Video article 8:02
You'll Be Blown Away by the Beauty of These Hand-Painted "Kyo-yuzen" Kimono! This Well-Established Kimono Store in Kyoto, Which Has Been in Business for More Than 40 Years, Gives Us a Look at What Goes Into Making Beautiful Kimono!
Traditional Culture- 286 plays
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An Introduction to Hand-painted Kyo-yuzen Kimono This video, titled "How to Make Hand-Painted Kyo-yuzen|how to make Kimono" (手描き京友禅の作り方-how to make Kimono (熨斗 - 引き振袖) 有限会社 琢磨), was released by "Yuzen Takuma." Kyo-yuzen is a dyeing method used to color kimono and was designated as a Traditional Craft by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 1976. Kyo-yuzen, which originated in Kyoto, along with Kaga-yuzen (加賀友禅) and Tokyo-yuzen (東京友禅), are the three most famous types of Yuzen in Japan. Yuzen refers to the traditional dyeing process used to add color and designs to kimono. The History of Kyo-yuzen Photo:Kyoto hand painted Yuzen The Kyo-yuzen method of dyeing originated in Kyoto in the late 17th century, during the Edo Period (1603 AD - 1868 AD). Yuzen Miyazaki, who was a fan painter at the time, decided to paint some of his popular designs onto kimono and thus, Yuzen kimono dyeing was born. At a time when the shogunate had prohibited luxury or extravagance through sumptuary laws, the new Yuzen process, which was exempt from this law, was welcomed by kimono craftsmen and women who enjoyed wearing kimono. Kimono Decoration Using the Kyo-yuzen Method at the Famous Kimono Store "Takuma" Source :YouTube screenshot The well-established kimono store Takuma featured in this video, which has been in business for more than 40 years now, gives us insight into how kimono are dyed using the Kyo-yuzen method. As you can see from 0:32 in the video, the material used to create the kimono is of the highest quality, from the producer "Otsuka" (大塚). Next, you can see how patterns are first sketched out and then transferred to a different sheet that will become the final copy to transfer the design onto the kimono. From there the fine details are added, after which a paste and powder are added to certain parts of the design to prevent colors from seeping into spaces they should not be. A special kind of temple is then affixed to the fabric to hold it in place after which hot water is applied to the fabric to complete the preparations for the dyeing process. Next, a base color is applied to the fabric. A small section of fabric is dyed to test the color, then the dye is applied by brush. The fabric is then steamed to allow the dye to sink into the fabric, after which the fabric is then washed in water to get rid of any remaining dye or chemicals. The beautiful designs are then carefully hand-painted and finished with gold leaf to make the kimono even more luxurious. Takeyamachi embroidery (竹屋町刺繍) and Kinkoma embroidery (金駒刺繍) are then added to complete the look. You can take a look at the final product at 6:48 in the video. Summary of Kyo-yuzen Traditional Dyeing Photo:Ninenzaka, Women in Kimono Kyo-yuzen is a beautiful, traditional Japanese method of dyeing. Please enjoy the techniques and methods used by the Kyo-yuzen masters in the video. Kimono can be purchased online, however, if you would like to order a custom-made kimono, we highly recommend visiting the store to speak with the store owner. The beauty of Kyo-yuzen kimono is as appreciated today as it was hundreds of years ago when it was first developed. We hope you enjoyed learning more about this traditional craft! -
Video article 2:55
Kitanakagusuku Is a Place Where the Culture of the Ryukyu Kingdom Still Remains in Okinawa's Nakagami District... Check Out the World Heritage Site Nakagusuku Castle and Other Popular Sightseeing Spots!
Local PR Travel- 62 plays
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沖縄県北中城村の紹介動画の魅力 こちらの動画は「RYCOM CHANNEL -ライカムチャンネル-」が公開した「WALK VIEW - 沖縄県北中城村観光PR映像」だ。 沖縄県の中頭部に位置し日本国内で最も人口密度の高い村として知られる「北中城村」。 この村には世界遺産「琉球王国のグスク及び関連遺産群(中城城跡)」や日本の重要文化財「中村家住宅」など歴史的な観光名所が存在する。 日本国内では、地方の村の人口減少が深刻な社会問題となっているが、北中城村は2019年現在16,000人以上の村民が暮らしている。 これは日本全国の村全体でみても第5位の人口数であり、また年々人口数も増えている珍しい村だ。 この動画ではそんな沖縄県北中城村の魅力を紹介している。 世界遺産「中城城跡」は北中城村のシンボル 沖縄県北中城村の定番観光地といえば「中城城跡」だ。 中城城跡は、2000年に沖縄県の首里城などの文化財とともに「琉球王国のグスク及び関連遺産群」として世界文化遺産に登録された。 中城城は、日本100名城の一つに定められており、数多くある日本の城のなかでも歴史的価値の高い史跡として認められている名所だ。 また北中城村には国指定重要文化財に登録されている「仲村家住宅」という史跡がある。 仲村家は、沖縄県が日本領になる前の琉球王国時代に活動した豪農であり、当時の文化が色濃く残った住宅だ。日本人観光客のみならず海外からの観光客にも好評だ。 動画では0:18より琉球王国のグスク及び関連遺産群、0:42より仲村家住宅が紹介されている。 ボルダリングや三味線体験などができるスポットがある! 「コーラルロックジム」は、おしゃれな外観が特徴的な屋内レジャー施設であり、ここではボルダリングやロッククライミングを楽しむ事ができる観光施設だ。 コーラルロックジムでは、スタッフが遊び方をレクチャーしてくれるので素人の方でも安心である。 沖縄県北中城村の図書館を中心にさまざまな観光施設が複合する「あやかりの杜」では、ヨガ体験や三味線体験、オカリナ教室など珍しい体験ができる。 また季節に合わせてさまざまなイベントも行っている。 その他にも「あやかりの杜」には、キャンプ場もあり自然豊かな景観を堪能しながらスローライフを楽しめる。 動画では0:29よりコーラルロックジム、1:44より「あやかりの杜」が紹介されている。 沖縄県北中城村のおすすめグルメスポット 北中城村のグルメスポットといえば「パンダ食堂」だ。 パンダ食堂は中華料理店として地域の村民や観光客に愛されており、料理の美味しさはもちろんのことだが、破格の値段設定が人気の理由だ。 ワンコインでお腹いっぱいのラーメンや定食を食べることができるので、気軽に訪れてみるとよいだろう。 その他にも「しおさい市場」というアンテナショップでは、ここでしか買えない北中城村の特産品を購入することができ、日本料理とは少し違った沖縄料理を食べる事もできる。 その他にもインスタ映えするおしゃれなランチを食べるなら「カフェグランブルー」がおすすめだ。 動画では0:59よりパンダ食堂、1:33より「しおさい市場」、2:11よりカフェグランブルーが紹介されている。 沖縄県北中城村の魅力紹介まとめ 沖縄県北中城村の魅力的な観光地やグルメ情報など紹介した。 北中城村は琉球王国時代の文化が残っており、日本ではない異国のような雰囲気を楽しめる。 また今回紹介した観光地以外にも「中城公園」や「イオンモール沖縄ライカム」など家族で楽しめる場所もたくさんある。 動画の1:26より紹介されている「トラベルマートきたポ」では、北中城村周辺の観光案内を行っているので北中城村を訪れた際には、「トラベルマートきたポ」をまず訪ねてみてはいかがだろか。 きっと楽しめるスポットが見つかるはずだ。 -
Video article 5:09
The Beautiful, Shiny "Kanazawa Gold Leaf" of Kanazawa, Ishikawa Is an Essential Part of Japan's Traditional Culture of Decorating Luxury Goods. How Are the Beautiful Products Made? Check Out This Video To Find Out!
Traditional Crafts- 216 plays
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Kanazawa Foil, a Traditional Craft of Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan - Production Video Introduction This video, titled "手技TEWAZA「金沢箔」kanazawa gold leaf/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square," was released by Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square (伝統工芸 青山スクエア). In Japan, gold leaf is vital to the decoration of buildings and stone monuments, such as the ones introduced at 3:45 in the video, as well as various products, including bowls, dolls, folding screens, fans, and more. Gold leaf is also used to decorate Japanese food and sweets. The video shows how beautiful products are made with gold leaf. Enjoy the beauty of the traditional craft in the video. Kanazawa Gold Leaf, a Traditional Japanese Craft - How It's Made Photo:Gold leaf The manufacturing process of gold leaf begins with a process called "kin-awase" (金合わせ, melting silver and copper together with the gold). Gold alone is too soft, so small amounts of silver and copper are mixed into the material. This material is melted and then shaped. The gold plate, like the one shown at 1:48 in the video, is stretched thin in a process called "nobe-gane" (延金). A high level of skill is required to make the gold foil approximately 1/10,000th of a millimeter thick. The gold leaf is stretched thinly with a foil-striping tool, and finally transferred to Japanese paper and cut evenly, completing the Kanazawa gold leaf process. Purchasing Kanagawa Gold Leaf Products Photo:Gold leaf With the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen (bullet train), the number of tourists visiting Kanazawa is increasing year after year. If you're planning a trip to Kanazawa, we recommend visiting workshops, such as Hakuichi (箔一), and purchasing traditional Kanazawa gold leaf products made by a traditional craftsman as a gift or for yourself. Gold leaf may seem pricey, but there are surprisingly reasonably priced items, so be sure to check out the numerous products for sale. Summary of Kanazawa Gold Leaf Photo:Gold leaf This time, we introduced Kanazawa gold leaf, a traditional Japanese craft, and how it's made. Kanazawa gold leaf is a traditional craft designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry as such, and is one of the most representative traditional crafts of Kanazawa. On your trip to Kanazawa, we recommend experiencing Japanese culture at a hands-on class where you can make your own Kanazawa gold leaf and enjoying gourmet food made with Kanazawa gold leaf! 【Official Website】 Hakuichi https://www.hakuichi.co.jp/en/company/ -
Video article 2:19
Enjoy the Gion Festival, one of the three major festivals in Japan, held in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture! Enjoy Japanese summer to the fullest with the elegant procession of “welcoming lanterns”!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 219 plays
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Video Introduction of “Welcoming Lanterns” at Gion Festival in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "Gion Matsuri Omukae Chochin Performance," was uploaded by Kyoto Fan. It introduces "Omukae Chochin," one of the events that takes place during Kyoto's Gion Matsuri (Gion Festival). Gion Matsuri is held each year at Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社, yasakajinja) in Kyoto and is one of the largest festivals in Japan. Omukae Chochin, which takes place on July 10th, is a lantern parade held to welcome the Gion Matsuri mikoshi (portable shrines). We hope you enjoy watching this exciting event which attracts a large number of tourists each year! Check Out Omukae Chochin! Source :YouTube screenshot Gion Matsuri is a festival that takes place at Yasaka Shrine (sometimes referred to as "Gionsha" (祇園社)) in Kyoto. Gion Matsuri is held throughout the month of July, however, Omukae Chochin, the event introduced in the video, is always held on July 10th. After Omukae Chochin and Mikoshi Togyo (a portable shrine parade) are held on July 10th, a large number of festival floats called "Yamaboko" (山鉾) are built for future parades. During the festival month, the Yamaboko float areas are filled with musicians dressed in kimono and yukata playing flutes and taiko drums to a performance called "Gionbayashi" (祇園囃子). This can be seen from 0:27 in the video. Popular Events Held After Omukae Chochin Photo:Gion Matsuri, Kyoto Prefecture During "Yoiyama" (宵山), held on July 15th and 16th, the streets are closed off to vehicles and instead filled with a large number of food stands called "yatai" (屋台). This is a great spot to take photos of the delicious local food! Gion Matsuri's main event, Yamaboko Junko (山鉾巡行, Yamaboko Parade), takes place on July 17th and 24th. There are many other events you can enjoy during Gion Matsuri, such as "Yoiyama" which features lively musical performances, and "Hanagasa Junko," which is performed by children. If you'd like to watch the spectacular Yamaboko Junko parade up close, we highly recommend booking seats in advance. Enjoy Summer Sightseeing In Kyoto! Photo:Gozan Okuribi, Kyoto Prefecture Even after Gion Matsuri has come to an end, there are still many more events to be enjoyed in Kyoto! Gozan no Okuribi (五山の送り火), a festival held during the Bon Festival (お盆, obon), attracts many tourists each year. If you're traveling to Kyoto during summer, we highly recommend dining along the riverside, a tradition called "Kamo River Noryo-Yuka" (鴨川納涼床, Kamogawa Nouryoyuka). There are also many other cultural properties you can enjoy in Kyoto city. Unfortunately there are no fireworks displays held in the city, but if you would like to see the summer fireworks, the nearest spots are the Uji River (宇治川, ujikawa) and Kameoka (亀岡). Summary of Kyoto's Gion Matsuri Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from the video, Gion Matsuri is an elegant yet powerful festival which is widely popular year after year. The festival is held throughout the entire month of July (from July 1st all the way through July 31st). If you'd like to see one of the largest festivals in Japan, we highly recommend visiting Kyoto during summer! 【Official Website】Gion Matsuri Overview – Yasaka Shrine http://www.yasaka-jinja.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Gion Matsuri https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820238-Reviews-Gion_Matsuri-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:57
Video of "Nara Tokae" in Nara City, Nara Prefecture, with prayers by candlelight, including 2024 dates and venues such as Todaiji Temple.
