[Image1]This time, I went ✨ to

This time, I went ✨ to "Pork Bowl Hanatokachi" in Obihiro
The pork bowl of "Pork Bowl Hanatokachi" is an exquisite pork bowl with Tokachi mountain wasabi and edamame on top, with four commitments: Hokkaido pork, sauce, grilling method, and Hokkaido Rice! 🍚
The sauce was moderately sweet, and when I put mountain wasabi on the juicy meat and ate it together, it was 🤤 refreshing and delicious
說到北海道帶廣市、Otofuke的人氣地方美食,一定要吃的就是「豬肉丼飯」 ✨
這次介紹位於帶廣市名店之一的「豬丼Hanatokachi」,店家堅持選用北海道產豬肉、醬soup、燒烤方式、Rice飯的四點美味的秘訣並加上Tokachi產的山山葵和毛豆,成就了美味的「豬肉丼飯」! 🍚
醬汁剛剛好的甜味、多汁的豬肉搭配上山葵,吃到最後都不會膩,非常好吃 🤤
有來帶廣、Otofuke 玩的時候,一定要試試「豬肉丼飯」喔!

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