Video article 6:47
Gagaku (traditional Japanese court music) performance during the Sakura Festival (Cherry Blossom Festival) at the Fujiyama Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine in Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture! Watch a video of the elegant Kagura "Hoei no Mai" (Dance of Prosperity)!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 311 plays
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Toyosaka no Mai (Toyosaka Dance)" at the Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Blossom Festival) Gagaku Concert! The video, titled "Toyosaka no Mai Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert 2018" (豊栄の舞 さくらまつり雅楽演奏会2018), was released by "YAKISOBA1BAN." It shows a performance of Gagaku, a traditional Japanese performing art. The performance featured in the video is "Toyosaka no Mai" at the 2018 Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, in Japan's Tokai region. The musical performance by the Ohito Gagaku Ensemble (大仁雅楽会) at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine's main shrine is very elegant. Gagaku and Other Traditional Japanese Cultures Photo:Noh Japan has a variety of traditional music and dance cultures, including the well known Noh and Kyogen. Some of the notable traditions are the dedication of Bugaku and Kagura (Shinto music) performed with an accompaniment of Gagaku music at traditional festivals held in various regions of Japan. Gagaku (traditional Japanese court music) and Kagura are traditional cultures that have been handed down in Japan since ancient times as traditional music of the court. For those who are interested in Japan's beautiful Gagaku and Bugaku performances, we recommend visiting shrines and temples during traditional Japanese events, such as Hatsumode (New Year's visit), Setsubun, Ouka-Sai (桜花祭, Cherry blossom Festival), Nodate (an open‐air tea ceremony), and more. Toyosaka no Mai, the Gagaku Performance Shown in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot Toyosaka no Mai, the performance shown in the video, is a very joyful performance held in the spring. Women wearing red and white clothing, holding a sakaki or a flower of each of the four seasons, perform a dance to the accompaniment of a sho (a Japanese free reed flute), Hichiriki (a double reed Japanese flute), gaku biwa, Koto and other instruments. Miko (the shrine maidens) who perform Toyosaka no Mai, as shown at 0:44 in the video, spend countless hours practicing and mastering the dance before the actual performance. Let's go to the Sakura Festival Gagaku concert at Mt. Fuji Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine! Photo:Yabusame Mt. Fuji Honmiya Asama Taisha ShrineThe cherry blossoms in are sacred trees.The cherry blossoms of Mt. Fuji Honmiya Asama Taisha are sacred trees.Since the god of the festival is "Konohana no Sakuyabishime," about 500 cherry blossoms in the precincts are considered sacred and celebratory events are held. The cherry blossom festival starts at 9 a.m. on April 1.The Gagaku Concert, in which the kagura "Toyoei Mai" is dedicated, will also be held in front of the shrine from 17:30 on the same day.In addition, Noh (Kyogen) is dedicated, so there are many things to see. Cherry blossom lighting is usually done from late March to early April, when cherry blossoms are at their best.The expected cherry blossom day in Shizuoka prefecture in 2024 is March 22nd, so it seems a little earlier than usual. Summary of "Toyosaka no Mai" at the Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert Source :YouTube screenshot Toyosaka no Mai is a traditional performance that has been handed down in Japan since ancient times. The fantastic Bugaku performance under the cherry blossoms at night is so beautiful that you'll never get tired of watching it. If you'd like to learn more about traditional Japanese performing arts, be sure to check out the video to see all of the intricacies of the performance! -
Video article 7:04
The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Is a Popular Event in Izu, Shizuoka Where the Entire Town Is Dyed Pink With Cherry Blossoms. A Look at Izu's Beautiful Spring Scenery and Recommend Tourist Attractions!
Local PR Travel- 527 plays
- YouTube
About the Video of Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival If you're looking for a place where you can enjoy viewing cherry blossoms and feeling Japan's unique spring atmosphere, then look no further! There are many others just like yourself looking to relax among the cherry blossoms and enjoy the fresh spring breeze. Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival, held in Kawazu, Shizuoka Prefecture is a festival where you can do just that. The beautiful 4K footage allows you enjoy the blissful atmosphere of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. Be sure to follow along as you read this article! Izu's Popular Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Photo:Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival, held in Kawazu, Izu, is a beautiful festival where you can see the town of Kawazu covered with pink cherry blossoms. Kawazu Sakura is a type of cherry blossom tree that starts blooming earlier than most other cherry blossom trees, starting from around early February to early March. The origin of Kawazu cherry blossoms dates back to 1955, when one of the local townspeople found a tree growing amongst the weeds in his back yard. Back then the trees were called "Komine Sakura," but were renamed to ‘Kawazu Sakura’ in 1974. The Kawazu Sakura is characterized by its large petals and pink color, and when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, a flurry of falling cherry blossoms creates the most beautiful scenery. The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival is a popular festival that approximately one million tourists visit every year. People enjoy the festival by taking a walk along the river, or having a picnic in the park while drinking and enjoying food from food stands. It's often crowded so you might have to save a spot for a picnic beforehand. There are outhouses at the festival, along with regular restrooms throughout the park. Come experience the beautiful cherry blossoms at the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival! Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Schedule and Attractions to Enjoy Japanese Cherry Blossoms in Izu Source :YouTube screenshot The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Kawazu, Izu is a must-see festival for anyone interested in cherry blossoms or Japan's beautiful scenery. The cherry blossoms can be enjoyed in various ways depending on the location and time. There are approximately 8,000 cherry trees in Kawazu and about 850 along the Kawazu River. During full-bloom, these trees showcase the beauty of Kawazu. The one along the the Kawazu river are especially beautiful. You can enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms at full bloom along the river for more than 4 kilometers! We recommend that you try to find your own little secret spot to avoid the crowds. This video shows you the cherry blossoms in full bloom at various spots along the Kawazu River at 0:28. Was there anything that caught your eye? There are also places where the cherry blossoms are lit up at night as well. It's an impressive sight that you can only experience at night time. Be sure to check it out if you have the chance, as it's one of the best parts of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. There are also other cherry blossom festivals in the Kawazu area where you can see the cherry blossoms and rape blossoms in harmony with one another. The 2024 Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival will be held from February 1 to 29, 2024. Please check the official website for a map of stalls that will be available in late January 2024. Enjoy Authentic Japanese Cherry Blossoms in Kawazu Source :YouTube screenshot During the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Izu, there are several spots we recommend visiting to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms. As we mentioned above, one of the ways you can enjoy the cherry blossoms is with the illumination at night, shown at 5:02 in the video. Access to the cherry blossoms illumination is 20 minutes walking from Kawazu Station on the Izu Kyuko Line. It's an incredible scenec location, so don't forget to bring your camera! We also recommend going around and collecting your shuin stamp when visiting the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. There's a red stamp that's only available during the festival at Seisoku Temple nearby, so be sure not to miss it! Enjoying both the cherry blossoms and collecting your red seal stamps will make for an unforgettable trip. Summary of Izu's Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival The video, created by "Discover Nippon," is a beautiful 4K video that introduces the charm of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Izu. If you're curious about the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival after reading this article, be sure to check out the video! If you love cherry blossoms or spring in Japan, then you'll love this festival! Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Kawazu! 【Official Website】Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Info|Official Website https://www.kawazuzakura.net/ 【Official Website】Kawazu, Kamogun, Shizuoka, Japan Town Official Website http://www.town.kawazu.shizuoka.jp/ -
Video article 3:30
The Cherry Blossoms at the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival in Hirosaki, Aomori, Said to Be the Best in Japan, Are Sure to Look Great on Instagram! Enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival With 3 Million Visitors, Where 'Hatsune Miku' Was Appointed as the Official Supporting Character!
