Video article 1:12
Travel Back in Time to the Warring States Period at Tokai-Kassen World in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture! Put on Your Armor and Experience the Battle of Sekigahara!
Festivals & Events- 42 plays
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戦国時代を体験できるイベント「東海合戦ワールド」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「愛知県観光コンベンション局」が公開した「Tokai-Kassen World | 東海合戦ワールド」です。 皆さんは日本への観光の際、武将の体験ができる場所を聞かれたことはありませんか? 今回の動画は日本の戦国時代が体験できる東海合戦ワールドをご紹介します。 東海合戦ワールドへ行けば戦国時代の日本を肌で感じられること間違いなしです! 戦国時代を体験できる東海合戦ワールドの魅力! 東海合戦ワールドとは毎年11月ごろ名古屋市にある大高緑地(おおだかりょくち)で行われているイベントです。 現在はサムライニンジャフェスティバルと名前を変えてパワーアップして毎年開催中! 東海合戦ワールドでは観光客も戦国時代を体感できる 東海合戦ワールド当日、会場にはホラガイの音が鳴り響きます。 ホラガイの音を合図に鎧をつけた多くの武者・侍の大武者行列が出現。 その光景はまさに戦国時代そのもの。 大武者行列の人をご覧になると日本の観光へ訪れた外国人の方の姿もちらほら。 子供も戦国時代を体験!東海合戦ワールド 東海合戦ワールドでは子供も楽しめます。 鎧を着ながら日本刀のレプリカでチャンバラごっこをする姿も。 戦国時代の子供達も同じような光景があったのでしょうか。 会場は広大な広さを持つ大高緑地。 親子で行っても人混みに巻き込まれることはありません。 親子で戦国時代を楽しめること間違いないでしょう。 東海合戦ワールドではご当地グルメで日本を楽しめる。 東海合戦ワールドのもう一つの魅力がご当地グルメ。 イベント会場では名古屋を中心としたご当地グルメを楽しむことができます。 美味しいご当地グルメは日本への観光客にも人気。 東海合戦ワールド会場で行う火縄銃に圧巻! 東海合戦ワールド会場では火縄銃の実演も行っています。 この光景には多くの観光客がカメラを片手にその光景を写そうと必死。 ホラガイの合図に火縄銃を一斉に発射する光景は圧巻です。 東海合戦ワールド紹介まとめ 今回は東海合戦ワールドを紹介しました。 こちらのイベントは日本へ訪れた観光客も気軽に鎧を着て武者や武将になりきり、戦国時代を体感できます。 是非日本観光の際は東海合戦ワールドへ訪れてみてはどうですか? -
Video article 3:33
Okayama Castle Attracts Many Tourists to Okayama, Okayama Prefecture With Its Beautiful Black Figure! The Historically Valuable Exhibits of the Warring States Period Are Guaranteed to Captivate!
