Video article 3:01
Introducing the Southern Area of Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, With a Lighthearted Rap! The Yamaguchi Dialect Goes Great With Rap! Which Popular Spot in Southern Yamaguchi Do You Want to Visit?
Travel Local PR- 45 plays
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Introducing Southern Yamaguchi With a Lighthearted Rap! This is a unique promotion video by "Yamaguchi Channel" titled "[Nambu Area RAP] A PR Video for the Southern Area of Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture" (山口県山口市南部地域のPR動画「ナンブエリアRAP」). It introduces attractive local products, crafts, events and scenery through rap music. A Brief Look at the History of Yamaguchi Photo: Rurikoji Temple, Yamaguchi Yamaguchi City is the capital of Yamaguchi Prefecture. It's a warm area, with little rain and snow each year. It has the second largest population in the prefecture after Shimonoseki. In 2005, Ajisu and other areas were merged to form the current Yamaguchi. It is said to be one of the smallest prefectural capitals in Japan, but it has a long history that includes historical sites associated with the Choshu Domain which helped lead the Meiji Restoration, as well as a coin factory that has been in operation since the Heian period, and Seto-mono-no-Sato (瀬戸物の里). Also, a number of prime ministers have been born in Yamaguchi. In the southern part of the city, there are Kagawa and Sayama where there are many scenic spots. Setouchi gourmet is also popular, attracting many tourists every year. Popular Sightseeing Locations in Yamaguchi Photo:The SL Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi The following are popular sightseeing sights shown in the video. - Natajima (0:38) This is a beautiful countryside scene featuring the young MC. It is a straight line stretching about 2km and is a part of the course for the international cycling event "Tour de Yamaguchi Bay." - Suegatake This mountain stretches across Aiofutajima, Sue, and Suzenji, and is called the "Mini-Fuji of Yamaguchi" because it looks like Mt. Fuji. It is also famous as a place to practice and experience climbing, and is a great place for beginners to climb as it's located 230 meters above sea level. This can be seen from 0:26 in the video. - Sand Art Large-scale sand art that can be seen around September and October, when the water in Nagasawa Pond recedes. You can see it from 0:34 in the video. - Natajima Shingaisaku Nambanhi This is the site where large-scale land reclamation work was conducted during the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). It was called "Nanbanhi" and used the latest technology at the time. It has since been designated as a National Historic Site as an Important Historical Resource. - The Former Katsuragatani Storage Dam The oldest dam in Yamaguchi that was completed in 1923. - Minogahama A warm and calm beach along the Seto Inland Sea. It has been crowded with SUP and swimming since it was opened in 2019. You can barbecue and camp in the specific area. - Japanese Tiger Prawns Aio, Yamaguchi is the birthplace of tiger prawn farming. Every year when the shrimp are in season, the "World Shrimp Hunting Competition" is held. - Setouchi Hot Spring Southern Yamaguchi is famous for its hot