Festivals & Events
Video article 5:11
The Beauty of the Owari Tsushima Tenno Festival, One of the Three Major Boat Festivals of Japan, Is Something You Should Experience Live at Least Once! It's a Festival Full of Charm, With Lantern Boats Lighting up Beautifully Under the Night Sky in Aichi Prefecture!
Festivals & Events- 135 plays
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花火や巻藁船!尾張津島天王祭の魅力をご紹介! 「日本できれいな景色を楽しめる祭りを見たい」 日本にはさまざまなお祭りがありますが、絶景を楽しめるお祭りに参加して一生の思い出に残るような体験をしたいと思っている人はいませんか? そのような人に、今回は愛知県で開催されている尾張津島天王祭を紹介したいと思います。 この記事では、愛知を観光する際にぜひ見ておきたい尾張津島天王祭の特徴や魅力について解説しています。 日本三大川まつりのひとつである尾張津島天王祭のおすすめ動画も紹介しているので、気になる方は見てください! 日本三大川まつりのひとつである尾張津島天王祭とは? 日本三大川まつりのひとつである尾張津島天王祭は、愛知県の津島市で行われる津島神社のお祭りです。 600年ほどの歴史がある華麗な川まつりで、無形民俗文化財やユネスコ無形文化遺産に登録されています。 お祭りは数カ月にわたり、いろいろな行事が行われますが、7月の第4土曜日の宵祭と、その翌日に行われる朝祭りは、見どころ満載の車楽舟行事としてとても人気です。 夏に愛知県を観光する際には、日本三大川まつりのひとつである尾張津島天王祭がおすすめです。 日本三大川まつりのひとつである尾張津島天王祭の特徴と魅力 日本三大川まつりのひとつである尾張津島天王祭は2日間にわたり開催されます。 1日目は宵祭り、2日目は朝祭りとそれぞれの祭りで特徴があります。 まず、尾張津島天王祭は夜の祭である宵祭りから始まります。 宵祭りの特徴は夜景の美しさにあるでしょう。 宵祭りは、夕方頃になると花火が打ち上げられ、美しい景色を楽しめます。 さらに、夜9時ごろになると宵祭りのメインである巻藁船が天王川に漕ぎ出していきます。 船の提灯に火をともす如意点灯により、幻想的な美しい夜景が見るものを魅了していくでしょう。 翌日に行われる朝祭りは、巻藁船から提灯などをはずし、太鼓や笛など朝祭り用に準備されます。 太鼓や笛などで演奏しながら天王川を漕いでいき、とても賑やか。 神輿は色鮮やかに彩られ、とても魅力のある風景を楽しむことができます。 日本三大川まつりのひとつである尾張津島天王祭は、宵祭りと朝祭りでそれぞれ特徴がある魅力たっぷりのお祭りです。 日本三大川まつり尾張津島天王祭のおすすめ動画 「gpanda333」が制作する尾張津島天王祭のプロモーション動画がおすすめです。 こちらの動画は日本三大川まつりのひとつである尾張津島天王祭の魅力を美しい4K動画で見ることができます。 迫力ある花火や美しい提灯船など日本の文化を楽しめる尾張津島天王祭。 夏祭りの参加したいときにはとくにおすすめのお祭りなので、ぜひ参加してみてください! -
Video article 13:03
The Most Dangerous Fire Festival in Japan - "Toba no Himatsuri" in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture - Men jump into the blazing fire? A thrilling video of the strangest festival in the world!