Travel Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 124 plays
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Video introduction of "Nara Toka Kai" in Nara City, Nara Prefecture This video, titled "The 23rd Annual Nara To-kae (Video)" (第23回なら燈花会映像), was uploaded by "Nara To-kae PR" (なら燈花会の会工法). During Nara To-kae, a summer festival held in Nara, candles are arranged all over Nara Park, which is surrounded by World Heritage sites, creating a fantastic atmosphere within the city. The History of Nara To-kae Photo:Nara To-kae Nara To-kae was held for the first time in 1999. The lump of wax that forms at the base of the candle wick in the shape of a flower is called "Toka" (燈花, lit 'Light Flower'), and it is said to bring good luck when it forms. It is an event in which candles are lit to wish for the happiness of the people who visit. Nara To-kae is a major summer event in Nara, attracting more than 900,000 participants each year, although in recent years the event has been held without spectators due to the novel Coronavirus. Every year, many local companies sponsor the event, and depending on the amount of sponsorship, special offers, such as poster placement, are made. When is "Nara Toka-kai" 2024? Do I need to make a reservation? Nara Toka-kai takes place over a 10-day period in early to mid-August. 2024 dates are as follows. Dates: Monday, August 5, 2024 - Wednesday, August 14, 2024 Lighting hours: 19:00 - 21:30 No reservations are required to participate in the Nara Toka Kai, but the official website makes the following requests. Please observe the rules and manners before participating. ・Please refrain from using tripods for photography. ・Please take your garbage home with you. ・Please do not feed the deer. ・Please do not park illegally. ・The event will be held even in light rain (may be cancelled if the candlelight goes out). ・Wheelchairs are not available for rent. Wheelchairs can be rented at the following locations: Nara Prefectural Government Tourism Bureau Tourism Promotion Division (TEL: 0742-22-3900 (Japanese Only)) Nara City Tourist Information Center (TEL: 0742-27-2223 (Japanese Only)) Kintetsu Nara Station Tourist Information Center (TEL: 0742-24-4858 (Japanese Only)) What are the venues and highlights of the "Nara Lantern Festival" 2024? Photo:Nara To-kae During Nara To-kae, a variety of food stalls and stores are crowded with visitors dressed in yukata. The entirety of Nara Park area is enveloped in a festive atmosphere, and Todaiji Temple, Ukimido, and Sarusawa Pond are popular spots for photography. Other popular spots include the 52 step staircase leading to the 5-story pagoda of Kofukuji Temple, Kofukuji Temple itself, and Kasuga Taisha Shrine. ・Ukigumo Enchi Candles are lined up all over the ground depicting the Milky Way, creating a fantastical atmosphere. This is a popular spot where visitors can make their wishes come true if they pray over each light. ・Asajigahara At Asajigahara, candles enclosed in bamboo stand in a row and light up the trees. Photo:Ukimido, Nara To-kae ・Ukimido Candles light up the area around Sagi-ike Pond where Ukimido is located. The surface of the water reflecting the night sky and soft candlelight is truly picturesque. ・Sarusawa Pond & the 52 steps Fireflies can be seen at Sarusawa Pond, and the surface of the water reflects the candlelight, creating a pleasant atmosphere. ・Kofukuji Temple Soft candlelight on the north approach accentuates the mysterious beauty of the temple grounds, creating a dignified atmosphere not seen during the day. ・Todaiji Temple Todaiji Temple is a world heritage site, and during the event the temple is transformed into an even more fantastic space by the lighting of the lanterns. ※8/13 and 8/14 only ・Kasuga Taisha Shrine Kasuga-taisha Shrine is lined with many lanterns and candles, offering a unique view. ※8/14 only Volunteers and supporters of "Nara Toka Kai Nara To-kae is looking for supporters as volunteers on the day of the event. These volunteers are indispensable for Nara To-kae, helping to guide visitors to the venue and providing information at various locations. One of the attractions of this event is that you can be involved in a historic event not as a visitor, but as a staff member. You'll be able to see how supporters operate and prepare for the event as well. [Video] 0:58 - Supporters managing and preparing for the event Summary of "Nara Toka-kai Photo:Nara Rurie The "Nara Toka-kai" is a notable summer event, and there is also the "Nara Rurie" event in winter. This is a recommended winter event where you can participate in special memorial services and prayers at Kasuga Taisha Shrine and Todaiji Temple at night every February. The lights and other light displays are truly beautiful and Instagram-worthy. The Nara Toke-kai attracts more than 900,000 visitors from all over Japan. Although not as spectacular as the fireworks that light up the night sky, the scenery created by the gentle and warm lights of the candles attracts people's hearts. The main visual for the "Nara Toka Kai" was chosen through a design competition. Please check the official website and official instagram for the latest information as needed. For those interested in not only watching Nara To-kae, but also contributing to the event, there is also the option of becoming a supporter. In the video, you can see supporters of various ages. Being a supporter will make the event an even more memorable experience! ◆Nara To-kae◆ 【Address】547 Sanjocho, Nara-shi, Nara-ken 630-8244 Japan 【Telephone】0742-21-7515 【Dates】August 5 - 14, 2024 【Access】Please use public transportation to get to the venue as it is expected to be crowded during the event. Nearest station: Kintetsu Nara Station and JR Nara Station Bus stop nearest to each venue: Please board a bus bound for Kasuga Taisha-Honden (春日大社本殿行), City loop (市内循環), or Takahata-machi (高畑町行) at either Kintetsu Nara Station or JR Nara Station. [Bus Stop Names by Venue] ・Nara National Museum - Himuro Shrine (奈良国立博物館-氷室神社, Nara Kokuritsu Hakubutsu-kan - Himuro Jinja)/ National Museum Front (国立博物館前, Kokuritsu Hakubutsu-kan Mae) ・Ukigumo Enchi/Kasuganoenchi/Todaiji - Daibutsuden Kasuga Taisha Mae (浮雲園地/春日野園地/東大寺-大仏殿春日大社前) ・Asajigahara/Ukimido - Kasuga Taisha Omotesando (浅茅ヶ原・浮見堂-春日大社表参道) ・Kasuga Taisha - Kasuga Taisha Honden (春日大社-春日大社本殿) (Only buses bound for "Kasuga Taisha Honden" stop here) -
Video article 13:01
Okayama Prefecture's Kurashiki City Is a Beautiful Japanese Tourist Spot With Traditional Streets and Waterways. Kurashiki City's Popular Character "Denim Ninja" Introduces Popular Sightseeing Spots in a Comedic Way!
Local PR Travel- 60 plays
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岡山県倉敷をデニム忍者が紹介! こちらの動画は「観光課倉敷市」が公開した「【English】DENIM NINJA in KURASHIKI - DENIM NINJA solves the 30 mysteries of Kurashiki!! (Long ver.)」です。 日本の観光地というと東京・京都・大阪が有名ですが、岡山県倉敷市も昔ながらの街並みがあることをご存知ですか? 岡山県倉敷市は美観地区を中心に屋敷に水路・川舟といった日本の昔ながらの風景が残っているのです。 また、日本で初めてデニムを生産した場所として名を知られています。 では動画でデニム忍者と一緒に倉敷の観光名所を巡っていきましょう! 岡山県倉敷市へのアクセスが良く日本の観光ルートに入れやすい 岡山県倉敷市へのアクセスは京都駅からおよそ1時間半・大阪より1時間です。 また、関西から四国や九州へ行く途中に位置していている倉敷。 日本を周遊するルートで訪れやすい観光地です。 岡山県倉敷の美観地区は川舟・屋敷が残っていて日本への観光に最適 倉敷市にある美観地区は日本でも昔ながらの街並みが残るとして有名。 川舟に乗れば数多くの屋敷や水路を楽しめます。 この美観地区ではなまこ壁の屋敷を見てみましょう。 壁の模様がなまこのように見えることが名前の由来。 また、大原美術館はヨーロッパの美術品を多数取り揃え、和と洋の昔ながらの町並みが堪能できます。 また、着物を着て観光することも可能。 着物という日本の伝統文化に触れて周辺を観光してみませんか? 日本のデニム発祥の地、港町児島を観光してみよう 岡山県南部に位置する倉敷市。 その中でも瀬戸内海に面した港町児島地区は「日本のデニム発祥の地」とされ、駅前にはジーンズストリートがあります。 また、本州の岡山県と四国の香川県のアクセスルートとなる瀬戸大橋があるのも倉敷。 瀬戸大橋の横にそびえる鷲羽山(わしゅうざん)からの景色は瀬戸内海の自然を楽しるおすすめの穴場スポットです。 日本一の◯◯!岡山県が誇る名物をデニム忍者が堪能♫ 果物王国の岡山県! マスカットをはじめとして桃の生産が有名です。 特にマスカットの生産量は日本一を誇る岡山県。 マスカットを使ったワインが人気でお土産にも最適です。 高級感があり日本料理をはじめとした和食にも合います。 みなさんもグルメな街・岡山県倉敷市を楽しんでみませんか。 岡山県倉敷市紹介まとめ 今回は岡山県倉敷市の観光動画を紹介いたしました。 動画をご覧になり岡山県倉敷市の観光名所が多いことに驚いたはずでしょう。 岡山県倉敷市は観光スポットが豊富です。 次は皆さんの足で倉敷を体感してみてくださいね。 -
Video article 1:50
The Mishima Festival in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture is a summer tradition! Don't miss this video full of highlights, including Mishima Taisha's historic rituals, floats, warrior procession, and handheld fireworks!
Festivals & Events History- 294 plays
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Mishima Grand Festival, a festival of Mishima-taisha Shrine in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan This video “[Official] MISHIMA FESTIVAL JAPAN" (しゃぎり!歴史ロマン!【公式】三嶋大祭りMISHIMA FESTIVAL JAPAN) is a promotional video of a festival with a profound history that is held in Mishima, Shizuoka. Mishima Festival is held from August 15th to 17th and it is a summer tradition in Mishima, Shizuoka, in Japan's Tokai region. The video condenses the highlights of the three-day summer Mishima Grand Festival, including the solemn Shinto ritual, the festival music called "Shagiri," the heroic floats and Tezutsu fireworks, and the Yabusame horseback archery ritual. First, please enjoy the 1 minute and 50 second video to your heart's content. What kind of festival is the Mishima Grand Festival and when is it in 2024? The Mishima Taisha Grand Festival and the "Tsuke Matsuri," a festival attached to the main festival, have been known as the "Mishima Summer Festival" in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Today, it is called the "Mishima Grand Festival" as a festival that emphasizes "history, culture, and tradition. Held annually over three days on the same day in August, the Mishima Grand Festival is the largest festival in Mishima City, attracting approximately 500,000 visitors each year. 2024 dates are as follows. Dates: Thursday, August 15, Friday, August 16, and Saturday, August 17, 2024 Location: Central city area between Mishima Taisha Shrine and Mishima Hirokoji Station Access: 15-minute walk from Mishima Station on the JR Tokaido Honsen Line Mishima Grand Festival [First Day] Schedule Highlights "Floats and Shagiri Source :YouTube screenshot Mishima Grand Festival, one of the summer festivals in Mishima, Shizuoka Prefecture, is held from August 15 to 17 and is one of the main festivals of Mishima-taisha. On the first day of festival, you'll see floats decorated with drums, bells, and chimes parading throughout the town. Hearing the noises beckons people to continue to observe the activity. Please check the video at 0:22 and see the dynamic parade floats. They're perfect for taking Instagram photos. If you watch the video at 0:31, you'll see the sunset and the lanterns on the floats shine throughout the town. Mishima Grand Festival [Day 2] Highlights of the schedule: "Yoritomo no Kyoaku Flag Raising Procession" and "Tezutsu Fireworks". August 16th is day 2 for the Mishima Festival, and it is a day for traditional culture. On the second day, there will be a parade as well as the formal ceremony of Minamotono Yoritomo raising an army. Minamotono Yoritomo is a samurai with a history in Shizuoka. Every year, a Japanese celebrity performs the role of Minamotono Yoritomo, therefore, it attracts many visitors. In 2024, "Tomiei Drum" who was the drummer in the popular drama, Sunday Gekijo "VIVANT", will play the role of Lord Yoritomo. We are looking forward to seeing what kind of Lord Yoritomo he will be. Please check out the video at 0:50 to see an actor playing Minamotono Yoritomo. The performance and the armor of the participants for this event is very impressive. There are more performances such as the Kid’s Flute Piece and the dedication of Ninjomai and Uyarasumai. At 1:01 in the video, we see the Tezutsu fireworks display which is truly a magical sight. Mishima Grand Festival [Day 3] Schedule Highlights "Yabusame (horseback archery) ritual" and "Nohyo-bushi Parade Source :YouTube screenshot August 17th is the last day, and it is a day for dancing. On the last day, Yabusame Shinji is held, and many people visit to see this exciting event. Please see the video at 1:16 to see what Yabusame Shinji is. Anyone can participate in the "Nohyo-bushi Parade," a grand dance to the local folk song "Nohyo-bushi" between Mishima-taisha Shrine and Hirokoji, and the "Mishimasamba Parade," a dance to the lively rhythm of the local folk song. Both adults and children can enjoy the parade, and locals and tourists alike join in the excitement. Summary of the "Mishima Grand Festival" in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Towards the end of the video at 1:38, many people get on Yagura (a wooden stage) and perform Mishima Bayashi. We have introduced a brief schedule for the three days, but please check the official website for the detailed schedule and program. The Mishima Grand Festival in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, is a heroic festival that brings excitement to Shizuoka during the Obon season. There will be fair stalls, night stalls, and street stalls where you can enjoy Japanese festivals, so be sure to wear a Japanese-style yukata to the festival. On the day of the festival, you can use the Mishima Taisha parking lot and the city's central parking lot, but it is recommended that you leave plenty of time for the festival as there will be traffic restrictions at nearby spots. 【Official Website】Mishima Festival https://www.mishima-cci.com/maturi/ 【Tripadvisor】Mishima Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g780865-d1313050-r606940142-Mishima_Taisha_Shrine-Mishima_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 4:45
Uchiko, Ehime: A Charming Town in Shikoku Where You Can Experience Tradition, Culture, History, and Delicious Local Cuisine. Come Feel the Traditional Japanese Atmosphere!
