice bowl is not to be missed, either! Anrakuyaki – Bringing Out the Irresistibly Rich Flavor of Crab Miso and Cheese Anrakuyaki (安楽焼) is a dish that combines the rich flavors of crab miso and caciocavallo cheese. The melted cheese is sure to get your tastebuds tingling. The flavor is improved even further with "uchiko" and "sotoko," the Seko crab's eggs. [Video] 38:43 - Japanese Crab and Cheese "Anrakuyaki" Matsuba Seiko – A Combination of the Crab's Umami Flavors and Matsutake Mushrooms Source :YouTube screenshot "Matsuba Seiko" (松葉聖子) is a rice dish with Seko crab and Matsutake mushrooms. You can enjoy every part of the Seko crab with this dish, along with the Matsutake mushrooms, which are cut into bite-size pieces. [Video] 44:53 - A Final Dish with Japanese Crab and Matsutake Mushrooms You can watch the Matsuba Seiko being prepared with all the ingredients in a single pot in the video. Notice the use of truffles to round the dish off. Summary of Japanese Restaurant RyuGin – A Wide Range of Luxurious Matsuba Crab Dishes Matsuba crab can be eaten in a variety of ways, including as sashimi, sukiyaki, char-grilled, and roasted in its shell. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that Matsuba crab is essential to any conversation about Japanese cuisine. Next time you visit Japan, be it for sightseeing or other reasons, why not try a dish made with Matsuba crab? If you plan to eat at "RyuGin," we recommend you book in advance. The Matsuba crab with Japanese-grown Matsutake costs around ¥100,000, (before tax), but prices can vary according to the market. These truly sumptuous dishes are a veritable art-form. If you've got a big budget, we recommend giving it a try. 【Official Website】Japanese Restaurant RyuGin 【TripAdvisor】Japanese Restaurant RyuGin -
Video article 6:57
【Easy Japanese】Wi-Fi in Japan – Pocket Wi-Fi, SIM Cards, & Apps. A Guide to Wi-Fi in Japan in 2023(日本のWi-Fiを解説!ポケットWi-Fi、SIMカード、アプリも紹介!2023年版)
Travel Shopping Life & Business- 33 plays
- YouTube
Wi-Fi in Japan: Video Introduction 日本にほんのWi-Fiわぃふぁいの動画どうが紹介しょうかい This video, titled "Should I Get a Pocket Wi-Fi in Japan? - JAPAN and more," was uploaded by "Japan and More." 今回こんかいは、『Japan and More』さん制作せいさくの『Should I Get a Pocket Wi-Fiわぃふぁい in Japan? - JAPAN and more』という動画どうがを紹介しょうかいします。 Wi-Fi Availability in Japan 日本にほんのWi-Fiわぃふぁい事情じじょう Photo:Free Wi-Fi(写真しゃしん:Free Wi-Fiわぃふぁい) One of the most important things to consider when traveling is internet access. 旅行りょこうするときに最もっとも重要じゅうようなことの1つひとつは、インターネットへのアクセスです。 Being able to access the internet will allow you to find what you're looking for, get help if trouble arises, and save you time while traveling. 旅行りょこう中ちゅうにインターネットが利用りようできると、情報じょうほうを調しらべたり、トラブルが起おきたときに助たすけを求もとめられたり 、旅行りょこうのときに時間じかんを節約せつやくできるものです。 While almost all hotels in Japan are going to have Wi-Fi, once you leave the hotel to do some sightseeing, you're going to have to find public Wi-Fi or be left with no internet. 日本にほんのほとんどのホテルにWi-Fiわぃふぁいはありますが、ホテルを出でて観光かんこうをするときは、公共こうきょうのWi-Fiわぃふぁいを探さがさなないとインターネットを利用りようできません。 In recent years, public Wi-Fi has become increasingly accessible, and many train stations and cafes now offer publicly accessible Wi-Fi. 最近さいきんでは、公共こうきょうWi-Fiわぃふぁいがどんどん身近みぢかなものになり、多おおくの駅えきやカフェで公共こうきょうWi-Fiわぃふぁいを提供ていきょうしています。 That being said, most of these Wi-Fi networks require you to register to use them. しかし、ほとんどのWi-Fiわぃふぁいネットワークは、利用りようするために登録とうろくする必要ひつようがあります。 This can be troublesome as you'll have to register to use a Wi-Fi each time you find a new one, and if you leave that location, you also lose your Wi-Fi connection. ということは、その場所ばしょから離はなれると接続せつぞくがきれるため、新あたらしいWi-Fiわぃふぁいを見みつけるたびに登録とうろくしなければなりません。 To avoid these problems, we recommend getting your own Wi-Fi plan. このようなトラブルが起おこらないように、自分じぶん専用せんようのWi-Fiわぃふぁいプランを準備じゅんびすることをおすすめします。 [Video] 0:39 - Wi-Fi Availability in Japan 【動画どうが】0:39~ 日本にほんのWi-Fiわぃふぁいの事情じじょう Pocket Wi-Fi, SIM Cards, & Wi-Fi Apps in Japan 日本にほんで利用りようするポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁい、SIMカード、Wi-Fiわぃふぁいアプリ Photo:Pocket Wi-Fi(写真しゃしん:ポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁい) There are 3 main ways to get Wi-Fi when traveling in Japan: pocket Wi-Fi, SIM cards, and Wi-Fi apps. 日本にほんを旅行りょこうするときに、Wi-Fiわぃふぁいを利用りようするには、主おもに「ポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁい」「SIMカード」「Wi-Fiわぃふぁいアプリ」の3つみっつの方法ほうほうがあります。 Pocket Wi-Fi: ポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁい: Pocket Wi-Fi refers to small mobile routers that can quite literally fit in your pocket. ポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいとは、文字通もじどおりポケットに入はいる小型こがたのモバイルルーターのことです。 They can be rented online from a variety of companies. 様々さまざまな会社かいしゃからオンラインでレンタルすることができます。 [Video] 3:22 - What is Pocket Wi-Fi? 【動画どうが】3:22~ ポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいとは? Sim Cards: SIMカード: Sim cards are small chips that allow the user to connect to a network. SIMカードは、ユーザーネットワークへの接続せつぞくを許可きょかする小ちいさなチップです。 When traveling, they can be purchased and put inside your phone to allow internet access. 携帯電話けいたいでんわの中なかに入いれることで、インターネットにアクセスできます。 Data, etc., will vary by plan. プランによってデータ量りょうなどの内容ないようは変かわります。 Wi-Fi Apps: Wi-Fiわぃふぁいアプリ: Wi-Fi apps generally refer to apps that help you find publicly available Wi-Fi networks. Wi-Fiわぃふぁいアプリとは、一般的いっぱんてきに公共こうきょうWi-Fiわぃふぁいを見みつけるためのアプリを指さします。 Top 3 Pocket Wi-Fi Providers for Travel in Japan 日本旅行にほんりょこうで使つかえるポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいプロバイダ3選せん Photo:Wi-Fi(写真しゃしん:Wi-Fiわぃふぁい) There are many different pocket Wi-Fi providers to choose from when traveling in Japan, but below are our top 3 picks, as well as one plan offered by each pocket Wi-Fi provider. 