Video article 2:32
The Great Buddha of Ushiku, Standing at 120 Meters Tall in Ushiku, Ibaraki and Recognized by the Guinness Book of Records, Is the Largest Buddha in Japan. The Interior Is Also a Fantastical Space!
Art & Architecture- 93 plays
- YouTube
茨城県の絶景である牛久大仏が堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの「【絶景茨城】牛久大仏 [4K]茨城県牛久市|VIST IBARAKI,JAPAN」は、茨城県の牛久大仏の絶景を4Kで堪能出来る動画です。 日本で最大の立像である牛久大仏の迫力は必見です! 牛久大仏の歴史と文化について! 牛久大仏は、日本の茨城県牛久市の浄土庭園内に、1983年から1992年の9年の年月をかけて建造されました。 動画の0:35で紹介されている通り、茨城県は浄土真宗の宗祖として知られる親鸞(しんらん)聖人のゆかりの地ということから、牛久大仏が建造されました。 全高120m(仏高100m,台座20m)の青銅製大仏で、立像としては日本最大です。 ブロンズ立像としては世界一とされており、ギネスブックにも登録をされています。 その迫力はインスタ映え間違い無いでしょう。 牛久大仏の内部と周辺の名所 日本最大の大きさを誇る牛久大仏は、見た目のインパクトに目が行きがちになりますが、牛久大仏の内部に入ることもできます。 頭頂部には避雷針と航空障害灯があり、更には胎内が5層で分けられており、ここではそれぞれの層について紹介をします。 光の世界 1Fは、人の煩悩を表すとされている不思議な空間。 薄暗い空間の真ん中に一筋の光が降り注いでいる様は幻想的で不思議な印象を受けます 念仏の間・知恩報徳の世界 2Fは、和の雰囲気をたっぷり感じることが出来る空間となっており、お正月の時期になれば、念仏の間にて書初め体験も出来ます。 同じフロアには、別に約77席も写経席が用意されています。 料金はかかりますが、こちらでは写経体験も出来るので、お立ち寄りの際はぜひ訪ねてみるとよいでしょう。 蓮華蔵世界 3Fは、圧巻の約3,400体の胎内仏に囲まれた金色の世界が広がる空間となっています。 毎日朝と夕方には読経が響き渡り、他のフロアとは一風変わった雰囲気を放っています。 霊鷲山の間・展望台 4Fと5Fには、霊鷲山の間・展望台があります。 霊鷲山の間には、仏舎利(釈尊の遺骨)が安置されています。 また釈尊の生誕、入滅のパネル等が展示され、歴史について知ることが出来ます。 そして、牛久大仏には、展望台も設置されており、茨城県の景色を余すことなく見渡すことが出来ます。 スカイツリーや富士山も見ることが出来る、日本屈指の展望台としても知られています。 その他にも牛久大仏のある広大な浄土庭園内には、動物と触れ合える小動物公園やお花畑があり、食事処では茨城県のグルメをたっぷり堪能することが出来ます。 牛久大仏の観光の紹介まとめ こちらの「絶景茨城】牛久大仏 [4K]茨城県牛久市|VIST IBARAKI,JAPAN」では、牛久大仏の魅力を余すことなく堪能出来る動画となっています。 その見た目の迫力は勿論のこと、内部の充実さも目を見張るものがあり、観光スポットとしてはまさに日本屈指のものとなっています。 牛久大仏の他にも、周辺にある小動物公園や仲見世等も茨城県の観光スポットとして有名なので、茨城県に来た際には、立ち寄って見てはいかがでしょうか。 ぜひ今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事を参考に、牛久大仏への観光を一考して下さると、幸いです。 -
Video article 5:58
Hill of the Buddha - A New Attraction in Sapporo, Hokkaido Designed by a World-Famous Architect. Come Check Out the Buddha as He Pokes His Head Out From a Hill Surrounded by Lavenders!
Art & Architecture Travel- 361 plays
- YouTube
Makomanai Takino Cemetery’s "Hill of the Buddha" in Sapporo, Hokkaido "Introduction to the Hill of the Buddha" (頭大仏の紹介), is a video about the Hill of the Buddha, a symbol of Makomanai Takino Cemetery where you can see the head of the Great Buddha. At Makomanai Takino Cemetery, you can also see a vast landscape of lavender hills with more than 15 thousand lavenders. This dramatic Hill of the Buddha, standing at the top of a dome-shaped slope, was designed by Ando Tadao, a famous architect, in 2016 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Makomanai Takino Cemetery. It is made up of 57 parts, which were selected and processed from 4,000 tons of unpolished stones. It is 13.5 meters high and weighs 1,500 tons. Initially, it was called “Mitama Kuyo Daibutsu.” You can see the Great Buddha in its entirety from 0:08 in the video. The construction of the Hill of the Buddha began in October 2013 and finished in 2016. As you can see from 0:56 in the video, the hardest part of this project was growing the 15 thousand lavenders. With the advice of lavender farmers and the help of volunteers, they succeeded in growing the lavenders from seed. It took about three years to build the Hill of the Buddha, and the construction process can be seen from 1:31 in the video. Makomanai Takino Cemetery's Hill of the Buddha Source :YouTube screenshot The Hill of the Buddha at Makomanai Takino Cemetery, Sapporo, Hokkaido, features the Great Buddha poking his head out from the lavender hill. According to the architect Ando Tadao, the purpose of this is to emphasize the gratitude of the Great Buddha as “that which you cannot see stimulates the imagination.” As you can see from 4:07 in the video, there is an approach with lavenders when entering Makomanai Takino Cemetery. There is also a water garden, which is a bypass of the pathway behind the approach. The water is a boundary to purify mind and to awaken the extraordinary. After going through the water garden, there is a tunnel that goes through the hill, which is shown at 4:25 in the video. The tunnel represents the womb and is lined with concrete folds. You can see the Great Buddha as you pass through the tunnel, and the panoramic view of the Buddha, which you can see along the 135-meter walk, is even more impressive. The light from the sky lights up the Buddha and surrounds you with artistic scenery. Learn About the Construction Process at the Gallery and Café Source :YouTube screenshot Next to the water-basin, there is a gallery where you can see the construction process of the Hill of the Buddha. Here, you can find out what the famous architect Ando Tadao had in mind when he designed the project. Across the gallery, lays the “Rotunda Café and Store.” You can enjoy snacks and tea and buy original merchandise and souvenirs here. It was opened in 2018 as a rest station, due to the increase of foreign tourists. Also, there are replicas of Easter Island’s Moai statues, which carry the meaning of “living into the future,” as well as a replica of Stonehenge. Information About Makomanai Takino Cemetery Photo:The Great Buddha Access to Makomanai Takino Cemetery in Sapporo City, Hokkaido is 20-30 minutes from Makomanai Station by bus from the Namboku Subway Line. Times may vary by season, so check out the homepage for more details. If you are driving, you can use the free parking areas in the south and north. The lots have a capacity of 245 cars, so be sure to check the map if you're planning on driving. There is a 300 yen (~$3 USD) "lavender maintenance fee" you must pay if you want to see the Hill of the Buddha. It is open from 7 am to 7 pm during summer, and 7 am to 6 pm during winter. Enjoy Art at Sapporo's Newest Spiritual Site! Source :YouTube screenshot Are you interested in visiting the Hill of the Buddha? The Hill of the Buddha is a new sightseeing spot in Sapporo, Hokkaido, not only for its powerful atmosphere, but also for its refreshing and beautiful scenery. If you're thinking about visiting Hokkaido, be sure to stop by! ◆Information◆ 【Address】2-3 Takino, Minami, Sapporo, Hokkaido 005-0862 【Access】20 to 30 minutes by bus from Metro Namboku Line, Makomanai Station 【Admission Fee】~300 yen lavender maintenance fee 【Hours】 7 am to 7 pm during summer. 7 am to 6 pm during winter 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】 011-592-1223 【Official Website】Makomanai Takino Cemetery https://www.takinoreien.com/ 【Tripadvisor】Makomanai Takino Cemetery https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298560-d12597229-Reviews-Makomanai_Takino_Cemetery-Sapporo_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 9:35
The Great Cherry Blossom Buddha at Tsubosakadera! Beautiful Drone Footage of the Cherry Blossoms the Famous Temple in Nara!
Travel Art & Architecture Nature- 131 plays
- YouTube
Tsubosakadera Temple's 'Great Cherry Blossom Buddha': Video Introduction This video, titled "[Cherry Blossoms via Drone in 4K] The Great Cherry Blossom Buddha at Tsubosakadera Temple, Nara (Long Ver. )|Cherry Blossom Drone Project" ([桜ドローン撮影4K] 奈良県壺阪寺の大仏桜 Tsubosaka-dera Temple, Nara (Long Ver. )|桜ドローンプロジェクト). was uploaded by "DRONE ENTERTAINMENT - Sakura Drone Project." This video shows beautiful images of the cherry blossoms in full bloom and the Great Buddha at Tsubosakadera Temple taken from the sky during Japan's cherry blossom season. In the video you can see the cherry blossoms from the perspective of the Great Buddha, which can only be achieved with drone photography. The illuminated scenery of the temple grounds at night is different from that of the daytime, and it is a fantastic view. Take your time to watch the beautiful scenery in the video. Nara, Home to Some of the Most Famous Temples in Japan Nara, Japan is home to approximately 1,800 temples, some of which, such as Todaiji Temple, the largest temple in Nara, are the most famous in Japan. It's even home to the Nanto Shichi Daiji (Seven Great Temples of Nara), or the Seven Great Temples of the Southern Capital. The Seven Great Temples of Nara are: Daianji Temple, Gangoji Temple, Horyuji Temple, Kofukuji Temple, Saidaiji Temple, Todaiji Temple, and Yakushiji Temple. The vast number of temples and other tourist attractions, coupled with the long history of Nara, make it a destination in Japan that's definitely worth visiting. What is Tsubosakadera Temple? Photo:The Buddha at Tsubosakadera Temple, Nara Prefecture Tsubosakadera Temple, famous for the Great Cherry Blossom Buddha, is a Shingon sect temple located in Takatori, Nara, in Japan's Kansai Region. Although it's known by the names "Great Cherry Blossom Buddha" and "Tsubosakadera Temple," its official name is Minami Hokkeji Temple. The temple was founded in 703 by Benki Shonin, a Buddhist priest. The temple's name is said to have originated when Benki Shonin, a monk of Gankoji Temple who was undergoing ascetic training, enshrined the Goddess of Kannon in a crystal vase in a hermitage on a hill. The main deity of the temple is the eleven-faced, thousand-armed Kannon (Avalokitesvara), and since it is believed to be protect against eye diseases, visitors from all over Japan come to Tsubosakadera Temple to pray for protection. The temple is also famous for its hina dolls, which are arranged in the shape of a mandala, a sacred symbol in Buddhism. Approximately 3,000 dolls are displayed around the eleven-faced thousand-armed Kannon. In the inner sanctuary of Tsubosakadera Temple, there is also a stone structure called Go-Hyakku Rakan (Five Hundred Arhats) featuring many Buddhist statues. Some things that make the temple unique are its solar power generation system, which is not something you'd find at other temples in Japan, as well as several large Budda statues on the temple grounds that were carved in, and imported from, India. When do the Cherry Blossoms Bloom at Tsubosakadera Temple? Photo:The Great Cherry Blossom Buddha at Tsubosakadera Temple, Nara Prefecture Tsubosakadera Temple is one of the most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan, and is known for its giant Buddha statue surrounded by cherry blossoms. Among the large stone Buddha statues, the most eye-catching is the Tsubosaka Daibutsu (Great Buddha of Tsubosakadera), located in the center of the temple. The statue stands a staggering 10 meters (~33 feet) tall atop a 5-meter-tall platform. During the cherry blossom season, many people come to visit the temple and take Instagram photos with the cherry blossoms and the Buddha. [Video] 1:36 - The Great Buddha Surrounded by Cherry Blossoms Cherry blossoms at Tsubosaka-ji usually bloom from late March to early April; in 2024, the expected bloom date in Nara Prefecture is around March 25 and the expected full bloom date is April 1, a little earlier than usual. According to the SNS of Tsubosaka-ji Temple, in 2023, the trees were almost in full bloom on March 25. Please check back around that time before heading out. Light-up viewing is scheduled from March 23 to April 3, 2024 (tentative), so you can enjoy the pagodas and the Great Buddha on the temple grounds, as well as the illuminated cherry blossoms. [Video] 3:35 - Tsubosakadera Temple Illuminated at Night Tourist Attractions Near Tsubosakadera Temple Photo:Nara Park, Nara Prefecture There are various tourist attractions and sightseeing spots near Tsubosakadera Temple. You can also visit places where you can learn about Japanese history, such as the ruins of Takatori Castle, which is designated as a National Historic site, and the Kitora Tomb (Kitora Burial Mound). For lunch, we recommend Hana Yamato (花大和), a tea house serving Yakuzen cuisine (medicinal, herbal cuisine based on traditional Chinese medicine), or Oku Asuka Sarara (奥明日香さらら), where you can enjoy local cuisine from Nara. Between sightseeing, you can also take a break at Nokonoko Café (のこのこカフェ). If you're looking to visit major tourist attractions in Nara Prefecture, such as Mt. Yoshino and Nara Park, from Tsubosakadera Temple, we recommend staying overnight and taking your time to enjoy Nara. Summary of the Great Cherry Blossom Buddha at Tsubosakadera Temple Did you enjoy the beautiful views of cherry blossoms at and the Great Buddha at Tsubosakadera Temple in spring? Known for its Great Cherry Blossom Buddha, Tsubosakadera Temple in Nara Prefecture attracts many tourists from all over Japan for hanami (cherry blossom viewing), as well as those who visit the temple on their pilgrimage to the 33 sacred sites in the western part of Japan. You can also pick up original souvenirs at the temple that you won't find anywhere else, such as the shuin stamp book embroidered with the Great Buddha and cherry blossoms. Tsubosakadera Temple is easily accessible from Nara City, and outside of special monthly events, requires no reservations, making it a great place to visit during any trip to Nara. If you're looking for things to do in Nara, be sure to check it out! ◆Tsubosakadera Temple◆ 【Address】3 Tsubosaka, Takatori-cho, Takaichi-gun, Nara 635-0102, Japan 【Access】 By Car: Drive southeast from the Katsuragi IC on Minami Hanna Road (approx. 30 min. by car) By train: From Kintetsu Osaka Abenobashi, get off at Tsubosaka-yama bound for Yoshino (about 40 minutes via express train), then take a bus or cab. 【Telephone】0744-52-2016 【Hours】8:30 a.m. - 3:00 pm 【Admission Fee】Adults (18 years and older) 600 yen, children 100 yen, young children (5 years and younger) free of charge (as of 2/2/2023). 300 yen for the disabled upon presentation of a disability certificate. 【Parking】Available (Please check the official website for details.) 【TripAdvisor】Tsubosakadera Temple -
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Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture!
