Video article 2:12
The Sapporo Snow Festival Popular Among Overseas Tourists! The Pure White Snow of Nature and Colorful Projection Mapping in the City of Sapporo, Hokkaido, in a Brilliant Competition!
Festivals & Events- 277 plays
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The Sapporo Snow Festival, One of Hokkaido's Most Popular Winter Festivals This article features a video from nippon.com, titled "Hokkaido Sapporo Snow Festival: Colorful snow and ice art with digital technology" (北海道「さっぽろ雪まつり」:雪と氷の芸術がデジタル技術で色彩豊かに). The Sapporo Snow Festival shown in the video is a large-scale event that represents the long, harsh winter in Hokkaido. In fact, it is one of the three largest snow festivals in the world and is very popular overseas, attracting many visitors to Japan every year. It's a winter festival that truly represents Japan and is also recognized around the world. Odori Park, on the main street of Sapporo, is lined with snow sculptures of various sizes, and in recent years, a new way of exhibiting them together with projection mapping has become incredibly popular. At night, the streets of Sapporo are lit up with snow sculptures, and during the festival, the city is covered with the colors of the Sapporo Snow Festival. An Overview of the Sapporo Snow Festival, Its Features, and Highlights! Source :YouTube screenshot This video shows the 2019 Sapporo Snow Festival, named "Susukino Ice World 2019." The Sapporo Snow Festival is an event with a long history that celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2019. What makes the Sapporo Snow Festival so special is that it has the snow sculptures of people who stood out from the crowd that year, such as Naomi Osaka, the first Japanese athlete to achieve such incredible feats in tennis. There's also Helsinki Cathedral and other large-scale snow sculptures. The biggest highlight of the 2019 Sapporo Snow Festival was the artworks made with AR (Augmented Reality) and other digital technology. The large horse racing snow sculpture (5-chome East Snow Square), which can be seen from 0:47 in the video, and at 1:12 of the video, you can see a collaboration snow statue of Hatsune Miku and Kasumi Toyama (4-chome STV Square). Let's now take a look at some of the highlights of other venues in the order they appear in the video. [0:22~] Shiroi Koibito PARK AIR Jumping Hill [0:31~] Food stalls at the 6-Chome Citizens' Square Food Park [0:40~] RED BEAR (a popular freight train of Muroran Railway) at the 8-chome snow HTB Square [1:00~] Skating rink in front of 1-chome J:COM Square [1:29~] Susukino Site illuminated with lights As shown in the video, the Sapporo Snow Festival takes place at several venues simultaneously. There are also various other snow attractions and Hokkaido gourmet treats to be found around the venue! In addition, from early February every year, tours of several snow sculptures across Japan are organized. The History of the Sapporo Snow Festival, a Popular Event With Overseas Travelers Source :YouTube screenshot The Sapporo Snow Festival is said to have started in 1950, when local students from middle school and high school made six snow sculptures. It attracted huge attention as a very popular event with approximately 50,000 people coming to see the snowball fight and carnival, and it has become a regular winter event in Sapporo, growing larger with each passing year. In 1959, the Self-Defense Forces participated for the first time. 2,500 Self-Defense Force personnel were mobilized to create a large and elaborate snow sculpture. The sculpture was entered in the International Snow Sculpture Contest and received coverage from foreign news outlets, which led to the Sapporo Snow Festival being recognized as a global winter festival. Nowadays, the charm of the Sapporo Snow Festival is widely known in English through video sites such as YouTube, and it has become a major event that attracts many international visitors every year. The history and materials related to the Sapporo Snow Festival are displayed at the Sapporo Snow Festival Museum located at Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill in Sapporo. Summary of the Sapporo Snow Festival, a Winter Tradition in Sapporo, Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot In 2019 and 2020, efforts to introduce the culture and history of the Ainu, an indigenous originating in northern Japan, began. The 1.5-kilometer-long Sapporo Snow Festival 2019 featured a traditional Ainu food experience restaurant and FEEL AINU STAGE, where visitors could dress up in traditional Ainu clothing. For the latest information about the upcoming Sapporo Snow Festival, please visit the official website of the Sapporo Snow Festival at the Tsudome (Sapporo Community Dome) website. ※The above information is based on information from the website as of 2020. 【Official Website】Sapporo Snow Festival Official Website https://www.snowfes.com/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Sapporo Snow Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298560-d8820354-Reviews-Sapporo_Snow_Festival-Sapporo_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 5:52
Enjoy the Pure White Snowy Landscape at the Traditional "Yokote Snow Festival" in Yokote, Akita Prefecture! Experience Warm Rice Cakes in a Giant Igloo and a Fantastical Silver World!
Festivals & Events- 127 plays
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秋田県で行われる横手かまくら雪まつり こちらの動画は「Discover Nippon」が公開した「[4K]Snow scene Winter Japan 秋田県•横手かまくら祭り Yokote Kamakura Festival 秋田観光 雪まつり JAPAN 雪景色 日本の冬」です。 横手かまくらとは秋田県で毎年2月に開催される伝統の「横手の雪まつり」で作られる大きなかまくらのことです。 この祭りの特徴は、「はいってたんせ」と、高さ3mにもなる「かまくら」の中へと招く子どもたちに手を引かれ、甘酒やお餅などをごちそうになり、凍える冬の寒さを忘れるひとときを過ごすことができます。 秋田県の横手かまくらの歴史と伝統文化 秋田県横手市の横手かまくら祭りには450年もの歴史があります。 江戸時代には鎌倉大明神を祀り、門松を立てお神酒を奉り、しめ縄を燃やすことで無病息災を祈念していました。 商人の間では、小正月行事祭りとして水神様を祀り、繁栄祈願をしました。 今でも伝統としてかまくらの内部の神棚にはろうそくと水神様が祀られている様子が動画の1:33からご覧になることができます。 また、日本のかまくらの歴史や伝統文化について学習するには、秋田県の横手駅から徒歩10分の横手市ふれあいセンターかまくら館がおすすめです。 横手のかまくらが伝統として継承されてきた歴史を展示しているので、イベントをより深く楽しむことができます。 ここでは四季に関係なく、秋田に降った雪で作られたかまくらが展示されています。 横手かまくら体験以外にも多くのイベントが開催 横手かまくら祭りの100基のかまくらの中でろうそくが灯されている景色は幻想的かつインスタ映え間違いなしです。 また、秋田県横手市にはかまくらをモチーフにしたものがたくさんあり、地域の情報を報道するFMかまくらや、秋の横手を自転車で走るかまくらライドといったイベントまであります。 横手かまくらが伝統として地域に根付いている証拠でしょう。 秋田の日本伝統的祭り「横手かまくらの雪まつり」紹介まとめ 今回の動画は秋田の横手かまくらに関する日本伝統の雪祭りについて紹介しました。 日本の雪まつりの中でも歴史と伝統文化のある横手かまくら祭りをぜひ体験してみてください! -
Video article 2:30
Yuki Sarashi Is a Technique Used to Produce Echigo Jofu and Can Only Be Seen in the Winter Season in Niigata Prefecture. Echigo Jofu Is a Symbol of Japanese Style, and Is Used to Decorate Kimono Beautifully.
Traditional Culture- 72 plays
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雪さらしとは? 「【4K】越後上布の雪さらし(南魚沼市塩沢地区)」は、麻織物を作る工程で大事な雪さらしについて紹介をしている動画です。 雪さらしとは、雪の紫外線反射を利用して漂白をする、越後上布において重要な工程の一つです。 この工程は江戸時代から行われており、その工程が取り入れられている越後上布は日本が誇る伝統工芸品です。 自然の力に頼ることで、人工的にするよりも綺麗に漂白することができます。 その鮮やかな仕上がりから、越後上布では無くてはならない工程となっています。 この雪さらしは毎年2月下旬から4月上旬までの良く晴れた日の新潟県南魚沼市で行われており、一つの布に対して雪さらしは約1週間程度行われます。 雪さらしを必要とする伝統工芸品について 越後上布の重要な工程である雪さらしですが、他の工芸品にもこの工程は受け継がれています。 一つ目は小千谷縮で、麻織物の最高峰ともされている立派な日本が誇る織物です。 苧麻(ラミー)を素材として使用しており、ユネスコ世界無形文化遺産登録されていることから、世界的にも有名な日本の伝統工芸品の一つとされています。 二つ目は塩沢紬で、越後上布無くして塩沢紬は作られなかったほど、縁の深い織物となっています。 塩沢紬も伝統工芸品として日本に登録されています。 雪さらしの歴史と織物についてのまとめ 日本が誇る伝統工芸品の一つ越後上布、その工程において重要とされている雪さらしについて、ご紹介させて頂きました。 日本の歴史においても深く繋がりがあり、和の象徴でもある着物にも使用されていることから、その重要性が分かるのでは無いでしょうか。 動画でも雪さらしの雄大さを堪能することが出来ますが、新潟県にある塩沢織物研修センターに行くことで、実際に雪さらしを見学することも出来ます。 2月から4月にかけて日本に、そして新潟県に足を運ぶ機会がありましたら、ぜひ見学を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 4:31
A Wedge Plow Clearing the Snow at Yunokami Onsen Station in Fukushima! Watch the Powerful Machine Clearing Snow Along the Aizu Railway in Heavy Snow via Video!
