[画像1][English/日本語]Hachioji had a castle called Katakura Castle 500 years ago. Today, there is no castle,
[画像2][English/日本語]Hachioji had a castle called Katakura Castle 500 years ago. Today, there is no castle,
[画像3][English/日本語]Hachioji had a castle called Katakura Castle 500 years ago. Today, there is no castle,
[画像4][English/日本語]Hachioji had a castle called Katakura Castle 500 years ago. Today, there is no castle,
[画像5][English/日本語]Hachioji had a castle called Katakura Castle 500 years ago. Today, there is no castle,

Hachioji had a castle called Katakura Castle 500 years ago. Today, there is no castle, but there is a park that tells the history of the castle. This park is popular among tourists because of its beautiful katakuris (dogtooth violet) flowers in spring. The park is also decorated with statues. The statue in the photo is famous because a kingfisher once perched on its shoulder. Hachioji is not only rich in nature, but also has many historical sites. At school, before visiting such historical places, students have classes to learn about the history of Hachioji. Many students know the word "samurai" but do not know much about the deeper history of the city, so everyone listens intently to what is being said ?.
八王子には500年前に片倉城という城がありました。 現在、城はありませんが、歴史を伝える公園があります。 この公園は春になるとカタクリの花が美しく、観光客に人気があります。 公園内には銅像なども飾られています。 写真にある銅像は肩にカワセミがとまったことがあったので有名になっています。 八王子は自然が豊かなだけではなく、歴史的な場所も多くあります。 学校でもこのような歴史的な場所を訪れる前は八王子の歴史について勉強する授業があります。 「侍」という言葉は知っていますが、深い歴史については知らない学生が多いので、みんな真剣に話を聞いています?

[English/日本語] Mitsuhashi", a store specializing in natto (sweetened fermented soybeans), is a 15-minute walk from the school. Kanro natto is a Japanese sweet made by boiling down beans in molasses and sprinkling sugar on them. Mitsubashi's natto is very carefully made and has an elegant taste. When I talked about natto to foreign students, they all reacted to the word "natto" and made a disgusted face. There are so many foreigners who do not like natto. But when I explain it properly, they all say they would love to try it. Since there are many bean snacks in Southeast Asia, they are interested in kanro natto. They don't sell kanro natto in midsummer, so if you are interested in kanro natto, please go there before summer. 学校から歩いて15分のところに甘露納豆専門店の「みツ橋」さんがあります。 甘露納豆は豆を糖蜜で煮詰めて砂糖をまぶした和菓子です。 「みツ橋」さんの甘露納豆はとても丁寧に作られていて、上品な味がしました。 留学生に甘露納豆の話をすると、「納豆」という言葉に反応して、みんな嫌そうな顔をします。 外国人で納豆が嫌いな人はとても多いです。 でも、きちんと説明するとみんなぜひ食べてみたいと言います。 東南アジアには豆のお菓子が多いので、甘露納豆が気になるそうです。 甘露納豆は真夏は販売していないそうなので、気になる方は夏になる前に行ってみてくださいね。