Festivals & Events- 221 plays
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Video introduction of "Toba Fire Festival" in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture This video, titled "Japan's Most Dangerous Fire Festival – The Toba Fire Festival" (日本一危険な火祭り 鳥羽の火祭り), was released by "AichiTanken." The Toba Fire Festival is a historic festival which is still held to this day at Toba Shinmeisha shrine (鳥羽神明社) in Nishio city (西尾市) in the southern area of Aichi Prefecture (愛知県), located in Japan's Tokai region (東海地方). The official name of the festival is "Toba Daikagaribi" (鳥羽大篝火, ~The Bonfire of Toba). The Toba fire festival, which is thought to have originated approximately 1,200 years ago, has been designated an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japan. What Kind of Event Is The Toba Fire Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot During the Toba festival, area representatives called "Fukuji" (福地) and "Kanji" (乾地) set fire to a gigantic torch called a "Suzumi" (すずみ) which, by the nature of the flames, predicts the following years fortune with regards to weather, harvests, and so on. The representatives of each area, called "Shinotoko" (神男), must be at least 25 years of age and before the festival begins must live in a shrine, refrain from eating and drinking, and cleanse their bodies with water in a purification ritual. Also, on the day of the festival, the Shinotoko must jump into the sea naked as part of said purification ritual. The Shinotoko from the previous year help prepare the current year's Shinotoko during this purification process and teach them how to use the "Yusuribo," a 4-5 meter stick used to hold up the suzumi. The Toba Festival starts with the Shinotoko setting fire to the 5 meter tall, 2 ton "Suzumi." After that, the Shinotoko and helpers race to retrieve the "Shinboku" (神木) and "Juninawa" (十二縄) from inside the Suzumi and present them at the shrine. As you can see in the video, the men, who are dressed in hoods, continually pull down the burning grass to get to the Shinboku and Juninawa. From 1:23 in the video, you can see the men climb the Suzumi as flaming grass falls down around them. The men are often called "Neko" (ネコ) which translates to "cat" in English, because of their clothing and the way in which they jump down from the ladders. It is said that if there is a lot of smoke in the Toba Fire Festival, there will be more rain that year, and if the sound of the bamboo crackling is loud, there will be more thunder. It is also believed that eating with chopsticks made of the bamboo used in this ceremony will prevent dental problems. Recommended Spots in Nishio, Aichi Photo:Sakushima Island Other highlights of Nishio city include Kira Hot Spring (吉良温泉) and the Nishio City Salt Farm Experience (西尾市塩田体験館). The island "Sakushima" (佐久島) is also a popular spot for enjoying contemporary art. If you're planning a trip to Nishio city, we also recommend trying some of the popular local sweets made with Matcha. Summary of the Toba Fire Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Toba Fire Festival has been featured in the local Aichi news outlet "KATCH" (キャッチ), as well as other websites and tourist information brochures. For those interested in traditional Japanese festivals, we highly recommend taking another look at the video of the Toba Fire Festival! On the day of the festival, many food stands and special viewing areas are set up as well, so be sure to head over to Nishio and enjoy the awesome Toba Fire Festival! ◆Toba Fire Festival – Tobashinmeisha Shrine – Event Information◆ 【Address】444-0704, Aichi prefecture, Nishio city, Tobacho (鳥羽町), Nishibasama (西迫) 89 【Access】10-minute walk from Mikawatoba station (三河鳥羽駅, mikawatobaeki) on the Meitetsu Gamagori Line (名鉄蒲郡線, meitetsugamagoorisen) 【Parking】 Available (approximately 400 spaces at Furusato Park (ふるさと公園), the fish market, etc.) 【Telephone】0563-62-2852 【Tripadvisor】 Toba Shinmeisha Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1019652-d2005852-Reviews-Toba_Shinmeisha_Temple-Nishio_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:12
Travel Back in Time to the Warring States Period at Tokai-Kassen World in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture! Put on Your Armor and Experience the Battle of Sekigahara!
Festivals & Events- 43 plays
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戦国時代を体験できるイベント「東海合戦ワールド」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「愛知県観光コンベンション局」が公開した「Tokai-Kassen World | 東海合戦ワールド」です。 皆さんは日本への観光の際、武将の体験ができる場所を聞かれたことはありませんか? 今回の動画は日本の戦国時代が体験できる東海合戦ワールドをご紹介します。 東海合戦ワールドへ行けば戦国時代の日本を肌で感じられること間違いなしです! 戦国時代を体験できる東海合戦ワールドの魅力! 東海合戦ワールドとは毎年11月ごろ名古屋市にある大高緑地(おおだかりょくち)で行われているイベントです。 現在はサムライニンジャフェスティバルと名前を変えてパワーアップして毎年開催中! 東海合戦ワールドでは観光客も戦国時代を体感できる 東海合戦ワールド当日、会場にはホラガイの音が鳴り響きます。 ホラガイの音を合図に鎧をつけた多くの武者・侍の大武者行列が出現。 その光景はまさに戦国時代そのもの。 大武者行列の人をご覧になると日本の観光へ訪れた外国人の方の姿もちらほら。 子供も戦国時代を体験!東海合戦ワールド 東海合戦ワールドでは子供も楽しめます。 鎧を着ながら日本刀のレプリカでチャンバラごっこをする姿も。 戦国時代の子供達も同じような光景があったのでしょうか。 会場は広大な広さを持つ大高緑地。 親子で行っても人混みに巻き込まれることはありません。 親子で戦国時代を楽しめること間違いないでしょう。 東海合戦ワールドではご当地グルメで日本を楽しめる。 東海合戦ワールドのもう一つの魅力がご当地グルメ。 イベント会場では名古屋を中心としたご当地グルメを楽しむことができます。 美味しいご当地グルメは日本への観光客にも人気。 東海合戦ワールド会場で行う火縄銃に圧巻! 東海合戦ワールド会場では火縄銃の実演も行っています。 この光景には多くの観光客がカメラを片手にその光景を写そうと必死。 ホラガイの合図に火縄銃を一斉に発射する光景は圧巻です。 東海合戦ワールド紹介まとめ 今回は東海合戦ワールドを紹介しました。 こちらのイベントは日本へ訪れた観光客も気軽に鎧を着て武者や武将になりきり、戦国時代を体感できます。 是非日本観光の際は東海合戦ワールドへ訪れてみてはどうですか? -
Video article 2:06
A Beautiful Performance of Fire! Don't Miss the "Tezutsu Hanabi" Fireworks That Originated in Aichi Prefecture! This Powerful Festival Is a Sight to Behold!