Travel Nature- 410 views
capture the grandeur of Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost prefecture. We'll introduce photos that capture popular sightseeing spots, the unique wildlife of Hokkaido, and more. We hope this will help you get an idea of what Hokkaido is all about! COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Hokkaido in Past Photo Contests Shirogane Blue Pond Hill of the Buddha Lake Nukabira Daisetsuzan National Park Abashiri Prison Museum Flowerland Kamifurano Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival The Ezo Red Fox of Hokkaido Mt. Asahi Notsuke Peninsula - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Hokkaido in Past Photo Contests We have picked out some amazing photos of Hokkaido from among the many wonderful entries that convey the charms of Japan. We'll also introduce some popular photo spots as well! COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 林 優 Location: Shirogane Blue Pond (Hokkaido) Sightseeing at Shirogane Blue Pond Shirogane Blue Pond is a popular sightseeing spot where the surface of the water appears various shades of blue during different seasons, at different times of the day, and in different weather conditions. The surface of the water appears blue when light reflects off the aluminum and sulfur in the water flowing into the pond from the Biei River. The blue water and withered larch trees create a fantastic scene. At night in fall and winter, the area is lit up and visitors can enjoy a very different scenery from that during the daytime. A Video Article About Shirogane Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido Video article 2:10 This Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido Is a Natural Miracle Created by Nature. The Beautiful Scenery of This Popular Sightseeing Spot Fascinates All Who See It! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: umestagram Location: Hill of the Buddha (Hokkaido) Highlights of the Hill of the Buddha, a Popular Tourist Attraction in Sapporo, Hokkaido From the outside of the Hill of the Buddha, only the head of the Great Buddha can be seen poking out from the top of the lavender-covered hill. Designed by world-renowned architect Tadao Ando, the Daibutsuden (Great Buddha Hall) was built so that a concrete approach leads to the basement of the lavender hill. Looking up through the dimly lit space, visitors can see the Great Buddha surrounded by natural light filtering in through the open ceiling. A Video Article About the Hill of the Buddha in Sapporo, Hokkaido Video article 5:58 Hill of the Buddha - A New Attraction in Sapporo, Hokkaido Designed by a World-Famous Architect. Come Check Out the Buddha as He Pokes His Head Out From a Hill Surrounded by Lavenders! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 三浦奈津美 Location: Lake Nukabira (Kato, Hokkaido) Highlights of Lake Nukabira, a Popular Tourist Attraction in Kato, Hokkaido Lake Nukabira is a man-made lake surrounded by dense virgin forests. At the bottom of the lake is a large human-shaped rock called 'Nukabira.' Taushubetsu Bridge on the east bank of the dam is a concrete arch bridge of the former Japan National Railways' Shihoro Line. It is also called the "phantom bridge" because it appears in winter when the water level is low and sinks to the bottom of the lake and disappears when the water level increases. A Video Article About Lake Nukabira in Kato, Hokkaido Video article 2:40 Discover the Amazing Ice Bubbles at Lake Nukabira! Sightseeing Information for the Fantastical Lake in Hokkaido, Japan! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 古谷久樹 Location: Daisetsuzan National Park (Hokkaido) The Cute Northern Pika of Japan The northern pika is found only in some high-altitude areas of Hokkaido. It can fit in the palm of your hand, is 10 to 20 centimeters long, and weighs 60 to 160 grams. Its ears are round and small, and it's characterized by its frequent squeaking. In 2012, it was listed as a near-threatened species on the Red List of endangered species by the Ministry of the Environment. A Video Article About the Northern Pika Video article 3:01 The Northern Pika of Japan: Learn About the Cute Critter Known as the "God of Rocky Lands" and Found in the Outdoors of Hokkaido. Also See Its Characteristic High-Pitched Cry! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: HAYATO/日本の風景写真・絶景スポット Location: Abashiri Prison Museum (Abashiri, Hokkaido) Highlights of the Abashiri Prison Museum, a Popular Sightseeing Attraction in Abashiri, Hokkaido The Abashiri Prison Museum is an open-air history museum that preserves and exhibits the former buildings of Abashiri Prison. The wooden prison buildings that were used during the Meiji Era (1868-1912) have been relocated and reconstructed on a vast site. Eight of the buildings have been designated as Important Cultural Properties of Japan. There are also six registered Tangible Cultural Properties at the museum, including a building made of bricks made in the prison. Visitors can learn about the history of Abashiri Prison, which was instrumental in the development of Hokkaido, from the many exhibits. A Video Article About Tourist Attractions in Hokkaido Video article 3:30 Hokkaido - Endlessly Sweeping Horizons and Magnificent Scenery! Set off on a Trip to Hokkaido's Scenic Locations to Enjoy Spectacular Views of Japan's Natural Landscape! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 長野恵莉佳 Location: Flowerland Kamifurano Highlights of Flowerland Kamifurano, a Popular Tourist Attraction in Kamifurano, Hokkaido Flowerland Kamifurano is a vast flower garden where colorful flowers bloom from June to the end of September. It's a popular tourist attraction with magnificent views of the Tokachi Mountain range and Mt. Asahi. Admission is free, and visitors can ride a tractor bus that circles the 100,000-square-meter flower garden and enjoy the fresh Hokkaido breeze and the fragrance of the flowers in a relaxing atmosphere. A Video Article About Sightseeing in Biei and Furano, Hokkaido Video article 3:18 Outstanding Views of Flowers and Nature in Biei and Furano, Hokkaido. The Scenic View of Lavenders and Poppies, Together With the Natural Scenery of the Surrounding Area, Will Make Your Trip Unforgettable! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: koichi hakuchuu Location: Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival (Chitose, Hokkaido) The Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival of Chitose, Hokkaido One of the top winter festivals in Hokkaido. The Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival, started by local volunteers, has a history of more than 40 years. Ice sculptures of various sizes are made by pumping up water from Lake Shikotsu and spraying it onto structures. The ice sculptures line the shores of Lake Shikotsu in the extreme cold, glowing with the blue color of Lake Shikotsu during the day and illuminated with colorful lights at night, creating a fantastic atmosphere. A Video Article About the Sapporo Snow Festival Video article 2:12 The Sapporo Snow Festival Popular Among Overseas Tourists! The Pure White Snow of Nature and Colorful Projection Mapping in the City of Sapporo, Hokkaido, in a Brilliant Competition! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: ぬこであります(´ー`) Location: Kushiro, Hokkaido The Ezo Red Fox of Hokkaido, Japan The Ezo red fox is a widespread inhabitant of the plains and alpine zones of Hokkaido. In recent years, there have been reports of sightings in Aomori Prefecture as well. The Ezo red fox is slightly larger than the Japanese red foxes that inhabit Honshu (Japan's main island), measuring 60 to 80 centimeters in length. The backs of its ears and ankles are black, and their lifespan in the wild is about 6 to 7 years. A Video Article About the Ezo Red Fox Video article 3:15 Cute Ezo Red Foxes Playing in Hokkaido. Learn About the Wildlife of Japan! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: しま Location: Mt. Asahi (Kamikawa, Hokkaido) Highlights of Mt. Asahi, the Tallest Peak in Hokkaido Mt. Asahi, one of the One Hundred Famous Mountains of Japan, is the tallest peak in Hokkaido, located in the northern part of Daisetsuzan National Park. It is a 2,291-meter-high volcano, and the ropeway takes you to the fifth station at an altitude of 1,600 meters. Various alpine plants and magnificent mountain scenery can be enjoyed on Mt. Asahi. Trekking and cross-country skiing courses are available, so visitors can enjoy activities in all four seasons in the great outdoors of Hokkaido. A Video Article About Sightseeing in Hokkaido Video article 3:00 The Town of Wassamu, Hokkaido Is a Place Where You Can Enjoy All Four Seasons of Japan! Check Out the Attractions of Wassamu Town in Hokkaido, a Place You Won't Want to Miss! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: HAYATO/日本の風景写真・絶景スポット Location: Notsuke Peninsula (Hokkaido) Highlights of the Notsuke Peninsula The Notsuke Peninsula is a spit in the eastern part of Hokkaido, between the Shiretoko and Nemuro Peninsulas. The spit is approximately 26 kilometers long, and was created by sediment carried by ocean currents and deposited over many years. From spring to fall, the spit is covered with fields of Kamchatka lilies, zenteika, and beach roses. In winter, the entire area freezes over, creating ice as far as the eyes can see. The scenery of dead forests caused by the erosion from seawater is also very popular. A Video Article About the Yezo Sika Deer Inhabiting Hokkaido Video article 2:06 Yezo Sika Deer: Learn About the Magnificent Deer of Hokkaido's Snowy Notsuke Peninsula! All About Yezo Sika Deer and Their Problem as a Disruptive Species YouTube Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that showcases the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Click here for more information about COOLJAPANVIDEOS Anyone can enter COOL JAPAN VIDEOS' photo contests! Below are some of the features of our contests. ・On top of single-lens reflex cameras and digital cameras, photos taken with smartphones and other devices can also be submitted. ・Each person can submit as many photos as they like during the contest period. ・Editing of images, such as cropping and color changes, is also allowed! Here you can find all of the past photo contest winners in one place. You can also see the prizes for each contest, as well as the locations where the photos were taken and the judges' critiques. Click here to see past photo contest winners Text only Photo Contest Results - COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Winning Photos - Discover the Charms of Japan! Current Photo Contest The following is information about the current photo contest. [Ongoing From March2024] The 22th COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest Theme: Spring in Japan Submission period: March 1, 2024 12:00 AM – April 30, 2024 11:59 PM (JST) Prizes: ■Grand Prize: 30,000 yen Amazon gift card (1 Winner) ■Honorable Mentions: 10,000 yen Amazon gift card (5 Winners) Spring in Japan Photo Contest Landscape Photography Summary Did you enjoy these landscape photos from past photo contest entries? Some of these landscapes can only be seen in specific conditions. Japan is full of rich nature, historical locations, and seasonal events! Share your photos with the world and help showcase the beauty of Japan through COOL JAPAN VIDEOS! Related Articles Text only Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Heartwarming Photos That Will Put a Smile on Your Face! Text only Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Autumn in Japan Text only Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. Fuji Text only Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture! Text only Tohoku in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: Hot Springs, Festivals, Snowscapes, and More – 10 Beautiful Photos of Japan's Tohoku Region! Text only Kyoto in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Kyoto, the Ancient Capital of Japan, and Its Most Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Tokyo in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Featuring the Charms of Tokyo, the Capital of Japan + Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Winter in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Capturing the Beauty of Winter in Japan. Snowy Landscapes, Glittering Illuminations + More! Text only Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Spectacular Views of Japan's Kansai Region. From Night Views to Traditional Events, Discover the Best Photo Spots in Kansai! Text only Cherry Blossoms in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Amazing Views of Cherry Blossoms, from Castles and Temples to Rows of Cherry Blossom! .separation_line { border-width: 0 0 8px; border-style: solid; border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,') 0 0 100% repeat; width: 216px; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 50px; } -
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Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Spectacular Views of Japan's Kansai Region. From Night Views to Traditional Events, Discover the Best Photo Spots in Kansai!