Transportation- 106 plays
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A Wedge Plow at the Aizu Railway's Yunokami Onsen Station: Video Introduction This video, titled "Wedge Plow Operation in Heavy Snow! Yunokami Onsen Station on the Aizu Railway" (大雪でラッセル車稼働!会津鉄道の湯野上温泉駅), was uploaded by "YAMAnoHAMA." This video was taken at Yunokami Onsen Station on the Aizu Railway on February 15, 2015, when it snowed heavily. The wedge plows seen in the heavy snowfall areas of Japan's Tohoku region are vehicles for snow removal. It's possible you've seen them as model trains, in picture books, in toy train sets as a kid, etc. Check out the video to see how the wedge plow works in heavy snowfall areas. A Wedge Plow in Action at Yunokami Onsen Station on the Aizu Railway Source :YouTube screenshot In the video, after the Aizu Mount Express rapid train arrives at Yunokami Onsen Station, a wedge plow slowly enters the station from the other side, pushing through the snow. People who seem to be tourists are taking pictures of the wedge plow, as it's an uncommon sight. Outside of Japan's most snowy regions it's unlikely that you'll ever see one. Many people are surprised when they first see the wedge plows, as they can be smaller than you'd expect. [Video] 0:05 - The Aizu Mount Express Rapid Train Arriving [Video] 0:47 - Wedge Plow Snow Removal Wedge Plows and Their History in Japan Photo:A DE15 Wedge Plow on the Soya Main Line A wedge plow, called a "Russel-sha" (ラッセル車, Russel Car) in Japanese, is a wedge plow developed by the Russell Company in the United States. The plows have a snow removal plate (blade) at the front of the vehicle and can remove snow on both sides in the direction of travel. It's similar to a bulldozer, but for snow. In the mid-Meiji period, the Japanese government purchased a Yuki type-1 snowplow (single track, wedge plow) in Hokkaido. At that time, the vehicle was an all-wood car with a tandem axle bogie. In the Showa period, the structure was improved, and wedge plows functionality evolved. Vehicles such as the new DD13 and DD15 diesel locomotives began to be manufactured and operated in large numbers across Japan. In recent years, high-performance railroad speeders have appeared and efficiency is improving. In addition, there are various types for different applications, such as a type with a wedge plow and a rotary device, and a type with a rotary head attached to a wide wing. More About the Aizu Railway in Fukushima, Japan Photo:The Fifth Okawa Bridge, Aizu Railway in Shimogo, Fukushima The Aizu Railway is a local line that runs from Aizukogen Ozeguchi Station in Fukushima Prefecture to Nishi-Wakamatsu Station. The line is 57.4 km long, and you can enjoy rich views of nature and rural scenery from the train windows. Another feature is that you can travel to tourist attractions such as Nikko, Tochigi and Asakusa, Tokyo without changing trains, thanks to mutual access with Yagan Railway and Tobu Railway. The Aizu Railway has many unique stations. There's Yunokami Onsen Station, which has a thatched-roofed station building, and Ashinomaki Onsen Station, which gained popularity for its station master who happens to be a cat and was featured in numerous media. Yunokami Onsen Station, which appears in the video, is the closest station to Ouchi-juku, one of Aizu's most popular tourist attractions, and is therefore visited by many tourists. Also recommended is the Oza Toro Tembo, a sightseeing train where passengers can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Minami-Aizu. It's a two-car train with tatami mat seating where passengers can relax with sunken kotatsu seating, trolley seats where you can enjoy the scenery, and observation seats. There are no windows in the trolley seats, so you can enjoy the train while feeling the pleasant breeze in spring and autumn. Summary – The Wedge Plows of the Aizu Railway This time we introduced wedge plows running along the Aizu Railway in Fukushima, Japan. Wedge plows are a rare sight, even for those that live in Japan, so if you get the chance to see one, definitely take some photos. Wedge plows only operate on days with heavy snowfall, so if you get the chance to see one, consider yourself lucky! When planning a trip to Japan in winter, consider adding the Aizu Railway to your itinerary to see these awesome wedge plows powering through the snow! -
Video article 1:54
Braving the Snow With Gusto! A Wedge Plow Clearing Snow on the Soya Main Line
Transportation- 73 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "A Powerful Snowplow on the Soya Main Line [DE15]" (豪快に排雪する宗谷本線ラッセル【DE15】), was released by "m6s24hst." This video shows a wedge plow clearing snow on the Soya Main Line in January 2010. It was snowing continuously and the whole area turned to white. Watching the wedge plow blowing away the snow in such weather conditions is an exhilarating sight. The trains have wedge plows attached to the front of them, and they cut through the snow like butter, blowing it to the sides of the track. In Japanese, these are called "russels," which comes from the name of their developer, J.H. Russell. These wedge plows are essential during winter in Japan. -
Video article 1:04
Nyuto Onsen "Tsuru no Yu" introduction video in Senboku City, Akita Prefecture, where "hot spring tours" are recommended. Shizukuri in a world like a Japanese folk tale.
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 135 plays
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Video introduction of "Nyuto Onsen Tsuru no Yu" in Senboku City, Akita Prefecture This video, titled "Akita Prefecture, Nyuto Onsen Village, Tsurunoyu" (秋田県 乳頭温泉郷 鶴の湯 | Akita pref Nyuto-Onsen TSURUNOYU), was uploaded by "Low Altitude Flight High Resolution Tour" (低空飛行HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR). Akita's Nyuto Onsen hot spring village (乳頭温泉郷, nyuto onsen kyo) is one of many secluded hot spring resorts in Japan's Tohoku region. Tsurunoyu is said to be the oldest of the onsen ryokan (traditional Japanese hot spring inn) in the hot spring town at the foot of Mt. Nyuto (乳頭山, nyuto-san). Rising up among the rapidly falling snow, the hot spring resembles something from a Japanese ink painting. Enjoy the subtle contrast between the white snow and the milky hot spring water in the video. [Video] 0:19 - Outdoor Bathing in a Winter Wonderland; Sure to Be a Hit on Instagram! Nyuto Onsen – Facts About the Famous Hot Spring Photo:Tsurunoyu Onsen, Nyuto Onsen Nyuto Onsenkyo (Nyuto Onsen Hot Spring Village) is the collective name for the numerous hot springs located at an elevation of between 600 and 800 meters at the foot of Mt. Nyuto in Towada Hachimantai National Park, in Senboku, Akita, in Japan's Tohoku region. The origin of Nyuto Onsen's name comes, not from the milky white color of its waters (Nyuto is the Japanese word for "teat," and is written with the characters 乳, meaning milk and 頭, meaning head), but from its location at the the foot of Mt. Nyuto. Incidentally, Mt. Nyuto's name comes from its characteristic shape… As for the characteristics of Nyuto Onsen hot spring village itself, it's known for having a number of different types of onsen. Tsurunoyu and Kuroyu Onsen (黒湯温泉, kuroyu onsen) contain elements of sulphur and sulphuric acid, which are said to be effective at fighting high blood pressure and hardened arteries. On the other hand, Ganiba Onsen (蟹場温泉, ganiba onsen), containing sodium bicarbonate, is said to be good for diabetics, and Sonroku Onsen, containing radium, is said to be effective at fighting gastrointestinal and skin diseases. There are plenty of different types of hot springs to choose from, so be sure to try as many as you can! Hanare Honjin, a Hidden Gem at Nyuto Onsen's Tsurunoyu! Photo:Salt-grilled char Tsurunoyu is one of eight onsen at Nyuto Onsen hot spring village, located at the foot of Mt. Nyuto (1478m). It is the oldest of all the hot spring inns at Nyuto Onsen hot spring village. At Tsurunoyu, there are four different onsen to experience: Shirayu (白湯, lit. 'white bath'), Kuroyu (黒湯, 'black bath'), Naka no Yu (中の湯, 'middle bath') and Taki no Yu (滝の湯, 'waterfall bath'). Booking a room in "Honjin," a thatched-roof longhouse, preserving its now historic appearance for more than 350 years, is notoriously difficult due to its popularity. One building not listed on the inn's homepage is "Hanare Honjin." It features high ceilings, a sunken hearth, and lighting consisting of a lamp and a single light bulb, it has the deep, tasteful appearance of a secluded hot spring resort. You can enjoy a secluded, luxurious time not available anywhere else at Hanare Honijn. Despite the old-fashioned building, visitors can rest easy knowing that the toilets are heated and washable, and you can even get cell phone reception. If you're looking for dining recommendations, the potato hotpot made with Tsurunoyu original miso (a Japanese flavoring made with soybeans) is definitely something worth trying. Visitors can enjoy seasonal flavors, including salt-grilled Japanese char, slow cooked for an hour over the sunken hearth, served in Kawatsura lacquer (a famous Akita lacquerware) tray. [Video] 0:47 - Enjoying Delicious Salt-Grilled Char by the Sunken Hearth Nyuto Onsen's Hot Spring Tour Photo:Kuroyu Onsen, Nyuto Onsen One way to enjoy Nyuto Onsen Village is "Yumeguri," a tour that involves visiting multiple hot springs and sampling their water. Available for purchase only to those staying at one of the onsen town's hot spring inns is a "Yumeguri Cho" (湯めぐり帖, Hot Spring Passbook), allowing the holder to use each onsen once during the day, making it easier to take a dip at each of the hot springs inns. In addition, this hot spring pass remains valid for up to a year, and can be used at any time during the period of validity. Next, we'll talk about the characteristics of each hot spring. ◇ Tsurunoyu Onsen (鶴の湯温泉) The water is milky white, with a slight blue tinge. The facility has four different kinds of hot spring, and in the inn's famous mixed outdoor bath, you can see the spring bubbling up from the bottom. ◇ Taenoyu (妙乃湯) Colorless and transparent, this hot spring's soft, almost syrupy, gentle water is known for its strong warming properties. ◇ Kuroyu Onsen (黒湯温泉) This sulphur hot spring is milky white in color, and is also known as "Bijin no Yu" (hot spring of beauty) for its ability to promote smooth skin. ◇ Ganiba Onsen (蟹場温泉) The water is clear in color, and Karako no yu, a sodium bicarbonate bath, is quite popular. ◇ Magoroku Onsen (孫六温泉) This hot spring's water is transparent, and it boasts an open-air bath where you can feel the great outdoors on your skin. The hot spring has four different sources, each with their own properties, and is known affectionately as the "yama no kusuriba" (山の薬場, mountain healing spot). ◇ Ogama Onsen (大釜温泉) This hot spring's water is milky white, and the facility was built from the remains of an abandoned elementary school, making for a unique atmosphere. You can experience the hot spring at different temperatures, as there are both hot and warm baths available. ◇ Kyuka-mura, Nyuto Onsen Village (休暇村 乳頭温泉郷) This is the newest, largest hot spring facility at Nyuto Onsen hot spring village. The indoor bath is a natural hot spring, combining two different sources; one milky white, and one brown. Nyuto Onsen Sightseeing Roundup Nyuto Onsen's surrounding mountains boast autumn colors in the fall, and the white snow in winter accentuates the buildings with a sense of history. Nyuto Onsen is a place where you can really get a feel for the healing springs of the good old days of Japan. There are a variety of inns in the area, including inns in old private homes that have been relocated to the area, and you wash away the fatigue of everyday life in a quiet space. Escape from the bustle of the big city, and experience a taste of rural Japan. 【Official Website】Welcome to Nyuto Onsen – Nyuto Onsen Hot Spring Village Association 【TripAdvisor】Nyuto Onsen Hot Spring Village -
Video article 3:01
Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort Video Introduction! Fun Courses for Kids, Day-Care, and All Sorts of Facilities! Enjoy Hot Springs and More at This Winter Wonderland in Nagano Prefecture With Your Family
Things to Do Sports Travel- 115 plays
