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【Easy Japanese】How to Use Onsen in Japan: A Beginner's Guide + Popular Onsen in Japan & More!(日本温泉の入り方の入門書+日本の人気温泉など!)
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How to Use Onsen: Video Introduction 温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたの動画どうが紹介しょうかい This video, titled "Japanese ONSEN Manners" (日本にほんの温泉おんせんマナー Japanese ONSEN Manners), was uploaded by "LetsJapanCh." 今回こんかいは、『LetsJapanCh.』さん制作せいさくの『日本にほんの温泉おんせんマナー Japanese ONSEN Manners』という動画どうがを紹介しょうかいします。 It introduces how to use onsen in Japan. 温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたを説明せつめいする動画どうがです。 What Are Japan's Onsen? 日本にほんの温泉おんせんとは? Photo:Hot springs at Kusatsu Onsen(写真しゃしん:草津温泉くさつおんせんの湯畑ゆばたけ) Onsen, written "温泉おんせん" (温, On (Warm); 泉, Sen (Spring)) in kanji, is the Japanese word for "hot spring." 温泉おんせん(漢字かんじでは、「温(あたたかい)」「泉(いずみ)」)は英語えいごの「hot spring」という意味いみです。 Japan is one of the world's leading hot spring countries, and there are around 28,000 onsen in Japan. 日本にほんは世界せかい有数ゆうすうの温泉おんせん大国たいこくで、約やく28,000にまんはっせんの温泉おんせんがあると言いわれています。 It's not known exactly when Japan's onsen culture came to be, but records of onsen appear in historical texts, such as the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), from Japan's Nara Period (710-794). 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの文化ぶんかがいつ頃ごろ生うまれたかは明あきらかではありませんが、奈良なら時代じだいの「日本にほん書紀しょき」などの歴史的れきしてきな書類しょるいにも温泉おんせんの記録きろくがあります。 Onsen Rules/Etiquette & How to Use Onsen in Japan 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたとルール・マナーを紹介しょうかい Photo:Noren at a public bath(写真しゃしん:銭湯せんとうの暖簾のれんのイメージ) Because Japan's onsen culture dates back more than 1,000 years, there are many different rules, manners, and customs to observe when using them. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの文化ぶんかは1000せん年ねん以上いじょうの歴史れきしがあります。しかし、日本にほんの温泉おんせんを利用りようするときには様々さまざまなルールやマナー、習慣しゅうかんがあります。 Let's take a look at how to use onsen in Japan. ここでは、日本にほんでの温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたについてご紹介しょうかいします。 As shown in the video, there are two entrances at an onsen- one for women and one for men. 動画どうがで紹介しょうかいされているように、温泉おんせんには女性じょせい用ようと男性だんせい用ようの入いり口ぐちがあります。 The entrances are marked by curtains called "Noren." 入いり口ぐちには「暖簾のれん」というものがあります。 The noren for the men's onsen generally have the kanji '男' (man), while the noren for the women's onsen have the kanji '女' (woman). 男湯おとこゆの暖簾のれんには「男おとこ」、女湯おんなゆの暖簾のれんには「女おんな」という漢字かんじが書かいてあるのが一般的いっぱんてきです。 [Video] 0:26 - Noren & Entrances for Men and Women 【動画どうが】0:26~ 暖簾のれんと男性だんせい用よう・女性じょせい用ようの入いり口ぐち If you're not used to Japan's onsen culture, this may come as a surprise, but before entering an onsen, one must get completely naked. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの文化ぶんかに慣なれていない人ひとはびっくりするかもしれませんが、温泉おんせんに入はいる前まえに完全かんぜんに裸はだかにならなければなりません。 This means no swimsuits, slippers, etc. つまり、水着みずぎやスリッパなどは着用ちゃくようしません。 One reason is that wearing swimsuits can dirty the water, but another reason is that the swimsuits will weaken the therapeutic effects of the onsen. 水着みずぎを着きるとお湯ゆが汚よごれるという理由りゆうもありますが、温泉おんせんの効能こうのうが弱よわまってしまうという理由りゆうもあります。 [Video] 0:58 - What to Wear in a Japanese Onsen 【動画どうが】0:58~ 日本にほんの温泉おんせんでの服装ふくそうについて Before entering an onsen there are a few other things one must do. 温泉おんせんに入る前まえに、いくつかの手順てじゅんがあります。 The first is to pour water over the body. まず、体からだにお湯ゆをかけること。 This is to acclimate your body to the temperature of the onsen, and also to wash the body of dirt and cleanse it of impurities/evil spirits. これは温泉おんせんの温度おんどに体からだを慣ならすとともに、体からだを洗あらって、穢けがれを落おとすためです。 [Video] 1:22 - Pouring Water Over Oneself Before Entering the Onsen 【動画どうが】1:22~ 温泉おんせんに入はいる前まえにかけ湯ゆ After cleansing your body, it's time for a shower. 体からだを洗あらった後あとは、シャワーを浴あびます。 Unlike normal showers where you would shower standing up, it's proper manners to sit down when showering at an onsen. 通常つうじょうのシャワーは立たって浴あびますが、温泉おんせんでは座すわって浴あびるのがマナーです。 This is to prevent the water from splashing on others who may also be showering. これは、同おなじようにシャワーを浴あびている人ひとに水みずがかからないようにするためです。 Onsen are shared spaces, and so it's important to be mindful of others. 温泉おんせんは共有きょうゆうの空間くうかんなので、他ほかの人ひとを気きづかうことが大切たいせつです。 [Video] 2:13 - Showering Before Entering the Onsen 【動画どうが】2:13~ 温泉おんせんに入はいる前まえにシャワー Many people may think it's common sense to not bring stools into the baths, but it's still a important. 湯船ゆぶねに腰掛こしかけを持もち込こまないのは常識じょうしきと思おもわれる人ひとが多おおいかもしれませんが、大切たいせつなことです。 Actually, bringing any outside objects into the onsen is generally considered bad manners. また、温泉おんせんの中なかに物ものを持もち込こむのはマナー違反いはんとされています。 Things like squirt guns, pool noodles, etc., are not allowed in onsen. 温泉おんせんでは水鉄砲みずでっぽうやプール・ヌードルなどは禁止きんしです。 [Video] 1:58 - Don't Bring Outside Objects Inside the Onsen 【動画どうが】1:58~ 外部がいぶからの物ものを湯船ゆぶねにつけない While onsen are a place for relaxing, sleeping inside or near the baths is bad manners. 温泉おんせんはリラックスするための場所ばしょですが、湯船ゆぶねの中なかや近ちかくで寝ねるのはマナー違反いはんです。 Sleeping inside the baths is also dangerous as well, so definitely avoid doing this. また、湯船ゆぶねの中なかで寝ねるのは危険きけんですので、絶対ぜったいにやめましょう。 [Video] 2:41 - No Sleeping in Onsen 【動画どうが】2:41~ 温泉おんせんで寝ねてはいけない As mentioned above, onsen are a shared space for relaxation. 上うえに書かいてあるように、温泉おんせんはリラックスするための共有きょうゆうの場所ばしょです。 It's good manners to keep your voice down when enjoying the onsen. 温泉おんせんを楽たのしむときは、静しずかにくつろぐのがマナーです。 If you're with a friend and want to talk, be sure to talk quietly. 友達ともだちと一緒いっしょにいて話はなしをしたい場合ばあいは、静しずかに話はなすようにしましょう。 Naturally, singing, yelling, etc., is bad manners. もちろん、歌うたったり、大声おおごえを出だしたりするのはマナー違反いはんです。 These manners also apply to saunas in Japan as well. これらのマナーは、日本にほんのサウナでも同おなじです。 [Video] 3:02 - Staying Quiet When Using Onsen 【動画どうが】3:02~ 温泉おんせんを利用りようするときは静しずかに After you've finished relaxing in the onsen and are ready to return to the dressing room, it's important to wipe your body off first. 温泉おんせんでくつろいで、脱衣室だついしつに戻もどりたいときは、まず体からだを拭ふきましょう。 This is so that the floors of the dressing room don't get wet. これは脱衣室だついしつの床ゆかが濡ぬれれないようにするためです。 [Video] 3:40 - Wiping Down Before Entering the Dressing Room 【動画どうが】3:40~ 体からだを拭ふいてから脱衣室だついしつに戻もどる Bathing in an onsen expends energy and the heat causes you to sweat, reducing the amount of water in the body. 温泉おんせんに入はいると体力たいりょくを使つかって、熱ねつで汗あせをかくため、体内たいないの水分すいぶんが少すくなくなります。 Because of this, it's important to relax for a while after bathing in the onsen, and grab some water or a sports drink to rehydrate. そのため、入浴にゅうよく後ごはしばらくリラックスして、水みずやスポーツドリンクで水分すいぶんをとるのが大事だいじです。 Many onsen in Japan provide yukata that guests can wear after bathing, and a lounge where they can relax. 多おおくの日本にほんの温泉おんせんでは、入浴にゅうよく後ごに着きる浴衣ゆかたや、ゆっくり休やすめる休憩室きゅうけいしつが用意よういされています。 Can You Enter Onsen in Japan With Tattoos? 日本にほんではタトゥーがあっても温泉おんせんに入れる? One of the most frequently asked questions foreign travelers to Japan have when wanting to visit an onsen is whether or not it's okay to enter onsen with tattoos. 来日らいにちする外国人がいこくじん旅行者りょこうしゃが温泉おんせんに入はいりたいと思おもったとき、よくある質問しつもんの1ひとつに「タトゥーがあっても温泉おんせんに入はいれますか?」という質問しつもんです。 Unfortunately, the answer to this is generally no. 残念ざんねんながら、一般的いっぱんてきにいうと、入はいれません。 The reason for this is tattoos in Japan have long been associated with criminal organizations. その理由りゆうは、日本にほんでは昔からタトゥーは犯罪はんざい組織そしきと関係かんけいがあったからです。 In the past, criminals in Japan were even marked with a tattoo so that they could be easily identified. かつて日本にほんでは、犯罪者はんざいしゃがすぐに分わかるようにタトゥーを入いれていました。 That being said, there are some onsen in Japan where you can enter with tattoos. とはいえ、日本にほんにはタトゥーがあっても入れる温泉おんせんがあります。 Furthermore, there are places that allow you to enter as long as you cover up your tattoos. さらに、タトゥーを隠かくせば入はいれるところもあります。 This can be done with special bandages and sprays sold in Japan. 日本にほんで売うられている専用せんようのバンデージやスプレーで隠かくすことができます。 Unfortunately, some places won't let you enter even if you offer to cover up tattoos. しかし、残念ざんねんなことに、タトゥーを隠かくしても入はいらせてくれない温泉おんせんもあります。 In this case, there's not much you can do, and you're better off just finding a new place. この場合ばあい、どうすることもできないので、違ちがう温泉おんせんを探さがしましょう。 It shouldn't be hard though with how many onsen there are in Japan. ただ、日本にほんにはたくさんの温泉おんせんがありますので、探さがしやすいはずです。 The Different Types of Onsen in Japan 日本にほん温泉おんせんの種類しゅるい Photo:A bulletin board with health benefits written on it at Kinosaki Onsen(写真しゃしん:城崎温泉きのさきおんせん・効能こうのうが書かかれた掲示板けいじばん) Japan's onsen are said to be good for one's health, but there are many different types of onsen in Japan, and they all have slightly different health benefits. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんは健康けんこうに良よいと言いわれていますが、日本にほんには様々さまざまな種類しゅるいの温泉おんせんがあって、それぞれ効能こうのうも少すこし違ちがいます。 Below we'll introduce some of the different types of onsen in Japan. 以下いかに、日本にほんの温泉おんせんの種類しゅるいをいくつかご紹介しょうかいします。 ・Simple Hot Springs ・簡易かんい温泉おんせん Standard, transparent hot springs with a small amount of minerals. ミネラルが少すこし入はいった、お湯ゆが透明とうめいの標準的ひょうじゅんてきな温泉おんせん。 ・Chloride Springs ・塩化物えんかぶつ泉せん Hot springs that contain salt and are good for muscle and joint pain. 塩分えんぶんが高たかい、筋肉痛きんにくつうや関節痛かんせつつうに良よい温泉おんせん。 ・Sulfate Springs ・硫酸塩りゅうさんえん泉せん Hot springs that contain sulfates. The water of these onsen has a bitter taste. 硫酸塩りゅうさんえんが入はいった温泉おんせん。この温泉おんせんのお湯ゆは苦にがい味あじがする。 ・Acidic Springs ・酸性泉さんせいせん Hot springs with high acidity. These springs are good for the skin. 酸性度さんせいどの高たかい温泉おんせん。この温泉おんせんは肌はだに良よいです。 ・Radioactive Springs ・放射能ほうしゃのう泉せん You might be thinking "That sounds dangerous," but radioactive springs are actually shown to have good effects on the body. 「危あぶなさそうだな」と思おもうかもしれませんが、実じつは放射能ほうしゃのう泉せんは体からだに良よい効果こうかがあることが分わかっています。 These springs have a small amount of radon or radium in them and are said to treat gout and rheumatism. ラドンやラジウムが少すこし入はいった温泉おんせんで、痛風つうふうやリウマチに効きくと言いわれています。 Popular Onsen in Japan 日本にほんの人気にんき温泉おんせん There are so many hot springs in Japan that it would be impossible to list them all. 日本にほんには温泉おんせんが数かぞえ切きれないほどたくさんあるので、すべての温泉おんせんを紹介しょうかいすることはできません。 So, here are some of the most popular onsen in Japan. そこで、日本にほんで最もっとも人気にんきのある温泉おんせんをいくつかご紹介しょうかいします。 ・Kusatsu Onsen (Gunma Prefecture) ・草津くさつ温泉おんせん(群馬県ぐんま) A famous hot spring resort located on the east side of Mt. Kusatsu-Shirane, an active volcano. 活火山かっかざんである草津くさつ白根山しらねさんの東側ひがしがわに位置いちする有名ゆうめいな温泉地おんせんち。 The hot springs here are mostly acidic hot springs and are even said to have been used by military commanders during Japan's Warring States Period. ここの温泉おんせんは酸性泉さんせいせんが多おおくて、日本にほんの戦国せんごく時代じだいには武将ぶしょうが利用りようしたと言いわれています。 Video Article 3:02 Kusatsu Onsen Hot Spring, Gunma Prefecture- Beautiful Scenery, Skiing, Hot Springs, and Local Food and Events, All in This Beautiful Winter Wonderland YouTube ・Hakone Onsen (Kanagawa Prefecture) ・箱根はこね温泉おんせん(神奈川県かながわけん) Hakone Onsen refers to hot springs located mainly in the town of Hakone in Kanagawa Prefecture. 箱根はこね温泉おんせんとは、神奈川県かながわけん箱根町はこねまちを中心ちゅうしんに位置いちした温泉おんせんのことです。 It has a long history, dating back 1,300 years. 温泉おんせんの歴史れきしは古ふるくて、1300せんさんびゃく年ねん前まえにさかのぼります。 Video Article 2:59 Hakone Onsen's "Hakone Ginyu" Inn, Is an Exclusive, Luxurious Place to Stay in Kanagawa Prefecture! Enjoy a Wonderful Experience at One of Japan's Premier Hot Springs! YouTube ・Beppu Onsen (Oita Prefecture) ・別府べっぷ温泉おんせん(大分県おおいたけん) Beppu Onsen is a hot spring resort in Oita Prefecture, located near Beppu Station. 別府べっぷ温泉おんせんとは大分県おおいたけんの温泉地おんせんちで、別府べっぷ駅えきの近ちかくにあります。 The resort features many different types of hot springs. 多おおくの種類しゅるいの温泉おんせんがあるのが特徴とくちょうです。 The onsen has been famous for hundreds of years, even appearing on hot spring ranking lists from Japan's Edo Period. 数百年すうひゃくねん前まえから有名ゆうめいな温泉地おんせんちで江戸えど時代じだいの温泉おんせんランキングにも入はいっていました。 Video Article 3:46 Chinoike Jigoku (The Blood Pond of Hell) – A Blood Red Hot Spring at Beppu Hot Springs... YouTube ・Yufuin Onsen (Oita Prefecture) ・湯布院ゆふいん温泉おんせん(大分県おおいたけん) Located in the center of Oita Prefecture, Yufuin Onsen is just 10km from Beppu Onsen, so it's easy to travel between the two of them. 大分県おおいたけんのほぼ中央ちゅうおうに位置いちする湯布院ゆふいん温泉おんせんは、別府べっぷ温泉おんせんからわずか10じゅうキロの距離きょりにあって、別府べっぷ温泉おんせんとの行ゆき来きがしやすいのが特徴とくちょうです。 Video Article 1:06 Experience an Exciting Glamping Trip in Oita, Japan! Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi's Luxury Camping Experience Is Like Staying at a Resort Hotel! YouTube ・Ginzan Onsen (Yamagata Prefecture) ・銀山ぎんざん温泉おんせん(山形県やまがたけん) Ginzan Onsen is a hot spring famous for its beautiful townscape. 銀山ぎんざん温泉おんせんとは美うつくしい街並まちなみで有名ゆうめいな温泉街おんせんがいです。 It's especially breathtaking during winter when snow blankets the town. 特とくに冬ふゆには雪ゆきに覆おおわれて、その美うつくしさは息いきを呑のむほどです。 ・Dogo Onsen (Ehime Prefecture) ・道後どうご温泉おんせん(愛媛県えひめけん) Dogo Onsen is a popular hot spring in Ehime, and is known as one of the oldest hot springs in Japan. 道後どうご温泉おんせんとは、日本にほん最古さいこの温泉おんせんの1ひとつとして知しられる愛媛えひめの有名ゆうめいな温泉おんせんです。 It even appears in Japanese legends 日本にほんの伝説でんせつにも表あらわれます。 Video Article 3:36 Dogo Onsen, the Oldest Hot Spring in Japan, and the Inspiration for Studio Ghibli’s Oscar-Winning Animated Film?! The Hot Spring, Loved by Famous Japanese Novelist Natsume Soseki, Is an Attractive Destination, Filled With History! YouTube The Best Time to Visit Onsen in Japan 日本にほん温泉おんせんのベストシーズン Photo:Winter at Nyuto Onsen's Tsuru no Yu(写真しゃしん:乳頭温泉郷にゅうとうおんせん・冬ふゆの鶴つるの湯温泉ゆおんせん) When it comes to the best season/time of year to visit onsen, this can vary depending on your personal preferences. 温泉おんせんに行いくのに一番いちばんいい季節きせつというと、これは人ひとによって様々さまざまです。 That being said, here are some things to consider for each season. とはいえ、季節きせつごとのポイントをご紹介しょうかいします。 ・Spring ・春はる During spring, the weather is fair, making it easy to relax in onsen. 春はるは、気候きこうもよく温泉おんせんが入はいりやすい季節きせつです。 Depending on where you are, you may even be able to enjoy cherry blossoms while bathing. 場所ばしょによっては桜さくらを見みながら入浴にゅうよくすることもできます。 ・Summer ・夏なつ Summer in Japan is quite hot, so it might seem strange to want to bathe in hot water, but there are some reasons for visiting hot spring during the summer. 日本にほんの夏なつはかなり暑あついので、温泉おんせんでリラックスしたいと思おもうのは不思議ふしぎに思おもえるかもしれませんが、夏なつに温泉おんせんに行いくのにはいくつかの理由りゆうがあります。 One would be that many of Japan's hot springs are located deep in mountainous areas and are difficult to reach during winter. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんは山奥やまおくにあることが多おおく、冬ふゆに行いくのは難むずかしいというのも理由りゆうの1ひとつです。 Summer is the best time to visit any hidden gems you want to go to. 夏なつは、行いきたい穴場あなばに行いくのに一番いちばんいい季節きせつです。 ・Autumn ・秋あき Autumn, similar to spring, has mild weather and is great for enjoying outdoor springs. 秋あきは春はると同様どうよう、気候きこうが穏おだやかで、外そとにある温泉おんせんを楽たのしむのに良よい季節きせつです。 Furthermore, autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons in Japan and there are many places in Japan that are famous for their autumn foliage. さらに、秋あきは日本にほんで美うつくしい季節きせつの1ひとつで、日本にほんには紅葉こうようの名所めいしょがたくさんあります。 Bathing in Japan's relaxing hot springs while enjoying the autumn leaves is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんに入はいりながら紅葉こうようも楽たのしめるなんて、一石二鳥いっせきにちょうですね。 ・Winter ・冬ふゆ Winter in Japan can be quite cold, especially northern Japan. 日本にほんのなかでも、特とくに北きた日本にほんの冬ふゆはかなり寒さむいです。 Onsen are a great way to warm up during the harsh winter months. 日本にほんの厳きびしい冬ふゆに体からだを温あたためるには、温泉おんせんは最高さいこうです。 Depending on where you go, you can also enjoy beautiful snowy landscapes around the onsen. 場所ばしょによっては、温泉おんせんの周まわりに美うつくしい雪景色ゆきげしきを楽たのしむこともできます。 How Much Do Onsen in Japan Cost to Use? 日本にほん温泉おんせんの入浴にゅうよく料金りょうきんは? Japan's onsen are relatively cheap to use. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの入浴にゅうよく料金りょうきんは割わりと安やすいです。 Most onsen cost only a couple hundred yen (a few bucks). ほとんどの温泉おんせんは数百すうひゃく円えんしかかかりません。 If you're on a budget and looking to save money while still enjoying some of the authentic culture of Japan, onsen are a great experience. 予算よさんが限かぎられていて、お金かねを節約せつやくしながら、日本にほんの本物ほんものの文化ぶんかを楽たのしみたいのであれば、温泉おんせんはとても良よい体験たいけんになります。 If you're visiting a hot spring town in Japan and planning to stay the night to enjoy sightseeing around the area, then you're going to have to book some accommodations as well. 日本にほんの温泉街おんせんがいに行いって、その周辺しゅうへんの観光かんこうを楽たのしむために宿泊しゅくはくするのであれば、ホテルなどの宿泊しゅくはく施設しせつの予約よやくが必要ひつようです。 With that in mind, rather than staying at a hotel, we recommend staying at a ryokan. 宿泊しゅくはく施設しせつはホテルではなくて、旅館りょかんに泊とまるのがおすすめです。 A ryokan is a traditional Japanese inn that serves traditional Japanese-style meals, generally has traditional Japanese rooms (tatami mats, sliding doors, etc.), and allows guests to relax in yukata, traditional Japanese clothing. なぜなら旅館りょかんは、食事しょくじは和食わしょく、部屋へやは和室わしつ(畳たたみ、襖ふすまなど)、浴衣ゆかたでくつろぐことができる日本にほんの伝統的でんせつてきな宿泊しゅくはく施設しせつだからです。 This allows visitors to really experience Japanese culture and for roughly the same price as a hotel. ホテルとほぼ同おなじ料金りょうきんですが、日本にほんの文化ぶんかを体験たいけんすることができます。 Onsen ryokan are traditional Japanese inns with a focus on hot springs, and can be found in many hot spring resorts in Japan. 温泉おんせん旅館りょかんは、温泉おんせんを中心ちゅうしんとした日本にほんの伝統的でんせつてきな旅館りょかんで、日本にほんの多おおくの温泉地おんせんちにあります。 Summary of How to Use Onsen in Japan 日本にほん温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたのまとめ There are many different rules and manners to observe when enjoying onsen in Japan, but even if you make a mistake, as long as you're careful there's nothing to worry about. 日本にほんで温泉おんせんを楽たのしむには、様々さまざまなルールやマナーがありますが、たとえ間違まちがえても、気きを付つければ何なにも心配しんぱいすることはありません。 Whether you're going to a famous hot spring resort or an onsen hidden in the mountains of Japan, you're sure to find some relaxing hot springs, regardless of the season. 日本にほんの有名ゆうめいな温泉地おんせんちでも、山奥やまおくの温泉おんせんでも、季節きせつに関係かんけいなくリラックスできる温泉おんせんがきっと見みつかるはずです。 Just remember, if you have tattoos, it's best to do some research and find which hot springs you can enter to avoid any troubles during your trip. ただ、タトゥーを入いれている人ひとは、旅行りょこう中ちゅうにトラブルが起おきないように、入はいれる温泉おんせんを調しらべておくといいでしょう。 h2 ruby { font-weight: bold; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { font-size: 2.4rem !important; } .caption-text { font-size: 2rem !important; } -
Video article 3:45
The first floor of a house is a landing place! The boathouses of Ine-cho, Yosae-gun, Kyoto Prefecture, a historical fishing town of the sea, are lined with mysterious houses that cannot be seen anywhere else!