Nature- 414 plays
- YouTube
青森県の日本一の桜まつり「弘前さくらまつり」を紹介 こちらの動画は「shota odagiri」さんが公開した「SAKURA 日本一の桜まつり青森県弘前市【HD】」です。 日本の春を代表する桜! 青森県弘前市にある弘前城周辺でおこなわれる弘前さくらまつりはソメイヨシノを始めとして数々の桜が百花繚乱のごとく咲き乱れ、毎年弘前公園には全国から訪れる数多くのお花見目当ての観光客で賑わいます。 本州最北端の地、青森県で咲く桜 桜前線の北上に伴い青森県弘前城周辺では4月下旬頃に開花予想が出されます。 弘前公園内には、ソメイヨシノを中心に、シダレザクラ、八重桜など、約50種類2,600本の桜が咲き誇ります。 日本一と言われる弘前さくらまつりの桜たちは一つの花芽からいくつもの花が咲き、もこもこの迫力のある花付きが特徴と言われています。 弘前さくらまつりの終盤になると弘前城周辺のお堀にはたくさんの桜の花びらが浮かび、この光景を「花筏(はないかだ)」「桜の絨毯」と呼び、壮大な景観の花筏が楽しめます。 2019年から2年間は弘前さくらまつり公式応援キャラクターにボーカロイドの「桜ミク(初音ミク)」が選ばれ、祭りをより一層盛り上げています。 弘前さくらまつり情報紹介 弘前市は青森県最大の都市で四季折々の自然が楽しめる観光地です。 春は桜、夏のねぷた祭り、秋は菊と紅葉が特に有名で、この弘前さくらまつりの日程は毎年4月23日〜5月5日の期間に開催されています。 弘前さくらまつりは非常に長い歴史があり1889年から続く伝統のお祭りです。 期間中は日没から23時までライトアップされ夜桜見物を楽しむ観光客であふれます。 弘前さくらまつりには出店や屋台もたくさん並びますので絶景とグルメを一緒に楽しむことができます。 弘前さくらまつりが開かれている弘前公園までのアクセスは以下のとおりです。 ・東京からお越しの方:東京→はやて(3時間20分)→新青森→特急つがる(30分)→弘前→路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・大阪からお越しの方:大阪→のぞみ(2時間30分)→新青森→東京→はやて(3時間20分)→新青森→特急つがる(30分)→弘前→路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・羽田空港から飛行機でお越しの方:羽田空港(1時間15分)→青森空港→バス(55分)→弘前路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・伊丹空港から飛行機でお越しの方:伊丹空港(1時間30分)→青森空港→バス(55分)→弘前路線バス「弘前公園」下車 なお駐車場は完備されていますが、大変混雑いたしますので弘前駅からバスをご利用ください。 弘前さくらまつり期間中は20:00まで特別便を増発して運行します。 弘前さくらまつり紹介まとめ JR弘前駅ではおすすめ情報満載の観光ガイドを無料配布していますのでご活用ください。 また全国の旅行代理店で弘前さくらまつりツアーが催行されますのでホテルと交通がパックになったお得な観光ツアーをご利用ください。 是非日本一の桜を弘前さくらまつりでお楽しみください。 -
Text only
Cherry Blossoms in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Amazing Views of Cherry Blossoms, from Castles and Temples to Rows of Cherry Blossom!
Nature Travel Festivals & Events- 349 views
COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is always holding photo contests. Cherry blossoms have always been a source of comfort and relaxation for those who see them, and here we'll introduce collaborations of cherry blossoms with stunning architecture and spectacular views that can only be seen in Japan, as well as highlights of famous places and tips for any photographers. COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Cherry Blossoms in Past Photo Contests Cherry Blossoms at Oide Park Himeji Castle Ogawa, Nagano Cherry Blossoms at Rokudo Bank Daigo Sakura Fuji Motosuko Resort Tsuruga Castle Shinjuku Gyoen Kawazu Cherry Blossoms Sogenji Temple - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Cherry Blossoms in Past Photo Contests This time, from among the many works that convey the charms of Japan, we've selected beautiful photos of cherry blossoms of all different varieties. We'll also introduce highlights for each area and photography tips. COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 山本 こころ Location: Oide Park (Hakuba, Nagano) Highlights and Photography Tips for Oide Park, a Famous Place for Cherry Blossoms Oide Park, a famous place for viewing cherry blossoms in Hakuba, Nagano, was developed over a period of five years by the local residents and Hakuba Village. The scenery changes from season to season, but the cherry blossom season is the most photogenic and recommended season to visit. From the observation deck at Oide Park, visitors can see cherry blossoms along the riverside, fresh green grass, the Oide no Tsuribashi Suspension Bridge over the clear stream of Himekawa River, and the snowy Hakuba Sanzan (three peaks of Hakuba), making it a popular photography spot. A Video Article About Hakuba Village in Nagano Prefecture Video article 1:55 Enjoy the Gorgeous Views of the Glorious Northern Alps of Hakuba Village! This Video Features the Unparalleled Views of the Northern Alps’ Sea of Clouds, and Star Sprinkled Sky; Sights You Can’t Experience Anywhere Else YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: okayamanosimin Location: Himeji Castle (Himeji, Hyogo) Highlights and Photography Tips for Himeji Castle In the spring, someiyoshino cherry trees and weeping cherry trees can be seen blooming at Himeji Castle, a famous tourist attraction, attracting visitors to the castle. There are many places to see, such as Sannomaru Square, Nishinomaru Garden, Princess Sen Peony Garden, and Shirotopia Memorial Park on the north side of the castle! You can take pictures of the cherry blossoms and the main keep from various angles. The red Shiromi Bridge over the inner moat in the east and the south of the zoo where visitors can take pictures of the main keep over the Japanese-style sightseeing boats are popular photo spots. A Video Article About Himeji Castle, the "White Heron" Castle of Hyogo Prefecture Video article 3:29 Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms of Hyogo Prefecture at Himeji Castle, Japan's First World Cultural Heritage Site! The Contrast Between the White Himeji Castle and the Pink Cherry Blossoms Will Leave You Speechless! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Lily0321 Location: Ogawa Village (Nagano Prefecture) Highlights and Photography Tips for Ogawa Village The village of Ogawa in Nagano Prefecture is often called one of the most beautiful villages in Japan. Located in the mountains with a view of the majestic Northern Alps, Ogawa has some of the best spots for photographing cherry blossoms. The most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Ogawa Village are Bansho no Sakura, a 70-year-old benishidare (a type of weeping cherry tree) on Mt. Sakura (桜山, Sakurayama), Tachiya no Sakura, a 300-year-old edohigan (another type of cherry tree), and Nitanda no Sakura, where many cherry trees bloom on the hillside. Visitors can take a tour of the cherry blossoms in Ogawa and capture the contrast between the cherry blossoms, the snowy Northern Alps of Japan, and the blue sky all in one shot! A Video Article About Mt. Yoshino Video article 5:49 Enjoy the Mystical Beauty of Mount Yoshino, a World Heritage Site in Nara Prefecture, Brimming With Beautiful Cherry Blossoms! