Traditional Crafts
Video article 3:26
The “Iga braid” in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, has been the talk of the town since the popular animated film Iga Kumihimo” in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, which became the talk of the town after the popular animated film ”Kimi no na wa. The intricately hand-woven designs are truly works of art! The valuable work process is also introduced in the video.
Traditional Crafts- 428 plays
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Video Introduction of Iga Kumihimo, a Traditional Craft of Iga City, Mie Prefecture This video is “TEWAZA- Iga Kumihimo Braided Cord,” introducing Iga Kumihimo, produced by “Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square.” Iga Kumihimo is a traditional handicraft that has gained a lot of attention thanks to the popular animated movie “Your Name.” It has been popular since ancient times, used to make Kimono accessories, such as Obi straps. Kumihimo’s charm lays in its beautiful design, which has been hand-braided using elaborate techniques. Let’s peek into the beautiful world of Iga Kumihimo, where the craftman’s amazing attention to detail is packed into his crafts, and enjoy the traditional Japanese culture. The video shows a craftsman carefully making Iga Kumihimo by hand. It's rare footage that allows us an inside look at Iga Kumihimo The Charm of the Iga Area, Home of Iga Kumihimo Photo:Ise Shrine Iga City (伊賀市, Iga-Shi), a major producer of Iga Kumihimo, is a small town located in the mountains of Mie Prefecture. Mie Prefecture (三重県, Mie-Ken), in the Tokai region of Japan. It is said that the Iga Area was once home to many Ninjas, and is still attracting people’s attention as the “Ninja Village.” In the neighboring area Ise City, there is Ise Shrine, which has been worshiped since ancient times. There are many other attractive sightseeing spots in Mie prefecture as well, such as Nabana no Sato, and Meoto-Iwa. Take your time and enjoy the area. The History of the Traditional Handicraft, Iga Kumihimo Source :YouTube screenshot Braiding has a long history in Japan, dating back to the introduction of Buddhism during the Nara period (710-794 AD). The technique of Iga Kumihimo, which is said to have originally been used for Buddhist robes and sutras, has changed over time as it has been used for Japanese clothing accessories such as obi fasteners. At present, Iga Kumihimo is popular not only for making obi fasteners, but also in making accessories, necklace key chains, straps, charms, accessory cases, ties, bracelets, neck straps, and so on. You can see some of the finished products from 3:11 of the video. The Process of Braiding Iga Kumihimo Source :YouTube screenshot The main process of making Iga Kumihimo braids is to use silk or gold thread and to braid it up using a traditional tool called a “Kumidai.” You can see the threads dyed in various colors at 0:29 in the video. "Thread measuring" is the next step you can see from 0:36 in the video. This determines the length and number of threads. In this video, nine thin threads are bundled together to make a single thread used for Kumihimo braiding. Finally, it becomes a “Braid.” This process is introduced at 0:54 in the video. Each workshop braids by following the instructions called “Ayagaki,” which have been passed down from one generation to the next. The craftsman says that the “High loom,” used in the “braiding” in the video, can catch many more bobbins compared to other stands, and that lets them create complicated patterns. In order to knit beautiful IGA braids, the skill of a craftsman who has been making braids for many years is essential. You can learn about the history and culture of Iga Kumihimo, its techniques, and how to make it at the “Iga Tradition Hall –Iga Kumihimo Center Kumi-no- Sato” located in Iga City. You can also experience making various kinds of works such as key chains and bracelets with Iga Kumihimo. Summary of Iga Kumihimo Source :YouTube screenshot The craftsman explains at 2:42 in the video that, "Kumihimo can stretch because of the diagonal lattice weave. It adapts to the body," and that "a cord made properly with a high loom will stay snug, from morning until you come back home." Iga Kumihimo is a traditional handicraft that is popular among many people due to its high degree of perfection. Each hand-braided piece is truly a work of art. If you are interested in this traditional handicraft after reading this article, why not try it yourself? You can purchase by mail order, and they offer beginner kits so those who have never tried it before can experience the traditional Japanese culture of Iga Kumihimo! 【Official website】Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:20
Mino Ware, a Traditional Craft From Gifu Prefecture. Learn About These Amazing Works of Art and How They're Made!
