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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Feb. 28, 2022
[Englsh/Japanese] It's March from today. Restrictions on the entry of new foreign nationals into Japan will be greatly eased from March 1. Foreign students who have been waiting to enter Japan for the past two years will finally have a chance to come to Japan. This is a great thing for both international students and Japanese language schools. Even though the restrictions on new arrivals have been eased, there are still rules regarding vaccines and quarantine. In this article, I will briefly introduce the rules. (*This information is current as of March 1 and may be subject to change in the future. Please check the website for details.) (1) People who have completed their third vaccination (people entering the country from designated countries or regions) People who have completed three doses of vaccination with the types of vaccines designated by Japan are subject to a seven-day voluntary waiting period. However, if you take a PCR test on the third day of the waiting period and it is confirmed negative, you will be exempted from the voluntary waiting period. (2) People who have completed their third vaccination (people entering Japan from countries and regions other than those designated) Those who have completed three vaccinations with the types of vaccines designated by Japan are exempted from the waiting list. (3) People who have not completed their third vaccination (people entering from designated countries/regions) You wait for three days in accommodations provided by the quarantine office. If the PCR test is negative on the third day, you will be allowed to leave the accommodation and will not be required to stay at home. (4) People who have not completed the third vaccination (people entering the country from outside of the designated countries and regions) You will be placed on voluntary standby for 7 days. However, if you take a PCR test on the third day of the waiting period and it is confirmed negative, you will be exempted from the voluntary waiting period. If you are on voluntary standby, you can use public transportation within 24 hours of your arrival. In addition, waiting at the quarantine station can be done by public transportation if the PCR test is negative on the third day. I think it has been a difficult two years for the students who were planning to study in Japan. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon. It's March from today. Japan, restrictions on new entry of foreigners will be greatly relaxed from March 1. For the past two years, international students who have been waiting to enter the country have finally had the opportunity to come to Japan. This is great for international students and Japanese schools. Even though the restrictions on new entry have been relaxed, there are rules such as vaccines and quarantine. In this article, I will briefly introduce the rules. (*This information is current as of March 1 and is subject to change in the future.) For details, please check the website. ) (1) Those who have been vaccinated for the third time (those who entered the country from designated countries/regions) Those who have completed three vaccinations of the type specified by the Japan have a voluntary quarantine of 7 days. However, if you take a PCR test on the third day of waiting and are confirmed negative, you will be exempted from voluntary waiting. (2) Those who have been vaccinated for the third time (those entering the country from outside the designated countries / regions) Those who have been vaccinated three times with the type of vaccine specified by the Japan are exempt from waiting. (3) Those who have not been vaccinated for the third time (those entering the country from designated countries/regions) Wait for 3 days at the accommodation provided by the quarantine station. If the PCR test is negative on the third day, you will be allowed to leave the accommodation and you will not have to wait at home after that. (4) Those who have not been vaccinated for the third time (those entering the country from outside the designated countries/regions) We will voluntarily wait for 7 days. However, if you take a PCR test on the third day of waiting and are confirmed negative, you will be exempted from voluntary waiting. If you are waiting voluntarily, you can use public transportation within 24 hours of entry. In addition, if the PCR test on the third day is negative, you can use public transportation to wait at the quarantine station. Japan I think it was a difficult two years for the students who were planning to study abroad. We look forward to meeting you.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Feb. 21, 2022
[English/Japanese] February 22 is "Cat Day" in Japan. In Japan, February 22 is "Cat Day", and there is a lot of excitement as people upload pictures of cats on social media. Do you like cats? Or do you prefer dogs? In this article, I would like to talk about the pet situation in Japan. 1) Cat boom In Japan, many people have always owned dogs, but in 2017, the number of cat owners surpassed the number of dog owners. The reason for this is that Japan is an aging society. Dogs have to be accompanied on walks, and elderly people who are worried about their physical strength tend to choose cats that don't need to be walked. Also, more and more people are keeping pets because they are spending more time at home due to the influence of Corona. I wonder if it's the same in your country? 2)Can international students have pets? Very few international students have pets. To own a dog, you have to pay several hundred thousand yen at a pet store and also have to get shots. In addition, most apartments in Japan do not allow pets. However, sometimes people keep hamsters, which are relatively cheap and do not have as long a life span as dogs and cats. I heard a story about a Japanese language school that had a problem with a student who suddenly decided to return to his home country and asked them to take in his turtle. Pets are life. It is important to keep them responsibly. 3) If you miss your pet... Some people who used to have pets in their home countries may become stressed out because they cannot interact with their pets during their long stay in Japan. Recently in Japan, there has been an increase in the number of cafes with cats and dogs, where you can casually interact with cats and dogs for just a fee and a drink. In addition to cats and dogs, some of these animal cafes also have birds and reptiles. Please try to use them. Our school does not allow pets in the dormitories. However, there are cat cafes and dog cafes around the school. There is also a zoo just a few stops away from the school. If you are an animal lover, I think you will enjoy your study abroad experience at our school. February 22 is "Cat Day" in Japan. At general stores, products with pictures of cats are on sale, and people are excited to upload them on SNS. Do you like cats? Or do you like dogs? This time, I will talk about the pet situation in Japan. (1) Cat boom Many people have been dog owners in Japan for a long time, but in 2017, the number of cats bred exceeded the number of dogs. The reason is that the Japan is aging. Dogs have to keep up with walks, so elderly people who are worried about their physical strength tend to choose cats that do not need to be walked. In addition, due to the influence of Corona, the time spent at home has increased, so the number of people who have pets is increasing. Is it the same in your country? (2) Can international students have pets? Very few international students have pets. In order to get a dog, you have to pay hundreds of thousands of yen at the pet store and also give injections. In addition, most Japan apartments prohibit keeping pets. However, sometimes there are people who get "hamsters" that are relatively cheap and their lifespan is not as long as that of dogs and cats. At one Japanese school, I heard that a student who was suddenly returning to Japan asked me to take a turtle and had a problem. Pets are life. Be sure to keep them responsibly. (3) If you miss your pet... Some people who had pets in their home countries cannot interact with pets during their long study abroad life, which can be stressful. In Japan, the number of cafes with cats and dogs has been increasing recently, and you can easily interact with cats and dogs with only the usage fee and drink fee. In addition, some cafes where you can interact with these animals sell not only cats and dogs, but also birds and reptiles. Please take advantage of it. Pets are prohibited in the dormitory. However, there are cat cafes and dog cafes around the school. The zoo is also a few stops from the school. I think animal lovers can enjoy studying abroad at our school.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Feb. 14, 2022
[English/Japanese] Currently, most people are wearing masks due to the coronavirus, but since there have always been so many people in Japan wearing masks from February to April, all foreign tourists are surprised. The reason why they wear masks is "hay fever". Especially at this time of the year, people who are allergic to cedar are wearing masks. Many foreign students are suffering from hay fever. In this article, I would like to tell you about this hay fever. 1) One out of three international students has hay fever? According to some data, one out of every three international students will develop hay fever for the first time after coming to Japan. Also, the number of international students who develop hay fever in their third year in Japan is the highest, followed by those in their first year. International students may misunderstand that they have a prolonged cold at first because there are no hay fever sufferers around them in their country and they do not know what hay fever is like. Unlike a cold, hay fever has strong symptoms of runny nose, itchy eyes, and an itchy nose. If you have any idea what it is, please consult with your school teacher first. 2)Hay fever prevention goods So how do Japanese people get over the hay fever season? Most people take medicines prescribed by hospitals or over-the-counter medicines. In addition to medicines, there are many other goods that are sold on the streets to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever. For example, glasses for hay fever and high quality tissues that do not damage the nose. Sales of air purifiers also increase during this season. For those who don't have the money or the time to go to the hospital, there is a life hack that says applying Vaseline to the entrance of the nose can reduce the symptoms. Also, lack of sleep and alcohol consumption are said to worsen hay fever symptoms. Take care to delay your healthy lifestyle. ★Extras In Tokyo, one out of two people is said to have hay fever. The topic of hay fever is also an opportunity to get to know Japanese people. It is said that when a person who has never had hay fever before gets hay fever, the person who has had hay fever for many years will say "Welcome ☺". I urge you to talk to them! Currently, most people wear masks due to the influence of the coronavirus, but in Japan, there are so many people who wear masks from February to April that all foreign tourists are surprised. The reason why I wear a mask is "hay fever". Especially at this time of year, people with cedar allergies wear masks. Many international students suffer from hay fever. This time, I will tell you about this hay fever. (1) Is 1 in 3 international students with hay fever? According to some data, one in three international students develops hay fever only after coming to Japan. In addition, among international students who had hay fever, those who took it in their third year ranked first, followed by the first year. International students do not know what kind of symptoms hay fever is around in the country, so they may mistakenly think that they have a prolonged cold at first. Unlike colds, hay fever has strong symptoms of runny nose, itchy eyes and itchy nose. If you have any idea, please consult your school teacher first. (2) Hay fever countermeasure goods So how do Japan people get through the hay fever period? Almost everyone takes medications prescribed in hospitals and over-the-counter medications. In addition to medicines, goods that relieve the symptoms of hay fever are often sold in the city at this time. For example, glasses for hay fever and high-grade tissues that do not damage the nose. In addition, sales of air purifiers also increase during this period. For those who do not have money or do not have time to go to the hospital, there is also a life hack that says that applying petroleum jelly to the entrance to the nose will alleviate the symptoms. In addition, lack of sleep and alcohol consumption are said to worsen the symptoms of hay fever. Be careful not to delay your healthy life. Extra In Tokyo, it is said that one in two people has hay fever. The topic of hay fever is also a chance to make friends with Japan people. When a person who has not had hay fever before gets hay fever, it is said that people who have had hay fever for many years say "welcome ☺". Please talk to us!
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Feb. 7, 2022
[English/Japanese] Snow is predicted to fall in Tokyo this week. In Japan, there are many tourist destinations where winter sports are popular, such as Hokkaido, but in Tokyo, snowfall is not that common and the city is not prepared to handle it. As a result, even a 5 cm accumulation of snow can cause many problems. In this article, I will tell you how to deal with snow in Tokyo. 1) Transportation When it snows, train schedules are often disrupted. Trains may be cancelled or the number of trains may be reduced, so you may be late for work. Try to leave your house early on snowy days. Roads can also be crowded, and few people buy snow tires for the rare snowfall in a year. As a result, many people drive with regular tires on snowy days, which can cause slip accidents. Try not to walk near cars on snowy days. 2) The day after it snows Unlike Hokkaido, the snow that falls in Tokyo has a high moisture content. Therefore, the day after a snowfall, the roads are often icy. Since there are many buildings in Tokyo, there is no sunlight and the snow may not melt even after a week. Some people slip on the icy roads and get seriously injured because of it. On the day after a snowfall, try to walk in the sunshine. 3)What to wear What you wear the next day is more important than what you wear when it is snowing. The roads are very slippery, so it is best to wear long boots or other non-slip shoes. You should also wear gloves because the ice can cut your hands if you slip and fall on them. A hat is also necessary to protect your head. A backpack or other bag that allows you to keep both hands free is also a good idea. If you don't have boots, there is a life hack to prevent slipping by putting an adhesive bandage on the back of your sneakers. Please give it a try. Many of the students at our school come from warm countries. Some of them have caught colds from playing in the snow because it was their first time to see snow. Please play in the snow in moderation. This time, we are planning to spread snow-melting agent in front of the dormitory. If your neighbors are having a hard time shoveling snow, let's help them out. It's also a chance to make friends with Japanese people. Also, it's best not to go outside too much on snowy days, so get your shopping done as soon as possible! Snow is forecast to fall in Tokyo this week. In Japan, there are many tourist spots where winter sports are popular, such as Hokkaido, but it does not snow that often in Tokyo, so the city of Tokyo is not equipped to cope with snow. Therefore, even if 5 cm of snow accumulates, various problems will occur. This time, I would like to tell you about snow countermeasures in Tokyo. (1) Transportation When it snows, train schedules are often disturbed. Trains may be suspended or the number of trains will be reduced, so you may be late for the company. Try to leave the house early on snowy days. Roads can also be crowded. Because of the snow that may or may not fall in a year, few people buy tires for snow. Therefore, many people drive on ordinary tires on snowy days, and some people have slip accidents. On snowy days, try not to walk near cars as much as possible. (2) The day after the snow fell Unlike Hokkaido, the snow that falls in Tokyo is moisture. Therefore, the roads are often icy the day after the snow falls. There are many buildings in Tokyo, so the sunlight may not shine and the snow may not melt even after one week. Some people slip on icy roads and get seriously injured because of it. The day after it snows, choose a path that gets as much sunlight as possible. (3) Clothing What you wear the next day is more important than when it's snowing. The road is very slippery, so wear shoes that are not slippery, such as long ones. Also, wear gloves as ice can cut your hands when you slip and get your hands. You will also need a hat to protect your head. Also, it is good to have a backpack or other bag that can be used with both hands. There is a life hack that people who do not have boots can put adhesive plasters on the back of their sneakers to prevent them from slipping. Give it a try. At our school, many students come from warm countries. Some people took off their shoes and played in the snow for the first time to see snow, catching a cold. Let's play in the snow in moderation. This time, we plan to sow snow melting agent in front of the dormitory. If your neighbors are having a hard time shoveling snow, help them. It's also a chance to get to know Japan people. Also, it's better not to go outside too much on snowy days, so be sure to finish your shopping early!
