Traditional Crafts
Video article 1:58
Experience the World's Most Advanced Gold Leaf Technology at the Foil Museum in Kanazawa, Ishikawa. The Inside of the Facility Is Covered in Gold, From Golden Armor, to a Gold Leaf Room, and Even Gold Leaf Ice Cream!
Traditional Crafts- 68 plays
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石川県金沢市の世界一の金箔技術紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Nippon.com: Japan in Video」が公開した「Do-It-Yourself Gold Leafing in Kanazawa | Nippon.com: Japan in Video」です。 石川県金沢市の箔巧館では世界一の金箔技術をご覧になることができます。 石川県金沢市の箔巧館とは 2018年4月にリニューアルした体験型金箔総合ミュージアムです。 金箔の総合メーカー「箔一」の本店にあり、入場は無料です。 雨の日の観光にも最適です。 箔巧館の魅力ポイントをご紹介 ・ポイント1「見る」 箔巧館1番目のオススメポイントは「黄金の鎧兜」がある「金箔の間」。 加賀藩初代藩主前田利家が着ていた鎧兜を復元しています。 利家公は歌舞伎者といわれ、当時も派手な黄金の甲冑を来て出陣したと言われるほど。 黄金の鎧兜を中心に、利家公が金沢城に入場するまでの物語をプロジェクションマッピングでご覧になる事ができます。 ・ポイント2「味わう」 はくいちカフェでは、金箔ソフトが味わえます。 金粉ではなく「金箔」というのが凄いですね。 ・ポイント3「体験する」 日本の伝統工芸・伝統文化ともいえる金箔。 石川県金沢市の箔巧館では、自分だけのオリジナル工芸品として箔貼り体験ができます。 スタッフが付いてくれるので、初心者や子供でもできるので安心ですね。 ※予約優先のため、観光の予定に組み入れたい方は事前に連絡をおすすめします。 ・ポイント4「買う」 箔巧館ではもちろん買い物を楽しむことができます。 金沢の伝統工芸品「金沢箔」を身近に楽しめるよう、取り揃えも様々。 金箔工芸品はもちろん、コスメ・あぶらとり紙、食用金箔、箔材料など見ているだけでも楽しめます。 お土産選びにも最適ですね。 日本の旅行でも金箔をこれだけ楽しめるのは金沢だけ。 箔巧館は観光の魅力が詰まったスポットと言えるでしょう。 箔巧館へのアクセス 住所:石川県金沢市森戸2丁目1−1 TEL:076-240-8911 路線バス:北陸鉄道 ・「武蔵ヶ辻・近江町市場」バス停より57番新金沢郵便局前ゆき「新金沢郵便局前」下車、徒歩約10分 ・「武蔵ヶ辻・近江町市場」バス停より50番上荒屋西ゆき「新金沢郵便局前」下車、徒歩約15分 電車:JR ・「金沢駅」より北陸本線「野々市駅」下車 タクシーで約10分 石川県金沢市の箔巧館紹介まとめ 世界一の金箔技術を誇る石川県金沢市の箔巧館。 数々の美しい作品にあなたもきっと虜になるでしょう。 -
Video article 7:49
The Fifth Generation Craftsman of Takazawa Candle, Which Has Been Around Since the Meiji Period, Talks About His Passion for Traditional Crafts! The Flames of Nanao Candles, Made by the Artisans of Nanao, Ishikawa, Will Soothe Your Soul...