日本にほんを旅行りょこうする時ときには、様々さまざまなポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいプロバイダから選えらぶことができますが、その中なかでも特とくにおすすめの3社しゃと、ポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいの各かくプロバイダが提供ていきょうする1つのプランを紹介しょうかいします。 ※Prices current as of 12/19/2022. ※料金りょうきんやプランは2022年にせんにじゅうにねん12月じゅうにがつ19日じゅうくにち時点じてんのものです。 Please check the official provider websites for up-to-date information regarding plans, pricing, etc. プラン・料金りょうきん等などの最新情報さいしんじょうほうは、各かくプロバイダの公式こうしきサイトをご確認かくにんください。 [Ninja WiFi] 【Ninja WiFi】 Data/Plan: Unlimited Plan データ・プラン:無制限むせいげんプラン SoftBank 4G LTE SoftBank 4G LTE 187.35 Mbps 187.35Mbps Unlimited Data データ通信量つうしんりょう無制限むせいげん ※Exceeding 3GB/day may result in throttling ※1日いちにちあたり3GBを超こえると通信速度つうしんそくどの減速げんそくの場合ばあいがあります。 Pricing (7 Days): 料金りょうきん(7日間なのかかん): ¥990/Day (tax included) 990円きゅうひゃくえん(税込ぜいこみ)/1日いちにち Battery Life: 連続れんぞく通信つうしん時間じかん: 9 Hours 9時間くじかん Pick-up/Return: 受取うけとり・返却へんきゃく: Free pick-up/return at major international airport counters or affiliate counters 主要しゅよう国際空港こくさいくうこうカウンターまたは提携ていけいカウンターにて無料むりょうで受取うけとり・返却へんきゃくができます。 Returnable at convenience stores across Japan or at airport delivery service counters (¥550 (tax included)) 日本全国にほんぜんこくのコンビニエンスストア、空港くうこうの宅配たくはいカウンターで返却へんきゃくすることもできます(550 円えん(税込ぜいこみ))。 Insurance: 保険ほけん: ¥440/Day (tax included) (Includes a spare battery) 440円よんひゃくよんじゅうえん(税込ぜいこみ)/1日いちにち(予備よびバッテリー含ふくむ) [Japan Wireless] 【Japan Wireless】 Data/Plan: Premium WiFi データ・プラン:プレミアムWiFi SoftBank 4G LTE SoftBank 4G LTE 187 Mbps 187Mbps Unlimited Data データ通信量つうしんりょう無制限むせいげん No Throttling 通信速度つうしんそくどの減速げんそくの場合ばあいがありません。 Pricing (7 Days): 料金りょうきん(7日間なのかかん): ¥1,137/Day 1137円せんひゃくさんじゅうななえん(税込ぜいこみ)/1日いちにち Battery Life: 連続れんぞく通信つうしん時間じかん: 4-8 Hours 4よん~8はち時間じかん Pick-up/Return: 受取うけとり・返却へんきゃく: Free pick-up at Narita Airport, Haneda Airport, and other select airports, as well as hotels, post offices, residences, and offices in Japan. 成田空港なりたくうこう、羽田空港はねだくうこう、その他た一部いちぶの空港くうこう、日本国内にほんこくないのホテル、郵便局ゆうびんきょく、住宅じゅうたく、オフィスなどで無料むりょう受取うけとりができます。 Can be returned via any postbox in Japan with the designated envelope 指定していの封筒ふうとうで日本全国にほんぜんこくの郵便局ゆうびんきょくより返送へんそうができます。 Insurance: 保険ほけん: ¥88/Day 88 円えん/1日いちにち ※75% Coverage ※75%ななじゅうごぱーせんと補償ほしょう [eConnect Japan] 【eConnect Japan】 Data/Plan: Premium Plan データ・プラン:プレミアムプラン SoftBank 4G LTE SoftBank 4G LTE 187.5 Mbps 187.35Mbps Unlimited Data データ通信量つうしんりょう無制限むせいげん Throttling after 50GB ※50GBを超こえると通信速度つうしんそくどの減速げんそくの場合ばあいがあります。 Pricing (7 Days): 料金りょうきん(7日間なのかかん): ¥843/Day 843はっぴゃくよんじゅうさん円えん(税込ぜいこみ)/1日いちにち Battery Life: 連続れんぞく通信つうしん時間じかん: 8-48 Hours 8はち~48よんじゅうはち時間じかん Pick-up/Return: 受取うけとり・返却へんきゃく: Pick up available at hotels, airports, post offices, and residences (¥790 shipping fee + tax) 日本全国にほんぜんこくのホテル、空港くうこう、郵便局ゆうびんきょく、自宅じたくなどでの受取うけとりができます(送料そうりょう790円ななひゃくきゅうじゅうえん+たす税ぜい)。 Can be returned via any post office/postbox in Japan with the designated envelope 指定していの封筒ふうとうで日本全国にほんぜんこくの郵便局ゆうびんきょく・郵便箱ゆうびんばこより返送へんそうができます。 Insurance: 保険ほけん: ※None ※無なし [Video] 4:56 - Pocket Wi-Fi Pricing 【動画どうが】4:56~ ポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいの料金りょうきん [Video] 5:57 - Where to Rent and Pick Up Pocket Wi-Fi 【動画どうが】5:57~ ポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいのレンタル・受取うけとり場所ばしょ Top 3 SIM Cards for Travel in Japan 日本旅行にほんりょこうで使つかえるSIMカード3選せん Photo:A SIM card(写真しゃしん:SIMカードかーど That was our introduction to pocket Wi-Fi providers you can use when traveling in Japan. 日本旅行にほんりょこうで使つかえるポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいプロバイダを紹介しょうかいしました。 Next, we'll introduce our top 3 SIM card choices. 次つぎはSIMカード3選せんを紹介しょうかいします。 ※Prices current as of 12/19/2022. ※料金りょうきんやプランは2022年にせんにじゅうにねん12月じゅうにがつ19日じゅうくにち時点じてんのものです。 Please check the official provider websites for up-to-date information regarding plans, pricing, etc. プラン・料金りょうきん等などの最新情報さいしんじょうほうは、各かくプロバイダの公式こうしきサイトをご確認かくにんください。 [Mobal] 【Mobal】 Data/Plan: 8 Day Unlimited Data データ・プラン:8 Day Unlimited Data (8日間ようかかん無限むげんデータ) Unlimited 無制限むせいげん 4G LTE 4G LTE ※Exceeding 3GB/day may result in throttling ※1日いちにちあたり3GBを超こえると通信速度つうしんそくどが減速げんそくする場合ばあいがあります。 No Voice Calling 音声通話おんせいつうわ不可ふか No Texting SMS不可ふか Pricing: 料金りょうきん: ¥3,990 (8 Days) 3,990円さんぜんきゅうひゃくきゅうじゅうえん (8日間ようかかん) Pick-up: 受取うけとり: Free shipping to most countries around the world 世界中せかいじゅうのほとんどの国くにへの無料配送むりょうはいそうができます。 [IIJmio] 【IIJmio】 Data/Plan: 1GB/30 Days データ・プラン:1GB/30日さんじゅうにち 4G LTE 4G LTE 788 Mbps 788Mbps No Voice Calling 音声通話おんせいつうわ不可ふか No Texting SMS不可ふか Pricing: 料金りょうきん: Set by retailer 販売はんばい店てんによって異ことなります。 Pick-up: 受取うけとり: Available at airports and electronics stores across Japan 日本全国にほんぜんこくの空港くうこう、家電量販店かでんりょうはんてんなどで購入こうにゅうできます。 [Simcard GEEK] 【Simcard GEEK】 Data/Plan: Japan Data SIM Card データ・プラン:Japan Data SIM Card 4G LTE 4G LTE 8GB Data 8GB ※Exceeding 3GB/day may result in throttling ※1日いちにちあたり3GBを超こえると通信速度つうしんそくどが減速げんそくする場合ばあいがあります。 No Voice Calling 音声通話おんせいつうわ不可ふか No Texting SMS不可ふか Pricing: 料金りょうきん: ¥3,480 (8 Days) 3,480円さんぜんよんひゃくはちじゅうえん (8日間ようかかん) Pick-up: 受取うけとり: Free shipping worldwide 全世界ぜんせかい送料そうりょう無料むりょう Wi-Fi Apps for Travel in Japan 日本旅行にほんりょこうで使つかえるWi-Fiわぃふぁいアプリ Photo:The Google Play Store & the Apple App Store(写真しゃしん:Google Play Store と Apple App Store) The last thing we'll introduce is Wi-Fi apps. 最後さいごに紹介しょうかいするのは、Wi-Fiわぃふぁいのアプリです。 As we mentioned, Wi-Fi apps are smartphone apps that generally help you find publicly available Wi-Fi networks and automatically connect you to them. 上うえに書かいてあるように、Wi-Fiわぃふぁいアプリは一般的いっぱんてきには公共こうきょうWi-Fiわぃふぁいを見みつけ、自動的じどうてきに接続せつぞくすることができます。 Unfortunately, there aren't many good apps, and we only found two that were reliable: しかし残念ざんねんながら、良よいアプリは少すくなくて、頼たよりになるのは2つしか見みつかりませんでした。 Japan Wi-Fi auto connect and TownWiFi by GMO. それは「Japan Wi-Fiわぃふぁい auto connect」と「タウンWiFi by GMO」です。 