Travel Festivals & Events Nature- 379 views
COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is always holding photo contests. This time, we have selected works depicting Japan's Kansai region from among the many photos submitted to past COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests, and will introduce some photography tips on timing, composition, etc. to help you take great photos with your smartphone! Be sure to try them out the next time you're sightseeing in Japan's Kansai region. COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Kansai in Past Photo Contests Shirahige Shrine at Sunset A Night View of Dotonbori in Minami, Osaka Mt. Wakakusa Yamayaki and Yakushiji Temple The Great Buddha Hall of Todaiji Temple Gozan Okuribi in Kyoto Sea Sparkles in Ine, Kyoto Himeji Castle and Cherry Blossoms The Takeda Castle Ruins Daimonzaka on the Kumano Kodo Hashigui-iwa Rocks - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Kansai in Past Photo Contests Among the many works that convey the charms of Japan, we have carefully selected photos of sightseeing spots in Japan's Kansai region. We will also introduce some highlights of each area, photography tips, and related video articles to check out. COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: たっかー Location: Shirahige Shrine (Takashima, Shiga) Highlights and Photography Tips for Shirahige Shrine, Lake Biwa Shirahige Shrine is a popular power spot in Japan and is the oldest shrine in Omi. There are many photogenic sights, including the main shrine, the shrine office, and other historical buildings, as well as Iwato Shrine located at the far end of the shrine grounds. But the best place for photos is the Great Torii Gate standing in Lake Biwa! You can capture various scenes of the torii as it stands against the rising sun and on the surface of the lake at sunset from the observatory on the shrine grounds. A Video Article About Shirahige Shrine, a Popular Tourist Attraction Video article 5:22 Shirahige Shrine - A Mysterious and Popular Location Where You Can Enjoy a Spectacular View of Lake Biwa! The Vermilion-Colored Torii Gate Is a Must-See! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: たっかー Location: Dotonbori (Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture) Highlights and Photography Tips for Dotonbori a downtown area in Osaka's Minami district Dotonbori is a well-known shopping district in Osaka's Minami district. Lined with theatres and restaurants, it has been crowded with people since Edo period Japan to the present day. Ebisu Bridge, which spans the Dotonbori River, is a great place to take photos. The huge billboard of "Glico" is proof that Osaka is a popular tourist attraction. The Kuidaore Taro doll and the giant three-dimensional billboards are photo spots that symbolize downtown Osaka. A Video Article About the Shinsekai and Tsutenkaku Areas of Osaka Video article 4:26 Be Enchanted by the Glittering Neon Lights of Osaka and the Night View of Tsutenkaku Lighting up the City of Osaka! Introducing Recommended Spots Around Tsutenkaku Tower, the Symbol of Osaka! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Shunkai_k Location: Lake Oike (Nara City, Nara Prefecture) Highlights and Photography Tips for Wakakusa Yamayaki Wakakusa Yamayaki, an event held every year on the fourth Saturday in January in Japan, is a traditional event in Nara. The flames spread across 81 acres of grassland on Mt. Wakakusa in Nara Park. The foot of Mt. Wakakusa, where visitors can see Mt. Wakakusa up close as it burns, as well as Ukigumo Enchi and Kasugano Enchi, which offer panoramic views of Mt. Wakakusa, are all popular sightseeing spots. From Oike in Nishinokyo, visitors can take photos of Yakushiji Temple and the Mt. Wakakusa fireworks. A Video Article About Yakushiji Temple, a Power Spot in Nara Prefecture Video article 6:57 Yakushiji Temple in Nara Prefecture - Registered as a World Heritage Site Under "Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara," the Temple Is Also Known as a Power Spot To Pray for Good Health! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Smartone Templeslope Location: The Great Buddha Hall of Todaiji Temple from Mt. Wakakusa (Nara City, Nara Prefecture) Highlights and Photography Tips for Nara Park, a Popular Tourist Attraction Nara Park is dotted with historical buildings such as Todaiji Temple, Shosoin Temple, Kofukuji Temple, and Kasuga Taisha Shrine in a rich natural setting. It is also a popular tourist attraction for cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. If you want to take pictures of autumn leaves and deer, we recommend Tobihino and Ukigumo Enchi in Nara Park. A Video Article About Tourist Attractions in Nara Prefecture Video article 3:45 Get a Taste of Japanese History in Nara Prefecture! Nara Prefecture Is Full of Places That You Don't Want to Miss When Traveling to the Kansai Region! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: tabokin Location: Hidari Daimonji seen from Mt. Yoshida (Sakyo, Kyoto) Photography Tips for Gozan no Okuribi, a Summer Event in Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi is a summer tradition in Kyoto. It's a Bon Festival event held every year on August 16 where fires are lit on five mountains surrounding the city of Kyoto. The characters "Daimonji" (大文字), "Myo/Ho" (妙・法), "Funagata" (船形), "Hidari Daimonji" (左大文字), and "Toriigata" (鳥居形) are lit in sequence from 8:00 p.m. onward. Mt. Yoshida, located on Mt. Okita and facing Daimonji, is lit by "Hidari Daimonji." 10 minutes up the mountain, there is a photo spot where you can get a full view of the Daimonji, which is highly recommended. A Video Article About Gozan no Okuribi, a Traditional Event in Kyoto Video article 1:01 Gozan no Okuribi – A Traditional Event to Send off the Spirits of the Deceased During the Obon Festival of Kyoto, Japan YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: しんご @shingo_camera Location: Ine (Yosa, Kyoto) The Sea Sparkles of Ine, Kyoto Every year from April to the end of May, there are days when Ine Bay in Kyoto, Japan glows a brilliant blue. The cause of this is noctiluca scintillans, aka sea sparkles. Unlike sea fireflies, sea sparkles emit blue light in response to physical stimuli. Therefore, whenever they are stimulated by waves, large numbers of sea sparkles begin to glow. During the day, when there's a red tide in the bay and a strong southward wind blows, there's a high probability of seeing sea sparkles. A Video Article About the Funaya of Ine, Kyoto Video article 3:45 The First Floor of the House Is a Dock?! The Historic Port Town of Funaya, Ine in Kyoto Is a Fishing Village Lined With Mysterious Houses! You won't Find Scenery Like This Anywhere Else! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: st situation Location: Himeji Castle (Himeji, Hyogo) Highlights and Photography Tips for Cherry Blossoms at Himeji Castle Himeji Castle, selected as one of the Top 100 Cherry Blossom Viewing Spots in Japan, is home to approximately 1,600 cherry trees, including Someiyoshino cherry trees and weeping cherry trees, which can be seen in full bloom in the spring. Sannomaru Square (三の丸広場, San no Maru Hiroba), Senhime Botan Garden (千姫ぼたん園, Sen Hime Botan-en), and Nishi no Maru Garden (西の丸庭園, Nishi no Maru Teien) are popular spots for taking photos of Himeji Castle and the cherry blossoms. The atmospheric composition of Himeji Castle, cherry blossoms, and a Japanese sightseeing boat in the inner moat of Himeji Castle with the red Shiromi Bridge in the background creates an incredibly photogenic shot. A Video Article About Cherry Blossoms at Himeji Castle in Hyogo Prefecture Video article 3:29 Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms of Hyogo Prefecture at Himeji Castle, Japan's First World Cultural Heritage Site! The Contrast Between the White Himeji Castle and the Pink Cherry Blossoms Will Leave You Speechless! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Nguyen Vu Location: The Takeda Castle Ruins from the Ritsuunkyo Observation Deck (Asago, Hyogo) Highlights and Photography Tips for the Takeda Castle Ruins The Takeda Castle Ruins, located on the summit of Mt. Kojo in Asago, Hyogo, are the site of a mountain castle whose stone walls are still almost completely intact, some 400 years after the castle was abandoned. On a clear autumn morning, the area around the castle is sometimes shrouded in thick fog, leaving the Takeda Castle Ruins at the top of the mountain. A good spot to photograph the Takeda Castle Ruins floating in a sea of clouds is the Ritsuunkyo Observation Deck (立雲峡, Ritsuunkyo), located halfway up Mt. Asago opposite the castle ruins. A Video Article About the Take Castle Ruins, the "Castle in the Sky" Video article 2:29 Behold the Mesmerizing Scenery of Takeda Castle, Hidden in a Sea of Clouds in Asago, Hyogo! Called the "Machu Picchu of Japan" and "Castle in the Sky," Takeda Castle Attracts Thousands of Tourists From All Over the World! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 女子高校生 Location: The Kumano Kodo (Higashimuro, Wakayama) Highlights and Photography Tips for Daimonzaka on the Kumano Kodo Daimonzaka, located on the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage trail, is the entrance to Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine and Nachi Falls, both of which were visited by people in ancient times. The "Meoto Sugi" (Lover Cedar Trees), estimated to be 800 years old, the stone pavement, the grove of centuries-old cedar trees, and the moss-covered stone steps are a must-see for photographers and travelers alike. Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine, one of the Kumano Sanzan (three great temples of the Kumano region), and Nachi Falls, one of the Top 3 Waterfalls in Japan, are also popular spots. A Video Article About the Kumano Kodo, a World Heritage Site Video article 2:35 The Beautiful Landscape of Kumano Kodo, A World Heritage Site in Wakayama Prefecture. This Historic Power Spot Is Full of Stone Steps and Sacred Waterfalls, Perfect for Your Instagram! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: いくみ Location: Hashigui-iwa Rocks (Higashimuro, Wakayama) Highlights and Photography Tips for Hashigui-iwa Rocks, a Popular Tourist Attraction The Hashigui-iwa Rocks are a group of uniquely-shaped rocks in the town of Kushimoto on the southern tip of Wakayama. It consists of more than 40 rock pillars of all shapes and sizes that form a straight line extending roughly 850 meters into the sea. The scenery has been selected as one of the Top 100 Sunrise Spots in Japan, so be sure to take photos of it at sunrise! The best spot to photograph it is from the parking lot of Roadside Station Kushimoto Hashigui-iwa (道の駅くしもと橋杭岩, Michi no Eki Kushimoto Hashigui-iwa). With silhouettes of rock pillars, the sky and the sea, it's possible to capture various appearances with creative use of exposure, composition, and white balance. A Video Article About the Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture Video article 3:35 Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture, Called the "Aegean Sea of Japan," Is Just Like a Painting! Introducing the Charms and Activities of Shirasaki Coast! YouTube Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that showcases the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Click here for more information about COOLJAPANVIDEOS Anyone can enter COOL JAPAN VIDEOS' photo contests! Below are some of the features of our contests. ・On top of single-lens reflex cameras and digital cameras, photos taken with smartphones and other devices can also be submitted. ・Each person can submit as many photos as they like during the contest period. ・Editing of images, such as cropping and color changes, is also allowed! Here you can find all of the past photo contest winners in one place. You can also see the prizes for each contest, as well as the locations where the photos were taken and the judges' critiques. Click here to see past photo contest winners Text only Photo Contest Results - COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Winning Photos - Discover the Charms of Japan! Current Photo Contest The following is information about the current photo contest. [Ongoing From March2024] The 22th COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest Theme: Spring in Japan Submission period: March 1, 2024 12:00 AM – April 30, 2024 11:59 PM (JST) Prizes: ■Grand Prize: 30,000 yen Amazon gift card (1 Winner) ■Honorable Mentions: 10,000 yen Amazon gift card (5 Winners) Spring in Japan Photo Contest Landscape Photography Summary Did you enjoy these landscape photos from past photo contest entries? Some of these landscapes can only be seen in specific conditions. Japan is full of rich nature, historical locations, and seasonal events! Share your photos with the world and help showcase the beauty of Japan through COOL JAPAN VIDEOS! Related Articles Text only Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Heartwarming Photos That Will Put a Smile on Your Face! Text only Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Autumn in Japan Text only Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. Fuji Text only Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture! Text only Tohoku in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: Hot Springs, Festivals, Snowscapes, and More – 10 Beautiful Photos of Japan's Tohoku Region! Text only Kyoto in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Kyoto, the Ancient Capital of Japan, and Its Most Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Tokyo in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Featuring the Charms of Tokyo, the Capital of Japan + Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Winter in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Capturing the Beauty of Winter in Japan. Snowy Landscapes, Glittering Illuminations + More! Text only Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Spectacular Views of Japan's Kansai Region. From Night Views to Traditional Events, Discover the Best Photo Spots in Kansai! Text only Cherry Blossoms in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Amazing Views of Cherry Blossoms, from Castles and Temples to Rows of Cherry Blossom! .separation_line { border-width: 0 0 8px; border-style: solid; border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,') 0 0 100% repeat; width: 216px; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 50px; } -
Video article 3:09
Rare video showing the working process of Takaoka Bronzes, a traditional craft of Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture. 400 year old crafts are popular as works of art and fine arts in the world.