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 平岩 蘭 Location: Cherry Blossoms at Rokudo Bank (Nagano Prefecture) Highlights and Photography Tips for Rokudo Bank, a Popular Tourist Attraction Rokudo Bank is a cherry blossom viewing spot located near Takato Joshi Park, a tourist attraction in Ina, Nagano. Approximately 120 cherry trees can be seen blooming on the bank of this agricultural reservoir. Visitors can enjoy a variety of compositions, such as a tunnel of cherry blossoms and cherry blossoms reflecting on the surface of the water. Under a blue sky, visitors can capture a well-balanced photo of the snowy Alpine mountains, the cherry blossoms, and the surface of the water. Originally, this was a hidden gem amongst the local residents. Please be sure to exercise good manners in order to preserve the beautiful scenery. A Video Article About Rokudo Bank in Nagano Prefecture Video article 3:04 A Breathtaking Sea of Blooming Cherry Blossoms! Rokudo Bank in Nagano Prefecture Is a Place That Should Be on Your Bucket List! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: kazu Location: Daigo Sakura (Maniwa, Okayama) Highlights and Photography Tips for Daigo Sakura, a Popular Tourist Attraction Daigo Sakura in Maniwa, Okayama, is a large cherry tree said to be over 1,000 years old. It was praised by Emperor Godaigo in the Kamakura period. It is designated as a natural monument by Okayama Prefecture and has been selected as one of the "Top 100 Famous Trees of New Japan. Standing on a small hill, the Daigo Sakura is a large tree with branches stretching 20 meters in all directions, and stands 18 meters tall. The composition of the divine cherry tree, which has been carefully protected as a sacred tree by the local residents, along with the vast sky is a powerful sight. During the blooming period, the cherry blossoms are illuminated from sunset to 9:00 p.m., creating an even more photogenic scene. A Video Article About Yubara Onsen in Okayama Prefecture Video article 9:41 Yubara Onsen in Maniwa, Okayama Is a Tourist Spot With a Variety of Seasonal Attractions! The Different Faces of Nature Will Create Lifelong Memories! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Phúc Jindo Location: Fuji Motosuko Resort (Yamanashi Prefecture) Highlights and Photography Tips for Fuji Motosuko Resort, a Popular Tourist Attraction The Fuji Shibazakura Festival held at Fuji Motosuko Resort is a springtime tradition at the foot of Mt. Fuji. The festival site is filled with 500,000 shibazakura (moss phlox) of eight different varieties, creating a magnificent scene depicting a glorious spring day. From the observatory, visitors can take wide-angle photos of Mt. Fuji with lingering snow as well as a panoramic view of the shibazakura. You can also try your hand at taking close-up photos of the pretty shibazakura. There are also a number of recommended photo spots in the area. Visitors are sure to find a variety of photogenic compositions, including taking a picture of the art installations and the shibazakura. A Video Article About the Fuji Shibazakura Festival in Yamanashi Prefecture Video article 1:48 Mt. Fuji, Covered in Lingering Snow, Coupled With the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, Is Absolutely Breathtaking! A View That'll Last a Lifetime, at the Foot of Mt. Fuji! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: inushiba Location: Tsuruga Castle (Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima) Highlights and Photography Tips for Tsuruga Castle, a Popular Tourist Attraction Tsuruga Castle, a famous sightseeing spot in Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukishima is a cherry blossom viewing spot wwhere approximately 1,000 cherry trees bloom in the spring. Many varieties of cherry trees, including Someiyoshino, Edohigan, weeping cherries, etc., bloom at different times of the year here. The castle tower of Tsuruga Castle has a unique red-tile roof. The beautiful white walls with red tiles combined with the cherry blossoms in full bloom makes this a must-see spot for any photographers! During the cherry blossom period, the castle is lit up and can be enjoyed at night. A Video Article About Tsuruga Castle Park in Fukushima Prefecture Video article 2:40 The Beautiful Cherry Blossoms at Tsuruga Castle Park in Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima! Enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival Event at Tsuruga Castle Park, Selected as One of the "Top 100 Places for Cherry Blossoms" in Japan YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 祐紀 Location: Shinjuku Gyoen (Shinjuku, Tokyo) Highlights and Photography Tips for Shinjuku Gyoen, a Famous Place for Cherry Blossoms At Shinjuku Gyoen, an oasis in the heart of Tokyo, approximately 1,000 cherry trees of 65 varieties can be seen blooming in the spring. With both early-blooming cherry trees and late-blooming cherry trees, visitors can enjoy viewing the cherry blossoms for about a month. This is one of the major attractions of Shinjuku Gyoen. There are also four weeping cherry trees planted in Shimo no Ike Pond, and their blossoming branches hang down to the ground when they are in full bloom, making for some lovely photos. A Video Article About Shinjuku Gyoen Video article 6:56 There's So Much Nature in Shinjuku, Tokyo, a City Filled With Skyscrapers! The Beautiful Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom at Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden Are Magical! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: ponpoco_photos Location: Kawazu Cherry Blossoms (Kawazu, Shizuoka) Highlights and Photography Tips for the Kawazu Cherry Blossoms, a Famous Place for Cherry Blossoms The beautiful row of cherry blossoms in Kawazu, Shizuoka signals the early arrival of spring each year. The contrast between the dark pink blossoms of the 850 Kawazu cherry trees along the Kawazu River and the blue sky is truly spectacular! The rows of cherry blossoms and rape blossoms on both banks of the river, which can be seen from the riverbanks, are great photo spots for photographers and Instagrammers. The 2023 Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival will be held from February 1st to 29th.You can enjoy cherry blossoms at night because the lighting up of cherry trees (18:00-21:00) is held in two places. A Video Article About the Kawazu Cherry Blossoms Festival Video article 7:04 The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Is a Popular Event in Izu, Shizuoka Where the Entire Town Is Dyed Pink With Cherry Blossoms. A Look at Izu's Beautiful Spring Scenery and Recommend Tourist Attractions! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: okayamanosimin Location: Sogenji Temple (Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture) Highlights and Photography Tips for Sogenji Temple, a Famous Place for Cherry Blossoms Sogenji Temple, located 15 minutes by car from JR Okayama Station in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture, is famous for its weeping cherry blossoms. Two weeping cherry trees stand by the pond in the garden, which is said to have been created in the Edo period (1603-1868). The trees are said to be more than 80 years old. On a day when the wind is calm, you can take photos of the weeping cherry blossoms reflected on the surface of the pond. Sogenji Temple is also famous for its autumn foliage. Be sure to visit in autumn to photograph the well-maintained garden and colorful views of nature! A Video Article About Okayama Castle Video article 3:33 Okayama Castle Attracts Many Tourists to Okayama, Okayama Prefecture With Its Beautiful Black Figure! The Historically Valuable Exhibits of the Warring States Period Are Guaranteed to Captivate! YouTube Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that showcases the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Click here for more information about COOLJAPANVIDEOS Anyone can enter COOL JAPAN VIDEOS' photo contests! Below are some of the features of our contests. ・On top of single-lens reflex cameras and digital cameras, photos taken with smartphones and other devices can also be submitted. ・Each person can submit as many photos as they like during the contest period. ・Editing of images, such as cropping and color changes, is also allowed! Here you can find all of the past photo contest winners in one place. You can also see the prizes for each contest, as well as the locations where the photos were taken and the judges' critiques. Click here to see past photo contest winners Text only Photo Contest Results - COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Winning Photos - Discover the Charms of Japan! Current Photo Contest The following is information about the current photo contest. [Ongoing From March2024] The 22th COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest Theme: Spring in Japan Submission period: March 1, 2024 12:00 AM – April 30, 2024 11:59 PM (JST) Prizes: ■Grand Prize: 30,000 yen Amazon gift card (1 Winner) ■Honorable Mentions: 10,000 yen Amazon gift card (5 Winners) Spring in Japan Photo Contest Landscape Photography Summary Did you enjoy these landscape photos from past photo contest entries? Some of these landscapes can only be seen in specific conditions. Japan is full of rich nature, historical locations, and seasonal events! Share your photos with the world and help showcase the beauty of Japan through COOL JAPAN VIDEOS! Related Articles Text only Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Heartwarming Photos That Will Put a Smile on Your Face! Text only Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Autumn in Japan Text only Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. Fuji Text only Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture! Text only Tohoku in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: Hot Springs, Festivals, Snowscapes, and More – 10 Beautiful Photos of Japan's Tohoku Region! Text only Kyoto in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Kyoto, the Ancient Capital of Japan, and Its Most Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Tokyo in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Featuring the Charms of Tokyo, the Capital of Japan + Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Winter in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Capturing the Beauty of Winter in Japan. Snowy Landscapes, Glittering Illuminations + More! Text only Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Spectacular Views of Japan's Kansai Region. From Night Views to Traditional Events, Discover the Best Photo Spots in Kansai! Text only Cherry Blossoms in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Amazing Views of Cherry Blossoms, from Castles and Temples to Rows of Cherry Blossom! .separation_line { border-width: 0 0 8px; border-style: solid; border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,') 0 0 100% repeat; width: 216px; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 50px; } -
Video article 1:48
Mt. Fuji, Covered in Lingering Snow, Coupled With the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, Is Absolutely Breathtaking! A View That'll Last a Lifetime, at the Foot of Mt. Fuji!
