Local PR
Video article 4:59
Fukuoka Prefecture's Local Idols Introduce the Charms of Yanagawa City! You Don't Want to Miss This Video Full of Fascinating Sights and Adorable Dancing!
Local PR Travel- 41 plays
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九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市をご当地アイドルが紹介! こちらの動画は「柳川フィルムコミッション」が公開した「【柳川市観光PRビデオ】SAGEMON GIRLS さげもんガールズ」です。 福岡県はおいしい食べ物や人気観光がいっぱいの魅力ある日本のおすすめの観光地。 そんな福岡県でグルメや観光も楽しめるエリアを探している人はいませんか? 今回は福岡県の柳川市を紹介したいと思います。 こちら記事では、福岡県の柳川市の人気スポットや、おすすめグルメなどを動画と共に紹介したいと思います。 福岡県柳川市のご当地アイドル「さげもんガールズ」の可愛いダンスも堪能ください 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市とは 九州のおすすめ観光地のひとつ柳川市は、福岡県の南部、筑後地方の南西部に位置します。 筑後地方の主要都市のひとつで、さまざまな魅力のある都市です。 柳川の川下り体験や相撲、有明海でとれた柳川産のりやうなぎ料理など、観光やグルメで楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 福岡県柳川市は福岡の天神駅から西鉄電車で約50分で行くことができるので、福岡で観光する際にはぜひ立ち寄ってみてください。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市のおすすめスポット 人気観光地の福岡県の柳川市には、おすすめの観光スポットがたくさんあります。 まず、歴史が好きな人やパワースポットに行きたい人におすすめなのが三柱神社と日吉神社。 ともに由緒正しい神社で参拝すれば気が引き締まります。 長命寺や沖端水天宮も福岡県柳川市の有名な歴史スポットです。 柳川藩主立花邸御花も歴史を体感できる国指定名勝。 庭園が当時のままに残り、美しい景観を楽しめる名所です。 ほっと一息つきたい場合には、「からたち文人の足湯」がおすすめ。 足湯エリアには柳川ゆかりの文人たちの写真などが飾られており、歴史が好きな人も楽しめます。 ゆっくり足湯に浸かりながら、写真を眺めれば心癒される時間になるでしょう。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市のおすすめグルメ 日本の観光地である福岡の柳川市にはおすすめのグルメもあります。 うなぎは食べログで高評価のお店が多く、柳川市に訪れたときには必ず食べておきたい日本料理。 うなぎ料理の他にも、柳川産味噌や米せんべいなどが有名。 美味しいグルメを楽しんで最高の旅の思い出にしましょう。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市紹介まとめ こちらの動画は福岡県柳川市の人気ご当地アイドル「さげもんガールズ」のかわいい踊りと一緒に、柳川市のおすすめの観光スポットが紹介されています。 観光スポットとおいしいグルメがたのしめる福岡県の柳川市。 気になる方はぜひ観光に訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 8:19
Dazaifu in Fukuoka Prefecture, Where History and Tradition Are Alive and Well, Is One of the Best Sightseeing Spots in Fukuoka. Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine Is a Strong Ally of Students as a God of Studies!
Local PR Travel- 58 plays
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福岡県太宰府の観光スポット紹介動画 こちらの動画は「太宰府市」が公開した「DAZAIFU TIMELESS ELEGANCE(Japanese explanation)」です。 福岡県太宰府は、日本古来の街並みと豊かな自然に恵まれた景勝地であり、数多くの史跡が、時代を超えて多くの人々を魅了し「全国観光ランキング」でも上位を占め続けています。 古都の栄華を実感できる街「福岡県太宰府」 動画では、福岡随一の観光地である大宰府の、7世紀に国防目的で造られた1.2キロにもおよぶ堤防「水城跡」と、日本最古の山城「大野城跡」という二つの城跡の景観が当時をしのばせる名所が紹介されています。 7世紀後半に建造され、軍事拠点を兼ねた外交・貿易の窓口となった「太宰府政庁」の跡地は、現在「史跡公園」となっており、その雄大な景色は、古都の栄華が感じられる一大観光エリアです。 史跡公園内には「太宰府展示館」があり、貴重な遺跡類が展示されています。 さらに動画では、太宰府政庁跡の近くの九州随一の寺院として名高い「観世音寺」も紹介されており、国宝でもある日本最古の梵鐘と巨大な仏像をご覧になることができます。 また、当時の僧侶や尼僧に戒律を授けていた「戒壇院」では、観光客も参加できる坐禅会が行われています。 そして、霊峰・宝満山の麓には縁結びの神として知られる「宝満宮竈門神社」があります。 ご鎮座1,350年を記念して建造された現代建築の社務所と伝統的な神社建築との調和が注目を浴びています。 悲劇の人「菅原道真公」を祀る「太宰府天満宮」 動画でご覧になれるように、福岡県太宰府の観光シンボルとして有名なのが「太宰府天満宮」です。 およそ1,100年の歴史を有する神社で、学問の神様として高名な菅原道真公が祀られている名所で、ツアー客だけでなく全国から数多くの受験生が学業祈願で訪れ、参拝後は二種類の「御朱印」が授与できます。 ときの政争に巻き込まれ都から左遷された悲劇の官吏・菅原道真公を慕って一夜のうちに都から太宰府へ飛来してきたという「飛梅伝説」で知られる梅の木が御神木となっています。 そして参道には、名物菓子「梅が枝餅」などの土産店や多くの食事処が軒を連ねています。 木のぬくもりを感じさせる和のインテリアが話題の「スタバ」など太宰府にしかないショップの探訪もおすすめです。 