大坪 邦仁

[画像1]「烏城灯源郷」location : 岡山県岡山市北区・岡山城**~烏城灯源郷~岡山城は、戦国大名・宇喜多秀家によって築かれた城で、黒漆塗りの板が取り付けられた外観から「烏城(うじょう)」と呼ばれていま

location : 岡山県岡山市北区・岡山城


~"Ujo Togenkyo" Lantern Festival at Okayama castle~
Okayama Castle is a castle that was built by the Sengoku Daimyo, Ukita Hideie, and is called "Ujo" because of the appearance with black lacquered boards.
Under the theme of "soft light that wraps the castle," "Ujo Togenkyo" is lit up in the Okayama castle tower and its surroundings, and is decorated with lanterns, lanterns, and candles. You can enjoy the atmosphere.