Video article 5:08
Iwakuni City in Yamaguchi Prefecture Is a Wonderful Sightseeing Spot Where You Can Feel the Nature, Traditions and Atmosphere of Japan. Enjoy the Cormorant Fishing and Fireworks Display That You Can Experience on Kintai Bridge, One of the Three Most Famous Bridges in Japan!
Local PR Travel- 39 plays
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山口県岩国市の「錦帯橋の鵜飼」とは? 「岩本カメラ」が制作する「岩国市 観光 錦帯橋の鵜飼」では、日本の伝統漁法である鵜飼を中心に山口県岩国市の観光スポットを紹介しています。 緑豊かな山々に囲まれた土地で体験できるイベントはとても魅力的。 動画を見たら岩国市に行ってみたいと思うはずです! 「錦帯橋の鵜飼」で有名な山口県岩国市はどんな場所? 山口県の岩国市は緑が豊かな自然に囲まれた観光地です。 雄大な山々や穏やかに流れる錦川など風情のある景観は心を穏やかにしてくれます。 岩国市の名所といえば日本三名橋に選ばれている錦帯橋が挙げられるでしょう。 錦帯橋は国内屈指の木造橋で、遊覧船や川岸から見られる独特な風景には目を奪われます。 伝統工法の木組みによって支えられる歴史ある橋は、岩国市を旅行したら必ずおさえておきたいスポットです。 また、岩国市は8月になると錦川水の祭典で花火大会が行われ、多くの観光客が訪れます。 美しい自然に溢れる公園や温泉など魅力が盛りだくさん。 歴史的な建造物が見られる吉香公園は桜の名所として有名で、お花見の季節になると多くの人で賑わいます。 こちらの動画でも岩国市の自然や錦帯橋などが美しい映像で見ることができますよ。 山口県の「錦帯橋の鵜飼」で伝統行事の風景を楽しむ 動画の2:03より紹介されている錦帯橋の鵜飼は、日本の伝統的な漁法です。 美しい日本の原風景を見ることができるので、観覧客がたくさん訪れます。 篝火(かがりび)で照らし出された錦川で、烏帽子の伝統装束姿の鵜匠が鵜を見事に操り、鮎を捕獲していく様子は幻想的な美しさがあります。 夏の風物詩と言われる錦帯橋の鵜飼は、神秘的でインスタ映えする写真がたくさん撮れるはずですよ。 山口県岩国市で人気のイベントやおすすめスポット 山口県岩国市には錦帯橋の鵜飼以外にも、楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 動画の3:21より紹介されている花火大会は迫力満天の人気のイベント。 周りの美しい景色と一緒に楽しめる花火大会は贅沢な気分に浸れます。 岩国市を観光するなら岩国城も必見でしょう。 岩国城では錦帯橋を一望することができるのでご覧になってみてください。 山口県岩国市「錦帯橋の鵜飼」のまとめ 日本らしい風情のある景観を楽しめる山口県岩国市。 日本の伝統的な漁法である鵜飼を見るのもよし、日本三名橋のひとつである錦帯橋の独自の景観を楽しむのもよし、花火大会で絶景を楽しむのもよしと、岩国市でしか体験できないイベント・景色を楽しめます。 ぜひ動画を参考に山口県を訪ねてみてはいかがでしょう? -
Video article 3:00
The Town of Wassamu, Hokkaido Is a Place Where You Can Enjoy All Four Seasons of Japan! Check Out the Attractions of Wassamu Town in Hokkaido, a Place You Won't Want to Miss!