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Jan. 24, 2022
[English] The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has decided to apply priority measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus since last week, and Tokyo residents will have to refrain from activities for about three weeks. Due to the new coronavirus, people have been spending more and more vacations at home as "stayhome" since 2020. How do Japanese people spend their vacations? Let's take a look at it along with Japanese culture. 1) Games Japanese games have become popular all over the world due to the Corona disaster. For example, games in which you build your own room or town and interact with your friends, or games in which you run and stretch like in a gym are especially popular. Also, games that used to be board games are now being played online, expanding the possibilities of games. With the recent establishment of high schools for e-sports (games as sports) in Japan, it is clear that games are becoming an important content for Japan. 2) Bath time Japanese people love to take a bath in the bathtub. Many of them go on trips to hot springs during long vacations, and those who have given up on their trips due to stay-home are said to buy various bath salts in order to feel a little like they are on vacation. As a result, some companies reportedly had record sales of bath salts last year. Do you use bath salts in your country? I hope you will try them when you come to Japan. 3) Plastic models Have you ever heard of plastic models? Plastic models are dolls made of plastic, and you can assemble and paint them yourself. In Japan, they have long been sold as children's toys, but since the Corona disaster, they have become popular not only among children but also among adults. In particular, plastic models of anime are very popular. If you are ever in Japan, you might want to buy one as a souvenir. Extras There is a character that has become famous in Corona. It is "Amabie. Amabie has been appearing in books for the past 150 years as a monster that eliminates plague. Before the corona virus, Amabie was a character known only to a few people who liked yokai, but after the corona virus spread, his recognition increased mainly through social networking sites, and now he is recognized by most of the people in Japan. In the city, you can see many products with Amabie's picture on them. Please try to look for them. Our school also offers online classes. In addition to classes, we also offer online yoga, online origami classes, and other fun activities. If you are interested, please contact us and we will explain the school via zoom. Please feel free to contact us. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government decided to apply priority measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus from last week, and Tokyo residents have decided to refrain from activities for about three weeks. Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, since 2020, I have been spending more of my days off at home as "Stay Home". How do Japanese people spend their days off? Let's take a look at it together with Japanese culture. (1) Games Japanese games became popular worldwide in Coronavirus pandemic. For example, creating your own room or city to socialize with friends, or running like a gym or stretching game are especially popular. In addition, what used to be a board game is now being played online, and games are expanding various possibilities. In Japan, high schools for e-sports (which consider games as sports competitions) have recently been established, indicating that games have become an important content for Japan. (2) Bath time Japanese people like to take a bath. Also, during long vacations, many people go on trips to take a dip in hot springs. It seems that people who have given up traveling at Stayhome buy various bath salts to enjoy the feeling of traveling as much as possible. As a result, some companies had record sales of bath salts last year. Do you have bath salts in your country? Please give it a try when you come to Japan. (3) Plastic model Do you know plastic models? Plastic models are dolls made of plastic, which you can assemble or color yourself. In Japan, it has been sold as a children's toy for a long time, but since its Coronavirus pandemic, it has become popular not only with children but also with adults. In particular, anime plastic models are popular. If you can come to Japan, you may want to buy it as a souvenir. Extra Edition There is a character who became famous in Corona. It is "Amabie". "Amabie" has been appearing in books for 150 years as a yokai that eliminates plagues. Before the coronavirus epidemic, the character was only used by a few yokai lovers, but since the coronavirus spread, it has become more recognized mainly on SNS, and is now recognized by most of the public. In the city, you can see many products with pictures of Amabie. Please look for it. We also offer online classes. In addition to classes, we also offer online yoga and online origami classes. If you are interested, please contact us and we will explain the school via Zoom.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Jan. 17, 2022
[Englsih/Japanese] esterday, 27 years have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. 6,434 people died in this earthquake. Also, over the weekend, there was a massive volcanic eruption in Tonga and there are reports of tsunami damage. Last summer, many people from Tonga visited our school's Facebook page. We sincerely hope that everyone is safe. Japan is famous in the world as a country with many earthquakes. For this reason, schools and companies conduct disaster drills on a regular basis. Today I would like to tell you about the disaster drills held at schools. Number of times held Schools with small children hold disaster drills every month, high school students hold drills four times a year, and companies hold drills twice a year. We mainly learn how to escape from earthquakes and fires. Earthquake drills The school broadcasts a message that an earthquake has occurred. Students immediately go under their desks, hold the legs of their desks, and wait until the shaking stops. When the shaking stops, students will follow the teacher's instructions to evacuate to a large area near the school (school grounds or park). The students will also learn what to be careful of during the evacuation process in advance. The catchphrase to watch out for is "O ka shi mo". (This catchphrase may vary from region to region.) ・ "O" →[Osanai] "Don't push" When escaping, try not to push people. ・ "Ka" = [Kakenai] "Don't run." When running away, act calmly because running is dangerous. ・"Shi"→[Syaberanai] "Don't talk." Don't miss important information. ・"Mo"→[Modoranai] "Don't go back" Don't go back to dangerous places even if you have forgotten something. 3) Firefighting training, AED training, first aid practice During the evacuation drills, students take various classes at the same time. For example, how to use a fire extinguisher and AED, and how to perform first aid. In some areas of Japan, there are facilities called "Bousai-kan" where you can learn about disaster prevention, and you can visit them all year round. 4) Evacuation goods In Japan, where disasters occur frequently, it is customary to prepare in advance what is needed in case of a disaster. In Japan, where disasters occur frequently, it is customary to prepare in advance what you will need in the event of a disaster, including a three-day supply of food, water, blankets, helmets, and flashlights. These items are sold at home centers as disaster prevention goods. For international students, the school may buy them with the school's reserve fund. Please check with your school for details. International students do not have to worry too much because evacuation drills are held at school. However, this is not the case for foreign tourists. If you are a foreign tourist, you may be worried about how to move if the disaster strikes. For those people, there is an app for foreign visitors to Japan. Please download it when you come to Japan. Yesterday marked the 27th anniversary of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. 6,434 people died in the earthquake. There was also a large eruption in Tonga over the weekend, and tsunami damage has been reported. Last summer, many people from Tonga visited our Facebook page. We sincerely pray for your safety. Japan is famous in the world as a country with many earthquakes. For this reason, schools and companies regularly conduct disaster prevention drills. Today, I would like to tell you about the disaster prevention drills held at the school. (1) Number of implementations Schools with small children conduct disaster drills every month, high school students four times a year, and companies hold disaster drills about twice a year. You will mainly learn about how to escape earthquakes and fires. (2) Earthquake drill The school broadcast says that an earthquake has occurred. Students quickly get under the desk, hold the desk legs, and wait until the shaking subsides. When the shaking subsides, follow the teacher's instructions and evacuate to a large area near the school (school grounds or parks). In addition, you will learn what to be careful about when evacuating in the pre-class. What you should be careful of is the catchphrase "Oh, ka, shi, mo". (This tagline varies by region.) ) "O" → "Don't push" When you run away, don't push people. "Ka" → "Don't run" When you run away, it is dangerous to run, so act calmly. Don't miss important information → "don't speak" Even if there is something forgotten that "also" → "will not return", do not return to a dangerous place. (3) Fire extinguishing training, AED training, first aid practice During evacuation drills, students take various courses at the same time. For example, how to use a fire extinguisher or AED or how to provide first aid. In some areas, Japan there is a facility called the "Disaster Prevention Hall" where you can learn about disaster prevention, which you can visit all year round. (4) Evacuation goods In Japan where disasters are frequent, it is customary to prepare in advance what is necessary in the event of a disaster. The contents include "food, water, blankets, helmets, and flashlights for three days." These items are sold as disaster prevention goods at home centers. International students may be purchased by the school with the school's reserve. Please check with your school. International students don't have to worry much because evacuation drills are conducted at school. However, this is not the case for foreign tourists. You may be worried about how to move if you are affected by a disaster. There is an app for foreigners visiting Japan for such people. Please download it when you come to Japan.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Jan. 10, 2022
[English/Japanese] Last year was a difficult year for international students who are looking forward to studying in Japan. Fingers crossed that I can enter the country this year! In this article, I would like to introduce the measures we take in Japan to prevent coronas in stores. (1) What to do at the entrance At the entrance of a store, there is a thermometer and disinfectant. Some of these are done by shopkeepers for customers, and some are done automatically. Also, there is a sign posted that says "Masks strictly prohibited" and you cannot enter the store without wearing a mask. In the case of public facilities such as museums, you may be asked to fill in your name and address. (2) What to do in a restaurant More and more restaurants are reducing the number of seats in their establishments. Each seat is separated by a transparent plastic sheet, and there are posters warning people to wear masks except when eating. The system used to be to order from a menu list, but recently more and more restaurants have tablets at each table, and you can order from the tablet. In some restaurants, you can even get a mask case as a service. In addition, there is a ventilation time every few tens of minutes, where the staff calls out to the customers to open the windows and doors of the restaurant. In winter, the ventilation time can be a bit chilly, so wear warm clothes even inside the store. (3) What to do when you leave the store When standing in line at the cash register, there are markers on the floor to help you keep your social distance. Make sure to line up along them. In order to prevent infection, more and more stores are starting to accept cashless payments. In some cases, there are campaigns that offer points for cashless payment, so please take advantage of them. Our school is also taking measures against coronas. We disinfect thoroughly and take care of students' physical condition. Even if you are infected with corona, we can support you because our dormitory is located on the third floor of the school building. We are looking forward to welcoming international students to our country. Last year was a difficult year for international students who are looking forward to studying abroad Japan. I pray that I will be able to enter the country this year! This time, I will introduce corona countermeasures at stores that are in Japan. (1) What to do at the entrance There is a thermometer and disinfectant at the entrance of the shop. There are those that the shop staff makes to the customer and those that are done automatically. In addition, there is a sticker that says "Masks strictly prohibited", and you cannot enter the store unless you wear a mask. In the case of public facilities such as museums, you may be asked to fill in your name and address. (2) What to do in the store The number of restaurants and other establishments has been reduced. Each seat is separated by a transparent plastic sheet, and there is a poster warning you to wear a mask except when eating. Until now, it was a system to place orders by looking at the menu table, but recently there are tablets placed on each table, and the number of restaurants where you can order from tablets has increased. Depending on the store, you may be able to get a mask case at the service. In addition, there is a ventilation time several tens of minutes, and the clerk calls out to the customer and opens the windows and doors of the store. In winter, ventilation time can get a little cold, so wear warm clothes in the store. (3) What to do when leaving the store When you go to the cash register, there are landmarks on the floor to observe social distancing. Try to line up along with it. In addition, an increasing number of stores are starting cashless payments that do not transfer money to prevent infection. In the case of cashless payment, there may be campaigns that offer benefits such as points, so please take advantage of it. Our school is also taking measures against corona. We carry out thorough disinfection and physical condition management of students. Even if you are infected with Corona, we can support you because the dormitory is located on the third floor of the school building. We are looking forward to the entry of international students.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Jan. 3, 2022
[English/Japanese] Happy New Year to you all! I hope to see you again this year. In Japan, the new year begins on January 1st. What do you do at the beginning of a new year in your country? This time, I would like to introduce the Japanese New Year. 1) Nengajo(New Year's card) A letter sent between January 1 and January 7 to wish someone a happy new year is called a nengajo. Recently, many people have been using social networking services instead of letters. Also, New Year's greeting cards cannot be sent to family members or relatives who have passed away in the previous year. Please be careful with this. 2) Hatsuhinode(First sunrise) The sunrise on the first day of the year is called the "first sunrise" and is considered to be a very good omen. Did you see it? 3) Hatsumode(First visit to a shrine) A New Year's visit to a shrine to pray for the safety of the year is called "Hatsumode". At Hatsumode, people draw omikuji (fortunes) to tell their fortune for the year and buy good luck charms. 4) Otoshidama(New Year's gift) Onyedama is money that children can receive on New Year's Day. It is a fun event for children. 5) Osechi cuisine Osechi-ryori is a New Year's feast. Each of these treats has its own meaning. For example, prawns have a meaning of "long life" because of their bent waist. Also, yellow food is believed to bring good luck with money. This is eaten from January 1st to the 3rd, which also means that you don't have to do any housework for the three days of the New Year. 6) Hstuyume(First dream) What kind of dream did you have at the beginning of the year? In Japan, it is said to be good luck to dream of "Mt. May this year be a wonderful one for all of you! Happy New Year! We look forward to working with you again this year. The new year begins on January 1 for Japan. What do you do at the start of a new year in your country? This time, I would like to introduce the New Year of Japan. (1) New Year's card Letters sent between January 1 and January 7 to convey New Year's wishes are called "Nengajo". Recently, more and more people are doing it on SNS instead of letters. In addition, New Year's cards cannot be sent to people who have lost their family or relatives in the previous year. Please be careful. (2) First sunrise The sun that rises on January 1 is called the "first sunrise." This first sunrise is considered very auspicious. Have you seen it? (3) First visit Visiting a shrine to pray for the safety of the year on New Year's Day is called "first visit". At the first visit, you draw fortunes to predict the fortune of the year and buy amulets. (4) New Year's Ball New Year's money is money that children can receive on New Year's Day. It can be said that it is a fun event for children. (5) Osechi cuisine Osechi ryori is a feast eaten on New Year's Day. Each of these treats has its own meaning. For example, shrimp have a bent waist, which means "you can live a long life". In addition, yellow food is said to increase fortune. This is something to eat from January 1 to 3, and there is also the point that you do not have to do housework for three days on New Year's Day. (6) First dream What dreams did you have at the beginning of the year? In Japan, dreaming of "Mt. Fuji", "Falcon" and "Eggplant" is considered auspicious. May this be a wonderful year for all of you!
