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Isehara Tourism Association
Aug. 29, 2024
【Oyama Afuri Shrine Autumn Annual Grand Festival】  It is a traditional event that has lasted for more than 150 years, with a festival to thank the safety of Natsuyama for three days from August 27 (Tuesday) ~ 29 (Thursday), 2024, and to announce the visit of autumn to the Daisen. On the last day, the 29th, in the rain due to the typhoon, the Social Affairs Bureau carried a "climb" up the "Otozaka" with a maximum inclination of about 30 degrees to the Lower Shrine carrying a mikoshi carrying the god Ajuri.
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  • Japan
  • Kanagawa Prefecture
  • Isehara
  • Oyama Afuri Shrine
  • Traditional culture
  • Tourism Association
Shizuoka, Matsuzaki Tourism Association
Aug. 28, 2024
【A small trip around submarine volcanoes and Coast vegetation to Benten Island】  In the western and southern parts of the Izu Peninsula, the ejecta of ancient submarine volcanoes is widely distributed. After a long period of submarine volcanoes, the whole of Izu was subjected to uplift and erosion, allowing us to see firsthand the inner structure of the volcano, which should have been buried underground.  If you walk a short distance from here towards the sea, you will There are a small mountain called Bentenjima. Originally, it was an island called Ancient Island (Sea Bream Island), but it was connected to the land by estuary construction in 1957.  Walking along the promenade of about 200 meters around the island, you will notice that the rocky area is a collection of many angular rocks. When lava streams down the ocean floor during a submarine eruption, the lava is rapidly cooled by water and breaks into pieces. Scene how a glass cup containing a hot drink breaks when dipped in cold water. What is formed in this way is called "cooling fracturing lava", and it is evidence that lava streams through the water.  The forest of Ubamegashi that grows naturally in the rocky area is also one of the highlights of Benten Island.
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Shizuoka, Matsuzaki Tourism Association
Aug. 28, 2024
【Kyodo (Turning Library)】  This sutra hall was built in 1810 by Hanbei Ishida, a sculptor from Matsuzaki Town, and the ringzo consists of six sides, with a total of 60 books in drawers. Each side is marked with symbols classified into the 12 zodiac signs.  This style of rotation originated in China and was introduced to Japan along with Zen Buddhism. In particular, it is said that if you rotate this sutra hall once, it will have the same merit as reading and reciting all the sutras.
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Shizuoka, Matsuzaki Tourism Association
Aug. 28, 2024
【Kiyomizusan Josenji Temple】 This temple is the last of the Jodo sect Zojoji Temple, founded in the 21st year of Oei (1414), and the current douyu is an ancient temple of the Jodo sect that was rebuilt in the 9th year of Yasunaga (1780).  It is said that the Ranma of the Main Hall and openwork of the sixteen arhats, and the backyard was called one of the three famous gardens of Izu in the Edo period.  A clear spring springs up around the temple, and this is the name of the temple. TOKUGAWA IEMITSU GAVE HIM 10 KOKU 2 TO ASAHI INSTITUTES, AND HE RECEIVED 45 FARMHOUSES IN MUKOHAMA.
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Shizuoka, Matsuzaki Tourism Association
Aug. 28, 2024
【Jodo Shinshu Honganji Sect Kasuizan Jokanji Temple】   Sōsō Shinran Saint about 800 years   Kaiki Joshin Jojin about 700 years ago   Founded: Eijin   Zhongxing XIII Shōkan Sōjin  Although it was founded during the Eihito year, due to the great fire of Matsuzaki Village during the Genroku period, only the Honzon was saved and burned down, and after that, it was a temporary Main Hall, but it was rebuilt by Shokanjin during the Hiroka year and continues to the present.  The Main Hall is a purple hall, and the worship rainbow beam is carved by the hand of Ishida Hanbei, a master of sword carving in the Edo period. Hanbei's works are few and far between, and his powerful sword movements are unparalleled.  The ceiling and Ranma of the chancel of the Main Hall are also colorfully painted with stucco trowel paintings by master craftsman Cove Chohachi from the late Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji era.  In addition, it is said that Chukō Shōkan Jojin opened a cram school from the Kansei period, and as a private school of Huashui, it produced more than 530 children and disciples, and was the oldest and largest cram school among the many cram schools in the prefecture.      March 1953           The 17th Generation of Mt. Hirotaka
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Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Aug. 28, 2024
[Let's dance at night when the lanterns are lit] Every year in Nishiokoppe Village, Bon Dancing in the Kamiokoppe area on the 14th Bon Dancing in the Nishiokoppe area will be held on the 15th. Some of the campers Mr./Ms. riders Mr./Ms. Someone will come to Nishiokoppe for these two days! That's a very nice thing. To the sound of Drums We will dance two songs, Bon Dancing for children and Hokkai Bon Song. If you dance both times, you can easily cross the 1 hour mark. Dancing for a long time, that's all there is to it I realized that I was using a lot of energy yes. And the best part of Bon Dancing is the costumes! You don't know who will be dressed up in what kind of costume until the day of the event. Adult dressing up with all their might The sight of them dancing in a yen is mysterious and energizing. Those who dance, those who don't dance Enjoy the Bon dance festival. Thank you Mr./Ms.! #Nishiokoppe Village #Kamiokoppe #Nishiokoppe #Costume #Bon dance festival #Two consecutive nights #Stalls #Chilly Bon Night #Signs of the end of summer approaching
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Events
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  • Summer
  • Bon Festival
Shizuoka, Matsuzaki Tourism Association
Aug. 28, 2024
【Ishibe Rice Terraces】 The Ishibe Terraced Rice Fields are located on the western side of the Izu Peninsula at the tip of the Izu Peninsula, and there are about 370 rice paddies covering 4.2 hectares in an Elevation range of 120m~250m. It is a rare Masonry Traditional Japanese straw raincoat rice terrace in eastern Japan, where you can see Mt. Fuji and Southern Alps on a clear day with Suruga Bay overlooking Suruga Bay.  In the 1955 (Showa 30), there were about 1,000 terraced rice paddies with a total area of 10 ha, but with the changes in the era of high economic growth, most of them became fields.  In 2000 (Heisei 12), the terraced rice fields were restored as a regional treasure, and 4.2 hectares were revived.  This terraced rice field collapsed due to a sudden mountain tsunami during the late Edo period (1820s) during the Bunsei period, and was restored after 20 years of grueling work.