Local PR Travel- 169 plays
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The Traditional Japanese Atmosphere of Uchiko, Ehime This is a PR video for Uchiko, titled ‘UCHIKO GENIC Trailer,’ made by the Uchiko Tourism Association in Ehime prefecture on Shikou Island. The town of Uchiko, in Ehime Prefecture, is home to a strong tradition of Japanese performing arts and traditional events. population of about 300 people, is a beautiful place where traditional culture has been preserved through "village-preservation activities" by the residents. In Ishidatami district, the local people hold festivals in every season, such as the "Water Wheel Festival" and the "Soba Festival," and many tourists visit the festivals to experience traditional Japanese culture. This video introduces the traditions, culture, history and cuisine of Uchiko, Ehime with fantastic music. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! A Heavenly Time in Uchiko, Ehime Source :YouTube screenshot Ishidatami no Yado hotel in Uchiko, Ehime is an inn with a traditional Japanese style house, where you are served Japanese cuisine using local ingredients. You can relax in the onsen bath and enjoy delicious Japanese meals. This can be seen at 1:30 in the video. A popular cultural experience in Uchiko, Ehime is strolling through the town in Kimono. We recommend giving it a try to relax. In the video, you can see a woman strolling through the streets of Uchiko while wearing a kimono at 0:26. You can also get some great Instagram pictures of yourself in a kimono! When you're sightseeing in Uchiko, be sure to stop drop in on the local shops, such as Road Station Uchiko's Fresh Park Karari and Odanokyo Seseragi, where you can buy local sake, as well as Uchiko's famous traditional bamboo crafts and souvenir. Karari Bridge (からり橋 Kararibashi) at Uchiko Fresh Park Karari, is decorated with Koinobori streamers in spring. It's a truly beautiful scene. You can see the Koinobori streamers at 2:34 in the video. Many Koinobori streamers, big and small, elegantly swim through the air of Uchiko. Traditional Entertainment and Events in Uchiko! Photo:Uchiko-za Yokaichigokoku in Uchiko, has been given the status of "Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings." Once upon a time, this district was a busy merchant town with a focus on candle making. There's a theater for plays in this district, called Uchiko-za. This theater has been operating since the Taisho period, showing traditional Japanese bunraku plays. The theater can be seen at 0:47 in the video. The Kite Festival, shown at 2:38, has around 400 years of history and is an event in Uchiko that we highly recommend checking out. It's held on May 5th every year, so be sure to line up your visit if you can. At Takekobo Studio, shown at 0:31 in the video, you can see traditional bamboo crafts being hand crafted by artisans. These are perfect as souvenirs from Uchiko. Experience the Natural Landscape Uchiko! Photo:Taiko Bridge, Yuge Shrine Uchiko also attracts people with its beautiful natural landscape. We recommend walking around Odamiyama Valley (小田深山渓谷 Odamiyama Keikoku) in the deep forest and visiting the beautiful rice terrace at Izumidani. Uchiko has a lot to offer when it comes to scenic views. The rice terraces are can be seen throughout the video, and thanks to the drone footage, you get a great aerial view! We also recommend visiting Kosho Temple (高昌寺 Koshoji) and seeing the beautiful view from Yuge Shrine (弓削神社 Yuge Jinja). Don’t forget to try some tasty soba made with the pure water of Uchiko. You can see it at 2:24 in the video. Summary of Uchiko, Ehime Uchiko is a famous tourist spot in Ehime Prefecture where you can experience unique Japanese history. There are many more sightseeing spots in Uchiko that we couldn't get to in this article, so be sure to watch the video to see more of the charms that Uchiko has to offer! We hope we sparked your interest in Uchiko. Visit Uchiko, a town where you can discover Japanese culture and beautiful scenery! 【Official Website】Ehime prefecture Uchiko Town Hall Website https://www.town.uchiko.ehime.jp/ 【Official Website】Uchiko Town Official Tourism Site Uchiko Sanpo https://www.we-love-uchiko.jp/ -
Video article 2:37
The Tropical City of Nanjo, Okinawa, Welcomes You With a Spectacular View of Nature! The Limestone Caves of This Popular Tourist Destination Are Filled With Millions of Stalactites!
Local PR Travel- 134 plays
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Nanjo, Okinawa, a Popular Tourist Destination in Japan This is a promotional video titled "Okinawa Tourist Attractions- Nanjo City PR Video. If You're Traveling to Okinawa.." (沖縄観光地 南城市PR動画 おきなわ旅行いくなら), for Nanjo, located in Southeastern Okinawa, Japan. The beautiful scenery shown in the video was filmed in Nanjo. The video was created by “SKYtomo.” Nanjo, Okinawa is about 50 minutes by car from Naha airport. There are several tourist spots such as limestone caves and beautiful beaches, as well activities to enjoy and some sacred areas that appear in Ryukyu mythology. This video contains two and a half minutes of attractive tourist destinations in Nanjo, Okinawa. With the beautiful view and the relaxing music, it will make you feel like you are actually in Nanjo, Okinawa. The World Cultural Heritage Site Sefa-Utaki in Nanjo, Okinawa! Photo:Sefa-Utaki Sefa-Utaki is one of the most important tourist destinations in Japan, known as the most sacred site in the Ryukyu Islands. There are six sanctuaries (Ibi) within Sefa-Utaki. Many ceremonies were held during the Ryukyu era, and even now, many people appreciate it as a sacred location. Check out the video at 0:19 to see “Sangui,” the triangular rock formation. It's like walking in the mythical footsteps of gods. We recommend using a tour guide and listening to stories about the culture, history, and mythology of Ryukyu Islands. Information on One of the Most Beautiful and Scenic Spots in Nanjo City, Okinawa Photo:Valley of Gangala Gyokusendo is one of the largest caves in Japan, and known as a tourist destination overflowing with nature. With more than a million stalactites, it's the largest natural monument in Japan. Valley of Gangala is a subtropical forest that was formed when a limestone cave collapsed several hundred thousand years ago. The powerful natural landscape is very popular among tourists. In order to preserve the natural environment, it is necessary to go by tour guide, so we recommend making a reservation before visiting. The open café in the cave, as shown in the video, is a mysterious, Instagram-worthy spot. Check out the cafe inside the limestone cave in the video at 1:25. Kudakajima, a remote island in Nanjo City, is said to be the island where Ryukyu Amamikiyo, the founder of the Ryukyu Kingdom, descended from heaven, and it is believed that Okinawa Prefecture was created here. We also recommend visiting some of the castle ruins in the area. Some popular places in Nanjo are Chinen castle ruins, Itokazu castle ruins, and Tamagusuku castle ruins. Trying some marine activities at Miibaru beach is another great way to spend your time, thanks to the beautiful beaches of Okinawa. Traditional Events in Nanjo, Okinawa Photo:Okinawa Hari Nanjo also holds traditional events where you can learn about Okinawan culture. "Okutake shima Hari" is a boat racing event where people compete in rowing boats. Another traditional cultural event “China Nubare,” is a big festival to pray for a bountiful harvest. Summary of Nanjo, Okinawa With the long history of Nanjo, Okinawa, there's so much to see and do, and plenty of tourist destinations to check out. There are a lot of areas where the natural environment still remains as well. Check out the video to see what There are a lot of places that this article wasn't able to cover, so be sure to check out the video to get a better idea of what Nanjo has to offer. You'll be fascinated by the beautiful scenery of Nanjo, Okinawa. Since Nanjo is not a resort area and there aren't many hotels available, we recommend staying at a lodging facility or a private residence and enjoying interacting with the local people. You won't regret spending quality time surrounded by the beautiful scenery of Nanjo. 【Official Website】Nanjo, Okinawa, City Hall http://www.city.nanjo.okinawa.jp/ 【Official Website】Nanjo Tourist Association https://okinawa-nanjo.jp/ -
Video article 3:22
What kind of event is the Raccudani Fudo Myoo's 300th Anniversary Festival at Raccudani Fudoin, Kyoto, Japan? It's like another Kiyomizu-no-Butai! A slightly mysterious temple full of raccoon dogs!