Life & Business Travel- 689 plays
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What is “Funaya” in Ine-cho, Yosae-gun, Kyoto Prefecture? Sightseeing Video Introduction This tourist promotion video, titled "[Beautiful Japan] Ine Town, Kyoto," was produced by N.a., and shows views of the seaside town of Ine in northern Kyoto. Located in Kyoto in the Kansai region, Ine is a peaceful area at the northeastern end of the Tango peninsula, facing the Sea of Japan. People in this town have lived in harmony with the sea by utilizing its gifts. Fishermen in the town live in houses called “funaya” which can store their boats as you can see at 0:58 in the video. You can admire the view of the funaya, all in a row, in the video as well. It's not a very common sight, so we definitely recommend taking a look at it. Enjoy the beautiful landscape created by the funaya and the Sea of Japan! Information About Ine Photo:Funaya in Ine Ine's funaya can store boats and fishing tools on the first floor, making use of age-old wisdom that makes for a smooth and easily accessible fishing excursion. You can see a fisherman parking his boat in his funaya at 1:39 after a long day of fishing. The waters of Ine, a port town facing Ine Bay on the Tango Peninsula, are calm and serene. The landscape lined with ancient funaya is very elegant. The scenery of the boathouses in Ine, that remind us of the history of the fishing town, has been designated as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings. Tips for Traveling Around Ine The Funaya of Ine are best viewed from the shore where the boats are stored. When you visit Ine, we recommend taking a pleasure boat along the sea side route. There are old guest houses near the funaya of Ine as well. Okuineonsen Aburaya, which has an open-air bath with a view, is a popular spot for those who want to enjoy a relaxing time in an outstanding location. Have a wonderful time staying at the guest houses, where you can enjoy the atmosphere of good old Japan while eating seasonal seafood dishes. Summary of Ine's Funaya Photo:Ine Ine, Kyoto is lined with ancient Japanese boat houses that cannot be seen anywhere else. Be sure to keep your camera handy to take some Instagram pics! If you haven't already, be sure to watch the video; It has some beautiful scenery! When most people think of sightseeing in Kyoto, they probably think of shrines and temples in the southern part of the Prefecture. However, there are many attractive tourist destinations on the sea side of Kyoto Prefecture as well. If you enjoyed the atmosphere of Ine, consider stopping by the sea side at the northern end of Kyoto. The true beauty of Japan lies outside of its cities. -
Video article 0:40
A Futuristic Bicycle Parking Area in Front of Kyoto Station! A Look at the Latest Japanese Technology Making Contributions Towards Maintaining the Beautiful Scenery of Kyoto!
Life & Business News- 374 plays
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Kyoto Station's Automatic Underground Bicycle Parking Area This video, titled "Automatic Underground Bicycle Parking Lot Opened in Front of Kyoto Station" (京都駅前に機械式地下駐輪場がオープン) was released by SankeiNews. The first automated underground bicycle parking lot in Kyoto made big news when it was opened on February 11th, 2015 at the East and West Hachijou Entrance to Kyoto station. This is a video showing footage of the automated storage and retrieval of a bicycle from inside the underground parking lot that was made available to the press upon opening. It's a sight that one would normally never be able to see and well worth the watch! More About Kyoto Station's Automatic Underground Bicycle Parking Lot Source :YouTube screenshot The underground parking lot has a 12 meter deep cylindrical design and the footage of the automated storage of the bikes underground is truly amazing! You can take a look at this from 0:06 in the video. One of these underground parking lots (called Eco-cycles) can store approximately 200 bicycles. The way it works is that you place your bike into an elevator-type booth, simply push a button and the bicycle will automatically be stored away in the underground parking lot. You can see this in the opening scenes of the video. When you would like to retrieve your bicycle, all you have to do is swipe your designated IC card and your bike should arrive through the elevator-style booth in approximately 13 seconds. This can be seen at 0:17 in the video. As you can see in the video, the front wheel of the bicycle is held by a machine, which allows the machine to move the bicycle to the correct location. It's truly amazing to watch the machine at work! Advantages and Disadvantages of Automated Underground Parking Lots Source :YouTube screenshot It can no doubt be said that the new underground bicycle parking lot in Kyoto is very convenient, but it's not without its disadvantages. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this system. First of all, one of the advantages of the underground parking lot is that, being indoors, there is less risk of one's bicycle being damaged by rain or possibly being stolen compared to if it were parked outdoors. Another advantage is that since the bicycles are neatly stored away, the iconic scenery of the streets of Kyoto can be easily maintained. However, one of the disadvantages of such a system is the development cost. The cost to build one of these parking lots is approximately 160,000,000 yen (roughly 1.5 million US dollars) with the overall construction cost coming to approximately 426,600,000 yen (roughly 4 million US dollars), far higher than a regular outdoor bicycle parking lot. It is hardly a sum than can be covered by usage charge alone. For this reason, it's unlikely that this kind of underground parking area will be adopted by many local governments without good reason for it. Furthermore, the lack of information on running performance, maintenance costs and the fact that the parking lot is not equipped to handle non-standard bicycles are all problems that still need to be dealt with. Kyoto Station Automated Underground Bicycle Parking Lot Usage Fee Photo:Bicycle parking area For those who wish to use the new underground parking lot, you'll need to enter a fixed-term contract, which currently costs 2700 yen per month (as of Jan 2020). It is also possible to pay for parking per day at a cost of 150 yen; however, the parking lot can often be full so it's best to search for alternative parking options beforehand. Those wishing to enter a fixed term contract need to ensure that their bicycle meets the required standards for the automatic parking lot. You must know your bicycle's length, width, height and position of the front and/or rear basket, tire size, bike weight, and position of gears and possibly several other measurements. Extra precautions must be taken for bikes which have unique or special designs, such as road bikes, mountain bikes, and more. Summary of Kyoto's Automated Underground Parking Lot What 'd you think of Kyoto's new underground bicycle parking lot? Kyoto station's south entrance has long been troubled with the unauthorized parking of bicycles. It is hoped that the completion of this new underground parking lot will bring and end to this problem and help contribute towards maintaining the beautiful scenery of Kyoto. Videos of bicycles being sucked up by the automated machinery of Kyoto's underground parking lot have attracted a lot of attention on social media, so much so that many tourists are visiting Kyoto for the sole purpose of seeing this unusual parking lot! The development of this automated parking lot in the futuristic city of Kyoto is sure to have a profound impact on the rest of the world. 【Official Website】Automatic Underground Bicycle Parking Lot introduction|KYOTO PARKING NAVI https://kyotopublic.or.jp/bikepark/ -
Video article 5:00
What Does the Future Have in Store for Us? The State-Of-The-Art Technology in the Super Smart Society, "society5.0", Proposed by the Government!