springs. "Aio-sou," a hotel with a view of the sea, is shown from 0:49 in the video. - Iwayasan Jizo-in You can visit pilgrimage sites in the southern area of Yamaguchi. It is the 83rd temple of the 88 sacred places of Aio. - Mejima A unique island referred to as the Mont-Saint-Michel of Yamaguchi. At low tide, the island is connected to other islands and can be crossed on foot. - Aio Fruit Tomatoes (秋穂フルーツトマト) There's a lot of delicious food to try in southern Yamaguchi. Aio Fruit Tomatoes are so sweet and delicious that they're called the king of tomatoes. There are local sake and pumpkins too. - SL Yamaguchi The SL Yamaguchi is a very exciting train. In the southern part of Yamaguchi, you can still see the steam locomotive in action. Photo:Suo Bridge, Yamaguchi Prefecture - Suo Bridge It connects the cities Ube and Hofu and has been selected as one of the Top 100 Bridges in Japan. At the foot of the mountain is the Fujio Mountain Slide, where you can experience the thrill of the slide while enjoying a spectacular view. - Yamaguchi Kirara Expo Memorial Park The remains of the site of the 2001 Yamaguchi Kirara Expo, the 21st Century Future Exposition, have been developed into a park and is loved by many locals of Yamaguchi. - The Izeki River The southern part of Yamaguchi Prefecture used to experience a lot of damage from storm surges, but with the completion of the Izeki River Tide Gate in 1991, storm surge damage has been reduced. - The Statue of Omura Masujiro He was one of the ten leading people of the Choshu clan who were active at the end of the Edo period. He contributed greatly to the Meiji Restoration and is said to have been well educated in Dutch studies, Western medicine, and military science. - Sue-no-Sue Kamaato Said to be a kiln using in the Heian period (794-1185 A.D.) to fire Seto Ware pottery. High- quality pottery has been produced in the Setouchi region since ancient times. - Fireworks Festival In Ogori, Yamaguchi, fireworks festivals have been held since the Meiji period (1868-1912 AD). Nowadays, a large-scale fireworks festival is held at Fushinogawahigashitsu Kasen Park in southern Yamaguchi. Summary of Southern Yamaguchi Photo:Osaba Hachiman, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture Access to Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, is convenient from Yamaguchi Station on the JR West Line and Shin-Yamaguchi Station on the Sanyo Shinkansen. Many places and events are introduced in the video. There are some seasonal events as well, so please check the brochure or the official website of Yamaguchi City for details. 【Official Website】Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.yamaguchi.lg.jp/site/userguide/11129.html 【Tripadvisor】Yamaguchi City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298142-Yamaguchi_Yamaguchi_Prefecture_Chugoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:22
Enjoy the Beautiful Scenery of Yamaguchi Prefecture! These Photos Will Take Your Breath Away! Check Out the Amazing Sightseeing Spots, Gourmet Food, and Natural Scenery That Will Give You a Glimpse of the History That Has Made Japan What It Is Today!
Local PR Travel- 63 plays