Festivals & Events History- 200 plays
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Video introduction of the Raccudani Fudo Myoo's 300th anniversary at “Raccudani Fudoin” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video is called ‘Kyoto Festival 300 Years of Tanukidani Fudō Myō’ō ‘. It is a promotional video by Discover Kyoto to promote the festival celebrating the 300 Year Anniversary of Kyoto's Tanukidani Fudo Myo-o. The festival celebrating the 300 Year Anniversary of Kyoto's Tanukidani Fudo Myo-o, was held in 2018 between May and November. Many worshipers turned up to pray at the special praying event in the stone cave, where Acala (the king of wisdom) is said to be enshrined. Access to Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple is 40 minutes from Kyoto South Interchange on Meishin Expressway by car, or 30 minutes from Kyoto East Interchange on Meishin Expressway. There is a free parking with a lot capacity of 150 cars. It takes around 50 minutes by local bus from JR East Kyoto Station. Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple is located halfway up Mt. Uryuu, behind Shisendo. Locals call it Tanukidanino Gofudosan. The 250 steps to the temple’s main building are decorated with raccoon dogs made of Shigaraki Pottery . They hold an autumn festival here every November. You can enjoy the beautiful colors of the red and yellow leaves. Please enjoy the introductory video of the Tanukidani Fudo Myo-o Festivals's 300th anniversary! What Is Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple? Photo:Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple The Fudo-in Temple is located in the heart of Ichijoji Temple, a popular tourist area in Kyoto, and is the headquarters of Shugendo, the Shingon Buddhist sect of Buddhism. It was originally built in 1718 by Mokjuki Shizen Tomonobu on the site where a stone statue of Acala was enshrined as a guardian against demons during the Heian Period (794~1185). Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple is famous as a temple where you can pray for traffic safety and to ward off bad luck, such as cancer. As shown from 1:13 in the video, Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple is built on the cliff edge. Its structure is similar to that of Kiyomizudera Temple. Musashi Miyamoto is said to have used the main building for training. Deep in the mountains, there is still a waterfall called Musashinotaki Falls. Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple was opened in 1718, and it celebrated its 300 year anniversary in 2018. The 300 Year Anniversary of Kyoto's Tanukidani Fudo Myo-O Festival Source :YouTube screenshot At the festival celebrating the 300 Year Anniversary of Kyoto's Tanukidani Fudo Myo-o, there were lectures on various topics by the priests and monks, as well as special ceremonies and prayers. Other events include Daihanyakyo Tendoku (the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra), and Kechienkanjo. The events shown from 2:39 also attracted many tourists. They are the Kanpaku Ogoma Memorial Service, the Fire Festival, Ominesan Nyubushugyo Training, and Sutra copying. In addition to the special nighttime worship, there is live painting and projection mapping, and they've also incorporated a modern twist to the production. At the festival celebrating the 300 Year Anniversary of Kyoto's Tanukidani Fudo Myo-o, there was a children’s activity in which you search for raccoon dogs. The visitors were also given commemoration stamp books and limited edition Senjafuda cards . Tanukidani Fudo Myo-O 300 Year Anniversary, Summary There are many temples with a long history in Kyoto where you can enjoy Japanese history and culture. The sacred mountain Tanukidani, shown in the video, is one of them. Many visitors came to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Tanukidani Fudo Myo-O. On your trip to Kyoto, why not take a stroll around the historic Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple? Be sure to check out the video to enjoy the charm of Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple. ◆Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple◆ 【Address】6 Ichijoji Matsubara-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City 〒606-8156 【Access】Approximately 50 minutes by local bus from JR East Kyoto Station 【Admission】500Yen(※as of November 2019) 【Hours】9:00~16:00 【Closures】Open everyday 【Average time spent here】Approximately 1 hour 【Parking】Yes(Free) 【Telephone No.】075-722-0025 【Official Website】300 Years Anniversary Festival of Kyoto Tanukidani Fudo Myo-o / Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple http://www.tanukidani.com/300th/ -
Video article 2:00
Enjoy a Special Holiday at Higashiyama Onsen's Harataki. This Must-See Video Will Have You Feeling Like You Traveled to Various Sightseeing Spots in Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 216 plays
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Higashiyama Onsen's "Harataki" in Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima This video, titled "Introduction to Harataki long version" was made by "Harataki, an Inn at the Source of a Private Spring" (自家源泉の宿 原瀧). It introduces a Japanese ryokan in Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima in Japan's Tohoku region. The Japanese ryokan "Harataki" is a popular hotel on comparison and review sites. Aizuwakamatsu city is known as "the town of the Byakkotai" (The White Tiger Unit). On Mt. Iimori, near Harataki, the annual Byakkotai Graveside Sword Dance is held in memorial of the Byakkotai. At Tennei-ji Temple in Aizuwakamatsu, the grave of the head of the Shinsengumi, Kondo Isami, can be found. For those interested in Japanese history, we recommend planning a trip to Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima Prefecture to coincide with these events. You should definitely book in advance to stay at the Japanese ryokan "Harataki." This video shows two women enjoying a girls' trip to the Japanese ryokan "Harataki". Be sure to check it out and enjoy the feeling of traveling to Fukushima Prefecture. A Look at Harataki, in Aizuwakamatsu Source :YouTube screenshot The area around Aizuwakamatsu is an attractive hot spring town with a distinctly Japanese flavor. Dressed in yukatas, you can enjoy the unique pleasures of the hot spring town, such as strolling around and enjoying gourmet food, winning prizes at the shotting gallery (Cork guns). This can be seen in the video at 1:01. At Hirataki a high quality, self-spring free-flowing hot spring, you can enjoy a luxurious open-air bath, the observation bath, the large public bath "Sen-nin-buro," and all four private observation baths "Takimi Onsen," "Tsukimi Onsen," "Yukimi Onsen," and "Hoshimi Onsen." The hot springs are available for day trips as well as for overnight guests. You can see the Onsen at 0:14, 0:30, and0:57 in the video. As seen at 1:07 in the video using the footbath is one of the recommended ways to spend your time at Harataki. You can relax physically and mentally by bathing your feet while wearing a Yukata. The quality of the spring is sulfate, and it is effective against: arteriosclerosis, cuts, burns, chronic skin diseases, physical weakness in children, chronic gynecological diseases, nerve pain, muscle aches, joint aches, stiff shoulders, motor paralysis, stiff joints, contusions, twisted joints, chronic digestive diseases, hemorrhoids, excessive sensitivity to cold, and it also aids in post illness recovery, has a soothing effect, and propagates health enhancement. Enjoy the Superb Japanese Cuisine of “Harataki” Source :YouTube screenshot From 0:38 and 1:10 in the video, the chefs of the Japanese inn Harataki show their craftsmanship in quickly preparing Japanese dishes using local ingredients and seasonal bounties from Aizu. It is a special kind of hospitality cooking by the chefs. At Dining Takigawa, a dining room with a modern Japanese ambience, you can enjoy appetizers, such as sashimi and hot pot, as well as a "half-buffet" meal. As you can see at 1:32 in the video, when the weather is nice, you can enjoy a gourmet Japanese meal on a Kawadoko, a riverside dining room built over water; One of the most popular places in Aizuwakamatsu. The riverbed cuisine served by the natural, clear waters of the Yugawa River in Aizuwakamatsu, using a variety of seasonal ingredients, is truly exquisite. As you can see from 0:25 in the video, in the vicinity of Harataki, the famous Kitakata ramen is served. This local specialty can be eaten for lunch or after a walk, and we definitely recommend trying it. Another local delicacy is sauce katsu-don. Information About Facilities at "Harataki" There are many popular tourist spots in and around Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima. You can enjoy relaxing at "Tea Lounge・Lobby," try the "fashionable Yukata rental service area," pick up snacks at "Natsukashi-ya," or check out "Lounge KANAKANA," and "karaoke box." A variety of toiletries are available as well. Sightseeing Information around "Harataki" in Aizuwakamatsu Higashiyama Onsen, Fukushima Photo:Tsuruga Castle The area around Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima is packed with popular sightseeing spots. "Haikara-san Akabe" is a convenient bus for sightseeing in and around Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima and it runs every 30 minutes. Some sightseeing spots in the area include: "Tsuruga Castle," "Iimori Hill," "Aizu Samurai Residences," "Matsudaira Family Cemetery," "Oyakuen," "Aizu Nisshin," "Nanokamachi Street," "Tea Room Rinkaku," "Byakkotai Museum," "Sazaedo," and "Nogushi Hideyo Memorial Hall." There are some souvenir shops such as "Shiroki lacqueware," "Suehiro Brewing Kaeigura," "Hoshiban," "Momen Ito," "Nagatoya," and an "akabeko painting experience." Be sure to check some of these out during your visit to Harataki! Summary of Higashiyama Onsen in Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima Prefecture This time, we introduced a video on how to enjoy your stay at the Japanese ryokan "Harataki" at Aizuwakamatsu Higashiyama Onsen. The historical Japanese ryokan Harataki is a popular sightseeing spot where you can feel the beauty of nature. Enjoy your special holiday in your own way, whether it's strolling through an Instagram-worthy hot spring town or taking a dip inside the hot springs! Room rates and prices vary by season and plan, so be sure to check the official website and travel websites for more details. ◆Aizu Higashiyama Onsen Harataki◆ 【Address】Higashiyama Yumoto, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 【Access】About 20 minutes by car from Aizuwakamatsu IC, pick-up bus from Higashiyama Onsen Station and the samurai residence 【Tel】+81-0242-26-4126 【Official Website】Aizu Higashiyama Onsen Harataki|Official Web Site https://www.yumeguri.co.jp/inbound/?lang=en 【Tripadvisor】Harataki https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g780850-d1084672-Reviews-Harataki-Aizuwakamatsu_Fukushima_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 6:41
Exploring the World of Ningyo Joruri - Traditional Japanese Puppet Theater. Discover the Amazing Process of Creating These Priceless Works of Art Made by Skilled Puppeteers!
Traditional Crafts Traditional Culture- 279 plays
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Traditional Japanese Performing Arts - Ningyo Joruri This video, titled "Tokushima's Wooden Ningyo Joruri Puppets|Footprints of the Puppets "AWA DEKO" (人形浄瑠璃を支える徳島の木偶 Footprints of the Puppets “AWA DEKO”), was uploaded by Joruri Kaido (浄瑠璃街道). It introduces Ningyo Joruri, a traditional Japanese culture. Ningyo Joruri is a type of puppet theater in which a story is performed by three puppeteers, a tayu (joruri narrator), and a shamisen player. In this article, we'll introduce the puppets behind Ningyo Joruri, a traditional Japanese performing art. The History of Ningyo Joruri, a Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot Awa Ningyo Joruri is a traditional Japanese art form that has been handed down in Tokushima Prefecture for centuries. Ningyo Joruri, which originated in Osaka in the Edo Period (1603-1868) as a form of mass entertainment, is a composite art form in which the tayu, shamisen, and the puppets work together to create a wonderful story. In addition to being enjoyed as a form of mass entertainment, Ningyo Joruri is often performed with the same high artistic quality as bunraku, and performed as a Shinto ritual. The Artisans Behind Ningyo Joruri Puppets Source :YouTube screenshot The puppets used in Ningyo Joruri are called "deko," and most of the heads of deko are hand made by puppeteers in Awa. The construction of the wooden figurines is so elaborate that referring to them any differently would be to disrespect the craftsmanship of the artisans. Awa Deko are a larger variety of puppets used in Ningyo Joruri, so paulownia wood is used as a material to make them lighter. The puppets are designed to manipulate facial expressions and gestures through mechanisms inside their heads, and the craftsman's elaborate techniques are indispensable in creating each masterpiece. You can see how Yoichiro Amari, an Awa Ningyo Joruri Craftsman, creates the puppets at 1:04 in the video. The face is carefully carved out of paulownia wood with a carving knife, cut in two in front of the ears as seen at 2:02, and then mechanisms to control the eyes, mouth, and eyebrows are placed inside the hollowed-out head. Learn More About Ningyo Joruri, a Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot In Tokushima Prefecture, there's "Matsushige-cho Rekishi Minzoku Shiryokan, Ningyo Joruri Shibai Shiryokan," a museum where visitors can learn about the history and culture of Japan’s Ningyo Joruri. At the museum, visitors can learn about the types of puppets, the materials used to make them, how they're made, the techniques used by the artisans, and the steps to completing one. The Tokushima Prefectural Awa Jurobe Yashiki Puppet Theater and Museum (徳島県立阿波十郎兵衛屋敷), where you can see Ningyo Joruri performances up close, is also a great place to visit. If you're looking to experience traditional Japanese culture, we highly recommend stopping by and checking out a performance. Summary of Ningyo Joruri, a Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot The artisans who make the elaborate wooden puppets are essential to Ningyo Joruri, a traditional art form loved by many. We hope you enjoyed learning about the amazing culture of Ningyo Joruri, a traditional Japanese performing art that has been loved through the ages. -
Video article 3:00
Esashi, Famous for Herring Fishing, Was the First Town in Hokkaido to Be Recognized as a Japan Heritage. In the Edo Period the Town Was Bustling With Commerce!