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Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort in Japan's Shinshu Region: Video Introduction This video, titled "2020–21 Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort Promotion Video" (2020-21 野沢温泉スキー場プロモーションビデオ), was uploaded by "nozawaonsen." Blanketed in a veil of silvery white snow, Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort has something for the whole family, with a variety of courses, ranging from beginner to expert level. In addition to skiing and sledding, facilities include a kids' park and even a day-care center, so visitors with small children can enjoy the slopes too. Once you've had your fun on the powder, at Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort you can soothe your tired body in the thermal springs, or enjoy some delicious cuisine. Before we go any further, check out Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort's gorgeous snow-covered scenery and people enjoying winter activities in the video. Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort’s Distinctive Features, and Course Difficulty Photo:Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort, Nagano, Japan Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort is located in northern Nagano prefecture in Japan's Koshin'etsu region, and its slopes — which cover an area the size of 63 Tokyo Domes — set it apart from all other ski resorts. Twinkling prettily, trees decorated with icicles dot the landscape, which, with its 100% natural snow, boasts some of the best powder in Honshu (the main island of the Japanese archipelago) and there are plenty of gorgeous views to be seen as well. The vast slopes play host to a total of 36 runs, divided in a 40/30/30 ratio between beginner, intermediate, and expert difficulties respectively. The resort is popular amongst skiers and snowboarders of all levels, from novices to seasoned experts. What’s more is, there's the Nagasaka Gondola, a large gondola which can ferry 10 people from the Nagasaka area to the Yamabiko area in one go. These gondolas are the first in Japan to have an all-glass structure, which boasts excellent ventilation properties, and allows riders to take in the natural scenery as they travel from one point to the next. Plenty of Courses for Beginners and Families! Photo:Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort, Nagano, Japan Thanks to its abundance of runs and areas aimed at beginners and children, Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort is popular among visitors with no skiing experience and families with small children. There's even a rental shop, so there's no need to worry if you don't have your own equipment. The Uenotaira Course (上ノ平ゲレンデ, uenotaira gerende) and Paradise Course (パラダイスゲレンデ, paradaisu gerende) are recommended for beginners or kids who aren't yet familiar with skis or snowboards. These slopes are both gentle and wide, making them the perfect choice for those who want to enjoy the snow without worrying about having an accident. Furthermore, thanks to lower temperatures than those at the foot of the mountain, the quality of the snow is great. The lift adjacent to the slopes has a handrail and can take up to four people, meaning you can ride as a group; a boon for those with young children who may struggle with the lifts. Once you've had your fill of skiing about at the summit, you can leave the Paradise Course behind you and head for the Rinkan Course (林間コース, rinkan kosu). This course allows skiers to enjoy some spectacular views as they descend the mountain along a beautiful wooded trail. If you aren't confident in your skiing abilities, you can take the gondola to the bottom, so be sure to keep this in mind if you're new to skiing or snowboarding. The area at the foot of the mountain is also recommended for beginners and kids. There are wide and gentle slopes here too, ideal for kids who are experiencing skiing or snowboarding for the first time. Ziplines, Indoor Playgrounds and More! Check Out the Exciting Activities at Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort Photo:Zip Sky Ride at Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort, Nagano, Japan "Zip Sky Ride" is one of the most popular facilities at Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort. This zipline, comprising of a seated harness mounted on a wire rope using a pulley is located above the Hikage Course, and is 652 meters with a total altitude difference of 122 meters. The zipline can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h! This aerial activity lets visitors soar above the slopes like a bird. The ride is accessible to everyone elementary school age and up, so consider flying over the mountains with your kids! In addition, the Kids' Park and Nasky Room are great for those with kids who haven't started elementary school yet. The Kids' Park offers sledding, tubing, and more, and the Nasky Room (ナスキールーム) has educational toys, making these places great for both relaxing and playing. There's a day-care as well! "Yumin," has qualified childcare professionals present, meaning you can have peace of mind knowing your kids are in good hands while you enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities on the slopes. How to Get the Best Deals at Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort! Photo:Friends chatting with smartphones Buying one of the special package tickets from Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort's home page will allow you to save a little money. Priced at ¥6,500 for adults and ¥4,300 for kids, the special package tickets include a gondola ticket, which would usually sell for ¥6,000, or ¥3,600 per child, as well as ¥1,000 worth of lunch tickets. Furthermore, a package that includes a 1-day lift ticket, a ¥1,000 lunch ticket, and a Nozawa Onsen Sparena bath ticket is also available for ¥7,000 for adults and ¥4,600 for children. These perks are also available to those visiting one a day trip, so save yourself some money while enjoying Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort. Additionally, there are a variety of seasonal value passes available to skiers, including a spring skiing service pass, and family-oriented passes, such as the spring break family pack campaign, etc. Enjoy a trip to Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort next spring with your little ones and make some unforgettable memories! Check out Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort's homepage for more details. Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort Roundup: A Ski Resort Recommended for Families and Kids The beautiful slopes covered in powdery snow offer tons of photogenic views that would look great on Instagram. There are a variety of courses tailored for both children and adults, and the views are fantastic. The area surrounding Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort has a wide range of hotels, inns, and ryokan (traditional Japanese style inns) as well. A shuttle bus runs between the spa town and the ski resort, so guests can unwind with a dip in the hot springs and some delicious food after a fun-filled day of skiing. We implore you to head to Nagano Prefecture in Japan's Shinshu region and enjoy the beautiful surroundings and memorable winter activities! 【Official Website】Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort 【TripAdvisor】Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort -
Video article 1:05
Amanohashidate, Miyazu City, Kyoto, Japan, winter spectacular sightseeing video!Aerial video that makes you feel as if you are flying in the sky! Go on a trip to enjoy the dignified and clear winter air!
Nature Travel- 954 plays
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Video introduction of Amanohashidate Viewland with snowy scenery in Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "A Snowy Amanohashidate Viewland" (天橋立ビューランド 雪景色) was uploaded by "Amanohashidate Viewland" (天橋立ビューランド). This video captures the peaceful and serene atmosphere of Amanohashidate, as if viewed from the perspective of a flying bird. The clear, crisp winter air adds to the beauty of the scenery. Amanohashidate is a charming destination in every season, and this video showcases the special allure of winter. We hope you enjoy it. Amanohashidate One of the Three Views of Japan, and Hiryukan Photo:Mata-nozoki Amanohashidate, located in Miyazu, Kyoto, in the Kanto region of Japan, is known as one of the Japan's "Three Views of Japan," along with Matsushima (Miyagi Prefecture) and Miyajima (Hiroshima Prefecture). Amanohashidate is a sandbar created by the accumulation of sand on a spit, and it's approximately 3.6km long and 20-170m wide. It’s covered with a whopping 8,000 pine trees, which thrive due to the repeated ebb and flow of the tides. The natural beauty of Amanohashidate is truly breathtaking and is often compared to works of art. Although there are many sandbars in Japan, none are as impressive as Amanohashidate. [Video] 0:45 - Amanohashidate in Winter as Seen From the Sky (The Aso Inland Sea and Miyazu Bay) Amanohashidate became popular for its unique viewing method. Called "Mata-nozoki," if you bend over and look back at the land bridge between your legs at Amanohashidate Viewland it's as though the sky and sea are flipped. The sandbar is said to resemble a dragon dancing in the sky, hence its nickname "Hiryu-kan" (飛龍観, lit "View of the Flying Dragon"). Amanohashidate Viewland is an amusement park located at the top of Mt. Monju, with a viewing platform that allows visitors to see Amanohashidate from the South. The park has various attractions such as a Ferris Wheel and a cycle monorail, and is popular with people of all ages. It's also a popular spot for tourists to take Instagram photos. Amanohashidate Winter Sightseeing Spots Photo:Hiryukan at Amanohashidate, Kyoto One of the top winter attractions at Amanohashidate is "Gensetsu no Hiryu-kan." [Video] 0:52 - Aerial Footage of Gensetsu no Hiryu-kan The upside-down viewing at Amanohashidate, which appears as if the sky and earth have reversed and a dragon is rising to the heavens, is referred to as Hiryu-kan. During the winter when it snows, this phenomenon is called "Gensetsu no Hiryu-kan" (幻雪の飛龍観, lit. Magical Snow View of the Flying Dragon). When Amanohashidate is covered in snow, Hiryu-kan takes on an even more fantastical appearance, resembling a white dragon. However, this breathtaking view can only be seen when it's snowing as even the sun's rays melt the snow. One winter tourist attraction in the Amanohashidate area is the Kyoto Tango Railway. "Ke-arashi," another popular winter phenomenon, is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the air near the water's surface rapidly cools during the cold early morning. Therefore, if the conditions are not perfect, it cannot be seen. However, the sight of mist rising up from the surface of the water from the Kyoto Tango Railway is breathtaking. This line crosses the bridge over the Yura River, which is approximately 550m wide. It's definitely worth waking up early to see it, so if you visit Miyazu definitely consider setting your alarm, as it's also great for taking Instagram photos. Things to Keep in Mind When Traveling to Amanohashidate in Winter To access Amanohashidate by public transportation, you can take the Sanyo Main Line from Osaka Station and arrive in about 2-3 hours. On the other hand, if you're driving to Amanohashidate in the winter, it's necessary to use winter tires even if it is not snowing at the time of your departure. One thing to be particularly careful of when driving in the winter is icy road conditions. Even if the surface melts and becomes wet as the temperature and sun rise, there can still be ice underneath, which can cause you to lose control of your vehicle. When driving in low temperatures and when snow is falling during the winter months, drivers should take extra precautions, such as keeping a safe distance from other vehicles. It may also be a good idea to carry tire chains and shovels in the case of an emergency. When Is the Best Season to Visit Amanohashidate? Photo:Spring at Amanohashidate Amanohashidate has different attractions in each of Japan's 4 seasons. ・Spring Cherry blossoms are a hallmark of Japanese spring, and Amanohashidate is no exception. From Amanohashidate Viewland on top of Mt. Monju (130 meters high), the unique views of Hiryu-kan, combined with cherry blossoms, the sea, and pine forests, create a view that is beyond words. ・Summer Looking up at the beautiful Amanohashidate while enjoying a seaside swim is the ultimate summer activity. Tango Yura Beach (丹後由良海水浴場, Tango Yura Kaisui Yokujo) at Amanohashidate is a popular beach for families. The water is also clean, and after enjoying the calm waves, you can relax in the shade of the pine trees. On the way back from the beach, it's also worth visiting the hot spring "Chie no Yu" in Amanohashidate. ・Autumn The autumn leaves around Amanohashidate start to change color in late October, and the best time to view them is from late November to early December. It's expected to be quite crowded when the autumn leaves are in season. One recommended activity is "Park & Cruise" in Miyazu Bay. It's a convenient sightseeing boat that is a 3-minute walk from the Roadside Station's multi-level car parking lot to Miyazu Pier. The sightseeing boat is convenient for those arriving by car and goes via Amanohashidate to Ichinomiya, where Kasamatsu Park (overlooking Amanohashidate) is located. The boat is available during the autumn foliage season and can also be used to avoid the crowds. ・Winter As previously mentioned, Amanohashidate becomes even more charming during winter. You can enjoy the ethereal snowy scenery and fantastic views. Amanohashidate and the surrounding spots and activities have different charms in spring, summer, fall, and winter. Discover your favorite season by visiting Amanohashidate for yourself! Summary of Winter Sightseeing at Amanohashidate The scenic Amanohashidate is a popular tourist attraction with many famous temples in the surrounding area. There are regular hotels and hot spring hotels that offer seasonal plans to suit your needs. The region is also known for its delicious food. Visitors are advised to make reservations early for their preferred season to fully enjoy their trip to Amanohashidate in Miyazu, Kyoto. 【TripAdvisor】Amanohashidate -
Video article 5:56
Cherry blossoms in full bloom in winter at Hirosaki Park, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture? Video of the "Winter Blooming Cherry Blossoms Light-up" with beautiful shimmering pink. Seasonal light-up information is also introduced.