Traditional Crafts Art & Architecture History- 643 plays
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The Takaoka Copper Casting of Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture – A Traditional Japanese Craft This video, titled "手技TEWAZA「高岡銅器」Takaoka Copper Casting," was produced by "Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square." It introduces Takaoka Copper Casting, a traditional craft in Takaoka City, Toyama. Takaoka Copper Casting in Takaoka City, Toyama originates from a factory opened in the Edo period (1603 – 1868 AD) by Maeda Toshinaga in the Kaga Maeda Clan with the seven metal casters from Tamba, Kyoto, said to be the birthplace of metal casting. Most of the Takaoka Copper Casting products are related to Buddhist tools such as vases and a large part of the production process involves the attentive handiwork of artisans. The traditional Japanese craftsmanship is appreciated even outside of Japan. The Takaoka Great Buddha at Daibutsuji Temple (大佛寺, Daibutsu-ji) is said to be one of the most impressive pieces made by the Takaoka Copper Casting artisans. This is a rare video that introduces the production process of Takaoka Copper Casting. Please enjoy watching the craftsmanship of the Takaoka copper casting artisans. Takaoka Copper Casting: One of the Greatest Treasures in Japanese Culture- How It's Done Source :YouTube screenshot Takaoka Copper Casting is essentially produced with a metal casting technique where a piece of metal is melted at high temperature and poured into a mold to form the desired shape. Japanese metal casting techniques are highly recognized worldwide, and the metal casting of Takaoka City, Toyama is especially famous. Now, let's take a look at how Takaoka Copper Casting products are made. 1. Making the original model (0:18) Based on the blueprint, a prototype is created using wood, plaster, clay and resin. This prototype becomes the grand image of the final product. 2. Making the mold (0:29) A fire-resistant material is used for the original model, and a casting is made to pour the copper into. This is said to be the most important step. The mold made from casting sand is an example of exquisite craftsmanship. 3. Refining and melting (0:44) Refining refers to the process of removing impurities and increasing the purity of the metal. The refined metal is melted and liquefied at high temperatures.. The molten copper alloy reaches 1200 degrees Celsius in this process. 4. Casting (1:00) The refined molten copper is poured into the casting. 5. Removing the mold (1:23) The cooled and hardened copper is removed from the casting and the finishing process begins. 6. Polishing (1:48) The product is beautifully polished. 7. Coloring (2:05) After coloring and inlays are added, the work is complete! At 1:31 in the video, one of the Takaoka Copper Casting artisans explains “We hope that our Buddhist statues and monuments will convey what the customer had in mind, and will be loved.” The Art Pieces of Takaoka Copper Casting Gained Worldwide Popularity at the World Expo in Paris Source :YouTube screenshot A number of art pieces such as Buddhist statues and vases made using Takaoka Copper Casting were exhibited at the World Expo in Paris, and the name has come to be known around the world. These reason these artifacts are so beautifully shaped is because they were developed through producing bronze casting products adorned with carvings. In Takaoka City, Toyama, the descendants of the master craftsmen of the past have inherited the traditional crafting techniques and skills and have created many works of art. They continue to do so even today. Summary of Takaoka Copper Casting Source :YouTube screenshot The entire process of Takaoka Copper Casting has been done with the careful handiwork of artisans for more than 400 years. "We want to pass down the 400-year-old technique to the next generation," says one of the Takaoka Copper Casting artisans at 2:26 in the video. To inherit this valuable Japanese culture, Takaoka City has held workshops of Takaoka Copper Casting to train potential artisans. Miyuki-cho in Takaoka City has the Takaoka Copper Casting Museum where you can see and purchase products. Some large bronze statues are valued at millions of yen (tens of thousands of dollars). Takaoka Copper Casting products are also available at online marketplaces such as Rakuten and Amazon, and include ochoko (small sake cups), ornaments, paperweights, and more. The most popular ones are made by Takenaka Bronze Works Co.,Ltd. The company donated a 1/100 scale bronze casting model to Zuiryuji Temple (瑞龍寺, Zuiryuji), a temple designated as a National Treasure, in Takaoka City. The temple is one of the most popular tourist spots in Takaoka City renowned for its spring event of lighting up the temple, where the bones of Oda Nobunaga and his son are buried. Tourists can visit the grave of Maeda Toshinaga, who was deeply involved in the history of Takaoka Copper Castings, by way of a path called Hocchodo, lined with stone lanterns. In recent years, nine companies that are members of the Takaoka Copper Industry Cooperative Society have made original "Takaoka Wind Chimes" and sold them at the Takaoka Regional Industry Center, Takaoka Mikurumayama Museum, and shops where crafts are sold. 【Official website】Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:02
The Diamond Route - A Tour of Historical Sites and Natural Scenery in Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima Prefectures. Introducing the Best Sightseeing Routes to Discover the Charms of Japan!
Travel- 43 plays
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The Diamond Route of Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima Prefectures! This video, titled "【4K】Digest : Diamond Route Japan 2019 - Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki |" was published by Diamond Route Japan. While the "Golden Route" is a popular route for sightseeing in Japan, the "Diamond Route," which travels through the tourist areas of Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima prefectures, has become a hot topic of conversation as a way to experience the profound aspects of Japanese culture. By touring around Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima prefectures, you can experience Japan's history, culture, natural scenery, food, and outdoor sports in luxury. In this article, we'll introduce a video full of recommendations and attractions of the Diamond Route! Open Your Mind to the Ways of the Samurai Amidst the Diamond Route's Historical Landmarks and Spectacular Natural Scenery The video introduces historical sites and tourist attractions in each prefecture, along with traditional Japanese kendo, iaido, and the Japanese culture of Noh theatre, as areas where the spirit of Japanese Bushido is still very much alive. From Fukushima Prefecture, we have Aizu-Wakamatsu Castle, commonly known as Tsuruga-jo, Aizu Butokuden, the Aizu nohgaku do theater, and Okawa-so in Aizu Ashinomaki Onsen, located in Aizu-Wakamatsu city. In Ibaraki Prefecture, there's Kashima Jingu Shrine and Oarai Isosaki Shrine in Kashima City, and the Oya History Museum in Utsunomiya City. In Tochigi Prefecture, you'll see Butokuden at the Tochigi City Kendojo (kendo hall), Butokuden at Nikko Tosho-gu Shrine, Taiyuin at Rinnoji Temple in Nikko, and Uramino Falls in the upper reaches of the Arasawa River. Each of these sacred and majestic sightseeing areas, combined with traditional culture, such as kendo and iaido, and traditional performing arts such as Noh and shamisen, will leave you speechless. A Collaboration of Soccer, Nature, and Temples and Shrines on the Diamond Route! The video also shows the unique challenge of visiting tourist spots in Fukushima, Ibaraki, and Tochigi prefectures while juggling a soccer ball. The performance is by the freestyle soccer team, CUBE (球舞). In Fukushima Prefecture, there's Ouchi-juku in Minami-Aizu, Tsuruga-jo, and the Aizu Railway in Aizu-Wakamatsu, the Abukuma Caves in Tamura, and J-Village, a soccer training center in Futaba. In Ibaraki Prefecture, tourist attractions include the Oarai Isosaki Shrine and the Ushiku Buddha. In Tochigi Prefecture, you can visit the Oya History Museum in Utsunomiya City, Kura no Machi and the Uzumagawa River in Tochigi, the Kanmangafuchi Abyss in Nikko City, Edo Village in Nikko, and Taiyuin at Nikko Rinnoji Temple. Historical temples, shrines, natural scenery, and other tourist attractions are stylishly collaborated with sports. Eat up All the Delicious Food in Fukushima, Ibaraki, and Tochigi Prefectures! In the video, world-renowned Japanese chef Nobu Matsuhisa can be seen cooking gourmet food made from the bounty of Japan's beautiful mountains and rivers. The setting is the town of Shimogo in Fukushima Prefecture. Trout from the Kiyotaki Trout Farm (清滝養鱒場) in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture and mushrooms grown in the great outdoors of Shimogo Town, Tochigi Prefecture are used to create delicious dishes. As the term "local production for local consumption" is used in Japan, each area has a wealth of delicious gourmet food. Fukushima, Ibaraki and, Tochigi prefectures, all rich in natural landscapes, offer many delicious foods thanks to the blessings of the rivers and mountains. Summary of the Diamond Route of Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima Prefectures The Diamond Route of Fukushima, Tochigi and Ibaraki prefectures, where you can experience Japanese history and culture, is becoming a popular sightseeing route in Japan. We invite you to watch the video and find your next travel destination! -
Video article 2:54
Enjoy Nature, Culture, Food, Temples and Shrines, and the Near Future in Ibaraki Prefecture. This Is One Tourist Destination To Throw on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Travel- 102 plays
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A Myriad of Wonderful Sightseeing Spots in Ibaraki This video, "Ibaraki: Ever-Changing Beauty [4K Japan Cinematic]" was created by "Tokyo Creative Travel." There are many attractive sightseeing spots in Ibaraki Prefecture, including shrines and temples known as power spots, futuristic landmarks known as "towns close to space," and spots where you can experience the beauty of nature to the fullest. This article will introduce popular sightseeing spots in Ibaraki Prefecture alongside the video. Temples and Shrines in Ibaraki! Photo:Ushiku Daibutsu As you can see from 0:05 in the video, the Ushiku Daibutsu (Great Buddha of Ushiku), located in Ushiku, Ibaraki, is 120 meters tall. It is three times taller than the Statue of Liberty. Also, it's big enough to place the Great Buddha of Nara in its hand and is even recognized by Guinness Book of World Records. Arai Isomae Shrine, located on the Oarai Coast in Ibaraki, shown at 0:22 in the video, is a historical landmark known for "Kamiiso-no-Torii," a torii gate standing on a rocky reef. Kashima Shrine, the headquarters of Kashima Shrines throughout Japan, is also a popular sacred site. Tips when Traveling to Tsukuba, Ibaraki Photo:JAXA Tsukuba Space Center in Tsukuba, Ibaraki The city of Tsukuba in Ibaraki Prefecture, where the JAXA Tsukuba Space Center is located, is called "the closest town to space in Japan." Mt. Tsukuba in Hokutan, Tsukuba, is a popular spot for hiking and mountain climbing. The most advanced robots come and go around the University of Tsukuba, and as of 2019, the town of Tsukuba is the only place in Japan where Segways are allowed to be driven on public roads. There are a Segway tours that you can take on public roads as well, so consider checking these out. They can be seen from 1:21 in the video. Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Ibaraki Photo:Ibaraki Prefecture, National Hitachi Seaside Park Fukuroda Falls is ranked as the third most beautiful waterfall in Japan after Nachi Falls and Kegon Falls. If you're looking to relax, be sure to stop by Fukuroda Onsen and enjoy the hot springs. Hitachi Seaside Park is a popular, photogenic sightseeing spot where you can see gorgeous, blue nemophila during early summer. Kasumigaura Bay, the second largest lake in Japan, is another tourist destination we highly recommend visiting. We also recommend seeing the Ryujin Suspension Bridge, the longest bridge in Honshu, and Hananuki Gorge, where you can enjoy the beautiful autumn foliage in the fall. Ibaraki Prefecture is also known as a city of food. During your visit to Ibaraki, be sure to try monkfish dishes (あんこう料理), the Mito Chashu (Char Siu) Burger (水戸ちゃあしゅうバーガー), Kasama Inari Sushi (笠間いなり寿司), Hamaguri Meshi (はまぐりめし), Tsukuba Udon (つくばうどん), Soboro Natto (そぼろ納豆), and Sanpin Tako Meshi (三浜たこめし). Summary of Ibaraki Prefecture Photo:Ibaraki Prefecture, Hananuki Valley As you can see in the video, there are many places in Ibaraki where you can enjoy beautiful scenery. After a long day of sightseeing in Ibaraki Prefecture, nothing beats enjoying the local delicacies, and Ibaraki has them in spades. Visit Ibaraki, a prefecture full of charm! -
Video article 1:01
Power spots in Kamakura for good luck! The video shows the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, the Great Buddha of Kotokuin Temple, and the Mengakake procession of a strange festival! What is the charm of sightseeing in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture?