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人気の観光スポット山口県の魅力たっぷりの動画を紹介 こちらの動画は「山口県観光動画集」が公開した「山口県観光PR動画|ダイジェスト版(ロングVer )」です。 明治維新の策源地となった山口県は、現在の日本の礎を作った歴史を垣間見ることができる観光地が多く存在している。 2015年に世界遺産に登録された「明治日本の産業革命遺産」は、日本の産業革命に大きく貢献した歴史的・文化的な建造物である。 九州エリアを中心に全23資産が世界遺産に登録されたが、山口県でも「萩反射炉」「恵美須ヶ鼻造船所跡」「大板山たたら製鉄遺跡」「萩城下町」「松下村宿」が世界遺産となった。 なかでも「萩城下町」「松下村宿」は明治維新で活躍した幕末志士たちの軌跡を辿ることができるおすすめの観光地である。 人気の観光スポット山口県には歴史的な雰囲気を楽しめる観光地がたくさん 山口県には世界遺産だけでなく、歴史の深い観光地がいくつもある。 なかでも山口県岩国市の錦川にかかる「錦帯橋」は日本三名橋・日本三大奇橋に数えられる人気の観光スポットだ。 錦帯橋の近くには「岩国城」もあり、「岩国城」から見下ろす景色は、まさに絶景である。 他にも、岬にずらりと並ぶ鳥居が幻想的な「元乃隅稲成神社」(山口県長門市)や特別天然記念物「秋吉台」「秋芳洞」(山口県美祢市)では、まるで異世界に来たかのような感覚を味わうことができる観光地だ。 また、山口県下関市の関門海峡には、多くの日本人に愛される剣豪「宮本武蔵」と「佐々木小次郎」が決闘を行ったという「巌流島(船島)」がある。 ここでは毎年5月に行われる「しものせき海峡まつり」のイベントの一環で決闘の再現も行っている。 人気の観光スポット山口県には家族で楽しめるレジャー施設もある 家族で山口県に旅行をする際におすすめのレジャー施設が「ときわ公園」だ。 この施設は、東京ドーム40個分の広大な公園であり、園内では日本の四季に合わせた色鮮やかな花々に囲まれ自然を満喫することができる。 また園内には動物園、遊園地、植物園が併設されているので子どもと一緒に楽しむことができるのも魅力的だ。 その他にも彫刻広場や「石炭記念館」などの大人だけでも楽しめる施設もあるので、山口県で旅先に迷ったら「ときわ公園」に行けば楽しめること間違いなし。 人気の観光スポット山口県のグルメといえば「ふく料理」 山口県でも最も有名なグルメと言えば「ふく料理」だろう。 山口県下関市で取れたフグを使った料理は、刺し身で食べられることが多く、一度食べたら忘れられない食感が特徴的だ。 山口県に来たらぜひとも地酒とともに食したい一品である。 また山口県下関市発祥の「瓦そば」は、熱した瓦の上に茶そばを盛り付ける特徴的な料理で、最近ではインスタ映えすると話題になった。 その他にも山口県岩国市周辺で作られている「岩国寿司」は、地元の美味しい食材を使った郷土料理だ。 地元の人々はお祝いの席などで食べることが多く、豪華絢爛な美しい見た目は観光客にも人気である。 人気の観光スポット山口県のお土産には「萩焼」がおすすめ 山口県は産業革命・明治維新とともに発展した地域であり、現在でも当時の痕跡が色濃く残っている。歴史深い文化も多く見られる。 山口県萩市一帯で作られている伝統工芸「萩焼」は、お茶を嗜む者ならだれでも知っているほど有名な陶器である。 素朴な日本らしい雰囲気でありながら、お茶に映える鮮やかな色の茶碗は、現在でも多くの愛用者が居るほどだ。 山口県に旅行に行った際には、「萩焼」をお土産に選んでみてはいかがだろうか。 喜ばれること間違いなしだ。 人気の観光スポット山口県紹介まとめ 山口県は飛行機を使った空路、新幹線や高速道路をつかった陸路、フェリーを使った海路などさまざまな手段で日本中どこからも観光に訪れることができる。 関西や九州に住んでいる方々なら車で日帰り旅行も視野に入るほどアクセスしやすいので、ぜひ山口県へ観光に訪れてみてはいかがだろうか。 -
Video article 5:08
Iwakuni City in Yamaguchi Prefecture Is a Wonderful Sightseeing Spot Where You Can Feel the Nature, Traditions and Atmosphere of Japan. Enjoy the Cormorant Fishing and Fireworks Display That You Can Experience on Kintai Bridge, One of the Three Most Famous Bridges in Japan!
Local PR Travel- 38 plays
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山口県岩国市の「錦帯橋の鵜飼」とは? 「岩本カメラ」が制作する「岩国市 観光 錦帯橋の鵜飼」では、日本の伝統漁法である鵜飼を中心に山口県岩国市の観光スポットを紹介しています。 緑豊かな山々に囲まれた土地で体験できるイベントはとても魅力的。 動画を見たら岩国市に行ってみたいと思うはずです! 「錦帯橋の鵜飼」で有名な山口県岩国市はどんな場所? 山口県の岩国市は緑が豊かな自然に囲まれた観光地です。 雄大な山々や穏やかに流れる錦川など風情のある景観は心を穏やかにしてくれます。 岩国市の名所といえば日本三名橋に選ばれている錦帯橋が挙げられるでしょう。 錦帯橋は国内屈指の木造橋で、遊覧船や川岸から見られる独特な風景には目を奪われます。 伝統工法の木組みによって支えられる歴史ある橋は、岩国市を旅行したら必ずおさえておきたいスポットです。 また、岩国市は8月になると錦川水の祭典で花火大会が行われ、多くの観光客が訪れます。 美しい自然に溢れる公園や温泉など魅力が盛りだくさん。 歴史的な建造物が見られる吉香公園は桜の名所として有名で、お花見の季節になると多くの人で賑わいます。 こちらの動画でも岩国市の自然や錦帯橋などが美しい映像で見ることができますよ。 山口県の「錦帯橋の鵜飼」で伝統行事の風景を楽しむ 動画の2:03より紹介されている錦帯橋の鵜飼は、日本の伝統的な漁法です。 美しい日本の原風景を見ることができるので、観覧客がたくさん訪れます。 篝火(かがりび)で照らし出された錦川で、烏帽子の伝統装束姿の鵜匠が鵜を見事に操り、鮎を捕獲していく様子は幻想的な美しさがあります。 夏の風物詩と言われる錦帯橋の鵜飼は、神秘的でインスタ映えする写真がたくさん撮れるはずですよ。 山口県岩国市で人気のイベントやおすすめスポット 山口県岩国市には錦帯橋の鵜飼以外にも、楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 動画の3:21より紹介されている花火大会は迫力満天の人気のイベント。 周りの美しい景色と一緒に楽しめる花火大会は贅沢な気分に浸れます。 岩国市を観光するなら岩国城も必見でしょう。 岩国城では錦帯橋を一望することができるのでご覧になってみてください。 山口県岩国市「錦帯橋の鵜飼」のまとめ 日本らしい風情のある景観を楽しめる山口県岩国市。 日本の伝統的な漁法である鵜飼を見るのもよし、日本三名橋のひとつである錦帯橋の独自の景観を楽しむのもよし、花火大会で絶景を楽しむのもよしと、岩国市でしか体験できないイベント・景色を楽しめます。 ぜひ動画を参考に山口県を訪ねてみてはいかがでしょう? -
Video article 4:13
Nishiki, Yamaguchi Is a Museum of Nature! Spend a Relaxing Time in a Town Where You Can Enjoy the Essence of Nature...