Festivals & Events Nature Travel- 349 plays
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Hirosaki Park, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture "Winter Blooming Sakura Light-up" Video Introduction This video, titled "【4K】2022 Hirosaki Park 'Sakura Illumination Blooming in Winter'" (2022年 弘前公園「冬に咲くさくらライトアップ」【4K】 2022 Hirosaki Park 'Sakura Illumination Blooming in Winter), was uploaded by "TheEAGLEBOM." Did you know that you can see cherry blossoms blooming in the snow? We hope you'll enjoy these winter cherry blossoms filmed at night at Hirosaki Park, located in Hirosaki, Aomori, in Japan's Tohoku region. Snow piles up on the cherry blossoms, which are imbued with a light pink hue. It truly looks as though these cherry blossoms are actually in full bloom. The snow gathering on the river's surface is reminiscent of cherry blossoms floating on the surface of the water, and stretches out like a carpet of petals. Keep thoughts of spring in your mind as you enjoy this supremely breathtaking scenery, dyed in a heart-warming pink. [Video] 2:39 – Snow Floating on the Water Like Cherry Blossoms Hirosaki Park and Its Popular Winter Cherry Blossom Illumination Photo:The winter cherry blossoms illumination at Hirosaki Park What exactly are these season-defying winter cherry blossoms? Well, in reality, this winter cherry blossom illumination makes use of the fact that snow accumulated on the branches of cherry trees makes it look like the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. This illumination event takes place during winter at Hirosaki Park, in Hirosaki, Aomori. The inspiration for the event came from a single photo taken by a member of the regional development team. The photo caused a stir on social media, with commenters unable to tell whether it was taken in spring or winter. The event carries with it the feelings of Hirosaki citizens who long to see the warming views of cherry blossoms in the cold of winter. Illuminated in pink in the moat surrounding Hirosaki Park, the subtle coloring almost makes it look as if the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and help onlookers to forget about the cold weather. To see the cherry blossoms, you'll need to arrive the same day the snow settles on the branches. The best days to see the cherry blossoms are on days when it snows heavily and it's not too cold or windy. [Video] 0:53 – What Inspired the Illuminations? What are the duration and hours of the Winter 2023-2024 "Winter Blooming Sakura Light-up"? Photo:Weeping cherry blossoms of snow at Hirosaki Park Winter 2023 will be held as follows.I hope you have a heartwarming time with your lover, family, and loved ones. The recommended time to visit the cherry blossom light-up in winter is from late December to mid-February. [Period] December 1, 2023 - February 29, 2024 *The lights may be turned off from December 1st to 7th due to equipment adjustment. [Lighting time] Sunset to 21:00 *Extended from December 22nd to January 3rd, and from February 9th to 14th until 23:00 [Parking] Hirosaki City Tourist Hall/Underground Parking Lot (24 hours in and out) 2-1 Shimo-Shirogane-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture (Otemon/Hirosaki City Hall Headquarters Soba) *Parking is free for one hour [Parking] Hirosaki City Tourist Hall/Underground Parking Lot (24 hours in and out) 2-1 Shimo-Shirogane-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture (Otemon, near Hirosaki City Hall headquarters building) *1 hour free parking Hirosaki City Hall (7:00~21:30) 1-1 Kamishiroganmachi, Hirosaki City (Otemon soba) *1 hour free parking *Please note that you cannot leave the warehouse after 21:30 just before lighting up ends Outair Motoko-cho (24-hour entry and exit allowed) 2 Motoko-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture (near the main building of Hirosaki City Hall, Otemon) Springtime at Hirosaki Park – Spectacular Cherry Blossom Illuminations! Photo:Hirosaki Park cherry blossom illumination, Aomori Prefecture From the end of April and throughout Golden Week (a period of around one week at the end of April/beginning of May containing a number of Japanese national holidays), Hirosaki Park hosts the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival" (弘前さくらまつり, hirosaki sakura matsuri), timed to coincide with the cherry blossom season. This cherry blossoms festival at Hirosaki Castle has been touted by some as the best in Japan. The rooftop of Hirosaki City Hall - usually inaccessible to the public - is opened up, and the festival receives over 2 million visitors each year. While the location of the "cherry blossoms heart" popular on Japanese social media is sadly not in the public domain, we hear that there will be heart shaped tree stumps placed to lead you in the right direction. Be sure to keep an eye out for it as you explore the park! What's more, during the cherry blossoms festival there's a special train linking Hirosaki to other famous cherry blossoms spots around Japan's northern Tohoku region. Why not take a ride and go on a tour to view the cherry blossoms? [Cherry blossoms Festival Opening Dates] Late March–Early May (Generally held to coincide with the blooming of the cherry blossoms) [Hours] Special nighttime lighting (illuminations): Sundown – 8:30 p.m. ※Subject to change depending on cherry blossom blooming conditions. The Colorful Autumn Illuminations of Hirosaki Park Are a Must-See as Well! Photo:Hirosaki Park's autumn illumination In the fall, the autumn leaves that have for so long added a touch of color to Hirosaki Castle, the symbol of this ancient Japanese city, are brightly illuminated. The elegant lights, which are as beautiful as any other seasonal light up, are sure to impress. While enjoying the various events and stalls, visitors can catch a glimpse of Hirosaki's history by viewing the old castle in its colorful autumn attire and the autumn leaves adorning the castle walls. [Hirosaki Castle Chrysanthemum and Autumn Leaves Festival Dates] Late October–Early November [Hours] Sundown – 8:00 p.m. And as the 1000 Japanese maples and 2600 cherry blossom trees take on the colors of fall, make sure you don't forget to check out the giant 300-year-old ginkgo tree, "Neagari Icho" (lit. lifted-root ginkgo, so named for its exposed roots). Hirosaki Park Illuminations: Roundup With illumination events in each season, Hirosaki Park, located at Hirosaki Castle, a symbol of the historical Japanese city, adds a layer of excitement to the beauty of its bountiful nature. This place deserves a spot in any travel itinerary, no matter the season, as it's one of the most popular places to visit in Japan's Tohoku region. Take your family, friends, or loved one with you, and breathe in the history in this vast park! ◆Hirosaki Park◆ 【Address】1 Shimoshirogane-cho, Hirosaki, Aomori 【Admission Fee (for paid areas)】 [Hirosaki Castle center/northern section] Adults: ¥320 | Children: ¥100 [Hirosaki Castle Botanical Garden] Adults: ¥320 | Children: ¥100 [Discount bundle tickets for the above areas] Adults: ¥520 | Children: ¥160 【Hours】Please check the official website for opening times for paid areas. 【Access】 On foot from Hirosaki Station (弘前駅, hirosaki-eki): Around 30 minutes Taxi from Hirosaki Station: Around 10 minutes From Hirosaki Station by bus: 4 minutes on foot when disembarking from the City Hall (市役所前, shiyakushomae) 【TripAdvisor】Hirosaki Park -
Video article 1:59
The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival – Paper Balloons & Fireworks in the Winter Night Sky in Semboku, Akita
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 67 plays
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Video Introduction of “Kami-Hikkiuchi Paper Balloon Raising” in Senboku City, Akita Prefecture This video, titled "[Aerial Footage] Paper Balloon Festival Kamihinokinai Night Flight Filming" (【空撮】2017冬祭り上桧木内の紙風船上げ Paper Balloon Festival Kamihinokinai Night Flight Shooting) was uploaded by "DIRECT Kaneko." The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is a winter festival in Nishiki, and the one shown in the video was held on February 10, 2017 in Semboku, Akita, in Japan's Tohoku region. During the day, you can see the unique scenery of Japan's snow country, and at night, when the moon comes out, you can see the exciting aerial footage taken via drone. Please enjoy the collaboration of paper balloons and fireworks soaring high into the night sky! [Video] 1:27 - Paper Balloons and Fireworks in the Night Sky Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival – The Characteristics and History of the Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is a winter festival held in the Kamihinokinai district of Nishiki, Semboku, Akita on February 10 in the middle of winter. The festival features around 100 large paper balloons with paintings of warriors and beautiful women rising into the winter night sky like hot air balloons. It's a winter tradition in the Kamihinokinai area and attracts many visitors every year. The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is an event that has been handed down as a winter festival in one of Japan's higher snowfall areas. It has been handed down along with "mushiyaki" (虫焼き, an event where rice straw is piled up in a rice field and burned) to pray for a bountiful harvest and the safety of one's family. According to legends, the origin of the Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is said to come from Hiraga Gennai, a scientist from Edo period Japan who passed on the principles of hot air balloons. Highlights of the Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival Photo:Paper balloons The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is an Intangible Folk Cultural Property designated as such by the city of Semboku, Akita. Lit paper balloons soar one after another into the cold winter night sky. Roughly 100 paper balloons of various sizes are said to be made by residents of the Kamihinokinai area. The highlight of the festival is the giant paper balloons. In recent years, the paper balloons are getting bigger and bigger. They are made of commercial Japanese paper about 1 meter wide and 3 to 12 meters long, pasted together. The sight of the giant paper balloons rising into the night sky as the fire inside them rages on is quite the spectacle. Be sure to bring a camera as well, because the lit paper balloons rising up into the night sky surrounded by the beautiful snowy landscape of Akita are sure to be popular on Instagram. [Video] 1:20 - Paper Balloons Soaring Up Through the Snow What are the dates for the 2024 "Paper Balloon Raising in Kami-Hinokouchi"? The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is held every year from 6:00 p.m. on February 10th at the Nishiki Paper Balloon Square (紙風船館広場, Kami Fusen-kan Hiroba). In 2022, the event was canceled to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection, but a small-scale paper balloon event was held by locals to carry on the culture. No official announcement has been made at this time (December 2023) regarding the 2024 event; if you would like to attend the 2024 event, please check the event information before you go. Rice Paddy Art – Summer in Kamihinokinai! Photo:Rice paddy art Rice field art can be seen from late June to early September along the Akita Nairiku Line, which connects Takanosu Station in Kitaakita and Kakunodate Station in Semboku, Akita. There are works that can be viewed from the platform of Kamihinokinai Station as well. Akita Inland Area Public Transportation Association and Kita-Akita Regional Development Bureau are recruiting design proposals for rice field art.Four 2024 designs have been decided out of 101 entries, and rice planting will take place around late May 2024, based on the design proposal. Among the selected works are cute works drawn by elementary school students with colored pencils.The design requirement of the Uehiki area is that it expresses the characteristics of paper balloon hoisting in Uehiki.The 2024 film also features a dog along with paper balloons flying into the night sky.It may be an Akita dog. It will be interesting to see how it looks as rice paddy art! Sightseeing in Kamihinokinai Photo:Dogtooth Violet Colony, Akita Prefecture Kamihinokinai, in Semboku, Akita, where the Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is held, is located to the northeast of Lake Tazawa, the deepest lake in Japan, and is a peaceful area surrounded by rich vegetation. Below is a list of some sightseeing spots in the area. ● Dogtooth Violet Colony (かたくり群生の郷, Katakuri Gunsei no Sato) Katakuri (dogtooth violet) is a bulbous plant of the lily family. At the Dogtooth Violet Colony, the largest colony of dogtooth violet in Japan, visitors can walk along a carpet of pretty flowers blooming at the foot of the mountain in spring. Check the Katakuri-kan (かたくり館) website for information regarding the blooming of the flowers and the opening of the facility. ● Semboku City Paper Baloon Museum (紙風船館, Kamifusenkan) This is a facility that displays the paper balloons used in the Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival ● Lake Tazawa (田沢湖, Tazawako) Lake Tazawa, home to the legend of Princess Tatsuko, is a beautiful blue lake where visitors can enjoy various views from season to season. In addition to historic sites, there are plenty of leisure spots to enjoy here. Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival Summary The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is a winter festival in one of Japan's heavy snowfall areas. It's a lovely festival where paper balloons made by the locals soar in to the night sky. If you're traveling to Akita in winter, consider visiting to see the fantastic balloons rising into the night sky. Don't forget to warm up in the hot spring village around Lake Tazawa as well! -
Video article 2:04
A video of a miniature kamakura lit up at the “Kamakura Festival” at Yunishigawa Onsen in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture!