Traditional Crafts- 35 plays
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伝統工芸品美濃焼紹介動画について こちらの動画は「瑞浪市大好き」が公開した「美濃焼観光PRムービー 瑞浪市観光協会」です。 食事をするときに、綺麗な食器が使われていると目でも楽しめテンションがあがりますよね。 こちらの記事では、日本の伝統工芸である美濃焼の特徴や種類、作り方などを動画とともに紹介します。 日本の伝統工芸である美濃焼とは 日本の代表的な伝統工芸である美濃焼は産地が数箇所あり、岐阜県の瑞浪市、土岐市、多治見市などで作られています。 お皿や、茶碗、マグカップ、コーヒーカップなどさまざまな種類のある美濃焼は、丈夫で使いやすくとても人気。 デザインも多種多様で様々な料理に合わせやすく、日本の食卓を支えている食器です。 お洒落な美濃焼は、陶磁器の生産量が日本一で、日本人の暮らしを支えている食器と言えるでしょう。 美しい陶器の美濃焼を使って、日々の食事を楽しみましょう。 日本の伝統工芸である美濃焼の作り方 芸術品のような美しさを持つ美濃焼は、職人の手仕事によって作られていきます。 ではその制作工程を簡単に紹介します。 まず、土練りと言われる工程で土を練っていきます。 続いてに成形し、形を作っていきます。 その後、天日干しなどで乾燥。 乾燥させる時間は、作品の大きさや素材の厚さによって変わります。 成形し乾燥させたら、700度から800度の窯元で焼き上げ。 下絵を書き、作品の強化のために釉薬をかけていきます。 釉薬をかけたら本焼きで、高温で焼成していきます。 本焼きが終わったら、上絵用の絵具で絵を描いて、また700から800度で焼き上げて完成です。 日本の伝統工芸である美濃焼を購入する 日本の伝統工芸である美濃焼は、岐阜県の美濃地方以外ではネットショップで購入するのがおすすめ。 また、岐阜県多治見市では美濃焼ミュージアムがあります。 各時代の焼き物が展示されており、伝統工芸品が好きな方が満足できる施設になっています。 日本の伝統工芸である美濃焼紹介まとめ こちらの動画では岐阜県美濃地方の歴史や美濃焼の職人技をご覧になることができ、とても興味深い内容になっています。 日本で人気の食器である美濃焼。 この記事を読んで興味を持たれた方はぜひ動画をご覧ください。 -
Video article 3:29
Suruga Bamboo Sen-suji-zaiku, a traditional handicraft, is a true work of art! Watch a video of the amazing skills of craftsmen in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, who create delicate and graceful bamboo works!
Traditional Crafts History Life & Business- 455 plays
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Suruga Bamboo Sen-suji-zaiku, a Traditional Craft, Video Introduction of Craftsmanship in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture This is a promotional video for Suruga Take Sensuji Zaiku (Suruga Bamboo Ware), created by Aoyama Square, a shop specializing in traditional Japanese crafts. Suruga Bamboo Ware is a traditional craft made from bamboo stems. Created using professional techniques whereby the craftsman creates flower vases, bug cages, and handbags by assembling thin strips cut from bamboo stems. In recent years, it has become popular with more modern items, such as bags and wind chimes. Today, we'll introduce in detail the highly valued traditional Japanese craft, Suruga Bamboo Ware. Be sure to follow along with the video! The History of Suruga Bamboo Ware ©SUN Modifying Due to rich bamboo resources, bamboo crafts were commonly used in daily life from olden times in the Suruga area, in Shizuoka prefecture. The origin of the craft is rooted in ancient history. Bamboo products like baskets and cages have been excavated from Toro ruins in this area, major ruins of the Yayoi period. In the Edo period, bamboo crafts established a position as side jobs for samurai. After retiring from the shogunate, Tokugawa Ieyasu lived in Sunpu Castle, and a local culture of bamboo craftsmen was established in the Suruga area. Suruga Bamboo Ware was recognized as national traditional craft by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in 1976. How Suruga Bamboo Ware Is Made Source :YouTube screenshot The production process of Suruga Bamboo Ware is divided into 4 parts: Measuring and cutting bamboo, Bending, Weaving, and Assembly. Japanese timber bamboo (Madake) or Moso bamboo (Mosochiku) are used as materials, and strips are cut from their stalks. Flat strips are used for bamboo crafts in other areas, but Suruga Bamboo Ware uses round cut strips. They are made using a unique technique that involves bending the strips into round shapes and connecting them through weaving. The distinctive feature of Suruga Bamboo Ware is that all processes, from the cutting and measuring of bamboo to the finishing touches, are done by a single craftsman. A more detailed process is shown in the video at 0:25. Please enjoy the techniques of Suruga Bamboo Ware craftsman, Takahide Sugiyama. Suruga Bamboo Ware Products Source :YouTube screenshot There are many different Suruga Bamboo Ware products; snack trays, which are great for hosting guests, flower vases, tea cup saucers, small pouches, lightings such as lanterns and lamps, wind chimes/desktop wind bells, bug cages, and more. Beautiful Japanese style handbags are also popular. These products can be purchased on amazon and Japan’s major online retailer, Rakuten. Prices range from several thousands to several tens of thousands of Japanese yen (tens to hundreds of dollars), depending on the product. Summary of Suruga Bamboo Ware As introduced in the video, Suruga Bamboo Ware is traditional Japanese craft handmade by a single artisan. If you're looking to take in some Japanese culture in your daily life, we recommend purchasing some Suruga Bamboo Ware products. They make great souvenirs and gifts as well. 【Official website】Suruga Bamboo Ware "Shizuoka Bamboo-crafts Cooperative" http://www.takesensuji.jp/?mode=f8 【Official website】Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/en/ -
Video article 4:00
The Beauty of Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture's Owari Shippo... As if the Seven Treasures Themselves Were Inlayed in These Works...
Traditional Crafts- 91 plays
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日本文化の尾張七宝をご紹介! ここでは、日本文化が誇る伝統工芸品の一つである尾張七宝について『手技TEWAZA「尾張七宝」Owari Cloisonne』の動画を元に、ご紹介させて頂きます。 尾張七宝とは、江戸時代後期に、現代で言う名古屋市に当たる『尾張』で『梶常吉作』が作ったのが起源とされています。 日本が誇る伝統工芸品の一つで、現在にまで伝わってきたものです。 1867年には、パリ万博に初めて日本の七宝焼が紹介されました。 様々な技法によって作られている尾張七宝ですが、特に有線七宝という技法が有名です。 まるで七つの宝を散りばめたかのような美しさと模様とデザインの多様さが魅力で、値段も高級な物から手ごろなものまで幅広く、贈り物として多くの人に愛されてきた伝統工芸品です。 その美しさは今回紹介させて頂いている動画でも感じることが出来ます。 現在では、愛知県あま市七宝町を中心に販売や教室が開かれていますが、後継者不足で職人が減りつつある現状となっています。 尾張七宝の制作工程 伝統工芸品である尾張七宝は、日本の文化として江戸時代から現在まで、制作工程がほぼ変わらずに伝わってきました。 工程としては、【素地作り→下絵付け→銀線付け→釉薬差し→焼成→研磨】となっています。 特に、秘伝の調合と専用の施設によって生産をされている釉薬には並々ならぬ拘りがあります。 焼成によって収縮してしまうので、【釉薬差し→焼成】の工程を繰り返さないといけません。 伝統工芸品「尾張七宝」のまとめ 日本の文化において世界に誇ることが出来る伝統工芸の一つである尾張七宝についてご紹介をさせて頂きました。 ぜひ興味があれば、愛知県あま市にも足を運んで見て、実際に日本の文化と伝統工芸に携わってきた職人の匠の技を体験してみて下さい。 -
Video article 19:19
A Close Look at the "Tsugegushi Comb" Craftsman Inheriting Japanese Tradition! Hideaki Mori's Passion for Creating Combs Greater Than Any That Technology Can Produce!