Local PR Travel- 68 plays
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山口県岩国市錦町紹介動画について こちらの動画は「錦川観光協会」が公開した「岩国市錦町(にしきまち)観光PR動画」です。 山口県岩国市は瀬戸内海に面し、錦帯橋を始めとするおすすめスポットが多数点在するエリアです。 その中で今回の動画では山あいにある錦町を紹介します。 皆さんもこの動画をご覧になれば山口県岩国市錦町のファンになるでしょう。 山口県の錦町は滝の宝庫!日本を実感できる観光ができる! 今回の舞台は山口県岩国市にある錦川の上流にある錦町。 この山口県岩国市錦町には五竜の滝があり多くの観光客が訪れています。 竜頭の滝、龍門の滝、白竜の滝、登竜の滝、竜尾の滝と五竜の滝が山口県岩国市錦町訪れた観光客を楽しませてくれます。 滝の下流にある宇佐川は山口県を代表する清流としても有名。 宇佐川に住む鮎は全国の鮎の中でも最上級とされています。 また、錦川には日本の特別天然記念物オオサンショウウオも生息。 オオサンショウウオ目当てに山口県岩国市錦町へ観光で訪れる人も多くいます。 山口県岩国市錦町の中心観光地が昔ながらの日本の街並み!錦町駅前を歩いてみよう! 山口県岩国市錦町へ訪れたら錦川清流線の終点、錦町駅周辺を観光してみてはいかがですか。 駅前には広瀬映画館資料館やお菓子の館といった日本の昔ながらの風景が多数あります。 また、山口県を代表する温泉地雙津峡(そうづきょう)温泉にも足を運んでみてはどうでしょうか。 雙津峡温泉までは「とことこトレイン」が走り、温泉までの道のりには絶景の数々。 特にきらら夢トンネルは観光客を魅了します。 紅葉の時期は木谷峡も穴場スポットして有名です。 錦川清流線の車窓は日本の絶景!電車に乗って山口県の錦町を観光へ! 山口県岩国市錦町への観光は、JR山陽本線の岩国駅から錦川清流線で訪れることができます。 錦川清流線の車窓からは多くの絶景を楽しめます。 錦川沿いを走り景色を眺めながら錦町へ。 のんびりした電車旅も日本観光の思い出となることでしょう。 山口県岩国市錦町紹介まとめ こちらの動画では山口県岩国市錦町を紹介いたしました。 皆さんも山口県岩国市錦町の美しさへ魅了されたのではないでしょうか。 山口県は日本でも自然豊かな人気の観光スポットが豊富です。 皆さんも山口県の岩国市錦町へ訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 4:03
Travel Back in Time to Japan’s Warring States Period! Historical Reenactments at the Shimonoseki Straits and Genpei Festivals of Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi!