Local PR Food & Drink Festivals & Events- 174 plays
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About Esashi, a "Japan Heritage" "Esashi, Sightseeing Promotional Video, Japan Heritage" (北海道江差町 観光PR動画(日本遺産)), is a video created by the "Esashi Municipal Department of Tourism." Esashi, in the Hiyama District of Hokkaido, is the first place to be registered as a Japan Heritage in Hokkaido, and is also a place of scenic beauty. It sits on the coast of the Sea of Japan, with a population of 7,561. (2019, May). It's said that Esashi is the origin of Hokkaido's culture and thrived thanks to it's herring fishing during the Edo Period. In 2014, the mayor of Esashi became the youngest mayor in Japan at just 29 years of age. In this video, the attractions of Esashi are packed into just 3 minutes of footage. Enjoy the nature and history of Esashi, Hokkaido. What Are "Esashi Herring"? Source :YouTube screenshot Esashi is surrounded by the ocean, and in the Edo period (1603-1867) it was a place where herring fishing was going through a boom. This is explained at 0:26 in the video. At the time, herring was a good fertilizer. Esashi was busy, especially in May, because herring was a seasonal fish in May and many ships from Edo (Tokyo) and Osaka, came to fish for them. Because of this, the popular phrase "Even Edo is not as busy as Esashi in May" was coined. Many of the leftover goods remain in the storehouses of merchants from the time, demonstrating their prosperity and showing just how successful the business was. Even now, herring soba is popular as a local dish in Esashi. Check out the video at 0:51 to see the merchant's warehouses. Tourist Attractions in Esashi! Source :YouTube screenshot There's Kamamome Island where ships called "Kitamaebune" docked during the herring fishing season, Itsukushima Shrine (厳島神社, Itsukushima jinjya), where sailors prayed for safety at sea, and the strangely shaped Heishi Rock (瓶子岩, Heishiiwa). There's a legend of Heishi Rock, that says when the sailors couldn’t catch any herring and were facing starvation, they poured divine water into the sea causing a swarm of herring to appear. Since then, every July a ceremony is held where they replace the "Shimenawa" (a rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil) at Heishi Rock. This can be seen at 1:27 in the video. The Ubagami Grand Shrine (姥神大神宮, Ubagami Daijingu) which overlooks the port of Esashi, is famous for its summer festival, the Ubagami Grand Shrine Togyo Festival, which is said to be the oldest festival in Hokkaido. From 2:01, the festival song "Esashi Oiwake," which has been passed down since the Edo Period, can be seen being performed. It has a nostalgic melody reminiscent of Edo and because of that, it's said that "Esashi Oiwake" is the king of folk songs. The herring fishing song "Soran Bushi" and "Hokkai Bonuta" also represent the culture of Hokkaido. We recommend visiting Esashi during the summer festival where you can check out the big floats and the Ohayashi band. Recommended Tourist Attractions Photo:Esashi Inishie Kaido Street There are many historic places and buildings that remain in Esashi, such as shrines, temples and houses. Walking down Inishie Kaido Street, next to the ocean, will take you to those historic places. For example, The Former Nakamura Family Merchant House, Yokoyama House, and the Esashi Town Historical Museum are all attractive spots that retain a good old-fashioned Japanese atmosphere. Visiting Esashicho Bunka Hall, Esashi Town Meeting Hall, Esashi Oiwake/Yama Museum, and the Esashi Town Historical Museum to learn about the history is another great way to enjoy oneself. The Kaiyo Maru from Netherlands can be seen near Kamome Island. It was a battleship of the Shogunate's navy at the end of the Edo Period. (About 1860) You also get a great view, surrounded by the ocean waves, when the weather is nice. Don't forget your camera! Summary of Esashi Photo:A school of fish As you can see in the video, Esashi, Hokkaido is a fishing town with many and festivals and historic places left over from the old days of Japan. Enjoy seeing the attractions of Hokkaido through the video. At 2:36, we learn that, in 2017, a school of herring were seen for the first time in 104 years in Esashi, and a new light began to shine on Esashi once again. Esashi is a sort of hole-in-the-wall destination in Hokkaido, but has easy access from Hakodate by train or bus. If you're headed this way, we recommend checking out Hakodate as well! Also, if Esashi interests you, check out the local products of Hometown Tax Donation Program. There are attractive local products like queen crab and gasa shrimp. 【Official website】Esashi Town hall homepage https://www.hokkaido-esashi.jp/ 【Trip Advisor】Esashi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1120309-Esashi_cho_Hiyama_gun_Hokkaido-Vacations.html -
Video article 7:07
What kind of spot is Bon Odori Izakaya in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where you can enjoy Bon Odori all year round? Check out this hands-on entertainment izakaya that you should visit at least once!
Things to Do Food & Drink Travel- 54 plays
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Video introduction of "Bon Odori Izakaya" in Shinjuku, Tokyo This video, “Bon Odori Izakaya - 盆踊り居酒屋”, was created by “TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful”. This is a 4K video introducing a restaurant where you can experience Japan’s traditional dance. Bon odori is a well-loved traditional dance which has existed in Japan for centuries. Every year, during the Obon season, people in all areas of Japan gather to enjoy doing this traditional dance together. In Tokyo’s Shinjuku area, there is an intriguing place aimed at tourists where bon odori can be enjoyed year-round. Isn’t it strange to imagine enjoying bon odori, normally associated with the stages of summer festivals, in an izakaya of all places? The video introduces the spectacle in 7 minutes. You'll definitely get a sense of the festive atmosphere through this video. What Is Bon Odori? Photo:Image of Bon Odori During the Obon period, which is celebrated in August in Japan (July for places such as Tokyo), there are various events held to pay respects and offerings to ancestors. Bon odori is a type of dance where residents dressed in yukata surround a large stage and dance together. In the middle of the stage is a smaller stage where they perform the festival's music and play Japanese drums, providing the accompaniment to the dance. The exact moves of the dance differ according to each area of Japan, and it is said that there are over 1,000 types of bon odori choreographies throughout Japan. Visit a Summer Festival and Enjoy Bon-Odori! Photo:Siblings at a Japanese Summer Festival Bon odori is commonly held as a part of the summer festivals in Japan. Lanterns are lit in temples and shrines, food stalls are set up, and there is a lively, bustling atmosphere with many visitors. Summer festivals, which can even be said to be Japan’s summer tradition, are definitely a recommended event for visitors who wish to experience Japanese culture. There are many festivals where tourists are heartily welcomed to participate in the dance, so don’t hesitate to give it a try! A Look at the Bon Odori Izakaya! Source :YouTube screenshot Although Bon Odori is a piece of Japanese culture that can only be experienced during the Obon period, at the bon odori izakaya in Shinjuku, you can enjoy bon odori any time of the year. This exciting place is the Shinjuku Sanchoku Yokocho (新宿産直横丁) in Shinjuku’s Kabuki-cho (歌舞伎町) area. The Bon Odori Izakaya is a popular entertainment establishment where you can become immersed in dancing the bon odori. On top of that, the Edo-like atmosphere allows you to experience a piece of Japan’s history. From0:22 in the video is the Tokyo Ondo (東京音頭), and from 1:09 is the Tanko Bushi (炭坑節), traditional dances well-known to the Japanese. Even just watching your video, doesn’t your body start to move to the beat? Summary of the Bon Odori Izakaya Source :YouTube screenshot From 5:46 in the video, visitors are shown thoroughly enjoying dancing the bon odori in the izakaya. We highly recommend the Bon Odori Izakaya for visitors with an interest in Japanese culture, as well as those who just want to have a fun time. Be sure to check out the Bon Odori Izakaya shown in the video if you haven't yet! If this article/video have made you feel like you want to experience the culture of Bon Odori, or if you want to dance while enjoying drinks and food, be sure to visit the Bon Odori Izakaya in Shinjuku, Tokyo! ◆Shinjuku Sanchoku Yokocho◆ 【Address】Tokyo, Shinjuku, Kabukicho 1-27-5 APM Building 6th Floor (東京都新宿区歌舞伎町 1-27-5 APM ビル6階, Tokyo-to Shinjuku-ku Kabukicho 1-27-5 APM biru rokkai) 【Access】Two minute walk from the Seibu Shinjuku Station off the Seibu Shinjuku Line (西武新宿線「西武新宿駅」, Seibu shinjuku sen seibu shinjuku eki) 【Hours】Mon-Thur 11:00~24:00, Fri・Sat 11:00~4:00 the next day, Sun・Public Holidays 11:00~24:00 【Closures】None 【Telephone Number】03-5285-9288 【Things to Note】As opening hours are irregular, be sure to confirm the opening days and hours of the izakaya before visiting. 【Official Website】Bon Odori Izakaya|Experiential Entertainment Izakaya BonOdori IZAKAYA|Tokyo Shinjuku https://bon-odori.net/izakaya/ja/ -
Video article 3:55
A True Samurai of Our Time! Watch as He Sets a New Guiness World Record!
Traditional Culture- 32 plays
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ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画紹介 こちらの動画は「ギネス世界記録 公式チャンネル」が公開した「尋常じゃない動き!武道家の達人が、刀でイグサを切りまくる【ギネス世界記録】」です。 日本伝統の文化は今も尚さまざまな形で根付いています。 武道家としての道を究めた人の持つ技術は神業と呼ばれることもあります。 今回は日本刀でイグサをひたすら斬る動画を紹介します。 ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画とは 動画で紹介されている日本を代表する居合術家の町井勲(マチイイサオ)が日本刀を用いてひたすら猛スピードでイグサを斬る動画です。 実際の居合術の様子だけでなく、町井勲のインタビューとギネス世界記録を樹立した瞬間が収められています。 世界記録を保持している武道家はどれほどすごいのか知りたい方にうってつけの動画です。 町井勲が達成したギネス世界記録は日本刀を用いた1分間速斬りの最多数。動画内の記録は87太刀です。 町井勲とはどのような人物なのか 町井勲は修心流居合術兵法創始者。 平成のサムライと呼ばれ、6つのギネス世界記録を達成したことでも有名です。 2005年に居合術道場「修心館」を開設しています。 また『最強のすすめ ~日本刀が教えてくれた日本人の生き方~』という著書をはじめ、修心流居合術兵法の初歩に関するDVDを発売するなど日本伝統の居合術を広めるために精力的に活動していることでも有名。 町井勲が樹立したその他の世界記録 町井勲は1分間速斬りの最多数の他に樹立したギネス世界記録は ・据斬 ・3分間速斬り ・最速テニスボール居合斬り ・6ミリBB弾居合斬り ・千本斬り の5つになります。 日本刀1本で世界記録をいくつも達成する神業は想像以上の努力と才能が必要です。 ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画紹介まとめ 日本伝統の文化の1つである侍や居合術。 今回紹介した動画は世界記録を達成した日本の武道家の凄技が収められています。 この記事を通して日本伝統の文化や歴史などを学びたい、触れてみたいと感じていただけたら幸いです。 -
Video article 7:21
Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Is Steeped in History and Culture. Enjoy Kusatsu City as Introduced by Local Idols and Mascots!
Local PR Travel- 54 plays
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滋賀県草津市の魅力を満載した動画の見どころ こちらで紹介する動画は「滋賀県草津市役所」が公開した「草津ストーリー」です。 今回は「草津ストーリー」と題した7:21秒の動画をご紹介! 案内役は今滋賀県で売り出し中のご当地アイドル「フルーレット」と「草津市観光使節グッドウィルナー」です。 滋賀県草津市のご当地ゆるキャラのたび丸も出てくるのでちびっこも楽しめますよ。 みんなが楽しめる観光名所がいっぱいある草津! 動画の冒頭は草津のフルーレットと草津市公認マスコットキャラクターのたび丸君が滋賀県草津の魅力と観光名所を案内してくれます。 豊かな自然が残る景勝地、そして日本の歴史文化を今に伝える街、近畿圏住みやすさナンバーワンの街など様々な魅力溢れる草津にあなたも一度観光で訪れてみてはいかがでしょう? 草津の絶景ポイントでインスタ映えする記念写真を撮ろう! 日本最大級の本陣と言われる草津宿本陣は400年の歴史を持ち、当時の日用品や資料を見学することができます。 さらに江戸時代を再現した衣装体験ができるので、殿様や姫君気分の仮装でタイムスリップ!インスタ映えする記念写真を撮ることができますよ。 滋賀県草津で歴史文化を体験しよう 街道の宿場町として400年の歴史を持つ草津には伝統工芸を体験するイベントやお土産もいっぱい! お土産として有名な瓢箪専門店の加工品や銀峰工房、吾亦紅を使った草木染め工房ではオリジナルストール作りが体験できます。 滋賀県草津のグルメをご紹介! 草津はご当地グルメの宝庫!その一部をご紹介しましょう。 一つ目は近江草津産コシヒカリ「匠の夢」というブランド米!琵琶湖は淡水と海水が交わる湖。琵琶湖から引かれた水には豊富なミネラルが含まれ、伝統的な製法で栽培されたブランド米は甘みと歯ごたえが絶妙のおいしいお米です。 動画の5:30頃から登場する「草津市観光使節グッドウィルナー」が紹介するのは江戸城改築にも携わった太田道灌を先祖に持つ太田酒造という日本酒の酒蔵。 滋賀県産の原料にこだわった日本酒やワインを製造しています。 まだまだあるよ!滋賀県草津の穴場的おすすめ観光スポット 滋賀県草津の穴場的なおすすめ観光スポットはまだまだあります。 例えば東海道と中山道が通っていたことを示す道標や、1200年の歴史を持つ立木神社をはじめとした弁天池や印岐志呂神社、荻の玉川、宿場町裏路地など街のあちこちに歴史と文化、そして人々の信仰を感じる穴場スポットがたくさんあるのです。 これらのエリアは草津観光の散策ルートとしてもおすすめです。 滋賀県草津市の魅力紹介まとめ 滋賀県草津では宿場まつり、熱気球フライト、草津街あかりなどの人気イベントも行われます。 是非あなたもこの歴史ある滋賀県草津市に訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 2:37
10,000 Lanterns at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. The 1,200-Year-Old Lantern Floating Ceremony Is an Event in Hiroshima Where People Pray for Peace
Traditional Culture Travel Festivals & Events- 285 plays
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Tōrō Nagashi Floating Lanterns This video is "Hiroshima Peace Memorial Lantern Float 2018(広島平和記念公園灯篭流し2018)," created by "kaz watakabe," and it introduces the lantern flow at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Hiroshima City (広島市, Hiroshima shi) in Hiroshima prefecture, in Japan's Chugoku region, was where the atomic bomb was dropped during World War II. In Hiroshima City, a lantern celebration is held on August 6th every year at the Motoyasu river (元安川, Motoyasugawa), Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, located on the shore opposite of the Atomic Bomb Dome. Make sure to visit Hiroshima City to see the traditional lanterns that mourn the souls of the war dead. In the lantern flow held at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima Prefecture in 2018, featured in the video, colorful lanterns illuminated by lights make a fantastic image as they slowly float down the river. In this article, we'll introduce the history of lanterns and the prayers that go with them. Be sure to follow along with the video. Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park Lantern Festival 2024 The "Nagashi lantern floating ceremony," which has been held every year on the evening of August 6, the day of the atomic bombing, in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, was held normally for the first time in four years in 2023. Information on the 2024 event is as follows Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 18:00-21:00 *Registration is available at the reception tent in the park from 6:00 to 20:00. Location: Motoyasu River Water Terrace (opposite bank of the Atomic Bomb Dome) The "Online Lantern Festival," which allows people to send messages of peace from anywhere as long as they are connected via the Internet, will be held from August 3 to 12. The Origin and History of the Ancient Japanese Ceremonial Bonfire Photo: Buddhist altar In August, lantern floats are held in various parts of Japan. This is a kind of festival called the Bon Festival in Japan. The festival acts as a memorial service to send off the souls of the deceased. In some areas, in addition to lit lanterns, there are also bon festival offerings. The origin and history of Japan's bon festival are unclear, but it is said that these festivals were already taking place in various places during the Heian period (794-1185 AD), more than 1200 years ago. The Floating Lanterns Contain Prayers for Peace Photo:Hiroshima Lantern Float The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima City, Japan, on August 6, 1945. Hiroshima City holds the Peace Memorial Ceremony on August 6th every year in the hope that the memories of the tragic war that caused many casualties, not be seen again. After the ceremony is over and the sun goes down, beautiful lanterns float down the Motoyasu River next to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park with hopes of peace. The video introduces this lantern float throughout its entirety, so be sure to follow along and see the beauty of the lanterns as they float downstream. Participate in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park's Lantern Float Visitors to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park are welcome to participate in the lantern floating ceremony. After receiving colored paper and candles at the reception tent on the day of the event, you can write messages on the colored paper with wishes for peace, comfort and repose. After the candles are lit, the lanterns float down the river carrying the wishes of the people. Volunteers are also needed for the Hiroshima Peace Park lantern floating event. If you're interested in participating in the lantern floating event, you can apply to volunteer to help with the reception and assembly of the lanterns. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Lanterns Float Summary Photo:Lanterns At the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, more than 10,000 lanterns are washed down the Motoyasu River. As you can see in the video, this event is filled with prayers of many people hoping for peace. You can also enjoy the size and beauty of the event throughout the video. We hope you will participate in the lantern floating event at the Hiroshima Memorial Park, which is meant to repose the souls of those who died in the atomic bombing and to mourn the loss of loved ones. ◆ Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Facility Overview ◆ 【Address】1-1, Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 730-0811, Japan 【Access】About 20 minutes by bus from JR Hiroshima Station 【Entrance fee】Free 【Hours】24 hours 【Closures】None 【Parking】 None 【Telephone No】082-504-2390 -
Video article 1:01
Power spots in Kamakura for good luck! The video shows the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, the Great Buddha of Kotokuin Temple, and the Mengakake procession of a strange festival! What is the charm of sightseeing in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture?
