[画像1][English/日本語]Across the street from the amanatto (sweet bean) shop introduced previously is a public
[画像2][English/日本語]Across the street from the amanatto (sweet bean) shop introduced previously is a public

Across the street from the amanatto (sweet bean) shop introduced previously is a public bathhouse that is famous in Hachioji. At the bathhouse, vegetables are sold unattended. At this sales place, rare vegetables from the Tama area are sold, and there is a wide variety of them, so it is fun just to look around ?International students often take advantage of these unattended vegetable sales. The principal of our school also has a farm in Hachioji City, and he is often asked by foreigners to sell their produce. When I asked the students about it, they said it looks fresher and tastier than the ones sold in supermarkets. I encourage everyone to try these rare vegetables that can only be found in the Tama area.
以前紹介した甘納豆屋さんの向かいには八王子でも有名な銭湯があります。 その銭湯では野菜の無人販売を行っています。 この販売所では珍しい多摩地区の野菜などが売っていて、種類も豊富で見ているだけでも楽しいです?留学生はこのような無人販売の野菜を利用することが多いです。 本校の校長も八王子市内で畑をもっていますが、よく外国人から売ってくれと言われるそうです。 学生たちに聞くとスーパーで売っているものよりも、新鮮でおいしそうだと言っていました。 ぜひみなさんも多摩地区でしかとれない珍しい野菜を食べてみてくださいね。