Things to Do
Video article 2:23
Enjoy a Powerful Rafting Trip on Tokushima Prefecture's Yoshino River in Central Shikoku! Experience an Exhilarating Whitewater Adventure in This Video!
Things to Do- 59 plays
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四国ライオンアドベンチャーの吉野川ラフティング紹介動画について こちらの動画は「アウトドア撮影隊 GOAT」が公開した「【吉野川ラフティング】 「四国ライオンアドベンチャー」公式movie (2016.07.22公開)」です。 迫力満点の川下り!時には岩の上から水面へジャンプ! 日本観光にでは綺麗な清流でラフティングを楽しんでみませんか? 四国のど真ん中を流れる吉野川では吉野川ラフティングが人気のアクティビティです。 今回紹介する動画は近年、訪日外国人にも人気の吉野川ラフティングをピックアップ! 四国ライオンアドベンチャーで「吉野川ラフティング」を楽しもう! 四国の徳島県小歩危(こぼけ)で吉野川ラフティングを体験できるのが四国ライオンアドベンチャー。 吉野川は激流として有名ですが、経験豊富なインストラクターが付き添い、安全に吉野川ラフティングを楽しむことができます。 四国ライオンアドベンチャー「吉野川ラフティング」の1日コースの見所 まず、受付が済んだら、移動中のバスで安全講習。 その後、川に着いたらボートに移りスリル満点の吉野川ラフティングの旅へ出発! 最初の難関が鉄橋の下の瀬。 動画に出てくる激流をこれから超える吉野川ラフティングの開幕です。 鉄橋の下の瀬を越えると森囲いの瀬で「小歩危」最大の難関。 別名でモーニング グローリーとの名を持ちます。 次にくる大滝の瀬は多くのボートが転覆するポイント。 ここを超えたら美味しいランチが待っています。 ランチを食べた後も「吉野川ラフティング」を堪能! 午後は曲がり戸の瀬。 小歩危最大の格差に挑戦です。 ここを越えたら後はゴールを目指すだけ。 ゴールに着いたら吉野川ラフティングをまた体験したいと思うはずです。 今日1日で吉野川の美しさや自然に満足したことでしょう。 四国ライオンアドベンチャー「吉野川ラフティング」をおすすめする理由 四国ライオンアドベンチャーは四国でも一番綺麗な小歩危(こぼけ)渓谷でラフティングを楽しめます。 また、粗谷渓谷(いやだにけいこく)にも近く、宿泊場所も多数あります。 疲れたら一泊してゆっくりされてみてはいかがですか? 四国ライオンアドベンチャー「吉野川ラフティング」紹介まとめ 四国ライオンアドベンチャーのコースの特徴は1日・半日コース(要予約)を選べます。 体力に少し自信がない方は半日コース。 吉野川ラフティングを満喫したい人は存分に1日体験。 みなさんも四国ライオンアドベンチャーで吉野川ラフティングを満喫してみてはどうでしょうか。 -
Video article 3:25
A Thousand-Year-Old Coral Megalith in Tokushima Prefecture: One of the Largest Coral Reefs in the World, This 9-Meter-Tall Coral Reef Is the Result of a Series of Miracles and Its Beautiful Appearance Has Captivated Many Divers!
Things to Do- 59 plays
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The Millennium Coral of Mugi, Tokushima via Video This video, titled "Mugi Diving: A Thousand-Year-Old Coral" (牟岐ダイビング 千年珊瑚), was uploaded by "Shimizu Akinori" (清水明徳). It introduces, as its name suggests, a thousand-year-old coral reef near Oshima Island in Tokushima. What you see in the video is the Millennium Coral, a coral reef in the inner bay of Oshima Island in Mugi, Tokushima. Oshima Island off the coast of Mugi, Tokushima is one of the most beautiful spots in Japan where many people visit for diving and snorkeling. The huge coral reef shown from the beginning of the video is called "Sennen Sango" (lit. "Thousand-Year Coral" or "Millennium Coral"). The Millennium Coral is a tree-shaped coral reef formed by the growth of porites lutea, a type of stony coral. Registered as a "Miraculous Heritage," the coral reef is estimated to have been growing for as long as 1,000 years. At 0:08 in the video, you can see a person actually diving underwater and swimming next to it, giving you a good idea of just how large it actually is. The sheer size of it is enough to amaze you. The Millennium Coral of Oshima Island in Mugi, Tokushima: A Coral Reef Formed by a Combination of Favorable Conditions Source :YouTube screenshot The Millennium Coral is the result of a combination of favorable conditions in nature. The warm currents of the Kuroshio Current come in from the coast, the island is not environmentally destructive, and it is located in an inner bay, which protects it from rough seas. The Millennium Coral is located at a depth of 23 meters. It measures approximately 9 meters tall and 30 meters round, and is also known as the "Underwater Christmas Tree" because of its shape. It is one of the largest and longest living coral reefs not only in Japan, but also in the world. Starfish – The Natural Enemy of the Millennium Coral Photo:Crown-of-thorns starfish In recent years, crown-of-thorns starfish have increased in number, eating away at the Millennium Coral. The town of Mugi has been working to protect the coral, and in 2015, December 7 was designated as Millennium Coral Day. At 1:10 in the video, you can see beautiful fish swimming around the Millennium Coral. The Millennium Coral is a symbol of Mugi, Tokushima. In addition to being a tourist attraction, the Millennium Coral also plays a role in purifying the ocean by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, making it an indispensable part of the marine environment. Summary of the Millennium Coral of Oshima Island in Mugi, Tokushima There are many ways to get to Mugi, Tokushima, where the Millennium Coral is located: by air, by sea, or by express bus. From Tokushima City, it takes 1 hour and 20 minutes to reach by train via JR lines, and approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes to reach by car. There are also tours to the remote islands where visitors can enjoy a variety of experiences and delicious food. If you're a diver, be sure to visit the Millennium Coral in Mugi, Tokushima if you have the chance! We hope this video has given you an idea of just how beautiful the Millennium Coral is. Hopefully we can continue to protect this beautiful coral for years to come. -
Video article 2:22
Experience a Work Vacation in Tokushima Prefecture! the Luxury of Working While Vacationing in the Great Outdoors!