Both of these apps work in essentially the same way. この2つのアプリの基本きほん的てきな使つかい方かたは同おなじです。 Both apps find nearby Wi-Fi and will connect automatically when you get in range. どちらのアプリも、近ちかくのWi-Fiわぃふぁいを探さがして、範囲はんい内ないに入はいると自動的じどうてきに接続せつぞくしてくれます。 This can be a huge time saver as it allows you to skip the login process when joining a new network by logging in automatically in the background. バックグラウンドで自動的じどうてきにログインされるので、新あたらしいネットワークに接続せつぞくする時ときのログイン手順てじゅんをスキップできるため、非常ひじょうに時間じかんの節約せつやくになります。 In terms of how the apps differ, the TownWifi by GMO app seems to have more available networks. アプリの違ちがいとしては、「タウンWiFi by GMO」というアプリの方ほうが、利用りようできるネットワークが多おおいという特徴とくちょうがあります。 It also has better functionality, as it gives you the option to prevent the app from connecting to Wi-Fi networks that are too slow. そして 速度そくどが遅おそすぎるWi-Fiわぃふぁいネットワークに接続せつぞくしないようにする設定せっていもあり、機能きのう的てきには優すぐれています。 That being said, it's safer to have both installed if one doesn't work, as they are both completely free. とはいえ、どちらも完全無料かんぜんむりょうなので、どちらかが使つかえない場合ばあいのために、両方りょうほうインストールしておいた方ほうが安心あんしんです。 How to Decide Which Wi-Fi Is Best for You? あなたに最適さいてきなWi-Fiわぃふぁいを決きめるには? Photo:People with smartphones(写真しゃしん:スマホを持もつ人ひとたち) Now that we've gone over the 3 main ways to get Wi-Fi in Japan, let's talk about how you choose what's best for you. さて、日本旅行にほんりょこうでWi-Fiわぃふぁいを利用りようする3つみっつの方法ほうほうを紹介しょうかいしたところで、次つぎは自分じぶんに合あったWi-Fiわぃふぁいの選えらび方かたを見みていきましょう。 There are a number of things to keep in mind when choosing what kind of Wi-Fi to use: Wi-Fiわぃふぁいを選えらぶときには、いくつかの注意点ちゅういてんがあります。 [SIM Unlocked] 【SIMフリー】 If you're thinking about getting a SIM card, the first thing to do is make sure that your phone is SIM unlocked. SIMカードの購入こうにゅうを考かんがえている方かたは、まず自分じぶんのスマホがSIMフリーかどうかを確認かくにんしましょう。 If you purchase a SIM card without doing this, you run the risk of paying for something you can't use. 確認かくにんせずにSIMカードを購入こうにゅうすると、使つかえないものにお金かねを出だすことになります。 Furthermore, if it takes a while to purchase Wi-Fi, you'll have less time to enjoy traveling. さらに、Wi-Fiわぃふぁいが使つかえないだけでなく、購入こうにゅうする時間じかんが長ながくなると、旅行りょこうを楽たのしむ時間じかんが減へってしまう可能性かのうせいもあります。 [Number of people] 【人数にんずう】 The next thing to keep in mind is how many people you're traveling with. 次つぎに気きをつけたいのは、一緒いっしょに旅行りょこうする人数にんずうが何人なんにんかということです。 Most pocket Wi-Fi devices allow upwards of 10 people to connect to them at a time. ほとんどのポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁい端末たんまつは、同時どうじに10人じゅうにんまで接続せつぞくできます。 If you're traveling with a group of people, we recommend pocket Wi-Fi, as it will help save money. グループで旅行りょこうする場合ばあいは、お金かねを節約せつやくできるポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいを利用りようするのがおすすめです。 [Duration of stay] 【在日ざいにち期間きかん】 Another thing to consider is how long you'll be staying in Japan. もう1つ気きをつけたいのは、在日ざいにち期間きかんです。 If you're only going to be staying in Japan for a week or two, then carrying around a pocket Wi-Fi device probably won't be too much of a hassle. 1いち~2週間にしゅうかんぐらいの旅行りょこうの場合ばあいは、ポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいを持もつのはそれほど気きにならないかもしれません。 That being said, if you're going to be staying any longer than that, you might be better off getting a SIM card so you don't have to keep a pocket Wi-Fi device with you at all times. しかし、それ以上いじょうの旅行りょこうをする場合ばあいには、ポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいをずっと持もたなくていいようにSIMカードを買かった方ほうが良よいかもしれません。 This also removes the risk of accidentally losing your pocket Wi-Fi device, giving you peace of mind. なくす リスクもなくなりますので安心あんしんです。 [Budget] 【予算よさん】 The last thing to keep in mind obviously is budget. 最後さいごに気きをつけたいのは、予算よさんです。 SIM cards tend to be a bit more expensive than pocket Wi-Fi because of their ease-of-use. SIMカードは使つかいやすさから、ポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいよりも少すこし高たかくなります If you value ease-of-use and don't want to worry about the potential costs of having to pay for a lose pocket Wi-Fi device, then a SIM card could be your best option. 使つかいやすさとポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいをなくした場合ばあいの費用ひようが気きになるのであれば、SIMカードがベストかもしれません。 Summary of Wi-Fi for Traveling in Japan 日本旅行にほんりょこうで使つかえるWi-Fiわぃふぁいまとめ nd that was our introduction to pocket Wi-Fi, SIM cards, and Wi-Fi apps, the 3 main ways of getting Wi-Fi in Japan. 日本旅行にほんりょこうのときの主おもなWi-Fiわぃふぁい取得しゅとく方法ほうほう、ポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁい、SIMカード、Wi-Fiわぃふぁいアプリの3つみっつを紹介しょうかいしてきました。 Our recommendation is to use a combination of both apps and pocket Wi-Fi or SIM cards. おすすめは、アプリとポケットWi-FiわぃふぁいまたはSIMカードの両方りょうほうを用もちいることです。 If you know you're going to be in one place for a while, you can use the apps to connect to a publicly available Wi-Fi network to save data on your pocket Wi-Fi or SIM card. しばらく同おなじ場所ばしょにいることが分わかっている場合ばあいは、アプリを使つかって公共こうきょうWi-Fiわぃふぁいに接続せつぞくすることで、ポケットWi-FiわぃふぁいやSIMカードのデータを節約せつやくできます。 Also, be sure to disconnect from your pocket Wi-Fi when you reach your hotel or whatever accommodation you may be staying at, and make sure to connect to the Wi-Fi network that they provide. また、ホテルなどの宿泊施設しゅくはくしせつに着ついたら、必かならずポケットWi-Fiわぃふぁいの接続せつぞくを切きって、その宿泊施設しゅくはくしせつが提供ていきょうするWi-Fiわぃふぁいネットワークに接続せつぞくしましょう。 That concludes our guide to Wi-Fi in Japan in 2023. 2023年にせんにじゅうさんねんの日本にほんのWi-Fiわぃふぁいガイドが以上いじょうになります。 We hope this guide can come in handy if you're considering traveling in Japan! 次つぎの日本旅行にほんりょこうのときには、ぜひこの記事きじを参考さんこうにしてください。 h2 ruby { font-weight: bold; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { font-size: 2.4rem !important; } .caption-text { font-size: 2rem !important; } -
Video article 8:02
You'll Be Blown Away by the Beauty of These Hand-Painted "Kyo-yuzen" Kimono! This Well-Established Kimono Store in Kyoto, Which Has Been in Business for More Than 40 Years, Gives Us a Look at What Goes Into Making Beautiful Kimono!