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Dec. 20, 2021
[English/Japanese] In this issue, I will continue to introduce some of the things that were popular in Japan this year. 1)Showa/Heisei Retro Boom This year, things that were popular in the Showa (1926-1989) and Heisei (1989-2019) eras are booming again. Mainly, old townscapes and tableware from the 1960s, characters and accessories that were popular in the 1980s and 1990s became popular among the younger generation as "new things. For the young generation that has had digital things since birth, they feel that retro things are incomplete and warm. An amusement park in Saitama Prefecture reopened this year, recreating the streets of the 1960s, and it is bustling with visitors every day. You may feel as if you have gone back in time. 2) Oatmeal Oatmeal sales have boomed this year, even doubling from the previous year. The reason seems to be that more and more people are eating at home due to the new coronavirus, and easy and healthy meals have become more preferred. Japanese people are famous for their culture of eating rice, but recently more and more people are eating staple foods other than rice, such as oatmeal and bread. Rice takes a long time to cook after it is washed. Busy Japanese may have come to prefer something more easily eaten. 3) Imperial Family News This year, the Emperor's niece got married, and various news during the engagement period were broadcasted on TV every day. News about the Imperial Family mainly interests the older generation, but the news about the marriage attracted the interest of various age groups. Did you find out what was popular this year? At our school, we sometimes have students research and present what is popular in the classroom. It's a great way to learn more about Japanese culture. This time, as in the previous article, we will introduce some of the things that were popular in this Japan. (1) Showa-Heisei retro boom This year, what was popular in Showa (1926 ~ 1989) and Heisei (1989 ~ 2019) has re-boomed. Mainly, old townscapes and tableware from the 1960s, characters and accessories that were popular in the 1980s ~ 1990s became popular among the younger generation as "new things". For the younger generation, who have been digital since birth, they feel that retro things are incomplete and warm. An amusement park in Saitama Prefecture was reopened this year, but it reproduces the cityscape of the 1960s and is crowded every day. You may be able to experience going back in time. (2) Oatmeal This year, there was such a boom that sales of oatmeal doubled from the previous year. The reason seems to be that more people are eating at home due to the influence of the new coronavirus, and easy and healthy eating has become more preferred. Japan people are famous for their culture of eating rice, but recently the number of people who eat staple foods other than rice, such as oatmeal and bread, has increased. It takes a long time for rice to be cooked after washing. Maybe Japan busy people have come to prefer things that are easier to eat. (3) Imperial Family News This year, His Majesty the Emperor's niece got married, and various news during the engagement period was broadcast on TV almost every day. While the news of the imperial family is mainly of interest to older people, the news about this marriage attracted the attention of various age groups. Did you see what was popular this year? At our school, students may research and present what is popular in class. You can learn more about Japan culture.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Dec. 13, 2021
[English/Japanese] Yesterday, the Kanji characters representing Japan for this year were announced. This event is held every year. Incidentally, this year's kanji was "gold. Why do you think this kanji was chosen? The reason lies in the fact that the Olympic Games were held in Tokyo this year. Japan won more gold medals than any other country in history, which is why they chose this kanji. So what else was popular this year? Let's take a look at Japanese culture through what was popular this year. Maritozzo Maritozzo is a pastry that originated in Rome, Italy. It is a round loaf of bread with a lot of cream in between, and is eaten as breakfast in Italy. This year, Maritozzo has become a big hit in Japan. Many cafes and convenience stores lined up their stores with Maritozzo, and many people queued up to buy Maritozzo. In Japan, it is not uncommon for sweets from other countries to become popular in this way. For example, last year it was tapioca from Taiwan, and before that, macarons from France. It is said that Japan is an island nation with a strong desire to learn about the cultures of other countries. Perhaps this is reflected in the food we eat. Movie Box Office Revenue In this year's global box office ranking, live-action movies from China and the U.S. are ranked from first to fifth. So, is it the same for Japan? The Japanese box-office ranking is completely different from the global ranking. From first to fifth place, all live-action movies are based on anime or manga. Last year, the anime "Demon Slayer" rewrote the top spot in the all-time box office ranking. Although there are many teenagers who visit theaters, there is not that big a difference in the age of the audience. This means that people of all ages are watching anime movies. That is how widespread anime and manga are as a culture in Japan. The Real Two-Way / Showtime The words "real two-faced" and "showtime" were nominated as buzzwords this year. These two words refer to Shohei Ohtani, who is active in the American big leagues. In this way, words related to baseball players are often chosen as buzzwords. When it comes to sports in Japan, many foreigners think of sumo wrestling. However, few people know that baseball is actually the most popular sport in Japan. When I tell this to foreign students, they often say, "I thought soccer was more popular than sumo." Do you share the same opinion? In this article, I introduced some of the things that were popular in Japan this year. I would like to continue introducing them in the next issue. By the way, our school holds an event to introduce what is popular in our country. It is a good opportunity to learn about the trends in different countries and to understand different cultures. Please let us know what's popular in your country. Yesterday, the kanji for this year's Japan were announced. This event is held every year. By the way, this year's kanji was "gold". Why do you think this kanji was chosen? The reason is that the Olympic Games were held in Tokyo this year. Japan won the most gold medals in history, so it became this kanji. So what else was trendy this year? Let's get in touch with the culture of Japan from what was popular this year. Maritozzo Maritozzo is a sweet that originated in Rome, Italy. It is made with plenty of cream sandwiched between round breads and is eaten as breakfast in Italy. This Maritozzo has become a big boom in Japan this year. Maritozzo was lined up in many cafes and convenience stores, and many people lined up to buy Maritozzo. It is not uncommon for sweets from other countries to become popular in Japan in this way. For example, tapioca from Taiwan last year and French macarons before that. It is said that Japan is an island country and has a strong desire to learn about the cultures of other countries. This may be reflected in food. Movie box office Looking at this year's world box office rankings, Chinese and American live-action films are ranked from 1st to 5th. So is it the same with Japan? Japan's box office rankings are completely different from world rankings. Surprisingly, from 1st to 5th place, all are live-action movies based on anime and manga. Last year, the anime "Demon Slayer" broke the first place in the all-time box office ranking. Movie theater users may be among their teens, but there is not much difference by age. This means that people of all ages are watching animated movies. It can be said that anime and manga have permeated as a culture in such a Japan. Real Dual-wielding/Showtime This year's buzzwords "Real Dual-wielding" and "Showtime" were nominated. These two words refer to Shohei Ohtani who is active in the American major leagues. In this way, words about baseball players are often chosen as buzzwords. Many foreigners think of sumo wrestling as a sport in Japan. However, few people know that baseball is actually a sport that is often seen in Japan. When I told this story to international students, they said, "I thought soccer would be more popular if it was anything other than sumo," and "I don't know much about what kind of sport baseball is." I answer. Do you all agree with me? This time, we have introduced some of the things that have become popular in Japan this year. I would like to continue to introduce it next time. By the way, at our school, we hold events to introduce what we do in our own country. It is a good opportunity to learn about the trends of various countries and understand different cultures. Please tell us what is popular in your country.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Dec. 6, 2021
[English/Japanese] Can we see Japan from the contents of Japanese people's bags? The contents of Japanese people's bags. Continuing on from the previous article, I would like to introduce some of the things you can see in Japanese people's bags, such as their lifestyle and culture. 1) Cosmetics and hair elastics Compared to other countries, Japanese women are said to reapply their makeup more often. Have you ever felt that many women fix their makeup when they go to the bathroom? Also, women with long hair may have hair elastics in their bags. This is because when eating noodles such as ramen, it is against etiquette not to tie your hair up. Let's all be careful when eating noodles. 2) Sweets Many people carry snacks in their bags for when they get hungry. I think this is common in many countries. However, in Osaka and other parts of Kansai, there is a unique culture regarding sweets (especially candies). According to a TV program, 10% of people in Tokyo have candies in their bags, while more than 80% of people in Osaka have candies in their bags. There are many episodes of strangers from Osaka (especially older women) talking to you and giving you candies. There are many reasons for this, but Osaka is a city of commerce and communication is very important. For this reason, handing out candies is said to be one of the ways of communication. 3) Fans(sensu) Fans are a popular souvenir. Many people carry them in their bags during the summer. In the past few years, handy fans have become popular, and I have seen many people wearing them around their necks. However, handy fans are large in size and require batteries. In comparison, fans(sensu) are very compact and easy to store in a bag, so they are still very popular. Fans come in a variety of patterns and can be purchased at 100 yen stores. Please try using them not only as souvenirs, but also in your daily life. Extra: Stuffed animals Japanese people are said to be overworked. The daily commute is packed with trains, and the stress is just too much. I've heard that more and more people are putting cute stuffed animals in their bags to relax for a while. It is said that if you gently touch the stuffed animal in your bag when you are sitting on the train, you will feel less stressed. In Japan, a lot of stuffed animals with characters such as Kitty and Pokemon are sold. You should definitely try to find your favorite stuffed animal. Have you had a chance to learn about the life of Japanese people? By the way, our school has a dormitory on the floor above the school, so you don't have to stress about commuting in the morning and can concentrate on your studies. We also offer online school explanations, so please feel free to contact us. Can you see the Japan from the contents of Japan's bag? ② Continuing from the previous article, I would like to introduce the life and culture of Japan that can be seen from the contents of the bags of Japan people. (1) Cosmetics and hair elastics Compared to other countries Japan it is said that women have to fix their makeup more often. Have you ever felt that many women fix their makeup when they go to the bathroom? Also, women with long hair may have a hair elastic in their bag. That's because when eating noodles such as ramen, it is a violation of manners if you do not tie your hair. Let's all be careful when eating noodles. (2) Sweets Many people put sweets in their bags when they are hungry. I think this is common to all countries. However, in Kansai, such as Osaka, there is a unique culture regarding this confectionery (especially candy). According to one TV program, 10% of people in Tokyo carry candy in their bags, while more than 80% of people in Osaka carry candy. It is common to hear episodes where people in Osaka (especially elderly women) who do not know talk to them and give them candy. There are many reasons for this, but Osaka is a city of commerce and values communication. Therefore, it is said that handing out candy is one of the ways of communication. (3) Fan A fan that is also popular as a souvenir. Many people keep it in their bags in the summer. Handy fans have been all the rage in the last few years, and I've seen a lot of people hanging them around their necks. However, in the case of a handy fan, the size is also large and requires batteries. In comparison, fans are very compact and easy to put in a bag, so they are still very popular. Fans come in a variety of patterns and can be purchased at 100 yen shops. Please try using it not only as a souvenir, but also on a regular basis. Extra Stuffed Animal Japan people who are said to be overworked. The daily commute is stressful with crowded trains. I have heard that the number of people who put cute stuffed animals in their bags has increased recently, wanting to heal even a little time in such days. When you can sit on the train, you can gently touch the stuffed animal in your bag to relieve stress. Japan, many of the characters such as Kitty and Pokémon are sold. Please try to find your favorite stuffed animal. Japan have you been able to get to know people's lives? By the way, our school has a dormitory on the upper floor of the school, so you can concentrate on your studies without stress on your morning commute. We also offer online school explanations, so please feel free to contact us.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Nov. 29, 2021
[English/Japanese] Can we see Japan through the contents of Japanese people's bags?1) What do Japanese people carry in their bags? I would like to introduce you to the life and culture of Japan through this. 1)Wallets Compared to other countries, Japanese people probably carry more cash in their wallets. Although electronic payments have been increasing recently, there are still many stores that do not accept electronic settlements or credit cards. Keep a little extra cash in your wallet when you are living in Japan. 2)Folding umbrella What percentage of chance of precipitation do you take an umbrella with you? Half of Japanese people carry an umbrella even when the chance of precipitation is 30%. 3) Hand cream and eye drops It is very dry in winter in Japan. When you try to open a door, you may feel static electricity, which can be painful. Also, contacts tend to dry out in winter. For this reason, I use hand cream and eye drops to prevent them from drying out. 4) Eco bag In Japan, plastic bags have been charged since last year. As a result, more and more people are carrying eco-bags. 5) Anti-infection goods To prevent infection by the new coronavirus, more and more people are carrying a small size disinfectant. Some people also carry spare masks in their mask cases. Recently, fashionable mask cases are being sold and are being adopted as a new fashion. It would be nice if we could have fun while preventing infection. I will continue to introduce the contents of Japanese people's bags next week. Can you see the Japan from the contents of Japan's bag? ① What do Japan people carry in their bags? From there, I would like to introduce life and culture in Japan. (1) Wallet Probably more cash in your wallet than in other countries. Recently, electronic payments have increased, but there are still many stores that cannot perform electronic settlement or do not accept credit cards. When living in Japan, put in a little more. (2) Folding umbrella Do you take an umbrella with what percentage of the probability of precipitation? Even if there is a 30% chance of rain for Japan people, half of the people carry umbrellas. (3) Hand cream and eye drops Winters in Japan are very dry. If you try to open the door, static electricity will occur, and it may hurt. In addition, contacts are also easy to dry in winter. Therefore, hand creams and eye drops prevent dryness. (4) Eco-bags In Japan, plastic bags have been charged since last year. Therefore, more and more people carry eco-bags. (5) Infectious disease control goods In order to prevent infection with the new coronavirus, more and more people are carrying small size disinfectants. In addition, some people carry spare masks inside their mask cases. Recently, fashionable mask cases have been sold and are being adopted as a new fashion. I hope you can enjoy infection prevention. Next week, I will introduce the contents of Japan people's bags.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Nov. 15, 2021
[English/Japanese] This time, I'd like to continue my introduction to manners. This time, it's about manners when using leisure facilities. Manners at amusement parks At our Japanese language school, we have field trips several times a year. The locations include amusement parks, zoos, and other facilities. For this reason, we go over the precautions in class before the field trip. In this article, I would like to introduce some of these precautions. Tattoos are more common among international students compared to Japanese. Many leisure facilities in Japan refuse to accept people with visible tattoos. At one Japanese language school, there was a case where a student was not allowed to enter the facility because they did not check beforehand. Some facilities will allow you to enter if you are invisible, so you may want to carry a jacket even in the summer. However, this is not possible in the case of swimming pools, so give up using the facilities. Also, many places prohibit taking pictures using selfie sticks and live streaming of social networking sites. Be sure to check the precautions beforehand before you go. Onsen(hot spring)Manners It is difficult for even Japanese people to understand all the rules and manners of hot springs and public baths. For this reason, I often hear from international students that they have yet to try them because it seems too difficult to know how to enter. So what kind of rules and manners are there in onsen and sento? The first thing you must do before entering an onsen is to take a "kakeyu," which means to pour hot water on your body to remove dirt from your body before entering the onsen. There are also other things to keep in mind when washing your body. In hot spring facilities, the chairs used for washing your body are shared. Be sure to wash the chair well before putting it away when you are done using it. Also, women should tie their hair up when they enter the onsen. Do not put anything other than your body in the hot spring. The same goes for towels. Leave your towel in the luggage area or put it on your head. If it is your first time in a hot spring, be careful not to stay in the hot spring too long. If you are not used to hot springs, you may get sick. Hydrate frequently while bathing. Even Japanese people sometimes forget the detailed rules, so most onsen facilities have written instructions on how to enter the onsen. There are also YouTube videos that show you how to get in and out of the onsen, so please check them out. Manners in the Park Lastly, I would like to introduce the manners of the parks that are closest to us. I often hear foreigners talking about how parks in Japan are not very free. There are sometimes foreign students who get into trouble in the parks, so it is important to learn park manners as well. One of the most common problems I hear about is foreign students taking fruits and nuts from trees planted in the park. The trees and flowers planted in the park basically belong to the park, so you should not take them home. There are also many people who break the branches of cherry trees during the cherry blossom season. There is a Japanese proverb that says, “Fools who cut cherry trees. Fools who do not cut plum trees." If you cut off an important branch of a cherry tree, it may start to rot. Never cut cherry blossoms, no matter how beautiful they are. Also, I am sometimes asked by students if they can play soccer with their friends in the park. In most parks, you are not allowed to use a ball. Therefore, if you want to play soccer, you need to make a reservation at a local ground. For more information, ask your school teacher or a Japanese person close to you. These are just a few of the things I introduced here. Please be sure to check the website of any leisure facilities you wish to use. Our school offers related classes before and after the field trip. It is a popular way for students to deepen their understanding of Japan, not only by playing but also by learning. I hope that everyone will try to learn about Japanese culture from various places in Japan. This time, I will continue to introduce manners as before. This time it is manners when using leisure facilities. Amusement park manners The Japanese school conducts field trips several times a year. Locations include amusement parks, zoos, and other facilities. Therefore, we will check the precautions during class before the field trip. In this article, we will introduce some of the precautions. Tattoos are more common among international students than among Japan people. Many leisure facilities in Japan refuse people who have tattoos where they can see them. In one Japanese school, students were not allowed into the facility because they did not check in advance. If you can't see it, some facilities allow you to enter the park, so it may be a good idea to bring a jacket even in summer. However, in the case of a pool, this is not possible, so give up using the facilities. In addition, many places prohibit taking photos using selfie sticks and live streaming on SNS. Be sure to check the precautions in advance before going. Onsen manners It is difficult for even Japan people to understand all the rules and manners of hot springs and public baths. For this reason, I often hear from international students that they have not yet been able to take on the challenge because it seems difficult to get in. So, what kind of rules and manners are there in hot springs and public baths? First of all, what you need to do before entering the hot spring is "kakeyu". "Kakeyu" is a hot water that is poured on the body for the purpose of removing dirt from the body before entering the hot spring. It also means getting your body used to the hot water by doing "kakeyu". There are other points to be aware of when washing your body. At the hot spring facility, the chairs used to wash the body are shared. When you're done using it, be sure to wash the chair thoroughly before putting it away. Also, if you are a woman, you should tie your hair when you enter the onsen. Please be careful not to get anything other than your body in the hot spring. It's the same with towels. Leave your towel in the luggage storage area or put it on your head. If you are entering a hot spring for the first time, please be careful not to soak in the hot spring for too long. Some people sometimes get sick if they are not used to hot springs. Drink water frequently while bathing. Even Japan people may forget the detailed rules, so most hot spring facilities have precautions for how to enter. Also, some of them are published on YouTube, etc., so please take a look. Park manners Finally, I would like to introduce the manners of the park that is closest to us. I often hear foreigners say that there is little freedom in Japan parks. There are international students who sometimes cause trouble in the park, so be sure to learn the manners of the park. One of the problems I often hear about international students is taking nuts and fruits from trees planted in parks. The trees and flowers planted in the park are basically from the park, so do not take them home. In addition, many people break the branches of the cherry blossoms when the cherry blossom season comes. There is a Japan proverb that says, "An idiot who cuts cherry blossoms, an idiot who does not cut plums." If you cut off an important branch of a cherry tree, it may start to rot from there. Never cut it, no matter how clean it is. Also, students sometimes ask me if I want to play soccer with my friends but can play it at the park. Most parks are not allowed to use balls. Therefore, if you want to play soccer, you need to make a reservation for a local ground. For details, please ask your school teacher or a Japan close to you. These are just a few. When using leisure facilities, please be sure to check in advance. At our school, we offer classes related to before and after field trips. You can not only play, but also learn, so it is popular that it deepens your understanding of Japan. I hope you will learn about Japan culture from various places in the Japan.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Nov. 8, 2021
