
[画像1]The tea ceremony teaches us everything that is important.大切なことは全て茶道が教えてくれるSamurai tea ceremony enthu
[画像2]The tea ceremony teaches us everything that is important.大切なことは全て茶道が教えてくれるSamurai tea ceremony enthu
[画像3]The tea ceremony teaches us everything that is important.大切なことは全て茶道が教えてくれるSamurai tea ceremony enthu
[画像4]The tea ceremony teaches us everything that is important.大切なことは全て茶道が教えてくれるSamurai tea ceremony enthu
[画像5]The tea ceremony teaches us everything that is important.大切なことは全て茶道が教えてくれるSamurai tea ceremony enthu
[画像6]The tea ceremony teaches us everything that is important.大切なことは全て茶道が教えてくれるSamurai tea ceremony enthu

The tea ceremony teaches us everything that is important.

Samurai tea ceremony enthusiasts enthusiastically enjoy the tea ceremony and are obsessed with collecting specialty items. Nobunaga becomes happy by ``hunting specialties,'' such as offering famous tea utensils and forcing them to buy them.
武家茶道は熱心に茶の湯を嗜み、名物の収集に夢中に…。 信長は名物の茶器を献上させたり、強制的に買い上げるなどの「名物狩り」を行い悦になる