[画像1][English/日本語]Takaoyamaguchi Station, the entrance to the Takao Mountain climbing area, is lined with
[画像2][English/日本語]Takaoyamaguchi Station, the entrance to the Takao Mountain climbing area, is lined with

Takaoyamaguchi Station, the entrance to the Takao Mountain climbing area, is lined with many restaurants. Tororo grated yam has long been eaten around Mt. Takao, and there are many restaurants where you can enjoy tororo cuisine. I ate grated yam on the way home from a recent excursion. Tororo has a soothing effect on a tired body. If you are tired after climbing a mountain, you should definitely try it.
高尾登山の入口である高尾山口駅にはたくさんの飲食店が並んでいます。 高尾山周辺では昔からとろろ(すりおろされた山芋)が食べられており、とろろ料理が食べられるお店が多く建ち並んでいます。 先日行った遠足の帰りにとろろを食べました。 とろろは疲れた体を癒やす効果があります。 登山で疲れたらぜひみなさんも食べてみてくださいね。