Hokuriku Koshinetsu
Video article 3:21
The Pure White Walls and Tiles of Kanazawa Castle Are Absolutely Gorgeous! A Look at the Castle Where You Can Learn About the Culture of Kaga Hyakumangoku in Kanazawa, Ishikawa!
Art & Architecture History- 78 plays
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Kanazawa Castle" in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Ishikawa Kanazawa Castle - 金沢城 - 4K Ultra HD" introduces information about Kanazawa castle in Ishikawa Prefecture. The video was published by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Kanazawa castle is one of the most popular tourist spots in the Hokuriku Region. At Kanazawa castle, you can learn about the history of Ishikawa, Kanazawa, a place known as a prosperous castle town in Kaga Hyakumangoku. Kaga Hyakumangoku refers to the measure of wealth the Kaga region attained during the early rule of the Maeda clan and the artisan culture they promoted over the following three centuries. The video shows the beautiful Kanazawa castle, a national historical site. In the article, we'll talk about Kanazawa castle alongside the video. Try to keep up! What is Kanazawa Castle? Photo:Kanazawa Castle Park in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture Kanazawa castle is located in Marunouchi, Kanazawa, in Ishikawa prefecture (Formerly Kaga province, Ishikawa-gun, Kaganokuni). It was built on the Kodatsuno Plateau between the Saigawa River and the Asano River, which flows through the Kanazawa plains. During Edo period (1603-1868), Kanazawa castle prospered as a castle town of Kaga Hyakumangoku and was used as a residence of the Maeda clan, the head of the Kaga domain. Today, the area around the castle, including the ruins of Kanazawa Castle, a national historic site, has been developed into Kanazawa Castle Park, and is one of Kanazawa's most popular tourist attractions. Kanazawa castle was constructed from the Warring States period (1467-1615) to the Edo period and is classified as a hilltop castle with a teikakushiki layout. It has a distinctive exterior with white walls made of white mortar and flat lead tiles. The beautiful white roof tiles of Kanazawa Castle can be seen at 0:04 in the video. Hashizume mon (gate) is the highlight of Kanazawa castle. Although it was burned down in 1881, it was restored to its former glory in 2015. Be sure to check out the interesting shapes of the rocks used in the stone walls at different gates. There so many interesting spots in Kanazawa park! The castle tower was destroyed by lightning three years after Toshiie Maeda became lord of the castle after the Battle of Shizugatake. There was a plan to restore the castle tower, but due to a lack of resources, it was difficult to do so. Tour Information for Kanazawa Castle Photo:Kanazawa Castle Park in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture Kanazawa castle is open year round. Between March 1st and October 15th it's open from 7 am to 6 pm and from October 16th to the end of February it's open from 8 am to 5 pm. Admission to Kanazawa Castle is free, but there are charges to enter Hishigaya Turret, Gojukken Nagaya Warehouse, Hashizume-mon, and the Tsuzuki Yagura Turret. The admission fees for these places are 320 yen for adults and 100 yen for children. Access is about 10 minutes by taxi from Kanazawa Station. By car, it takes about 30 minutes from the Kanazawa West IC (金沢西IC) on the Hokuriku Expressway. There are 3 different parking areas near Kanazawa castle. The illumination of Kanazawa Castle and Kenrokuen is a popular seasonal event. During this time, Kenrokuen will be open to the public free of charge at night and is lit up for a limited time. The autumn foliage and the fantastic scenery of lights are must-sees. Summary of Kanazawa castle. Photo:Kanazawa Castle Park in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture The video in this article introduces the beautiful scenery of Kanazawa castle. There is so much to see at Kanazawa Castle Park. Kenrokuen is known as one of the three greatest gardens of Japan, and is a place where you can enjoy the view of a traditional Japanese garden. You can also collect a stamp from Kanazawa castle if you have a stamp book. It's a great place for history buffs as well! 【Official Website】Kanazawa castle and Kenrokuen - Ishikawa http://www.pref.ishikawa.jp/siro-niwa/english/top.html 【Tripadvisor】Kanazawa castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298115-d324909-Reviews-Kanazawa_Castle-Kanazawa_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:45
Learn about the splendid craftsmanship of Yamanaka Lacquer Ware, a traditional handicraft of Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Enjoy the video showing the precious production process, which is all done by hand!