Travel Festivals & Events Traditional Culture- 58 plays
- YouTube
Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture Sightseeing Spots Video Introduction This video, titled "Kamakura, a Place of Prayer - Traditional Culture in Kamakura-" (祈りの地 鎌倉 -鎌倉の伝統文化-), was uploaded by "Ryo Hayashi" (林良). This work was submitted to the Kanagawa Prefecture Tourism Video Contest by "Ryo Hayashi", who uploads videos that capture the beautiful daily life of Kamakura. Kamakura is located in the central area of Kamakura, Kanagawa, in Japan's Kanto region. Known as the ancient capital of Japan, there are historical buildings and you can see the culture that Japan is famous for around the world. In addition to the spots in the video, there are many temples in Kamakura and it can be said to be a place of prayer. The video fully conveys the charms of Kamakura as a tourist destination. Be sure to watch the video to learn more about Kamakura, the land of prayer. Recommendation – The Great Buddha of Kamakura at Kotoku-in Temple During Cherry Blossom Season Photo:Cherry blossoms and the Kamakura Daibutsu When people think of Kamakura, the first shrine or temple that comes to mind is probably Kotoku-in Temple, home to the Great Buddha of Kamakura. It's so famous as a symbol that many people who don't know of Kotoku-in Temple will recognize it when they hear of the Great Buddha of Kamakura. The Great Buddha is approximately 11.3m tall and weighs around 121 tons. Although it's not as big as the Great Buddha of Nara Todaiji Temple, it is known as the second largest seated Great Buddha and is a National Treasure of Kamakura. In spring, you can also take pictures with the Great Buddha and cherry blossoms. A photo of the Great Buddha with cherry blossoms and blue skies is sure to look good on Instagram and make for a memorable shot! A Wedding Ceremony at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Featured in the Historical Japanese Drama 'The 13 Lords of the Shogun' Photo:A wedding at Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine Tsuruoka Hachimangu is a shrine that represents Kamakura, and is the subject of the popular historical drama The 13 Lords of the Shogun. The enshrined deities are the 3 Hachiman deities (Emperor Ojin, Empress Jingu, and Himegami), and are said to bring benefits, such as increased luck and improvement in arts, and also ward off evil. Wakamiya Oji, a road that stretches from Yuigahama Beach to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, is also a famous tourist spot. You can also watch the video of the festival held at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, the enshrinement anniversary festival and the Sachiakari ceremony. Sachiakari is a night wedding ceremony at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. It is held for only one group per day in the magical precincts illuminated by bonfires. Weddings held in the evening are very rare in Japan. [Video] 0:26 - Enshrinement Anniversary Festival, Sachiakari Ceremony Menkake Gyoretsu – A Festival at Goryo Shrine Photo:Menkake Gyoretsu, a unique festival at Goryo Shrine, Kamakura Take a look at the video to see what Menkake Gyoretsu (masked procession) at Goryo Shrine looks like. This festival, which has been designated as an Intangible Cultural Property of the prefecture, is said to be based on an event held at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine's Hojokai. This procession is depicted in the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Festival Procession Map at the Tokyo National Museum. If you rub the big belly of the big-belled okame (person wearing an Okame mask), it's believed you will be blessed with easy childbirth. [Video] 0:35 - Goryo Shrine's Menkake Gyoretsu Other Shrines and Temples in Kamakura Photo:Kenchoji Temple, one of the Five Temples of Kamakura Kamakura is home to many temples. Kamakura once prospered as the center of the Kamakura Shogunate, the first samurai government, and samurai culture flourished there throughout the Kamakura period (1185 to 1333 AD). Zen Buddhism was especially valued in samurai society, and Kenchoji Temple, Engakuji Temple, Jufukuji Temple, Jochiji Temple, and Jomyoji Temple are known as the Five Temples of Kamakura. In addition, there's Gokuraku-ji Temple and Anyo-in Temple, which are related to the Kamakura Shogunate, Ashikaga Takauji's Choju-ji Temple, and Ryuho-ji Temple which has ties to the Later Hojo clan. Meigetsu-in Temple, which has a deep connection with the samurai government, is also known as a hydrangea temple. The garden's 2,500 hydrangeas are in full bloom from early to late June. A Serene Zen Meditation Experience at a Zen Buddhist Temple Zen Buddhist temples offer a variety of experiences. For example, you can experience Zen meditation at Hokokuji Temple, and experience sutra copying and shabutsu (写仏, tracing the image of Buddha) at Hasedera Temple. Kenchoji also holds zazen meditation sessions that you can participate in twice a year. Komyo-ji Temple is also known as Neko-dera (猫寺, lit. "Cat Temple") because cats are taken care of by the temple residents and neighbors. It's known as a place where you can enjoy seasonal flowers together with the cats on the temple grounds. Highlights and Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Kamakura Photo:The Enoden Line and railroad crossing in front of Kamakura High School, Kamakura, Kanagawa Kamakura as a place of prayer is a tourist attraction visited by many people each year. Thanks to the historical drama it's becoming even more popular this year. The most famous station is the Enoshima Electric Railway's (commonly known as Enoden) Kamakura Kokomae station. There is a famous railroad crossing that appears in the opening of the anime Slam Dunk here, and it is visited by anime fans from all over the world. The Kamakura Museum of Literature is fashionable and displays manuscripts of poets, as well as a variety of books. Roses bloom in spring and autumn, and the collaboration with the Western-style building from Japan's early Showa period is incredibly photogenic. Shichirigahama Beach is popular among yacht and windsurfing enthusiasts, and Koshigoe beach is also popular during the sea bathing season. Wakaenoshima, the oldest harbor construction site, is also a place that history buffs should visit at least once. Furthermore, the natural beauty created by wave erosion on the western side of the Miura Peninsula is currently attracting attention. For the Best Food in Kamakura, Head to Komachi-Dori! If you want to enjoy some delicious food, head over to Komachi Street. There are many restaurants and cafes, where you can enjoy whitebait dishes and dishes using vegetables grown in Kamakura, as well as do some souvenir shopping. Also, at the beginning of October each year, Oktoberfest is held. You can experience a slice of German culture with refreshing beer, food stalls, and exciting stage performances. At the Kanagawa Prefectural Ofuna Botanical Garden, visitors can enjoy the nature of each season, including plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, and autumn leaves. Summary – Power Spots in Kamakura, a Place of Prayer Photo:Kamakura Have you seen the video of Kamakura, the Land of Prayer? Kamakura, an ancient city with a long history, is actually creating opportunities for regional revitalization with a unique business model called "Machi no Coin." Kamakura City has a population of approximately 173,000 and is visited by approximately 7.38 million tourists annually. You can also explore the historical and cultural town on foot or rent a bicycle. There are also many hiking courses with different attractions and levels for people of all experience levels. If you get tired, you can take a rest at a hot spring inn too. How about recharging your mind and body in a wonderful city with history, culture, and power spots? 【TripAdvisor】Kamakura, Kanagawa https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g303156-Kamakura_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:06
The World of Iga and Koka Ninja! What Is It About Ninja That Fascinates People Around the World? Enjoy Realistic Ninja Experiences in Mie and Shiga Prefectures, the Homes of Ninja!
Local PR Things to Do- 601 plays
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Video introduction of “Koga-style Ninja” in Iga City, Mie Prefecture and Koka City, Shiga Prefecture This video, produced by "Shinobi no Sato Iga Koka Ninja Council" is titled "KOKA NINJA PR 4K HD- 甲賀流忍者PR." Koka Shinobi no Sato is a popular spot designated as a Japanese heritage site. You can visit the training grounds of the Koka school of ninja, the Karakuri house, a ninja meeting place and other sites where you can learn about the ways of the ninja! If you're a fan of ninjas, check out this video! The History and Names of Ninjas Photo:Ninja The ninja shown in the video is an entity that served the feudal lords of Japan from the Muromachi period (1336 to 1573 AD) to the Edo period (1603 to 1868 AD) through the use of ninjutsu. Besides the name "ninja," they have also been called or are known as "Shinobi" (忍び), "Rappa" (乱破), "Suppa" (素破), "Sou" (草), "Dackou" (奪口), and "Kamari" (かまり). Ninjas used tools such as shuriken, kama, and kunai, and mainly worked in espionage, sabotage, infiltration tactics, conspiracy, and assassination. It is said that there were also female ninja called "kunoichi." The Birthplace of Ninja and Their Styles Source :YouTube screenshot As introduced in the video, there are two schools of Japanese ninja- the Iga style and the Koka style. The Koka school of ninja were active in the region of Koka in the province of Omi (present-day Shiga Prefecture). The Iga school of ninja were active in the Iga province (today's Mie Prefecture). There is a slight difference in the use of techniques between the Koka and Iga schools. The physical prowess of the ninja was quite high, and the Iga school of ninja is said to have organized groups of a hundred men and used a variety of techniques to fight in the dark during conflicts such as the Tensho Iga War and the Tensho Iga Rebellion that occurred during the Warring States period (c. 1467-1615). It is said that they took a leap forward. It is said that even today, in 2020, there are survivors of the ninja in Japan. Summary of the Koka and Iga Ninja Village Source :YouTube screenshot At 0:24 in the video, you can enjoy sightseeing at the Ninja Village in Koka City, Shiga Prefecture, including things like visiting the Ninja Mansion and taking a Koka Ninja test. There are other hands-on experiences in Japan where you can dress up in samurai and warrior costumes as well. On top of that, there are comics, anime, and movies that feature ninja, so be sure to check them out if you're interested. If you enjoy learning about Japanese history, or are just a fan of ninjas, be sure to take a look at the video! 【Official Website】Shinobi no Sato Iga/Koka https://www.shinobinosato.com/en/index.html -
Video article 2:55
If You're Visiting Nara Prefecture, Then You Don’t Want to Miss Out on the City of Tenri! This City, Full of Rich History, Was Home to the Royal Family Approximately 1,300 Years Ago!