Local PR Things to Do- 31 plays
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徳島県にし阿波でのワーケーションに興味がありませんか? こちらの動画は 「徳島県チャンネル」が公開した「徳島県にし阿波地域プロモーション動画~Nishi-Awa, ideal Workation area in Japan~」です。 ワーケーションとは「ワーク(仕事・勤務)」と「バケーション(休暇)」を組み合わせた造語で、「仕事とバケーションを一緒にする」 という意味です。 旅行先やリゾート地でバカンスを楽しみながら働きたい!と考えている人には徳島県にし阿波でのワーケーションはおすすめです。 徳島県にし阿波ってどんなところ? にし阿波は徳島県の北西部に位置し、美馬市、三好市、つるぎ町、東みよし町をエリアとする観光圏域です。 その8割以上を北部の阿讃山脈や南部の四国山地の森林が占め、中央部には日本三大暴れ川の1つとして数えられ四国三郎の異名を持つ吉野川が西から東へ流れています。 四季折々の表情を見せる美しい自然環境を有する地域として、にし阿波ではその自然を生かしたアクティビティ体験を行うことができます。 森林では山登りやトレッキング、河川では急流を利用したラフティングが特に人気です。 にし阿波ではグルメも歴史観光も欠かせません。 にし阿波にはそば米雑炊、でこまわし、ひらら焼きといった郷土料理があります。 これらは祖谷地方の水はけの良い急峻な斜面で栽培されたジャガイモやソバ、吉野川や祖谷川などで取った川魚等を利用したものです。 徳島県にし阿波のワーケーションで地域・国際交流 徳島県にし阿波は全国の13観光圏とともに滞在プログラムの誘致に取り組んでいます。 にし阿波にITサテライトオフィスを開設し、IT企業などがテレワークでのワーケーションを実践しています。 コワーキングスペースとして日本家屋をリノベーションしたオフィススペースがあり、Wi-Fi、プリンター、プロジェクターとスクリーンなどが利用できます。 そして、一部の施設では宿泊設備スペースも完備。 地域の人々との交流を楽しみながら新しいワークスタイルに挑戦するなら、にし阿波はベストな選択といえるでしょう。 オフィススペースの様子は、こちらの動画の0:14から紹介されています。 実際にコワーキングスペースで働く人たちの姿もご覧になることもできます。 徳島県にし阿波のワーケーション紹介まとめ 日本有数の美しい自然に恵まれているにし阿波のある徳島県は、東京から飛行機で2時間、大阪からは車で3時間の距離にあります。 地域の人々との交流、歴史ある街並み、伝統文化との触れ合いが、人生においての貴重な経験と何事にも代えがたい感動を与えてくれるに違いありません。 徳島県にし阿波でのワーケーションに興味があるなら今すぐ行動に移すことをおすすめします。 -
Video article 3:49
Awa Odori - A Traditional Japanese Dance With 400 Years of History! Check Out the Popular Summer Festival in Fukushima With Powerful Male Dancers and Elegant Female Dancers!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel Things to Do- 92 plays
- YouTube
A Tourist Enjoys Her Time in Japan Wearing a Yukata [Awa Odori]: Video Introduction This video, titled "Japan's Culture : Russian Lady Dreamed About "Awa Odori in Yukata(Summer Kimono) First Festival.," was uploaded by "youmemeyou tokushima." It introduces Awa Odori, a traditional Japanese festival. The video features a Russian woman who learned about Japan through watching anime and fulfilled her dream of wearing a yukata at a Japanese festival. Various food stalls lined up along the river, rows of lanterns, and the exciting Awa Odori dance are just a few of the many photogenic shots throughout the video. Awa Odori is one of the most popular festivals in Japan, and can be enjoyed by men and women of all ages, and even by foreign travelers. Be sure to follow along as you watch the video! Awa Odori - 400 Years of This Traditional Japanese Dance Photo:Awa Odori There are various theories as to the origin of Awa Odori, including Nenbutsu Odori from Japan's Kamakura period, Furyu Odori from the late Warring States period, and celebratory events held at the time of the construction of Tokushima Castle. In any case, Awa Odori has taken root among the citizens and has been passed down through the generations, even overcoming frequent bans. Awa Odori is known as one of Japan's traditional performing arts. One of the three major Bon Odori dances in Japan, Awa Odori attracts approximately 1.3 million people, and there is said to be about 100,000 dancers in groups called ren (連). The dance style is characterized by a male and female version, and various types of Awa Odori can be seen from daytime to nighttime at theaters and other viewing spots. In addition, Awa Odori Kaikan (a museum in Tokushima where visitors can learn about Awa Odori) has been making efforts to accommodate foreign tourists in recent years by providing English- and Chinese-speaking staff at the reception desk. During the Awa Odori Festival, the central area of Tokushima City is filled with lively dancing and excitement, and the many food stalls and lanterns add to the festive atmosphere. [Video] 2:34 - Food Stalls and Lanterns at Awa Odori When is Awa Odori 2024 in