Nature- 515 plays
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Introduction of aerial drone video of "Fuji Shiba Cherry Blossom Festival" in Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture The video "Aerial view of Fuji Shibazakura Festival taken with a drone(絶景 空撮 富士芝桜まつり Aerial view of Fuji Shiba-zakura Festival taken with a drone)" is a sightseeing video of the beautiful shibazakura flower field. The Fuji Shibazakura Festival is a sightseeing event where you can enjoy the scenery of over 800,000 shibazakura (moss phlox) in the vast area of Fuji Motosu Lake Resort, Susono Mt. Fuji, known as Japan's highest mountain. Many tourists from around the world gather to see the rich natural scenery here. This video introduces the vividly blooming shibazakura. Please enjoy the sights. What Kind of Event Is the Fuji Shibazakura Festival? Photo:Fuji Shibazakura Festival At the Fuji Shibazakura Festival venue, the beautiful pink and purple shibazakura are in bloom. You can see this at 0:08 in the video. It's like a carpet of flowers. The best time to see shibazakura is between April and May each year. Mt. Fuji covered with lingering snow in the spring and the lovely shibazakura that can be seen together on a clear day, is a beautiful sight, great for Instagram. If you want to see the beautiful scenery of the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, be sure to go to the observation plaza. Walking through the flower gardens in the warm, spring climate is sure to make for a lasting memory. There is also a popular sightseeing spot called the Observation Footbath where you can enjoy the scenery of Shibazakura while giving your feet a nice soak. A Mt. Fuji made of Shibazakura, which can be seen from 0:54 in the video, is as beautiful as the real thing. There are places to take photos as well. When is the best time to see Shiba-zakura? When is the "Fuji Shiba Cherry Blossom Festival"? Photo:Pumpkin Hōtō Noodles At the venue for the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, there's a gourmet event called the "Mt. Fuji Delicious Food Festival." If you enjoy beautiful scenery, sightseeing, and eating delicious, local cuisine, this is something you wont want to miss. The Fuji Shibazakura Festival is a very popular sightseeing event, so crowds are expected during peak bloom. To avoid congestion, we recommend taking a bus from Kawaguchiko Station to the venue. In addition to the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, it is also great idea to apply for a sightseeing bus tour that includes historic sights and exotic sightseeing facilities around Lake Kawaguchi and Lake Motosu. Around the Fuji Motosu Lake Resort, there are sightseeing spots such as Kamiku Isshiki Village Motosu District, Shingen Stone Building / Stone Base, Lake Motosu Campground, Lake Kawaguchi, Kawaguchiko Music Box Forest, Mt. Fuji Panorama Ropeway, Oishi Park, and Aokigahara Forest. You can visit these sightseeing spots after enjoying the Fuji Shibazakura Festival. Please enjoy local gourmet such as hoto noodles and torimotsuni. Fuji is usually at its best from mid-April to late May. Fuji Shiba Cherry Blossom Festival" will be held from April 13 to May 26 in 2024. Summary of the Fuji Shibazakura Festival Photo:Fuji Shibazakura Fesitval The Fuji Shibazakura Festival introduced in the video is a wonderful sightseeing event where you can enjoy the Japanese spring atmosphere at Mt. Fuji, a world heritage site. Be sure to check the blooming information and visit when it's in full bloom. The aerial footage of the flower field in the spring is so beautiful that you'll never get tired of looking at it. Please watch the video carefully and enjoy the beautiful scenery. ◆ Sightseeing information of Fuji Shibazakura Festival ◆ 【Address】212 Fujigane, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture Fuji Lake Motosu Resort 【Access】About 40 minutes by Shibazakura Liner Bus from Kawaguchiko Station, about 25 minutes by car from Kawaguchiko IC 【Admission fee】600 yen for adults, 300 yen for children (* as of November 2019) 【Opening Hours】8:00~17:00 【Regular holidays / Closed days】Open daily(during season) 【Parking】50 buses, 1500 regular cars 【Phone number】0555-89-3031 【Notes】Pets can enter the park by putting them in a pet bag or pet cart 【Tripadvisor】Fuji Shibazakura Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1165976-d10019705-Reviews-Fuji_Shibazakura_Festival-Fujikawaguchiko_machi_Minamitsuru_gun_Yamanashi_Prefe.html -
Video article 4:06
Walk Through Beautiful Tunnels of Illuminated Cherry Blossoms at Ueno Park, Hirosaki Park, and Takada Park, the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots of Japan!
Travel Festivals & Events Nature- 408 plays
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Nighttime Cherry Blossom Viewing at Ueno Park, Hirosaki Park, and Takada Park This video, titled "4K Japan's Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots|Ueno Park|Hirosaki Park|Takada Park|Famous Nighttime Cherry Blossom Locations|Sakura|Hanami|Cherry Blossom Evening" (4K 日本三大夜桜 上野公園 弘前公園 高田公園 Top3 Night cherry Blossom 夜桜の名所 sakura hanami 花見 Cherry blossom evening), was uploaded by "Discover Nippon." The video features plenty of beautiful 4K images showing the fantastic scenery of Ueno Park, Hirosaki Park, and Takada Park, which are known as the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan. This article provides sightseeing information on the nighttime cherry blossom events in Ueno Park, Hirosaki Park, and Takada Park. First, be sure to check out the video to enjoy the fantastic views of the beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom. After seeing this you'll definitely want to visit these spots in person! Cherry Blossom Viewing at Tokyo's Ueno Park Photo:Cherry blossoms at night in Ueno Park, Taito, Tokyo Ueno Park, introduced at 0:19 in the video, is located in Taito, Tokyo, and is the first urban park in Japan, making it a place with a long history. Officially named "Ueno Onshi Park," Ueno Park has been selected as one of the "Top 100 Historical Parks in Japan" and is also home to Ueno Zoo, museums, and art galleries, and cafes such as Starbucks. The park has also been selected as one of "Japan's Top 100 Cherry Blossom Spots" and attracts a total of nearly 3.3 million visitors during the cherry blossom viewing season when all sorts of vendors and food stalls line its paths. In Ueno Park, there are approximately 800 cherry trees of 50 species, and visitors can enjoy cherry blossom viewing for around two full months. The most popular cherry blossom viewing spots are Sakura-dori (さくら通り), Shinobazu Pond (不忍池), and Kiyomizu Kannon-do Temple, an Important Cultural Property. The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in Ueno Park will be held from March 17 to April 9, 2024. During the festival, 800 "bonbori" (Japanese paper lamps) will be lit to create a fantastic illuminated scene. Ueno Park is just a two-minute walk from Ueno Station on all lines, and a one-minute walk from Keisei Ueno Station off the Keisei Main Line. Cherry Blossom Viewing at Aomori's Hirosaki Park Photo:Cherry blossoms at night at Hirosaki Park, Hirosaki, Aomori Hirosaki Park, located in Hirosaki, Aomori, is introduced at 3:02 in the video. The highlights of Hirosaki Park include Hirosaki Castle's castle tower and the three turrets, which have been designated as Important Cultural Properties by the government of Japan. Hirosaki Park has some 2,600 cherry trees of 52 varieties that bloom each year. The most famous cherry tree is the weeping weeping cherry, which was planted in 1914. The Hirosaki Sakura Festival, where you can enjoy cherry blossoms at night, is held from April 19th to May 5th, 2024. There is also a reservation-only "cherry blossom viewing party," which is popular because it allows visitors to enjoy Tsugaru's local cuisine while viewing the cherry blossoms. It's a 20-minute walk from JR Hirosaki Station, and there is a parking lot nearby. Cherry Blossom Viewing at Takada Park in Niigata Photo:Cherry blossoms at night at Takada Castle Site Park, Joetsu, Niigata At 5:19 in the video, Takada Park is introduced. As of April 1, 2020, the name of this park was changed to "Takada Castle Site Park" (高田城址公園). Takada Castle Site Park (Takada Park) in Joetsu, Niigata, is a large 124-acre park that includes the restored three-story turret of Takada Castle, the Municipal Museum (renovated into a Museum of History), and sports facilities. You can also check out live cameras of Takada Castle Site Park on the "Gurutto Shinetsu" (ぐるっと信越, ※Japanese only) website. In addition to cherry blossoms, the park is also famous for its beautiful lotus flowers. "Takada Castle Million-man Viewing Party" (高田城百万人観桜会) , where you can enjoy cherry blossoms at night, will be held from March 29th to April 14th, 2024.Various events will also be held, including fireworks to color the opening, stage events and photo contests. To get to Takada Castle Site Park, it is a 10-minute drive from Joetsu Myoko Station off the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line. A parking lot is available. Summary of the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots of Japan! This video introduces the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots of Japan. Enjoy the spectacular nighttime views of cherry blossoms lit up and glowing beautiful shades of pink. Be sure to check out these locations during the next cherry blossom season! 【Official Website】Ueno Park/Ueno Onshi Park Official Website - Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Bureau of Construction https://www.kensetsu.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/jimusho/toubuk/ueno/en_index.html 【Official Website】Hirosaki Park https://www.hirosakipark.jp/en/ -
Video article 1:01
The Cherry Blossom Blizzard at Ueno Park - One of the Most Famous Hanami Spots in Tokyo! The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in Taito City Boasts Approximately 1,200 Cherry Trees in Full Bloom!