Traditional Crafts- 49 plays
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This video, titled "#020 Tsugegushi Comb Craftsman Hideaki Mori|Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (#020 つげ櫛職人 森 英明 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム), was released by "Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (明日への扉 by アットホーム). Hideaki Mori is a tsugegushi comb craftsman born in 1983 in Aichi Prefecture. He is the third generation of "Tsugegushi Shoten," a long-established comb manufacturer. The tsugegushi comb is made from the wood of the Japanese boxwood, and in spite of its hardness, the teeth are hard to break and strong and static electricity does not occur easily because of the elasticity. For these reasons, the comb has long attracted users as a top quality comb. When Hideaki was a university student, he saw the reaction of the customers who used tsugegushi combs and realized the splendor of the tsugegushi combs. Upon graduating from college, he became an apprentice to his father, Shingo Mori, the third generation of the family, and has continued to hone his skills. -
Video article 9:31
Gifu Wagasa" is a beautiful work of art created by the meticulous handwork passed down to traditional craftsmen! Craftsmen in the Kano district of Gifu City, Gifu City, Gifu City, tell us about the crisis of lack of successors.
Traditional Crafts- 215 plays
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Video introduction of interviews with craftsmen of the traditional handicraft "Gifu Wagasa" in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture In this video [Express yourself, pass on the techniques – Gifu Wagasa](心を伝え、技を承ぐ 〜岐阜和傘〜) we introduce to you one of the traditional Japanese crafts "Gifu Wagasa" through interviews with craftsmen who explain in detail their production process. The traditional Japanese paper umbrella is made from bamboo and Japanese washi paper and is a very beautiful and photogenic work of art. Gifu prefecture in the Tokai region of Japan is the largest producer of Japanese paper umbrellas in Japan. At its peak, there were approximately 16,000 people involved in Japanese paper umbrella work in Gifu prefecture's Kanou region. Currently, due to decrease in demand, there are only a few dozen people involved in the Japanese paper umbrella business, and they are under immense pressure to keep this tradition alive. In this article, we would like to introduce to you (together with the accompanying video) the history and manufacturing process of the Gifu Wagasa. The History of Gifu Wagasa Source :YouTube screenshot The Japanese paper umbrella dates back to the year 552AD, when umbrellas made from bamboo and paper called Karakasa were first produced. The traditional Japanese paper umbrella was commonly used for hundreds of years. In 1950, approximately 14 million Japanese-style umbrellas were produced. However, due to the spread and popularity of the Western-style umbrella, sales of Japanese-style umbrellas have dropped dramatically with only a few tens of thousands being produced in recent years. That being said, traditional Japanese style umbrellas such as the Nodategasa and Bangasa are still being produced and so the culture remains to this day. The photogenic appearance of the Gifu Wagasa makes it a wonderful souvenir or decoration and because of this, it has slowly begun to regain popularity. How Are Gifu Wagasa Made? Source :YouTube screenshot Over ten craftsmen are involved in the production of a single Gifu Wagasa and they can take anywhere from half a month to a month to make. The manufacturing process is divided into six steps. The first step, called Honekezuri, involves carving down bamboo to make ribs for the umbrella. Followed by Rokurozukuri, which involves making a section called Rokuro from a specific tree called Ehretia acuminata. After that, Ayatsurikomi, which slide into the Rokuro section, are made. Smaller bamboo ribs on the inner section of the umbrella called Kobone are tied together with string, a process which is called Tsunagi. From 3:34 in the video, you can see the bamboo structure of the umbrella and from 5:46 you can see how Japanese washi paper is attached to the umbrella (a process which is called Kamihari ). Finally, the umbrella receives the finishing touches, a process called "Shiage," which involves the application of oil, drying the umbrella in the sun, and then a final application of lacquer to complete the umbrella. There are other areas of work which only craftsmen with specific skills can carry out, however there is the fear that the number of such craftsmen will decline in the coming years. From 2:10 in the video, Masanori Haneda (a bamboo rib craftsman (竹骨師, takeboneshi))speaks of how he became involved in making Gifu Wagasa. From 4:17, Toyoko Hayakawa (who holds the title of Tsunagi-shi and Kagari-shi) talks during an interview of the low demand for Gifu Wagasa in recent years. You can also watch interviews with several other craftsmen in this video. Get Your Own Gifu Wagasa! Photo:Wagasa There are many specialty Gifu Wagasa shops in Gifu Prefecture, such as Nakamuraya Kasaten, where you can purchase your own Gifu Wagasa. For those who are interested in purchasing their own Japanese paper umbrella, we recommend taking a trip to Gifu prefecture or checking out some of the online retailers where you can find Gifu Wagasa with beautiful artwork finishes. There are even very affordable Gifu Wagasa that can be purchased for as little as a few thousand yen. Recently, you can find very modern-looking cherry blossom design Japanese umbrellas for sale, produced in collaboration with the mobile game Idolmaster Cinderella Girls. Gifu Wagasa Craftsmen Video Summary Source :YouTube screenshot We hope you enjoyed learning about the Gifu Wagasa manufacturing process through the article and video. A wide variety of craftsmen are involved in the making of Gifu Wagasa, from the rib-makers to the canopy-makers. Recently, a project has been launched that aims to increase the number of Gifu Wagasa craftsmen in order to ensure this important traditional craft is passed on to the next generation. For anyone who would like to experience using a traditional Japanese-style umbrella, we recommend purchasing one from one of the online sites where you can find a variety of styles, all beautifully designed by skilled and experienced craftsmen. -
Video article 35:41
Mino handmade Japanese paper" made in Mino City, Gifu Prefecture, is a traditional craft with a soft touch and transparent beauty! Don't miss the valuable video of the production process where you can see the craftsmen's handiwork!