Traditional Culture- 292 plays
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An Introduction to Hand-painted Kyo-yuzen Kimono This video, titled "How to Make Hand-Painted Kyo-yuzen|how to make Kimono" (手描き京友禅の作り方-how to make Kimono (熨斗 - 引き振袖) 有限会社 琢磨), was released by "Yuzen Takuma." Kyo-yuzen is a dyeing method used to color kimono and was designated as a Traditional Craft by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 1976. Kyo-yuzen, which originated in Kyoto, along with Kaga-yuzen (加賀友禅) and Tokyo-yuzen (東京友禅), are the three most famous types of Yuzen in Japan. Yuzen refers to the traditional dyeing process used to add color and designs to kimono. The History of Kyo-yuzen Photo:Kyoto hand painted Yuzen The Kyo-yuzen method of dyeing originated in Kyoto in the late 17th century, during the Edo Period (1603 AD - 1868 AD). Yuzen Miyazaki, who was a fan painter at the time, decided to paint some of his popular designs onto kimono and thus, Yuzen kimono dyeing was born. At a time when the shogunate had prohibited luxury or extravagance through sumptuary laws, the new Yuzen process, which was exempt from this law, was welcomed by kimono craftsmen and women who enjoyed wearing kimono. Kimono Decoration Using the Kyo-yuzen Method at the Famous Kimono Store "Takuma" Source :YouTube screenshot The well-established kimono store Takuma featured in this video, which has been in business for more than 40 years now, gives us insight into how kimono are dyed using the Kyo-yuzen method. As you can see from 0:32 in the video, the material used to create the kimono is of the highest quality, from the producer "Otsuka" (大塚). Next, you can see how patterns are first sketched out and then transferred to a different sheet that will become the final copy to transfer the design onto the kimono. From there the fine details are added, after which a paste and powder are added to certain parts of the design to prevent colors from seeping into spaces they should not be. A special kind of temple is then affixed to the fabric to hold it in place after which hot water is applied to the fabric to complete the preparations for the dyeing process. Next, a base color is applied to the fabric. A small section of fabric is dyed to test the color, then the dye is applied by brush. The fabric is then steamed to allow the dye to sink into the fabric, after which the fabric is then washed in water to get rid of any remaining dye or chemicals. The beautiful designs are then carefully hand-painted and finished with gold leaf to make the kimono even more luxurious. Takeyamachi embroidery (竹屋町刺繍) and Kinkoma embroidery (金駒刺繍) are then added to complete the look. You can take a look at the final product at 6:48 in the video. Summary of Kyo-yuzen Traditional Dyeing Photo:Ninenzaka, Women in Kimono Kyo-yuzen is a beautiful, traditional Japanese method of dyeing. Please enjoy the techniques and methods used by the Kyo-yuzen masters in the video. Kimono can be purchased online, however, if you would like to order a custom-made kimono, we highly recommend visiting the store to speak with the store owner. The beauty of Kyo-yuzen kimono is as appreciated today as it was hundreds of years ago when it was first developed. We hope you enjoyed learning more about this traditional craft! -
Video article 3:07
A beginner tried the hot marine activity "SUP"! SUP was the best marine sport for beginners to enjoy with kind and careful instruction from a school in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture!
Things to Do Nature- 29 plays
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What is SUP? To "SUP"! SUP School Video Introduction in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture This video is a promotional video titled “SUP School PV, Shizuoka City Activity Club Sarry's” (SUP School サップスクールPV 静岡市アクティビティ クラブサリーズ), created by “toruuedayt.” SUP stands for “Stand Up Paddleboarding,” a marine sport gaining a lot of popularity. It might even become an official Olympic event at the 2024 Paris games. This has caused the population to grow immensely. If you're a beginner, you can easily try SUP by going to a beginner class. Look beautiful views of Izu Peninsula (伊豆半, Izuhantou) and Mt. Fuji while enjoying water sports in the waters of Shizuoka. This video introduces a trial class for beginners. Where to Try SUP in Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot SUP is a marine activity that involves standing on a surfboard, rowing a paddle, and gliding across the ocean's surface. If you're interested, we recommend the Shizumae area due to it being a popular place for marine activities in Shizuoka. Especially between Mochimune and Ishibu coast. There are tetrapods at Mochimune and Ishibu coast, so it's a great place for beginners to try SUP for the first time. You can also book a SUP tour online and pick your preferred course and plan. All of the equipment for SUP is prepared for you, so you can go to the ocean without worrying about bringing anything. Source :YouTube screenshot Club Sarry's introduced in this video, lends you all the equipment such as life jackets, wet suits, and boats. Before starting, participants receive an explanation. Afterwards, they change into wet suits and hit the beach. Staff members kindly explain the equipment to beginners. Because balancing isn't too difficult with SUP, it's easy for everyone. After enjoying some SUP, it's time to grab a bite to eat! At 2:30 in the video, you can see participants talking about how fun it was with big smiles on their faces. Enjoy Marine Activities in Shizuoka Besides SUP, there's also windsurfing, cruises, and snorkeling as well. In addition, activities like SUP wave, SUP yoga and SUP fishing are also popular. There are also nice restaurants and cafes by the seashore in Shizuoka. You can enjoy a delicious lunch with a beautiful view of the ocean, all while enjoying some refreshing marine activities. Summary of SUP Source :YouTube screenshot As shown in the video, SUP is a refreshing marine activity that even beginners can try. In the video, the beginners try SUP, surrounded by the beautiful natural scenery. If you're interested in SUP, we definitely recommend checking it out if you're planning a trip to Shizuoka. Relax with the beautiful natural scenery and refreshing waves of SUP in Shizuoka! ◆Club Sarry's◆ 【Address】 13-18 Sekibe, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 421-0123 【Access】A 12-minute walk from Mochimune Station on the Tokaido Main Line. 【Hours】9am to 3pm 【Closures】Tuesdays 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】054-291-5115 -
Video article 13:11
Sword Polishing Is a Highly Difficult Type of Craftsmanship for Maintaining Japanese Swords. A Look at the Uncompromising Techniques That Go Into Restoring Japan's Historical Swords
Traditional Crafts- 599 plays
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A Look at the Polishing Techniques Used for Japanese Swords This video, titled "日本刀の研磨 手入れ 本阿弥流 Polishing katana Japanese sword," was released by " JAPAN STUDY 日本研究." Craftsmen who polish swords for a living are called "togishi" (研師) in Japanese. Among these craftsmen, the Hon'ami school shown in the video is a professional sword polishing school that has been around since the Nanboku-cho Period (1336-1392 A.D.). At 12:21 in the video, a stunning view of "Kanamori Masamune," a famous dagger, is introduced. The History and Techniques of Japanese Sword Polishing Source :YouTube screenshot Sword polishing has a long history in Japan and was already being practiced when chokuto (直刀, Japanese straight swords) were still being used. The Hon'ami family, who served Ashikaga Takauji during the Nanboku-cho Period, later established sword polishing and sword appraisal methods. When a sharpener receives a request for sword polishing, he first observes the sword for about a week to visualize the precise polishing. The sword polishing process incorporates a unique technical system. When polishing a sword, it is polished under the assumption that it will be used to cut down enemies, but it is also important to sharpen it in a way that brings out the beauty of the sword, so that the base metal and the hamon (刃文, blade pattern) can be seen clearly. The Sword Polishing Techniques in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot The person introduced at 1:00 in the video is Koshu Hon'ami, a living national treasure of the Hon'ami family. He uses whetstones to carefully polish Japanese swords. There are several types of sword polishers, including Binsuido, Kaiseido, Nagurado, Koma-Nagurado, Uchigumorihado, and Uchigumorijido. The sword is finely polished after being given a rough polish, and then adjusted through finishing polishes. A whetstone called "Narutaki" (鳴滝) is used to polish the surface of the blade, and various secret techniques are used when polishing the swords. There are many different polishes performed when polishing Japanese swords and many of these can be seen in the video. Sharpening the tip of the sword is called “narume” (ナルメ). It's important to finish the narume polishing carefully while protecting the blade of the sword. Summary of Japan’s Sword Polishing Techniques Source :YouTube screenshot Today, there are approximately 50 sword polishing professionals in Japan. There is no set qualification system for sword polishing, but in order to become a swordsmith or a sharpener, one must work under a master or attend a class to acquire advanced skills. Many people around the world are fascinated by Japan's unique swords. In order to maintain the brilliance of the swords, the skills of the sword polishers shown in this video are essential. -
Video article 9:40
Experience a popular warlord at the Shibuya Armor and Armor Photo Studio in Shibuya, Tokyo! Walk the streets of Japan wearing cool armor!