Travel Festivals & Events- 330 plays
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Cherry Blossom Blizzard at Ueno Park! This video is titled "Beautiful Japanese scenery,Cherry blossoms blizzard in Ueno Park." It introduces the cherry blossom blizzard at Ueno Park in Taito, Tokyo. It's produced by sandabee. In this video, we see the cherry trees standing in rows at Ueno Park along Sakura Dori, a street famous for the statue of Saigo Takamori, in full bloom. The cherry blossom petals fall like a snowstorm, dyeing the surrounding area pink. The beautiful video of Japan in the spring is filled with the applause and cheers of many tourists. It's a must-see! Photo:Ueno Station Ueno Park is one of the most popular hanami sites in Japan and is just a two-minute walk from Ueno Station on foot. The park has a long history and was designated the first public park in Japan in 1873. Officially called "Ueno Onshi Park," Ueno Park has many popular attractions including Tokyo National Museum, Ueno Zoo, where pandas attract many tourists, The National Museum of Western Art, which was designated a World Heritage Site for its Le Corbusier architecture, and more. The park is popular among people for its historical, cultural, artistic, and natural views. The verdant park has around 1,200 cherry trees and many people visit every spring, when the cherry blossoms come into bloom. Recently, the park has attracted increasing numbers of overseas tourists as well. Ueno Park's cherry blossom viewing season and event "Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival" dates and attractions ©r_abe01 Modifying Since about 40 species of both early and late blooming cherry trees, including Yoshino cherries, are planted in Ueno Park, you can enjoy hanami for around two months, from March until the end of April. The Annual Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival is organized when the Yoshino cherries are at their best and the park makes for one of the best hanami spots in Tokyo. The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival is usually held between late March and early April.The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in 2024 is scheduled from March 16th to April 7th. During the festival, you can enjoy the scenery of illuminated cherry blossoms at night, stage events, stalls, and sales of hanami bento are held, which is crowded with many people. Ueno Park is of course lined with many stalls and a large number of tourists enjoy hanami parties while sitting on picnic blankets. You can enjoy viewing the beautiful cherry blossoms while eating delicious food at a hanami party with friends! Information on the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival Photo:Shinobazu and Cherry Blossoms at Ueno Park The best place to see the cherry blossoms in Ueno Park is from the Sakura Dori (さくら通り, Sakura-dori) Street and the Shinobazu Pond boat ramp to the Ueno Park Open-Air Stage. You can also enjoy the wonderful view of cherry blossoms reflecting off the pond's surface while on a boat ride. During the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival, events including the antique market are also held. Beside the stalls, Ueno Park has many restaurants and cafes to enjoy delicious food while viewing cherry blossoms as well. As the area around Ueno Station has many restaurants where takeout options are available, you can spend a whole day here enjoying tourist spots in the area and the view of the cherry blossoms. Although Ueno Park has parking lots, they are often full by early morning during the cherry blossom season. That being said, the best way to visit the park is by public transportation. Summary of the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in Ueno Park is a festival in Japan's spring that everyone should visit at least once. Since Ueno Park is one of the most popular hanami spots, you may need to save a place to have a hanami party during the flowering season when many tourists are gathering. You don't need to worry about restrooms since there are plenty throughout the park. If you're lucky, you can see the instagrammable, mystic view of the surrounding landscape dyed pink by the falling cherry blossoms. Experience the beauty of Japan's cherry blossoms with the video! ◆Ueno Park◆ 【Address】3-chome Ikenohata, Taito-ku, Tokyo. 【Access】A two-minute walk from JR/Tokyo Metro Ginza Line/Hibiya Line Ueno Station, and a one-minute walk from Keisei Ueno Station on the Keisei Line 【Hours】5 a.m. – 11 p.m. 【Telephone】(+081) 03-3828-5644 -
Video article 3:19
Chidorigafuchi's Famous "Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival"! One of the Best Sakura Viewing Locations in Tokyo, With 1.3 Million Visitors Annually. Lit up at Night, It’s a Must-See!