Travel Local PR- 71 plays
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北海道和寒町エリアの魅力紹介動画の見所 こちらの動画は「わっさむ 食と観光の魅力発信/北海道和寒町役場」が公開した「「総集編」 北海道和寒町[和寒町観光PV]」です。 自然の多く残る北海道和寒町は、冬にはウィンタースポーツが盛んな地域で、多くの日本人のスキー選手を輩出している歴史があることでも有名です。 今回はそんな北海道和寒町について、動画と共にこちらの記事で紹介していきます。 北海道和寒町はウィンタースポーツとアウトドアが盛ん! 日本の北に位置し、気候的にかなり冷え込む北海道和寒町はウィンタースポーツ盛んで、スノーモービルやスキー、クロスカントリーやスノボー楽しむことが出来ます。 動画の0:20から北海道和寒町で楽しめるウィンタースポーツの様子をご覧になることができます。 雪原でのウィンタースポーツの印象がある北海道ですが、夏は綺麗な緑溢れる自然の良い景色を堪能することができ、アウトドアイベントも盛んに行われているので、夏の観光もおすすめです。 三笠山自然公園キャンプ場や南丘森林公園、三笠山自然公園はどれも自然いっぱいで日本でも屈指の絶景を堪能出来る人気の観光名所で、その様子は動画でもご覧になれるので、お楽しみください。 北海道の楽しみは冬だけじゃない!北海道和寒町の秋の祭り! 実は北海道はかぼちゃの作付け日本一で、秋にはかぼちゃをメインとした祭りの「パンプキンフェスティバル」が開催され、沢山のかぼちゃがハロウィン仕様にデザインされ飾られたり、実際に食したりすることができます。 『熱気球搭乗体験』『南瓜ランタン彫り体験』等も楽しめるので、北海道和寒町へ観光する際には、紅葉も綺麗な秋の時期に予定を合わせてみてはいかがでしょうか? 北海道和寒町の魅力紹介まとめ 春夏秋冬、日本の四季の良さを遺憾なく堪能出来る観光スポットとして、まさに万人におすすめが出来る北海道和寒町の良さ、ぜひ動画でご覧下さい。 北海道と言えば、日本でも屈指のグルメが多くある地域としても有名で、ジンギスカンや冬キャベツの元祖とも言われている越冬キャベツ等も観光の際には外せませんね。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事が、北海道和寒町への観光をご検討する際の手助けとなれば、幸いです。 -
Video article 6:37
Shimogo in Aizu, Fukushima Prefecture, Spins a Tale of Past and Present. Here You'll Find Traditions Handed Down by the Ancestors of Japan and a Traditional Japanese Spirit That Protects the Town
Local PR- 194 plays
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Shimogo in Aizu, Fukushima This video, titled "Shimogo Promotion Video" (下郷町プロモーションビデオ), was uploaded by "ShimogoKanko." Shimogo is located in the center of Fukushima in Japan's Tohoku region. The area was known as Aizu until the Edo period (1603-1868) and it's a sightseeing spot with many charms. In Shimosato, there's a mountain in the direction of the rising sun where the gods are said to rest. You'll also find Kannon-numa Forest Park at the foot of the mountain, which can be seen from 2:39 in the video. You can enjoy the natural scenery of the four seasons nurtured by the harsh climate of Aizu, and in fall, the area around the swamp is decorated with the colorful, beautiful autumn foliage. This article will provide information on recommended sightseeing destinations in Shimogo, where the blessings of Japan's rich natural environment, scenery, history, and culture are intertwined, alongside the video. A Tour That Connects the Past and Present Photo:Ouchi-juku in autumn, Shimogo, Fukushima The history of Aizu was a series of turbulent events that were swallowed up by the swell of Japan's modernization. It's said that after the Meiji Restoration, the Aizu clansmen were forced to move to an undeveloped area called Nakatsuma, where they established Minami Aizu. The traditions such as the Hange Festival and Ouchijuku Snow Festival shown from 3:18 in the video, were handed down from their ancestors. Shimogo is a town where ancient Japanese culture and traditions remain and where the present meets the past. Fukushima is best visited during winter as the snowfall in the region creates beautiful landscapes. There is an event called "Mizuki-no-hana-dango" (みずきの花団子) during Little New Year. It is an event to pray for health and longevity and colorful dumplings are stuck into the branches of trees that haven’t yet sprouted. This is a unique Japanese custom in Aizu to enjoy the long winter. This can be seen from 3:33 in the video. Sightseeing Information for Shimogo Photo:Shimogo, Fukushima, To-no-Hetsuri The beautiful scenery of the nature-rich town of Shimogo has always amazed the tourists who come to see it. To-no-Hetsuri, a marvelous landscape created by the Aga River (阿賀川, Agagawa), is a photogenic spot that you don't want to overlook when sightseeing in Aizu. Also, the buckwheat fields of Sarugaku Plateau is a place where Aizu clansmen lived through the turbulent times of Japan from the end of the Edo period to the Showa period. These can be seen at 2:12 in the video. The Aizu Line is a popular line with direct access to the Tokyo metropolitan area and is full of peaceful views. From 2:07 in the video, you can see mountain cherries in Toaka, and at 3:51the Nakayama Snow, Moon, and Fire Festival, where igloos and lights decorate a snowy Aizu. There are many popular sightseeing spots in Shimogo, Fukushima, including a snowshoe experience which is filled with the wisdom of Fukushima's ancestors who have lived through the harsh winters. The Food Culture of Shimogo, Fukushima Photo:Minamiaizu's local cuisine, Shingoro The Aga River, a quiet, clear stream flowing through Shimogo, is an important river that nurtures abundant life and is necessary for preserving the local culinary culture of Aizu. Upstream, there are many hot spring hotels and inns where you can enjoy a steamy atmosphere. You can relax at hot springs such as Yunokami Onsen after a long day of sightseeing. Fukushima is also famous for rice production. Shingoro is a local delicacy of Shimogo. It's made by rolling up a special type of rice, sticking it on a skewer, coating it with Junen (a kind of egoma) miso, and grilling it over charcoal. At the roadside station and Shimogo Town Local Products Center, you can find a different kinds of souvenirs of local food, such as soba noodles and local sake. Summary of Shimogo, Fukushima Photo:Shimogo, Fukushima The spirits and thoughts of the Aizu clansmen who lived through the turbulent times in Japanese history can still be found in Shimogo. The ancient traditions are kept alive by the people who love their town. The Shingo Furusato Festival, Shingoro, and Hana-dango during Little New Year are designed to heal the hearts of tourists, and to keep the healing alive, they will be passed on to the future. Please enjoy the attractions of Shimogo, Aizu, Fukushima, a town with beautiful, traditional Japanese scenery, by watching this video. 【Official Website】Aizu Shimogo Town, Fukushima Prefecture Town Hall Website https://www.town.shimogo.fukushima.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Shimogo Town https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g1120990-Activities-Shimogo_machi_Minamiaizu_gun_Fukushima_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 4:01