Things to Do History- 350 plays
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Shibuya Armor and Armor Photography Studio, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, video introduction "How To Wear The Samurai Armor" is a video showing, you guessed it, how to wear samurai armor. There are a lot of people interested in samurai armor from Japan's Warring States Period (1467-1615 AD). Shibuya Samurai Armor Photo Studio, that produced this video, offers an armor photography course and a street photography course in Shibuya, where you can enjoy becoming a Japanese samurai for a photo shoot. The Armor of the Warring States Period Photo:Samurai Procession Armor refers to the equipment worn by samurai and military commanders of Japan's warring states period, and famous warlords of such as Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Japanese armor was traditionally made by an armourer. As shown at 4:46 in the video, the samurai carries a Japanese sword on an armored girdle, and on his back he carries equipment such as bows and arrows. Samurai wore this same armor in the warring states period while riding into battle on horseback. The unique characteristic of Japanese samurai armor is its rich color. It's a unique and cool look quite different from the armor of ancient western knights. Types of Samurai Armor Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, armor from Japan's warring states period has several components. After putting on the large iron plate-body, and tosei-gusoku, the warrior would then equip weapons such as spears, bows and arrows, and a swords. It's quite complicated and putting it on alone is quite difficult. At the Shibuya Samurai Armor Photo Studio, the staff will help you put the armor on, so don't worry about that. As you can see in the video, the Shibuya Samurai Armor Photo Studio not only allows you to wear armor, but also gives you some trivia about armor, which is great fun for anyone interested in the samurai of the Warring States period. In the video, you can see explanations about bows, Japanese swordsmanship, helmets, origins of the equipment, and more. You can see the armor of the popular warlord Yukimura Sanada at 9:32 in the video. It's as if he's been resurrected in the present day! How Can You Try on Samurai Armor From Japan's Sengoku Period? Source :YouTube screenshot You may want to buy life-sized Japanese armor, but the samurai costumes on sale are surprisingly expensive and heavy. Some people enjoy making their own armor for cosplay. If you're interested, be sure to browse the internet for it. If you want to feel like a samurai without having to spend a ton of money, we recommend renting armor at the "Shibuya Samurai Armor Photo Studio" or "Sengoku Photo Studio SAMURAI" introduced in this video. Summary of Japan's Samurai Armor Photo:Japanese armor Shibuya Samurai Armor Photo Studio, introduced in the video, is a dream studio for those interested in Japanese history and samurai culture during the Warring States period. In Japan, you can also experience ninja and samurai at the VR Ninja Dojo in Kanda, Edo Wonderland Nikko Edomura, the Samurai Museum in Shinjuku, and Izakaya Ninja hall in Asakusa. If you would like to know more about Japan's Warring States Period, we recommend checking these out! ◆ Shibuya Samurai Armor Photo Studio Facility Overview ◆ 【Address】7th floor, King Building, 5-6 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0044 【Access】A 10 minute walk from Shibuya station on the JR Yamanote line 【Admission Fee】Prices vary by plan, so be sure to check out the official website for more information. 【Hours】10: 00 ~ 21: 00 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Phone number】03-4330-7200 【Official Website】Samurai Armor Photo Studio http://samurai.bz/en/index.html -
Video article 36:53
RyuGin, a Three-Michelin-Starred Japanese Restaurant in Roppongi, Serves up a Variety of Pufferfish Dishes! The Wild Tiger Pufferfish From Shimonoseki Is a Masterpiece That Will Impress Even the Most Discerning Gourmand!
Food & Drink- 34 plays
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Natural Tiger Pufferfish From Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture! RyuGin's Delectable Puffer Fish Cuisine! This video shows the pufferfish cuisine of the 3 Michelin star restaurant "RyuGin" in Roppongi. The pufferfish used is natural tiger pufferfish from Shimonoseki, and they introduce a number of pufferfish dishes, starting from scratch. 2:55〜Preparing the pufferfish 5:39〜Fugu Shabu 8:00〜Shirako 10:34〜Yaki Shirako 15:20〜Hirezake 16:34〜Black truffle & milt soup 18:07〜Mikagedama 21:00〜Haruka Hanasansho 24:29〜On-to-Rei 27:05〜Shiju-so 30:56〜Kisho Gokujo 33:36〜Irokaho Be sure to check out the dishes of RyuGin shown in the video, as there's plenty of highlights! ◆RyuGin Store Information◆ 【Address】7F Tokyo Midtown Hibiya, 1-1-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0006 【Access】Directly connected to Hibiya Station on the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, Hibiya Line, and, Toei Subway Mita Line / Directly connected to Yurakucho Station on the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line (a 4-minute walk) / Directly connected to Ginza Station on the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line, Hibiya Line and Ginza Line (a 5 minutes walk) / Yurakucho Station on the JR Yamanote and Keihin Tohoku lines (a 5-minute walk) Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) 【Avg. Cost】¥44,000+ 【Hours】17:30-23:00 (L.O. 20:00) 【Closures】Irregular ※Please check the official website 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-6630-0007 【Official Homepage】RyuGin http://www.nihonryori-ryugin.com/en/about/ 【Yelp】RyuGin (龍吟) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E9%BE%8D%E5%90%9F-%E6%B8%AF%E5%8C%BA?osq=ryugin -
Video article 2:14
Tekone Sushi - A Local Specialty of Mie Prefecture! This Historic Dish, With Its Rich Seafood Flavors, Is Something You've Got to Try!