Travel- 312 plays
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Tokyo's Famous Cherry Blossom Spot, Chidorigafuchi If you're wondering where you can enjoy the beauty of Japan's 4 seasons, then look no further than Chidorigafuchi! When people think about visiting Tokyo, they probably think of gourmet food, shopping, and theme parks. But they're missing out, because while Tokyo may be the big city, there's still plenty of nature to be seen there. This video was created by “Japan Explorers.” It introduces cherry blossom viewing at night in Chidorigafuchi, Tokyo. The video is called “Chidorigafuchi Cherry Blossom [8k](千鳥ヶ淵の夜桜 ライトアップ Chidorigafuchi Cherry Blossom [8K]).” This article provides historical information about Chidorigafuchi, located in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward, as well as information on the lit up cherry blossoms during the "Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival." It also explains the history of the cherry blossoms. The video demonstrates the beauty of the cherry blossoms as they light up under the night sky with high resolution 8K quality. It's amazing that you can find such a beautiful place in the middle of Tokyo. Please enjoy article and be sure to follow along with the video showcasing beautiful cherry blossoms. Chidorigafuchi, a famous sightseeing spot in Tokyo Photo:Cherry blossoms at the Imperial Palace, Chidorigafuchi Chidorigafuchi in Chiyoda, Tokyo is a moat northwest of the Imperial Palace. There is an event called the “Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival” where the cherry blossoms are lit up at night in the spring. We recommend taking a look at the breathtaking cherry blossoms reflecting off the surface of the water. Chidorigafuchi is a moat made after the opening of Edo in 1603. The moat was constructed as an expansion of the former Edo Castle. To create it, they blocked the river using earthen bridges at Hanzomon gate and Tayasumon gate. It used to be connected to the moat bordering Daikancho street, but it was reclaimed for road construction in 1900, and it became a separate moat. Hanzo moat is next to Chidorigafuchi park. There is a boat dock in the Chidorigafuchi green way, and you can enjoy the view of cherry blossoms from the boat. We recommend taking a boat ride to avoid the crowds. The nearest stations are Hanzomon station and Kudange subway station. It is only a 5-minute walk from both stations. There are no parking spots near Chidorigafuchi green way, so we recommend taking public transportation to Chidorigafuchi. Most poeple probably think of Tokyo tower and Tokyo Sky Tree when they think of tourist spots in Tokyo, but Chidorigafuchi is an amazing place for sightseeing. There's also Nippon Budokan and the British Embassy in the area as well. What is the best time and place to see cherry blossoms at Chidorigafuchi? Photo:Cherry blossoms lit up in Chidorigafuchi Yasukuni-dori Street and Chidorigabuchi are known as the most popular cherry blossom spots in Tokyo, attracting about 1.3 million visitors from home and abroad every year. Cherry blossoms in Chidorigabuchi are at their best from late March to early April.You can see beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom in white and pink, and by the time they are past their full bloom, the "zero cherry blossoms" that have fallen on the water surface create another tasteful scene. On the Chidorigabuchi Green Road in spring, where 260 cherry trees bloom beautifully, you will be able to see plenty of cherry blossoms that you can see. There are about 330 cherry trees on the Kitanomaru side of the park and about 260 Someiyoshino and Yamazakura cherry trees along the Chidorigafuchi Greenway avenue. All these cherry blossoms turn the area around the moat pink. The Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival is held every year according to the bloom conditions. The night light up as “Chiyoda Cherry Blossom” entertains you with the fantastic view of cherry blossoms. Parties and securing spaces is banned at Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival. There are also no street markets and the number of bathrooms is limited. We recommend viewing the beautiful, illuminated cherry blossoms from the Chidorigafuchi greenway in the spring. In the video at 0:42, you can see an amazing view of the cherry blossoms lit up. It's truly a sight unlike any other. Be sure to take some pictures to commemorate your trip and to post on Instagram! Information about the cherry blossoms in Chidorigafuchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo. The best time to see cherry blossoms is from late March to early April. The types of cherry blossoms are Someiyoshino, Oshima-zakura, and Shidare-zakura. The Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival is held based on the bloom forecast, so be sure to check the official website if you're planning to come to the festival. Summary of Cherry Blossoms at Chidorigafuchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo ©r_abe01 Modifying Be sure to check out the video if you're curious about the cherry blossoms in Chidorigafuchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo. As you can see in the video, Chidorigafuchi's cherry blossoms are quite the spectacle. Enjoy the beautiful night light up of the cherry blossoms at Chidorigafuchi. If you want to relax in an oasis in the city or enjoy the Japanese springtime tradition of hanami, this is the place to be! Be sure to watch the video to see the beautiful cherry blossoms! -
Video article 1:24
Enjoy a moment of elegance in a luxurious space with an ocean view in every room at Umi no Hotell Isaba in Nishi Izu, Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. With its relaxing hot springs and cuisine, this is a wonderful place that you must visit at least once.
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 58 plays
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Video Introduction of "Umi no Hotell Isabara," a popular inn in Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Nishi-Izu This video, titled "Umi no hotel ISABA” YADO PV/JAPAN : 宿PV 海のほてるいさば02," was uploaded by "private-onsen JAPAN." Umi-no Hotel Isaba is located in Heda Onsen, a famous hot spring resort in Nishiizu, Shizuoka Prefecture. Surrounded by Mt. Fuji and Suruga Bay, this is a hot spring hotel in a fishing town that's crowded with beachgoers in the summer. All guest rooms at Umi-no Hotel Isaba are luxurious oceanfront accommodations. Suruga Bay is a treasure trove of seafood with approximately 1,200 species of fish, including deep-sea species! At Umi-no Hotel Isaba, you can enjoy the freshest seafood from Suruga Bay in a luxurious setting. You can see some of the gorgeous dishes served at Umi-no Hotel Isaba at 0:57 in the video. The hot spring is an alkaline sulfur hot spring that is very popular among women as it's effective at promoting beautiful skin. The hotel's hot spring facilities include a large public bath, an open-air rooftop bath called "Tenku Onsen," and each room has its own personal hot spring, so you can relax to your heart's content. The rooftop hot spring overlooking Suruga Bay is also available for private use once per stay. The hot springs at Umi-no Hotel Isaba can be seen at 0:37 in the video. The rooms are very luxurious and we highly recommend the special room floor "Akane-no-Uta," which was renovated and reopened in July 2020! There is also a beauty spa, souvenir shop, terrace lounge, and lobby, all of which are very beautiful! Why not relax and spend a luxurious holiday at Umi-no Hotel Isaba? Sightseeing Around Umi-no Hotel Isaba Photo:Mihama Cape, Shizuoka Prefecture Nishiizu in Shizuoka Prefecture, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan, has many spectacular sightseeing spots. Let's take a look at some of them! ・Mihama Cape Mihama Cape is a cape shaped like a bird's beak, and was formed through the accumulation of sediment carried in by the currents of Suruga Bay. It's also a good fishing ground where you can enjoy fresh seafood at lunch time. ・Deai Misaki Cape This is a great sightseeing spot with a panoramic view of Heda Port, Mihama Cape, and Mt. Fuji. The name "Deai" (出会い) means "encounter" and the monument, from the hole of which you can see Mt. Fuji, signifies a meeting between two lovers. ・Tabibito Misaki Cape Tabibito Misaki Cape is located about 1km north of Matsubara Park on Prefectural Road 17. The beauty of the sunset that can be seen from here is absolutely breathtaking. The name "Tabibito" (旅人) means "traveler(s)." ・Koibito Misaki Cape Koibito Misaki Cape is a cape along Route 136, approximately 8 km south of Toi Onsen. "Koibito" (恋人) means "lovers," and, as its name suggests, it's a popular location among couples as a power spot for romance. It is said that couples who take a photo with the "I Love You" hand-sign statue on the cape or get a certificate of declaration of love from the Koibito Cape Office are said to have a better chance of achieving a successful relationship. (Whether or not you believe that is entirely up to you...) Summary of Umi-no Hotel Isaba, a Popular Hotel in Nishiizu, Shizuoka Prefecture Photo:Umi-no Hotel Isaba, Shizuoka Prefecture To get to Umi-no Hotel Isaba, a hotel popular for its many attractions and luxurious facilities, it's about a 50-minute bus ride from Shuzenji Station to Heda (a shuttle bus is also available). All-you-can-eat mandarin oranges are available from November to December every year, and the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival is held from mid-February to early March every year, attracting many tourists. Be sure to check with your travel agency or the official website of Umi-no Hotel Isaba for information regarding accommodation rates and tours. ◆Umi-no Hotel Isaba|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】3878-20 Heda, Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture 【Access】Approximately 50 minutes by bus from Shuzenji Station to Heda. A shuttle bus is also available 【Telephone】0558-94-3048 【Official Website】Umi-no Hotel Isaba https://www.isaba.co.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Umi-no Hotel Isaba https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1019668-d1065897-Reviews-Isaba-Numazu_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 6:00
Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture: A Town With Tons of History, Gourmet Food, Tradition, and Culture. In This Video, Two Beautiful Women Wander Around the Tourist Spots of Matsusaka!
