[画像1][English/日本語]The Takao Komakino Garden is a 15-minute walk from Takao Station, the next station to N
[画像2][English/日本語]The Takao Komakino Garden is a 15-minute walk from Takao Station, the next station to N
[画像3][English/日本語]The Takao Komakino Garden is a 15-minute walk from Takao Station, the next station to N
[画像4][English/日本語]The Takao Komakino Garden is a 15-minute walk from Takao Station, the next station to N

The Takao Komakino Garden is a 15-minute walk from Takao Station, the next station to Nishi-Hachioji Station where the school is located. Visitors can enjoy traditional Japanese gardens such as karesansui dry landscape garden and ponds with Nishikigoi Nishikigoi carp. The school plans to visit the garden in early summer as a field trip.
学校があるに西八王子駅の隣の駅、高尾駅から徒歩15分で行ける「高尾駒木野庭園」です。 枯山水や錦鯉のいる池など、日本の伝統的な庭を楽しむことができます。 学校では初夏の校外学習として訪れる予定です。