Festivals & Events Travel- 93 plays
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The Yunishigawa Onsen Kamakura Festival: Video Introduction This video, titled "Yunishigawa Onsen Kamakura Festival" (湯西川温泉 かまくら祭 Kamakura Festival), was uploaded by "Nikko Walking" (日光を歩く Nikko Walking). The video introduces the Yunishikawa Onsen Kamakura Festival, an event held in Nikko, Tochigi, in Japan's Kanto Region. "Kamakura" (かまくら) is the Japanese word for "Igloo." The festival features both full-size igloos that are large enough to fit people and small-size miniature igloos with candles, and the atmosphere at night is quite romantic. The candlelight emanating from each igloo is fantastic. Check out the video to see what the Yunishigawa Onsen Kamakura Festival is like. Yunishigawa Onsen, Home to a Charming Igloo Festival Photo:Yunishigawa Onsen, Nikko, Tochigi Yunishigawa Onsen is located in Nikko National Park in Nikko, Tochigi. It's a historic hot spring where Heike warriors, who fled after being defeated in the Battle of Dan-no-Ura during the Genpei War, are said to have healed their wounds with a hot spring they found bubbling up on the riverbank. The springs of Yunishigawa Onsen are simple alkaline hot springs, and are known as beauty springs for their skin-cleansing properties. In addition, Yagen no Yu (薬研の湯), an open-air hot spring managed by a ryokan, is located along the river and can be used free of charge. It's popular among hot spring enthusiasts because visitors can bathe in the hot spring while enjoying the quiet murmur of the Yunishigawa River and the townscape of the fallen Heike Clan. Because of its location along the Yunishigawa River valley, it's covered with snow during the winter. The Yunishigawa Onsen Kamakura Festival is an annual event held from January, when the snow begins to deepen, to take advantage of the accumulated snow. Heike no Sato – The History of the Festival's Venue Photo:Igloos at a festival site, Heike no Sato The Heike (Taira clan) was a family of Taira no Kiyomori who came to power at the end of the Heian Period (794-1185). Heike Monogatari (平家物語, The Tale of the Heike), a historical tale depicting the Heike Clan from its height of power to its downfall, is quite popular in Japan. At Yunishigawa Onsen, where the fallen members of the Heike Clan are said to have lived, there are many hidden stories, legends, and customs that remain. Heike no Sato (平家の里, lit. "Village of the Heike (Taira) Clan") is a facility that introduces the Heike Clan and Yunishigawa Onsen. Heike no Sato, which is also one of the venues for the Kamakura Festival, is a recommended place for history buffs, with exhibits of tools used in daily life at the time, as well as special products, and a family tree of the Heike Clan. The historical thatched-roofed hall is surrounded by nature, and visitors can enjoy the scenery of Japan's four seasons here. Take a stroll through the hot spring resort and give this place a visit! Yunishigawa Onsen Kamakura Festival Highlights Photo:Mini igloos at Yunushigawa Onsen's Kamakura Festival The Yunishigawa Onsen Kamakura Festival is a popular annual event that has been held since 1994 to take advantage of the deep snow to attract tourists. The event will be held from January 26 to February 25, 2024. While the view of kamakura during the daytime is popular among tourists, the sight of mini kamakura lit with warm lights at night is a popular topic of conversation as it is very Instagram-worthy. The mini kamakura are lit on weekends, Fridays and Saturdays, from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The view along the Sawaguchi Riverbank has been recognized as a Night View Heritage of Japan. [Video] 1:10 - Illuminated Mini Igloos Shuttle buses will be running from inns and hotels at Yunishigawa Onsen to the venue during the festival period. Since the number of guests will increase, early reservations are recommended for those planning a trip. For those living in the neighboring areas, we recommend enjoying a day trip to the hot springs and enjoying the Kamakura Festival at night. The Popular Igloo Barbecue at the Yunishigawa Onsen Kamakura Festival The popular Kamakura Barbecue takes place every year at the Yunishigawa Onsen Kamakura Festival. [Video] 1:07 - Kamakura Barbecue Ryokan of Yunishikawa Onsen 'Saiyukashi' "Hana and Hana" also includes accommodation plans with the privilege of being able to eat ""oshiruko"" and ""yudofu"" in a kotatsu inside a large kamakura made in the courtyard of the building." It is recommended not only for watching but also for those who want to experience eating inside the kamakura. Summary of the Yunishigawa Onsen Kamakura Festival Photo:Winter at Yunishigawa Onsen, Nikko, Tochigi That concludes our introduction of the Kamakura Festival at Yunishigawa Onsen in Nikko, Tochigi. Access to Yunishigawa Onsen is about 2.5 hours from Tokyo by train. Come and enjoy the illuminated snowy landscapes and Yunishigawa Onsen, a relaxing hot spring for beautiful skin! After watching the video, you're sure to want to visit! 【Official Website】Yunishigawa Onsen Kamakura Festival 【TripAdvisor】Yunishigawa Onsen Kamakura Festival -
Video article 2:11
In winter, “Ohara Sanzenin Temple” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, is covered in pure white snow in this video. In summer, the area is bright green with carpets of blue maple leaves and moss! Seasonal highlights are also introduced.
Travel Nature- 147 plays
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Video introduction of snowy scenery at “Ohara Sanzenin” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "[4K] Snowing Sanzenin Temple, Ohara, Kyoto | The Garden of Kyoto Japan" ([4K] 三千院・雪 京都大原 京都の庭園 Sanzenin Temple in Snow [4K] The Garden of Kyoto Japan), was uploaded by "Yurara Sarara." Ohara, hidden in the mountains of Kyoto, is the birthplace of Oharame (大原女, lit. "Woman of Ohara"), women from the town of Ohara who peddled firewood hundreds of years ago in Japan. Once known as a place to spend a secluded life, it's home to many ancient temples. This is where Ohara Sanzenin Temple resides. In the summer, people can enjoy the fresh greenery of the moss and Japanese maple leaves. But in winter, it changes completely. Everything is covered with snow, and it becomes incredibly quiet and peaceful. Historical buildings like the Kyakuden (客殿, reception hall), Shinden, and Ojo Gokurakuin (Amida Hall) give visitors a glimpse into Japan's wabi-sabi culture. Be sure to check out Ohara Sanzenin Temple during winter in the video! Senzenin Temple – Religion, Characteristics, and More Photo:Sanzenin Temple, Sakyo, Kyoto Sanzenin Temple is located in Ohara, Kyoto, in Japan's Kansai region. It is a Tendai sect temple started by the Japanese Buddhist monk Dengyo Daishi Saicho. The principal image of the temple is Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru, the Healing Buddha). It's said that the origin of Sanzenin Temple is Enyu-bo Temple, built on Mt. Hiei around the 8th century. After many transfers, it finally moved to Ohara in 1871. People began calling it "Sanzenin" after it came to Ohara, but originally it was called "Enyu-in" (Enyu-bo) or "Entoku-in." In the late Heian period (794 - 1185 AD), the imperial family began to live in the temple. Because of this, a member of Japan's imperial family has even been a chief priest of the temple. There are three temples of the Tendai sect (Sanmon school) whose chief priest belonged to Japan's imperial family: Shorenin, Myohoin, and Sanzenin. Sanzenin is the oldest of the three. As an ancient temple which has more than 1,200 years of history, it's a famous spot for travelers. Must-See Attractions at Sanzenin Temple on the Outskirts of Kyoto Photo:Jizo statues at Sanzenin Temple, Kyoto Highlights of Ohara Sanzenin Temple include the beautiful gardens, Shuheki-en and Yusei-en. Visitors can enjoy the relaxing views while drinking matcha in the Shoin (study). Through the trees, visitors can spot Ojo Gokurakuin Temple, an Important Cultural Property of Japan. The statue enshrined at Oujo Gokurakuin Temple is the National Treasure, Amida Sanzon. The image depicts the Amitabha Buddha and others coming to welcome believers from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss at their time of death. In addition, the ceiling is decorated with extremely vivid paintings to represent Sukhavati, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in Buddhism. Warabe Jizo statues, which can be encountered around the temple grounds, is also popular among visitors. In the video you can see a Warabe Jizo standing in the snow at Ohara Sanzenin Temple. [Video] 1:34 - "Warabe Jizo" Covered with Snow At Konjiki Fudo-do, you can receive a shuin stamp of Konjiki Fudo-do (the Hall of the Golden Acala), written with gold paint (limited to every 28th of the month or when the door of Konjiki Fudo-son is opened). The principal image of Ohara Sanzenin Temple is Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru, the Healing Buddha), and so the temple is said to protect against diseases. You can go there to pray for someone you care about. Autumn Leaves and Hydrangeas… The Seasonal Charms of Sanzenin Temple Photo:Autumn leaves at Sanzenin Temple, Kyoto At Ohara Sanzenin Temple, visitors can enjoy both snowy landscapes and beautiful scenery in each of Japan's four seasons. Starting in the middle of June, Ajisai-en, the hydrangea garden, is very popular due to the approximately 1,000 beautifully blooming hydrangeas. Especially popular are the star-shaped "shichidanka" hydrangeas, which are also referred to as "phantom hydrangeas" and are well worth seeing. In the summer, carpets of green moss and blue maple trees adds color to the surrounding area. In autumn, Ohara Sanzenin Temple is enveloped in beautiful autumn colors, creating a truly photogenic space. The colorful autumn foliage of Ohara Sanzenin Temple has even become famous in Japan. Even now, the temple is crowded with many tourists in autumn. Admission for all seasons is 700 yen for adults, and an additional 500 yen for those looking to participate in the tea ceremony. It takes about one hour to see everything that Ohara Sanzenin Temple has to offer. Take a leisurely stroll through the temple grounds and enjoy the seasons, and relax with a cup of green tea and traditional Japanese sweets while admiring the beautiful garden. Summary of Sanzenin Temple, Ohara, Kyoto Ohara Sanzenin Temple offers both scenic views and a pleasant silence as the snow falls steadily in the crisp winter air. Ohara Sanzenin Temple was also featured in a song by Duke Aces, a Japanese vocal quartet from 50s Japan, which led to the temple gaining in popularity. The nearby area is also full of historical sites for visitors to explore. Having 1200 years of history, Ohara Sanzenin Temple has seen many events throughout the years. Winter is a mysterious time of year that brings both beauty and a sense of loneliness to people's hearts. Traveling through the bitter cold of winter while reminiscing can lead to wonderful experiences. After a leisurely walk through Sanzenin Temple, consider having lunch outside the temple at one of the restaurants offering seasonal foods such as yuba and yudofu (Japanese tofu dishes). Just don't forget to pick up some souvenirs as well! ◆Tendai Sect Sanzenin Temple, Ohara, Kyoto◆ 【Address】540 Ohara-raikoincho, Kyoto Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan 601-1242 【Telephone】075-744-2531 【Hours】9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. in November, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. from December to February) 【Admission Fee】Adults: ¥700, junior high and high school students: ¥400, elementary school students: ¥150 【Closures】None 【Access】 By car: At Mano interchange, head towards Tochu. From Tochu, head to Ohara. By bus: Kyoto Bus Route 17, 19 Get off at Ohara, and walk 10 minutes 【Parking】None ※Please use nearby parking 【Official Website】Tendai Sect Kyoto Ohara Sanzenin Temple 【TripAdvisor】Sanzenin Temple -
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Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Heartwarming Photos That Will Put a Smile on Your Face!