Have an exquisite time at Awara Onsen "Grandeur Hosen" in Awara City, Fukui Prefecture! Check out the recommended ways to spend your time and spots for healing!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 152 plays
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Grandeur Hosen" Awara Hot Spring in Awara City, Fukui Prefecture Video Introduction This video, titled "Grandia Housen" (グランディア芳泉), is a PR video for Awara Onsen's 'Grandia Housen' in Fukui prefecture, in the Hokuriku region of Japan. Awara Onsen is located in an Onsen district near the famous tourist spots Tojinbo Cliffs (東尋坊) and Oshima island (雄島) (2:44). Enjoy a relaxing time at the popular inn that has high ratings on hotel review and comparison websites. Watch the video and enjoy the atmosphere of Awara Onsen's 'Grandia Housen,' in Fukui prefecture. About Grandia Housen Source :YouTube screenshot If you are staying at Grandia Housen in Fukui, you might as well enjoy the finest onsen there. At Grandia Housen, you can enjoy a variety of hot springs, including the large footbath "Tenjo-no-SPA," a large Japanese cypress bath, the lie-down bath bath "Neyu," an open-air bath, Tsuki-no-Yu (a moon bath), and Hoshi no Yu. There is also a footbath called 'Ashigaru-no-Yu.' The baths can be enjoyed at your leisure, making it a great place to relax and unwind. The springs are alkaline simple hot springs (a low tonicity alkaline low hot spring), and they are effective against neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, frozen shoulders, motor paralysis, joint stiffness, bruises, sprains, chronic digestive tract disease, hemorrhoids, and cold sensitivity, and they aid in recovery from injury, recovery from fatigue, and improve health. Guest Rooms at Grandia Housen Source :YouTube screenshot When staying at a luxury Japanese ryokan such as this, you'll want to be sure to choose the room that's right for you, such as one with an open-air bath in the garden. You have choices between a suite room with an outdoor onsen, the resort style wing Yutorogi-tei (0:55), or the Annex, Kotobuki-Tei (1:06). Choose the one that suits your style, so you can enjoy your stay to the utmost. You'll also find Japanese-style rooms, barrier-free rooms, and maisonette rooms with Jacuzzi baths. You can rest assured that they'll provide all of the amenities you require. Food at Grandia Housen Source :YouTube screenshot You can enjoy excellent Japanese cuisine at the restaurants 'Yuzen' and 'Kinokura' at Grandia Housen. Enjoy local Echizen crab, Yuzen-kaiseki and Housen-kaiseki, Kaiseki course dishes that use fresh, seasonal ingredients. Their breakfast buffet is also a must-try. There are other facilities, including a banquet hall, conference rooms, a wedding hall, a Karaoke room, a Mah-jong Room, and more. We also recommend having an evening meal at 'Umaimon-dokoro Echizen.' Guests can enjoy cooking their own "onsen egg" for free at 'Yutorogi Tamago Boiled Egg' as well. At 'Grandia Housen' there's plenty of facilities for you to enjoy however you wish. You can enjoy the moon viewing platform and lounge "Kangetsu" with a view of the Japanese garden, and the 200kg feng shui ball, which is said to improve your luck. Summary of Grandia Housen If you're planning on visiting the Awara Onsen area in Fukui Prefecture, you should definitely stop by Mikuniminato and Onsen-Yatai Village Yukemuri-yokocho. The first Echizen crab auction of the year (2:58) and the Awara Yukake festival are also held here. In addition, you can enjoy the Echizen Matsushima Aquarium, Maruoka castle, Roadside Station Mikuni, Angel Land Fukui, Mikui-Minatomachi, Shibamasa World, and a day trip to hot spring facilities in and around Awara Onsen. If you're thinking of going sightseeing in Hokuriku, definitely stay at Grandia Housen. Prices vary by season and plan, so please check the official website or travel websites for more information. ◆Awara Onsen, Grandia Housen Facility information◆ 【Address】43-26 Funatsu, Awara, Fukui 910-4193, Japan 【Access】15 minutes by car from Kanatasu IC and 10 minutes by free shuttle bus from JR Awara Onsen Station. 【Parking】Available. Limited to 300 cars 【Telephone No】0776-77-2555 【Official Website】Awara Onsen, Grandia Housen https://www.g-housen.co.jp/lg_en/ 【Tripadvisor】Grandia Housen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1021158-d654197-Reviews-Grandia_Housen-Awara_Fukui_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:59
From Cultural Experiences to Delicious Food, Oita Prefecture’s Kunisaki City Is Full of Things to Do!
