[画像1][English/日本語]Do you know
[画像2][English/日本語]Do you know
[画像3][English/日本語]Do you know

Do you know "Miyako Manju," the soul food of Hachioji? 30 yen per piece, you can buy these manju near Hachioji Station. They are popular among students because of their affordable price. They taste very delicious with a gentle sweetness. The store is a local store that collaborates with a nearby university, and the design of the manju often changes, so you can enjoy eating it while having fun. You should definitely try it 😊.
八王子のソウルフード「都まんじゅう」をご存じですか? 1個30円で、八王子駅周辺で購入できるお饅頭です。 お手頃価格なので、学生にも人気です。 味は優しい甘さでとても美味しいです。 近くの大学とコラボをするなど地元密着のお店で、まんじゅうのデザインもよく変わるので、楽しみながら食べられますよ。 是非一度食べてみてください😊