Traditional Crafts- 112 plays
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What is Mino Handmade Washi, a Traditional Craft of Mino City, Gifu Prefecture? Video introduction of the production process This video, titled "Paper Making at the Mino Washi Studio "Corsoyard" (美濃手漉き和紙工房Corsoyardの紙づくり「本美濃紙」), was created by "Handmadepaper Corsoyard." It introduces the process of making handmade Mino Washi paper. Making traditional Mino Washi involves a series of complicated processes which you can learn more about in this introductory video. The Mino Handmade Paper Co-operative (美濃和紙協同組合) and Mino Washi Preservation Society (美濃和紙保存会) have successfully preserved the traditional Japanese craft of Mino Washi throughout the years. Together with Sekishu-banshi (石州半紙) and Hosokawashi (細川紙), Mino Washi (Honminoshi) was registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage in Japan in 2014. How Mino Washi is Made Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from 0:08 in the video, Mino Washi is made from the highest quality mulberry called kouzo (楮), a special breed specifically used for making Mino Washi, using traditional Japanese techniques. The first step to making Mino Washi involves soaking the paper mulberry overnight in water and washing away any impurities in a process called "Mizusarashi" (水晒し). The paper mulberry may also then be removed from the water and laid out on the ground, being exposed to the sunlight in a process called "Agesarashi" (あげ晒し). From 5:56 in the video, you can see the mulberry plant material being boiled in a process called "Shajuku" (煮熟) after which the material is pounded. Traditionally, potassium bicarbonate extracted from wood ash was used during the boiling process. However these days, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydroxide are commonly used, depending on the type of material being used. The fibrous material is then poured into a vessel called a "Sukifune" which the craftsmen can then use to create the Mino Washi paper. The fibers can be easily broken down due to removal of dirt and impurities in the previous steps. From 30:57 in the video, you can see the large sheets of washi paper being taken outdoors to dry in the sun. As there are many important steps and rules to follow in order to make Mino Washi, it is essential that all of the craftsmen are highly skilled. There are currently only five craftsmen, members of the Mino Washi Preservation Society, who are able to make Mino Washi using traditional techniques. Where to Purchase Mino Washi Source :YouTube screenshot There are many stores and workshops in the Mino area of Gifu prefecture where you can buy handmade Mino Washi paper. The natural materials and traditional techniques together produce paper that has a beautiful, transparent finish characteristic of Mino Washi. Mino Washi paper is often used to make Japanese sliding doors called "Fusuma" (襖) and "Shoji" (障子). Recently, Mino Washi is gaining in popularity and you can now find a variety of items made from Mino Washi, such as "Gifu Uchiwa Fans" or "Goshuincho," books used to collect shuin stamps at shrines and temples. Accessories or origami made from Mino Washi also make great gifts! Many of these traditional craft goods can be purchased for a reasonable price so be sure to check out what's available! Mino Washi products can be purchased online as well as at stores and workshops in Gifu prefecture. Summary of Mino Washi Paper - A Traditional Craft of Japan Source :YouTube screenshot We hope you enjoyed watching this introductory video outlining the complicated processes involved in making the traditional Mino Washi paper of Mino, Gifu. Mino Washi is handmade paper of the highest quality and has even been registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Japan. If you're traveling to Gifu, an area which famous for the World Heritage Site Shirakawa-go (白川郷), be sure to check out the beautiful Mino Washi items on sale! -
Video article 9:59
Enshu Onigawara: Traditional Crafts Said to House the Souls of the Demons Themselves! Only the Most Skilled Craftsmen Can Produce Their Soul Piercing Glares. These Master Artisans in Fukuroi, Shizuoka Share Their Thoughts on Enshu Onigawara
Traditional Crafts- 626 plays
