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Dec. 25, 2023
From an early age, a warrior learns to distinguish between the bravery of a litterateur and the true courage of "great valor". Mothers send their children to expose their bodies to the cold winter weather and to see the horrific sights of execution sites. My father teaches me how to use a sword from an early age. He starts with a wooden sword, and when he attains the age of 15, he is allowed to carry a serious weapon. At that time, he becomes aware of his self-respect and his sense of responsibility for carrying a dangerous weapon in the street. 武士は幼少のころから匹夫の勇と、真の勇気「大勇」の区別を学びます。 母は冬の寒空の中、肉体をさらさせたり、処刑場の恐ろしい光景を見に行かせます。 父は幼少のころから刀の使い方を教えます。 まずは木刀から始まり、15歳で元服すると真剣を携帯しての行動を許します。 その時、彼が自覚するのは自尊心と、危険な凶器を往来で持ち歩くことに対する責任感です。
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Dec. 22, 2023
辞世の筆/The Book of Resignation A "resignation calligraphy" is a brush stroke that a samurai writes down as his last words in this life when he foresees his death. 侍が死を予見したときにこれまでの人生を振り返り、この世での最後の文字として筆で書き残すもの Shame is the basis of moral consciousness, and honor in Bushido is the basic virtue for pursuing aesthetics as a person. 武士道における名誉とは、人としての美学を追究するための基本の徳である。 Honor in Bushido means respecting one's name and living a noble life without shame.
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Dec. 20, 2023
〜Our Staff〜 ・Name: Dou Higashiyama ・Job Title : Assistant ・Specialty : Assistant Professional ・About him : Dou Higashiyama is a modern-day samurai who never refuses to accept any kind of reckless work and performs as an assistant. Higashiyama is aware of his innate "honor" and explains that the first thing a foreigner who aspires to become a samurai should pursue is honor, not skill or knowledge. ・Favorite historical figure : Masayuki Sanada ・Ambition : He wants to go back in time to Keicho 19 (1614) and participate in the Osaka battle as a general on Toyotomi's side to defeat Tokugawa Ieyasu.
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  • Japanese heart/Wabisabi
  • What Will You Do, Ieyasu?
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  • Machiya Residence Inn Buke Yashiki
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New otani inn sapporo
Dec. 12, 2023
The end of the year and the first party are spacious in ? the hotel banquet hall Not only in restaurants, but also in banquet halls, New Year's party plans appeared. We offer a wide range of venues and a variety of courses to meet a wide range of customer requirements. ・ 15,000 yen course [Chinese] Shark fin stewed Peking duck Steamed abalone with XO soy sauce and 8 other items ・ 15,000 yen course [Western food] Takigawa duck, foie gras, and amigasa mushroom "exquisite" consomme soup Tokachi Daichi Beef Fillet Poiret Madera Sauce Black Truffle Coolie All 7 other items * You can choose from two types of dessert ・10,000 yen course Mousse-stuffed sea bream and shrimp braise Hokkaido beef fillet steak with fresh herbs and red wine butter All 7 other items * You can choose from two types of dessert ・8000 yen course Spicy stir-fried chicken and winter bamboo shoots Sautéed Hokkaido pork and rosemary All 7 other items * You can choose from two types of dessert We have ? prepared 120 minutes of all-you-can-drink drinks, and a lot of Chinese and Western food that New Otani is proud of * We accept from 10 people. Friday, December 1, 2023 ~ Thursday, February 29, 2024 For reservations and details, please visit the hotel's official website or ?Tel: 011-222-1522!
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Dec. 12, 2023
Wabi and sabi are words to appreciate Japanese aesthetic sensibilities, which represents “beauty within simplicity and imperfection.” Wabi and sabi are words that express the aesthetic sensitivity of Japan. We find beauty in imperfection and simplicity. It's the beauty we find in imperfection. It finds beauty in imperfections. Wabi points to beauty coming from simplicity. Wabi is the beauty in simplicity. Sabi represents beauty or serenity that comes with age. Rust represents the quaint beauty or tranquility of time.
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Dec. 8, 2023
The tea ceremony teaches us everything that is important. The tea ceremony teaches you everything that is important Samurai tea ceremony enthusiasts enthusiastically enjoy the tea ceremony and are obsessed with collecting specialty items. Nobunaga becomes happy by ``hunting specialties,'' such as offering famous tea utensils and forcing them to buy them. The samurai tea ceremony enthusiastically enjoys the tea ceremony and is absorbed in collecting specialties. Nobunaga becomes happy by "hunting for specialties" such as making him donate his famous tea utensils and forcibly buying them
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  • samurai tea ceremony
  • Tea ceremony
  • Samurai
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  • Machiya Residence Inn Buke Yashiki
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Dec. 4, 2023
~ SAMURAI⚔HONOR Staff ~ These are heretical samurai gathered together so that even foreigners can easily understand and experience ``Bushido,'' which is the crystallization of virtue, pride, and ideals that modern Japanese have lost. 〜SAMURAI⚔HONOR Staff〜 These are Japan maverick samurai gathered so that even foreigners can understand and experience "Bushido", which is the crystallization of virtues, pride, and ideals that people have lost in modern times.