Local PR Travel- 139 plays
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About Tenri, Nara Prefecture This video, titled "Tenri Tourism PR (Introducing Attractions in Tenri)" (天理市観光PR(天理市の魅力紹介)), was made by Tenri City Hall. It introduces tourist information for Tenri, Nara Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai Region (関西地方, Kansai-chiho). About 1,300 years ago, Nara Prefecture was the capital of Japan. The temples, landscape, and culture that have withstood the test of time are still present day, and they invite you to experience the atmosphere of the old days. Tenri is located in the middle of Asuka・Fujiwara-kyo (飛鳥・藤原京,Asuka Fujiwara-kyo) and Heijo-kyo (平城京, Heijo-kyo), both former capitals, and the home of the imperial family at the time. It was a place of irreplaceable significance for Japanese politics and culture at the time. This video shows the attractions of Tenri packed into a 3 minute long video. Be sure to follow along as you read the article! Recommended Sightseeing Locations in Tenri, Nara Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The oldest road in Japan, Yamanobe street (山辺の道, Yamanobe-no-michi), where you can hike while indulging in the beautiful scenery of Nara Basin (奈良盆地, Nara Bonchi), is a historical sightseeing spot, the origins of which can be traced all the way back to the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan). In the comfortable fall climate especially, many tourists visit Yamanobe street to witness the breathtaking landscape. In addition, there are fascinating historic sites within the city, such as Nishiyama Kofun (西山古墳), Yamato Tenjinyama Kofun (大和天神山古墳), and the Mausoleum of Emperor Keikō (渋谷向山古墳, Shibutani Mukai-yama Kofun). Walk through the refreshing sightseeing route and wallow in the beautiful, natural landscape. Yamanobe street and the kofun group are introduced at 1:16 in the video with the narration that helps you feel the origins of Japan. If you are now interested kofun, try Kurozuka Burial Mound Pavilion (天理市立黒塚古墳展示館), which is the guidance facility for Kurozuka Kofun (黒塚古墳), designated a historic landmark by the government. Walk Around the Temples and Shrines of Tenri, Nara Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Isonokami Shrine (石上神宮, Isonokami-jingu), said to be one of the oldest shrines in Japan, is a site we highly recommend visiting. You'll also want to visit other little-known tourist spots such as Himuro Shrine (氷室神社, Himuro-jinja) and Zenpuku Temple (善福寺, Zenpuku-ji). There are many cute deer around the temples and shrines where you can enjoy the natural scenery, so be sure to enjoy walking around. These temple and shrine are introduced at 0:28 in the video. There are many other temples and shrines to visit in Tenri, including Chogaku Temple (長岳寺, Chogaku-ji) and Yamato Shrine (大和神社, Yamato-jinja). Dining in Tenri, Nara Prefecture Nakanishi Peanuts, located in Tenri, is a famous peanut shop where many customers visit from faraway. Furthermore, there are many places in Tenri where you can enjoy delicious eel cuisine. Don't forget to try Tenri Ramen, a local specialty of Tenri, when sightseeing. Refreshing portions of shaved ice are served at the lively Ice Dedication Festival (献氷祭, Kenpyo-sai), held annually on May 1st, as Himuro Shine in Tenri worships a god of ice. Enjoy eating delicious shaved ice, perfect for your Instagram, at this beautiful, out-of-the-way destination. Summary of Tenri, Nara Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Tenri, Nara Prefecture, with a population of 65,466 people (as of 1 July 2019), is easily accessed, being only an hour away from Osaka and Kyoto. The name "Tenri" is derived from the religious organization Tenrikyo, as the city is the largest religious city in Japan with Tenri Church Headquarters (天理教教会本部, Tenrikyo Kyokai-honbu) located in the city center, making it the only city in 21st century Japan to be named after a religious organization. There are many facilities and buildings related to Tenrikyo within Tenri, such as Tenri University. As introduced in the video, there are countless appealing sightseeing sites in Tenri, Nara Prefecture. Nara Prefecture is popular as a tourist destination where you can experience the history and culture of Japan. Be sure to watch the video and indulge in the attractions that Tenri has to offer. If you're planning on enjoying sightseeing in Nara Prefecture, don't miss out on visiting some of the other tourist attractions in Tenri after visiting famous places like Todai-ji Temple (東大寺, Todai-ji) and Nara Park (奈良公園, Nara-koen). You can rest easy at night thanks to the numerous hotels and ryokan located around Tenri. 【Official Website】Tenri, Nara Prefecture City Hall Homepage http://www.city.tenri.nara.jp/ -
Video article 3:55
Full of power! Full of thrills! Jigoku-nozoki (peering into hell) at "Mt. Sawtooth Mountain" in Awa-gun, Chiba Prefecture is absolutely thrilling! Recommended Hiking & Climbing Spots and Sightseeing around Mt.
Local PR Travel Nature- 399 plays
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Video introduction of "Mt. Sawtooth" in Kyonan-cho, Awa-gun, Chiba Prefecture What is Mount Nokogiri (鋸山, Nokogiriyama)? The video is an introduction to Mt. Nokogiri entitled [“Breathtaking views at Nokogiri mountain known as saw-tooth mountain” Promotion movie【2017】], directed by Chiba Prefectural Government. Mount Nokogiri, sitting on the border between Kyonan Town (鋸南町, Kyonanmachi) and Futtsu City (富津市, Futtsushi) in Chiba Prefecture, gets its name from its saw-like spiky ridgelines. A breathtaking panorama opens itself up to you from the 329m-high peak. Photo: Mt. Sawtooth Mountain If you’re lucky with weather, you can enjoy Mt. Fuji (富士山, Fujisan), Mt. Amagi (天城山, Amagiyama) and Oshima (大島, Oshima) on the Pacific in a single sight. Especially, the nearby Three Great Mountains of Awa (安房三名山, Awasanmeizan), Mt. Fuji, Mt. Gotemba (御殿場山, Gotembasan), Mt. Iyo (伊予ヶ岳, Iyogatake), are a sight to behold. Immerse yourself in the pre-experience of hiking & mountaineering by watching the video! Enjoy the Beautiful Scenery of Mt. Nokogiri through Hiking & Mountaineering/h2> The main attraction of Mt. Nokogiri is hiking & mountaineering. Mt. Nokogiri Nihon Temple (鋸山日本寺, Nokogiriyamanihonji), located on Mt. Nokogiri, is the oldest imperial temple in Kanto, founded through an order given by the emperor about 1,300 years ago. Within its vast realm, one of its routes contains various tourist attractions such as the biggest stone-made Buddha in Japan, Sengohyaku Rakan, and the “View of Hell”. A low mountain of just 329m, you can casually enjoy hiking & mountaineering with a route that takes you to the peak within a couple of hours.Some routes are unpaved, and it is recommended that you climb with exercise clothes and suitable hiking shoes on. Mt. Nokogiri is a part of “Kanto Fureai-no-Michi”, a long natural hiking-course passing through the 7 Prefectures in Kanto. The course is 1,799km long in total, and lets you indulge in the beauty of nature around Kanto, connecting Mt. Takao (高尾山, Takaosan), Okutama, Chichibu, Mt. Tsukuba (筑波山, Tsukubasan), Kujukuri Beach (九十九里浜, Kujukurihama), Boso, Miura Peninsula (三浦半島, Miurahanto) and Tanzawa. Source :YouTube screenshot A spot you cannot miss in Mt. Nokogiri is Hyakushaku-Kannon (Buddha), the guardian of traffic safety. The Kannon, 30.3m high, was carved out of the stone over 6 years. You can watch this from 1:16 in the video. Sengohyaku Rakan is the most prominent sacred place dedicated to Rakan in the world, replete with Buddha sculptures carved by the most eminent sculptors of the Edo period. You can watch this from 0:56 in the video. No single pair of 1,500 sculptures share the same facial expression. In the Buddha plaza, sits the tallest Buddha in Japan towering at the height of 31.05m. He welcomes numerous visitors with his 6.5m face and 608 hair spirals. Photo: Sawasan Peak Observatory The main attraction of the course is the Peak Observatory. The observatory is on the outcropped rock sticking out of the cliff and is known as the “View of Hell”. Be brave enough to peek down from this thrilling observatory. The video introduces this from 1:52. The video alone gives you the impact. The mountain is also popular for watching sunsets and sunrises. Ropeway Route Makes Mt. Nokogiri Accessible for All! Ropeway provides a good alternative to cars to reach the peak. Why not enjoy a relaxing 4-minute voyage in a coach with amazing scenery? The video introduces the view from the ropeway from 0:18. Take home the beauty of a myriad of colorful autumn leaves with you. Summary of Mt. Nokogiri A series of work entitled ‘Fuji Sanjurokkei’ by Hiroshige Utagawa, a Ukiyoe artist developed during the Edo period, depicts the mountain lively with the title ‘Awa Nokogiriyama’. This suggests that Mt. Nokogiri was a sacred property of local belief from ancient times. Kyonan, Futtsu, and Fuppo area in which Mt. Nokogiri sits is known as a port city along the Tokyo Bay, and restaurants provide cuisines with fresh fish. Mt. Nokogiri not only is a site of beautiful landscape, it is an indispensable tourist attraction in Chiba where you can enjoy its history, art, local cuisine and hot spring. The video introduces many of the tourist attractions along the hiking course of Mt. Nokogiri including information on photogenic sights perfect for your Instagram. Enjoy! -
Video article 2:30
Tokai City in Aichi Prefecture Is Full of Exciting Festivals and Events! Packed With Events You'll Want to Attend at Least Once, This Is a Place to Put on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Festivals & Events- 72 plays
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Introducing Tokai in Aichi Prefecture This is a PR video titled “Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Promotional Footage - From 1969 to the Future” (愛知県東海市シティプロモーション映像 「1969年→未来へ」), produced by tokaicityofficial. Tokai is named in the hope that the city would represent the Tokai region. This short two-and-a-half-minute video is a speedy introduction of the attractive views, events, and tourist destinations in Tokai. Starting with the footage of old Tokai, scenes of the bustling city in the present day will give you the impression of a “Safe, Futuristic City that Connects People with Dreams” (the city’s slogan), and the footage makes one feel as if the city will continue to develop into the future. Sightseeing in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Photo:Shurakuen Buddha Tokai in Aichi Prefecture has many iron works from long ago, and developed as the “City of Steel.” In 1969, the present Tokai was born as the result of a merger between the towns of Ueno and Yokosuka. A large Buddha is perched on the scenic hill overlooking Tokai, Aichi Prefecture, as if it's watching over the city. The Shurakuen Buddha in Shurakuen Park, with a height of 18.79 meters (about 62 feet), that watches over Tokai, is bigger than the Buddhas in both Nara and Kamakura. Be sure to add this landmark to your itinerary when you visit Tokai. The Buddha statue is shown at 0:42 in the video. Even just from watching the video you can feel the scale of the statue. Tourists can also visit hidden gems, such as Observation Hill in Oike Park to enjoy the scenic beauty, as well as the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater. The Summer Festivals of Tokai, Aichi Prefecture One of the most popular summer events in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture is the Tokai Fireworks Festival. The popular firework festival, which represents Tokai, is held in the city at Oike Park. It provides a spectacular view for visitors. Experience the spectacular fireworks of the Tokai Fireworks Festival in the footage at 1:23 in the video. Tokai also has a unique festival called the "Silent Bon Festival" where locals dance to music played in their earphones, as not to annoy people living in the surrounding area. Event Information for Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Ota Festival and Owari Yokosuka Festival are known as the two largest float festivals in the city. Beside these, the city is filled with a festive atmosphere during tourist events such as the pop culture event ANIMAN, the Ryukyu Festival for introducing attractions of Okinawa City (one of Tokai’s sister cities), and the Tokai Autumn Festival. The Ota River area has events including the Nippon Domannaka Festival and the Ota River Hot Summer Garden during summer, and the Winter Illumination at Ota River during winter. The event venues are lined with stalls where tourists can purchase local food and souvenirs. The Tokai Half Marathon organized in December also gathers attentions from both locals and tourists. Check out the video to see footage of these events and festivals! Summary of Tokai, Aichi Prefecture The video has a lot of amazing things to see. So many traditional Japanese festivals and events are organized in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture! Enjoy the scenic beauty, as well as the events/festivals in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture, through the video. Tokai, Aichi Prefecture truly is a fascinating tourist destination! When you make a trip to the city, be sure to join in the festive events. It'll be an experience you won't forget! 【Official Website】Tokai, Aichi Prefecture city official website http://www.city.tokai.aichi.jp/ -
Video article 3:24
Onomichi, Hiroshima Prefecture Is a Port City With Breathtaking Ocean and Mountain Views! Here's a Roundup of the Must-See Sights in a City of History and Culture With a Distinct Japanese Feel!