[English/Japanese] In this issue, I would like to introduce you to some of the things that you should not do in Japan. There are things that you may have done without knowing it, but that even foreigners are not allowed to do. How many of Japan's unique cultures do you know? Gift Giving Etiquette There are two numbers that are frowned upon in Japan: 4 and 9. 4 is pronounced "shi" and 9 is pronounced "ku" in Japanese. "Shi" means "death" and "9" means "suffering", so anything with "ku" and "shi" in it is frowned upon in many situations. For example, "comb" is not allowed to be sent as a gift because it has a bad meaning. In addition to this, there are a few other gifts that should not be sent. For example, a plant in a pot should not be sent to a person in the hospital. A plant in a pot has roots. This is because it can be taken to mean that the plant will have roots in the hospital, meaning that the illness will last longer. If you want to give flowers to someone who is in the hospital, use cut flowers instead of potted plants. However, even cut flowers such as chrysanthemums, which are used for funerals, are considered rude, so be careful. Also, do not send a handkerchief as a wedding gift. Why is this? Because handkerchiefs are associated with tears. Other items that can be broken, such as china and mirrors, are also considered bad luck. Similarly, for housewarming gifts, lighters and ashtrays should not be sent because they remind people of fire. These are just a few examples. If you are going to give a gift to a Japanese person, you need to find out beforehand if it would be a rude gift. Dining Manners Your country also has various manners for eating. I have heard manners such as never using your left hand when eating curry from Nepalese students at our school. So, what kind of manners do we have in Japan for eating? In Japan, we use chopsticks when we eat. Chopsticks are difficult to use, but their manners are also complicated. For example, the worst thing you can do is to use two chopsticks to hold your food. The reason why this is not allowed is because it is the same act as placing the bones of a deceased person in an urn at a Buddhist funeral. (*Not talking about chopsticks, but putting the right collar of the kimono on top of the left collar is the same as wearing the kimono of the deceased, so you have to be careful. ) There are many other manners of chopsticks that should not be practiced, such as "stabbing chopsticks" and "yose-chopsticks". In addition to chopsticks, it is also bad manners to eat rice without holding the bowl, or to put your elbows on the table. However, if you think about it too much, it will be difficult to eat a good meal. I recommend that you learn at least the minimum manners for eating, and then gradually get used to them. Superstitions How many superstitions do you know about in Japan? The first one is the "north pillow". The first one is "north pillow", which means that you should not sleep with your pillow in the north, because it is related to Buddhism and there is a theory that putting your pillow in the north means death. Second, don't cut your nails at night. There is a superstition that if you cut your nails at night, you will die before your parents do. One reason is that nails are the place where a person's "soul" is located, so they must be taken care of. Another reason is that in the days when there was little light, cutting nails at night would cause injury. The third is "don't whistle at night." In Japan, there is a saying that whistling attracts spiritual things. This spirituality includes not only good things, but also bad things, so there is a theory that it is dangerous to whistle at night, when spirituality is more active. The three I've mentioned so far are all things you shouldn't do, but I'll end with a superstition that has a good meaning. The last superstition that has a good meaning is "If a pillar of tea stands, good luck will come. A pillar of tea means that the stems of the tea in the teacup stand up like a pillar when the tea is made. For Japanese people, a "pillar" has a powerful impression as something that supports a house. (A recent popular manga often features a "pillar [Hahira]”) For this reason, the tea pillar is known as a good omen. Incidentally, I have heard from Mongolian students that there is a superstition that if a pillar of tea stands, relatives will come to your house. In different countries, superstitions have completely different meanings, don't they? I hope you now have a better understanding of manners. In the next article, I will introduce manners at leisure facilities. This time, I will introduce "what not to do in Japan". Even if you don't know it, there are things that you can't forgive because you're a foreigner. How many unique cultures do you know of Japan? Gift etiquette There are figures that are hated in Japan. 4 and 9. 4 is pronounced as Japanese, "shi" and 9 as "ku". Since "shi" means "death" and "9" means "suffering", things with "ku" and "shi" in the words are disliked in various situations. For example, "comb" is a gift that has a bad meaning, so it is not allowed to be sent. There are a few other gifts you shouldn't send. For example, plants in pots should not be sent to people who are in the hospital. The plant in the pot has roots. This is because it is taken as the meaning of being rooted in a hospital, that is, the meaning of prolonged illness. If you want to give flowers to someone who is in the hospital, cut flowers instead of potted plants. However, be careful not to use cut flowers such as "chrysanthemums" used for funerals, as they will be rude. Also, if it is a wedding gift, do not send a handkerchief. Why? Because handkerchiefs are associated with tears. In addition, crackable objects such as pottery and mirrors are also considered unlucky. In the case of housewarming, lighters and ashtrays should not be sent because they are reminiscent of fire. These are just a few. If you are going to give something to Japan someone, you need to research it in advance to see if it will be a rude gift. Dining etiquette Your country also has various dining etiquette. I have heard from Nepalese students at our school that they never use their left hand when eating curry. So, what kind of dining etiquette is there in Japan? In Japan, chopsticks are used when eating. Chopsticks are difficult to use, but their manners are also complicated. For example, the last thing you should do is hold one food with chopsticks for two people. The reason why this should not be done is because it is the same act as placing the bones of a deceased person in an urn at a Buddhist funeral. (* I'm not talking about chopsticks, but you have to be careful if the collar of the kimono is in front of the right, because it will be the same as the kimono worn by the deceased.) In addition to this, there are many other acts that should not be done, such as "embroidery chopsticks" to embroider food and "chopsticks" to pull plates together. It is also bad manners to eat rice without holding a bowl in addition to chopsticks, or to elbow yourself on the table. However, if you think about it too much, it will be difficult to eat delicious rice. We recommend that you learn the minimum manners of your meals and gradually get used to them. superstition How many superstitions do you know about Japan? Here are some of them. The first is the "North Pillow". There is a theory that you should not sleep with a pillow in the north, which is related to Buddhism, and that placing a pillow in the north means "death". The second is "do not cut your nails at night." There is a superstition that if you cut your nails at night, you will die faster than your parents. There is a theory about this, but there is a teaching that nails must be cherished because they are the place where the person's "soul" is, and there are reasons that in an era when there was little light, cutting nails at night would injure you. The third is "Do not whistle at night." There is a Japan tradition that whistling attracts spiritual things. There is a theory that this spiritual thing contains not only good things, but also bad things, so whistling is dangerous at night when spiritual things are active. The three things I've introduced so far are all things you shouldn't do, but here are some good and meaningful superstitions at the end. It is "good luck comes when the tea pillar stands". A tea pillar is a tea stalk that stands like a pillar in a teacup when tea is brewed. For Japan people, "pillars" have a powerful impression as they support the house. (Recently, popular manga often have "pillars.") Therefore, tea pillars are known as auspicious. By the way, I have heard from Mongolian students that there is a superstition that "relatives come to the house when the tea pillar is erected." Different countries have completely different meanings of superstition. Do you understand manners? Next time, we will introduce manners at leisure facilities.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Oct. 18, 2021
[English/Japanese] Things that surprised foreign students when they came to Japan. ~Fashion Foreigners who come to Japan for the first time (both tourists and international students) often wonder what kind of fashion they should wear during their stay in Japan. Therefore, I would like to introduce some episodes about Japanese fashion. Japanese who don't wear well-fitting clothes What surprises foreigners who travel to Japan in summer is that Japanese people wear oversized clothes even in summer. Foreigners, especially Westerners, tend to wear T-shirts or running clothes on top and short pants on the bottom. So why do Japanese people wear oversized clothes? It has to do with the heat and humidity of the Japanese summer. Summer in Japan is humid and hot. Therefore, wearing tight-fitting clothes can cause skin problems due to steaminess. Oversized clothes are chosen because they are well ventilated and functional, which helps to eliminate steaminess. Foreigners who enjoy summer vacations in Japan sometimes develop skin problems after a while and rush to buy new clothes. If you are coming to Japan in the summer, be sure to keep this in mind when choosing your clothes. he Aesthetics of Hiding In summer, more and more female students at Japanese language schools wear revealing clothes, but this is mostly the first-year students. However, this is mostly the case for first-year students; second-year students, like Japanese, do not expose their skin as much. So why do Japanese people not expose their skin so much even in summer? In Japan, showing skin or anything that is considered "sexy" in other countries is often seen as "vulgar". For this reason, Japanese women seem to be childish to foreigners. In Japan, there has always been an "aesthetic of concealment," which means not showing everything to others so that they can imagine your beauty. Also, in Japan, there is a culture of "kawaii," or childishness, which gives a good impression. This trend is slowly changing these days, but it still persists. The Unique Fashion of High School Girls One thing that has nothing to do with the "hidden aesthetic" is the fashion of high school girls. Most high school girls in Japan wear a uniform designated by the school. Most Japanese high school girls wear school uniforms, and they are passionate about how to make their uniforms look cute. A typical example is the length of the skirt. They wear short skirts even in the middle of winter in order to make their legs look longer and more beautiful. I heard a male exchange student say, "This is great because we don't have high school students like that in my country! Be careful not to look too much or you will get caught by the police. They also like brand-name items, and even high school students sometimes have high-brand purses and bags. Some of these items are given to them as gifts by their boyfriends, but they also work hard and have part-time jobs to buy them. That is how desperate Japanese high school girls are for fashion. What do you think? I will continue to introduce Japanese fashion in my next article. I will not be able to talk next week due to circumstances. What surprised international students when they came to Japan. ~Fashion~ Foreigners (both tourists and international students) who come to Japan for the first time often wonder what kind of fashion they should wear during their stay Japan So, from this time, I will introduce some episodes about the fashion of Japan people. Japan people who don't wear fitted clothes What surprises foreigners who come to Japan trip in the summer is that Japan wear oversized clothes even in summer. Foreigners, especially Westerners, often wear T-shirts and running shirts on the top and short pants on the bottom. So why do Japan people wear oversizes? It is related to the "sultry heat" of the summer in Japan. Summer in Japan is humid and sultry. Therefore, if you wear fitted clothes, it will get stuffy and may cause skin problems. Oversized clothes are also chosen for their airiness and functionality, which helps relieve stuffiness. Foreigners who are enjoying a summer vacation in Japan may have skin problems after a while, and may rush to buy new clothes. When you come to Japan in the summer, keep that in mind when choosing clothes. Aesthetics to hide In Japanese schools, more and more girls wear clothes that reveal their skin in the summer. However, this is often the first year of students. Second-year students will no longer expose their skin as well as Japan. So why don't Japan people get much exposure even in summer? In Japan, exposing the skin and what is called "sexy" in foreign countries are often considered "vulgar". Therefore, Japan women seem to feel young from the perspective of foreigners. The Japan has long been called "aesthetics that hide." "Hiding aesthetics" is the idea of letting others imagine beauty by not showing everything. There is also a culture in Japan where young people make a good impression of being cute. This trend has been changing little by little in recent years, but it still persists. Unique fashion of schoolgirls What has nothing to do with "hiding aesthetics" is the fashion of high school girls. Most of the high school students in Japan wear school-designated uniforms. High school girls are passionate about how to make their uniforms look cute. A typical example is the length of the skirt. To make my legs look longer and prettier, I wear skirts short, even in the middle of winter. From male international students, it's the best because there are no such high school students in my country! I've heard you talking. Be careful because if you look at it too much, the police will grab you. They also like branded things, and even high school students sometimes have high-brand wallets and bags. Some of these are gifts from lovers, but not only that, but sometimes you work hard part-time to buy them. So much so that we can say that Japan schoolgirls are desperate for fashion. How was it? Next time, we will continue to introduce Japan fashion. * We will be closed next week due to circumstances.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Oct. 11, 2021
[English/Japanese] Continuing from last week, I would like to introduce some of the behaviors and conversations that international students find strange when communicating with Japanese people. Shy Japanese? International students often tell me that many Japanese people are shy. When I ask them why, they say that many Japanese do not express their opinions clearly, do not make eye contact, and are shy about dancing or singing in public. Do you think that Japanese people are really shy? In Japan, modesty and mutual respect have long been regarded as virtues. For this reason, I think many Japanese people are careful to avoid doing anything that might draw attention to themselves. However, there is one situation where shy Japanese people can act boldly. One of them is hot springs. International students often say that it is strange that Japanese people are so shy that they show their nakedness to others and take a bath together. They also say the same thing about Japanese people who cosplay at anime events. When it comes to hot springs, the reason given is that it is a part of Japanese culture that they have grown accustomed to, so few Japanese question it. Also, cosplaying is a way to "be someone else," and many people are open to it. ✌ In your country, what kind of poses do you take when taking photos? When you take photos at your Japanese language school, you can discover the differences between countries. For example, male students from Nepal and Bangladesh "wear sunglasses and put their hands in their pockets and hold them at an angle," while female students from Asian countries who like Korean culture "make a heart with their index finger and thumb overlapping. And most Japanese teachers make the "peace sign". There are many theories as to why Japanese people make the peace sign. Some foreign students think that Japanese people are boring when it comes to posing for photos. However, for shy Japanese who feel embarrassed to be true, it may be a relief to have a standard pose. Different Personalities in Different Regions When people talk about the personality of the Japanese, they are often referring to the Japanese living in the Tokyo area. So, are Japanese people in other areas the same as in Tokyo? Osaka is famous for being different from the typical Japanese character. Osaka has prospered as a city of commerce and is home to many people who like to talk and make people laugh. For this reason, I often hear foreign students who have visited Osaka for the first time or who have talked with people from Osaka say that they do not feel like Japanese. Also, being located in the southernmost part of Japan, Okinawa has a large number of people who love to dance and sing. Just like the climate, the people in Okinawa are warm and cheerful. On the other hand, people in colder areas such as Tohoku are more humble and less talkative than those in Tokyo. Even in the same region of Japan, the atmosphere of the people differs depending on the region, so please try talking to Japanese people in different regions. Over the past two weeks, I have introduced the personality and behavior of Japanese people. International students who have just arrived in Japan often have misunderstandings about the behavior of Japanese people. In order to reduce such misunderstandings, Japanese language schools offer classes on Japanese culture as well as on the character of Japanese people. Please come and observe our classes. Continuing from last week, I would like to introduce the actions and conversations that international students thought "Japan people are strange" when communicating with Japan people. Shy Japan? International students often say that many Japan people are shy. When asked why, they say, "I don't express my opinion clearly," "I don't make eye contact," and "I am shy about dancing or singing in public." Do you think Japan people are really shy? It has long been a virtue for Japan to be humble and to give in. Therefore, I think there are many people who are careful not to do anything that attracts Japan attention of themselves. But why would such a shy Japan do such a thing? There are also situations where I have doubts. It is a hot spring. International students often tell me that it is strange to show others their nakedness and take a bath together, even though they are Japan shy. There are also similar opinions about Japan people who cosplay at anime events. When it comes to hot springs, the reason is that few people have doubts about them because they are familiar with Japan Japan culture. Also, cosplay is about "becoming a different you," and many people open up. ✌ What kind of pose do you take when taking photos in your country? Taking photos at Japanese schools allows you to discover differences between countries. Male students from Nepal and Bangladesh "put their hands in their pockets with sunglasses and hold them diagonally," while Asian female students who like Korean culture "put their index fingers and thumbs on top of each other to make a heart." And Japan teachers mostly make a "peace sign". There are theories as to why Japan people do pieces. Some international students find it boring to pose for photos of Japan people. However, for shy Japan who find photography embarrassing, it may be reassuring to have a standard pose. Personality varies by region When talking about the personality of Japan people, most of them are aimed at "Japan people living in the suburbs of Tokyo". So, are Japan people in other regions the same as in Tokyo? Osaka is famous for being different from the typical Japan personality. Osaka is a thriving city of business, and there are many people who like to talk and want to make people laugh. For this reason, I often hear from international students who visit Osaka for the first time or who have spoken with people from Osaka that they are not like Japan people. Also, Okinawa, which is located in the southernmost part of the Japan, has many people who love to dance and sing. Like the climate, the people are warm and cheerful people live here. On the other hand, there is an image that in cold regions such as Tohoku, there are even more humble people and fewer words than in Tokyo. Even in the same Japan, the atmosphere of people differs depending on the region, so please try talking to Japan people from various regions. Over the course of two weeks, we introduced the personalities and behaviors of Japan people. International students who have just arrived at Japan often misunderstand the behavior of Japan others. In Japanese schools, in order to reduce such misunderstandings, the Japan culture and the personality of the Japan person are also dealt with in class. Please come and observe the class.