Local PR Travel Art & Architecture- 290 plays
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A Look at Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture If you're interested in Japanese culture and looking to find some cultural experiences during your visit to Japan, then look no further! "Kunisaki City, Oita Sightseeing PR Video【Kunisaki Way】" (大分県国東市観光PR動画【Kunisaki Way】), made by Kunisaki City Tourism Office, is packed with the charm of Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture. Experience ascetic practices, Japanese cuisine, and traditional crafts. This is where you can have various Japanese cultural experience. This city is a great place for foreign visitors interested in Japan, or those who just want to learn more about Japan. Enjoy the culture, traditions and nature of Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture in this video. Traditional Japanese Culture in Kunisaki City Photo:Futagoji Temple in Kunisaki When we say traditional Japanese culture, you're probably thinking of tea ceremony, ikebana and Haiku. However, Buddhism is also an important part of Japanese culture. Kunisaki City has many temples where you can try out zazen. Meditating while performing homa in a quiet mountain village will take you on a spiritual journey to discover what lies within. As you carry on with your busy daily life, do you sometimes feel like your mind is clouded or tired? If, like most people, you do, then we highly recommend trying meditation at a historic temple in Kunisaki City. Popular training Dojos include Senpukuji Temple, Rurikoji Temple, Monjusenji Temple, and Futagoji Temple. Meditation practice at Senpukuji Temple is shown from 0:33 in the video. It could become the highlight of your trip to Japan. Enjoy Delicious Japanese Cuisine in Kunisaki City Photo:Seki mackerel Kunisaki City faces the Seto Inland Sea and offers plenty of fresh seafood. Fish from Bungo Channel are fresh and lean thanks to the warm water of the Pacific Ocean and nutritious water of the Seto Inland Sea. Yellowtail and mackerel, as well as brand name fish like horse mackerel and Largehead hairtail, are delicious. Sashimi made from horse mackerel and yellowtail from Bungo Channel is to die for. Sakurao pork from Kunisaki City is also quite popular. The pigs here are raised in a stress-free environment, making their meat extremely tender. We recommend trying pork cutlets made from them. The video shows delicious foods from Kunisaki City at 1:25. Why not go to Kunisaki City and try some of the delicious local cuisine? Traditional Japanese Crafts and Art Are Also Big in Kunisaki City! Source :YouTube screenshot You can try out traditional Japanese culture and art in Kunisaki City as well. A place called Toinryo in Kunisaki City is a community center where people engaged in handicrafts and art activities meet. It is also an art exhibition venue, where you can see various artistic creations. The Shichitoi plant is also produced in Kunisaki. Shichitoi plants have 350 years of history and are used in tough Ryuku Tatami. The cardboard crafts are also beautiful. You wouldn’t guess that they are made of cardboard just by looking at them. If you're interested, check out the video from 2:13. Summary of Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecure Kunisaki City is a great place to experience Japanese culture. The Kebesu Festival, a fire festival in Kunisaki, Kunimi Furusato Exhibition Hall and Imibetsu Shrine are all great ways to experience Japanese history and culture. If you're curious, be sure to do some sightseeing! In addition to introducing Japanese culture, the video also introduces some spectacular areas and events where you can admire the natural landscape of Kunisaki City. The video shows a lot more than what we could get around to in this article, so be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Oita Prefecture Kunisaki City Hall Website https://www.city.kunisaki.oita.jp/ 【Tripadviser】Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Tourism-g1023446-Kunisaki_Oita_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 39:12
Drink All the Japanese Sake You Could Want! One Man Enjoys Japanese Sake While Meeting Locals Across Japan!