Local PR Travel- 706 plays
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Sightseeing in Onomichi City, Hiroshima! This article introduces a video called "Japan Heritage Onomichi City" that summarizes sightseeing information about Onomichi City, and Hiroshima Prefecture. In this three-and-a-half-minute video, artist Naoki Honjo walks around the attractive tourist destinations and scenic locations in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, a Japanese heritage site known as the "Southern City," sandwiched between the three mountains of Onomichi and the Onomichi Channel. Enjoy the rich scenery of the Onomichi area! Visit Historical Temples in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture! Photo:Friends visiting a shrine There are many temples in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Chugoku Region, where you can feel the Japanese atmosphere. The historic Jodoji Hondo and Tahoto, the Saikokuji Niomon, the Shakokuji Kondo and the three-storied pagoda, introduced at 0:52, are absolutely amazing. Don't miss the statues of Joshoji, Saigoji Hondo, and Amidanyorai at Senkoji Temple, and the silk-colored Fugen Enmei statue at Jikoji Temple. If you want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Onomichi City, take the Senkojiyama Ropeway to the Senkoji Park Observation Deck. From here, you can enjoy the scenic beauty of Onomichi City, the Nishi Seto Expressway, with its mild climate, and the distant Innoshima and Ikuchi Islands. Recommended Spots in Onomichi City, Hiroshima! Photo:Onomichi landscape If you're staying in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, we recommend Nishiyama Honkan, a retro hotel introduced at 1:36 in the video. Check out the beautiful views of Miharashi-tei, the charming gardens of the former Fukui House, and the Soraiken Garden. Along the slopes of Onomichi, there are many cafes where you can enjoy local gourmet. From 2:08 in the video, cultural buildings such as the Former Onomichi Bank Head Office, and the Former Onomichi Chamber of Commerce are also introduced. Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture is known as a port town and has a long history of travelers. If you cross Innoshima Bridge from Mukojimacho in Onomichi, you can go to Innoshima, a popular tourist spot floating in Setouchi. Check out sightseeing events in Onomichi City, Hiroshima! Photo:Onomichi Fireworks Festival There are various events around the city of Onomichi, Hiroshima Prefecture, where the residents are united and excited. In particular, be sure to watch the Yoshiwa Taiko Dance with a long history, the Betcher Festival, the Sumiyoshi Festival, the Onomichi Light Festival, the Onomichi Minato Festival, the Onomichi Gion Festival, the Innoshima Suigun Festival, the Onomichi Sumiyoshi Fireworks Festival, and the Setodacho Summer Festival. They are all very thrilling to watch. For more information about Onomichi's festivals, events, and history, visit the Onomichi History Museum and Art Museum. Summary of Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture If you walk along the sightseeing route in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, you'll be able to take some great Instagram photos. There are many maze-like slopes in the city of Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, and it is famous for the many cats living in the city, Innoshima and Ikuchijima. It is also a popular Japanese film and serial drama shooting location, so we recommend going to a filming location! In Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, you can enjoy cycling, Onomichi Hondori Shopping Street, Kaigan Dori, Onomichi Ihatov, Maneki Neko Art Museum, The Narrow Cat Path, the Fukuishi Cat, Onomichi City Art Museum, and Setouchi Shimanami Kaido. Also there's delicious food in the area, such as the local Onomichi ramen, "sweets using citrus fruits," "Hirayama Ikuo Museum," "Kosanji and Kosanji museum." Visit famous and unexpected sightseeing spots and enjoy the charm of Onomichi, Hiroshima Prefecture. Be sure to check out the video of Onomichi-shi, Hiroshima to see everything it has to offer! 【Official Website】Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture hall homepage https://www.city.onomichi.hiroshima.jp/site/onomichicity/ 【Tripadvisor】Onomichi City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g651649-Onomichi_Hiroshima_Prefecture_Chugoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:59
Kakurin Temple - The Treasure of Kakogawa, Hyogo and a Treasury of History. This Out of the Way Sightseeing Spot Is a Fascinating Temple With Ties to Prince Shotoku!
Local PR Travel Art & Architecture- 139 plays
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Introducing Kakurin Temple Temple Source :Kakurin Temple Temple Official Twitter Right now, Japan is experiencing an unprecedented amount of inbound tourism. Have you ever wanted to visit a temple in peace and quiet, only to be disappointed by the sheer number of tourists? There's actually a lot of quiet sightseeing spots just a short distance away if you don't mind venturing just a bit further. This video, titled "Kakogawa City PR Video|Kakurin-ji Temple" (【兵庫県加古川市PR動画】鶴林寺), created by "Kakogawa Tourism Association" introduces Totasan Kakurin Temple (Kakurinji), located in Kakogawa, east of the Harima area of Hyogo. There are many formal shrines and temples around the area. It is extremely accessible, being just 30 minutes from Kobe (JR Sannomiya Station) and 10 minutes from Himeji on the Special Rapid Express train, making it a hidden tourist attraction and a historic sacred site. The video shows a woman sightseeing at Kakurin Temple Temple. Enjoy the sights and sounds of Kakurin Temple Temple through the video! The History of Kakurin Temple Source :Kakurin Temple Temple Official Twitter Kakurin Temple has a deep connection with Prince Shotoku, who is known for spreading Buddhism in Japan. Eben, a monk from Goryeo, afraid of Buddhist abolitionists, evacuated to Harima. In 585, the young Prince Shotoku, 12 at the time, visited from the and received the teachings of Buddha. This is said to be the beginning of Kakurin Temple. During Kamakura period, (1185-1333) the worship of Prince Shotoku became popular and the temple reached its peak. During Warring States period, (1467-1615), when the country was on the brink of war, Kuroda Kanbei, the lord of Himeji Castle, and his father Mototaka forced to relinquish the castle to Oda Nobunaga to avoid complete annihilation. Kakurin Temple Temple is one of the most representative temples in Kakogawa, with many National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties. The temple is called "Otsurusan" by the locals. In the fall, the trees at the temple turn red and it become a popular place for moon viewing. You can also try zen meditation and sutra-copying, which are shown at 0:55 in the video. It's popular photogenic sightseeing spot among tourists from abroad who are interested in Japanese culture. The Cultural Properties of Kakurin Temple Temple Source :Kakurin Temple Temple Official Twitter There are 45 Cultural Properties at Kakurin Temple Temple, including the main hall and Taishi-do Hall, which are both national treasures. You can see the main hall at 0:27 and Taishi-do Hall from 1:07 in the video. The temple is called "Harima's Horyu-ji" and the Main Hall, Nio-zo and Three-storied Pagoda are truly spectacular. There are many paintings and Buddhist statues stored at the temple, and the most famous one is a standing bronze statue of the Goddess of Mercy, "Aitata Kannon." There is a legend that says that when the statue was stolen, the thief hurt his back and screamed "aitata!," and was so surprised that he repented and returned the statue to the temple. There are so many things to see at the temple, such as the Yakushi-sanzon (three deities of the Buddha) that cure diseases, the statue of the Holy Avalokitesvara (the Goddess of Mercy) and the powerful Twelve Divine Generals. These can be seen at 0:40 in the video. The Festival at Kakurin Temple Source :Kakurin Temple Temple Official Twitter The temple is known for its Oni-oi ceremony. This can be seen at 1:30 in the video. After red oni and blue oni get violent in the crowds, they are exorcised by the Buddha. This is an event at Kakurin Temple, that has continued since the Heian period (794-1185). During the Tanabata Festival in July, the temple grounds are opened to the public free of charge from 5pm and strips of paper are hung on bamboo branches to make wishes. Summary of Kakurin Temple Temple Source :Kakogawa Tourism Association Kakurin Temple is a great place to get a closer look at Japanese culture. You can get a sense of history at Kakurin-ji Treasure Museum, which is shown at 1:11 in the video. Also, Kakogawa, where Kakurin Temple is located, is another sightseeing spot where you can experience the "real Japan." The nostalgic station buildings and shopping streets are fun to walk through, and there is also excellent access to Akashi and Himeji. The most famous and the closest sightseeing spot is Himeji Castle, which is shown from 0:02 in the video. Be sure to try the "Katsumeshi," a combination of pork cutlet, rice and cabbage, when you visit Kakogawa. We hope this video gave you a taste of the wonderful, traditional Japanese scenery of Kakurin Temple Temple and made you more interested in Kakogawa City. ◆Kakurin Temple Information◆ 【Address】424 Kakogawacho, Kakogawa City, Hyogo Prefecture 675-0031 【Access】8 minutes by bus or 25 minutes on foot from JR Kakogawa Station 【Hours】9:00~16:30 【Admission fee】Adult 500 yen (as of July 2020) 【Parking】There is a parking lot 【Telephone】079-454-7053 【Official Website】Kakogawa City, Hyogo City Hall Website http://www.city.kakogawa.lg.jp/ -
Video article 4:45
Uchiko, Ehime: A Charming Town in Shikoku Where You Can Experience Tradition, Culture, History, and Delicious Local Cuisine. Come Feel the Traditional Japanese Atmosphere!
Local PR Travel- 171 plays
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The Traditional Japanese Atmosphere of Uchiko, Ehime This is a PR video for Uchiko, titled ‘UCHIKO GENIC Trailer,’ made by the Uchiko Tourism Association in Ehime prefecture on Shikou Island. The town of Uchiko, in Ehime Prefecture, is home to a strong tradition of Japanese performing arts and traditional events. population of about 300 people, is a beautiful place where traditional culture has been preserved through "village-preservation activities" by the residents. In Ishidatami district, the local people hold festivals in every season, such as the "Water Wheel Festival" and the "Soba Festival," and many tourists visit the festivals to experience traditional Japanese culture. This video introduces the traditions, culture, history and cuisine of Uchiko, Ehime with fantastic music. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! A Heavenly Time in Uchiko, Ehime Source :YouTube screenshot Ishidatami no Yado hotel in Uchiko, Ehime is an inn with a traditional Japanese style house, where you are served Japanese cuisine using local ingredients. You can relax in the onsen bath and enjoy delicious Japanese meals. This can be seen at 1:30 in the video. A popular cultural experience in Uchiko, Ehime is strolling through the town in Kimono. We recommend giving it a try to relax. In the video, you can see a woman strolling through the streets of Uchiko while wearing a kimono at 0:26. You can also get some great Instagram pictures of yourself in a kimono! When you're sightseeing in Uchiko, be sure to stop drop in on the local shops, such as Road Station Uchiko's Fresh Park Karari and Odanokyo Seseragi, where you can buy local sake, as well as Uchiko's famous traditional bamboo crafts and souvenir. Karari Bridge (からり橋 Kararibashi) at Uchiko Fresh Park Karari, is decorated with Koinobori streamers in spring. It's a truly beautiful scene. You can see the Koinobori streamers at 2:34 in the video. Many Koinobori streamers, big and small, elegantly swim through the air of Uchiko. Traditional Entertainment and Events in Uchiko! Photo:Uchiko-za Yokaichigokoku in Uchiko, has been given the status of "Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings." Once upon a time, this district was a busy merchant town with a focus on candle making. There's a theater for plays in this district, called Uchiko-za. This theater has been operating since the Taisho period, showing traditional Japanese bunraku plays. The theater can be seen at 0:47 in the video. The Kite Festival, shown at 2:38, has around 400 years of history and is an event in Uchiko that we highly recommend checking out. It's held on May 5th every year, so be sure to line up your visit if you can. At Takekobo Studio, shown at 0:31 in the video, you can see traditional bamboo crafts being hand crafted by artisans. These are perfect as souvenirs from Uchiko. Experience the Natural Landscape Uchiko! Photo:Taiko Bridge, Yuge Shrine Uchiko also attracts people with its beautiful natural landscape. We recommend walking around Odamiyama Valley (小田深山渓谷 Odamiyama Keikoku) in the deep forest and visiting the beautiful rice terrace at Izumidani. Uchiko has a lot to offer when it comes to scenic views. The rice terraces are can be seen throughout the video, and thanks to the drone footage, you get a great aerial view! We also recommend visiting Kosho Temple (高昌寺 Koshoji) and seeing the beautiful view from Yuge Shrine (弓削神社 Yuge Jinja). Don’t forget to try some tasty soba made with the pure water of Uchiko. You can see it at 2:24 in the video. Summary of Uchiko, Ehime Uchiko is a famous tourist spot in Ehime Prefecture where you can experience unique Japanese history. There are many more sightseeing spots in Uchiko that we couldn't get to in this article, so be sure to watch the video to see more of the charms that Uchiko has to offer! We hope we sparked your interest in Uchiko. Visit Uchiko, a town where you can discover Japanese culture and beautiful scenery! 【Official Website】Ehime prefecture Uchiko Town Hall Website https://www.town.uchiko.ehime.jp/ 【Official Website】Uchiko Town Official Tourism Site Uchiko Sanpo https://www.we-love-uchiko.jp/ -
Video article 5:00
Fukuoka’s Must-See Tourist Destinations. Historical Structures, Traditional Culture, Local Cuisine and More– A Complete Video Guide to Fukuoka!