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New otani inn sapporo
Aug. 28, 2024
Two familiar Traditional Japanese straw raincoat from TV are coming ✨ to New Otani Inn Sapporo [Akimasa Haraguchi & Miracle Hikaru Mono Imitation Autumn Dinner Show] Enjoy 💕 a blissful time with the laughter show presented by Akimasa Haraguchi and Miracle Hikaru, who boast high quality imitation and talk, and carefully selected dishes delivered by the head chef 💎 Held in date   Sunday, September 15, 2024 💎time   Reception 17:00   Dinner 17:30   Show 19:00 💎fee   S seats ¥22,000   * SS seats are sold out. 💎place   2nd floor Tsuru Room 💎 Reservations & Inquiries   📞011-222-9165 (direct)   Or on the hotel's ♪ website For guests coming from afar, we also offer a [preferential inn stay plan] with breakfast! We look 😎 forward to seeing you
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
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Shizuoka, Matsuzaki Tourism Association
Aug. 28, 2024
[The story of Kummi Sengen Shrine and the gods]  At the top of Mt. Eboshi sits the Kummi Sengen Shrine. When the weather is nice, it is a great point to see Mt. Fuji and the Southern Alps.  Most of the many Asama shrines in Japan are dedicated to the life of Sakuyahime Kibana (Mt. Fuji), but there are There are Asama Shrine shrines on the Izu Peninsula that God of worship only the life of her sister, Princess Bandaga, such as the Matsuzaki of Kummi and Mt. Omuro of the Ito clan.  In the Kiki mythology, the sisters' father, Daisen Yoshijin, offers the sisters to the Son of the Dragon, who has descended from heaven. However, Bandagahime, who was inferior in appearance to her sister, was returned. The "rock" in Ban Nagahime is a symbol of eternal life. Ban Nagahime, who gave up his life, and his descendants now have a limited lifespan.  Princess Ban Naga who was jealous of her beautiful sister. Local legends remain that praising Mt. Fuji on Mt. Mt. Eboshi will hurt you.
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Shizuoka, Matsuzaki Tourism Association
Aug. 28, 2024
【Izu Buntei】  This building was built in Meiji 43 (Meiji 43) and was once operated by a kimono merchant. The main house is a two-story wooden building with a total area of about 260 square meters, and the front ledger and earthen floor retain the appearance of that time. At the back of the building, there are also two storehouses made of Sea cucumber walls.  In the park next to Izu Buntei, there is also a footbath. Hours: 9 a.m. ~ 4 p.m. Closed Not open  Towns received a donation of the building from the owner and Maintenance the interior as a valuable historical building Representative of the Meiji era. It is currently open as a free rest area.
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Shizuoka, Matsuzaki Tourism Association
Aug. 28, 2024
【Origin of Bentenjima and Promenade】  Restrooms available as an ancient island (also known as Giant Sea Bream Island) crossed the bridge from the Coast, and was connected to the land by the estuary construction in 1967 (Showa 42). At the top of the ninety-nine stone steps, Itsukushima Shrine (a branch of Miyajima in Aki, Hiroshima Prefecture) sits, and the name of the God of worship is enshrined in the life of Ichikishima Hiyori (Hime), and Ōkami is deeply worshipped as a Buddhist deity and as one of the pillars of the Seven Lucky Gods. Therefore, since ancient times, it has been nicknamed "Bentenjima" and "Benten-san" to the present day.  On this Benten Island, Ubamegashi (also known as Bame / Beech family), which is rare in Japan, grows in clusters and is designated as a towns cultural property.  Promenade of about 200 Rice has been built around the island, and visiting visitors enjoy strolling while looking at Suruga Bay.
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