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New otani inn sapporo
Nov. 29, 2023
We have started accepting reservations for New Year's Eve! 2023 is coming to an end in the blink of an eye. If it is an annual payment, you will want to reward yourself for working hard for a year, but New Otani Inn Sapporo has prepared the perfect New Year's Eve for such an important gift for yourself. This year's New Year's Eve is a new "Blessing of the Sea and Earth," which combines seafood such as salmon roe and shrimp, and earthly foods such as Furano Wagyu beef and shiitake mushrooms. You can enjoy a variety of Japanese, Western, and Chinese flavors. * "Blessings of the sea" and "Blessings of the earth" You can purchase them one by one. In addition, the Western-style two-tier "Party Hors d'oeuvres" has been renewed and revived. It is recommended for customers who want to eat Western and Chinese food made by the hotel chef. Until 12/25, reservations are only accepted from the hotel website. (The delivery period will be December 31, 2023) The last special meal of the year is "more luxurious than usual" Why don't you fill your heart and stomach with New Otani Inn Sapporo's New Year's ? Eve? For reservations and details, please visit the hotel's official website or ?Tel: 011-222-1522!
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Izena Island Tourism Association.
Nov. 28, 2023
[History and cultural heritage of the Ryukyu Kingdom period of Izena Island] ■ vol 3 "Reverse Field" Sakata Born into a family of farmers, Machigani was a hard worker from an early age and worked very agriculture such as rice cultivation. One year, the island was hit by a drought, and while the water in the rice fields on the island dried up, only the rice paddies of Machigani were full of water. According to one theory, the girls of the island, who were fond of the hard-working and good-natured Machigani, brought water to his rice fields every night. However, in reality, his rice fields were terraced, and the upper part of the rice field was overflowing with spring water, and the water continued to flow to the lower rice paddies, so the water never dried up. The rice fields of the other young men were large in area, but they were not blessed with water and relied on the gods, but the rice fields of Matsugane were small in area but blessed with water and rice ears. This shows that he was very intelligent. However, the young people on the island, who were usually jealous of Matsukin's popularity, accused him of being a water thief, saying, "The reason why the water does not dry up is because Matsukin is stealing from other rice paddies," and even tried to get rid of him. This is the "certain misunderstanding" described in vol. 2. Fearing for his life, Shogane decides to leave the island. This reverse rice field has been left almost in its original form, and even today it is constantly gushing out of water, and is now managed by the village board of education, where the island children's association experiences rice planting and harvesting every year. (Corona has been canceled) In this place, a poem written by the daughters of the Mido (Miyarabi) = island at that time in memory of Matsugane, who left the island, is left on the monument, and it can be read from this song monument that Matsugane was thought of by the daughters of the island. [Contents of the song monument] "I would have liked to see more of Machigani working in a short robe." It is a poem that expresses the love that the maidens of the island have for Shogane and the loneliness that he is gone.  * Machigani (Machigani) = The name of King Shoen's youth when he was on Izena Island. * Kanamaru (Kanamaru) = The name of King Shoen after he left the island. * Shoen = The name of the king. ※美童 (みやらび) = daughter, woman
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  • Okinawa Prefecture
  • Izanami Island
  • Izena
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Izena Island Tourism Association.
Nov. 28, 2023
[History and cultural heritage of the Ryukyu Kingdom period of Izena Island] ■ vol 1 "King Shoen's Birthplace Mihosojo" The site of the mansion where the person who became the first Sho clan "King Shoen" was born in 1415 in Izena Village, Moromi, and was born. Three kuba trees, three fukugi trees and three rocks are placed on the grounds. His umbilical cord is buried in one of the three rocks. It was built during his accession to the throne by Shoen's son, King Shoshin, who would become the third king. Next door to one of these places There is a well called "Shiohiraga". "Gar" means "well" in the Okinawan dialect In 1415, when Shokin, the king of Shoen, was born, the well that is said to have been used for the birthing bath remains as it was at that time. These places are the site of the mansion where the future King of the Ryukyus was born, so they are sacred places and are the most important places of worship on Izena Island.