Local PR Travel Food & Drink- 75 plays
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Matsusaka City Is More Than Just Matsusaka Beef This video was created by the Matsusaka Tourist Association. This video will introduce you to Matsusaka, Mie, in Japan's Tokai region. It's called "Matsusaka-city tour video [Japanese]" (松阪市観光動画【日本語】). Matsusaka city is located in the center of Mie prefecture. Matsusaka is a gateway to Ise Shima, and it is about 15 minutes by train to Ise, a castle town with a traditional atmosphere. In this video, two beautiful ladies tour Matsusaka in order to introduce you to gourmet food, tradition, and culture. You'll be raring to visit Matsusaka after watching the video. What to Eat in Matsusaka Photo:Sukiyaki Lots of good food can be found in Matsusaka city. We especially recommend Matsusaka beef, introduced in the video at 0:33. A world-famous brand, Matsusaka beef comes from Matsusaka cows that drink beer and get massages. This peculiar way of raising cows gives the meat an amazing flavor, and no other beef has the same taste. It is so soft that if you touch the beef, the fat starts to melt. In the video at 1:02, Shigenobu Kajio from the Matsusaka Tourist Association talks about the beautiful marbling, sweetness, and top quality of Matsusaka beef. If you're visiting Matsusaka, the most famous Matsusaka beef dish, sukiyaki, is one you've gotta try! They show how to cook this at 1:21 in the video. Of course, there's more ways than just sukiyaki to enjoy Matsusaka beef. Other ways include steaks, yakiniku, and more! Matsusaka local food includes Japanese sweets like Oinotomo, Matsusaka tea, Monaka Ice cream (wafers filled with bean jam), and there's the popular Japanese sweets store, Yanagiya Hozen, where you can buy some of these. There are also many restaurants serving lunch as well as popular ramen stores throughout the area. A restaurant called "Kappo Ryokan Yachiyo" serves many different Matsusaka beef dishes such as shabu-shabu, steaks, rare, lightly roasted beef, and beef stew. Matsusaka is full of flavor! Historical Spots in Matsusaka Photo:Gojoban Yashiki After filling up at a local restaurant, enjoy a walk around the city and admire the history. During the warring states period (late 1400s to late 1600s), Matsusaka City in Mie Prefecture prospered as a merchant city under the command of Gamo Ujisato, a military commander of the Warring States period. At the "Matsusaka Cotton Hand Weaving Center" introduced in the video, they sell Matsusaka cotton textiles, such as dresses, accessories, Kimonos, and Yukata (summer Kimono). You can also try the weaving experience to get more in touch with Japanese culture. In the castle town, Matsusaka, there are number of tourist spots where you can enjoy the city’s history such as Gojoban Yashiki, Matsusaka Castle Ruins, Ozu Yasujiro Seishunkan Museum, Matsusaka City History and Folklore Museum, Former residence of Hasegawa, Ozu Seizaemon, Hasegawa Jirobei, and the birthplace of the Mitsui Family. You can see the details in the video at 3:39. There are many great places for taking Instagram photos as well. Norinaga Motoori, a famous person in the Kojiki (A record of ancient matters), was from Matsusaka, and there are facilities related to Motoori Norinaga such as the Museum of Motoori Norinaga, and the former residence of Motoori Norinaga "Suzu-no-ya." Japanese explorer, Takeshiro Matsuura, who was the first person to document the inner reaches of Hokkaido, was also from Matsusaka. He is the one that named Hokkaido "Ainu." Access to Matsusaka It's more convenient to use trains to get to Matsusaka. From Osaka or Kyoto, it takes just under 2 hours, while from Nagoya it's only a 70 minute journey. From Kansai International Airport, change at Namba Station, and from Chubu International Airport Centrair, change at Nagoya Station. It is also easily accessible from Kyoto and Nara. Festivals in Matsusaka Source :YouTube screenshot There are many events in Matsusaka. Take a look at the video at 4:48 to see some of them. The Ujisato Festival held in autumn in memory of Gamo Ujisato is a very powerful event! There is also the Hatsuuma Festival, the Norinaga Festival, and the Matsusaka Gion Festival. Many people come to the Matsusaka Beef Festival where they auction off Matsusaka cattle. The Matsusaka City Marathon is also very popular. Other Tourist Spots Around Matsusaka There are number of tourist spots that weren't introduced in the video. If you want to relax, we recommend visiting Mie Ureshino hot springs and Matsusaka Kumano-no sato hot hprings. If you want to buy souvenirs and Matsusaka goods, you can visit roadside stations Iitaka and Chakura, or places like Matsusaka Bell Farm, Matsuzakashi Santaro, and local street markets. We highly recommend having lunch at Matsusaka's local restaurants! There are more exciting spots in Matsusaka as well: Matsusaka Castle Ruins, Matsusaka Park, Chubudai Athletic Park, Komyo-ji Temple, Matsusaka City History and Folklore Museum, wealthy merchant town Matsusaka, Matsusaka Tourist Information Center, Takeshiro Matsuura Museum, ceramic art space “Niji no Izumi,” Matsusaka Suzu no Mori Park, and Mount Takami. Find your favorite place amongst the beautiful scenery of Matsusaka. Overview of Matsusaka Interested in checking out Matsusaka city? Don't forget to try Matsusaka's local cuisine, Matsusaka beef when you visit! Check out the video to see the delicious Matsusaka beef. We don't recommend watching it on an empty stomach! 【Official Website】Mie Prefecture Matsusaka city, city hall https://www.city.matsusaka.mie.jp/site/userguide/foreignlanguage.html