Food & Drink- 64 plays
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Tekone Sushi - A Local Dish Representing Mie Prefecture's Ise-Shima Region This video, titled "How to make "Tekone Sushi" - Traditional Japanese Cooking with Hazuki Kajiyama" (「手こね寿司」の作り方 | 梶山葉月の伝えていきたい日本の郷土料理), was uploaded by "Recipe Book TV" (レシピブックTV). It introduces how to make tekone sushi. Tekone sushi is a local dish that originated in the Ise-Shima region of Mie Prefecture. Nowadays, along with Ise udon stores, it is one of the two most popular foods in Ise-Shima. In this article, we'll will introduce a recipe and how to make delicious tekone sushi. We'll also take a look at Japanese food culture a bit! The video shows you how to make tekone sushi, with step-by-step instructions on how to make it. Be sure to check out the video to see the tasty dish you'll be able to whip up! Simple Tekone Sushi - How to Make the Local Dish of Ise-Shima, Mie! Photo:Skipjack tuna fillet Tekone sushi is characterized by the fact that it is, simply put, sushi that you don't hold. Originally, it was made by placing fish fillets on top of sushi rice, but nowadays, the most common way to serve it is to sprinkle chopped seaweed over the top. Due to its simplicity and how easy it is to make, it has become a popular standard dish in daily life. In the recipe presented in the video, the savory vegetables, including shiso, Japanese ginger, and welsh onions, are first cut and soaked in water. Then, while the odor is being removed, you slice the tuna into small strips. As you can see from 0:33 in the video, red meat fish is used, but you can use any fish you like and still get a delicious dish. For the sauce, mix soy sauce, mirin, and sake in a ratio of 2:1:1, and then marinate the sashimi in the sauce. As shown at 1:21 in the video, the sushi rice is made at the same time. The key is to not only add vinegar, but also sugar and salt. Once the sushi rice is done, top it with the shiso leaves, fish, and the rest of the vegetables in that order, and you're done! It's a very simple recipe. Easy and Delicious! Learn the Origins and History of Tekone Sushi! Photo:Tekone sushi From here, let's deepen our knowledge of the origins and history of tekone sushi! The exact origins of tekone sushi aren't clear, but one theory is that a fisherman from Shima invented tekone sushi. During his busy days fishing for skipjack tuna, he would quickly slice up one of the fish he caught and make it into a bowl like this. It is a quick and easy way to eat skipjack tuna, and it's also rich in nutrients such as vitamin D, B vitamins, and iron, as well as EPA and DHA, which help to thin the blood. It was like an all-purpose, nutritious fast food that could be eaten on the fly. However, rice has been scarce in the Shima region since ancient times, and bonito was also caught in the surrounding seas, so there is a theory that the dish was eaten to celebrate a big catch, and was preserved as a celebratory dish. In any case, because of its deep history and the fact that it is loved by many people, it was selected as one of the Top 100 Local Dishes of Rural Areas by Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, and can be considered one of Japan's representative regional specialties. Summary of Tekone Sushi, a Local Specialty of Ise-Shima, Mie As shown in the video, tekone sushi is delicious and easy to make. The unique, hand-made sushi is different from the normal sushi most people are used to and is one of the most important local dishes in Japan, which is why it's important to pass on recipes to future generations. You can visit Ise-Shima and try it there or use this video/article to make some at home. Try one of Japan's famous local specialties! -
Video article 4:00
Here's What You Need To Do To Enjoy Kirishima Hot Springs in Kirishima City, Kagoshima Prefecture! Learn Bathing Etiquette for the Hot Spring Which Boasts 300 Years of History!
Local PR Travel- 135 plays
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The Sightseeing Video for Kirishima Hot Springs! This video, titled "霧島温泉 PR動画 【THE MANNER IN KIRISHIMA HOT SPRINGS】," was created by "Kirishima Hot Springs Inn Association" (霧島温泉旅館協会). The video introduces Kirishima Onsen (hot springs) in Kagoshima Prefecture, in Japan's Kyushu region. As there are many volcanoes in Kyushu, there are, of course, many famous hot springs resorts. Oita Prefecture is the most well-known area for hot springs, but in fact, there are also many popular hot springs resorts in the neighboring Kagoshima Prefecture. These include Kirishima Onsen, Kirishima Jingu Onsen, Anraku Onsen (安楽温泉郷), Myoken Onsen, and Hinatayama Onsen (日当山温泉郷). In particular, Kirishima Onsen is known as one of Japan's top hot springs resorts. Kirishima Onsen Is a Very Lovely Place! Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, you can enjoy a playful introduction of the proper etiquette for entering the hot springs. Before entering the hot springs you must rinse your body. After leaving the hot springs, put on a kimono or yukata. In the video, "Basic Etiquette 1" from 0:57 shows you how to soak in the hot springs, while "Basic Etiquette 2" from 2:18 shows you how to voice your pleasure for maximum effect. After thoroughly relaxing in the communal bath or open-air bath, enjoy an exquisite traditional Japanese meal. If you wish to stay overnight at Kirishima Onsen, be sure to choose a lodging option with high-quality spring water. There are also hot springs which cater to visitors on day trips. If you make good use of the day-trip facilities, you can enjoy a casual trip to enjoy bathing and Japanese cuisine. Must-See Tourist Attractions Around Kirishima Onsen Photo:Mt. Takachiho, Kagoshima Prefecture If you're planning on spending more than a day in the Kirishima Hot Springs area, you should definitely check out nearby sightseeing spots as well. For example, Kirishima Shrine (霧島神宮, kirishima jingu) and Wake Shrine (和気神社, wake jinja) are the jewels of sightseeing in Kagoshima Prefecture. In addition, on Mt. Takachiho (高千穂峰, takachiho no mine) and at Maruo Falls (丸尾滝, maruo taki), you can experience the beautiful natural scenery of the area and take some amazing Instagram photos as well. The Kirishima Open Air Museum (霧島アートの森, kirishima ato no mori) and Shiobitashi Onsen Ryoma Park (塩浸温泉龍馬公園) are two hidden gems in Kirishima. Blueberry-picking at Kirishima Shinwa no Sato Park (霧島神話の里公園, kirishima shinwa no sato koen) is sure to be a fun experience as well. Summary of Kirishima Onsen Source :YouTube screenshot This video is a tongue-in-cheek production. The main character is a non-Japanese man experiencing the hot springs, and various other people enjoying themselves in the waters are featured as well. Kirishima Onsen in Kagoshima Prefecture is exceptional even amongst the many popular hot springs areas of Japan. It's a perfect sightseeing destination for those looking for some well deserved rest and relaxation. Why not book an accommodation and head out now? Kirishima Hot Springs is just 30 minutes from Kagoshima Airport by car. Soaking in the hot springs while gazing out at the beautiful scenery is an experience sure to soothe both your mind and body. -
Video article 21:39
Doze-u nabe (dojo-nabe) at Tatsumiya (Tonan-ya), a famous restaurant in Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo, is a downtown specialty favored by Edo food connoisseurs! Don't miss the video of the energetic loach being cooked into a blissful delicacy!