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  • Life in Japan
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  • Japanese heart/Wabisabi
開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Oct. 4, 2021
[English/Japanese] Things that Surprised International Students When They Came to Japan: Japanese People's Personalities (1) When I asked international students, "What kind of people did you think the Japanese people were when you were in your home country? " I asked them. They replied, "I thought Japanese people were polite, kind, and serious. But now it's a little different. They replied. So, what do international students think about Japanese people when they come to Japan? This time, I would like to talk about some of the behaviors and conversations that international students find strange when communicating with Japanese people. Social Etiquette This is a story about a Bangladeshi student. There is a Japanese person who I became friends with during break time at my part-time job. I was very happy because I had never made Japanese friends before. The Japanese person said, "Let's have dinner sometime. I was so happy that I asked him when he wanted to eat. Where do you want to eat? I asked. But the Japanese guy laughed and said he would check his schedule and that was the end of the conversation. I waited, wondering when. I waited and waited, but there was no answer at all. I wondered why. If you are Japanese, you may understand this story. When Japanese people say, "Let's eat dinner sometime," it does not mean that they really want to eat. This conversation is a kind of greeting. However, in most cases, it is not a lie from the Japanese to the foreign student, because it is often said when the conversation was enjoyable. It also implies that you might really want to have dinner together when you get to know each other better or when the timing is right. If someone says, "Let's have dinner sometime. If you are asked, "Let's have dinner sometime," you can say, "Sounds good. or "I would like to introduce you to some restaurants in my country, so please let me know when you are free. I'd like to introduce you to some restaurants in my country. What is your blood type? I often get asked by international students, "Why do Japanese people often ask me my blood type? Why is that? There are many international students who do not know their blood type. They also say that almost no one asks people their blood type in everyday conversation. In Japan, "blood type fortune-telling" and "blood type personality tests," which are not common in other countries, are often featured in morning information programs and women's magazines. Type A is serious, Type B is self-centered, Type O is sketchy, and Type AB is mysterious, to name a few of the blood type characteristics that Japanese people believe in. Some Japanese people don't want people to know that their blood type is B because they have a bad impression of it. When I tell this story, the foreign students burst into laughter. You may think it is ridiculous to judge people by their blood type, but it is true that for some Japanese people, it is used as a basis for judging others. If you are asked your blood type by a Japanese person, you may want to reply, "I don't know. Japanese people are quick to apologize A Mongolian student said to me, "Japanese people are quick to apologize. It's strange that they apologize even if it's not their fault. " Japanese people use the word "Sumimasen" a lot in their daily lives. The word "Sumimasen" is mainly used to apologize, but it is also used when you want to thank someone or call out to someone. However, this is not the only reason why Japanese people apologize more often than other countries. It is often said that the reason why Japanese people apologize so often is that they are a nation that is careful not to cause trouble to others. When foreigners see Japanese people apologizing, they think that Japanese people are polite, but at the same time, they sometimes feel as if they are running away from solving problems. However, if you get a job at a Japanese company or work part-time serving customers, you may have problems if you cannot apologize like a Japanese person. There are books on how to apologize, and even movies about it in japan. If you want to work in Japan, learn not only the Japanese language but also how to apologize. What do you think? In the next article, I will continue to tell you about Japanese people's behavior and conversation that international students find strange! What surprised international students when they came to Japan ~ Personalities of Japan people (1) ~ When I asked international students, "What kind of people did you think Japan people were when you were in your country?" they replied, "I thought they were polite, kind, and serious. But now it's a little different." I answer. So, what do international students who come to Japan think about Japan people? This time, we will focus on the behaviors and conversations that international students think "Japan people are strange" when communicating with Japan people. Social Dictatorship The story of a Bangladeshi student. There are Japan people with whom I became friends a little during breaks at my part-time job. It was my first time to have Japan friends, and I was very happy. The Japan said, "Let's eat next time." I was so glad that when to eat? Where to eat? I asked. But the Japan laughed and said, "I'll check the schedule," and that was the end of the story. I wonder when? I was waiting, but there was no reply at all. Why? I think Japan people will understand this story. The Japan person's "Let's eat next time" does not really want to eat. This conversation is like a greeting. However, I often say it when I enjoyed having a conversation, so I have no intention of being rude to international students. And it also means that you might really eat together when you get to know each other more or when the timing is right. If someone says, "Let's eat next time," you say, "That's great." or "I would like to introduce you to a store in my country, so please let me know when you have free time." What is your blood type? International students sometimes ask me, "Why do Japan people often ask me about my blood type?" There are many international students who do not know their blood type. He also says that very few people ask people about their blood type in everyday conversations. In Japan, "blood type fortune telling" and "blood type personality diagnosis", which are not often found in other countries, are often covered in morning information programs and women's magazines. The characteristics of blood types that Japan believe in are that type A is serious, type B is self-centered, type O is rough, type AB is mysterious, etc. Some people who are Japan and have a blood type B don't want others to know because they have a bad impression. When I tell this story, the international students burst out laughing. You may think it's silly to judge people by their blood type, but it's also true that some Japan people use it as a factor in their judgment. When someone Japan you ask you about your blood type, it might be a good idea to answer, "I don't know." Japan people who apologize immediately A Mongolian student told me, "Japan people apologize immediately, and it's strange to apologize even if you're not bad." I have been told. Japan people often use the word "sumimasen" in their daily lives. "Sumimasen" is mainly used to apologize, but it is also used when you want to thank or call out. But that's not all Japan it's true that people apologize more than in other countries. One of the reasons why Japan people frequently apologize is the national trait of being careful not to cause trouble to others. Seeing Japan apologize can also make Japan feel like a foreigner is running away from solving problems, while others think they are polite. However, if you get a job at a Japan company or serve customers part-time Japan problems may arise if you cannot apologize like a person. There are also bookstores on how to apologize, movies about it, etc. If you work in Japan Japanese learn how to apologize as well as the . How was it? Next time, I will tell you about the behavior and conversations of Japan international students who think it is strange!
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Sep. 27, 2021
[English/Japanese] Things that Surprised Foreign Students When They Came to Japan - Love (2) In this article, I will introduce Japanese people's views on love. 1) The process of becoming a lover In your country, what is the difference between a friend and a lover? In Japan, there are several processes to change from a friend to a lover. In most cases, if you find someone you like, you first ask him/her out on a date. After a few dates, you tell them, "Please be my girlfriend. And if the person says yes, you're in, you become lovers. When I tell this story, some international students say, "This is like asking for marriage! About 30 years ago, many students would write letters asking for a girlfriend, but nowadays, students are confessing their love through social networking sites. It's a bit tedious, but if you want a Japanese lover, try to be aware of this process. 2) Don't feed the fish you catch? I often hear from foreigners that Japanese people are cold to their lovers. Are Japanese people really cold to their lovers? Japanese people are not very good at expressing their feelings straightforwardly, not just to their lovers. For this reason, it is said that they don't often say "I love you" to their lovers. In addition, since they want to have an equal relationship with their lovers, many men and women do not pay more for a meal, but rather split the bill. Also, working people are basically busy, so it is said that they date only once a week. If you just listen to this story, it sounds cold, doesn't it? Japanese people have their own unique expressions of affection. For example, many couples want to feel that they are always together by having a pair of things because they are too busy to see their lover very often. There are many couples who go out to buy a pair of rings, especially when they have just become lovers. I often hear Europe and America students say, "It's strange to wear a pair of rings when you're not engaged." You and your girlfriend or boyfriend should discuss and decide which culture you want to go with. 3) Special events for lovers There are several special events for lovers. There are several special events for lovers, such as each other's birthday, the anniversary of their relationship, Valentine's Day, etc. Among them, Christmas is the one that surprises foreigners. In Japan, Christmas has a strong image of being an event to spend with lovers rather than a family event. Perhaps because of this, around November, people say, "Christmas is only a month away. If I don't get a girlfriend soon, it will be a very lonely Christmas. " Also, In Japanese TV dramas and movies, Christmas is always portrayed as a romantic scene. It is also an important event to introduce your lover to your family. For Japanese people, introducing your lover to your family is when you are willing to marry him/her, so you carefully choose the clothes and souvenirs you will wear on that day. On the other hand, in many other countries, letting your family meet you often does not have such a heavy meaning. Therefore, asking your Japanese lover to "meet your family" may cause misunderstandings between you. Some of them may say, "I don't want to get married yet!" and you may be rejected, so be careful! In this article, I introduced some of the Japanese views on love. Talking about love is one of the most popular topics in class. Please enroll in a Japanese language school and talk about it with people from various countries. What surprised international students when they came to Japan ~ Love (2) ~ This time, I will introduce Japan people's views on love. (1) The process of becoming a lover What is the difference between a friend and a lover in your country? In Japan there are several processes to turn from a friend to a lover. Most of the time, if someone interests you, the first thing you do is ask them out on a date. You go on a few dates, and then tell them, "Please be my lover." And if you get the OK from the other person, you will become lovers. When I talk about this, some international students say, "It's like when I ask you to get married!" About 30 years ago, many students wrote letters asking them to become lovers. By the way, recent students have confessed on SNS. It's a bit troublesome, but if you want to have a lover Japan, please be aware of this process. (2) Do you feed the fish you catch? Japan often hear from foreigners that people are cold to their lovers. Is Japan person really cold to his lover? Japan people are not limited to lovers, and there are few people who tell their feelings straight. Therefore, it is said that they do not often say "I love you" to their lovers in words. Also, since they want their lovers to have an equal relationship, neither men nor women pay too much when eating, and many people split it. Also, working people are basically busy, so it is said that they go on dates about once a week. Hearing this story alone makes you feel cold. Japan person has a Japan person-like expression of affection. For example, there are many couples who are too busy to see their lovers very often, so having a pair makes them feel "always together". Especially many couples who are new to lovers go to buy a pair of rings. I often hear from students in Europe and the United States, "Pair rings are weird even though they are not engaged." Let's decide which culture to go with after a lot of discussion with your lover. (3) Special events between lovers There are several special events between lovers. Each other's birthdays, dating anniversaries, Valentine's Day... Among them, it is Christmas that surprises foreigners. In Japan, Christmas has a strong image of being an event to spend with loved ones rather than an event to spend with a family. Perhaps because of this, around November, "Christmas is only one month away, and if you don't make a lover quickly, it will be a very lonely Christmas." And a person without a lover begins to get impatient. Even in Japan dramas and movie love stories, Christmas is depicted as a romantic scene. It is also an important event to introduce your lover to your family. For Japan, introducing a lover to a family member is when they are thinking about marrying that lover, so carefully choose the clothes and souvenirs to wear that day. On the other hand, in many other countries, it often doesn't make such a heavy sense to let you see your family. Therefore, if you ask Japan lover to "meet your family", there is a possibility that you will misunderstand each other. Some of them may say, "I don't want to get married yet!" and be touched, so be careful. This time, we introduced some of the views of Japan people in love. Talking about love is one of the most exciting topics in class. Let's enroll in Japanese school and talk with people from various countries.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Sep. 20, 2021