Travel Festivals & Events Traditional Culture- 52 plays
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Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture Sightseeing Spots Video Introduction This video, titled "Kamakura, a Place of Prayer - Traditional Culture in Kamakura-" (祈りの地 鎌倉 -鎌倉の伝統文化-), was uploaded by "Ryo Hayashi" (林良). This work was submitted to the Kanagawa Prefecture Tourism Video Contest by "Ryo Hayashi", who uploads videos that capture the beautiful daily life of Kamakura. Kamakura is located in the central area of Kamakura, Kanagawa, in Japan's Kanto region. Known as the ancient capital of Japan, there are historical buildings and you can see the culture that Japan is famous for around the world. In addition to the spots in the video, there are many temples in Kamakura and it can be said to be a place of prayer. The video fully conveys the charms of Kamakura as a tourist destination. Be sure to watch the video to learn more about Kamakura, the land of prayer. Recommendation – The Great Buddha of Kamakura at Kotoku-in Temple During Cherry Blossom Season Photo:Cherry blossoms and the Kamakura Daibutsu When people think of Kamakura, the first shrine or temple that comes to mind is probably Kotoku-in Temple, home to the Great Buddha of Kamakura. It's so famous as a symbol that many people who don't know of Kotoku-in Temple will recognize it when they hear of the Great Buddha of Kamakura. The Great Buddha is approximately 11.3m tall and weighs around 121 tons. Although it's not as big as the Great Buddha of Nara Todaiji Temple, it is known as the second largest seated Great Buddha and is a National Treasure of Kamakura. In spring, you can also take pictures with the Great Buddha and cherry blossoms. A photo of the Great Buddha with cherry blossoms and blue skies is sure to look good on Instagram and make for a memorable shot! A Wedding Ceremony at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Featured in the Historical Japanese Drama 'The 13 Lords of the Shogun' Photo:A wedding at Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine Tsuruoka Hachimangu is a shrine that represents Kamakura, and is the subject of the popular historical drama The 13 Lords of the Shogun. The enshrined deities are the 3 Hachiman deities (Emperor Ojin, Empress Jingu, and Himegami), and are said to bring benefits, such as increased luck and improvement in arts, and also ward off evil. Wakamiya Oji, a road that stretches from Yuigahama Beach to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, is also a famous tourist spot. You can also watch the video of the festival held at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, the enshrinement anniversary festival and the Sachiakari ceremony. Sachiakari is a night wedding ceremony at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. It is held for only one group per day in the magical precincts illuminated by bonfires. Weddings held in the evening are very rare in Japan. [Video] 0:26 - Enshrinement Anniversary Festival, Sachiakari Ceremony Menkake Gyoretsu – A Festival at Goryo Shrine Photo:Menkake Gyoretsu, a unique festival at Goryo Shrine, Kamakura Take a look at the video to see what Menkake Gyoretsu (masked procession) at Goryo Shrine looks like. This festival, which has been designated as an Intangible Cultural Property of the prefecture, is said to be based on an event held at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine's Hojokai. This procession is depicted in the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Festival Procession Map at the Tokyo National Museum. If you rub the big belly of the big-belled okame (person wearing an Okame mask), it's believed you will be blessed with easy childbirth. [Video] 0:35 - Goryo Shrine's Menkake Gyoretsu Other Shrines and Temples in Kamakura Photo:Kenchoji Temple, one of the Five Temples of Kamakura Kamakura is home to many temples. Kamakura once prospered as the center of the Kamakura Shogunate, the first samurai government, and samurai culture flourished there throughout the Kamakura period (1185 to 1333 AD). Zen Buddhism was especially valued in samurai society, and Kenchoji Temple, Engakuji Temple, Jufukuji Temple, Jochiji Temple, and Jomyoji Temple are known as the Five Temples of Kamakura. In addition, there's Gokuraku-ji Temple and Anyo-in Temple, which are related to the Kamakura Shogunate, Ashikaga Takauji's Choju-ji Temple, and Ryuho-ji Temple which has ties to the Later Hojo clan. Meigetsu-in Temple, which has a deep connection with the samurai government, is also known as a hydrangea temple. The garden's 2,500 hydrangeas are in full bloom from early to late June. A Serene Zen Meditation Experience at a Zen Buddhist Temple Zen Buddhist temples offer a variety of experiences. For example, you can experience Zen meditation at Hokokuji Temple, and experience sutra copying and shabutsu (写仏, tracing the image of Buddha) at Hasedera Temple. Kenchoji also holds zazen meditation sessions that you can participate in twice a year. Komyo-ji Temple is also known as Neko-dera (猫寺, lit. "Cat Temple") because cats are taken care of by the temple residents and neighbors. It's known as a place where you can enjoy seasonal flowers together with the cats on the temple grounds. Highlights and Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Kamakura Photo:The Enoden Line and railroad crossing in front of Kamakura High School, Kamakura, Kanagawa Kamakura as a place of prayer is a tourist attraction visited by many people each year. Thanks to the historical drama it's becoming even more popular this year. The most famous station is the Enoshima Electric Railway's (commonly known as Enoden) Kamakura Kokomae station. There is a famous railroad crossing that appears in the opening of the anime Slam Dunk here, and it is visited by anime fans from all over the world. The Kamakura Museum of Literature is fashionable and displays manuscripts of poets, as well as a variety of books. Roses bloom in spring and autumn, and the collaboration with the Western-style building from Japan's early Showa period is incredibly photogenic. Shichirigahama Beach is popular among yacht and windsurfing enthusiasts, and Koshigoe beach is also popular during the sea bathing season. Wakaenoshima, the oldest harbor construction site, is also a place that history buffs should visit at least once. Furthermore, the natural beauty created by wave erosion on the western side of the Miura Peninsula is currently attracting attention. For the Best Food in Kamakura, Head to Komachi-Dori! If you want to enjoy some delicious food, head over to Komachi Street. There are many restaurants and cafes, where you can enjoy whitebait dishes and dishes using vegetables grown in Kamakura, as well as do some souvenir shopping. Also, at the beginning of October each year, Oktoberfest is held. You can experience a slice of German culture with refreshing beer, food stalls, and exciting stage performances. At the Kanagawa Prefectural Ofuna Botanical Garden, visitors can enjoy the nature of each season, including plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, and autumn leaves. Summary – Power Spots in Kamakura, a Place of Prayer Photo:Kamakura Have you seen the video of Kamakura, the Land of Prayer? Kamakura, an ancient city with a long history, is actually creating opportunities for regional revitalization with a unique business model called "Machi no Coin." Kamakura City has a population of approximately 173,000 and is visited by approximately 7.38 million tourists annually. You can also explore the historical and cultural town on foot or rent a bicycle. There are also many hiking courses with different attractions and levels for people of all experience levels. If you get tired, you can take a rest at a hot spring inn too. How about recharging your mind and body in a wonderful city with history, culture, and power spots? 【TripAdvisor】Kamakura, Kanagawa https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g303156-Kamakura_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:42
'Dou' or 'The Way' – Learn About Traditional Japanese Cultures and Understand the Spirit of Harmony in Japan Through Ancient Japanese Cultures Like Kendo and Archery!