Festivals & Events History Traditional Culture- 166 plays
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Video introduction to the Shimonoseki Straits Festival "Genpei Festival This video, titled "The Official Video of the Genpei Festival - Shimonoseki Straits Festival" )【公式】しものせき海峡まつり 源平まつり), was released by the city of Shimonoseki. The 4-minute video introduces highlights of the 2017 Genpei Matsuri ritual and other events, set to a solemn tune. What is the Shimonoseki Straits Festival "Genpei Festival"? What are the dates of the festival? Located at the westernmost tip of the Main Island, Shimonoseki in Yamaguchi Prefecture features a historical site where the famous sea battle "Dan-no-ura" occurred in 1185. At the Shimonoseki Straits Festival, annually scheduled from May 2nd-4th, performers with authentic clothing produce a surreal sight, as if the illustrations from the ancient scrolls are coming to life before our very eyes. The highlight of the festival is "Genpei Festival" on May 3 held at Kanmon Straits where the famous sea battle occurred. The warriors' parade, the reenactment of the sea battle of Dan-no-ura, and the archery battle between the warring clans (one scene from Studio Ghibli's Pompoko explicitly references this battle), and Senteisai (loosely translated as the "former emperor festival" and is held to commemorate the child Emperor Antoku who drowned at Dan-no-ura), attract a great number of onlookers. The video leads us over to the city where performers wearing the medieval costumes fill the streets. Enjoy your journey back in time through the video! Genpei Samurai Procession, a highlight of the Genpei Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Genpei Festival is preceded by "Senteisai", where a ritual is held to offer prayers to the shrine in order to appease the soul of Emperor Antoku's. Samurai, courtesans, and adorable child soldiers are separated into the Genji and Heike clans and parade throughout the city. From 0:09, the video allows us a glance at the elaborate preparation process that turns the performers into historical characters, and at 1:26the parade begins. The parade depicts the two warring clans marching to the battlefield. The vigorous war cries of the warring clans captivate onlookers. Genpei Boat Battle, a highlight of the Genpei Festival Source :YouTube screenshot From 1:37 is the majestic reenactment of the climatic sea battle. The presence of historical characters such as the legendary monk warrior Benkei, the heroin Shizuka Gozen, and the child Emperor Antoku on the boats portraying the scene, energizes the event. The spectacular reenactment, with a fleet of about 200 ships sailed out on the wild waves, will definitely look great on Instagram. A series of events associated with the Genpei war take place on the main stage and the dance of the 5 gorgeous courtesans closes the performance. The main stage performances are introduced from 3:00. Festival performers are chosen from the public submissions. Summary of the Shimonoseki Straits and Genpei Festivals The video guides us through the Shimonoseki Straits Festival where one can experience one of Japan's most historically significant events. Enjoy time traveling back to the 12th century with this video! The main venues at the Genpei Festival are the Akama Shrine and Shimaitoshi Square. Transportation is blocked at some parts of the city during the festival, so we recommend checking the event schedule in advance if you're planning on using it. -
Video article 2:25
Kintaikyo Bridge in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi. The Mystical Scenery of the 350-Year-Old Bridge Floating Under the Summer Night-Sky, Lit up by Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing, Is a Must-See!
Local PR Art & Architecture Travel- 284 plays