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Traditional Public Product "Enshu Onigawara" Video Introduction of Oni-ita-gawara (Oni-ita-gawara) in Fukuroi City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "Enshu Onigawara: The Last Onigawara Craftsmen" (遠州鬼瓦 最後の鬼板師), shows how Onigawara, a traditional Japanese craft of making "roof ornament oni" (mythical Japanese ogre-demons) is made. Traditionally, Onigawara were put on the roofs of houses, shrines, and temples. The craftspeople making Onigawara are called "Oniita-shi" (鬼板師) This video features Mr. Takashi Nagura, the fourth generation of Enshu Onihide, who has been creating Enshu Onigawara in Fukuroi, Shizuoka prefecture. He continues creating Onigawara with his own hands, and with the help of Mr. Motohisa Nagura, the next successor (the fifth generation of Onihide), in order to save the traditional Japanese craft. The History of Enshu Onigawara Photo:Enshu Onigawara Enshu Onigawara have ancient roots dating back to the 14th century, when local tilers produced smoked roof tiles for the construction of Sunpu Castle (駿府城, Sunpujo). Made on the coasts of Ohta River (太田川, Ohtagawa) and Tenryu River (天竜川, Tenryugawa), the tiles are traditional crafts which have been held in high regard since long ago. Created by combining traditional Japanese art techniques, the oni roof tiles look very impressive as if they were actually artworks. Made in a way that actual spirits seem to be housed within them, Enshu Onigawara haver been popular ever since. How to Make Enshu Onigawara: The Skills of Onigawara Craftsmen Source :YouTube screenshot Made from high quality clay from the local soil of the Enshu area's rice fields, Enshu Onigawara boast a beautiful silvery luster. To create Enshu Onigawara, craftsmen first mold the shape of the clay with a gold spatula before baking it. After that, they begin polishing the tiles over and over. From 2:02 in the video you can see one of the craftsmen draw a rough sketch on clay based on the framework, and you can see craftsmen molding the shape of the tile from 3:16. From 7:40, they can be seen using a special tool to add fine engravings to the clay, gradually creating the powerful facial expression of Enshu Onigawara. Finally, you can see craftsmen baking tiles in a large furnace of the workshop at 9:03. Source :YouTube screenshot Enshu Onigawara, one of Japan's traditional crafts, also have implications as amulets or guardian deities for buildings. Most Enshu Onigawara have angry oni-like faces. Since the Heisei period, however, new designs of oni tiles have been created and now other types of facial expressions, such as smiling oni or humorous tiles of Kappa (a mythical Japanese creature), have begun to rise in popularity. Check out Artworks by Onigawara Craftsmen! Onigawara craftsmen not only produce authentic oni faces, but also oni-faced nameplates for home entrances, family emblems, and display boards. Moreover, they also sell a wide range of local crafts that can be used in daily life, such as pen-holders with oni faces, artistic daruma dolls, oni-faced mail boxes, key chains, and more. Mori town (森町, Morimachi) of Shizuoka prefecture, offers Enshu Onigawara trial tickets at Onigawara workshops to those who donate more than 12,000 yen (~$110 USD) as a hometown tax return gift. In Shizuoka prefecture, people contrive ways to make traditional Japanese crafts closer to our everyday lives. Overview of Enshu Onigawara Source :YouTube screenshot Enshu Onigawara, are generally attached to roofs as you can see at 0:38 in this video, or it is also placed in front of the entrance like you can see from 4:26 in the video. These days, small items in the motif of Onigawara are also popular. In this video you can see interviews of some Onigawara craftsmen. From 2:40 in this video, you can see the interview of Mr. Takashi Nagura, the fourth generation of Onihide; He talks about what made him pursue becoming an Enshu Onigawara craftsperson. From 3:34 he speaks about what he thinks about traditional craft products waning in popularity. From 6:09 you can also watch another interview of Mr. Motohisa Nagura, the fifth generation of Onihide, talking about what he thinks about the future of Enshu Onigawara. If this video makes you interested in Enshu Onigawara, we recommend that you get artwork of Onigawara or visit Shizuoka to try creating Onigawara. 【Official Website】 Enshu Onigawara: Shizuoka Local Craft Promotion Committee http://www.shizuoka-kougei.jp/craft/ensyu-onigawara/ -
Video article 6:48
The skill of the bonsai master of "Kisshoen" in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture! The world of craftsmanship is shown in this video! See the art of fusion of the natural beauty of materials and human skill!