Traditional Crafts- 194 plays
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石川県加賀市の伝統工芸・山中漆器とは 「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が制作する、「手技TEWAZA【山中漆器】Japan Yamanaka Lacquerware」は、職人が日本の伝統文化である石川県加賀市の伝統工芸品・山中漆器を作っている姿を見ることができる動画です。 動画では山中漆器が来上がっていく工程を見ることができ、その中で職人が心を込めて作っている様子が伝わってきます。 石川県加賀市の山中漆器は美術品のような美しい作品で、日本文化に興味がある人はもちろんのこと、美術品・芸術品に興味がある人も必見の動画です。 また、石川県加賀市の風光明媚な自然も動画で紹介されています。 こちらの記事では、日本の伝統工芸・伝統文化である山中漆器の歴史や作り方などを動画に沿って紹介していきます。 日本の伝統工芸「山中漆器」の起源や歴史 石川県加賀市の山中漆器の起源は16世紀頃。 山中温泉に移住してきた漆器職人集団が行った「ろくろ挽き」が始まりです。 それから、江戸時代の中期頃になると山中温泉に来た旅行客へのお土産に漆器が求められるようになります。 汁椀やお盆などが特に人気で、温泉とともに漆器も発展。 19世紀になると塗りの技術や蒔絵の技術が流入(蒔絵とは漆器に金粉や銀粉を塗り、模様を作ること)し、現在の山中高蒔絵の基礎ができました。 日本伝統の山中漆器は外国人にも人気です。 美しく使いやすい食器やアクセサリーなど、外国人が日本に旅行した際のお土産として購入する人も多いようです。 日本の伝統文化「山中漆器」の作り方 日本の伝統工芸である山中漆器は、大きく分けて4つの工程によって出来上がります。 「木地挽き」→「木地固め」→「拭き漆」→「蒔絵」という流れです。 木地挽きは天然木を寸法し、目的の形に成形する作業です。 木材を乾燥させ膨張や収縮がしないようにするなど、大事な工程も含まれています。 動画では1:00から紹介されています。 木地固めは木地の木目の中まで漆を染み込ませて、木地の狂いを防止するのが主な作業です。 木地全体がなめらかになるように研ぐ重要な作業もあります。 拭き漆の作業は、まず生漆を希釈しないで刷毛塗りします。 次に拭き取り紙で余分の漆を取り乾かし、この工程を4~5回繰り返します。 動画では2:34から紹介されています。 最後に蒔絵で模様を書き完成です! ぜひ映像ともに職人の匠の技・凄技・神業が体感してみてください。 日本の伝統文化「山中漆器」の購入できる場所は? 日本を代表する伝統工芸・伝統文化である山中漆器の商品はギフトやプレゼントにも人気。 お弁当箱や重箱、茶筒、お椀など実用的かつ美しい食器がたくさんあります。 インターネットが発達した時代なので通販でも購入できますが、どうせなら実物を見て購入したいですよね。 中でも山中うるし座(山中漆器伝統産業会館)は、山中漆器の伝統工芸品やアクセサリー、茶道具なども販売されており、おすすめのお店です。 美しい日本の伝統工芸品を自分の目で見て、お気に入りを探しましょう! 日本の伝統文化「山中漆器」の記事のまとめ 日本の伝統工芸・伝統文化である山中漆器の特徴は、手作りで得られる美しさ。 職人たちの一生懸命な作業から生み出される美しさは心をうつことでしょう。 動画では、日本の伝統文化である山中漆器を作る職人の技を3分ほどの長さで見ることができます。 山中漆器が気になった方はぜひご覧ください! -
Video article 0:47
The Hokusai Museum in Kamitakai-gun, Nagano Prefecture, features the beautiful ceiling paintings and powerful dragon paintings of the world-renowned Japanese ukiyoe artist Katsushika Hokusai, which are fascinating masterpieces by the artist!