Life & Business- 115 plays
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Check out the Introduction Video of the Super Smart Society "society5.0" "Super Smart Society: Opening the Future Society 5.0(超スマート社会 未来を開くSociety 5.0)" produced by jstsciencechannel is a video about "Society5.0". Society5.0 is a super smart society based on the Science and Technology Master Plan recommended by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and Japan Business Federation. The government has stated that it will begin efforts to realize a super-smart society led by science, and innovation, following the hunting, agricultural, industrial, and information society. Ultra-Smart Society "society5.0" Initiative 1: Smart Factories Source :YouTube screenshot The Internet connection of things, which is used in all aspects of industry and life, is called IoT. It is expected that new values will be created one after another by integrating the real world and cyberspace through communication. For example, in the industrial field, smart production systems (smart factories) that connect artificial intelligence sensors and big data on production lines, like the 4th Industrial Revolution recommended in Germany, are attracting attention. This can be seen at 0:30 in the video. Ultra-Smart Society "society5.0" Initiative 2: Ultra-Compact Mobility Source :YouTube screenshot Intelligent transportation system is one of the initiatives of Society5.0. At Asuka Village in Nara Prefecture, they are conducting a demonstration test of the “MICHIMO” rental service of “micro-miniature mobility” for tourists. You can watch a video of a commentary on the ruins of the Ishibutai Tomb being checked on a terminal mounted on an electric vehicle. In addition, the management of electric vehicles can be easily performed with the “Charging/Authentication System”. In addition, experiments on the uniform automatic driving of buses and trucks are already underway. The aim is to improve the efficiency of road transport and reduce traffic accidents. This can be seen from 1:18 in the video. Ultra-Smart Society "society5.0" Initiative 3: Community-Based Comprehensive Care System Source :YouTube screenshot The super-smart society "Society5.0" is also useful for medical care and health management. Innovative systems that can be used in medicine are being developed one after another, such as a cuffless blood pressure measurement using a chair, and a system that can take electrocardiogram measurements while sleeping with an electrode device sewn in pajamas or a bed cover. Data can be sent in real time to physicians at remote locations, and while currently patients currently need to visit hospitals for a checkup, with this system, they are protected by the network and can be informed that something is wrong before they even know it. This can be seen from 2:49 in the video. Summary of "society5.0" Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to being introduced in the video, Society 5.0 is expected to be used in artificial energy and for mass data in the fields of energy and disaster prevention, as well as in education and corporate sites. Through the efforts of the Cabinet Office and the Japan Business Federation, “Society5.0” will lead to new that will continue to be developed society. Are you looking forward to seeing what kind of technology will be created in the coming years? -
Video article 5:21
Japan’s Cutting-Edge Technology Is Leading the World in Regenerative Medicine. What Was Once a Dream Is Now a Reality. This Technology Will Lead the World to a Long-Living Society!
Life & Business- 41 plays
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iPS Cells: The World's Leading Regenerative Medicine This is a video released in 2018 by the "Hitachi Brand Channel" that introduces the efforts of Japanese company Hitachi Kobe Lab, in Regenerative Medicine using iPS cells. Speaking of regenerative medicine, the 3D iPS cell culture method invented by Professor Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University's Institute for iPS Cell Research and Development won the Nobel Prize in 2012, and it has become a hot topic of conversation. So what is this regenerative medicine? We'll give you a rundown. Photo:Research Regenerative Medicine is a technique that reanimates cells in areas damaged (or lost) by illness or injury. This has made it possible to treat incurable diseases that are difficult to treat with current medicine. Professor Yamanaka had been studying regenerative medicine for some time, but in contrast to the conventional method which required the use of fertilized eggs, human iPS cells, which can be cultured from a sterile egg, solved the ethical issues and attracted attention as a new dawn in medical technology. However, iPS cells have weaknesses. It is difficult to stabilize the quality of iPS cells and to mass-produce them. Maintaining the sterility of the lab was a critical challenge for culturing stable, quality iPS cells, especially since they are less resistant to bacteria. The Future of Hitachi's Regenerative Medicine, Opened up by Open Innovation Source :YouTube screenshot Due to the difficulty of culturing iPS cells, Hitachi began development of Automated Cell Culture Equipment for iPS cells through joint research with Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma. Currently, Hitachi, Ltd. and Hitachi Chemical are also participating in the research and have been successful in producing reputable induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). The greatest benefit of open innovation is that, rather than a single company monopolizing research, specialists in each field, with their own specialties, can come together to conduct research and development without being bound by interests. The services and products, created through the combined strength of the Hitachi Group's technology and Japan's top minds, will continue to lead the world's medical infrastructure in the future. The Automated Cell Culture Equipment for iPS cells is one such development. The Regenerative Medicine that Hitachi is currently working on is said to be second-generation, but if it can incorporate AI technology and achieve more stable iPS cell culturing, it's possible to break through to third-generation regenerative medicine technology and raise hopes in the future, as it could be applied to the treatment of other incurable diseases. Summary of Hitachi Kobe Lab's Regenerative Medicine Research -
Video article 9:41
Harie, Japan: The "Village of Living Water" in Takashima, Shiga. A Look at the Village Where a Natural Spring Has Existed for More Than 200 Years!
Travel Life & Business- 1.16K plays
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Harie Ikusui no Sato” in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This 4K video, titled "Harie Shozu-no-sato - Shiga - 針江生水の郷 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." It introduces magnificent views of "Harie Shozu no Sato," the Village of Living Water, a popular sightseeing destination in Takashima, Shiga. In Harie Shozu no Sato in Shiga Prefecture, the beautiful local spring water has long been used by the people in everyday life. This article will introduce tourist information for the Village of Living Water, a place where people live in harmony with nature. Be sure to follow along with the video! The Village of Living Water in Shiga Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Harie district of Takashima, Shiga, a place not far from Shirahige Shrine, is also called "Shozu no Sato" and "Junsui no Sato" in Japanese. The spring water in this area comes from underground, and has existed for more than 200 years. In 2015, Harie Shozu no Sato was selected as a Japanese heritage site under "Lake Biwa and its Surrounding Waters." Let's take a look at the beautiful scenery of the Village of Living Water. You can see the beautiful water flowing along the side of the road from 0:08 in the video. The Wisdom of Our Ancestors Passed Down in the Village of Living Water Source :YouTube screenshot A Kabata is system that uses water from a spring for domestic use. The cleanest water upstream is used as drinking water, and downstream there is a small pool for washing vegetables. This can be seen from 0:50 in the video. Also shown at 2:08 in the video, you can see how carp are kept in the waterway, downstream of where the dishes are washed, and they eat leftover food to clean the water. The Uehara Tofu Shop (上原豆腐店) along the riverside, which can be seen from 2:57 in the video, sells exquisite tofu chilled in the waterways, so be sure to try some and enjoy the local flavors of the area during your visit. Hidden Gems and Famous Locations in Harie Source :YouTube screenshot The Biwako Visitors Bureau, a public interest incorporated association, offers tours such as the "Kabata and Townscape Course" and the "Satoyama Lakeside Course." If you're looking to go sightseeing in the Village of Living Water, we recommend applying for a guided tour and seeing the recommended routes. There is also a hotel in Harie that has been renovated from an old Japanese-style house. Staying at an inn like this is a great way to experience Japanese culture. Summary of Harie Shozu no Sato - The Village of Living Water Source :YouTube screenshot The area around Harie Shozu no Sato is great for those looking to experience the beauty of nature and traditional Japanese culture. Take a wonderful sightseeing trip to enjoy the magnificent scenery of Harie Shozu no Sato, a place where beautiful water flows through the village. 【Tripadvisor】Harie Shozu no Sato - The Village of Living Water https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1023578-d6611968-r247141189-Harie_Shozu_no_Kabata-Takashima_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:20
Kanji of the Year” announced at Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture! Kanji that represents last year's world, successive Kanji, and how to decide the Kanji are also introduced!