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  • Okinawa Prefecture
  • Izena
  • Izanami Island
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  • Gusuku and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu
  • Shoenno Ouoniwa Park
  • Izena Castle Ruins
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Tomakomai Tourism Association
Nov. 28, 2023
? The 12th Women's Japan Ice Hockey League 2023-24 SMILE JAPAN LEAGUE ? On November 23 (Thu) ~ 25 (Sat), the second round of the Women's Japan Ice Hockey League was held at "NEPIA Ice Arena" in Tomakomai City! ? It was a heated match with both sides not giving in, and the supporters were also hot! ?✨ If you haven't seen an ice hockey game before, I highly recommend you watch it! ? In Tomakomai City, there is a professional ice hockey team called "Red Eagles Hokkaido" based in Tomakomai City! ? We are currently in the regular season of the "Asia League Ice Hockey 2023-2024", so if you have the opportunity or are interested, please search for "Red Eagles Hokkaido"! ??
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Izena Island Tourism Association.
Nov. 27, 2023
NICE TO MEET EVERYONE WHO WATCHES COOL JAPAN VIDEOS! This is the Izena Island Tourism Association. Izena Island is located in the north of the main island of Okinawa, and the circumference of the island is 17 kilometers, and you can go around it in about 20 minutes by car. Izena Village, Shimajiri District, Okinawa Prefecture is an island consisting of three uninhabited islands: the main island "Izena Island", "Yanaha Island", "Gushigawa Island", and "Furujin Island". The population of Izena Island in Okinawa Prefecture is 1,322 (as of the 2020 (Reiwa 2) survey), and it is also known as the birthplace of "Shoenou", the first king of the second Sho clan of the Ryukyu Dynasty. In this first post, we will introduce Izena Island and introduce the attractions of sightseeing spots and activities. ■■Sightseeing spots on Izena Island, Okinawa Prefecture■■ ◆ Futamigaura Coast (Superb view of two rocks of Gitara) "Gitara" means a sheer rock (cliff), and the sheer rocks in the sea and land are called "sea gitara / land gitara". The Gitara Coast, which has a total length of about 1 km, is dotted with many sea and land gitaras, and it has been selected as one of the 100 best beaches in Japan because of the beauty of the arrangement of sea and land gitara, land and broad-leaved trees! In addition, "Mattera Beach" in the Gitara Coast area is a hidden gem beach with white sand and highly transparent blue waters. There is also a campsite. ◆ Gitara Observatory Located in the Gitara Coast area, the "Gitara Observatory" is a popular observation spot! In particular, it is also a valuable place where you can overlook the two opposite sea and land Gitara. Don't miss the starry sky and city illuminations at night. ◆ Izena Castle Ruins The altitude of the "Izena Castle Ruins" in the southeast of Izena Island is 70m. It is said that the castle was built in the Gusuku period (11th ~ 14th century) by King Shoen's grandfather "Lord Sameigawa". It is said that it was said to be an "impregnable castle" because it was cut into a pyramid shape and had precipitous cliffs on three sides. From the top of the ruins of Izena Castle, you can enjoy a spectacular view of the sea. In addition, the "Izena Tama Palace" at the foot of the ruins of Izena Castle has been designated as an important cultural property of Japan. ◆ Izena Beach (Izena Beach) Located on the south side of Izena Island, this beach has a cobalt blue sea! It is a popular tourist destination where you can enjoy swimming and camping, and toilets and showers are also available. * 2023 (Reiwa 5) partially unusable due to seawall maintenance work from July. ◆ Shoenwang Oniwa Park To commemorate the 580th anniversary of King Shoen's birth, it is a park that was built in 1996 (Heisei 8). There are still a steady stream of worshippers in Shoen-o Oniwa Park, and there is also the Shiohira River in the park, which is said to have been used for the birthing bath of King Shoen. It is a sightseeing spot where you can feel the history of the Ryukyu kings. ◆ Mekaruke House Designated as a nationally designated important cultural property (building), the "Meikari Family Residence" is the house where the direct family of the Mekari family lived. It escaped damage from the war and was well preserved, so it was rebuilt in Meiji 39 (1906) (1906). ◆ Samure Michi The "Samure Road" is an ancient road with a total length of 2 kilometers that was used as the only living road connecting the village of Izena and the southwestern part of Izena Island around the 12th ~ 13th century. "Samure" is a Ryukyu dialect word that means "samurai" (a samurai family related to the royal family). The quartzite (mah stone) laid on the Samure Road resembled the footprints of a samurai, so it was named the Samure Road. The Samure Road is also used