Art & Architecture Celebrities- 22 plays
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This video, titled "[4K] A Festival Float With a Dynamic Ceiling Painting by Katsushika Hokusai|Obuse, Nagano|The Hokusai Museum|nippon.com" (【4K】葛飾北斎の天井絵が躍動する祭屋台:長野・小布施「北斎館」| nippon.com), was released by "nippon.com." Obuse, a popular tourist town in Nagano Prefecture, houses the Hokusai Museum, which exhibits paintings by Katsushika Hokusai. Katsushika Hokusai was an ukiyo-e artist from the Edo Period, and at the age of 83, he visited Obuse in Shinshu to work on a painting. At the Hokusai Museum in Obuse, a work called the "Matsuri Yatai" (festival float) is on display, which is said to be the only three-dimensional object created by Hokusai. The dynamic dragons and phoenixes on the festival float are a sight to behold. Be sure to visit the Hokusai Museum in Obuse to see the dynamic painting by Katsushika Hokusai. -
Video article 1:21
Onuma Pond in Shiga Kogen, Shimotakai-gun, Nagano Prefecture, a beautiful wilderness in Japan. The contrast between the bright blue surface of the water and the fresh greenery is as beautiful as if you were looking at a painting!
Travel- 324 plays
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長野県下高井郡山ノ内町が誇る志賀高原を堪能出来る動画をご紹介! こちらの「【4K】志賀高原・大沼池」は、長野県下高井郡山ノ内町にある志賀高原の景色を4Kで堪能出来る動画です。 貴重な生態系と四季折々の美しい景色から、観光地にとどまらず日本の貴重な自然遺産です。 この記事では、そんな志賀高原において、ハイキングコースとして人気な大沼池について、主にご紹介いたします。 長野県おすすめ観光スポットの志賀高原! 長野県でも随一の人気を誇る観光スポットの志賀高原では、四季折々の楽しみ方をすることが出来ます。 春は散歩をしながら美しい景色を、夏は数多くある池で釣りや様々なアクティビティを、秋は紅葉を楽しみながらアウトドア、冬は温泉巡りなんていうのも良いでしょう。 四季によって様々な楽しみ方を出来るのが、志賀高原の良いところと言えるでしょう。 志賀高原でのトレッキング観光の見所! 志賀高原と言えば、大自然の雄大さと綺麗な景色を楽しみながらのトレッキングが人気なアクティビティです。 中でもおすすめなのが池めぐりコース。 ここでは池めぐりコースで堪能することが出来るインスタ映え間違い無しの場所について紹介します。 まずは前山リフトに乗りながら堪能できるのが前山山頂と前山湿原です。 リフトに揺られながら、自然ならではの雄大な絶景を楽しむことができます。 徒歩だと大変という家族連れの方やカップルにもおすすめです。 特に前山湿原では、湿原特有の様々な植物を見ることが出来ることで有名です。 次に長野県の歴史において深いつながりを持つ、様々な池を堪能出来るのがこの志賀山・裏志賀山です。 鬼の相撲場の池や、長野県では有名な黒姫伝説とも繋がっている黒姫池等、由緒正しい池を目で肌で楽しむことが出来ます。 最後に志賀高原に来たからには外せないであろう観光スポットが、この大沼池です。 火山のせき止め湖とされており、周囲5.5㎞が志賀高原に囲まれている、志賀高原では一番大きな湖となっています。 大沼池は、黒姫池と同じく、黒姫伝説と深い繋がりを持っている池で、長野県の歴史とは切っても切り離せない深い関係があります。 歴史的な観点からは勿論のこと、水の美しさ、自然の雄大さ。そして池にポツンと佇む鳥居はインスタ映えすること間違い無し。 本でも有数の景色なので、ぜひ足を運んで頂きたい場所となっています。 この大沼池周辺にはレストハウスも存在しており、無料で提供されているので、疲れた足をそこで休めるのも良いでしょう。 志賀高原の観光の紹介まとめ 志賀高原は日本らしさ溢れる自然いっぱいの絶景を堪能することが出来る観光スポットとなっています。 みなさんも志賀高原の豊かな自然を肌で感じにきてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 3:55
An Introduction to the Traditional Summer Festivals of Minami Uonuma, Niigata Prefecture. Fireworks, Taiko Drums, Portable Shrines, Bon Dances... This Japanese Summer Tradition Is Full of Smiling Faces!