[English/Japanese] Things that Surprised International Students When They Came to Japan - Love (1) Some international students have Japanese lover boyfriends or girlfriends. There are also students who have found someone of the opposite sex they like and ask how to appeal to them. In this article, I would like to introduce some episodes of love that have actually happened to international students. I followed a beautiful woman... A male student was approached by a woman at a train station. She was very beautiful and they had a nice conversation, so the student promised to meet her next time. Later, the woman contacted the student and invited him to her house. The student was very excited to enter the house. And found several of her friends there. The woman told him that they were in the same business. The male student was invited to join the business, but he properly refused. Basically, Japanese women do not actively approach strangers. Also, don't immediately go to a stranger's house, even if the person is a woman. When I gave lady first to a Japanese woman There is a story about a Western student who gave a female employee ”ladies first” treatment, and the female staff mistakenly thought that the student liked her. In the old days in Japan, women were taught to walk three steps behind men. That is why Japanese women were rarely treated kindly by men. Today, this has changed considerably. However, we do not have ”ladies first” culture like in the West. Therefore, if you do something to a Japanese woman, such as holding the door open for her, she may think, "Maybe that foreigner likes me. " and this may lead to trouble. Treating women well is a good thing, so you may want to proactively introduce yourself to them about your own culture to clear up any misunderstandings. Sudden improvement in Japanese language skills! Sometimes there are students who suddenly become fluent in Japanese. When I talk to such students, they often tell me that they have found a Japanese lover or someone they are slightly attracted to. It is said that the best way to improve your language skills is to get a girlfriend or boyfriend from the country where you are studying. Of course, there are people whose only love interest is someone from their own country. It is very important to "like" something related to Japan. I hope you can find as many "likes" as possible. In this article, I introduced an episode that actually happened. Next time, I would like to introduce the Japanese view of love. What surprised international students when they came to Japan ~ Love (1) ~ There are international students who can have Japan lovers. There are also students who have a favorite opposite sex and ask for advice on how to appeal to them. This time, I would like to introduce an episode about an actual relationship with an international student of the opposite sex. If you follow a beautiful woman... A male international student was approached by a woman at the train station. She was a very beautiful woman, we talked a lot, and I made an appointment to see her next. After that, I was contacted by a woman, and the student who was invited to the woman's house was excited, and when I entered the house, I found several female friends. I heard that they were colleagues in the same business. A male student was offered a job in business, but he refused. Basically, Japan women don't actively talk to strangers. Also, don't go to the house of someone you don't know much about, even if they're women. If you give Japan women lady first There is a story about a Western student who was mistaken for liking a fellow worker (female) at her part-time job when she responded to her as a lady first. In the old Japan, there was a teaching that a woman should walk three steps behind a man. That's why Japan women were less treated kindly by men. A lot has changed now. However, there is no lady-first culture like in the West. Therefore, if a woman Japan acts like waiting for a woman to open the door, she may mistakenly think that "that foreigner may like me," and that may cause trouble. It's good to treat women with care, so you may want to actively introduce your country's culture and clear up any misunderstandings. Sudden increase in Japanese power! Sometimes there are students who suddenly become good at Japanese. When I talk to such students, they often say that they have Japan girlfriends or people who are a little worried. It is said that the shortcut to improving language is to make a lover of the country. Of course, there may be people who only have a love interest from their own country. It is very important to "like" something related to Japan. I hope you can find as many "likes" as possible. This time, we introduced an episode that actually happened. Next time, I would like to introduce Japan people's views on love.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Aug. 31, 2021
[English/Japanese] Continuing from the previous article, I would like to introduce the public transportation system in Japan. Are trains and buses quiet in Japan? I often hear from international students that they are surprised at how quiet buses are in Japan. In Japan, it is against etiquette to talk loudly or make phone calls on the train or bus. Therefore, when you see people on the train, most of them are operating their phones or reading books. Also, you may see women dozing off because it is not only quiet but also safe. However, there is one sight that surprises foreigners, even among Japanese people who are said to have good manners. That is, there are women who wear makeup on the train. I've heard many people say that they stared at the dexterity of these women as they applied their makeup on the train. It would be interesting to look around and see what they are doing when you get on the train or bus. The hellish commuter rush Compared to people in other countries, the Japanese are a nation of people who keep their distance from each other. However, on the train during commuting, you will see scenes that make this hard to believe. In Tokyo, from about 7:30 to 9:00 in the morning, the train occupancy rate is about 180%. The boarding rate is the ratio of the number of people actually on board to the capacity. When the ratio is 100%, all the seats are occupied; when it is 180%, the train is so crowded that people standing in the train have a hard time just keeping both feet on the ground. In this crowded train, fights often break out. Everyone is irritated and it is a dangerous train. I have heard that some foreign tourists ride the train on purpose to experience this commuter rush. This is not something that I would ever recommend doing, so please do not do this. Do you ride the bus from the front? Do you ride from the back? Did you know that the way to get on a train is the same for all trains, but the way to get on a bus is different depending on the bus? Basically, buses have a front door and a back door. Some ride from the front, while others ride from the back. Also, some buses have a flat rate and you pay at the beginning, while others have different rates based on the number of bus stops you pass. The system differs from bus to bus, so when you get on a bus, ask the bus driver how to get on, or watch other people before you get on the bus. By the way, when you want to get off, listen to the announcement saying the name of the bus stop and press the button. This is the same for all buses, so don't worry. Forgotten items will be returned. What should you do if you have forgotten your luggage on the train? If you notice that you forget something right away, tell the station staff right away the train you were on and where you were sitting. If you are lucky, you may be able to get it from a station staff member at another station. If you notice it after a while, go to the Lost and Found Center. Lost-and-found centers are located at major stations, as well as the last and first stations. Tell the station staff what you lost and when you lost it there. Lost and found items taken to the Lost and Found Center may be given to the police station after a certain period of time. If you have forgotten something on the train, you can almost always find it if you take care of it as soon as possible. I hope you were able to learn about trains and buses in Japan. Our school has a dormitory on the upper floor of the building. Since you don't have to take the commuter train and you don't have to pay for the train, you can concentrate on your studies from morning. Please come and visit the dormitory. This time, as in the previous article, we will introduce public transportation in Japan. Are Japan trains and buses quiet? I often hear from international students that the Japan bus was very quiet and surprising. In Japan, it is bad manners to talk loudly or make phone calls on trains and buses. Therefore, when you see people on the train, most of them are operating their smartphones or reading books. In addition, not only is it quiet, but it is also safe, so I sometimes see women dozing off. However, even Japan people who are said to have good manners have a scene that surprises foreigners. That is, there are women wearing makeup on the train. I often hear stories of women who put on makeup well even in a shaking car, and their dexterity was stared at. It might be interesting to look around when you get on a train or bus and observe what you're doing. Hellish commute rush Japan people are a country that keeps a distance from people compared to people from other countries. But on the train when commuting to work, you can see this incredible sight. In Tokyo, trains from about 7:30 to 9:00 in the morning have a ridership rate of about 180%. Occupancy rate is the ratio of the number of people actually riding to capacity. If the occupancy rate is 100%, it means that all seats are occupied. In 180% of cases, people standing on the train are very crowded, even with their feet on the ground. On this crowded train, fights often occur. Everyone is irritated and it is a dangerous train. I have heard that some foreign tourists ride on purpose to experience this commuting rush. This is not something that can be recommended, so please do it. Do you take the bus from the front? Riding from behind? The way to ride the train is the same for all trains, but did you know that the way to ride the bus differs depending on the bus? Buses basically have a front door and a back door. Some types ride from the front, while others ride from the back. There is also a flat fare, with some buses paying for it first, while others have different fares depending on the number of bus stops you pass by. Different buses have different systems, so when you get on the bus, ask the bus driver how to get on the bus, or watch other people and get on the bus. By the way, when you want to get off, listen to the announcement saying the name of the bus stop and press the button. Rest assured that this is the same for all buses. Lost items come back What should I do if I forget my luggage on the train? If you notice something you forgot right away, tell the station staff immediately what train you were on and where you were sitting. If you're lucky, you can get it from a station staff at another station. If you notice it after a while, go to the lost and found center on the train. Lost and found centers are located at large stations, terminus stations, and first stations. So, tell the station staff when and what you dropped. Lost items brought to the Lost Property Center may be handed over to the police station after a certain period of time. If you forget something on the train, you can find it in most cases if you deal with it early. Were you able to learn about Japan trains and buses? Our school has a dormitory on the upper floor of the school building. You don't have to take the commuter train and you don't have to pay for the train, so you can concentrate on your studies from the morning. Please come and visit the dormitory.
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  • Japanese-language school
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  • Life in Japan
開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Aug. 17, 2021
[English/Japanese] The Tokyo Olympics is over and the Paralympics will soon begin. At the closing ceremony of the Olympics, it was impressive to see the athletes from different countries communicating with each other. In this article, I would like to introduce the unique way Japanese people communicate. Japanese people who don't ”hug ” but suddenly touch their bodies: a tap on the shoulder I often hear from international students that they were surprised by a sudden tap on the shoulder by a Japanese person. Japanese people don't hug, and they tend to be more distant from others than other countries. However, we often tap people on the shoulder when we talk to them. When talking to people, however, we often tap them on the shoulder, or pat small children on the head to express our feelings of "cute" or "good". This act can also be done to a lover. In some countries, it is absolutely forbidden to pat a child's head. Nodding your head is an expression of affection for Japanese people. If you feel uncomfortable about it, make sure to let the person know about it. Aizuchi At Japanese language schools, we often give guidance to students who don't make a lot of aizuchi during class. Do you know what an aizuchi is? Aizuchi is a method of communication in which you shake your head to indicate that you are listening to what someone is saying, and that you are listening carefully. This is why Japanese people tend to use a lot of aizuchi in their conversations. In some countries, people bend their heads to the side to say "yes" when making an aizuchi. However, this action means "I don't understand" to Japanese people. Learning Japanese grammar and kanji is very important, but if you don't learn communication like aizuchi together, it can lead to misunderstandings, so be careful. What is the meaning of a tongue lashing? Tongue-lashing are a problem that occurs as often in the classroom as aizuchi. In Japan, tongue lashing is used to express sarcasm or frustration with others. Tongue-lashing that can be heard by others are considered bad manners and can cause problems even among Japanese people. Depending on the country of the foreign student, tongue lashing may have no particular meaning, or it may be directed only at oneself. eachers at Japanese language schools are used to this kind of situation, so they give light warnings to their students, but if you use your tongue at your part-time job, you may be fired. When you come to Japan, be careful not to use tongue lashing. While studying abroad, your small gestures can often lead to misunderstandings. If you are misunderstood, polish your Japanese skills so that you can explain yourself properly. At our school, we teach not only Japanese language but also manners in our classes. We will support you so that you can live your life as an international student with peace of mind, so please consider enrolling in our school. The Tokyo Olympics are over and the Paralympic Games are about to begin. At the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, it was impressive to see athletes from each country communicating across countries. In this article Japan we will introduce the unique way of communicating with people. A Japan person who does not hug but suddenly touches his body The act of tapping on the shoulder I often hear from international students that they were surprised when they were suddenly tapped on the shoulder by a Japan. Japan people don't hug, and compared to other countries, there is a national character that keeps a distance from others. However, we often tap on the shoulder when talking to people. They may also pat their heads to convey to small children how cute they are or if they are a good girl. This act can also be done to a lover. Depending on the country of the student, stroking the child's head is something that you should never do. Patting the head is an expression of affection for Japan person. If you feel uncomfortable, tell the other person about it. Aizuchi Japanese schools, we often instruct students who do not strike during class. Does Aizuchi know anything? Aizuchi is a method of communication in which you shake your head when you are listening to someone to express that you are listening to what you are saying. That'Japan the more people are in conversation. In some countries, when hitting aizuchi, the head is bent to the side in the sense of "yes". However, this act ends up meaning "I don't know" for Japan people. It is very important to learn Japanese grammar and kanji, but be aware that if you do not learn communication like Aizuchi together, it may cause misunderstandings. What is the meaning of tongue lashing? One of the most common problems in the classroom as Aizuchi is tongue lashing. In Japan, tongue lashing is used to express disgust or dissatisfaction with the other person. Tongue lashing that people hear is considered a violation of manners and can cause trouble even between Japan people. Depending on the country of the international student, tongue lashing may not be particularly meaningful, or may only be directed at you. Teachers at Japanese schools are used to this situation, so they pay light attention to students, but if they do tongue lashing at their part-time jobs, they can be fired. When you come to Japan, be careful not to stick your tongue out. While studying abroad, your small gestures often lead to misunderstandings. If you are misunderstood, improve your Japanese skills so that you can explain it properly. At our school, we not only study Japanese, but also teach manners during class. We support you so that you can live your study abroad life with peace of mind, so please consider enrolling.