Art & Architecture- 82 plays
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Introducing Okayama Castle! "【Touken World】「Okayama Castle - A Castle of Swords and Armor|Armor Displays in the Castle|YouTube Video" (【刀剣ワールド】「岡山城」刀剣・甲冑に会える城|刀剣・甲冑展示の城郭 YouTube動画), released by "Virtual Sword Museum [Touken World]," is a video that introduces the popular tourist spot Okayama Castle, located in Okayama prefecture. At Okayama Castle, there many historically valuable artifacts on display, such as the popular sword "Tachi Unsho," or the armor that belonged to Hanabusa Masanari. In this article, we'll talk about Okayama Castle and the swords/armor that are exhibited inside of the castle. For those interested in Japanese history, this video is a must watch. Be sure to follow along with the video as we introduce Okayama Castle! About Okayama Castle Photo:Okayama Castle Okayama Castle is a Hirayama-type castle built in the Teikaku style. It is designated as a national historic site and stands in Kita-ku, Okayama city, Okayama prefecture. The castle was built by Ukita Hideie, a member of the Council of Five Elders of the Toyotomi family and a feudal lord in the Warring States period, under the guidance of Hideyoshi Toyotomi. The historic castle was completed in 1597 after eight years of work. The 3-layer, 6 story castle tower was burnt down during the air raids in 1945; however, it was rebuilt in 1966 and the room of the castle's lord was also restored. Okayama Castle’s castle tower is said to have been modeled after the castle tower of Oda Nobunaga’s Azuchi Castle. The base of the castle tower is unique in that it is in the shape of an irregular pentagon and its appearance changes depending on where it is viewed from. As you can see from 0:26 in the video, Okayama Castle stands on a small hill along the Asahikawa River and the river runs through the east outer moat of the castle. The characteristic of Okayama Castle is its beautiful black appearance reminiscent of a crows feathers. It is also referred to as “Crow Castle” and “Golden Crow Castle.” The stone wall of the ruins of Honmaru which can be seen from 1:31 in the video, is a valuable spot for capturing the appearance of the castle as it once was. From 1:52 in the video, you can see the legendary sword "Tachi Unsho," armor used by Hanabusa Masanari, and the armor of Ukita Hideie, Kobayakawa Hideaki, and Ikeda Terumasa. There are many things to see in Okayama Castle, such as the Moon Viewing Tower and Western Observation Tower, registered as Important Cultural Properties, and “Omoteshoin,” the biggest palatial residence within the grounds of Okayama Castle. Tourist Information for Okayama Castle Photo:Okayama Castle at night Access to Okayama Castle is as follows: To get to Okayama Castle, take the streetcar from Okayama Station toward Higashiyama, get off at the Joka stop and it's 10 minutes walking. If you are coming by car, it's a 20-minute drive from the Okayama Interchange. Admission to the castle is ¥320 for adults and ¥130 for elementary and junior high school students during the permanent exhibition period, and ¥160 for adults and ¥65 for elementary and junior high school students when exhibitions are being changed. Various events are held at Okayama Castle as well. At the “Autumn Ujo Togenkyo” event that is held every November, the castle tower of Okayama Castle and its surroundings are lit up by illuminations and you can enjoy the magical scenery. In the spring, you can enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms. There is a lot of information posted on the official website, including maps of the area and the annual calendar. There are also many hotels around Okayama Castle, so even if you're coming from afar for sightseeing, you shouldn't need to worry about lodging. Okayama prefecture also has a variety of local gourmet foods such as “Demi Katsu-don” and “Ebi meshi,” so you can enjoy sightseeing in the area while eating delicious food. Summary of Okayama Castle Source :YouTube screenshot "【Touken World】「Okayama Castle - A Castle of Swords and Armor|Armor Displays in the Castle|YouTube Video," released by "Virtual Sword Museum [Touken World]," introduces the allure of Okayama Castle. Okayama Castle is a black, beautiful Japanese castle. They also have illumination events where you can enjoy beautiful views. If you visit Okayama Castle, you can get a goshuin stamp to commemorate your trip to Okayama as well! 【Official Website】Okayama Castle – The Jet Black Castle That Gleams by the River https://okayama-kanko.net/ujo/english/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Okayama Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298134-d323963-Reviews-Okayama_Castle-Okayama_Okayama_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 2:15
Tsushima Invades Japan as an Ultra-High Quality Game! There's a Reason Why Ghost of Tsushima Has Been Called One of the Best Playstation Games Ever!