Local PR- 87 plays
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新潟県南魚沼市の人気夏祭りを紹介 こちらの動画は「南魚沼市観光協会」が公開した「南魚沼市観光PR動画【夏まつり】/ Japan's Must-See Destination: Niigata Minamiuonuma【SUMMER FESTIVAL】」です。 「夏は日本のお祭りをたくさん体験したい!」 日本の伝統的なお祭りや花火大会など、たくさん夏祭りに参加したいと思っている方は多いのではないでしょうか? そのような方に、新潟県の南魚沼市で体験できる夏祭りを紹介いたします。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光地である南魚沼市の人気の夏祭りや、少し変わった夏祭りなどの情報を紹介します。 南魚沼市で開催されている夏祭りを紹介している動画も是非ご覧ください。 日本の観光地である南魚沼市の伝統的な夏祭り 日本の観光地である南魚沼市には、盆踊りや、神輿、獅子舞、御囃子といった伝統的な行事を楽しめる祭りが多くあります。 塩沢まつりは南魚沼市を代表する夏祭りです。 踊り屋台や樽神輿、神楽、よさこい踊りといった、さまざまなイベントが開催されており、大人から子どもまで楽しめる祭り。 南魚沼市兼続公まつりも、南魚沼市で人気のある夏祭りです。 美しい伝統芸能が特徴の夏祭りで、たくさんの人が訪れます。 直江兼続と姫の恋物語を謳った民謡でおどる「お六流し」はとても人気のイベント。 樽みこしや、和太鼓の迫力のある演奏も聞くことができ、とても盛り上がります。 日本の伝統的な行事を楽しめる夏祭りは、どれもおすすめです。 日本の観光地である南魚沼市の絶景の花火大会 南魚沼市で開催される花火大会もすばらしい景勝を楽しめるのでおすすめです。 しおざわ夏祭り花火大会は、地域密着型の人気の花火大会です。 花火の打ち上げ数はそこまで多くはないですが、花火の打ち上げ場所の近くで鑑賞することができ、目の前で大迫力の花火を体感できます。 また、地元の人は自宅で見る方が多いのであまり混まないのも特徴。 ゆったり美しい花火を鑑賞したい人には特におすすめの花火大会です。 他にも南魚沼市地域最大級の花火大会である南魚沼市兼続公まつり大煙火大会もおすすめです。 日本の観光地である南魚沼市のちょっと変わった夏祭り 新潟県の南魚沼市にはちょっと変わった夏祭りもあります。 鮎やアトラクションを楽しめる、鮎まるかじり祭りです。 鮎まるかじり祭りは鮎を焼く広い施設があり、炭火焼きのおいしい鮎を焼いてくれます。 その鮎を河川敷で食べることができ、美しい景色とおいしい鮎を同時に楽しみ、贅沢な時間を体験できます。 南魚沼市の夏祭りの紹介まとめ こちらの動画は、南魚沼市の魅力あふれるさまざまな夏祭りを紹介しており、日本の祭り好きには必見の動画。 さまざまな夏祭りを体験できる南魚沼市。 気になる祭りがあったら、ぜひ参加してみましょう! -
Video article 2:36
Miura Udon, a Popular Udon Restaurant in Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Prefecture! Check Out This Delicious Meaty Udon!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
- YouTube
This video, released by "National Gourmet Tours of Japan" (日本全国食い倒れグルメツアー), is titled "[Vlog|Gourmet] Miura Udon in Fujikawaguchiko Town|The Secret to Its Taste Is Its Strength|Exquisite Yoshida Udon [Food Porn]" (【vlog|グルメ】富士河口湖町のみうらうどん コシの強さが美味さの秘訣 絶品吉田うどん【飯テロ】). This video shows Miura Udon in Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Prefecture. It's so popular that people line up before the restaurant opens. Their noodles are characterized by their strength, and the overall price is reasonable. The most popular item on the menu is the udon noodles, but there's also tenkasu on the table that you can add as you please. Check out the video to see what the restaurant is like! -
Video article 3:30
The "Kanazawa Odori" (Kanazawa Dance) is a gorgeous stage, as well as tea ceremony and tatami rooms in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
Traditional Culture- 310 plays
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Kanazawa Odori, traditional performing arts of Kaga Hyakumangoku, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Geisha Performing Kanazawa Odori: Kaga Domain, Castle Town Kanazawa" (芸妓衆が舞う金沢おどり:加賀百万石の城下町 金沢 | nippon.com), was created by "nippon.com". Kanazawa was previously a castle town known as "Kagahyakumangoku" (加賀百万石), located in the Chubu region (中部地方) of Japan and ruled by the Maeda clan during the Edo Period. The area was very prosperous during this time and traditional arts, performing arts, and culture also flourished. Kanazawa Odori was one such performing art. In the video, you can watch the beautiful dance performance and learn more about the history of Geisha. Learn More About the Geisha Who Perform Kanazawa Odori! Photo:Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture・Higashi Chaya District Kanazawa Odori is performed during a festival in September each year by the Geisha who work on Kazuemachi Tea House Street in Kanazawa City. The festival is usually held in Ishikawa Ongakudo (石川音楽堂) and lasts a total of 4 days. The three chaya districts (teahouse districts) of