Traditional Crafts- 225 plays
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Introducing the Traditional Japanese Craft, Nanao Candles This video, titled "Nippon Handicraft Encyclopedia × Takazawa Candles (ニッポン手仕事図鑑 × 髙澤ろうそく), was released by "Nippon Teshigoto Zukan." There are so many ways to enjoy Japan, from studying history, to experiencing traditional crafts, to visiting Japanese tourist sites and more. This video is recommended for people interested in traditional Japanese crafts, as it introduces "Nanao Candles," a traditional craft in Nanao, Ishikawa. Highlights of the Traditional Japanese Craft, "Nanao Candles" Source :YouTube screenshot The 7-minute long video introduces all of the important points of Nanao Candles, a traditional Japanese craft. Hisashi Takazawa, the owner of Takazawa Candle, which is located in Nanao, Ishikawa in Japan's Hokuriku region, gives a thoughtful interview. You can see the town of Nanao, Ishikawa from 1:20 in the video. You can observe the beautiful landscape in which Nanao Candles are made. The shop of Takazawa Candle is shown from 2:25. From 3:57, you can see how Nanao Candles are made by hand at the Japanese Candle workshop. You can get an idea of the techniques used to make the traditional Japanese candles. A Look at Nanao, Ishikawa Photo:The Townscape of Nanao, Ishikawa Prefecture Nanao, Ishikawa is located in the center of Noto Peninsula. There are many hot springs here, so those headed to Kanazawa should consider stopping by if you have the chance. Nanao Candles are very famous and make great souvenirs. Those unable to visit Japan are in luck because Nanao Candles can also be bought online through Takazawa Candle's online store. There are also events held here, such as the Hotosai Festival (奉燈祭) and the Seihakusai Festival (青柏祭) which has been designated an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japan, and was registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. More About Traditional Nanao Candles Source :YouTube screenshot The origin of Nanao Candles starts with Japan's Warring States Period (1467 to 1615). When Maeda Toshiie visited Nanao, Ishikawa, Nanao Candles were produced to help develop Japanese industries. At that time, many craftsmen lived in Nanao, and thus, the culture of Japanese candles was born. Nanao had easy access to Japanese paper, an important material for making candles. This is one of the reasons for the development of Nanao Candles. Another feature of Nanao Candles is the use of natural materials, such as rush grass. Takazawa Candle is a historical store with expert craftsmen that makes Nanao Candles and was founded in 1892. There you can experience making Nanao Candles, so if you're looking to experience traditional Japanese crafts, be sure to drop by! Summary of Japan's Traditional Nanao Candles Source :YouTube screenshot Takazawa Candle has been making and selling Nanao Candles for many years. If you're interested, be sure to check out Takazawa Candle to see their original products. Japan's traditional crafts are incredibly diverse. If you're looking for places to travel, be sure to research if there are any traditional crafts that originated from there. It will make your trip even more enjoyable knowing the history of the area. Nanao Candles are a traditional craft with a long history. Take this opportunity to experience traditional Japanese craftsmenship! 【Official Website】Takazawa Candle Online Store https://takazawacandle.com/ -
Video article 2:11
Carry Japanese culture with you! Original iPhone case made by a maki-e artist in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan! Watch the video of the work process!
Traditional Crafts- 113 plays
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Video introduction of the maki-e process of a maki-e artist in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan! What is Makie? This video, titled "Maki-e Time Lapse ART iPhone 6 Case "Zelkova," Lacquer Application, Wajima Lacquer, Maki-e, Goldfish, How to" (Maki-e time lapse ART iphone6ケース「欅」拭き漆 輪島 蒔絵 金魚 工程 A process), was released by "no to char." It's a promotional video that shows Japan's traditional Maki-e lacquerware process in a timelapse. The video shows how Mitsuru Yamashita, a lacquer artist from Wajima City, Ishikawa, who is famous for producing lacquer, paints a beautiful goldfish on an iPhone case made of zelkova. It looks real enough to swim away! Maki-e, a traditional Japanese craft, is a lacquerware technique, that has been handed down since ancient times in Japan. It's a decorative technique that involves drawing a pattern on lacquerware or wood with lacquer or applying metal powder such as gold, silver, and tin on it before it dries. Lacquer is a natural paint made from the resin of plants of the Anacardiaceae family and has a culture and history of being used in architecture, furniture, stationery, etc. in Japan. Lacquered products are manufactured by division of labor, and the craftsmen who apply the decorative Maki-e designs are called "Maki-e-shi" (蒔絵師). In this video, you can see the techniques of the lacquer artist and the time and process required to make the Maki-e goldfish on the iPhone case. In recent years, "Maki-e" products are seen not only as traditional crafts, but products with Maki-e on ballpoint pens, fountain pens, accessories, stickers, etc. have become common as well. These are objects that can be used daily in modern life and are a way to implement a part of Japanese culture and traditional Japanese crafts into your everyday life. Maki-e, A Traditional Japanese Craft: How It's Made Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, they begin by designing the goldfish, which can