Festivals & Events- 46 plays
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日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」とは? こちらで紹介する動画は「Armadas」が公開した「Tezutsu Fireworks in 8K」です。 日本の伝統的な夏祭りといえば花火大会ですが、中でもユニークなのが愛知県豊橋が発祥と言われる「天筒花火」です。 この花火大会は1メートルほどの竹筒に火薬を詰め、それを人が抱えながら火柱を高く吹き上げる「吹き上げ式」。 担ぎ手が持つ竹筒から勢い良く火柱が上がり、その後、衝撃音と共に手筒の底が抜けるという仕組みです。 担ぎ手たちの美しい所作と大迫力の火柱との共演がこちらの動画でご覧になれます。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」歴史について 現在日本で吹き上げ式の天筒花火が盛んに行なわれているのは愛知県の豊橋市がある東三河地方と静岡県の遠州地方の西部です。 この吹き上げ式の花火大会の歴史には諸説ありますが、もっとも有力なものは江戸時代に鉄砲が伝来し、1613年に徳川家康が江戸城内で花火を見物した際に天筒花火が披露されたことが発祥ではないかという説です。 徳川の砲術隊が三河岡崎にこの技術を持ち帰り、三河と遠州で天筒花火大会が盛んに開かれるようになったとされています。 愛知県豊橋市の吉田神社に残る江戸時代よりも古い文献の「三河国古老伝」にもそれらしき記述があり、何れにしても豊橋が発祥の地と見てよいと思います。 豊橋や遠州以外では岐阜県の飛騨高山、関東でも千葉県館林市や群馬県など日本各地で手筒花をご覧になることができます。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」の特徴 一般的な日本の打ち上げ花火では花火師が火玉を作って打ち上げますが、天筒花火の作り方は資格を取った地元の男衆が竹を伐採するところから、最後の火薬を詰め込むところまでの全作業を行います。 天筒花火に点火すると轟音とともにオレンジ色の火柱が立ち上り、担ぎ手は仁王立ち打ち上げます。最後には「はね」と呼ばれる仕掛けで衝撃音と共に天筒花火の底が爆発して幕を閉じます。 全国の天筒花火大会まつりのイベント開催情報 2019年8月〜9月には、以下の手筒花火大会が開催されました。 ・2019年8月15日:第14回越前市サマーフェスティバル花火大会(福井県) ・2019年8月22日:伊東温泉箸祭り花火大会(静岡県) ・2019年8月24日:美並夏祭り花火大会(岐阜県) ・2019年8月24日:第32回豊川手筒祭り(愛知県) ・2019年9月14日、15日:第24回炎の祭典〜炎の舞〜(愛知県) ・2019年9月15日:田原祭り・五町合同花火大会(愛知県) など。 花火大会会場は混雑し、道路は一部交通規制が敷かれる場合があるので、自動車で向かう場合は駐車場の場所や周辺エリアのホテル情報などを前もってネットでご確認ください。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」紹介のまとめ 日本の夏祭りといえば花火に浴衣に屋台と楽しみが満載ですね。 今回は愛知県豊橋市が発祥と言われている夏祭り「天筒花火」について紹介しました。 日本全国各地で天筒花火のお祭りを楽しむことができるので、穴場や名所、人気のスポットを調べて、楽しんではいかがでしょうか? 9月まで楽しめるお祭りなので旅行目的としてもおすすめです。 豊橋で行われた天筒花火の勇壮な祭りの模様はこちらの8Kの美麗な動画でご覧になれるのでお楽しみください。 -
Video article 2:30
Tokai City in Aichi Prefecture Is Full of Exciting Festivals and Events! Packed With Events You'll Want to Attend at Least Once, This Is a Place to Put on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Festivals & Events- 73 plays
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Introducing Tokai in Aichi Prefecture This is a PR video titled “Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Promotional Footage - From 1969 to the Future” (愛知県東海市シティプロモーション映像 「1969年→未来へ」), produced by tokaicityofficial. Tokai is named in the hope that the city would represent the Tokai region. This short two-and-a-half-minute video is a speedy introduction of the attractive views, events, and tourist destinations in Tokai. Starting with the footage of old Tokai, scenes of the bustling city in the present day will give you the impression of a “Safe, Futuristic City that Connects People with Dreams” (the city’s slogan), and the footage makes one feel as if the city will continue to develop into the future. Sightseeing in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Photo:Shurakuen Buddha Tokai in Aichi Prefecture has many iron works from long ago, and developed as the “City of Steel.” In 1969, the present Tokai was born as the result of a merger between the towns of Ueno and Yokosuka. A large Buddha is