Food & Drink Traditional Culture- 578 plays
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Video introduction of Doze-nabe (Dojo-nabe) at Tatsumiya (Tonan-ya), a famous restaurant in Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo Dojo loach hot pot, which is famous as a traditional Japanese old-town dish, comes into season from spring to summer. The area around Kaminari-mon Gate, in particular, is full of famous dojo-hot-pot restaurants and hot-pot pubs surrounding a sunken hearth with a downtown feel that is still very much alive today. This video introduces Tatsumi-Ya, a traditional restaurant in old town Asakusa that serves dojo loach hot pot, as well as the cooking process for this traditional Japanese cuisine. As a famous dojo-hot-pot restaurant, Tatsumi-Ya has been loved by intellectuals and sightseers for years. Just looking at the crunchy dojo loach karaage and dojo loach hot pot is enough to get your mouth watering. Watch this video to learn all you need to know about the delicious dojo loach hot pot! The Origin and History of Dojo Loach Hot Pot Source :This article Video When did people start eating dojo loach hot pot? Dojo loach, an exceptionally resilient river fish, was an important source of protein for local residents, referred to as "Edokko" (江戸っ子), in the town of Edo (Current day Tokyo) thanks to its well-developed waterways. There were many pilgrims around Sensoji Temple (浅草寺 Sensoji), the oldest temple in Tokyo, and the local people in Asakusa welcomed them with dojo loach dishes, using the dojo loach from the Sumida River (隅田川, Sumidagawa), formerly the Arakawa River (荒川, Arakawa). This is said to be the origin of dojo loach hot pot. In 1806, dojo loach hot pot started to be written "どぜう" (typically pronounced dozeu) instead of its original name "どじょう" (Both are pronounced "dojo"). The origin of this change is said to be Echigoya Sukeshichi (越後谷助七), the founder of Komagata Dojo (駒形どぜう), one of the most popular restaurants in Asakusa. When his restaurant burned down in the Great Fire of Edo, he thought a store name using four characters would bring ill fortune. Because of this, instead of four characters, he spelled his store name with three characters. The number "4" is pronounced "shi" in Japanese, and traditionally it is also connected with the word “death” (死) in Japanese, which is pronounced the same. The Menu and Recipe of Tatsumi-Ya Source :This article Video Dojo loach hot pot has three main cooking styles. Given the fact that it goes by 3 different names- dojo loach nabe, Edo-Nabe (江戸鍋), and Edomae-Nabe (江戸前鍋), we can tell that it was a very famous dish in the city of Edo. The first cooking style is called "Maru-Nabe" (丸鍋). This involves putting live dojo loach into a container of Japanese sake and covering it with a lid. When the dojo loach stop kicking, they are placed on a round iron plate with lots of green onions and eaten with seasonings, such as Japanese pepper and Shichimi-Togarashi (七味唐辛子), a chili pepper spice. In this video, you can watch the live dojo loach getting quieter and quieter in a container of Japanese sake around 1:53. Be sure to check it out! The second style of recipe is called "Nuki-Nabe"(ぬき鍋); a hot pot dish similar to sukiyaki. This method involves cutting the dojo loach open along the back, and cooking it with burdock roots. The third and most popular style of dojo loach hot-pot is called "Yanagawa-Nabe" (柳川鍋). This involves dropping eggs in Nuki-Nabe and stewing everything together. What these styles have in common is not just dojo loach; all of these methods involve stewing dojo loach with tofu and green onions. In the introductory video of Tatsumi-Ya’s dojo loach dishes, the chef shows how to cook dojo loach hot pot. You can see this at 14:52. You can also see people eating the cooked dojo loach hot pot with lots of chopped onions over fluffy eggs. It looks like it pairs nicely with white rice as well. In addition to the hot pot dishes, another famous dish is dojo loach karaage. This involves putting flour on live dojo loach and then deep-frying them. This can be seen at the beginning of the video. Tatsumi-Ya’s Dojo Loach Hot Pot: The Stamina-Boosting Dish to Beat the Heat! Dojo loach dishes in Asakusa are a common theme in the summer, but you're probably wondering why people would want to eat hot dojo loach dishes in the warmest season of the year. First, dojo loach is a stream fish, so it has a unique smell. To get rid of the smell, chefs often cook dojo loach with burdock roots. Since burdock roots are very hard, they must be stewed in a nabe pot to make them softer and easier to eat. Another reason for this comes from a traditional Japanese trick for staying cool in summer. After working up a sweat, the cool evening breeze allows us to cool our bodies. Around 18:09 in the video, you can see a piping hot dojo loach hot pot dish. Look at all the mouth watering goodness! Summary of Dojo Loach Hot Pot in Old Town Asakusa Source :This article Video Dojo loach dishes have been very popular among local people since the Edo period. This video shows how to cook dojo loach dishes by the chefs of Tatsumi-Ya in old-town Asakusa, Tokyo. Dishes like this are eaten less often these days, but if you're looking to boost your stamina to survive the hot summer in Japan, then you've got to try the dojo loach dishes at the famous Japanese restaurant "Tatsumi-Ya" in Asakusa! It’s also fun to watch the chef's amazing knife skills. Be sure to take a look at the video to see all the amazing dojo loach dishes! 【yelp】 TatsumiYa https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E3%81%9F%E3%81%A4%E3%81%BF%E5%B1%8B-%E6%B5%85%E8%8D%89%E5%BA%97-%E5%8F%B0%E6%9D%B1%E5%8C%BA?osq=%E3%81%9F%E3%81%A4%E3%81%BF%E5%B1%8B -
Video article 7:07
The Amazing Skills of These Okonomiyaki Chefs Will Blow You Away! Check Out the Eye-Popping Craftsmanship That Goes on at These Japanese Festival Stalls!
Food & Drink Shopping- 429 plays
- YouTube
The Incredible Skills of Okonomiyaki Chefs This video about Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki is titled “An Okonomiyaki Stall Bringing in Droves of Fans/2018/Craftsmanship/Street Food Japan Okonomiyaki" (その場でファンが出来るお好み焼き屋さん 2018 職人芸 Street Food Japan Okonomiyaki). The chef from the Okonomiyaki stall introduced in the video, is a full-fledged pro when it comes to making large amounts of Hiroshima style and Kansai style Okonomiyaki. Many customers gathered to see the outstanding performance, attracted by the delicious smell of the Okonomiyaki. Besides the incredible performance, the reason why Okonomiyaki is so popular is because of the relatively low prices and the filling nature of the delicious snack. Many people are impressed by the amazing performance of making Okonomiyaki. Check out the video to see the quick hands of this chef as he prepares Kansai/Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki. The performance is quite impressive. You'll probably want to see it in person after watching the video. What Kind of Food Is Okonomiyaki? Ingredients and How It's Made! Photo:Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki Okonomiyaki is a traditional Japanese food, and has been a soul food for many people for a long time. Okonomiyaki was created in Tokyo sometime between 1926 and 1941. The recipe is very simple- You simply mix all the ingredients and cook it on a teppan (iron grill/skillet) or in a pan. Later on, the custom spread from Tokyo to the Kansai region. There are two kinds of Okonomiyaki: Kansai style (Osaka area) and Kanto style (Tokyo area). What you see in the video is called Kansai style Okonomiyaki. Kansai style Okonomiyaki is made by mixing minced cabbage and batter together and cooking it on an iron pan. However, some people make it differently by flattening the batter on the iron pan and putting the cabbage on top. Modanyaki is a different type of Okonomiyaki that involves putting noodles into the mix. Modanyaki is also very popular in Japan. The recipe is pretty simple. Use flour and water to make a batter, and mix it with minced cabbage and Yamaimo (Japanese yam). From there, cook the ingredients on the iron plate after greasing it with cooking oil, adding sliced pork, noodles, green onions, eggs, and other delicious ingredients. You can simply put whatever ingredients you like in Okonomiyaki. Some other popular ingredients are seafood, cheese, and mochi (rice cakes). Once you've finished making the okonomiyaki, season it with okonomiyaki sauce, fish flakes, and dried green seaweed. Many people prefer mayonnaise on their Okonomiyaki. The most common way to eat Okonomiyaki is to cut it in small pieces using the spatula, so that it can be shared amongst friends. For the Okonomiyaki from a festival stall (like the one in the video), use chopsticks to cut the Okonomiyaki. Takoyaki, and Monjayaki are 2 popular foods in Japan similar to Okonomiyaki. The video shows viewers the entire process of making Okonomiyaki, from greasing the iron plate, to flattening the batter and adding ingredients such as sliced pork and cabbage. One of the most impressive scenes can be seen at 1:54, when the chef flips each Okonomiyaki one by one in quick succession. He's making 30 Okonomiyaki at once! Be sure to check out the video to see a detailed look at how Okonomiyaki are made. Japan's Popular Festival Stalls! Source :YouTube screenshot No festival is complete without getting some food at a local stall. And the taste of freshly made okonomiyaki from a stall is totally different from what you'd make at home. There are actually a lot of tourists who visit Japanese festivals just to enjoy different foods and see the amazing skills of the chefs. In this video, we showed you the craftsmanship of the Kansai-style and Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki attracting large crowds. This Okonomiyaki stalls are very popular and often attract large lines of people. Don't be surprised when you're not the only one excited to buy this delicious treat. Summary of Japan's Delicious Okonomiyaki Trying different food at festival stalls is an inseparable part of Japanese festival culture. There are a lot of different food stalls at Japan's festivals where you can see the professional skills of chefs. The amazing skills of Japan's Okonomiyaki chefs is a must-see! This video offers a new way to enjoy the festivals- watching the craftsmanship of japan's food stall chefs! If you want to see the craftsmanship behind Japan's food stall culture, or if you want to try the mouth-watering okonomiyaki for yourself, be sure to hit up one of Japan's festivals! -
Video article 15:05
A must for egg lovers! Eat freshly prepared fluffy egg rolls on a skewer right on the spot at Tokyo's Tsukiji Market! Check out the craftsmanship at Tsukiji Yamacho in Chuo-ku, Tokyo!