Food & Drink- 27 plays
- YouTube
Beer, shochu, wine, sake, whiskey, cocktails... conquer the spirits of Japan! In this video, Jack Maxwell of the Discovery Channel introduces the alcohol of Japan, touching on the history and the people of the region. From 00:13, they're at Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, enjoying not wine or sake, but rather, a bath. From 02:32 they take a visit to the Tomozuna stable. From 03:44 they enjoy sake at Chanko Nabe Kai with the wrestlers of the Tomozuna Stable. From 06:25 they observe ice making at the warehouse of Chuoreito Industries. From 07:04 they enjoy cocktails made with ice from Chuoreito Industries at Bar High Five, run by the same company. At 12:39, Jack Maxwell, who has moved to the Kansai region, gets his portrait painted at a portrait shop. From 13:39 he experiences a Japanese drinking party with his friend Mark, toasting with shochu and beer. From 18:43 he visits the Konishi Sake Brewery. His first time experiencing hirezake. From 27:00 he experiences a traditional Japanese festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha in Osaka. At 33:49 he visits the Suntory Yamazaki Distillery and tries different whiskeys. In the video, there were many different types of alcohol, not only to drink, but also to enjoy taking a bath with, for use in Shinto ceremonies, as sacred wine, and enjoying fillet wine made from pufferfish fillet, which is poisonous. Be sure to check out the video to see all the different types of alcohol and interactions with the locals of Japan! -
Video article 14:40
Introducing the Charms of Shinjuku, Tokyo, the Largest City in Japan. Check Out Tourist Attractions of Shinjuku, the Nightless City Where History, Culture, Past, Present and Future All Intersect!
Local PR Travel- 81 plays
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日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「一般社団法人新宿観光振興協会 Shinjuku Convention & Visitors Bureau」が公開した「SHINJUKU 9Stories【English】」です。 新宿には数多くの観光スポットがあります。 映画、ランチやディナーなどのグルメ、ショッピング、文化や歴史の散策など新宿にきて揃わないものはないと言われるほどディープな大都市「新宿」の魅力をたっぷりとご紹介します。 日本一の大都会「新宿」の人気スポット まず、新宿といえば高層ビル群。 西新軸エリアには未来的なデザインがオシャレな東京モード学園を始めとした数多くの高層ビルが見られます。 そして西新宿一帯は東京でも一二を争うシティホテルの激戦地! 世界的にも有名なホテルが数多く軒を連ねています。 「新宿」の日本一とは? また、新宿には数多くの日本一が存在します。動画でも頻繁に新宿の日本一が登場していましたが皆さん気づきました? 一つ目は日本一乗降客数が多いと言われるJR新宿駅。 毎日300万人以上の人が新宿を利用しています。 二つ目の日本一は不夜城歌舞伎町。 新宿ゴールデン街やゴジラヘッドのある映画館など、毎日朝まで多くの観光客で賑わうスポットです。 しかし、歌舞伎町には喧騒ばかりではありません。 実は花園神社を始めとした多くの神社仏閣があることでも有名です。 毎年11月になると花園神社では人気のお祭り、酉の市が開催されます。 三つ目の日本一はアジア最大とも言われているゲイタウン新宿二丁目です。 お値段はとてもリーズナブル! 女性が安心して遊べる上にディープな魅力に溢れた街。 そしてグルメも充実している新宿イチオシの観光スポットです。 四つ目の日本一が新宿伊勢丹! ここは何が日本一かというとデパートの年間売上が毎年日本一なのです。 まさにショッピングの殿堂ですね。 新宿には他にも高島屋や小田急をはじめとした高級百貨店やブティックがひしめき合っています。 代々木方面にはスポーツの聖地、東京体育館や神宮球場、秩父宮ラグビー場を有する明治神宮外苑、新宿二丁目と三丁目、広大な新宿御苑と緑もたっぷり!大都会の真ん中で森林浴が楽しめるのです。 日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介まとめ 新宿で歴史や文化を感じたい人は新宿三丁目周辺がおすすめスポットです。 落語小屋や能楽堂、美術館、新宿ピカデリーなどの映画館などが楽しめます。 新宿では古くから伝わる伝統のお祭りも開催され、日本の古き良き時代も感じることのできる街です。 歴史と現代が交錯する大都会新宿の魅力を動画でご堪能ください。