News Life & Business- 98 plays
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Kanji of the Year” video to be announced at Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "The Announcement for the Kanji of the Year for 2022 at Kiyomizudera Temple, Kyoto, Japan (December 12, 2022)" (京都・清水寺で2022年「今年の漢字」発表(2022年12月12日 京都市東山区)), was uploaded by "Kyoto Shimbun" (京都新聞). Every year around December 12, Japan's Kanji of the Year is announced. When the announcement is made each year at Kiyomizudera, a famous temple in Kyoto, it attracts a large crowds and media outlets from all across Japan and is broadcast live on the news, making it a well-known event. The powerful kanji written on Japanese paper and placed on a special stand on the stage of Kiyomizudera is both powerful and elegant. The time has come for the announcement of Kanji of the Year for 2022. For many people in Japan, it's a year-end tradition to watch the announcement. It's become a symbol of the year's end. So, without further ado, let's take a look at 2022's Kanji of the Year. The Kanji 戦 (Ikusa, 'War') and Why It Was Chosen Photo:The kanji for 'war' The Kanji of the Year for 2022 was announced on December 12, 2022. The Kanji 戦 (Ikusa), meaning "fight" or "battle," received 10,804 of the total 220,000 votes that were cast. The following is the list of kanji that came in places 2 through 10: 2. 安 (An, Stable/Calm); 3. 楽 (Raku, Comfortable/Peaceful); 4. 高 (Taka, High/Expensive); 5. 争 (Arasou, Conflict); 6. 命 (Inochi, Life); 7. 悲 (Hi, Grieve/Sadness); 8. 新 (Shin, New); 9. 変 (Hen, Change), 10. 和 (Wa, Peace/Harmony). This is the second time that 'War' has been chosen, as it was also chosen in 2001. What events in the year 2022 come to mind when you see this kanji? Themes that may come up when you hear the words "fight" or "battle" might be Japan's strong battle in the World Cup... However, that's not the reason why the kanji was chosen. According to the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation, the organizer of the event, the reason for 'War' being chosen is that the world was stunned while witnessing the horrors of the war caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and also because of the battle fought by people in their daily lives while trying to survive with a weakening yen and rising costs of living, as well as heated sports competitions. Where Japan's Kanji of the Year Was Announced and Why Photo:Autumn at Kiyomizudera Japan's Kanji of the Year is usually announced around December 12 every year. Now you might be wondering, "What's the significance of December 12?" Well, there's actually a good reason for this. December 12 is recognized as "Kanji Day" in Japan, and it's hoped that people will learn at least one kanji every year. Since the headquarters of the organizer, the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation, is located in Kyoto, the world-renowned temple Kiyomizudera is the setting for the presentation. Hopefully this helped you understand the significance of the date and location of this Japanese year-end tradition. When the 'Kanji of the Year' Tradition Began in Japan, Who Writes Them, and More! It's no exaggeration to say that the announcement of the Kanji of the Year is a year-end tradition, but, when did this tradition start exactly? The first Kanji of the Year was announced in 1995, 27 years ago. The Kanji of the Year is a one-character description of the year. The person in charge of writing the kanji is Seihan Mori, the chief abbot of Kiyomizudera Temple, who is also the chief priest in charge of the temple. The ceremony has been conducted by Seihan Mori since 1995, when it was first announced. The kanji is written by chief abbot Mori on the famous stage of Kiyomizudera. [Video] 0:00 - The Kanji of the Year Being Written Kanji of the Year From Previous Years Source :YouTube screenshot Here is a list of Kanji of the Year from previous years. 1995 - 震 (Shin, Quake/Tremble) The year 1995 was marked by a series of astonishing events. This kanji was chosen as a year of "trembling" due to natural disasters, such as the Great Hanshin Earthquake, and the Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack, as well as political turmoil. 1999 - 末 (Sue, End) In this year, which marked the end of the century, events that seemed like the "end of the world" occurred frequently. The Tokaimura Nuclear Accidents, police scandals, the collapse of the myth of bullet train safety, restructuring due to economic downturn, and many other seemingly "end-of-the-century events" occurred in this year. However, the character "End" was chosen in the hope that the following year will be a year of "Sue-Hirogari" (末広がり, Prosperity). 2005 - 愛 (Ai, Love) Despite the marriage and love (愛) of Princess Nori, the success of Expo 2005 Aichi (愛知), and the success of women named "Ai" (愛), the year was also marked by a number of incidents without love. While in Japan, people were taught the importance of both loving things close to them, and loving things on a global scale, 愛 (Ai, Love) was chosen because there were many incidents involving children and juvenile crimes where there was not enough "love." Photo:The Japanese era Reiwa 2019 - 令 (Rei, Order/Decree) In this year when a new emperor acceded to the throne and a new era began, it can be said that the Kanji of the Year expressed people's joy at the dawn of a new era as well as their hope for brighter days. The character 令 (Rei, Order/Decree) was also chosen due to events related to order, such as the revision of laws and regulations and compliance with laws and regulations among other things. 2021 - 金 (Kin, Gold) Up until this point, the character for "gold" had been selected three times. Its selection in 2021 marked the 4th time it was selected, making it the most selected since the tradition began. Amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics were held a year late, with many Japanese athletes winning gold medals. They provided courage and inspiration not only to the people of Japan but also to people around the world. It was also selected because of milestones reached in various fields and money-related topics, such as the announcement of a new banknote. Despite the fact that the Kanji of the Year is in the news every year, many people don't know they can actually participate in the tradition. How Are Japan's Kanji of the Year Chosen? This year's Kanji of the Year will be chosen by the general public from all over Japan. Submitted kanji will be used as candidates, and the kanji with the most submissions will be selected and announced at Kiyomizudera around December 12. The application process is very simple: access the website of the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation and cast your voter using the Kanji of the Year Application Form. Postcard submissions are also accepted, so you can submit your entry through the application boxes located in bookstores and libraries throughout Japan, at Kiyomizudera, and the Japan Kanji Museum & Library in Kyoto. The submission period is usually from November 1 to around December 5. You can submit any kanji you like. If you're interested in participating in 2023, give it a shot! Summary of Japan's Kanji of the Year for 2022 Photo:The Kanji Museum After seeing the Kanji of the Year being announced in the video, are you sad or excited that the year is over? The Kanji of the Year is announced on or around December 12 every year. If you decide to participate your kanji might even be chosen! Now that it has become a year-end tradition in Japan, the Kanji of the Year is an event loved by many people. For many people it's fun trying to guess what the kanji will be for that year! The Kanji of the Year will be exhibited at Kiyomizudera and from late December at the Kanji Museum in Gion, Kyoto. While it's wonderful to visit the photogenic spots in Kyoto during winter, consider stopping to take a photo of the Kanji of the Year for 2022 and sharing it on social media as a year-end greeting! -
Video article 1:18
The Nagashi Hina (floating Girls' Festival), a Shinto ritual at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, is also a highlight of the elegant Heian costume! Learn about the history of Nagashi Hina, as well as other Nagashi Hina festivals around Japan!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Life & Business- 118 plays
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Video introduction of “Nagashi Hina” at Shimogamo-jinja Shrine in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "[Past Video] Kyoto Nagashibina at Shimogamo Shrine (Filmed in Sakyo, Kyoto, March 3, 2017)" (【過去動画】下鴨神社「京の流しびな」(2017年3月3日撮影 京都市左京区)), was uploaded by "Kyoto Shimbun" (京都新聞). About Hinamatsuri & Shimogamo Shrine Hinamatsuri, also known as Girl's Day, is an annual event in Japan to pray for the healthy growth of girls. It's a seasonal festival/event in which special dolls called "hina" are decorated with cherry blossoms, oranges, peach blossoms, and other decorations. The History of Hinamatsuri dates back approximately 1,000 years to Japan's Heian Period, and references to hina dolls can even be found in famous Japanese texts, such as the Tale of Genji. In the past mainly paper dolls would have been used, and while they are still used for some ceremonies, eventually the more luxurious dolls we see today became the norm for celebrations. Kyoto is home to an endless number of historical shrines and temples and Shimogamo Shrine is no exception. Shimogamo Shrine is a famous shrine and UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the oldest shrines in Japan. It's a must-visit tourist attraction in Kyoto and there are many different restaurants and cafes serving traditional sweets in the area around it. Nagashibina (Floating Hina Doll Festival), is a Hinamatsuri Festival that's held every year on March 3 