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Japanese Traditional Craft "Bonsai" - Video Introduction of Interview with Bonsai Master in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture This video "Bonsai"(盆栽) was created by "Nippon Teshigotozukan". It is a video introducing the world of Bonsai featuring an interview with a Bonsai craftsman. Bonsai is the traditional Japanese art of growing miniature trees in containers which are often decorated with moss and other small decorations. Experts in the craft of making Bonsai are called Bonsai masters. The origin of Bonsai dates back to the Heian period (794 - 1185 AD). Bonsai is so popular that the Japanese word 'Bonsai' is known in many countries across the world. In this interview video, you can learn how to create and look after your own Bonsai tree. Please enjoy learning about traditional Japanese culture through this video! What is Bonsai? Let us introduce some of the special techniques required to make Bonsai! Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, we introduce the Bonsai master Okamoto Yoshimitsu, whose workshop "Kichishouen" is located in Toyota city, Aichi prefecture in the Tokai region of Japan. Okamoto Yoshimitsu is famous for his Needle Juniper Bonsai works of art. Source :YouTube screenshot Many techniques are required to complete a Bonsai piece of art, such as pruning, using wires to create bends in the tree's structure and applying paint to name a few. You can see some of these techniques from 2:07 in the video. You can also see some of the tools required for the maintenance of Bonsai from 0:23. Bonsai require special care as the seasons change, similar to other trees in nature. You can see the difference pruning makes to the Bonsai from the before and after pictures at 3:30 in the video. Interview With a Bonsai Master Source :YouTube screenshot From 3:40 in the video, Bonsai master Okamoto Yoshimitsu talks of how he feels the effort put into taking care of Bonsai can be very rewarding, similar to bringing up children. "Bonsai is a Japanese tradition, one that I do not want to die out I want young people to learn about Bonsai and understand the concept of Wabi-sabi (wabi-sabi is a Japanese term used to express the beauty of imperfection). Bonsai is a great way to express oneself through one's own style". Enjoy Looking the Fabulous Bonsai Works of Art Photo:Bonsai Tree Many people in Japan take up Bonsai as a hobby to enjoy the wabi-sabi aspect of the art. There are many varieties of Bonsai tree, from the inexpensive trees aimed at beginners to the very old trees and expensive pots used by professionals and experienced practitioners. The same type of tree, such as a Japanese white pine, can also have several structural forms: formal upright, informal upright, slanted and windswept are a few examples. Other tree types such as cherry blossom and maple trees can also be used. The charm of Bonsai comes from the individualized pruning and shaping of the trees which gives each particular tree it's personality. The combination of the natural beauty of the tree itself and the creativity and individuality of the craftsman is what makes Bonsai so interesting. Bonsai Tree Summary Source :YouTube screenshot Bonsai is a popular Japanese tradition that has been around for many generations. The Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama is growing in popularity, with more young people and foreigners visiting each year. There is also a tapioca shop which serves Bonsai Tapioca Milk Tea which is very popular with customers. Bonsai may look difficult but there are Bonsai for sale that are easy to look after, even for complete beginners. For those who are interested in the traditional Japanese art of Bonsai, why not try raising your own? ◆Kichishouen Introduction Information◆ 【Address】Yabushita 3, Nishimachi, Unebe, Toyota city, Aichi prefecture 470-1219 【Phone number】0565-21-2713 【Official Website】Saitama Bonsai Art Museum https://www.bonsai-art-museum.jp/en/