be seen from 0:07 in the video, then copying the sketch called an "Okime" on the zelkova iPhone case, applying lacquer with a Maki-e brush, and then sprinkling it with metal powder and then drying it. At the end, they apply "fuki urushi" (wiping lacquer) to the zelkova iPhone case in order to finish it with a beautiful glossy transparent wood grain. You can see the beautiful shining Maki-e design and the finished product, from 1:54 in the video. The finished lacquer gives off a beautiful luster, and you can experience the beauty of traditional Japanese Maki-e and the magnificence of handicrafts in Japanese culture. Maki-e is categorized into several types depending on the process used, including "Hira Maki-e," "Togidashi Maki-e," "Taka Maki-e," and "Shishiai Maki-e." The technique that is seen in the video is "Taka Maki-e" and the lacquer is raised to draw a pattern and express it in a relief shape. The goldfish that rises smoothly from the wood is three-dimensionally expressed by the unevenness of the lacquer, and it is characterized by the deep color of the lacquer that has been applied many times. Summary of Maki-e, A Traditional Craft That Conveys Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot Maki-e is said to have originated in the Heian period (794-1185), and it is an aspect of Japanese culture and traditional crafts with a long history. There are also national treasures that have been made using Maki-e techniques, and it is one traditional craft that should be protected as a traditional technique that conveys Japanese culture. Videos like this, where we can learn about traditional Maki-e techniques and how to use them, are important in passing down the traditional craft to future generations so they may cherish it like their ancestors did before them. -
Video article 9:47
These Beautiful Lacquered Vessels Are Works of Art That Enhance the Flavors of Japanese Cuisine. One Woman Shares Her Thoughts on the Traditional Japanese Craft After 30 Years of Fascination
Traditional Crafts- 92 plays
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Introducing Traditional Japanese Lacquerware and Japanese Food Culture This video, titled “URUSHI - IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKU - 和食 (漆芸),” was released by ANA Global Channel. It introduces urushi-e (lacquerware), a traditional Japanese craft, along with amazing arrangements of traditional Japanese cuisine. There are many highly skilled lacquer craftsmen in Japan, and some of them have even been designated as living national treasures (holders of important intangible cultural assets). Japanese ryotei (Japanese-style restaurants) and ryokan (Japanese-style inns) serve Japanese food on lacquered dishes so that guests can enjoy their meals both visually and with regards to flavor. As shown at 6:08 in the video, serving Japanese food on beautiful lacquerware not only looks good, but also helps one enjoy the food. The lacquerware craftswoman featured in the video is a foreign woman who moved to Wajima, famous for its lacquerware, to study the traditional Japanese craft. You can see her passion for Japanese lacquerware as well as a close look at how she makes them. The History and Culture of Lacquerware, a Traditional Japanese Craft Photo:Lacquerware The history of traditional Japanese lacquerware dates back 9,000 years, with lacquered vessels excavated from Jomon Period (14,000 BC to 400 BC) ruins. Lacquer was used to bond and decorate earthenware during the Jomon and Yayoi (ca. 300 B.C. to 250 A.D.) Periods, and since then it has been used for many other purposes, such as vessels and wooden products. In Japan, there are many areas where lacquer is produced as a specialty product. Two examples of this include Wajima-nuri (輪島塗) and Tsugaru-nuri (津軽塗). In Ishikawa Prefecture in particular, there's the Wajima Museum of Lacquer (Urushi) Art that introduces the Japanese culture and production process of Wajima-nuri. A Closer Look at Japan’s Traditional Lacquerware Photo:Lacquerware There are many different types of lacquerware, such as Rantai Shikki (籃胎漆器, lacquerware that uses woven bamboo baskets as a base), Kanshitsu (乾漆, a dry lacquerware technique introduced from Tang China in the Nara Period), and Kinma (蒟醤, lacquerware carved with a blade). Lacquerware is decorated using a variety of techniques, such as maki-e (蒔絵, lacquerware using gold or silver powder), raden (螺鈿, mother-of-pearl inlay), chinking (沈金), hyomon (平文), and more. There are also techniques such as decoration using eggshells, lacquer paintings, Kamakura-bori (鎌倉彫), and engraving. In recent years, lacquerware techniques have been used not only for vessels but also for tools, such as combs, and stationery, such as ballpoint pens. From 8:27 in the video, you can see some lacquerware earrings and other accessories. Summary of Japan’s Traditional Craft - Lacquerware Photo:Lacquerware As shown in the video, there are many beautiful vessels made in Japan that look like works of art. If you want to experience traditional Japanese lacquerware crafting in person, we recommend checking out a class or school certified by the Society for the Preservation of Traditional Japanese Lacquer (漆芸伝承の会認定). Lacquerware features a wide range of products, from those produced by famous artists to more affordable pieces. We recommend purchasing lacquerware from one of the famous lacquerware producing regions of Japan, so that you too can enjoy delicious Japanese cuisine even more! -
Video article 5:09
The Beautiful, Shiny "Kanazawa Gold Leaf" of Kanazawa, Ishikawa Is an Essential Part of Japan's Traditional Culture of Decorating Luxury Goods. How Are the Beautiful Products Made? Check Out This Video To Find Out!