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Kintaikyo Bridge & Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing Introductory Video This video is created by "Explore HIROSHIMA: Hiroshima City Regional Area Official Tourism Website" to introduce Yamaguchi prefecture's Kintaikyo Bridge and Iwakuni cormorant fishing. Kintaikyo (Kintai) Bridge, located in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan's Chugoku region, is known as one of Japan's "Three famous bridges," and is also one of Japan's "Three strangest bridges." This video will show the beauty of the historic, Japanese bridge "Kintaikyo." Iwakuni cormorant fishing is also introduced towards the end of the video (2:00). Sit back, relax, and enjoy the stunning Kintaikyo bridge. About Kintaikyo Bridge Photo:Kintaikyo Bridge Kintaikyo Bridge is a wooden bridge over the Nishiki Seiryu river located in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi prefecture in the Chugoku region of Japan. The bridge was first built in 1673 by Iwakuni domain's, Kikkawa Hiroyoshi. The bridge is known as one of Japan's "Three famous bridges" followed by Nihonbashi (Chuoku, Tokyo) and Meganebashi (Nagasaki City, Nagasaki). Also, the bridge is known as one of Japan's "Three strange bridges" due to its peculiar structure, followed by Saruhashi (Katsuragawa, Yamanashi) and Aimotobashi (Kurobegawa, Toyama). Kintaikyo Bridge had other names such as "Ryouunbashi," "Goryubashi," "Taiunbashi," "Sorobanbashi." It is now referred to as the "miraculous bridge". The bridge is 193.3 meters long, 5 meters wide, and has a five-layered arch form that stretches across 4 stone piers. The main structure was built without using a single nail, using braided wood joinery techniques such as joints and fittings, and is a very rare piece of architecture. This Japanese craftsmanship can be seen in the video at 0:23. The Kintaikyo Bridge was washed away by floods many times in the past. To solve this issue, the bridge was built in an arch form based on the "Seiko Yuranshi," a Chinese drawing depicting a flock of birds and a bridge. The bridge is made using several kinds of Japanese woods based on their different traits. There is red pine, cypress, zelkova, chestnut, oak and hiba. Although reconstruction has been done numerous times, the stone pier and pavement are still the one's from the original construction. The area around Kintaikyo Bridge is famous for its cherry blossoms, which have been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom sites in Japan, and you can also enjoy the autumn colors here. Many tourists visit to see the contrast of the historical bridge and the surrounding natural scenery. Foreign tourists often visit in the cherry blossom season to enjoy Hanami (flower viewing). The entry fee for the bridge is 310 Yen for adults and 150 Yen for children (*2019 Dec.). It's approximately 15-20 mins by bus from JR Iwakuni Station. The Iwakuni Kintaikyo Bridge airport is also nearby, and it has 5 round trip flights/day to Haneda Airport. Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing Photo:Cormorant fishing As shown in the video (~2:00), cormorant fishing is a method used to catch sweetfish. You can watch the cormorant fishing under the summer night sky on a sightseeing boat or from the Kintaikyo bridge. The illuminated bridge, the bonfire on the cormorant boats, and the cormorant fishermen's sophisticated work creates a magical scene. There are package plans that go with lunch and dinner too, so be sure to check them out. Cormorant fishing has a long history. It is listed in two of Japan's oldest historical documents, the "Nihon Shoki," and "Kojiki." This fishing method is still used in places like Nagaragawa (Gifu), Ujigawa (Kyoto), and Kisogawa (Aichi) near Nagoya. Tourist spots near Kintaikyo Bridge Photo:Iwakuni Castle There are several spots you must visit when going to Kintaikyo Bridge in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi. First, cross Kintaikyo Bridge and you'll reach the Iwakuni Castle Ropeway (1:07) in about 10 mins. From there hop on the ropeway to see a beautiful view of Iwakuni and Iwakuni Castle, known as one of Japan's "Top 100 Castles" (1:11). Iwakuni Castle was built by Hiroie Kikkawa, the first lord of the