Modern Culture- 27 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "'Ghost of Tsushima' An unprecedented upheaval hits Japan." (『Ghost of Tsushima』 未曽有の動乱、日本上陸。), was released by "PlayStation Japan." Ghost of Tsushima was developed by the American video game company Sucker Punch Productions and released in July 2020 for the PlayStation 4. The best part of Ghost of Tsushima is that you can play as a samurai, and once you pick up the controller, you'll find yourself in the world of the samurai. Please note that due to the overly realistic depictions, the game was given a CERO rating of "Z," which specifies that the game is made for those 18 years of age or older. -
Video article 9:14
Bringing the Samurai Back to Life in Modern Times! A Look at the Commitment of the Artisans Who Protect Japan's Historical and Traditional Crafts and the Problems They Face
Traditional Culture- 133 plays
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日本にわずか数名!武士が大切にした甲冑を守る現代の職人・甲冑師の紹介動画 こちらは「ANA Global Channel」が公開した甲冑師・三浦公法さんへのインタビュー動画「Japanese armor maker/Interview - IS JAPAN COOL? CRAFTSMANSHIP(甲冑師)」です。 現代に受け継がれる芸術品としての甲冑の歴史 かつて武士が合戦で身につけた甲冑。現代では工芸品としての性格が高く、日本刀と並んで国内外のコレクターから人気を集めています。 武士が作り上げてきた甲冑という伝統文化と歴史を受け継ぐのは、今では数名の甲冑師のみとなりました。 甲冑師の仕事とは 現代の甲冑師は歴史的な鎧や兜を修理・製作したり、鎧細工を施したりすることが主な仕事となっています。 そんな匠の技を継承する甲冑師のひとり、三浦公法さんは無形文化財としても認定された職人です。 国宝の復元や、江戸時代に徳川家康から英国ジェームズ一世に贈られた甲冑の修理復元を行うなど、歴史的価値のある作品を手掛けてきました。 新作の甲冑を作る場合、平安時代や鎌倉時代に作られた甲冑をもとに製作します。 すべて手作業なので、納品までに非常に時間がかかり、早くても3年、長くて5年の年月が必要だといわれています。 しかも甲冑に設計図はありません。 鎧細工に使う素材は自ら探し、加工を行うため、匠の技が試させられるのです。 甲冑師は歴史上、戦国時代には「具足師(ぐそくし)」と呼ばれていました。 平安時代には、武士の成立を背景として大鎧が主たる甲冑でありましたが、戦国時代になると、鉄砲の登場を背景に機動性に優れた甲冑である「当世具足(とうせいぐそく)」が誕生しました。 一方で、戦国武将は甲冑に個性あふれるデザインを施し、その奇抜さや迫力を戦場で競い合ったのです。 甲冑師と後継者問題 伝統工芸品の世界で問題になるのが後継者問題。 職人の世界といえば所作の指導や厳しい修行があるため長続きしない人も少なくありません。 しかし中には、日本文化に興味をもって海外から弟子入りする人も増えています。 甲冑師・三浦さんの弟子アンドリューさんもアメリカからやってきました。 端午の節句・五月人形に受け継がれた甲冑の伝統文化 美術品として扱われる甲冑。 現代の私たちが最も身近に見られるのが端午の節句の五月人形です。 その歴史は武士社会の成立にさかのぼります。 端午の節句自体は奈良時代からあったようですが、甲冑を飾る習慣は武士の治世となった江戸時代に端を発します。 武士にとって端午の節句は重要な行事。 この季節に盛りを迎える菖蒲が「尚武(部を重んじる意味)」に繋がることから、邪気を祓い健康を保つと考えられてきました。 このことから男子の健康、ひいては一族の繁栄を願い、武家の家では端午の節句に神社に甲冑を奉納していたのです。 甲冑は武士にとって戦いから身を守る防具という意味だけではなく、病などの災いからも守ってくれるものだったからなのですね。 さて、この五月人形の製作も甲冑師の仕事です。 職人の作風もさまざまですが、五月人形で有名な甲冑師としては、一久、雄山、辰広、龍玉がいます。 有名な流派としては明珍派、春田派があります。 端午の節句には、どんな人形が飾られているか目を向けてみるのもいいですね。 甲冑師の紹介まとめ 戦国時代が好きな人であれば実際に触れたくなるのが甲冑です。 都内には甲冑試着体験を行っているところもあります。 興味のある人は甲冑を身に付けて、当時の武士になりきってみてはいかがでしょうか。 芸術品としての甲冑の価値は高く人気を誇ります。 動画を通じて、甲冑の歴史の奥深さを味わってみてくださいね! -
Video article 6:27
Nagoya Castle - Discover the Secrets of Japan's First National Treasure Symbolized by Golden Shachihoko Ornaments in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture! The Castle, Built on the Site Where the Warring States Period Took a Remarkable Turn, Is Reborn!
