[画像1][Englsih/日本語]We recently went on an excursion to the Takao Komagino Garden. It was a 15-minute walk
[画像2][Englsih/日本語]We recently went on an excursion to the Takao Komagino Garden. It was a 15-minute walk

We recently went on an excursion to the Takao Komagino Garden. It was a 15-minute walk from Takao Station. It was a very hot day, but there was a stream running along the way, which was very cool. It was very cool inside the Japanese house, and the students looked in wonder at the bonsai trees that were displayed in various places. I was amazed at the beauty of the dry landscape in the garden, and was fascinated by the beauty of Nishikigoi carp. The lotus flowers were in full bloom.

先日、遠足で高尾駒木野庭園に行きました。 高尾駅から徒歩15分。 とても暑い日でしたが、道の途中で小川が流れていて、とても涼しげでした。 日本家屋の中はとても涼しくて、ところどころに飾ってある盆栽を学生たちは不思議そうに眺めていました。 学生たちは庭の枯山水のすばらしさにおどろき、錦鯉の美しさにうっとりしてました。 ちょうど蓮が見ごろでした。