perched on the scenic hill overlooking Tokai, Aichi Prefecture, as if it's watching over the city. The Shurakuen Buddha in Shurakuen Park, with a height of 18.79 meters (about 62 feet), that watches over Tokai, is bigger than the Buddhas in both Nara and Kamakura. Be sure to add this landmark to your itinerary when you visit Tokai. The Buddha statue is shown at 0:42 in the video. Even just from watching the video you can feel the scale of the statue. Tourists can also visit hidden gems, such as Observation Hill in Oike Park to enjoy the scenic beauty, as well as the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater. The Summer Festivals of Tokai, Aichi Prefecture One of the most popular summer events in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture is the Tokai Fireworks Festival. The popular firework festival, which represents Tokai, is held in the city at Oike Park. It provides a spectacular view for visitors. Experience the spectacular fireworks of the Tokai Fireworks Festival in the footage at 1:23 in the video. Tokai also has a unique festival called the "Silent Bon Festival" where locals dance to music played in their earphones, as not to annoy people living in the surrounding area. Event Information for Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Ota Festival and Owari Yokosuka Festival are known as the two largest float festivals in the city. Beside these, the city is filled with a festive atmosphere during tourist events such as the pop culture event ANIMAN, the Ryukyu Festival for introducing attractions of Okinawa City (one of Tokai’s sister cities), and the Tokai Autumn Festival. The Ota River area has events including the Nippon Domannaka Festival and the Ota River Hot Summer Garden during summer, and the Winter Illumination at Ota River during winter. The event venues are lined with stalls where tourists can purchase local food and souvenirs. The Tokai Half Marathon organized in December also gathers attentions from both locals and tourists. Check out the video to see footage of these events and festivals! Summary of Tokai, Aichi Prefecture The video has a lot of amazing things to see. So many traditional Japanese festivals and events are organized in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture! Enjoy the scenic beauty, as well as the events/festivals in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture, through the video. Tokai, Aichi Prefecture truly is a fascinating tourist destination! When you make a trip to the city, be sure to join in the festive events. It'll be an experience you won't forget! 【Official Website】Tokai, Aichi Prefecture city official website http://www.city.tokai.aichi.jp/ -
Video article 2:19
Video introduction of "Toyokawa Inari Yolmode 2022" in Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture! The fantastic beauty of the event attracts viewers and brings vitality and liveliness to the community! Ticket information and highlights!