Local PR Travel- 115 plays
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Fukuoka: Where sightseeing, Japanese culture, the outdoors, and Japanese cuisine all come together The video “Hyperlapse Fukuoka City, Japan 4k (Ultra HD) - 福岡 Full ver.” is a promotional video created by the city of Fukuoka. It introduces sightseeing locations, Japanese cuisine such as street food, Japanese culture though festivals, and more, all in one of Japan’s most popular sightseeing destinations- Fukuoka, in Japan's Kyushu region. Fukuoka is said to be a gateway to Asia, as it's a popular sightseeing destination welcoming many visitors to Japan. This video introduces more than 20 famous sightseeing areas and places of cultural interest in Fukuoka. 5 impressive minutes of breathtaking views shown through time lapses and aerial shots taken by drones. We guarantee you'll find a spot you want to visit. Sightseeing in Fukuoka- Recommendations and information about commercial facilities Photo:Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome and hotel From 0:05 in the video, the symbol of Fukuoka, the Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome (福岡ヤフオク!ドーム, Fukuoka yafuoku domu) is shown. This is Japan’s first stadium built with a retractable roof, making it usable no matter the weather. This is also the home stadium of the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks. At 3:23, we can hear the crowd cheering from inside the stadium. Fukuoka Tower (福岡タワー, Fukuoka tawa) is an exquisite 234-meter-tall tower equipped with 8000 pieces of half mirrors reflecting the sky and the city. From the viewing platform, you can enjoy a 360-degree view of Fukuoka, which was chosen as one of Japan’s “Top 100 night views”. The ACROS Fukuoka, reminiscent of a park, as well as the Canal City Hakata, built around a meandering canal to create a unique space, are entertainment complexes. These famous structures of Fukuoka Prefecture can be seen at 0:19 in the video. Access to Fukuoka’s recommended sightseeing areas Hakata Station (博多駅, Hakata-eki) is conveniently located about 5 minutes away from Fukuoka Airport (福岡空港, Fukuoka kuko) by subway. outside of that, Kyushu (九州, Kyushu), Kagoshima (鹿児島, Kagoshima), and Honshu (本州, Honshu), are accessible through the JR bullet train (JR新幹線, JR shinkansen). Besides public transportation such as the trains or buses from Hakata Station, renting a car and driving through the city’s highways is also a convenient way to travel in the city. Sightseeing in Fukuoka- history, culture, nature, and our recommendations Photo:The five-story pagoda at Tochoji Temple From 1:11 of the video, Ohori Park (大濠公園, Ohori koen) is introduced. This is a healing location right in the center of Fukuoka City and home to the five-story pagoda of Tochoji Temple (東長寺, Tochoji) as well as the Buddha of Fukuoka, so it's definitely worth seeing. The Fukuoka Buddha is 16.1 meters (52.8 ft) tall, making it the largest wooden Buddha in all of Japan. Next, the Fukuoka City Museum (福岡市博物館, Fukuoka-shi hakubutsukan) located in Momochihama (百道浜, Momochihama) is a cultural facility that introduces the lifestyle of Fukuokans as well as the history of Fukuoka itself. The well-known National Treasure, the “King of Na gold seal” (金印, Kin-in) is also on permanent display. In addition, the Jotenji Temple (承天寺, Jotenji) near Hakata Station boasts an exquisite stone garden. Umi-no-Nakamichi (海の中道, Umi no nakamichi) and Nokonoshima Island (能古島, Nokonoshima) are also brimming with nature. These can be seen from 1:26 in the video. From 2:10 in the video, craftsmen can be seen producing Hakata-ori textiles (博多織, Hakata-ori) and Hakata dolls (博多人形, Hakata-ningyo). The Hakozaki Shrine (筥崎宮, Hakozakigu), with a main worship hall recognized as an Important Cultural Property of Japan is shown, as well as two of the three main festivals of Kyushu. The first is the Tamaseseri Festival (玉取祭・玉せせり, Tamatori・Tamaseseri), where participants compete to get their hands on a lucky ball. Also shown is the Hakata Gion Yamakasa festival (博多祇園山笠, Hakata gion yamakasa), which is recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage. Fukuokan cuisine Around Tenjin Station (天神駅, Tenjin-eki) and Nakasu (中洲, Nakasu) are more than 100 food stands where you can enjoy a great variety of Japanese cuisine such as Hakata ramen (博多ラーメン, Hakata ramen). Fresh sushi and motsunabe (もつ鍋, Motsunabe) are also popular. These popular Fukuokan foods are introduced at 3:03 in the video. A trip isn't complete without tasting food made from the very best local ingredients! Traveling in Fukuoka - Summary Photo:Fukuokan street food As shown in the video, Fukuoka is an area where you can thoroughly enjoy Japan’s culture, sightseeing, and cuisine. There are many more charming areas in the video that we couldn't get around to in this article, so if you haven't checked it out yet, we recommend giving it a look. You're sure to be charmed by what Fukuoka has to offer! 【Official Website】Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka City Municipal Office Homepage https://www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/english/index.html -
Video article 2:58
Pink, Yellow, Purple... Gifu Prefecture's Hashima City Is a Colorful Place Where You Can Enjoy the Natural Beauty of the Four Seasons. With Festivals, Gourmet Food, and Traditional Culture, Hashima City Has Plenty of Attractions for You to Enjoy!
Local PR Travel- 142 plays
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Sightseeing in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture! Introducing sightseeing in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture! This video introduces the Hashima City sightseeing video "Hashima City Sightseeing PR Video. Normal Version, 2017," produced by the "Hashima City Tourism Association." Hashima City, in Gifu Prefecture, is an area with excellent traffic access thanks to the Tokaido Shinkansen route. Get off at Gifu-Hashima Station, where the statues of the Japanese politicians, Mr. and Mrs. Mutsune Ono, stand in front of the station and enjoy sightseeing around the scenic Hashima city. Enjoy this quick 3 minute clip filled with the nature, history, festivals, and gourmet food of Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture. Tourist Attractions in Hashima City! Source :YouTube screenshot In Hashima City, a place overflowing with nature, you can enjoy the cherry blossoms of Hashima Park (羽島公園, Hashima koen) and Sakai river (境川, Sakaigawa) in the spring, the wisteria trellises of the Takehana Betsuin Temple (真宗大谷派竹鼻別院, Shinshu Otaniha Takehana Betsuin), and the lotuses of Oga Lotus garden (大賀ハス園, Oga hasu koen) in the early summer. In autumn, you can gaze upon the the vast sunflower field, the cosmos of Ichinoeda, and the rows of ginkgo trees. The seasonal scenery is perfect for Instagram, so don't forget to bring your camera! You can see Ichinoeda Cosmos Square, with one side dyed pink, at 0:43 in the video. Hongaku Temple (本覚寺, Hongaku ji) in Hashima City, is famous for its cloud dragon ceiling painting, shown at 2:08 in the video. We also recommend checking out Yoro Park (養老公園, Yoro koen), where the Yoro Falls are located, as well as Yoro Shrine (養老神社, Yoro jinja). Other sightseeing spots we recommend are Chiyobo Inari Shrine (千代保稲荷神社, Chiyobo Inari jinja), the Great Buddha of Sakichi in the Takehana area, Naka Kannon Hall (中観音堂, Naka Kannon do) and the Hashima Enku Museum (羽島円空資料館, Hashima Enku Shiryokan), and the Hashima City Folk Museum. After sightseeing, enjoy local gourmet dishes using lotus root, while sipping on sake, or relax at a hot spring inn or hotel. The local cuisine of Hashima City is introduced at 2:13 in the video. Lotus root rice bowls, boiled fish, miso dumplings, sake ... everything looks so delicious. Hashima City Event Information! Source :YouTube screenshot Check out the historical festivals and popular events in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture. In Hashima City, the Hashima Spring Festival is held in the spring, and during the Golden Week there is a lively float festival called the Takehana Festival. The Nobi Fireworks, a tradition upheld since the Meiji Period, are also something to look out for. The Japanese drum called Hajima Taiko, introduced at 0:19, is also famous. Let's go to events such as Japanese drum live and music festival. Summary of Sightseeing in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture! Gifu Prefecture's Hashima City has many interesting sightseeing spots. Hashima City can also be easily accessed from Kanto and Kansai by bullet train, making it a great place to visit. In the video, you can see information about Hashima City that we couldn't include in this article, such as "Mino-Jima," a traditional cotton loom handed down since the Edo Period (1603-1868)! If you're looking to enjoy the beautiful, natural scenery of Japan, along with famous sights, consider adding Gifu Prefecture to your itinerary and drop by Hashima City! 【Official Website】Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture City Hall Homepage https://www.city.hashima.lg.jp/ 【Official Website】 Hashima City Tourism Association | Introducing sightseeing spots and events in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture https://hashimakanko.jp/wp2/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/guide_en.pdf -
Video article 6:06
Gifu City in Gifu Prefecture, the Very Center of Japan- Where Oda Nobunaga Aimed to Unify the Country. A City With a Wide Variety of Food, History, Culture and Beautiful Natural Scenery!
Local PR Travel- 101 plays
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The center of Japan! What is Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture? Gifu City Sightseeing Spots Video Introduction This video is titled “Gifu City Promotional Video [Original Version],” and is produced by "Gifu City Official Channel." Gifu City, Gifu in the Tokai region of Japan, is located in pretty much the dead center of Japan. Therefore, the city is sometimes referred to as “the belly of Japan.” Being the capital of Gifu Prefecture, the city is full of tourist spots, such as the clear Nagara River flowing through the city center, and the verdant Mt. Kinka. Gifu has many traditional crafts, including Gifu Wagasa (Japanese umbrellas), Gifu Chochin (lanterns) and Gifu Uchiwa (fans). These crafts have helped the everyday life of locals and are perfect for souvenirs! It's only about 18 minutes from Nagoya City on the JR Tokaido Line, and with easy access to the city, it's become popular in recent years as a good spot for domestic travel. This article introduces the tourist spots, traditional events and food in Gifu. Enjoy famous tourist spots in Gifu to your hearts content. Be sure to follow along with the video! Recommended Tourist Destinations in Gifu Photo:Mt. Kinka (金華山, kinkazan) Gifu has many scenic spots and popular places like Mt. Kinka (金華山, kinkazan), Nagara River (長良川, nagaragawa), Gifu Castle (岐阜城, gifujo), also known as Inabayama Castle (稲葉山城, Inabayamajo), Nagaragawa Ukai (cormorant fishing), latticework architectures, and the Great Buddha Hall of Shohoji Temple (正法寺, shohoji), and many more. The Gifu Great Buddha here is known as one of the "Three Great Buddha" of Japan. The Gifu Great Buddha appears at 2:56 in the video. You can feel the godliness of his gentle stare, as if he was smiling down at you, just by watching the video. A lot of events and festivals, such as the firework festival at Nagara River, Tejikara Fire Festival, Gifu Half Marathon, Dairyuji Lantern Festival and Ayu-kuyou are also held here, and the city is attracting an increasing number of both domestic and overseas tourists. The footage of the Tejikara Fire Festival starts at 3:37 in the video. You can see a spectacular pillar of flame spread across your screen! The History and Traditional Ceremonies of Gifu Photo:Nagaragawa Ukai At Nagara River in Gifu, the 1300-year-old Nagaragawa Ukai is held. During the evening, fishermen in traditional garments climb aboard boats with fishing fires and fish sweetfish in the clear river. Nagara River appears at 0:31 in the video. You can see the beauty of the river through the footage. Gifu has played an important role in connecting Kyoto and Nagoya (Owari) since ancient times, and the city developed as the Rakuichi Rakuza market was established in the city center during the Azuchi Momoyama period (1573 – 1598 AD). The market was a part of the economic policies made by Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi with the aim of revitalizing the economy by opening a market in the castle town of Gifu and reducing taxes. Oda Nobunaga, one of the most famous warriors of the Sengoku period, appears with Gifu Castle at 0:56 in the video. Thanks to the success of the market, many historical sites, post-towns and red-light districts appeared around Gifu, and you can still see geisha and geiko, a reminder of the prosperity of those days. The Azuchi Momoyama period is an important turning point in the history of Japan, with the relationship between samurai and townspeople, the Rakuichi-Rakuza market system is said to have become a model for the economic policies that brought about the era of peace in the Edo period (1603 – 1868 AD). Local Food in Gifu Photo:Hida beef Gifu is also renowned for its hot springs. Gifu Grand Hotel in the city center has a hot spring facility, and similar inns and hotels with hot spring facilities are dotted around Gifu Station. The footage of the relaxing hot spring facility starts at 3:52 in the video. When it comes to food in Gifu, Hida beef is something you have to try. Tourists can enjoy Japanese cuisine using ingredients from the local mountains, including Hida beef steak/hot pot, sweetfish dishes and Botan nabe in Gifu. Summary of Sightseeing in Gifu Located in deep mountains, the large city of Gifu is surrounded by a rich natural landscape. The video shows a lot of tourist spots that we weren't able to cover in the video. Please enjoy the attractive city of Gifu city, in Gifu Prefecture, through the video! As Gifu is located near Nagoya, be it as a stepping stone in your trip to Nagoya or your main destination, definitely come visit Gifu and experience delicious food, history, culture, and beautiful scenery! 【Official Website】Website of the Gifu City Office https://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&tab=wT&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.gifu.lg.jp%2F