Things to Do Festivals & Events- 401 views
COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is always holding photo contests. In this article, we'll introduce some of the entries submitted to past photo contest, in which children were the subjects of the photos. Along with the photos, we'll also introduce related articles and other information. COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Children of Past Photo Contests A Tunnel of Cherry Blossoms Summer Vacation Down by the River Summer Is Here! Two Smiles in This Sunflower Field! Good Old Japan... Splashing About in Tokyo Mikan Picking in Tsukuihama Shichi-Go-San Snow Shoveling After Playing in the Snow A Little Oni With a Rattle Drum - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Children of Past Photo Contests From the many entries to our past photo contests, we have selected some of the most wonderful photos that feature children. CoolJapanVideos Photographer: Haya A Tunnel of Cherry Blossoms and a Hint of Dandelions… The warm spring weather and ephemeral cherry blossoms are simply enchanting. Even children are moved by the beauty of nature. A boy gleefully runs with dandelions through a tunnel of beautiful cherry blossoms. This is a work that warms the hearts of those who see it. An Article on Kenroku-en Garden, Selected as One of the Top 100 Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan Video article 7:32 Straight Out of the Edo Period! Enjoy Traveling Back in Time With the Quaint Atmosphere of Kanazawa City! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: rikopapa Summer Vacation Down by the River A retreat from the crowds and an escape into nature to avoid the feeling of isolation caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Summer feels just a little bit cooler while splashing around in a river hidden in the mountains! The sun shines through the trees like a spotlight on the children frolicking in the river. An article on the NAGATORO AUTO CAMP SITE; Just 2 Hours From Tokyo Video article 7:32 NAGATORO AUTO CAMP SITE - Great for Families and Women! Spacious Campsites and Lodging Facilities, and Water-Based Activities! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: reichan84 Summer Is Here! Straw Hats, Yukata & Ice Cream! A girl enjoying summer and an exuberant smile! She's wearing her favorite straw hat and a yukata while munching on some watermelon ice cream! This picture, taken against a backdrop of rich greenery, depicts a vibrant summer. She probably broke out into an even more wonderful smile after enjoying some of that ice cream! An Article on How to Wear a Yukata Video article 11:59 The Yukata Is an Essential Item of Clothing for Summer Festivals and Hot Spring Trips! Learn the Tips and Tricks of Putting on a Yukata! We’ll Teach You How! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: N♡A Two Smiles in This Sunflower Field! A boy in overalls and a tall sunflower standing side by side cheerfully. If you look closely, you'll notice both the boy and sunflower are smiling. The white T-shirt and overalls look so refreshing against the blue sky and verdure. It's a photo with which you can feel the excitement of a warm summer. An Article About Sunflower Fields Video article 1:23 Akeno Sunflower Field in Hokuto, Yamanashi: A Breathtaking View of Nearly 600,000 Sunflowers in Bloom! Home To the Akeno Sunflower Festival and the Filming Location of a Popular Movie! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: st situation Location: Aina Satoyama Park (Kobe, Hyogo) Good Old Japan... Watermelon on the Porch and a Cute Mosquito Coil A shot of the Japanese countryside, taken at Aina Satoyama Park. It was also the location for the Rurouni Kenshin live-action film. The hanging onions, old-fashioned lanterns inside the rooms, and dog lying on the ground creates an atmospheric scene like something out of a Japanese painting. An Article on Sightseeing in Hyogo Prefecture Video article 7:28 Hyogo Prefecture Is a Fascinating Tourist Destination With Plenty of Delicious Food, Beautiful Scenery, Rich History, and Natural Landscapes! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: 長谷部なおき Location: Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Park (Toshima, Tokyo) Splashing About in Tokyo Children splash around with water guns in their hands under the summer sun. It's a scene that would make even the adults watching over them somewhat envious. Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Park is just outside the west exit of Ikebukuro Station. Located in front of the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space, it's a place where many people come and go and various events are held there as well. An Article About Hands-on Children's Experiences in Tokyo Video article 3:55 KidZania Tokyo Is a Popular Place Where Children Can Experience Their Dream Job! Learn About Its Features, Appeal and the Types of Jobs Available! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: wataru Location: A Mikan Orchard in Tsukuihama (Yokosuka, Kanagawa) Mikan Picking in Tsukuihama In Japan, mikan are a common sight when the weather gets cold. Many children probably don't even know that mikan grow on trees. This photo captures a child enjoying picking fruit while surrounded by nature. The excitement can be seen in her eyes. Nothing tastes better than a freshly picked mikan straight from the tree! An Article on Sightseeing in Kanagawa Prefecture Video article 7:01 There Are So Many Fascinating Places to Visit in Kanagawa Prefecture! World-Famous Sightseeing Spots in Kanagawa Are Brilliantly Introduced With Smooth Dancing! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: kyokyo Location: Yasaka Shrine (Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture) The Excitement After Getting Your Picture Taken on Shichi-Go-San Shichi-Go-San is a traditional Japanese rite of passage for three- and seven-year-old girls, and 5-year-old boys. Featured here is a 7-year-old girl excited after getting her pictures taken while wearing a kimono, obi, and a hairstyle that she would have been particular of. A professional photo taken at a studio is something to treasure, but a photo where you can let loose and enjoy the moment is something special. An Article on Autumn Colors at Eikando, Kyoto in Autumn Video article 2:00 Eikando Temple - Beautiful Autumn Foliage at a Famous Japanese Temple in Kyoto YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: まな Snow Shoveling After Playing in the Snow Children in areas that don't get much snow tend to be fascinated by the winter wonderland they see after opening their windows. After playing in the snow 'til their cheeks are bright red, they're eager to help with the snow shoveling! Their hard work shows how proud they are of their efforts. An Article on Snowy Landscapes in Japan Video article 7:26 Japan's Most Beautiful Snow-Covered Scenery and Popular Tourist Spots That'll Look Great on Your Instagram! The Country, Dyed in a Beautiful White, Shows a Different Face Than Most Are Used To YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: めめめ09 A Little Oni With a Rattle Drum in Hand The custom of bean-throwing during Setsubun, a traditional Japanese event, is said to drive away evil spirits and bring good fortune. At nursery schools and other events, children can be seen throwing beans at the ogres, saying, "Out with demons! In with fortune!" However, the oni in this photo is so cute that you might be tempted to just give him a handful of beans. This is a photo of a cute little oni walking around in a good mood while spinning his rattle drum. An Article on an Oni Banishing Ritual During Setsubun Video article 4:26 Banish the Ogres at the 'Oni Banishing Ritual' of Iwashimizu Hachimangu in Kyoto! Setsubun Is a Traditional Japanese Festival That Involves Throwing Beans at Demons to Drive Away Evil Spirits, and Has Been Passed Down From Generation to Generation Since Ancient Times in Japan YouTube Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that showcases the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Click here for more information about COOLJAPANVIDEOS Anyone can enter COOL JAPAN VIDEOS' photo contests! Below are some of the features of our contests. ・On top of single-lens reflex cameras and digital cameras, photos taken with smartphones and other devices can also be submitted. ・Each person can submit as many photos as they like during the contest period. ・Editing of images, such as cropping and color changes, is also allowed! Here you can find all of the past photo contest winners in one place. You can also see the prizes for each contest, as well as the locations where the photos were taken and the judges' critiques. Click here to see past photo contest winners Text only Photo Contest Results - COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Winning Photos - Discover the Charms of Japan! Current Photo Contest The following is information about the current photo contest. [Ongoing From March2024] The 22th COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest Theme: Spring in Japan Submission period: March 1, 2024 12:00 AM – April 30, 2024 11:59 PM (JST) Prizes: ■Grand Prize: 30,000 yen Amazon gift card (1 Winner) ■Honorable Mentions: 10,000 yen Amazon gift card (5 Winners) Spring in Japan Photo Contest Landscape Photography Summary Did you enjoy these landscape photos from past photo contest entries? Some of these landscapes can only be seen in specific conditions. Japan is full of rich nature, historical locations, and seasonal events! Share your photos with the world and help showcase the beauty of Japan through COOL JAPAN VIDEOS! Related Articles Text only Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Heartwarming Photos That Will Put a Smile on Your Face! Text only Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Autumn in Japan Text only Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. Fuji Text only Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture! Text only Tohoku in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: Hot Springs, Festivals, Snowscapes, and More – 10 Beautiful Photos of Japan's Tohoku Region! Text only Kyoto in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Kyoto, the Ancient Capital of Japan, and Its Most Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Tokyo in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Featuring the Charms of Tokyo, the Capital of Japan + Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Winter in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Capturing the Beauty of Winter in Japan. Snowy Landscapes, Glittering Illuminations + More! Text only Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Spectacular Views of Japan's Kansai Region. From Night Views to Traditional Events, Discover the Best Photo Spots in Kansai! Text only Cherry Blossoms in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Amazing Views of Cherry Blossoms, from Castles and Temples to Rows of Cherry Blossom! .separation_line { border-width: 0 0 8px; border-style: solid; border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,') 0 0 100% repeat; width: 216px; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 50px; } -
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Tohoku in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: Hot Springs, Festivals, Snowscapes, and More – 10 Beautiful Photos of Japan's Tohoku Region!