Iwakuni domain in Suo Province. In 1615, only seven years after the castle was built, it was demolished in 1615 in accordance with the Edo shogunate's "One Domain, One Castle" decree, but in 1962, the current castle tower was rebuilt. The whole view of Iwakuni, including Kintaikyo Bridge can be seen from the castle tower. As you can see in the video (1:44), the view is absolutely amazing and makes for a great Instagram location. The embankment has been remade as Kikko Park. Iwakuni also has the Iwakuni White Snake Museum, which was built to raise and protect the lucky white snake that lives only in Iwakuni and is designated as a protected species by the Japanese government. Next to the museum, there's Iwakuni White Snake Temple, a famous temple to receive economic fortune. It was established in 2012 and is also a famous tourist spot. In Iwakuni's biggest event, Iwakuni Festival, a huge paper decorated with white snake is paraded through the city to give people economic fortune. The Nishiki River Fireworks Festival, which shoots off about 6,000 fireworks against the backdrop of the Kintaikyo Bridge, is another popular event where you can enjoy food stalls and Iwakuni drums. Don't forget about food and Onsen to relax on your trip. "Sasakiya Kojiro Shouten" and "Takenosato Musashi" featured on TV and other media is located nearby. At these shops, named after the great swordsmen, Musashi Miyamoto and Kojiro Sasaki, we definitely recommend you taste the ice cream. Near the Kintaikyo Bridge, tourists can enjoy great food, including Japanese cuisine, traditional Japanese candy, udon, tea stores to have lunch at, and other places to eat around. Summary What'd you think of this article introducing Iwakuni's Kintaikyo Bridge and cormorant fishing? After watching the video we hope we've sparked your interest in Yamaguchi. There are more videos to see the amazing scenery of the bridge and cormorant fishing; Be sure to check them out while you get ready for your trip to Iwakuni! ◆Kintaikyo Bridge Facilities◆ 【Address】 Iwakuni, Iwakuni-shi, Yamaguchi Prefecture 741-0062 Japan 【Access】 15 mins walk from Kawanishi Station (Gantoku Line) 【Price】Adults: 310 Yen / Children: 150 Yen (Dec. 2019) 【Hours】All-day 【Closures】None 【Parking】Kintaikyo Shimogawara Parking Area / Yokoyama Kasenjiki Ground Parking Area 【Telephone】0827-29-5107 【Official Website】Yamaguchi Prefecture, Iwakuni City Hall Website https://translate.google.co.jp/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ja&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.iwakuni.lg.jp%2F&edit-text= 【Official Website】Iwakuni City Tourism Promotion Section Website "Iwakuni tabi-no-kakehashi" http://honyaku.j-server.com/LUCIWAKUNI/ns/tl.cgi/http%3a//kankou.iwakuni-city.net/?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XCHARSET=utf-8&XJSID=0 -
Video article 3:40
A 300+ Meter Long Supermassive Cargo Ship Crosses the Kanmon Straits! You'll Be Absolutely Amazed at the Huge Hull in the Video!
Transportation- 24 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Massive Ship] ORIHIME|Ore Carrier|Nippon Yusen NYK|Kanmon Straits 2016-OCT" ([巨大船] ORIHIME 鉄鉱石船 Ore carrier 日本郵船 NYK 関門海峡 2016-OCT), was released by "JG2AS." Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) is a Japanese shipping company and cruise ship operator. As you can see in the video, ORIHIME, the NYK ore carrier, is massive. It's 330 meters long, 57 meters wide, and weighs 132,464 tons. The ORIHIME travels to Australia and other countries to transport overseas ore to Japan. This video was shot at the Kanmon Straits. You'll often see huge ships like ORIHIME docked at ports around Japan, so be sure to keep an eye out for them when you're at the docks. -
Video article 2:01
Tsunoshima Bridge and the Beauty of the Blue Sea in Yamaguchi Prefecture Are Mesmerizing. The Beautiful Cobalt Blue Sea Is Invigorating!
Travel- 194 plays