Traditional Crafts- 222 plays
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Kanazawa Foil, a Traditional Craft of Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan - Production Video Introduction This video, titled "手技TEWAZA「金沢箔」kanazawa gold leaf/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square," was released by Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square (伝統工芸 青山スクエア). In Japan, gold leaf is vital to the decoration of buildings and stone monuments, such as the ones introduced at 3:45 in the video, as well as various products, including bowls, dolls, folding screens, fans, and more. Gold leaf is also used to decorate Japanese food and sweets. The video shows how beautiful products are made with gold leaf. Enjoy the beauty of the traditional craft in the video. Kanazawa Gold Leaf, a Traditional Japanese Craft - How It's Made Photo:Gold leaf The manufacturing process of gold leaf begins with a process called "kin-awase" (金合わせ, melting silver and copper together with the gold). Gold alone is too soft, so small amounts of silver and copper are mixed into the material. This material is melted and then shaped. The gold plate, like the one shown at 1:48 in the video, is stretched thin in a process called "nobe-gane" (延金). A high level of skill is required to make the gold foil approximately 1/10,000th of a millimeter thick. The gold leaf is stretched thinly with a foil-striping tool, and finally transferred to Japanese paper and cut evenly, completing the Kanazawa gold leaf process. Purchasing Kanagawa Gold Leaf Products Photo:Gold leaf With the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen (bullet train), the number of tourists visiting Kanazawa is increasing year after year. If you're planning a trip to Kanazawa, we recommend visiting workshops, such as Hakuichi (箔一), and purchasing traditional Kanazawa gold leaf products made by a traditional craftsman as a gift or for yourself. Gold leaf may seem pricey, but there are surprisingly reasonably priced items, so be sure to check out the numerous products for sale. Summary of Kanazawa Gold Leaf Photo:Gold leaf This time, we introduced Kanazawa gold leaf, a traditional Japanese craft, and how it's made. Kanazawa gold leaf is a traditional craft designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry as such, and is one of the most representative traditional crafts of Kanazawa. On your trip to Kanazawa, we recommend experiencing Japanese culture at a hands-on class where you can make your own Kanazawa gold leaf and enjoying gourmet food made with Kanazawa gold leaf! 【Official Website】 Hakuichi https://www.hakuichi.co.jp/en/company/ -
Video article 9:47
Wadaiko, a traditional Japanese craft that plays dynamic music at festivals and other events, takes several years to complete!This is a video of a taiko drum craftsman in Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture, who preserves the technique!