Traditional Culture- 2.53K plays
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Traditional Japanese Cultures – Tea Ceremony, Flower Arrangement, Calligraphy, Kendo, and Archery: Video Introduction This video, titled "IS JAPAN COOL? DOU - 道 (THE TANGIBLE MANNER)," was uploaded by "ANA Global Channel." The video begins with an atmospheric Japanese bamboo grove, followed by scenes of martial arts such as iaido and kendo using Japanese swords, as well as calligraphy and archery. The beautiful images and the sound of taiko drums provide a glimpse into the various "Ways" of Japanese culture, including the classical Japanese performing arts of Noh theatre and Nihon buyo (classical Japanese dance). In Japanese "Dou" (道, Road/Path), in the context of traditional Japanese cultures, means "The Way." Some of the most common of these traditional cultures are as follows: Kendo (剣道) Kendo (剣, Sword) (道, Path) or "The Way of the Sword" Sado (茶道) Sado (茶, Tea) (道, Path) or "The Way of Tea" Kado (華道) Kado (華, Flower) (道, Path) or "The Way of Flowers," a type of flower arrangement Shodo (書道) Shodo (書, Writing) (道, Path) or "The Way of Writing," more commonly known as calligraphy Kyudo (弓道) Kyudo (弓, Bow) (道, Path) or "The Way of the Bow," more commonly known as archery Traditional Japanese Cultures and 'The Way' Photo:The kanji for 'Way' When it comes to Japanese culture, many people probably think of things like kendo and tea ceremony. "Dou," or "The Way" helps convey the history and wisdom contained within these traditional Japanese cultures. In fact, it's still not widely known that there are numerous "ways" in Japan. For starters, calligraphy (書道, Shodo), tea ceremony (茶道, Sado), and flower arrangement (華道, Kado), widely known as traditional Japanese culture, are collectively referred to as Sando (三道) or "The Three Ways." Even today, they are popular as training activities. There are also nine types of budo (武, War) (道, Path) or "The Way of War," including judo, which is popular around the world as an Olympic sport, kendo, kyudo (traditional Japanese archery), sumo, karate, naginata, aikido, jukendo, and shorinji kenpo. In addition, there are iaido, jodo, tatedo, and kobudo. There is also kodo, (香, Aroma) (道, Path) or "The Way of Aromas," which involves burning incense to enjoy their fragrance. There are many lesser-known forms of martial arts in Japan as well. Did you know that there are more Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples in Japan than there are convenience stores in the entire country? Even Japan's native religions, Shinto (神, Gods) (道, Path) or "The Way of the Gods," Butsudo (仏, Buddha) (道, Path) or "The Way of Buddha," and Shugendo (修, Discipline) (験, Test) (道, Path), or literally "The Way of Discipline and Testing." Learning More than Simply the 'Way' Photo:A judo gi So what is learned from these traditional Japanese cultures? Let's take the aforementioned "Budo" (martial arts) as an example. Japanese martial arts are similar to sports, as they are competitive and use a set of established rules. However, budo emphasizes spirituality. It's said that Budo is a form of "Bushido" (武士道), the "Way of the Warrior," a way to improve one's spirituality and character, particularly civility and morality. Budo is not only about winning matches, but also about becoming a better person by training one's mind, techniques, and physique through daily practice and discipline. Let's take a look at what you can actually learn by studying martial arts. ●Etiquette and Perseverance Martial arts are said to begin and end with a bow. Through martial arts, students learn to be considerate of others while keeping their emotions in check, and through repeated training, they also acquire patience and perseverance. ●Increased Concentration When competing against an opponent, one must pay attention to the opponent's movements and be ready to respond to the opponent's attack. This requires a high level of concentration. By continuing to practice, you will strengthen your ability to concentrate. Other benefits include increased flexibility of the shoulder blades and hip joints and increased metabolism, and it can also be practiced by men and women of all ages. If one's spirituality is enhanced through "budo," one may be able to calmly deal with unpleasant situations in real-life relationships or at work. Not limited to martial arts, in Japan, there are countless classes and dojos related to "ways," such as kado (華道, flower arrangement), sado (茶道, tea ceremony), and kyudo (弓道, archery), and many people practice them because they enable them to learn the Japanese spirit of harmony and etiquette. Popular Japanese Cultural Experiences Among International Tourists Photo:Kado Here are some Japanese cultural experiences that are popular among tourists visiting Japan. First, there's tea ceremony. Tea ceremony is a uniquely Japanese cultural experience that is popular among foreign tourists because of its refined etiquette and the Japanese spirit of wabi-sabi. Flowers are universally loved. In kado, a type of flower arrangement and purely Japanese culture, one learns not only how to arrange flowers, but also how to entertain guests and how to appreciate life by decorating flowers and plants. Unlike standard flower arrangement, the artistic ikebana experience, which also teaches the beauty of the space between the flowers, is becoming more and more popular every year. Another popular Japanese cultural experience among foreign visitors to Japan is kimono. As you can see in the video showing traditional Japanese dance and Noh theatre, many people associate Japan with kimono. In Kyoto and other sightseeing spots, people are often seen wearing kimono as well. Summary of Traditional Japanese Cultures and 'The Way' Have you checked out the video to learn about the different "ways" of Japan? It's a beautiful video filled with the charms of traditional Japanese cultures, dignified movements, and wabi-sabi. Like we mentioned, there are many "ways" that even Japanese people are not familiar with. The traditional Japanese cultures or "ways" aren't just about techniques, but also growing as a person and honing one's character. Perhaps you can use the inspiration you've found from this article to find your own path? -
Video article 6:37
Shimogo in Aizu, Fukushima Prefecture, Spins a Tale of Past and Present. Here You'll Find Traditions Handed Down by the Ancestors of Japan and a Traditional Japanese Spirit That Protects the Town
Local PR- 191 plays
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Shimogo in Aizu, Fukushima This video, titled "Shimogo Promotion Video" (下郷町プロモーションビデオ), was uploaded by "ShimogoKanko." Shimogo is located in the center of Fukushima in Japan's Tohoku region. The area was known as Aizu until the Edo period (1603-1868) and it's a sightseeing spot with many charms. In Shimosato, there's a mountain in the direction of the rising sun where the gods are said to rest. You'll also find Kannon-numa Forest Park at the foot of the mountain, which can be seen from 2:39 in the video. You can enjoy the natural scenery of the four seasons nurtured by the harsh climate of Aizu, and in fall, the area around the swamp is decorated with the colorful, beautiful autumn foliage. This article will provide information on recommended sightseeing destinations in Shimogo, where the blessings of Japan's rich natural environment, scenery, history, and culture are intertwined, alongside the video. A Tour That Connects the Past and Present Photo:Ouchi-juku in autumn, Shimogo, Fukushima The history of Aizu was a series of turbulent events that were swallowed up by the swell of Japan's modernization. It's said that after the Meiji Restoration, the Aizu clansmen were forced to move to an undeveloped area called Nakatsuma, where they established Minami Aizu. The traditions such as the Hange Festival and Ouchijuku Snow Festival shown from 3:18 in the video, were handed down from their ancestors. Shimogo is a town where ancient Japanese culture and traditions remain and where the present meets the past. Fukushima is best visited during winter as the snowfall in the region creates beautiful landscapes. There is an event called "Mizuki-no-hana-dango" (みずきの花団子) during Little New Year. It is an event to pray for health and longevity and colorful dumplings are stuck into the branches of trees that haven’t yet sprouted. This is a unique Japanese custom in Aizu to enjoy the long winter. This can be seen from 3:33 in the video. Sightseeing Information for Shimogo Photo:Shimogo, Fukushima, To-no-Hetsuri The beautiful scenery of the nature-rich town of Shimogo has always amazed the tourists who come to see it. To-no-Hetsuri, a marvelous landscape created by the Aga River (阿賀川, Agagawa), is a photogenic spot that you don't want to overlook when sightseeing in Aizu. Also, the buckwheat fields of Sarugaku Plateau is a place where Aizu clansmen lived through the turbulent times of Japan from the end of the Edo period to the Showa period. These can be seen at 2:12 in the video. The Aizu Line is a popular line with direct access to the Tokyo metropolitan area and is full of peaceful views. From 2:07 in the video, you can see mountain cherries in Toaka, and at 3:51the Nakayama Snow, Moon, and Fire Festival, where igloos and lights decorate a snowy Aizu. There are many popular sightseeing spots in Shimogo, Fukushima, including a snowshoe experience which is filled with the wisdom of Fukushima's ancestors who have lived through the harsh winters. The Food Culture of Shimogo, Fukushima Photo:Minamiaizu's local cuisine, Shingoro The Aga River, a quiet, clear stream flowing through Shimogo, is an important river that nurtures abundant life and is necessary for preserving the local culinary culture of Aizu. Upstream, there are many hot spring hotels and inns where you can enjoy a steamy atmosphere. You can relax at hot springs such as Yunokami Onsen after a long day of sightseeing. Fukushima is also famous for rice production. Shingoro is a local delicacy of Shimogo. It's made by rolling up a special type of rice, sticking it on a skewer, coating it with Junen (a kind of egoma) miso, and grilling it over charcoal. At the roadside station and Shimogo Town Local Products Center, you can find a different kinds of souvenirs of local food, such as soba noodles and local sake. Summary of Shimogo, Fukushima Photo:Shimogo, Fukushima The spirits and thoughts of the Aizu clansmen who lived through the turbulent times in Japanese history can still be found in Shimogo. The ancient traditions are kept alive by the people who love their town. The Shingo Furusato Festival, Shingoro, and Hana-dango during Little New Year are designed to heal the hearts of tourists, and to keep the healing alive, they will be passed on to the future. Please enjoy the attractions of Shimogo, Aizu, Fukushima, a town with beautiful, traditional Japanese scenery, by watching this video. 【Official Website】Aizu Shimogo Town, Fukushima Prefecture Town Hall Website https://www.town.shimogo.fukushima.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Shimogo Town https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g1120990-Activities-Shimogo_machi_Minamiaizu_gun_Fukushima_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 1:55
An Impressive Video of Chefs Preparing Eel at the Famous Restaurant Kawatoyo in Narita, Chiba. Take a Look at the Flashy Skills Catching the Eyes of Passersby!
Food & Drink Traditional Culture- 440 plays
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Video introduction of how to cook eel at "Kawayo" eel restaurant in Narita City, Chiba Prefecture. The video, taken at Kawatoyo, a Meiji style restaurant situated on the way to the Naritasan (Narita Mountain) Shinshoji Temple in Narita, Chiba, shows how the chefs prepare Japanese eel (Unagi) before cooking them. There is a common saying among eel restaurant chefs that gives some insight into how difficult mastering the techniques behind their job is, it goes: “Three years of skewering, eight years of cutting, and a lifetime of grilling.” In spite of the difficulty of this job, the chefs in the video make it look easy, and even enjoyable. In just two minutes, one can easily understand how skilled the chefs at Kawatoyo are. Be sure to follow along with the video as you read the article! Grilled Eel, Narita’s Specialty Photo:Eels When most people think of Narita they think of eel. And it's no surprise either. With its 60 eel restaurants Naritasan, Omotesando has become a popular attraction for both tourists and food lovers alike, and it is conveniently located just a 15 minute walk from the JR Narita Station. Kawatoyo is a well-established shop in Narita, serving grilled eel since 1910. Crowded even on weekdays, part of its popularity is due to the show offered by its chefs working in front of diners. This can be seen in the video as well The skillful maneuvering of tools and knives done on the restaurant's large wooden cutting board, catches the eyes of many tourists, who are impressed by the fascinating sight. Source :YouTube screenshot These are the steps to prepare the eel. Be sure to follow along with the video: 1. Nailing the eel to the board 2. Cutting it open with a knife 3. Gutting it 4. Boning it 5. Slicing it to proper size Because of how difficult it is to perform this procedure both quickly and accurately, apprentices are usually relegated to applying the skewers. Unlike other fish, eels must be killed just before preparing them as their flesh tends to spoil very quickly: so quickly that the speed at which the preparation work is done ends up influencing the taste of the final product. In addition to that, raw eel blood is toxic, and while cooked preparations are safe to eat, handling and preparing the raw product requires great care on the chefs’ part. Some Final Words on Narita Eel Photo:Eel bowl On a normal weekday, the chefs at Kawatoyo prepare a staggering 400 eels for their customers, and this number doubles to a whopping 800 on weekends and holidays. The taste of the grilled eels you can have in this wooden, old fashioned traditional Japanese shop is simply amazing. There are various eel recipes and serving styles in Japanese cuisine: be it rolls, unagi sushi, eel served in traditional wooden boxes or on top of rice bowls. Did you know that grilled eel cooking methods can vary from region to region in Japan? In the East, Kanto-style eels are sliced open from the back, then steamed and only later grilled, making for a richer, more plump texture, while in the West it is more common to have them Kansai-style, following a method that focuses on fragrance and crispness by grilling the eels on their belly directly over a flame. The best you can do is walk your way through Japan and find the style or unagi sauce you like the most. And don’t forget that eels this delicious can only be prepared by skilled, seasoned professionals: do not try this at home! ◆Kawatoyo Honten◆ 【Address】Nakamachi386, Narita, Chiba, Japan, 286-0027 【Access】 By Train 11 minutes walking from JR Narita station 11 minutes walking from Keisei Narita station By Car: 8.3 km from Narita International Airport (about 20 minutes) 3 km from Aeon Mall Narita (about 10 minutes) 2.5 km from Mega Don Quixote (about 8 minutes) 【Open】10 am to 5 pm (last order) 【Closures】None (subject to change) 【Parking】None 【TEL】0476-22-2711 【Official Website】kawatoyohonten http://www.unagi-kawatoyo.com/foreign/index.html -
Video article 9:57
This Sweet Grandma Passes Down a Gorgeous Festive Recipe! A Traditional Dish to Be Passed on to the Next Generation!
Food & Drink Traditional Culture- 30 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Grandma's Recipes|Grandma Sumiko's Osechi" (Grandma's Recipes|すみこおばあちゃんのおせち), was released by "Grandma’s Recipes." In this video, Grandma Sumiko who lives in Warabino, Kochi Prefecture, is handling a big fish. As you can see at 3:30 in the video, she stuffs the fish's belly with her original stuffing and cooks it slowly in a steamer. The video also shows her gathering her relatives together for a rice cake pounding event and cooking a special dish for a banquet. She seems very happy and cheerful as she cooks for her husband and her beloved family with all her heart and soul. Watch the video to see what a wonderful moment in the Japanese countryside looks like! -
Video article 4:35
Food! Culture! Traditional Art! Nature! Festivals! No Matter What You Want to Do, Fun Is in Season Year-Round in Kochi!