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コバルトブルーの海が広がる山口県角島大橋をご紹介! 日本で綺麗な海を観賞して、いい旅の思い出を残したいと思っている方はいませんか? そのような方々に、今回は山口県の観光名所である角島大橋を紹介したいと思います。 角島大橋は、南国のようなエメラルドグリーンの海をゆったり眺められる最高のスポットです。 この記事では、「絶景プロデューサーShiho / 詩歩山口」が公開した「夏の香りが残る角島大橋の絶景(山口県)/Tsunohima Bridge(Yamaguchi, Japan)」という動画をもとに、人気の観光エリアである角島大橋の魅力や周辺のおすすめスポットを解説しています。 日本のおすすめの観光地である山口の角島大橋とは力 日本のおすすめの観光地である角島大橋は、山口県の日本海に浮かぶ角島と下関市豊北町との間の海士ヶ瀬戸に架かる橋です。 全長1780mの長さがある離島架橋で、日本屈指のドライブスポットとしてかなり人気のある橋となっています。 まわりは一面コバルトブルーの綺麗な海が広がっており、絶景スポットとしても有名。 南国のような雰囲気のある角島大橋でのドライブは爽快で、ずっとドライブしていたい気分になる最高の景勝地です。 日本の観光地である山口の角島大橋のおすすめスポット 日本の観光地である山口の角島大橋には、素晴らしい景観を楽しめる穴場スポットがあります。 まずは、南側展望台がおすすめです。 南側展望台はコバルトブルーの山口の海の美しさを堪能できる展望台で、とても人気の撮影スポットとなっています。 角島大橋の正面高台から見る海も、おすすめの撮影スポット。 どこまでも続く長い橋のまわりには綺麗な海が広がっており、とても爽快感のある風景になっています。 近くにある海ヶ瀬公園駐車場から撮影スポットに行くことができます。 南国のような自然を楽しめる角島大橋。 人気のバスツアーにもなっているので、気になる方は参加してみましょう! 日本のおすすめの観光地である山口の角島大橋の魅力 日本のおすすめの観光地である山口の角島大橋の魅力は、なんといっても南国のような綺麗な海でしょう。 「死ぬまでに行きたい!世界の絶景」の3位にも選ばれたことがあり、透明度の高いエメラルドグリーンの海を目当てにさまざまな観光客が訪れます。 角島はテレビCMや映画のロケ地にも使われたことがあり、ロケ地巡りもおすすめ。 角島大橋を観光すれば、自然を満喫できしながら心身ともに癒やされる旅行になるはずです。 日本のおすすめの観光地である山口の角島大橋の紹介まとめ 南国のような海を楽しめる角島大橋。 自然の美しさを堪能したい方はぜひ観光してみてください。 -
Video article 9:14
Check Out the Steam Locomotive "SL Yamaguchi-Go," AKA "Lady," as She Thunders Along! All About the SL Yamaguchi-Go Running on the Yamaguchi Line!
Transportation- 429 plays
- YouTube
Introducing "Lady" "C571 SL Yamaguchi-go - Lady's return!- 2019 Oct 19-20(C571 SLやまぐち号 【貴婦人完全復活!】 2019.10.19-20)" is a 4K video that captures the steam train that runs between Shin-Yamaguchi Station and Tsuwano (Yamaguchi Prefecture) on the JR West Yamaguchi Line. In 2019, SL Yamaguchi-go celebrated its 40th anniversary since its return. A commemorative event held at the relevant stations and in the train, attracted many fans. The old-fashioned steam train chugging along with smoke coming out of its stack, its whistle, and the steam shooting out the side is spectacular to watch. Enjoy the video of the retro-chic locomotive train. About the Steam Locomotive, SL Yamaguchi-go Photo:The SL Yamaguchi-go C571 The steam train C571 was withdrawn from mainline service in 1965, but made a comeback in 1979 owing to the passionate requests from local enthusiasts and steam locomotive fans. As of November 2019, it runs between Shin-Yamaguchi and Tsuwano that takes about 2 hours and only runs on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays. This elegant machine is popularly known as "Lady". Steam Locomotives are powered by a steam engine: The water contained in a boiler turns into steam when heated, and creates high pressure. Because of this, steam locomotives puff black smoke and big gray clouds of steam when they depart (seen in the video from 1:21). The video shows the SL Yamaguchi-go running through the autumn landscapes in the area stretching between Yamaguchi city and Tsuwano. Cosmos flowers swaying in the wind along the track present an astonishing coincidence of mixed colors, making a fine contrast with the black body of the steam train (from 6:25). You can take beautiful pictures of the SL Yamaguchi-go when it crosses Tsuwano Bridge, or passes by Honmonmae Crossing, Nakaza Crossing, or Nayoshi District. The impressive sight of the train making a turn on the railway turntable also offers a perfect photo opportunity. The SL Yamaguchi-go typically pulls 5 coaches, but occasionally gets double-headed with another steam locomotive, D51200 (Degoichi) -
Video article 15:25
Rare Glimpses Into the Production Process of the Popular Japanese Sake "Dassai"! Enjoy a Glass of the Finest Sake to Show Your Gratitude to the Hardworking Sake Artisans
Things to Do Food & Drink- 24 plays
- YouTube
Visit the Sake Brewery in Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Where They Make Top-Shelf Sake, "Dassai"! This video takes you on a tour of the brewery where the famous sake "Dassai" is made in Yamaguchi Prefecture. In this video, Kazuhiro Sakurai, President of Asahi Shuzo, gives us a tour of the brewery. Check out the video to see the making of Yamaguchi Prefecture's signature sake, "Dassai." 【Official Homepage】The Brewery of Dassai|Asahi Shuzo https://www.asahishuzo.ne.jp/en/