Food & Drink Shopping- 466 plays
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Video Introduction of "Tsukiji Yamacho" in Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, Tamago-yaki (fried egg) This video shows a large number of Japanese omelettes being baked by tamagoyaki craftsmen at the renowned tamagoyaki shop “Tsukiji Yamachou” in Tsukiji, Tokyo. Tokyo has several Japanese restaurants where you can enjoy exquisite dashi tamagoyaki, baked by superb omelette artisans. Let’s delve into the secrets of the delicious taste of tamagoyaki, an ever-popular Japanese gourmet specialty. As introduced in this video, Tsukiji, a well-liked tourist spot among foreign travelers, boasts numerous tamagoyaki shops side-by-side, which offers a good view of what the preparation and cooking of these omelettes is truly like. You can also enjoy these piping hot tamagoyaki omelettes cooked before your eyes by sticking them on a skewer and eating them on the spot. The Appeal of the Traditional Japanese Food, Tamagoyaki Photo:Tamagoyaki Ever since olden days, Japanese dining tables have been host to meals with fluffy omelettes thick-grilled to perfection and eaten with delight. Tamagoyaki is, indeed, a beloved menu item that has captured the hearts of people from all generations. The Tokyo metropolitan area is home to an enormous number of shops and restaurants selling high-grade tamagoyaki elaborately prepared with carefully selected ingredients. It can also be said that tamagoyaki, handled and cooked by craftsmen at lightning fast speed, is yet another undeniable part of Japan’s unique culture. Source:YouTube screenshot The Amazing Skills of Tsukiji Yamachou's Tamagoyaki Chefs One unique aspect of dashi-rolled omelettes at the long-established tamagoyaki shops in Tokyo is that you can appreciate the delicious taste of tamagoyaki's ingredients as well as the melt-in-your-mouth texture. It’s a joy just to see the near-supernatural skill of the artisans at the prestigious Tsukiji Yamachou as they use their square frying pans to roll their omelettes into a succulent shape. The storefront, which allows for observation of this amazing omelette cooking spectacle, has virtual lines of customers wanting a taste of tamagoyaki at its freshly baked best. Check Out the Recipe for Tsukiji Yamachou's Tamagoyaki! As was just mentioned, tamagoyaki from Tokyo's specialty restaurants is characterized by how they're cooked with square frying pans. The omelette artisans in this video use great finesse to prepare their tamagoyaki with as many as three frying pans going at one time! These culinary experts create their omelettes solely with eggs, dashi soup stock, and mild soy sauce, without the use of any unnecessary ingredients or seasonings. The tamagoyaki preparation process starts by mixing in an ample amount of dashi stock and seasonings into the egg liquid, which is then poured into the frying pan in a few gradual batches. An important point in making delicious tamagoyaki is that it’s rolled with impeccable timing. Tamagoyaki at specialized shops is deliberately and diligently prepared, so that customers may enjoy its fluffy texture to their heart’s content. Those viewing this video may want to pay careful attention to the tamagoyaki-baking techniques of the pros seen here, so that you can try to emulate them in your own home! Taste the Ultimate Tamagoyaki at Japan's Traditional Shops! Source :YouTube screenshot Tokyo has several, well-established tamagoyaki speciality restaurants. One such location in Tokyo’s Tsukiji Market, known as Marutake, has a history of more than 80 years since its inception. The tamagoyaki at this shop, prepared one by one with care by practiced artisans every morning from 3:00 a.m., are ideal, not only for dining, but as souvenirs as well. Tamagoyaki from Yamachou in Tsukiji, Tokyo, as presented in this video, can be purchased on sticks for the reasonable price of just 100 yen. We recommend this to tourists who are looking for a quick snack around lunchtime. When sightseeing in Tokyo, please be sure to taste the scrumptious tamagoyaki that can only be found in Japan! Summary of Tamagoyaki As noted in the video, people in Tsukiji, Tokyo can eat hot and fresh tamagoyaki as it's made before their very eyes! We suggest watching the video to try and learn how to make this seemingly simple yet deeply profound Japanese dish! You might find that even you can enjoy tasty tamagoyaki, just like pro chefs make it, in your very own home! 【Official Website】Tsukiji Yamachou http://www.yamachou-matue.jp/index.shtml 【Yelp】Tsukiji Yamachou https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E7%AF%89%E5%9C%B0%E5%B1%B1%E9%95%B7-%E4%B8%AD%E5%A4%AE%E5%8C%BA?osq=%E7%AF%89%E5%9C%B0%E5%B1%B1%E9%95%B7 -
Video article 3:37
Kuwana City in Mie Prefecture - Great for Traveling Alone! Clams, Sukiyaki, Strawberries, and More... This Video Will Have Your Mouth Watering in No Time!
Local PR Food & Drink Travel- 164 plays
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About Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture This video is a sightseeing video titled "Kuwana City Sightseeing Video Japanese ver." (桑名市観光動画 日本語ver), that introduces the charm of Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture in Japan's Tokai region. It was produced by the Kuwana City Public Relations Department. Kuwana City is an attractive area dotted with a ton of hole-in-the-wall locations. Check out our recommendations for sightseeing, including historical landmarks and leisure facilities. This video introduces the culture, traditions, and cuisine of Kuwana City in Mie Prefecture from the perspective of a solo traveler. The introduction to the local cuisine of Kuwana City looks especially delicious, and there are many excellent dishes you'll want to try at least once. Things to Do Near Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture Photo:Shichiri no Watashi In Kuwana City, there are many beautiful sightseeing locations, such as Tado Taisha Shrine (多度大社, Tado Taisha), Kasuga Shrine (春日神社, Kasuga Jinja), the statue of Honda Tadakatsu who was a vassal of Tokugawa Ieyasu and his tomb, Rokkaen, as well as the former Moroto Seiroku Residence, and Moroto Garden. The Shichiri no Watashi (Miya-no-Watashi Park) is the former site of Shichiri Marine in Kuwanajuku from Miyajuku (now Nagoya). Tado Taisha Shrine is introduced at 0:37 in the video. This Tado Taisha Shrine is a legendary place where God is said to have descended on a white horse. You can even see a pure white horse in the video. Leisure Facilities and Sightseeing Events in Kuwana City Photo:Illuminations of Nabana no Sato Kuwana City has many entertainment facilities where you can enjoy a special time. Among them, Nagashima Spa Land is popular as one of the largest amusement facilities in Japan. Nagashima Spa Land is introduced at 2:55 in the video, and the roller coasters are a ton of fun! Nearby, Nabana no Sato is an attractive place where you can enjoy beautiful flowers and illuminations. You can also enjoy shopping at Mitsui Outlet Park Jazz Dream Nagashima. Kuwana City also hosts the Kuwana Suigo Fireworks Festival at the end of July every year, which gets packed with tourists. We also recommend the morning market "Sanpachi," held on Teramachi Dori Shopping Street. Delicious Food in Kuwana City Photo:Yasunaga-mochi Kuwana City is also famous for its tasty gourmet cuisine. Above all, the Yasunaga-mochi, sold at the long-established store Nagamo-ya, which has its headquarters located in the city, is a historical confectionary that was loved by travelers visiting Ise long ago. This is shown at 0:59 in the video. You can also eat delicious clams in Kuwana city thanks to it being located near the sea. For souvenirs, we recommend buying boiled clams called "hamaguri no shigure-ni." Kuwana City is also famous for shabu-shabu and sukiyaki shops, as well as spots where you can enjoy strawberry picking. Taste the exquisite local cuisine in Kuwana City. Summary of Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture The culture, natural landscape, history, and gourmet food of Kuwana City introduced in this article are shown in even more detail in the video. In addition, there are still many attractive sightseeing spots in Kuwana City that we can't cover here. Enjoy the charms of Kuwana City through the lovely introductory video! Which sightseeing spots in Kuwana City are you interested in? 【Tripadvisor】Kuwana City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g651657-Kuwana_Mie_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu-Vacations.html