Art & Architecture History Travel- 220 plays
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Video introduction of Nagoya Castle, a sightseeing spot in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture This video, titled "Nagoya Castle Main Tower Keep Promotional Video," was released by "2010Network." Nagoya Castle is a huge castle built in Aichi District (愛知郡), Owari (尾張国), formerly known as "Owari no Kuni," during the Warring States Period (1467-1615 AD). There are many castles in Japan, but the magnificent Nagoya Castle is by far one of the most popular among tourists. Nagoya Castle is a famous landmark housing many national treasures, including the superb castle tower. In 2018, the number of visitors to the castle exceeded 2.2 million. The History of Nagoya Castle Since the Warring States Period Photo:Nagoya Castle, Aichi Prefecture Nagoya Castle was built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, who emerged victorious from the decisive Battle of Sekigahara, and was built in nearby the ruins of Nagoya Castle (那古野城, Nagoya-Jo), said to be the birthplace of Oda Nobunaga. Tension was increasing with the forces of Toyotomi Hideyoshi during this period, and Ieyasu built Nagoya Castle as a key military location. Nagoya Castle served as the residence of the lords of the Owari domain for generations during the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.) after Yoshinao Tokugawa, the founder of the Owari Tokugawa family. It became the Nagoya Detached Imperial Palace for the use of the imperial family after the Meiji period (1868-1912 A.D.). In the Showa period (1926-1989 A.D.), it was designated as Japan's first National Treasure as a castle building. Since then, it has continued to be open to the public as a highly popular tourist attraction. The Must-See Features of Nagoya Castle Photo:Nagoya Castle, Aichi Prefecture Nagoya Castle is also known as "Kinshachi Castle" (金 "kin" meaning gold) after the golden Shachihoko that decorate the castle tower, which has become a symbol of Nagoya. Besides the main tower keep, the magnificent honmaru (inner citadel) and Shoin Hall are must-see features. The outstanding Stone Walls of Nagoya Castle were built via stonewall construction in various areas, including the Mikawa Bay (三河湾, Mikawa-Wan) area. Kiyomasa Kato played an active role in the construction of the stone walls, and the huge stone said to be the largest stonewall in Nagoya Castle is called "Kiyomasa Stone." Enshu Kobori and Masakiyo Nakai were in charge of the construction of the castle tower. This is detailed at 1:10 in the video. When you visit the Sarumenbogaku Tea House, Yuin Tea House, and shops, you may also want to visit the Oribe-Do, which was built to honor Oribe Furuta. Nagoya Castle's Castle Tower Under Reconstruction! Photo:Nagoya Castle, Aichi Prefecture Since May 2018, the demolition and renovation of Nagoya Castle's castle tower has been carried out as the "War Damaged Wood Restoration Project" (戦災木造復元プロジェクト). The restoration of the wooden castle tower is scheduled to last until December 2022. Everyone is looking forward to seeing the restored castle tower once the restoration is finished. Summary of the Historical Nagoya Castle Photo:Nagoya Castle, Aichi Prefecture As shown in the video, Nagoya Castle is a building of great historical value built during Japan's Warring States Period. The castle is large, but you can enjoy exploring it as there are elevators available and many historical materials are on display. ◆Nagoya Castle Facility Information◆ 【Address】1-1 Honmaru, Naka Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi 460-0031 【Access】Train: 5-minute walk from the "Shiyakusho (City Hall)" Station of the Meijo Line. Bus: 1-minute walk from the "Nagoyajo Seimon-Mae" stop 【Admission fee】500 Yen for adults, Free for junior high school students and younger 【Parking】Payed Parking Lot available 【Official Website】Nagoya Castle Official Website https://www.nagoyajo.city.nagoya.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Nagoya Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14127381-d320128-Reviews-Nagoya_Castle-Naka_Nagoya_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html