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  • Japanese-language school
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Jul. 12, 2021
[English/Japanese] Things that Surprised International Students When They Came to Japan: Shops (1) For two consecutive weeks, I have been telling you about the city, but this time I would like to introduce you to the "stores" in the city. All stores in Japan are famous for their courteous service, and the customers themselves are known to form beautiful lines when waiting in line at the cash register. Here I would like to share with you what kind of problems international students encounter when they come to Japan for the first time and shop, based on the stories of our students. Convenience stores are a bit expensive but convenient. Is this juice? Or is it alcohol? There are about 7,800 convenience stores in Tokyo. In other words, the city is full of convenience stores. Most of them open 24 hours a day, so international students often say things like, "It's convenient because they are open even when I come home from my part-time job late at night.” and "I don't feel scared when I walk alone late at night because the stores are well-lit. ” Also, when international students enter a convenience store for the first time, they are surprised at the large number of products. I often hear that they are impressed by the variety of drinks. However, there are many stories of people who bought what they thought was a beautifully packaged juice, only to find out that it was alcohol. Because of this kind of trouble, the Chinese character for "liquor" is not usually taught at the beginner level, but at our school, it is taught immediately after entering the country. Please be careful, everyone. Do you buy too much? 100-yen stores Did you know that there are stores where all items are sold for 100 yen (excluding tax)? Although not as common as convenience stores, there are nearly 800 of these 100-yen stores in Tokyo. These 100-yen stores, commonly known as "100-yen stores," offer daily necessities (dishes, cleaning supplies, etc.) and even food. Therefore, when students start living in Japan and need daily necessities, they go to these 100-yen stores to buy them. Not only are they inexpensive, but they also come in a variety of designs, and once they have been to a 100 yen store, many of them end up going back again and again to buy things they don't need. I often hear stories of students, especially those who have just arrived in Japan, who have spent a lot of money at 100 yen stores. This is the time when you need money until you start your part-time job. Be careful when shopping. A room full of stuffed animals! Be careful not to get too carried away at the game center. Just like 100-yen stores, game arcades are a place where people tend to spend a lot of money. Some study abroad students get addicted to "crane games" and spend a lot of money on them. And before they know it, their room is covered with stuffed animals from the crane game. Because of this, students often throw away their stuffed animals as trash when they move out, crying because they have too much luggage. Students often feel lonely when studying abroad, and many of them find comfort in their stuffed animals. Try not to have too many stuffed animals, and enjoy them! Did you get to know about Japanese stores? We will continue to introduce stores in the next article. By the way, our school has a convenience store and a 100 yen store just a few meters away from the school (student dormitory). Even if you have just arrived in Japan, you can get everything you need quickly. You can learn how to shop with your teacher at first, so you can start your new life with peace of mind. What surprised international students when they came to Japan ~Shop edition (1)~ For two weeks in a row, we have been telling you about the state of the city, but this time we will introduce the "shops" in the city. All Japan shops are polite in their customer service, and customers themselves are famous for forming a beautiful line when they line up at the cash register. Here, we will tell you what kind of trouble international students cause when they come to Japan for the first time and shop, based on the stories of our students. A little expensive but convenient convenience store Is this juice? Alcohol? There are about 7,800 convenience stores in Tokyo. In other words, the city is full of convenience stores. Since most convenience stores are open 24 hours a day, international students have commented, "It's convenient because it's open even when you come home from a part-time job late at night." or "It's not scary because it's bright even if you walk alone at night." I often hear that. Also, when international students enter a convenience store for the first time, they are very surprised by the number of products. Among them, I often hear that they were impressed by the number of drinks. However, there are many stories that when I bought it thinking it was a juice in a beautiful package, it was alcohol. Because of these troubles, the kanji "sake" is not usually learned at the beginner level, but at our school, we try to teach it immediately after entering the country. Please be careful. Do you buy too much? Shops with 100 yen uniform Did you know that there are stores where you can buy all products for 100 yen (+ consumption tax)? Although not as much as convenience stores, there are nearly 800 shops in Tokyo that offer 100 yen uniforms. This 100-yen shop, commonly known as the "100 yen shop", has daily necessities (tableware, cleaning tools, etc.) and food. Therefore, when students start living in Japan and need daily necessities, they go to this 100-yen shop to buy them. Not only is it cheap, but there are also various designs, and once you go to a 100 yen shop, many people go there many times and buy things they don't need. In particular, I often hear stories of students who have just entered the country and splurged money at 100-yen shops. This is when you need money until your part-time job starts. Let's shop carefully. Before you know it, a room full of stuffed animals! Be careful not to get too stuck in the arcade. Just like a 100-yen shop, it's a "game center" where you end up spending money. Among them, there are international students who are so addicted to the "crane game" that they spend a lot of money. In addition, before you know it, the whole room is full of stuffed crane games. Because of this, students often throw away stuffed animals when they move as garbage that makes them cry because they have too much luggage. Studying abroad often feels lonely, and many students are healed by stuffed animals. Let's enjoy the stuffed animals so as not to add too much. Did you get to know about Japan's shop? We plan to continue to introduce the store next time. By the way, our school has a convenience store and a 100 yen shop a few meters from the school (student dormitory). Even if you have just entered the country, you can prepare what you need immediately. You can start your new life with peace of mind because you can shop with your teacher at first.
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  • Japan
  • Life in Japan
  • Japanese-language school
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  • Convenience store
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  • 100-yen shop
開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Jul. 5, 2021
[English/Japanese] What international students were surprised to learn when they first came to Japan. The City (2) Continuing from the previous article, I would like to introduce the "city" this time as well. Free pocket tissues? In Japan, pocket tissues are distributed in front of train stations every day. It is said that many foreigners are surprised when they see this scene. The reason why they are so surprised is because these pocket tissues are all free. If you look closely at the pocket tissues you receive, you will see advertisements for companies. Thanks to this advertisement, you can get them for free. Sometimes, they give out small snacks or cosmetic samples. Pocket tissues are handy to keep in your bag, so be brave and accept them. Feeling like a king? Many foreign tourists are impressed by the automatic opening of the doors when they get into a cab. Also, Japanese cab drivers are famous for their excellent customer service. However, cabs are more expensive than in other countries, so consult with your wallet before using a cab. Do you ride your bicycle on the sidewalk? On the roadway? Roads in Japan are known to be narrow. Light cars, which are easy to drive on such narrow roads, look like toy cars to foreigners. In addition, bicycles are sometimes ridden on both the roadway and sidewalk, making it difficult for them to understand the rules for bicycles. International students often get stopped by the police and pay fines because they do not understand the bicycle rules. As a general rule, bicycles are to be ridden on the road. (There are some exceptions where bicycles can be ridden on the sidewalk. Be sure to check the traffic rules carefully before you ride. Have you learned about Japanese cities? At our school, we hold a traffic rules seminar every six months. In order to live safely in Japan, let's make sure to learn the traffic rules. What surprised international students when they came to Japan ~ The state of the city (2) ~ This time, we will continue to introduce the state of the city. Free tissues! In Japan, pocket tissues are handed out in front of the station on a daily basis. It seems that many foreigners are surprised to see this scene. The reason why you are surprised is that all of these pocket tissues are free. If you look closely at the pocket tissue you received, you will see an advertisement for the company. Thanks to this ad, you can get it for free. Sometimes, small sweets, cosmetic samples, etc. are also handed out. Pocket tissues can be useful if you keep them in your bag, so be brave enough to take them. Feeling like a king? There are many foreign tourists who are impressed by the automatic opening of the door when taking a taxi. Japan taxi drivers are also famous for their excellent customer service. However, taxi fares are higher than in other countries, so consult with your wallet before using a taxi for transportation. Are bicycles on sidewalks? Roadway? The roads of Japan are notoriously narrow anyway. It is said that the "mini automobile" that is easy to drive even on narrow roads looks like a toy car to foreigners. In addition, bicycles may be running on both the roadway and the sidewalk, and the rules for bicycles can be confusing. International students often don't know the rules of cycling and are stopped by the police and pay fines. By the way, as a rule, bicycles should be ridden on the roadway. (Sidewalks may be allowed as exceptions.) Be sure to check the traffic rules carefully before driving. How was it? Our school holds a lecture on traffic rules once every six months. Learn the rules well to live safely in Japan.
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  • Japan
  • Japanese-language school
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  • Bicycle
開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Jun. 28, 2021
[English/Japanese] Things that Surprised International Students When They Came to Japan: The City (1) I wrote in my previous blog that there is no trash on the streets in Japan, but there are many other things that are unique to Japan. This time, I would like to introduce some of them. A city full of vending machines Japan is famous for its large number of vending machines. Not only in number, but also in variety. For example, there are vending machines at train stations that sell books, bananas, and other items. I have also heard many stories of people being surprised when a vending machine says "Hello" to them as they walk by. These days, some vending machines have digital images to help you choose a drink, and some even allow you to sign up for a subscription. It is a little more expensive than buying at a store, but it is very convenient, so try to use it. How to ride an escalator Of course, you have escalators in your country, but in Japan, there is an unspoken rule about escalators. In Tokyo, ride on the left side of the escalator, and in Osaka, ride on the right side. This is not an official rule or manner, but for some reason it is the way it is. Of course, there are manners. For example, you may see people walking up the escalator, but this is very bad manners and dangerous, so don't do it! WiFi spots are scarce! Compared to a few years ago, the number of free WiFi spots has been increasing, but compared to other developed countries, there are still very few WiFi spots in Japan. Of course you can use it in convenience stores and fast food restaurants, but be aware that it is often not available in small stores. It is recommended that you check out WiFi spots ahead of time when sightseeing. You too can become a collector. Manholes are art. In many parts of Japan, there are manholes that are designed in the image of the local area. Manhole designs have become so popular that some towns have made them into "manhole cards" and handed them out. Recently, manholes with various anime characters, including Pokemon, have appeared, and some places have become famous as tourist spots. When you are sightseeing in Japan, you are likely to look at the stores and scenery, but please take a look down there as well. (The photo is a manhole in Hachioji. Please come and see it.) What do you think? I plan to tell you more about the city in my next article. Look forward to it! What surprised international students when they came to Japan ~ The state of the city (1) ~ I wrote in my last blog that there is no trash in the Japan city, but there are many other things that are unique to Japan in the city. Here are some of them. A city full of vending machines Japan is famous for having a lot of vending machines. It's not just the number that is large, but also the variety. For example, vending machines selling books and bananas are installed at stations. I also often hear that I was surprised when a vending machine said "hello" while walking. Recently, some of them can choose drinks with digital images, and some allow you to sign up for a subscription. It's a little more expensive than buying it at the store, but it's very convenient, so please use it. Escalator Implicit Rules Of course, there are escalators in your country, but there are unspoken rules for escalators in Japan. That is, when riding in Tokyo, you should be on the left side, and in Osaka, you should be on the right side. This is not a formal rule or etiquette, but for some reason it is like this. Of course, there are manners. For example, you may see people walking up in the direction where everyone else is not standing, but this is very bad manners and dangerous, so let's not do it. Few WiFi spots! Compared to a few years ago, the number of free WiFi spots has increased, but compared to other developed countries, there are still few WiFi spots in Japan. Of course, you can use it at convenience stores and fast food restaurants, but be aware that it is often not possible to use it in small stores. When sightseeing, it is recommended to check WiFi spots first. Be a collector too Manholes are art Japan there are manholes designed in the image of the land. Manhole designs are very popular, and in the city they sometimes hand them out as "manhole cards". Recently, manholes with various anime characters such as Pokémon have appeared, and some places have become famous as tourist spots. While sightseeing in Japan, you will often see shops and scenery, but please take a look below. (*The photo is a manhole in Hachioji.) Please come and see it! ) How was it? We will tell you about the state of the city next time. Please look forward to!
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  • Study abroad
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Jun. 21, 2021
[English/Japanese] Things that Surprised International Students When They Came to Japan: Trash Japanese cities are famous around the world for their cleanliness and lack of litter on the streets. Why is that? In Japan, there are many rules regarding garbage. In addition, foreign students often get into trouble with residents because of this. In this article, I will introduce the rules regarding garbage. No trash cans! Japanese who take their trash home One of the most annoying things for foreign tourists when they come to Japan is that there are no trash cans. Where should you throw away the tissue you blew your nose with, or the candy wrapper you put in your mouth when you got hungry? When Japanese people have small trash, they put it in a pocket in their bag and throw it away when they get home. Also, many people with small children carry plastic bags for garbage in their bags. Some shopping malls and convenience stores have trash cans that anyone can throw away. When sightseeing, it might be a good idea to check the places where garbage can be thrown away with you. How many kinds of garbage should I separate? How to separate garbage When you first start living in Japan, one of the first things that confuses you is how to separate garbage. Let's take a look at the garbage separation in Hachioji City, Tokyo. Combustible trash, non-combustible trash, toxic trash, plastic containers and wrapping, magazines, paper packs, newspapers, cardboard, empty bottles, empty cans, plastic bottles, used cloth, oversize trash.... International students who have just arrived in Japan are surprised by the many types of garbage separation. Also, there are rules for each type of garbage. For example, PET bottles should not be thrown away as they are. The cap and label must be disposed of as plastic waste, while the bottle must be washed and crushed to become plastic bottle garbage. Furthermore, garbage should not be thrown away every day, but on the designated day of the week at the designated place. Depending on where you live, you may also have a set time to throw it away. And the rules change depending on the local government. For example, in Hachioji City, you have to buy the designated garbage bags at the supermarket. What do you think? There are so many rules for garbage disposal, aren't there? In fact, garbage separation is so complicated that even Japanese people make mistakes. Many foreign students who don't understand the rules of trash separation and throw away their trash randomly get into fights with other residents and have to move out. To prevent this from happening, first get a garbage calendar from the city hall and dispose of your garbage according to it. If you are not sure, you can ask a Japanese person. I'm sure he or she will be kind enough to help international students who are making an effort to sort out their garbage. Were you able to learn about the rules of garbage? By the way, our school requires us to live in the school dormitory for six months. And during that time, the school will teach you about garbage. If you don't know how to throw away or separate garbage, you can ask the teacher in charge by e-mail. By learning about garbage for six months, you will be able to stay trouble-free even after you graduate from school. If you are able to separate garbage naturally, you will be able to live well as an international student. What surprised international students when they came to Japan ~Garbage edition~ The city of Japan is famous in the world for its cleanliness and for the fact that there is no trash on the streets. Why? There are many rules regarding garbage in Japan. In addition, this causes problems for international students frequently. This time, I will introduce the rules regarding garbage. No trash cans! Japan people taking garbage home One of the problems that foreign tourists have when they come to Japan is that there are no trash cans. Where do you throw away the tissues you blew your nose and the candy wrappers you put in your mouth when you're hungry? If a small piece of garbage comes out, Japan people put it in their pocket in their bag and throw it away when they go home. Also, if you have small children, many people have plastic bags for garbage in their bags. Shopping malls and convenience stores sometimes have trash cans that anyone can throw away. When sightseeing, it may be a good idea to check the places where garbage can be thrown away together. How many types should I divide? How to separate garbage The first thing that confuses you when you start living in Japan is garbage sorting. Let's take a look at the segregation of Hachioji City, Tokyo. Combustible garbage, non-combustible garbage, hazardous garbage, containers and packaging plastics, magazines, paper cartons, newspapers, cardboard, empty bottles, empty cans, PET bottles, old cloth, bulky garbage... International students who have just arrived in Japan are surprised by the variety of sensible types. There are also rules for each fraction. For example, plastic bottles should not be thrown away as they are. Caps and labels become plastic garbage, and bottles are washed and crushed to become plastic bottle garbage. In addition, garbage should not be thrown away every day, it should be thrown in a designated place on a set day of the week. Also, depending on where you live, there may be a fixed time to throw it away. And the rules change depending on the local government. For example, in Hachioji City, designated garbage bags must be bought at supermarkets. How is it? There are too many rules for throwing away garbage, right? In fact, garbage separation is so complicated that even Japan people can make a mistake. There are many cases where international students who do not know the rules for separating garbage and throw it away appropriately get into a fight with other residents and have to move. To prevent this from happening, first get a trash calendar at the city hall and throw away the garbage according to it. And if you don't understand Japan you can ask people. I think they will teach you politely to international students who are trying to separate garbage. Did you find out about the garbage rules? By the way, our school has to live in the school dormitory for half a year. And in the meantime, we will conduct garbage instruction at school. If you don't know how to dispose of or sort garbage, you can ask your teacher by email. By learning about garbage for half a year, you can spend your time without trouble even after graduating from school. If you can sort garbage naturally, your study abroad life will go well.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Jun. 14, 2021