Traditional Crafts- 189 plays
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Video Introduction of Japanese Drum Artisans in Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture "# 005 Wadaiko Tetsuro Sugiura: Door to Tomorrow by At Home" is an interview with the Wadaiko craftsman introduced in the Discovery Channel program "Tomorrow's Door." Tetsuro Sugiura, a wadaiko craftsman of "Asano Taiko" in Japan's Hokiriku region, Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture, trained long and hard before becoming a full-fledged wadaiko craftsman. This time, let's take a closer look at Japanese traditional crafts, and the technique used for making Japanese drums, which takes several years to learn. About the Traditional Culture of Japanese Wadaiko Introduced in the Video Photo:Wadaiko Wadaiko is one of the Japan's historical musical instruments that is played at festivals that are held all over Japan, such as Kyoto and Fukuoka. It is also used at ceremonies at shrines and temples, as well as for Kabuki and Noh. Its origin dates way back, and the oldest Japanese taiko drum was excavated from the remains of the Jomon period (14000 BC- 400 BC). A Japanese drum (Wadaiko) is a percussion instrument that is made of wood and has a body covered with leather. There are various types of Japanese drums that are currently used, such as a long drum, tub drum, and an attached drum. How Wadaiko Are Made Source of photo :YouTube screenshot The production process of the traditional Japanese drum, Wadaiko, is introduced in detail from 2:09 in the video. The two main tasks to make the taiko, are the making of the body and the making of leather. A Japanese drum craftsman cuts down a zelkova tree, which is then used as a raw wood without any treatment. They then cut the body of the zelkova and roughly forms it into its final shape, which is then naturally dried in a cool and dark place for 3 to 5 years. The carving on the inside of the drum is beautifully hand-crafted to have a tortoiseshell or diamond-like pattern. You can see the inner carving process from 3:01 in the video. Source of photo :YouTube screenshot Next, as you can see from 3:18 in the video, a refined technique is essential for lacquer painting. In the process of making leather, from 3:25 in the video, the skill of the Japanese drum craftsman integral to creating the beautifully processed cowhide, which will cover the drum. After putting the leather over the drum the sound is checked, and if sufficient, tacks are attached to complete the work. You can see the finished product from 4:43 in the video. Each taiko drum takes several years to complete and many craftsmen are involved in the crafting process. From 4:56 in the second part of the video, you can see the craftsmanship of the Japanese drum artist Tetsuro Sugiura, who is a leather craftsman. An interview with Mr. Tetsuro Sugiura is introduced in detail where he talks about the process of leather making, which is the cornerstone of each drum's sound. Summary of Japan's Traditional Wadaiko Craftsmen Source of photo :YouTube screenshot The video shows the long and delicate process of making large Japanese taiko drums. No special qualifications are required for the production of wadaiko, but long and rigorous training is required to craft wadaiko that produce beautiful, dynamic sounds of art. This craft relies much on feel, and thus requires diligent and highly skilled Japanese drum craftsmen. 【Official Website】Asano Taiko https://www.asano.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:45
Learn about the splendid craftsmanship of Yamanaka Lacquer Ware, a traditional handicraft of Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Enjoy the video showing the precious production process, which is all done by hand!
Traditional Crafts- 196 plays
