Yamamotoyama Galaxy. Served with the neon sea of clouds of Ikegahara...
Ikegahara sunk into the mist.
Maybe that's what I thought when I climbed Mt. Yamamoto.
However, it was quite scary on the pitch-dark mountain. ^_^
#Milky Way #Milky Way Galaxy #Neon Sea of Clouds #Sea of Clouds #I want to connect with people who take pictures #I want to connect with people who like photography #Jabifuru #Star System Photography #Yamamotoyama Highlands#Yamamotoyama #Ikegahara #Oh Photo #Ojiya #Niigata #MilkyWay #MilkywayChasers #MilkywayShooters #SeaofClouds #japan_ night_view #japan_beautiful_days #art_of_japan_ #wu_japan #star_hunter_jp #bestdarkphoto #ojiyapic #niigatapic #gataphoto #niigata_japan_ #Niigata Travel Mug #Snow Country Camera Department
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