at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto. In early spring, when the weather is still cold, the tranquil air above the Mitarashi River and the buds on the plum trees remind us of the arrival of spring. This Hinamatsuri festival features hina dolls dressed in Junihitoe, a unique twelve-layered kimono worn during the Heian period by noble women, and a variety of other dolls wearing kimono and crowns. There are even town mascots participating in the event. Check out the video of the Hinamatsuri Festival at Shimogamo Shrine to see the unique Nagashibina event where hina dolls made of Japanese paper are placed on woven straw vessels and sent floating down the Mitarashi River. The History of Nagashibina, the Roots of Hinamatsuri Photo: Nagashibina at Shimogamo Shrine (Kamo Mioya Shrine), Kyoto Shimogamo Shrine is A World Heritage Site in Kyoto, Japan and is formally known as Kamo Mioya Shrine. The Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festival, held every March, is a traditional event that is said to be the origin of Hinamatsuri. According to the history of the festival, it originated from "Joshi no Sekku," one of the five seasonal festivals of Japan, which was introduced from China. March 3 falls on the second of the five festivals, "Joshi no Sekku." On this day, there was a Chinese custom of purifying the body by the waterside and holding a banquet to drive away misfortune. It's believed that these ancient Chinese Sekku events mixed with the Japanese beliefs of misogiharai (purification via water ablutions) and the custom of praying for good health by floating purified dolls (hitogata) down the river, resulting in the modern Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festival we have today. The "hitogata" are also said to be the origins of modern Hina Dolls. The story of purifying the human form and putting it on a boat and floating it into the sea in Suma is mentioned in "The Tale of Genji" an epic written in the mid-Heian period (794-1185 A.D.) that's widely considered the first novel ever written. When to See the Hinamatsuri Event at Shimogamo Shrine Photo:A Nagashibina doll at Shimogamo Shrine (Kamo Mioya Shrine), Kyoto Here we'll introduce the Nagashibina Hinamatsuri Festival held at Shimogamo Shrine. The hina dolls dressed in Heian period costumes, are chosen by couples from the general public who are planning to get married. [Video] 0:25 - Hina Dolls Being Chosen by the Public The event is usually held on March 3rd, but please check the official website for details. The Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festival takes place along the Mitarashi River, which flows in front of the Mitarashi Shrine (御手洗社, Mitarashi-sha) and Inoue Shrine (井上社, Inoue-sha), which are located at the end of the shrine's precincts. Hina dolls made of Japanese paper are placed in straw vessels and floated down the river to pray for the health and safety of the children. The highlight of the festival is the junihitoe, a 12-layered kimono worn during the Heian period, as well as seeing the hina dolls portrayed in human form. Seeing the festival being held will give you a sense of the historical atmosphere typical of the ancient capital of Kyoto. The festival is free of charge, and the Nagashibina dolls used for the Hinamatsuri festival are available for a fee (small: 500 yen, large: 1,000 yen). [Video] 1:02 - Hina Dolls Floating Down the River On the day of the Hinamatsuri event, amazake (a sweet, low-alcohol or non-alcohol type of sake) will be served, which is a welcome treat during the colder months of the year. Other Nagashibina Hinamatsuri Events Across Japan Photo:Nagashibina Hinamatsuri In addition to Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto, there are many Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festivals and events held throughout Japan. Below is a list of some of them: ●Hina Nagashi at Awashima Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture The Hinamatsuri event at Awashima Shrine is known as Hina Nagashi, and features three small white wooden boats that are used to carry the dolls, with wishes written on them, out to sea after a purification ceremony by a shrine priest. The festival is usually held on March 3. ●Edo Nagashibina, Tokyo Edo Nagashibina is held to pass on traditional events to children and to wish for their bright futures. Please check the official website for more details. ●Yose Nagashibina, Yose, Tottori The Yose Nagashibina Hinamatsuri event is held on March 3 of the lunar calendar to pray for good health and safety, and was designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Tottori Prefecture in 1985. ●Hina Nagashi at Akama Shrine, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi The Hina Nagashi event at Akama Shrine is held every March to comfort the spirits of Emperor Antoku and the Heike clansmen who died in the Battle of Dan-no-Ura at an early age. Summary of Hinamatsuri at Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto Regardless of the time period or region, Nagashibina is always a time to wish for good health and a bright future for children. The dolls are modeled after purification dolls from various parts of Japan to purify themselves by allowing their impurities to be washed away in the water. This event is held in March, when the aroma of the Japanese plum blossoms is in the air. The Shinto rituals and customs in each region have changed little by little, but the concept behind them has remained unchanged since ancient times. Experience Hinamatsuri and Japanese culture while enjoying tourism and spring in Kyoto! 【Official Website】Shimogamo Shrine|Kamo Mioya Shrine 【TripAdvisor】Shimogamo Shrine -
Video article 2:05
A Wedding at Namba Yasaka Shrine, the Iconic Shrine Shaped Like a Lion's Head! Experience a Traditional Japanese Wedding in the Heart of Osaka, Japan!
Traditional Culture Travel Life & Business- 41 plays
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Namba Yasaka Shrine Wedding Ceremony: Video Introduction This video, titled "Shrine Wedding at Namba Yasaka Shrine (難波八阪神社で神社結婚式)," was uploaded by "Namba Yasaka Shrine" (難波八阪神社). Namba Yasaka Shrine is located in the Naniwa Ward of downtown Osaka, in Japan's Kansai region. This video was filmed to advertise a traditional Japanese Wedding at a Shinto shrine, at Namba Yasaka Shrine. This shrine is incredibly popular on Japanese Instagram because of its unique Shishiden, a stage shaped like the head of a lion, and the Main Hall, with its beautiful architecture and solemn green and white coloring. Before reading any further, check out the video to see what a traditional Japanese Shinto wedding is like at the shrine. What Are Traditional Japanese Weddings Like? A traditional Japanese wedding, called a "Shinzenshiki" (神前式, lit. 'Ceremony before the gods'), is a wedding ceremony that takes places at a temple or shrine. During the wedding, the groom wears a black, 5-crested haori hakama (montsuki haori hakama), the most formal attire there is. Women on the other hand, wear a white kimono called a "Shiromuku," along with a special white cotton headdress. The wedding itself has several stages, including a purification ritual, a ritual drinking of sake, an exchange of rings, etc. The ceremony itself last around 20-40 minutes, but including preparations etc., the event will last several hours. Information About Namba Yasaka Shrine Photo:Namba Yasaka Shrine, Naniwa, Osaka Namba Yasaka Shrine's enshrined deities are: Susanoo, Kushinadahime, Yahashiramiko. Because Susanoo's divine virtues are divine virtues are to ward off bad luck, ward off pestilence, prosperous business, agriculture and fertility, you can see offerings from well-known companies in the precincts of the shrine. Kushiinadahime is known for her virtues of matchmaking, harmonious marriage, and easy childbirth. A wedding blessed by her is likely to bring you long-lasting happiness! Yahashiramiko are the eight gods born to Susanoo and Kushinadahime. Namba Yasaka Shrine's shuin stamp (shrine seal) is featured in the Shishiden, which is a symbol of this shrine. Even foreign tourists can tell that the stamp is from Namba Yasaka Shrine at a glance. On the cover of the original goshuin-cho (a book to collect shuin stamps), there is a lion's face and the shrine crest. The History of Namba Yasaka Shrine Photo:The Shishiden at Namba Yasaka Shrine, Naniwa, Osaka The present main shrine of Namba Yasaka Shrine was rebuilt in 1974, but it is said that the shrine was built more than 1,600 years ago, to worship Gozu Tenno, a god that is said to have appeared in order to subdue a plague that was spreading in the area. [Video] 0:17 - The Main Hall Colored White and Green Namba Yasaka Shrine is also known as Namba Shimonomiya, and has long been a familiar place for people born in the Namba area as a protector. In 1974, when the main shrine was rebuilt, the Shishiden was designed in the shape of a lion to ward off evil. The Shishiden enshrines the spirit of Susanoo. Shaped like a large lion's head, the Shishiden is powerful looking structure and a popular spot on Japanese social media. It's said to swallow evil spirits with its large mouth, and many people visit the shrine to pray for academic prosperity, business fortune, and victory. The Shishiden also serves as a stage, where Kagura (Shinto music and dance) and Shishimai (lion dances) are performed during special events. [Video] 0:15 - The Shishiden of Namba Yasaka Shrine Festivals at Namba Yasaka Shrine Here are two major festivals held at Namba Yasaka Shrine: ●Summer Festival The Summer Festival is held every year on July 13 and 14. During the festival, numerous portable shrines and taiko drums are paraded through the streets, and the boat procession, which was revived in 2001 for the first time in some 230 years, makes a lively parade along the Dotonbori River. On both