Travel Nature Festivals & Events- 252 views
COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is always holding photo contests. This time, we have selected photos that convey the beauty of Japan's Tohoku region from among those submitted to our past photo contests. From popular tourist attractions to picturesque shots of natural phenomena, we've got an amazing list of photos lined up for you to enjoy! COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Tohoku in Past Photo Contests Ginzan Onsen (Yamagata Prefecture) Risshakuji Temple (Yamagata Prefecture) Fudosawa Bridge (Fukushima Prefecture) Goshikinuma Ponds (Fukushima Prefecture) Zao Fox Village (Miyagi Prefecture) Okama Crater (Miyagi Prefecture) An igloo (Yokote, Akita Prefecture) Ashino Park (Goshogawara, Aomori Prefecture) Tsutanuma Pond (Towada, Aomori Prefecture) A white rainbow at Hachimantai (Hachimantai, Iwate Prefecture) - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Tohoku in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Tohoku in Past Photo Contests We have picked out some amazing photos of Japan's Tohoku region from among the many wonderful entries that convey the charms of Japan. We'll also introduce some popular photo spots as well! Enjoy! COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: もつ Location: Ginzan Onsen (Yamagata Prefecture) Highlights of Ginzan Onsen, a Popular Tourist Attraction Lined with wooden, multi-story Western-style inns, Ginzan Onsen has a retro-modern townscape reminiscent of Japan's Taisho period (1912-1926). The best time to visit Ginzan Onsen, which attracts photographers from all over the world, is during the snowy winter season (January to February). The landscape illuminated by the orange glow of gas lamps, essential for a nostalgic atmosphere, makes for a tasteful and chic photo. Onsen ryokan (hot spring inns) with open-air baths where visitors can bathe while viewing the snowy scenery are very popular. Enjoy the fantastic Ginzan Onsen covered with snow. A Video Article About Snowscapes in Japan Video article 7:26 Japan's Most Beautiful Snow-Covered Scenery and Popular Tourist Spots That'll Look Great on Your Instagram! The Country, Dyed in a Beautiful White, Shows a Different Face Than Most Are Used To YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Yuta Aihara Location: Risshakuji Temple (Yamagata Prefecture) Highlights of Risshakuji Temple, a Popular Tourist Attraction Hoshuzan Risshakuji Temple is the setting for the famous haiku poem Such stillness Sinking into the rocks The shrill of the cicadas by the master haiku poet Matsuo Basho in his travelogue The Narrow Road to the Deep North. The temple is also known as a 'yamadera' (mountain temple) and belongs to the Tendai Sect of Buddhism in Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture. Climb the narrow stairs to reach the top of the temple. The platform, which juts out from the cliff, offers a breathtakingly beautiful view and is a popular photo spot for visitors. A Video Article About Risshakuji Temple in Yamagata Prefecture Video article 3:32 1,015 Steps to the Top of Risshaku-ji Temple in Yamagata, Yamagata Prefecture. A National Site of Scenic Beauty, With a View That Moved Even the Famous Poet Matsuo Basho! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 山川 さおり Location: Fudosawa Bridge (Fukushima Prefecture) Highlights of Tsubakuro Valley, a Popular Tourist Attraction Fudosawa Bridge spans the scenic Tsubakuro Valley along the Bandai-Azuma Skyline. In autumn, it's a spectacular spot to photograph the autumn leaves, and if the sky over Fukushima City is overcast, there is a good chance to see a sea of clouds. If the live camera on Route 115 shows clear views of Fudosawa and Jododaira, consider driving to the top of the clouds. We guarantee you'll take photos that will make you think you're in heaven. A Video Article About the Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go Steam Locomotive Video article 2:06 Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go - A Steam Locomotive Running Through Beautiful Autumn Foliage! Selected As One of the "Top Ten Railway Lines With Beautiful Autumn Foliage," This Train Still Runs As a Classic Steam Locomotive! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: めんま Location: Goshikinuma Ponds (Fukushima Prefecture) Highlights of Goshikinuma Pond, a Popular Tourist Attraction Goshikinuma is a group of lakes and swamps created by the eruption of Mount Bandai in Aizu. The water of the lakes come in a variety of colors, such as emerald green and cobalt blue, fascinating visitors and leading to the nickname the 'Lakes of Mystery." From mid-October to early November, the best season for viewing the autumn foliage, visitors are mesmerized by the colorful autumn leaves and the beautiful ponds. Aonuma, which has a more mysterious atmosphere than the other lakes, is especially recommended. The contrast with the autumn leaves is exceptional. A Video Article About Goshikinuma Video article 4:05 This Place Screams Instagram! The Cobalt Blue Waters of Fukushima's "Goshikinuma" Are Out of This World! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: だいだい@名前のつかない写真展 Location: Zao Fox Village (Miyagi Prefecture) Highlights of Zao Fox Village, a Popular Tourist Attraction Located in Shiroishi, Miyagi, Zao Fox Village is Japan's only zoo for foxes. The zoo has more than 100 foxes of various species that are raised free range, and visitors can see them from up close. The best time to visit is from spring to early summer, as holding a newborn fox cub is a popular activity. Visitors can capture the cute foxes in their natural habitat during a 2-3 hour stay. A Video Article About Zao Fox Village in Miyagi Prefecture Video article 4:58 Play With Adorable Foxes at Zao Fox Village in Miyagi Prefecture. This Facility, Where Approximately 100 Foxes Run Free, Is Sure to Make for a Memorable Experience! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Syohei photography Location: Okama Crater (Miyagi Prefecture) Highlights of Zao's Okama Crater, a Popular Tourist Attraction One of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains in Japan, Mt. Zao is located on the border between Miyagi and Yamagata prefectures. Okama Crater, a popular tourist attraction there, is a crater lake surrounded by three mountains and is a symbol of Zao, along with the famous ice monsters (ice-covered trees). Visitors can enjoy Okama Crater from late April to early November. Be sure to bring a jacket, as temperatures are low even during the summer months. According to locals, the recommended time to visit is in the morning, even on clear days. You may be able to see the stunning emerald green surface of the water. Please note that the dedicated road to the crater is closed during the winter. A Video Article About Zao in Yamagata Prefecture Video article 2:13 Zao - Where Fantastic Ice Trees Stretch as Far as the Eye Can See. Referred to as "Ice Monsters" This Destination in Yamagata Prefecture Is Very Popular Among Foreign Tourists YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 小西直昭 Location: An igloo (Yokote, Akita Prefecture) Highlights of the Yokote Snow Festival, a Popular Tourist Attraction The Yokote Snow Festival is said to have a history of approximately 450 years as a festival where people can enjoy igloos at a small New Year's event, and the Brahma dedicated to Asahi Okayama Shrine. Held annually on February 15 and 16, children serve amazake (sweet sake) and mochi (rice cakes) inside the approximately 80 igloos built in the city, while welcoming guests into the igloos. The candles lit in the igloos create a spectacular atmosphere. A Video Article About the Yokote Snow Festival of Akita Prefecture Video article 5:52 Enjoy the Pure White Snowy Landscape at the Traditional "Yokote Snow Festival" in Yokote, Akita Prefecture! Experience Warm Rice Cakes in a Giant Igloo and a Fantastical Silver World! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Lily0321 Location: Ashino Park (Goshogawara, Aomori Prefecture) Highlights of Ashino Park, a Popular Tourist Attraction in Aomori Prefecture Ashino Park is said to be one of the best places on the Tsugaru Peninsula to enjoy the cherry blossoms. The best time to view the cherry blossoms is usually from late April to early May, when more than 1,500 cherry trees of all sorts of varieties can be seen in full bloom. The cherry blossoms blooming along the lakeside are so beautiful that they overwhelm onlookers. The scenery of Tsugaru Railway's an old-fashioned train 'Run Melos-go, named after a popular children's story, passing through the tunnel of cherry blossoms in full bloom creates a popular photo spot for those looking take pictures of the cherry blossoms. A Video Article About Popular Tourist Attractions in Aomori Prefecture Video article 2:59 After a Harsh Winter, the Beauty of Aomori's Spring, From the Mountains All the Way to the Sea, Shows Its Colors! Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms and Fresh Greenery of Aomori's Popular Sightseeing Destinations! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: こーさ | Kousa Kobayashi Location: Tsutanuma Pond (Towada, Aomori Prefecture) Highlights of Tsutanuma, a Popular Tourist Attraction Tsutanuma is a popular tourist attraction in Towada, Aomori, with its fiery red autumn leaves. On a day when the wind is calm, the reflection of the trees on the surface of the lake is truly breathtaking. To reduce traffic and protect the environment, advance reservations and a "cooperation fee" of 4,000 yen per car (including one driver) plus 2,000 yen per passenger are required to visit Tsutanuma when the autumn leaves are in season (October 20 - October 31, 2022, from 5 AM to 7:30 AM). A Video Article About Autumn Leaves at Tsutanuma in Hakkoda, Aomori Video article 3:13 Autumn Leaves in Hakkoda, Aomori - The Reflection of This Beautiful Red Foliage Is Poetic YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 山川 さおり Location: A white rainbow at Hachimantai (Hachimantai, Iwate Prefecture)) A White Rainbow A rainbow is a phenomenon that appears when sunlight is reflected and refracted by moisture in the air. The conditions for the appearance of a white rainbow are clear skies and fog, but they are rarely caught on camera. If you come across one of these rare white rainbows, be sure to take a photo. A Video Article About Towada Hachimantai National Park in Japan's Tohoku Region Video article 2:46 Superb Seasonal Views and Hot Springs! With Red Autumn Leaves in the Fall and Pure White Snow in the Winter, the Many Different Faces of Akita Prefecture's Towada Hachimantai National Park Make It One of Japan's Most Scenic Places to Visit! YouTube Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that showcases the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Click here for more information about COOLJAPANVIDEOS Anyone can enter COOL JAPAN VIDEOS' photo contests! Below are some of the features of our contests. ・On top of single-lens reflex cameras and digital cameras, photos taken with smartphones and other devices can also be submitted. ・Each person can submit as many photos as they like during the contest period. ・Editing of images, such as cropping and color changes, is also allowed! Here you can find all of the past photo contest winners in one place. You can also see the prizes for each contest, as well as the locations where the photos were taken and the judges' critiques. Click here to see past photo contest winners Text only Photo Contest Results - COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Winning Photos - Discover the Charms of Japan! Current Photo Contest The following is information about the current photo contest. [Ongoing From March2024] The 22th COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest Theme: Spring in Japan Submission period: March 1, 2024 12:00 AM – April 30, 2024 11:59 PM (JST) Prizes: ■Grand Prize: 30,000 yen Amazon gift card (1 Winner) ■Honorable Mentions: 10,000 yen Amazon gift card (5 Winners) Spring in Japan Photo Contest Landscape Photography Summary Did you enjoy these landscape photos from past photo contest entries? Some of these landscapes can only be seen in specific conditions. Japan is full of rich nature, historical locations, and seasonal events! Share your photos with the world and help showcase the beauty of Japan through COOL JAPAN VIDEOS! Related Articles Text only Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Heartwarming Photos That Will Put a Smile on Your Face! Text only Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Autumn in Japan Text only Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. Fuji Text only Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture! Text only Tohoku in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: Hot Springs, Festivals, Snowscapes, and More – 10 Beautiful Photos of Japan's Tohoku Region! Text only Kyoto in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Kyoto, the Ancient Capital of Japan, and Its Most Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Tokyo in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Featuring the Charms of Tokyo, the Capital of Japan + Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Winter in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Capturing the Beauty of Winter in Japan. Snowy Landscapes, Glittering Illuminations + More! Text only Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Spectacular Views of Japan's Kansai Region. From Night Views to Traditional Events, Discover the Best Photo Spots in Kansai! Text only Cherry Blossoms in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Amazing Views of Cherry Blossoms, from Castles and Temples to Rows of Cherry Blossom! .separation_line { border-width: 0 0 8px; border-style: solid; border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,') 0 0 100% repeat; width: 216px; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 50px; } -
Video article 3:00
The Town of Wassamu, Hokkaido Is a Place Where You Can Enjoy All Four Seasons of Japan! Check Out the Attractions of Wassamu Town in Hokkaido, a Place You Won't Want to Miss!