Kanazawa date back to the Bunsei Era (文政) of the Edo Period. The expansion and development of art and culture was highly supported throughout the Kaga Domain (加賀藩) and Noh theater became very popular at this time. The words "Sora kara utai ga futtekuru" (空から謡が降ってくる, Songs Will Rain From the Sky) which can be seen in the video from 0:44, refer to the singing that could be heard all over the town of Kanazawa during a period in which Noh theater was extremely popular. The Geisha continued to perfect the art of hospitality and entertainment over the years eventually becoming an integral part of the culture of Kanazawa City. The three remaining chaya districts of Kanazawa City are an important piece of Japanese history and are a good demonstration of the atmosphere and lifestyle of the Kanazawa Geisha of the time. The three chaya districts of Kanazawa City are called the Higashi Chaya District (東茶屋街), Nishi Chaya District (西茶屋街) and Kazuemachi Chaya District (主計茶屋街). Seijirou Shimada (島田清次郎), the author of the Taisho period (大正時代) (1912AD-1926AD) bestselling novel "Chijo" (地上), was said to have lived here when he was a young boy. The Higashi Chaya District and Kazuemachi Chaya District were added to the list of "Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings" (重要伝統的建築物群保存地区) in 2001 and 2008, respectively. Kanazawa Geisha have also had a great impact in areas of writing and architecture in Japan. If you'd like to try an ozashiki experience (Geisha dinner experience), you have to make sure you follow proper etiquette. For the Kanazawa Geisha, these experiences are a serious part of their training. There are set times when alcohol and food may be enjoyed and also times where one must refrain from eating or drinking to fully enjoy the performance. The Three Highlights of Kanazawa Odori! The Grand Finale "Kanazawa Fuuga," Ozashiki, and Tea Ceremony! Source :YouTube screenshot Teahouses have a tradition of generally turning away first-time customers, therefore it may be difficult to try Ozashiki as a tourist. However, you can purchase a ticket called "Kaga no Utage" (加賀の宴) which allows you to experience the Geisha dining experience easily. You can also take part in a tea ceremony during the Kanazawa Odori festival. Taking part in these experiences will help you learn more about the life of Geisha. The real pleasure in Kanazawa Odori is that there are a variety of programs to enjoy. These include "Icchoichibu" (一調一舞) which is a dance performed to a small hand drum, "Subayashi" (素囃子) which is a song and dance performed to shamisen and taiko drums, and "Ozashikidaiko" which is performed using drums called "Shimedaiko," "Odaiko" and more. From 2:31 in the video, you can take a look at "Kanazawa Fuuga," which is performed by a group of Geisha in unison. It's a must see for those interested in Kanazawa Odori! The lyrics were written by Naoki Prize (直木賞) winner Tomomi Muramatsu (村松ともみ), the music was written by Hisamatsu Yamato (大和久松), the head of the Yamatogaku School (大和楽), and Ukon Nishikawa (西川右近), the head of the Nishikawa Nihonbuyo School, (日本舞踊西川) was in charge of choreography. Summary of Kanazawa Odori Source :YouTube screenshot Kanazawa Odori is highly praised and admired not only in Japan but also overseas. Enjoy watching the Geisha demonstrate the spirit of Japanese "omotenashi" through their elegant dance and other performances in the video! -
Video article 12:48
The Cutting-Edge Robotics Technology of FANUC. The Company Renowned for Its Advanced Technology and Services Around the World, Announces a New Product for 2020!