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石川県加賀市の伝統工芸・山中漆器とは 「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が制作する、「手技TEWAZA【山中漆器】Japan Yamanaka Lacquerware」は、職人が日本の伝統文化である石川県加賀市の伝統工芸品・山中漆器を作っている姿を見ることができる動画です。 動画では山中漆器が来上がっていく工程を見ることができ、その中で職人が心を込めて作っている様子が伝わってきます。 石川県加賀市の山中漆器は美術品のような美しい作品で、日本文化に興味がある人はもちろんのこと、美術品・芸術品に興味がある人も必見の動画です。 また、石川県加賀市の風光明媚な自然も動画で紹介されています。 こちらの記事では、日本の伝統工芸・伝統文化である山中漆器の歴史や作り方などを動画に沿って紹介していきます。 日本の伝統工芸「山中漆器」の起源や歴史 石川県加賀市の山中漆器の起源は16世紀頃。 山中温泉に移住してきた漆器職人集団が行った「ろくろ挽き」が始まりです。 それから、江戸時代の中期頃になると山中温泉に来た旅行客へのお土産に漆器が求められるようになります。 汁椀やお盆などが特に人気で、温泉とともに漆器も発展。 19世紀になると塗りの技術や蒔絵の技術が流入(蒔絵とは漆器に金粉や銀粉を塗り、模様を作ること)し、現在の山中高蒔絵の基礎ができました。 日本伝統の山中漆器は外国人にも人気です。 美しく使いやすい食器やアクセサリーなど、外国人が日本に旅行した際のお土産として購入する人も多いようです。 日本の伝統文化「山中漆器」の作り方 日本の伝統工芸である山中漆器は、大きく分けて4つの工程によって出来上がります。 「木地挽き」→「木地固め」→「拭き漆」→「蒔絵」という流れです。 木地挽きは天然木を寸法し、目的の形に成形する作業です。 木材を乾燥させ膨張や収縮がしないようにするなど、大事な工程も含まれています。 動画では1:00から紹介されています。 木地固めは木地の木目の中まで漆を染み込ませて、木地の狂いを防止するのが主な作業です。 木地全体がなめらかになるように研ぐ重要な作業もあります。 拭き漆の作業は、まず生漆を希釈しないで刷毛塗りします。 次に拭き取り紙で余分の漆を取り乾かし、この工程を4~5回繰り返します。 動画では2:34から紹介されています。 最後に蒔絵で模様を書き完成です! ぜひ映像ともに職人の匠の技・凄技・神業が体感してみてください。 日本の伝統文化「山中漆器」の購入できる場所は? 日本を代表する伝統工芸・伝統文化である山中漆器の商品はギフトやプレゼントにも人気。 お弁当箱や重箱、茶筒、お椀など実用的かつ美しい食器がたくさんあります。 インターネットが発達した時代なので通販でも購入できますが、どうせなら実物を見て購入したいですよね。 中でも山中うるし座(山中漆器伝統産業会館)は、山中漆器の伝統工芸品やアクセサリー、茶道具なども販売されており、おすすめのお店です。 美しい日本の伝統工芸品を自分の目で見て、お気に入りを探しましょう! 日本の伝統文化「山中漆器」の記事のまとめ 日本の伝統工芸・伝統文化である山中漆器の特徴は、手作りで得られる美しさ。 職人たちの一生懸命な作業から生み出される美しさは心をうつことでしょう。 動画では、日本の伝統文化である山中漆器を作る職人の技を3分ほどの長さで見ることができます。 山中漆器が気になった方はぜひご覧ください! -
Video article 16:32
Kutani Ware: A Style of Traditional Japanese Porcelain in Ishikawa Prefecture, Characterized by Its Elaborate Use of Brilliant Colors. Find Out Where to Get Your Hands on These Works of Art!
Traditional Crafts History- 199 plays
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Introducing Kutani Ware! This article introduces Kutani ware alongside the video "Traditional Japanese Crafts・Kutani Ware Glazing" (日本の伝統工芸品・九谷焼の染め付け). Kutani ware started around the Edo Period (1603-1868) in Kanazawa city, Ishikawa in Japan's Hokuriku region. It was originally called Kokutani ware. Today, Komatsu-city, Kaga-city, and Noumi-city are famous for the production of Kutani ware. The piece in the video is by Kamide Chouzaemon, one of Japan's leading Kutani pottery makers. The video is only about a minute long, but it shows the amazing dyeing technique used to make the beautiful, traditional Japanese pottery. How Kutani Ware Is Made Source :YouTube screenshot The signature liquid cobalt oxide is used to dye Kutani ware, which gives us a feel for Japanese culture. Kutani ware is produced by using a thin brush to draw precise patterns which requires the skills of a master craftsman. Patterns are drawn on the Kutani ware, using the brown cobalt oxide as a base material, after which they are fired in a kiln. From there, the color of the brown cobalt oxide changes into a beautiful shade of blue. This method of painting Kutani ware using blue, green, yellow, purple, and red within its patterns is called Kutani Gosai. Where to Purchase the Kutani Ware Kutani ware, made by famous craftsmen and artists, is considered an art, and can be rather expensive. However, there is some Kutani ware sold at reasonable prices. Kutani ware can be viewed and purchased at museums and porcelain/ceramics markets in Kanazawa. They have Kutani ware bowls, small plates, teacups, china bowls, tea pots, vases, and more. You can buy different pieces and incorporate them into your daily life. Their products are also available on the internet through retailers such as Amazon and Rakuten. Enjoying a Kutani ware demo at a workshop also makes for a memorable experience. By adding Kutani ware to your table, you can appreciate Japanese traditional culture more deeply. Summary of Japan's Traditional Kutani Ware Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, each piece of Kutani ware is hand dyed by a craftsman. The dyeing process of Kutani ware has been handed down for hundreds of years. Be sure to watch the video to see the amazing craftsmanship of Kutani ware craftsmen.