days, folk dances and lion dances are held on the stage of the Shishiden, and there's also mochi-maki (the scattering of rice cakes to participants) and other events that attract a large number of people. ●Tsunahiki Shinji Tsunahiki Shinji is a Shinto tug-of-war ritual held on the third Sunday of January each year. It's designated as an Intangible Cultural Property of Osaka. Based on the legend of Susanoo defeating Yamata no Orochi, a legendary eight-headed serpent, and protecting the people, this ritual is to pray for people's happiness by playing tug-of-war with a large rope that is made to look like an eight-headed serpent. The 20-meter long rope is made of thin ropes strung together by local volunteers. How to Get to Namba Yasaka Shrine + Parking Information, Etc. Photo:Namba Station, Osaka Here's how to get to Namba Yasaka Shrine in Naniwa, Osaka. ●By Train ・ Take the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line or Yotsubashi Line to [Namba Station] ・ Take the Kintetsu Railway or Nankai Electric Railway to [Namba Station] ・ Take the JR Yamatoji Line to [Namba Station] After arriving at Namba Station, exit the subway from Exit 32, which is near the south gate of Osaka Metro Yotsubashi Line. After exiting, take a right and then turn right again at the intersection named "Motomachi 3-chome Kita" (元町3丁目北). There, you'll see the south gate of Namba Yasaka Shrine. It's about a 6-minute walk. ・ Take the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line or Yotsubashi Line and get off at [Daikoku-cho Station] After reaching the ground level from Exit 2, proceed to the left and turn left at the "Motomachi 3-chome Kita" intersection to reach the South Gate of Namba Yasaka Shrine. It's about a 7-minute walk. ●By Car Just west of the "Motomachi 3-chome Kita" intersection on Route 26. Parking is available on the right after entering the south gate torii. There are ample coin parking lots in the vicinity. Things to Do Near Namba Yasaka Shrine Namba Yasaka Shrine is located in the heart of Osaka, meaning it's close to pretty much every tourist attractions in the area. Below is a list of 3 nearby places you should consider checking out: Dotonbori Running east to west through the center of Osaka, this canal was completed in 1615. Soon after, theaters were set up on the south bank and the area became an entertainment district. Today there are not nearly as many theaters, and the area is known for its food culture. It has a myriad of places to eat and drink while exploring the area. It's a 15-minute walk from Namba Yasaka Shrine. Shinsekai Located 20 minutes southeast of Namba Yasaka Shrine, this is a retro area with many different eateries and attractions, such as target shooting and arcades. It's also home to the famous Tsutenkaku Tower. Nipponbashi Denden Town Nipponbashi Denden Town is the Akihabara of Osaka. The area features shops selling everything from anime goods and manga to second hand goods and electronics. There are also a number of themed cafes in the area, such as maid cafes. Being just a 15-minute walk from Namba Yasaka Shrine, it's definitely a cool place to throw on your list. This is just a few of the places you can find near Namba Yasaka Shrine, but there are many more that are relatively close, such as Osaka Castle and Sumiyoshi Taisha. Be sure to do your research before visiting! Summary of Namba Yasaka Shrine Namba Yasaka Shrine is located in Minami, Osaka and is easily accessible, attracting many domestic and international tourists. It's famous as a power spot for taking photos, and is also known for being visited by the members of Kanjani Eight (a Japanese idol group) on a TV program. The historic Namba Yasaka Shrine can be used for wedding ceremonies, as well as general shrine visits and special occasions such as Shichi-Go-San. Be sure to take your camera or have your smart phone handy to take some pictures with the shrine when you visit! ◆Namba Yasaka Shrine◆ 【Address】2-9-19, Motomachi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 【Access】 By train: 6 minutes' walk from Namba Station of Osaka Midosuji Line and Yotsubashi Line / 7 minutes' walk from Daikokucho Station of Osaka Metro Midosuji Line and Yotsubashi Line / About 6 minutes' walk from Namba Station of Nankai Electric Railway 【Parking】Available 【TripAdvisor】Namba Yasaka Shrine -
Video article 19:02
Can even natto haters eat natto? Video of the making of Red Soybean Natto! What is the excellent Kyoto natto made by the president of a natto craftsman in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, who used to hate natto?
Food & Drink Traditional Culture Life & Business- 38 plays
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Video introduction of “Red Soybean Natto” made by a natto craftsman in Kyoto, Japan This video, titled "How to make a Delicious Japanese "Kyo-Natto" Amazing "Natto" Master in Kyoto Japan![ASMR][DELI BALI]," was uploaded by "DELI BALI." This series features Kyo-natto, a popular product in Japan's Kansai region, made by Fujiwara Foods, near Kuramaguchi Station in Kyoto. Check out the video below to see how the delicious Kyo-Natto is made. Red Soybeans - One of the Many Varieties of Soybeans! Photo:3 types of soybeans Did you know that there are many varieties of soybeans? When you hear the word "soybeans," the first thing that comes to mind is probably the common yellow soybean. However, there are actually other varieties of soybeans, including red soybeans, green soybeans, and even black soybeans. Among the many varieties, red soybeans are a rare variety with few farmers growing them. Their nutritional value and flavor are superior to those of other varieties, and they are highly sought after. Different Ways to Eat Red Soybeans One problem many people have with natto is that the soybean skin remains in their mouth even after they've finished eating. The skin of red soybeans is so thin that it easily passes through the teeth, and the texture is pleasant, so the skin does not remain in the mouth. Also, because of its strong umami flavor, many recipes have been published for people who want to taste the full flavor of the bean, such as nimame (boiled soybeans). In addition to the sweet nimame, there are many other ways to enjoy soybeans, such as boiled in salted water, served with rice, or with spinach and tofu dressing. There are many different recipes to try out. In this video, red soybean natto is used as an ingredient. Kyo-Natto - The Creme de la Creme of Natto Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces Fujiwara Foods, a leading natto manufacturer in Kyoto. In addition to natto made from common soybeans, the company also produces red soybean natto and green soybean natto. Several types of natto, including "Kyo-Natto Otsubu" (京納豆大粒, Large Bean Kyo-Natto) and "Kamogawa Natto" (鴨川納豆, Kamo River Natto), which won an excellence award for five consecutive years at the Japan Natto Competition, are loved by many natto fans. The process of making red soybean natto begins with the artisan's hand washing of the beans. The beans are gently washed by hand and soaked in water until they are about twice their original size. From there, the red soybeans are cooked in a pressure cooker. In the video, you can see the pressure cooker, which is full of Fujiwara Foods' commitment and history. After the beans are cooked, natto bacillus is immediately sprayed on the beans. Before the beans cool down, the natto is packed and left in the fermentation room for another 20 hours before the red soybean natto is finally ready. President Fujiwara says he never liked natto and did not want to take over his family's business. However, he is now known as a natto maker with fans not only in Kyoto but all across Japan. Summary of Kyo-Natto, a Natto Made With Red Soybeans Natto is a food for all genders and ages because of its high quality protein, so much so that it's called "Hatake no Niku" (畑の肉, 'the meat of the fields') in Japan. Furthermore, in recent years, soybeans have been attracting attention from people interested in dieting as a low-sugar food. Natto is made from fermented soybeans, which makes it even more nutritious. However, as the president of Fujiwara Foods disliked natto, it is a food that Japanese people are quite divided about. For those who dislike the smell, using spices such as wasabi, garlic, or curry seems to make it easier to eat. Be sure to give it a try if you dislike natto yourself. Even some natto lovers probably didn't know that there's red soybean natto and green soybean natto, or they may have known about them but have never eaten them. You'd be surprised at how different the different types of soybeans are. Red soybean natto is on a whole different level from regular natto. Be sure to give it a try! -
Video article 1:13:55
Discover the Secrets of Japanese Horology With the Myriad Year Clock! The Inventor, Hisashige Tanaka, Is Know as the Edison of Japan!
History Celebrities Life & Business- 28 plays
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This video, titled "Tanaka Hisashige's Myriad Year Clock [Full & HD]" (田中久重の万年時計【Full & HD】), was released by "Kaoru GreenEmerald." This video introduces Hisashige Tanaka's "myriad year clock." Hisashige Tanaka was a Japanese engineer and inventor who lived from the late Edo period to the Meiji period, and later became one of the founders of Toshiba. He has been called the Edison of Japan, Karakuri Giemon, and other names. The myriad year clock shown in the video has seven functions: It features an armillary sphere, shows Japanese time, western time time, day of the week, months, moon phases, and zodiac signs, and is spring-operated. It has an amazing design that, when completely wound once, continues to work for a year without needing to be rewound, and it is said that almost all of its parts were made by Hisashige Tanaka using simple tools.