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The Cutting-Edge Robotics Company, FANUC This video, titled "FANUC Product Introduction (Full Version) 2020" (ファナック 商品紹介(フルバージョン) 2020), was uploaded by "FANUC CORPORATION." Have you heard of the robotics company FANUC? FANUC is a Japanese electrical equipment manufacturer that ranks first in the world in sales of robots and peripheral machine products for factory automation equipment. They're located in Oshinomura(忍野村,Oshinomura), Minamitsuru Ward(南都留郡,Minamitsurugun), Yamanashi Prefecture(山梨県,Yamanashiken). FANUC was the first manufacturer to successfully develop Japan's first numerical control device (NC) in 1956, and since then has continued to supply CNC equipment and robots for machine tools worldwide. The name FANUC has grown into an international brand thanks to its advanced technology and service. In this article, we'll introduce a number of exciting and futuristic factory automation products that FANUC will release in 2020! FANUC's CNC Series Source :YouTube screenshot FANUC’s CNC series is a vital product group that serves as the core of its FA products. The world-class CNC series, that increases productivity in manufacturing, uses an interface called iHMI, shown at 1:09 in the video, which is equipped with a high-quality AI that allows users to intuitively manipulate high-level production functions and simultaneous sharing of information regarding maintenance through networking. The FANUC servo motor offers a diverse lineup of motors that meet the needs of a wide range of customers, from small to large, and provides a comfortable manufacturing environment with excellent operability and easy maintenance. The Manufacturing Functions of FANUC Source :YouTube screenshot FANUC's products, which can be seen at 1:40 have earned a worldwide reputation for their machining performance. Even flat surface machining and shaping of complex shaped molds can be done at high speed and with high precision. AI servo tuning uses AI to automate the technology that skilled craftsmen have developed through experience. You can see the AI feed-forward tuning in progress at 3:03 in the video. In addition, the combination of CNC, servo motors, and robots makes it easy to perform complex laser engraving, metal cutting, and welding processes. About the FANUC robots introduced in the video Source :YouTube screenshot FANUC has a wide range of robots in its robot lineup, ranging from a 500 gram payload robot to a large robot with a payload of over 2.3 tons. These can be seen at 4:52 in the video. Cumulative production of FANUC robots has exceeded 640,000 units, making it the world's top producer of robots. Robomachines, its bestselling product so far, is yellow, FANUC’s brand color, but its new series, shown at 6:57, features a green color scheme and is a cooperative robot that stops moving when touched by a person. The Collaborative Robot provides a barrier-free environment for humans and robots to work together, helping to significantly improve workflow. Machines such as spot welding robots, arc welding robots, SCARA robots, handling robots, and Robodrills that incorporate high-precision vision sensors shown at 7:33 and force sensors shown at 7:51, can learn and manufacture products at higher speeds and with greater precision through the introduction of AI functionality. Summary of the Advanced Robotics Company, FANUC Although people tend to think of FA machines and robots as products for large factories, FANUC provides FA products for small and medium-sized companies as well. Its products can be operated via a tablet terminal interface and can be moved by AGVs and dollies. FANUC prides itself on its safe design, and its collaborative robots boast a safety design that does not require protective measures even in small work spaces, as they stop safely when touched by a person. The Japanese manufacturing industry is comprised of nearly 90% small and medium-sized enterprises. FANUC’s FA machines such as its small production processing machine, Roboshot and Robonano are bringing an industrial revolution to modern machining. 【Official Homepage】FANUC CORPORATION https://www.fanuc.co.jp/eindex.html