Local PR Travel- 89 plays
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Shikoku and Kochi Prefecture - Famous for Yosakoi, Bonito and Sakamoto Ryoma? Photo:Statue of Sakamoto Ryoma This video, titled "The blessing of nature - Four Seasons PV - VISIT KOHCHI JAPAN," made by VISIT KOCHI JAPAN, introduces various seasonal tourist spots in Kochi. Kochi is in the southern part of Japan's Shikoku region, and has a warm and comfortable climate all year long. Kochi is famous as the birth place of Sakamoto Ryoma. Ryoma is a historical figure of the Tosa Domain who stopped a war from breaking out in Japan, at the end of the Edo Period (1853 to 1868), nearly 100 years ago. In this video, you can check out different recommended tourist spots in Kochi for each season. Let us known which season you want to visit Kochi in! Kochi's Spring Tourist Locations Photo:Cherry blossoms at Kochi Castle From 0:31 in the video, you can check Kochi’s tourist spots that are best visited during spring. When you say "spring" in Japan, the first thing that comes to mind is no doubt, cherry blossoms! Japan's most glorious season is spring, the season in which people go on 'hanami' (cherry blossom viewing) events and enjoy picnics under the blooming cherry blossoms. Kochi also has cherry blossom spots around Kochi castle. Nakagoshi Family's weeping cherry blossom introduced at 0:41 is the most famous hanami spot. You'll definitely feel refreshed after being out in all the greenery Kochi's spring has to offer. On top of cherry blossoms, food during Kochi's spring is all about bonito (鰹, katsuo). Katsuo comes into season in spring and fall, and the spring variation is called Hatsu-Katsuo. The most common way of eating katsuo is searing surface. This is referred to as called tataki (seared or minced). Kochi T-shirt art, where 1000's of T-shirts are aligned, is also a must-see spot in the spring. You can see what it looks like from 0:55 in the video. The video also introduces the 'Shimanto river carp streamer' (四万十川こいのぼりの川渡し, Shimanto gawa koinobori no kawawatashi) flying in the blue sky and 'going down the river' on a small ship. Kochi's Summer Tourist Locations Starting at 1:51 is the introduction of Kochi's summer tourist locations. Because Kochi is situated on the coast, surfing is also possible. It is actually a hidden surf spot with few inlets and high waves, facing the Pacific Ocean. As introduced from 1:24, you can enjoy rafting and hiking as well. The beautiful rice fields of Yoshinobu / Oishi and the five-storied pagoda are also introduced in the video. One of Kochi's most popular summer events is the dance festival. Shown from 1:59 is the Yosakoi festival, Kochi's representative event that is held every year on the 10th of August. Hosting nearly 1 million people over 4 days, it is one of the 3 biggest festivals in Shikoku. Kochi's Fall Tourist Locations Photo:The autumn leaves of Nakatsu Valley Introduced from 2:13are Kochi's fall tourist locations. If you visit Japan in the fall, you can't miss the chance to see the autumn foliage. The video shows many beautiful locations for viewing the reddening of the leaves in Kochi. The spot we recommend most is Nakatsu valley (中津渓谷, Nakatsu Keikoku). You can enjoy the beautifully flowing river that traverses the the valley's windy ravines. On the weekends you can enjoy the autumn leaves, lit up at Monet's Garden Marmottan(モネの庭マルモッタン, Monet no niwa marmottan) in Kitagawa. Fall in Kochi wouldn't be complete without yuzu. Kochi is the number 1 producer of yuzu in all of Japan! There are various types of Yuzu souvenirs in Kochi, so don't forget to take a look at them. The dance festival "Yosakoi" isn't the only popular event in Kochi! There's the Yasuhara Tsunoyama festival (梼原津野山神祭り, Yasuhara Tsunoyama matsuri) and the Mounted archery 'Yabusame'(流鏑馬, Yabusame)event in Toyo village shown from 2:47 of the video that are also popular during the fall. Kochi's Winter Tourist Locations At 2:59 we're introduced to Kochi's recommended tourist spots during the winter months. Winter in Kochi is very warm compared to other areas so it's great for sightseeing. There is no snow in the Southern region but towards the northern end you begin to see a little. The place we recommend most is Shikoku karst. As you can see from the video, you can sight-see in a fantastic atmosphere thanks to the snow during winter. You're sure to have a wonderful trip in Kochi, tasting the fresh winter seafood from Hirome market, enjoying the Akiha festival(秋葉まつり, Akiha matsuri)in Yodokawa, and warming up in the Matsubakawa (松葉川温泉, Matsubakawa onsen) or Konoka hotsprings (木の香温泉, Konoka onsen). Other Tourist Spots in Kochi Photo:Image of the Shikoku pilgrimage There are so many more things to do or see in Kochi, that are not included in the video, so here's a list! Find your favorite spot. Shikoku henro (四国遍路, shikoku henro (pilgrimage)), Katsurahama (桂浜) , Katsurahama Aquarium (桂浜水族館, Katsutahama suizokukan) , Hirome Market (ひろめ市場, Hirome ichiba), Sunday market (日曜市, nichiyouichi), Anpanman Museum (アンパンマンミュージアム, Anpanman mu-jiamu), Niyodo River (仁淀川, Niyodo gawa), Muroto Cape (室戸岬.Muroto misaki), Wanpark Kochi (わんぱーくこうち, Wanpa-ku kochi), Ashizuri Cape(足摺岬, Ashizuri misaki), Ashizuri Cape Observatory (足摺岬展望台, Ashizuri misaki tenboudai), Ryugado Cave (龍河洞, Ryugado), Godai Mountain (五台山, Godaisan), Sameura Dam (早明浦ダム, Sameura Damu), Kashiwa Island (柏島, Kashiwajima ), Tengu Highlands (天狗高原, Tengu Kougen), Todoroki Waterfall (轟の滝, Todorokinotaki), Wakamiya Hachimangu Shrine (若宮八幡宮, Wakamiya Hachimangu), Dainichi Temple (大日寺, Dainichi ji), Kokubun Temple (国分寺, Kokubun ji), Harimaya Bridge (はりまや橋, Hariyama bashi), Makino Botanical Garden (牧野植物園, Makino shokubutsu en), Nishijima Horticulture Park (西島園芸団地, Nishijima engei danchi), Culture plaza Cul-port (かるぽーと, karupo-to), Yutorisuto Park Otoyo (ゆとりすとパークおおとよ, Yutorisuto pa-ku ootoyo), Sunahama Museum (砂浜美術館, Sunahama Museum)... and more! Kochi is full of touristic charm, with not only popular spots but also many hidden gems as well! A Brief Summary of Kochi's Seasonal Tourist Locations This time, we introduced recommended tourist spots in Kochi, in line with the video. Did you enjoy it? As you saw from the video, you can enjoy completely different atmospheres depending on which season you decide to visit during. There are many photogenic locations that are sure to fill your Instagram feed, and you can enjoy different kinds of traditional Japanese culture as well! Why not add Kochi to your itinerary next time you visit Japan? 【Official Website】Kochi Prefecture web page https://www.pref.kochi.lg.jp/ -
Video article 3:29
The Aoi Festival - Enjoy the Sacred Ceremony Known as One of the Three Major Festivals of Kyoto! An Elegant, Yet Mysterious Atmosphere, as If You've Been Transported Back in Time, Spreads Throughout Kyoto in the Spring!
Festivals & Events History- 195 plays
- YouTube
Introducing the Aoi Festival! This "Skyscape" produced video "[Kyoto / Aoi Matsuri 2017] EOS 5D Mark IV 4K Saiodai and Shimogamo Shrine / Headquarters Kyoto Aoi Matsuri Festival(【京都・葵祭2017】EOS 5D Mark IV 4K 斎王代と下鴨神社・社頭の儀 Kyoto Aoi Matsuri Festival), shows the Kyoto Aoi Festival which is held in the Kansai region in Kyoto during the fresh green season. The Aoi Festival consists of three ceremonies: the Miyagi ceremony (宮中の儀, Kyuchu no gi), Roadside ceremony (路頭の儀, Roto no gi), and the Shrine ceremony (社頭の儀, Shatōnogi). Unfortunately, the Miyagi ceremony is not currently being held. The video shows the sacred shrine ceremony in detail. Watch the videos to discover the mysterious and beautiful traditions of Japan. What Kind of Event Is the Aoi Festival Photo:The Tower Gate of Shimogamo Shrine The Aoi Festival is a festival of the World Cultural Heritage sites, Kamigamo Shrine (上賀茂神社, Kamigamo Jinja) (Kamobetsu Raijin Shrine) and Shimogamo Shrine (下鴨神社, Shimogamo Jinja) (Kamo Miso Shrine), and is also called the Kita Festival (北祭, Kita Matsuri) or Kamo Festival (賀茂祭, Kamo Matsuri). The two shrines have been worshipped in Japan since before the Heian period (794 AD to 1185 AD), as Kyoto's number one shrine. The Aoi Festival introduced in this video is counted as one of the three major festivals of Kyoto, along with the Gion Festival and the Festival of the Ages. In addition, the Kyoto Gozan bonfire is added to the three major festivals of Kyoto, causing them to sometimes be referred to as Kyoto's four major events. The Aoi Matsuri is one of the oldest festivals in Japan, and it is mentioned in the "Rivalry of the Carriages" in the Aoi chapter of The Tale of Genji (源氏物語, Genji Monogatari). Let's Check Out Japan's Aoi Festival! Photo:Aoi Festival The roadside ritual of the Aoi Festival is a Heian picture scroll procession that follows a route from the Kyoto Imperial Palace to Kamigamo Shrine. At 0:28 in the video, we see the Saiin of the Aoi Festival, dressed in the "Jūnihitoe," a twelve-layered ceremonial kimono. At the Aoi Festival, there is also a royal envoy and ladies wearing special kimono, and they will travel along the streets with horses and oxen. Participants in the Aoi Matsuri parade decorate their hair with wilder ginger from the Futaba-Aoi plant. After the ceremony in front of the shrine's main building, the procession is filmed in a line from Shimogamo Shrine to the main hall of Kamigamo Shrine. This can be seen at 2:16 in the video. What are the dates and highlights of the Aoi Matsuri? If you are going sightseeing in Kyoto for the Aoi Festival, I recommend May.Kamo horse racing ceremony on May 1st during Golden Week, andYabusameShinto ritual on May 3rd.On May 4th, many Shinto rituals will be held, such as "Saiyo Daigyokei no gi" to purify oneself in the Mitarai River in the precincts, and on May 5th, "Awari Shinto ritual to shoot arrows to ward off evil spirits." And the main event, "Roadside Ceremony," will be held on May 15th.The tour of about 500 people dressed in bright Heian costumes is worth seeing.It is scheduled to depart from Kyoto Imperial Palace at 10:30 on May 15th and arrive at Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine at around 15:30. If you want to see the Aoi Festival up close, you may want to use the paid seats. Around the pilgrimage route there are many famous restaurants such as Saruya, and Yoshinobu Tsuruya, so you can enjoy Kyoto's gourmet cuisine for lunch or buy some souvenirs. Summary of the Aoi Festival Photo: Kamigamo Shrine The video introduced here captures an elegant scene that's as if you've traveled back in time to the Heian period (794 AD to 1185 AD). The Aoi Festival is one of the most famous festivals in Japan, so be sure not to miss it! To get to Kamobetsurai Shrine (Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine), it takes 30 minutes from JR East Kyoto Station by Kyoto City Bus or by car, or a 20-minute walk from Kitaoji Station on the Karasuma Subway Line. There is a parking lot, but traffic is restricted during the Aoi Festival, so we recommend using a Kyoto city bus or train. You can enjoy Kamigamo Shrine not just during the Aoi Festival, but year round as well! Some recommended spots are: “Tachisuna” imitating Kamiyama in front of Nino Torii, “Jokē-en,” a beautiful garden, "Saio Sakura" named after the priestess of the Aoi Festival, "Shinmasha" where you can see the village Hakuba, The Hosono, Maiden (Hashido), Tamabashi, and Romon, all important cultural properties, the Ominata River, the Mitarai River, used for purifying the objects and people in rituals, the Kamiyama spring, Kataoka Shrine, Motomiya Shrine, Kifune Shrine, Kamoyamaguchi Shrine, Kamoyamaguchi Shrine, Shingu Shrine, the Katayama Lion Shrine, Ota Shrine, the wishing stone, the "Kamizen wedding ceremony" (wedding ceremony before the gods), and more. There are hotels and inns near Kamigamo Shrine, so we recommend an overnight stay. Be sure to visit Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine, which are also famous power spots. ◆Kamigamo Shrine Facility Overview◆ 【Address】 339 Kamigamo Motoyama, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto 603-8047, Japan 【Access】About 30 minutes by car from R East Kyoto Station 【Hours】5: 30-17: 00 【Closures】Open all year round 【Parking】Available (Charge) 【Telephone No】075-781-0011 【Entrance fee】 General admission free, 500 yen for special visits 【Official Website】Aoi Festival 2019 | Kyoto Sightseeing Information KYOTOdesign https://kyoto-design.jp/spot?no_cat=1&en_ver=1&mode_s=1&s= 【Official Website】Kamigamo Shrine (Kamo-wake-ikazuchi Shrine) https://www.kamigamojinja.jp/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Aoi Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820145-Reviews-Aoi_Matsuri-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html