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Sep. 24, 2023
【Lemon Bright ?*・】 ・ ・ ? Venue▷ ▶ Tokyo / Showa Kinen Park ? Location: National Showa Memorial Park / Tokyo ・ The heat spreads all over the place. The cosmos was ? beautiful ・ Even though it's mid-September, it's as hot as midsummer. It's really disgusting. ? Hot and Kibana cosmos to sunflowers Looked? ・ For an early and comfortable season It's what ☺️ I want you to become. ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ====================== ✔?Data:9/2023 ・ ?????? ????? ???➴⡱@matcha.camera ・ ???????:????????? @eos_canonjp ?????:??-???-???? ??.?-?.? ?? ??? ======================
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  • Autumn
  • Photo Contest
  • Sightseeing
  • Instagrammable
  • Park
  • Kanto region
  • Outdoors
  • Flower garden
  • Flowers
  • Cosmos (Flower)
Sep. 20, 2023
The Oi Shrine Grand Festival is also called the "Obi Festival" and is a festival in which the god of Oi Shrine returns to the old shrine site (inn) once every three years. Today, for three days including the second Sunday in October, a gorgeous festival is held in the town of Shimada where dainu, daimyo processions, Kashima odori, street stall dances from 1st Avenue to 5th Avenue, and ground dances are held. Especially on the last day, all of them form a large procession together with the mikoshi procession, and they slowly parade for a whole day for a round trip of about 4 km from Oi Shrine to the inn. Due to the appearance and swing of the dainu at this time, as well as the unique form of Kashima Odori, the obi festival has come to be counted as one of the three strange festival in Japan. In addition, since the Edo period, first-class entertainers from Edo have been invited to choreographed dances in each town, Nagauta, and shamisen, and Nagauta in particular is also called "Nagauta Festival" because the iemoto of each school competed for throat.
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  • Oi Shrine (Shimada City)
  • Unique festival
  • Shizuoka Prefecture
  • Festival
  • Traditional entertainment
  • Traditional culture
  • Sightseeing
  • Instagrammable
  • Mikoshi/Dashi
  • Limited edition goshuin
  • ...and 7 others
Sep. 19, 2023
When I lived in Kyoto, I often visited for sightseeing. It is a famous Arashiyama. The bridge in the photo is called "Togetsukyo Bridge", and it seems that the origin of the bridge's name is that the old emperor saw the moon moving on the bridge and commented, "It is similar to the crossing of the moon without a bear." The autumn leaves of Arashiyama are very famous, so in autumn it is crowded with more people than usual. I also ate salt-grilled ayu here, and the freshly grilled ayu while looking at the autumn leaves spreading in the distance and the river flowing in front of me was the best.
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  • Photo Contest
  • Autumn
  • Arashiyama
Sep. 19, 2023
When I was in college, I lived in Kyoto, and on my days off, I often visited famous temples and shrines. It's a pity that I forgot exactly where I took this pond, but I couldn't help but press the shutter because I thought it was beautiful to see the leaves that fell due to autumn leaves floating in the pond and spreading out like a carpet. In spring, I thought that the peach-colored carpet must be spreading. Once again, it was a moment when I felt that the four seasons in Japan are wonderful.
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  • Autumn
  • Photo Contest

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