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北海道和寒町エリアの魅力紹介動画の見所 こちらの動画は「わっさむ 食と観光の魅力発信/北海道和寒町役場」が公開した「「総集編」 北海道和寒町[和寒町観光PV]」です。 自然の多く残る北海道和寒町は、冬にはウィンタースポーツが盛んな地域で、多くの日本人のスキー選手を輩出している歴史があることでも有名です。 今回はそんな北海道和寒町について、動画と共にこちらの記事で紹介していきます。 北海道和寒町はウィンタースポーツとアウトドアが盛ん! 日本の北に位置し、気候的にかなり冷え込む北海道和寒町はウィンタースポーツ盛んで、スノーモービルやスキー、クロスカントリーやスノボー楽しむことが出来ます。 動画の0:20から北海道和寒町で楽しめるウィンタースポーツの様子をご覧になることができます。 雪原でのウィンタースポーツの印象がある北海道ですが、夏は綺麗な緑溢れる自然の良い景色を堪能することができ、アウトドアイベントも盛んに行われているので、夏の観光もおすすめです。 三笠山自然公園キャンプ場や南丘森林公園、三笠山自然公園はどれも自然いっぱいで日本でも屈指の絶景を堪能出来る人気の観光名所で、その様子は動画でもご覧になれるので、お楽しみください。 北海道の楽しみは冬だけじゃない!北海道和寒町の秋の祭り! 実は北海道はかぼちゃの作付け日本一で、秋にはかぼちゃをメインとした祭りの「パンプキンフェスティバル」が開催され、沢山のかぼちゃがハロウィン仕様にデザインされ飾られたり、実際に食したりすることができます。 『熱気球搭乗体験』『南瓜ランタン彫り体験』等も楽しめるので、北海道和寒町へ観光する際には、紅葉も綺麗な秋の時期に予定を合わせてみてはいかがでしょうか? 北海道和寒町の魅力紹介まとめ 春夏秋冬、日本の四季の良さを遺憾なく堪能出来る観光スポットとして、まさに万人におすすめが出来る北海道和寒町の良さ、ぜひ動画でご覧下さい。 北海道と言えば、日本でも屈指のグルメが多くある地域としても有名で、ジンギスカンや冬キャベツの元祖とも言われている越冬キャベツ等も観光の際には外せませんね。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事が、北海道和寒町への観光をご検討する際の手助けとなれば、幸いです。 -
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Winter in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Capturing the Beauty of Winter in Japan. Snowy Landscapes, Glittering Illuminations + More!
Travel Festivals & Events Nature- 390 views
COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is always holding photo contests. This time, we have selected winter-related works from among the many photos submitted to past COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests. From spectacular landscapes created by natural phenomena like snow and ice, to twinkling light art created by human hands, we hope you enjoy the wide variety of works introduced here. COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Winter in Past Photo Contests Daikanyama Observatory Ainokura Gassho-zukuri Village Kamakura Igloo Village Kurokawa Onsen's 'Yu Akari' Illumination Nakamise Shopping Street in Asakusa Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Lake Onneto, Hokkaido Jigokudani Monkey Park The JR Johana Line A Snow-covered Gujo Hachiman Castle - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Winter in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Winter in Past Photo Contests We have selected wonderful photos of winter in Japan from among the many wonderful entries that convey the charms of Japan. We'll also introduce some popular photo spots as well! COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 01ktk15 Location: Daikanyama Observatory (Ashigarashimo, Shinagawa) Highlights of Daikanyama, a Popular Tourist Attraction Daikanyama was named after the artist Yokoyama Taikan, who was fond of painting Mt. Fuji. It's located at the end of the Hakone Turnpike, and is an automobile-only road. The summit of the 1,011-meter-high mountain is perfect for photographing Mt. Fuji and Lake Ashi. If the weather is nice, you can also see Hatsushima and Oshima, the Miura Peninsula, and the Boso Peninsula. A Video Article About Narusawa Village, Yamanashi at the foot of Mt. Fuji Video article 2:40 Introducing “Narusawa, Yamanashi,” Home to the Tallest Mountain in Japan. Behold the Jaw Droppingly Beautiful Scenery of Mt. Fuji YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: DAIGO Location: Ainokura Gassho-zukuri Village (Toyama Prefecture) Highlights of Gokayama, a Popular Tourist Attraction Gokayama in Nanto, Toyama, is registered as a World Heritage Site. To raise awareness of fire prevention for Cultural Properties, Gokayama also hosts an illumiantion event. Suganuma Gassho-zukuri Village will be open from sunset to 8:00 pm on Friday, January 26, 2024. The original Japanese landscape "Ainokura Gassho-zukuri Village" floating on a snowy field will be on view from sunset to 9:00 pm on February 23rd (Friday) and 24th (Saturday), 2024. Enjoy the spectacular view of the World Heritage Site under the falling snow. A Video Article About the World Heritage Sites Shirakawa-go and Gokayama in Gifu and Toyama Prefectures Video article 9:24 Shirakawa-Go in Gifu Prefecture and Gokayama in Toyama Prefecture: 2 UNESCO World Heritage Sites Featuring Superb Views of Gassho-Zukuri Farmhouses. These Fantastic Snowy Landscapes are Some of Japan's Most Insta-Worthy Spots! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: mihyaru Location: Kamakura Igloo Village (Iiyama, Nagano) Highlights of Kamakura Igloo Village, a Popular Tourist Attraction in Nagano Prefecture Iiyama, Nagano, is home to more than 20 large Igloos on a field of pure white snow. Snow covers the area for roughly four months of the year, and photographers from all over Japan gather here eagerly in the cold winter air awaiting their chance to capture the snowy scenery of one of the heaviest snowfall areas in Japan. Every year on a weekend in early February, fireworks are set off, illuminating the fields of white snow and igloos, creating a fantastical atmosphere. A Video Article About the Yokote Snow Festival in Yokote, Akita Video article 5:52 Enjoy the Pure White Snowy Landscape at the Traditional "Yokote Snow Festival" in Yokote, Akita Prefecture! Experience Warm Rice Cakes in a Giant Igloo and a Fantastical Silver World! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 野崎 晴美 Location: Kurokawa Onsen's 'Yu Akari' Illumination (Aso, Kumamoto) Highlights of Kurokawa Onsen, a Popular Tourist Attraction in Aso, Kumamoto Kurokawa Onsen's midwinter event, Yu Akari, lights up the hot spring resort. Approximately 300 spherical lanterns called "Mari-toro," as well as 2-meter-tall "Tsutsu-toro" lanterns are arranged to blend in with the natural townscape and are lit from sunset until 10 p.m. The lanterns are truly enchanting. Be sure to bring a camera, as this magical scene is something you'll want to treasure forever! A Video Article About the Yu Akari Illumination at Kurokawa Onsen Video article 3:01 Yu Akari – Experience the Stunning Winter Illumination at Kurokawa Onsen via Video! Discover the Fantastical Atmosphere That Warmly Embraces Visitors, and the Passion of the People of Kurokawa! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Lily0321 Location: Nakamise Shopping Street in Asakusa (Taito, Tokyo) The Charms of Nakamise Shopping Street, a Popular Tourist Attraction Nakamise Shopping Street is located on the main approach to Sensoji Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo. The street is approximately 250 meters long, stretching from Kaminarimon Gate to Hozomon Gate, and both sides of the shopping street are lined with approximately a variety of shops selling all sorts of traditional Japanese goods and trinkets. Being one of the oldest shopping streets in Japan, it's popular for its delicious eateries and souvenir shops selling traditional Japanese goods. Nakamise Shopping Street is always lively, especially during the year-end and New Year's holidays. It is a place where you'll encounter many smiling faces, whether they're from people expressing gratitude for the past year or excitedly looking forward to the next one. A Video Article About Sanja Matsuri in Asakusa, Tokyo Video article 17:46 Sanja Matsuri in Asakusa, Tokyo - One of the Three Main Festivals in Japan! Don’t Miss One of the Best Japanese Festivals With More Than 100 Portable Shrines and 1.5 Million Visitors in Tokyo! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Abhi Sen Location: Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse (Yokohama, Kanagawa) Highlights of the Illumination Event at Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, which has been used as a warehouse for approximately 80 years since the early 1900s, is a tourist attraction that was re-purposed as a commercial facility in 2002. The building is illuminated at night, and the clever use of shading to preserve the color and texture of the bricks makes it a great place for taking photos. The building itself is of course beautiful, but the view of the Yokohama Bay Bridge and Osanbashi Bridge from Akarenga Park (赤レンガパーク) in the back of the building is also worth seeing. Various events are held at Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, with the Christmas Market held in winter being especially popular. The 10-meter-tall Christmas tree, beautiful illuminations, tasty food, and exciting shopping opportunities, make this an enjoyable experience. A Video Article About Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse's Christmas Market Video article 8:35 -
Video article 4:18
Kikonai, Hokkaido Is Full of Beautiful Scenery, Delicious Food, and Popular Sightseeing Destinations! This Charming Town Is Definitely Something To Throw on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Travel- 53 plays
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Kikonai - The Town Known as the Entrance To the North This video, titled "Tradition and Innovation in Kikonai - Kikonai Digest" (木古内町の伝統と革新 ~木古内ダイジェスト~), was created by "Kikonai Station|Shinkansen Sightseeing Station Master Kiko" (木古内駅新幹線観光駅長キーコ). Hokkaido is always bustling with tourists. When it comes to popular travel destinations in Japan, for many people, Hokkaido comes to mind. Facing a mountainous area lined with southern Hokkaido cedars and the frigid Tsugaru Strait (津軽海峡, tsugaru kaikyo), the town of Kikonai in Hokkaido, with a population of about 4,400, is called the first station of the north. When visiting Hokkaido via shinkansen, you'll either pass or get off at Kikonai Station (木古内町駅, kikonai-cho eki). In this article, we'll introduce the town of Kikonai alongside the video. A Look at the Charm of Kikonai Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, Keiko, the official mascot of Kikonai, introduces the charm of her town in just 4 minutes! If you're interested in learning more about Kikonai, be sure to check out the video. From 0:22 in the video, you can see the vast amounts of snow, set against the backdrop of Samegawa Shrine (佐女川神社, samegawa jinja). Looking at the beautiful winter scenery will make you feel as if you’re right there in Hokkaido. From 0:55 in the video, the Kanchu-Misogi Festival (寒中みそぎ祭り, kancho misogi matsuri), a Shinto tradition, is introduced. The festival is held at Samegawa Shrine. Every day and night, cold water ablutions are performed in order to purify oneself and pray for a good catch and a bountiful harvest for the year. The festival dates back more than 180 years. The Kanrin Maru (咸臨丸), a capital ship built during the formation of the navy at the end of the Edo Period, can be seen from 1:32 in the video. After its completion in 1857, the ship was used for supply missions. The Kanrin Maru ran aground off Cape Saraki, and is now on display at the Cape Saraki Dutch Tulip Park (サラキ岬オランダチューリップ公園). As the national flower of the Netherlands, the tulips burst into bloom around the Kanrin Maru. The Hokkaido Shinkansen, which opened in 2016, is one of the means of access to Kikonai, and can be seen at 2:16 in the video. Additionally, from 2:37, the South Hokkaido Railway is introduced. Its nostalgic appearance captures the hearts of many. From 2:55 in the video, you can see delicious seafood! The seared scallop rice bowl is mouthwateringly delicious. In addition, the popular Hakodate Wagyu Beef is another must-try in Kikonai. Roadside station Misogi no Sato Kikonai (みそぎの郷きこない) can be seen from 3:27 in the video. Here, you can enjoy a variety of delicious snacks, such as croquettes made with Hakodate Wagyu Beef. The roadside station is also a good place for souvenirs. Summary of Kikonai, Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot As introduced in this article, Kikonai is a place where you can enjoy both history and delicious food. It's definitely a place you should consider adding to your itinerary when visiting Hokkaido. Don't miss other sightseeing spots, such as the Kikonai Local History Museum "Ikarinkan" (いかりん館), which introduces the history of the town, as well as Kikonai Onsen Notoya, where you can relax in the hotsprings after a long day of traveling. There are many ways to enjoy Kikonai, from taking pictures of Instagram-worthy scenery to learning more about Japanese history! Come discover what this amazing town has to offer! 【Official Homepage】Kikonai, Hokkaido http://www.town.kikonai.hokkaido.jp/language.html 【Tripadvisor】Kikonai https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1120305-Kikonai_cho_Kamiiso_gun_Hokkaido-Vacations.html