[English/Japanese] Things that Surprised International Students When They First Came to Japan: Public Safety Japan is known as one of the safest countries in the world. Even if you drop your wallet, you can often get it back,Of course, it depends on the location, but it is safe to walk alone at night. In addition, there is a unique culture born from this safety, which often causes problems for international students. In this article, I would like to introduce some of them. Handkerchiefs on the table Japanese people who secure their seats with luggage In Japan, when you go to a food court, you may find a handkerchief on the table, or sometimes a bag. And no one sits at the table. Even when the place is crowded, no one sits at the table. Why is this? Japanese people sometimes put down their belongings when they reserve a seat for themselves. I once heard a student say, "I was surprised to see people leave their bags with valuables in them.” Handkerchiefs, for example, may not be noticed that they are placed there, so if you sit down by mistake, you may get into trouble. Make sure you check before you sit down. Children walking alone to school: Be careful to talk to them A student wrote an essay about how she was surprised to see a small child walking alone with a big bag on his back. Many elementary school children in Japan walk to school alone. Some of them are as young as six years old and ride the train to school by themselves. Some of the international students like children and will ask a child who is walking alone, "Are you okay by yourself?" or "You are so cute!“ However, if you do this, you may be reported to the police, so if you see a child walking alone, just watch him or her gently. Can I have these vegetables?:Unattended Vegetable Sales In the fields of Japan, there are sometimes small huts where no one is around and vegetables are sold. When you want to pay, you put money in a box inside the hut. The international students who saw the hut for the first time were impressed by the fact that the money box was placed outside. Many students use the unmanned market because they can get fresh vegetables at a lower price than at the supermarket. In addition, some students mistakenly take vegetables that are thrown away in the fields or nuts from trees in the park, thinking that they are allowed to take them, and end up being caught by the police. All plants grown outside have their owners, so please do not take them. Twice in one day!:International Students and Police check Japanese police officer often stops and asks questions to people he or she thinks are suspicious on the street. Thanks to these questions, crimes can often be prevented. International students are often questioned , especially male students, sometimes twice a day. During the questioning, you will be asked if you are carrying your residence card, which school you go to, and so on. Even if you are going to the local convenience store, be sure to take your residence card with you when you go out. What did you think? Even in Japan, which is considered to be a safe country, there is of course the danger of being involved in crime. Please do not feel overly secure, and be careful while you are studying abroad. By the way, when you enter our school, we try to get to know you by going to the police station in your neighborhood, participating in local events and volunteering, etc. Building a good relationship with your neighbors is necessary for a smooth life as an international student. When you come to Japan, be sure to greet the people you see every day with a cheerful greeting. What surprised international students when they came to Japan ~Security~ Japan is known as one of the safest countries in the world. Even if you drop your wallet, it often comes back, and of course it depends on the location, but it is safe to walk alone at night. In addition, there is a unique culture born from this safety, which can often cause problems for international students. Here are a few: Handkerchief on the table: Japan people securing a seat with luggage In Japan, when you go to the food court, there are handkerchiefs on the table and sometimes bags. And no one is sitting at that table. Even if there are many people, none of the customers will try to sit in the seat. Why is that? A Japan person may put down their luggage when securing their seat. I once heard from a student that he was surprised to see someone leave a bag containing valuables as it is. You may not notice that there are handkerchiefs etc., so you may get into trouble if you sit down by mistake. Check before you sit down. Children who go to school alone: Be careful not to talk to them! Once, a student wrote an essay in which he was surprised to see a small child walking alone with a large load on his back. Many elementary school students in Japan go to school alone. In some cases, children as young as 6 years old take the train alone to school. Some international students like children and will ask a child walking alone with good intentions, such as "Is it okay to be alone?" or "You're cute," but the police may be notified, so even if there is a child walking alone, just watch over them quietly. Can I get this vegetable? : Unmanned sale of vegetables In the fields of Japan sometimes there are small huts where vegetables are sold. When you pay, put money in a box located inside the shed. When the international students saw the hut for the first time, they were impressed by the money box outside. Many students use unmanned sales points because they are cheaper than buying them at the supermarket and you can get fresh vegetables. In addition, some students may mistakenly think that they can get vegetables discarded in the field or nuts from trees in the park, and the police may catch them. All the plants that are grown outside have their owners, so please don't take them. As much as twice a day! International Students and Job Questions A job question is when a police officer stops someone on the street who he thinks is suspicious and asks them a question. This job question often helps prevent crime before it happens. International students are often asked about their duties, especially male students, which can be taken twice a day. In the job question, you will be asked if you are carrying a residence card and where the school is. Even when you go to a convenience store in your neighborhood, be sure to bring your residence card with you. How was it? Even Japan are considered safe, of course there is a risk of getting involved in crime. Please be careful not to feel too safe while studying abroad. By the way, at our school, when you enter the school, you go to greet the neighborhood police box and participate in local events and volunteer activities so that the people of the city can remember your face. Building good relationships with your neighbors is necessary for a smooth study abroad life. When you come to Japan, greet the people you see every day cheerfully.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Jun. 7, 2021
[English/Japanese] Things that Surprised Foreign Students When They First Arrived in Japan - Toilets Have you ever heard the story that the first thing that surprises foreigners when they arrive at a Japanese airport is the toilet? It is said that many people are confused when they first encounter a toilet lid that opens automatically or a warm toilet seat. In this article, I would like to introduce some stories about toilets. Which button should I press? How to use a high-function toilet. The most common question I get from international students is how to use a high-function toilet. There are so many buttons on a high-function toilet, and they don't know which button to press, so they get stuck in the toilet. It's especially hard to find the most important button, the water flush button. Some toilets have easy-to-understand buttons that say "flowing FLASH" in English, while others have only the Chinese characters for "large" and "small" written on them. The "large" button is for flushing more water, and the "small" button is for flushing less. There is also a button for people who are sick to call the clerk. In women's restrooms, there is even a button to mute the sound in the toilet. Before locking the door, make sure you know where the "flush" button is, and if you are not sure, ask a Japanese person nearby. Where do you throw away toilet paper? Let's keep good manners. The most common problem at Japanese language schools is how to dispose of used toilet paper. Many students do not know that it is okay to flush toilet paper down the toilet in Japan. In some countries, you can throw it in a trash can inside or outside the toilet. If you do this in Japan, it will be a breach of etiquette. Please be careful. Also, the use of toilets differs depending on the religion. In our school, we once had a quarrel between a student who used water and a student who used paper in the bathroom because they became roommates. If you are planning to live with students of other religions, please talk to them carefully. Where do you wipe your hands? Japanese with a handkerchief In your country, what do you use to wipe your hands after washing them in the bathroom? In Japan, there are many stores that do not have towels or paper to wipe your hands. This is because Japanese people usually carry a handkerchief with them. In Japan, from the time you are a small child, it is a rule to bring a tissue and a handkerchief to school. For this reason, department stores sell handkerchiefs of various designs, and even 100 yen stores sell them, so why not carry them with you? Have you changed your common sense about toilets? Most toilets in Japan are free of charge, so please feel free to use them. Incidentally, our school has created posters in various languages with students on how to use the restroom. In addition, you can consult with us about roommates before and after you move into the dormitory. Hopefully we'll have more restrooms that are easy to use for people from all countries! What surprised international students when they came to Japan ~Toilet~ Have you ever heard that the first thing that surprises foreigners when they arrive at the airport in Japan is the toilet? It seems that many people are confused when they encounter the toilet lid that opens automatically and the warm toilet seat for the first time. This time, I will introduce a story about toilets. Which button should I press? How to use a high-performance toilet. The most common question we receive from international students is about how to use high-performance toilets. High-performance toilets have a lot of buttons, and they don't know which button to press, so they get in trouble in the toilet. It's especially hard not to find the button that flushes the most important water. Depending on the toilet, there are easy-to-understand buttons that are written in English as "flush FLASH", and there are also places where only the kanji characters "large" and "small" are written. By the way, "large" is when you want to flow more water, and "small" is when you want to flow less. Sometimes I see toilets with a button for people who get sick to call the clerk. There is also a button in the women's restroom to turn off the sound of using the toilet. Before locking the key, check the "Flush" button first, and if you don't know, ask a nearby Japan. Where to throw away toilet paper? Keep good manners. Japanese the biggest problem at school is how to throw away used toilet paper. Many students do not know that it is okay to flush toilet paper in the toilet of the Japan. In some countries, you may throw it in the trash can inside or outside the toilet. If you do this in Japan, it will be a violation of manners. Please be careful. In addition, the use of the toilet depends on the religion. In the past, a student who used water in the toilet and a student who used paper became roommates and got into a fight. If you plan to live with students of other religions, talk to them often. Where to wipe your hands? Japan man with a handkerchief In your country, what do you wipe your hands on after washing them in the bathroom? In Japan, there are many shops that do not have towels or paper to wipe hands. That's because Japan people usually carry handkerchiefs with them. In Japan, it is customary to bring tissues and handkerchiefs as school items from the time you are a small child. Therefore, department stores sell handkerchiefs of various designs. They are also sold at stores for 100 yen, so please take them with you. Has your toilet common sense changed? Most of the toilets in Japan are free, so please feel free to use them. By the way, at our school, we have created posters in various languages with students about how to use the toilet and put them up. You can also consult with them about your roommate before and after moving into the dormitory. It would be great if there were more toilets that are easy for people from any country to use!
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Jun. 2, 2021
[English/Japanese] Things that Surprised International Students When They Came to Japan: Food For international students, the first problem they encounter when they arrive in Japan is food. In this article, we will introduce Japanese food. What is this? Food I saw for the first time in a Japanese supermarket (1) Mushrooms and seaweed I was once asked about mushrooms by a Mongolian student. The Mongolian diet is basically meat-based and they eat very few vegetables. Among other things, they do not have the custom of eating mushrooms and were surprised to see mushrooms for the first time in Japan. In addition to mushrooms, foreign students often ask me questions about seaweed. I taught her how to cook mushrooms and seaweed, and she lost 44 pounds in a year! Now she has confidence in herself and does selfie every day. I was attracted by the smell.... The story of gaining weight from eating too much delicious food. 1) Ramen The number one thing that male students get addicted to when they come to Japan is ramen. Seeing the lines at popular ramen restaurants, some students may say, "It's strange that Japanese people want to wait in line to eat ramen," but after six months in Japan, they are standing in line for it. There are also many students who stock a lot of cup ramen in their rooms because it is cheap and quick to eat. However, some ramen soups are made with pork or beef, so if you are not allowed to eat ramen due to religious beliefs, please ask the store owner. One of our students even called a cup ramen company to ask about it. Let's learn the kanji for "pig" and "cow" as soon as possible. 2) Bread The number one thing that female students get addicted to when they come to Japan is bread. Although Japan is famous for its rice diet, bread consumption is one of the highest in the world. In fact, there are many bakeries in the city, and many people are drawn to the smell of bread and buy it. Also, convenience stores sell a wide variety of breads, all reasonably priced in the 100 yen range! Sweet breads are especially popular among female students, and I often see them eating them for breakfast and lunch. The sweet breads are especially popular among female students, and I often see them eating them for breakfast and lunch. Too expensive to buy! Beware of vitamin deficiency 1) Fruits Students from all countries say, "Fruit is expensive! ". Because of this, students eat less fruit than they did in their home countries, and many of them catch colds or have skin problems due to vitamin deficiency. For this reason, many students ask their families in their home countries to send them vitamin supplements. Please consider supplements as part of your luggage list before you come to Japan. I hope this article will help you prepare for your arrival in Japan. By the way, our school has a supermarket within a minute's walk from the dormitory. Also, in Hachioji, where our school is located, there is the famous Hachioji Ramen and a bakery with a long line of customers. If you are ever in Hachioji, be sure to stop by! What surprised international students when they came to Japan ~Food~ For international students, the first problem they encounter when they come to Japan is food. Therefore, this time, I will introduce the food of Japan. What's this? The first food I saw at a supermarket in Japan (1) Mushrooms and seaweed A Mongolian student once asked me about mushrooms. Mongolia's diet is basically meat-based and rarely eats vegetables. In particular, he did not have the habit of eating mushrooms, and he was surprised by the mushrooms he saw for the first time in Japan. International students often ask questions about seaweed in addition to mushrooms. The Mongolian student was a girl who liked to try anything, and when I taught her how to cook mushrooms and seaweed, she lost 20 kg in one year! Now she has confidence in herself and takes selfies every day. Fascinated by the smell... The story of how delicious it was and made me fat. (1) Ramen The number one thing that male students get addicted to when they come to Japan is ramen. Even students who saw the line at a popular ramen restaurant and said, "It's strange that people Japan want to wait in line to eat," ended up standing in line six months after coming to Japan. In addition, many students stock a large amount of cup ramen in their room because it is cheap and easy to eat. However, ramen soup may use pork or beef, so if you can't eat it for religious reasons, ask the shopkeeper. Some students at our school called the cup ramen company and asked. Let's learn the kanji "pig" and "cow" as soon as possible. (2) Bread On the other hand, the number one thing that female students get addicted to when they come to Japan is bread. The Japan is famous for its rice food, but bread consumption is one of the highest in the world. In fact, there are many bakeries in the city, and many people buy them because of the smell. In addition, convenience stores sell a wide variety of bread, and the prices are all reasonable at 100 yen! Sweet bread is especially popular with female students, and they are often seen eating it in the morning and at noon. However, since it is high in calories, some people say that they have gained weight because of the bread. Too expensive to buy! Beware of vitamin deficiencies (1) Fruit Students from all countries all say in unison, "Fruits are expensive!" As a result, many students eat less often than when they were in the country, and many students catch colds and develop skin problems due to lack of vitamins. For this reason, many students send vitamin supplements to their families in the country. Please consider supplements as a list of luggage before coming to Japan. How was it? I hope this article will help you prepare and prepare before coming to Japan. By the way, our school has a supermarket 1 minute walk from the dormitory. In addition, in Hachioji, where our school is located, there is the famous "Hachioji Ramen" and a bakery where there is a line. Please stop by when you come to Hachioji!
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  • Studying
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  • Ramen
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  • Hachioji
開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
May. 31, 2021
Nice to meet you! We are Kaichi International School of Japanese. In this page, we will introduce our school and provide information about what prospective international students want to know. Connect your study in Japan to your career! There are five reasons why you should choose Kaichi International School of Japanese(KISJ). (1) We offer educational opportunities that match your objectives. (2) Located in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, with easily accessible. (3) Fully furnished dormitory in the school building. (4) Privilege for recommendation for our group university, Kaichi International University. (5) Approved as “a satisfactory school” by Tokyo Immigration Bureau of Japan. In Japan with aging population and declining rate of birth, many companies are looking for talented young global human resources. In this context, the employment rate of foreign human resources is increasing every year. Would you like to take a step that will change your life? Please feel free to contact us for more information. Nice to meet you! We are Kaichi International Japanese School. On this page, we plan to provide information about the school and what prospective study abroad people want to know. Japan Let's connect studying abroad to your career! 5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Kaichi International Japanese School. (1) Provide learning that meets the purpose. (2) Located in Tokyo, the capital of the Japan, it has excellent transportation access. (3) Furnished dormitories are available in the school building. (4) Kaichi International University as an affiliated school. (5) Certified as an appropriate school by the Ministry of Justice. In Japan of declining birthrate and aging population, many companies are looking for talented young global human resources. In this context, the employment rate of foreign human resources is increasing year by year. Would you like to take a life-changing step? Please feel free to contact us first.
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