Tokushima City? Where is it held? Awa Odori dance in Tokushima Prefecture is also introduced. The schedule for the Tokushima City Awa Odori Festival 2024 is as follows. During the festival period, the main venues will be the Odori Plaza, Odori Road, and Machikado Plaza, in addition to the performance halls set up in the center of Tokushima City. Dates: August 12 (Monday) to 15 (Thursday), 2024 *Awa Odori Festival will be held on the eve of the festival on August 11 (Sunday). Place: All around the city center Awa Odori dance festivals are also held outside of Tokushima City. Awa Odori in Naruto City: Friday, August 9 - Sunday, August 11 (special performance site on the west side of JR Naruto Station and shopping streets in the city) Kamoshima Awa Odori in Yoshinogawa City: Friday, August 16, 2024 (Central Street in front of JR Kamoshima Station) Udatsu Town Awa Odori Festival: Sunday, August 11, 2024 (near in front of Roadside Station Ai Land Udatsu, Mima City) Tsurugi-cho Summer Festival Awa Odori Festival: August 15 (Thursday) and 16 (Friday) in 2024 (Sadamitsu Sadamitsu Central Shopping Street, Tsurugi-cho, Mima County) Ikeda Awa Odori Dance: Wednesday, August 14 through Friday, August 16, 2024 (JR Awa Ikeda Station area) Gorgeous Costumes and Unique Dancing - Enjoying Awa Odori Photo:Image of Awa Odori Awa Odori can be enjoyed by men and women of all ages and is accompanied by enthusiastic cheering from the crowd. It also features unique costumes and dancing styles for both men and women. The men wear happi coats or yukata in a unique style, and their dynamic performance, called "Otoko Odori," is very lively and exciting to watch. [Video] 0:30 - Otoko Odori "Onna Odori," the women's version, is characterized by elegant and graceful hand gestures and footwork repeated at a mesmerizing tempo. In the video, you can see a woman wearing a happi coat and performing "Otoko Odori." [Video] 0:17 - Women Performing "Otoko Odori" While Wearing Happi Also popular is the "Chibikko Odori," a children's version of the dances. One of the highlights of the performance is the musical accompaniment, which combines instruments, such as shamisen, drums, and flutes, to enliven the dance, and the unique musical style of each dance troupe. The light, two-beat tempo creates a stage where both the dancers and the audience can enjoy a sense of unity. [Video] 0:54 - Audience Members Participating in the Dance Koenji Awa Odori - Enjoy the Awesome Dances Performances in Tokyo Koenji Awa Odor in Tokyo is second in scale only to the Tokushima City Awa Odori and is known as a summer tradition in the area. The event is held every year in late August, and its history dates back to 1957, when it was started as a town revitalization event. The event in the shopping district led to the expansion of the event to surrounding towns and neighborhood associations, and today it is known as "Tokyo's Awa Odori" with 10,000 dancers, attracting many visitors. In addition to dancers from the Tokyo metropolitan area, dancers from Tokushima, the home of Awa Odori, also participate in the festival, adding to the excitement. Summary of Awa Odori, a Dance For Anyone to Enjoy Awa Odori is a popular summer event in Japan that tourists and foreign travelers can enjoy together. In the video, a woman in a yukata from Russia conveys the beauty of Japanese culture through Awa Odori. If you're planning on visiting Japan this summer, we highly recommend checking out Awa Odori, it's a dance that you can both watch and participate in, and will create a lifelong memory of your visit to Japan! ◆2024 Awa Odori◆ Event Period: August 12 (Mon.) - 15 (Thu.) *Advance party on August 11 (Sun.)