as an approach road to connect the royal family's holy tomb, the Izena Tama Palace, when the Meikari family, who are relatives of the Sho family, hold the "Koji Seimei Festival", which is an event to visit the graves of their ancestors. ◆ Shirasagi Observatory Facing the sea, it is an observatory with a good view overlooking the Gitara Coast (Futamigaura) and the sea! It is a popular view spot where you can also see the ruins of Izena Castle and Yanaha Island. ■■Activity information on Izena Island, Okinawa Prefecture■■ ◆ Bicycle rental Izena Island has few gradients, so it is also recommended to rent a bicycle to visit the famous spots! While galloping through the idyllic scenery, please enjoy Izena Island. ◆ Diving, snorkeling The highly transparent sea of Izena Island is ideal for marine activities! There are plenty of highlights such as coral reefs and caves of light. There is no doubt that it will be enjoyed by both beginners and advanced players! ◆ Sea fishing On Izena Island, there are many points for chinu (black bream) fishing. The official website of the Izena Island Tourism Association also has a "Fishing Map of Izena Island", so please make use of it! ■■Gourmet information on Izena Island, Okinawa Prefecture■■ ◆ Awamori Awamori, which is made in the Ryukyu Islands, also has a sake brewery on Izena Island. Please enjoy the mellow taste of awamori! ◆Okinawa Soba in Izena You can enjoy the unique flavors of Izena Island, such as Okinawa Soba using plenty of Okinawa's specialty "Mozuku" and Okinawa Soba using rice from Izena Island for the noodles. ■■ Festivals and event information on Izena Island, Okinawa Prefecture ■■ ◆ Izena 88 Triathlon Tournament Approximately 600 athletes participate every year, making it the largest event on Izena Island. Healthy men and women over the age of 18 are welcome to participate regardless of nationality. The 7-hour heated competition is a must-see! ◆ Unner "Unna" is a traditional festival on Izena Island that prays for a good harvest of rice. Powerful events such as tug-of-war, snai wrestling on a plank, and the Okinawa sumo wrestling tournament will be held. ■■Accommodation information for Izena Island, Okinawa Prefecture■■ There are a variety of accommodation facilities in Izena Island, including hotels, vacation rentals, and guest houses. You can enjoy a wide range of accommodations, from facilities with a view of the beach to accommodations with a cozy atmosphere ■■Tradition of Izena Island, Okinawa Prefecture■■ One of the charms of Izena Island is the tradition of "Ihyajute". Ihyajute is a word that means "the people of Izena are compassionate." The tradition of hospitality, in which visitors from outside the island were given harvests such as fishing without discrimination, has been rooted for a long time. On the island, you can experience Ihyajute, which is still carried over to this day. You can enter the garden where tea is placed on the veranda of the house, listen to the story of the island while drinking tea, and spend a relaxing time, which is a tradition unique to Izena Island. ■■Access information to Izena Island, Okinawa Prefecture■■ ◆ In the case of a private car From Naha Airport, take the expressway and drive north for about 2 hours, and from Unten Port (Nakijin Village), take a car ferry for about 1 hour. ◆ In the case of a taxi From Naha Airport, use the expressway and drive north for about 2 hours (fare: about 16,000 yen) About 25 minutes from Nago City to Unten Port (Fare: about 2,400 yen ~) You can also use buses and highway buses from Naha Airport. For details, please check the official website of the Izunashima Tourism Association. There are also rental car shops for cars, bicycles, mopeds, etc. on Izena Island. Please make use of it when sightseeing. COOL JAPAN VIDEOS WILL CONTINUE TO PROVIDE INFORMATION ON IZENA ISLAND, OKINAWA PREFECTURE, SO PLEASE CONTINUE TO DO SO!
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  • Izanami Island
  • Izena
  • Okinawa Prefecture
  • Gitara Beach (Futamigaura)
  • Gitara Observation Deck
  • Izena Castle Ruins
  • Izena Beach (Izena Beach)
  • Shoenno Ouoniwa Park
  • Mekariya Residence
  • Shirasagi prospect
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Nov. 23, 2023
Chusonji Temple, one of the most popular temples in Tohoku It is a temple of the Tendai sect Tohoku Daihonzan located in Hiraizumi Town, Nishiiwai District, Iwate Prefecture. In 2011, it was registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site. Chusonji Temple is famous for its gorgeous golden hall, but there are many other attractions such as Benkei-do, Yakushi-do, and Hondo.   By the way, the photo is "Benzaitendo" in the precincts of Chusonji Temple. It is said that it was donated in 1705 by Senhime of the Sendai feudal lord Date Tsunamura. This is a famous photo spot that is crowded with photographers.
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