News Festivals & Events Travel Traditional Culture Things to Do History- 67 plays
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Toyokawa Inari Yolmowde" Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "A Temple Visit at Night With a Fantastical Atmosphere|Using Technology to Prevent Infection|Toyokawa Inari, Aichi (2022/7/25)" (幻想的な雰囲気の中で「夜の参拝」を 感染対策には驚きの演出も 愛知・豊川稲荷(2022/7/25)), was uploaded by "CBC News [CBC TV Official]" (CBCニュース【CBCテレビ公式】). Toyokawa Inari x NAKED YORU MO-DE, which began last July, is a safe and secure, new-style nighttime worship event that focuses on preventing infection. Be sure to check out the video as it shows Toyokawa Inari and the photogenic light art, illuminated approach, and many other attractions that can be seen at YORU MO-DE. Toyokawa Inari - Is It a Temple or Shrine? Photo:Reiko-Zuka, the Hill of Foxes at Toyokawa Inari, Aichi Prefecture Toyokawa Inari, located in Toyokawa, Aichi, in Japan's Tokai region, is a temple officially called Enpukuzan Myogonji Temple and is one of the three major Inari shrines in Japan. The reason it is called Toyokawa Inari is that it enshrines a deity called "Toyokawa Dakini Shinten," a god astride a white fox (Inari shrines are dedicated to foxes), who is believed to bring prosperity to business and safety to one's family. It is said that this may be due to the fact that the shrine is also associated with the Inari faith. Toyokawa Inari is famous for offering four types of shuin stamps. The summer-only shuin stamps with cool designs are quite popular. In addition, a variety of good luck charms are available, including some with cute foxes on them. Toyokawa Inari has branch temples throughout Japan. Toyokawa Kaku Myogonji Temple in Akasaka, Tokyo, also known as Toyokawa Inari Betsuin, is a popular urban power spot. The fortune-telling service at Toyokawa Inari Betsuin is particularly popular due to its accuracy, causing there to often be a queue of people waiting to receive their fortunes. Ticket and Event Information for Toyokawa Inari YORU MO-DE 2022 Source :YouTube screenshot Toyokawa Inari YORU MO-DE 2022 is from July 22 to August 6. This is a limited-time event to enjoy a nighttime temple visit, and tickets must be purchased in order to participate. Tickets can be purchased at the on-site reception during the event period, or in advance on ticket websites. Admission is 1,500 yen for adults. Elementary school students and younger can enter free of charge. During YORU MO-DE, visitors can enjoy a variety of illuminated artworks in the precincts of Toyokawa Inari, which attract a lot of attention due to how photogenic they are. In addition to the approach to the temple being lit up, this year the light-up area has been expanded even further! Reiko-Zuka, the Hill of Foxes, where approximately 1,000 fox statues are enshrined, will be illuminated with light and sound effects, creating an even more beautiful and mysterious atmosphere. In addition, the colorful flower-shaped mikuji that have become popular on Japanese social media will add color and delight visitors. Summer is also the best time for yukata! The FOX MASK, available in limited quantities, goes perfectly with yukata, and allows visitors to take memorable photos! Also, the "Tsukubai," a stone wash basin used to purify oneself, emits disinfectant when hands are held near it and projects motifs of goldfish and fireworks. In addition, the light patterns on the lanterns allow visitors to maintain safe social distancing while enjoying the attractions. How Crowded is Toyokawa Inari YORU-MODE 2022? Source :YouTube screenshot With the number of people infected with the new coronavirus on the rise, one concern people have inevitably expressed is how crowded the event will be. At this year's YORU MO-DE, in addition to infection prevention measures, such as alcohol disinfection and lanterns that allow people to naturally maintain distance from other visitors, as mentioned above, a new system has also been introduced. On the day of the event, visitors will obtain a digital numbered ticket by scanning a QR code before entering, and will receive a message on via LINE when it's time to enter. Through this system, the number of visitors allowed into the temple grounds per hour is limited to 1,500 to prevent crowding and to prevent the spread of the virus. Until you can enter with a digital numbered ticket, you can fill your stomach at the food stalls and stores in the shopping area. This system allows visitors to make good use of their time while waiting instead of just standing in line until they can enter. Delicious Food to Try at Toyokawa Inari! When you visit Toyokawa Inari, be it for sightseeing or to pray, there's one food that you've got to try. That is, Toyokawa Inari Sushi! Named after Inari Okami's favorite abura-age, this sushi is a must-try. We recommend Okitsune Honpo (おきつね本舗) if you want to try it! They also offer take-out, so it is perfect for eating while you walk around. The "Okitsune Burger," which uses fried tofu instead of buns, is also popular according to reviews. Consider giving it a try! Summary of YORU MO-DE at Toyokawa Inari If you haven't already seen the video introducing the precincts of the temple and other areas decorated with light effects, be sure to check it out. When visiting the event, although a large parking lot is available, we recommend using public transportation instead of a car, as parking is expected to be crowded during the event. Toyokawa Inari YORU MO-DE is a festival where visitors can enjoy beautiful art with the aim of revitalizing the local community. There are many hotels and other lodging facilities in the area. If you're visiting Aichi for sightseeing, definitely give YORU MO-DE a thought, it's a fantastic summer-only event!