ランチタイムには穴場の店を探してみましょう。 福岡県太宰府天満宮の「九州国立博物館」と伝統行事が観光客を魅了 福岡県太宰府天満宮からすぐの場所には、独特の美しい曲線フォルムの建物がひときわ目立つ「九州国立博物館」があります。 コンセプトは「日本文化の形成をアジア史的観点からとらえる」というもの。 アジアの玄関口として栄えた太宰府という場所ならではの展示物やイベントは、福岡県太宰府を訪れた多くの観光客を魅了し続けています。 文化と伝統の街である福岡の太宰府では「護摩焚き」「天神まつり」「古都の光」「神幸式」「鬼すべ」など、さまざまな祭事や行事の伝統が、令和となった現代にも守られているさまを観光客は目の当たりにすることができます。 悠久の歴史と豊かな自然と洗練された現代性が調和する街でもある福岡の太宰府は、四季を通じて日本ならではの色彩豊かな情景が広がる魅惑の観光スポットなのです。 福岡県太宰府紹介まとめ 西鉄福岡天神駅から太宰府駅までのルートは電車で約30分。 レンタカーでもJR博多駅または福岡空港から30~40分程度という、福岡市の中心部からの好アクセスも観光として大いに魅力的です。 事前に宿泊するホテルを予約し、泊りがけの旅行をじっくり楽しむことがおすすめです。 あなたも、福岡・太宰府で魅惑のひとときをぜひ堪能してみてください。 -
Video article 2:24
Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine: The Origin of Japan’s Most Recent Era, "Reiwa." One of the Nation's Most Popular Spots for Academic Success Is a Charming Place Full of History in Dazaifu, Fukuoka!
Local PR Travel- 196 plays
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Dazaifu- An Attractive Tourist Destination in Fukuoka This video is titled “Dazaifu, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) – Dazaifu Autumn Winter.” It shows the scenery of Dazaifu, a popular tourist site in the Kyushu Hakata area, and was created by “egawauemon”. There are many sightseeing spots in the city of Dazaifu (太宰府市), Fukuoka in Japan's Kyushu region, including Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, where Sugawara no Michizane is honored as a deity. Visit fascinating landmarks such as the historic sites of the ancient city Dazaifu and famous shrines and temples. The video introduces sightseeing spots, gourmet cuisine, and festivals of Dazaifu with beautiful music in beautiful, 4K images. Enjoy the charm of Dazaifu! Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, the Most Popular Tourist Site in Fukuoka Photo:Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine As one of the most prominent tourist sites in Dazaifu, Fukuoka, you can't afford to miss Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. We'll introduce it in the video, so be sure to follow along! Many people look to visit the historical locations to receive their shuin stamps. Many students preparing for their entrance exams come to Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine as well. The shrine is referred to as Tenjin-san and is home to Michizane Sugawara, the god of academic achievement. After visiting the shrine, taste popular gourmet Umegae Mochi at the Umegae Mochiya restaurant on the approach to the temple. This is introduced at 1:08 in the video. We also recommend grabbing a coffee or having lunch at the Starbucks on the approach. It has a traditional design that you won't find outside of Japan. Access to Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine is about a 5-minute walk from Nishitetsu Dazaifu Station. There are many toll parking lots around Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, so if you're traveling by car there's no need to worry about parking. A Tourist Spot Where You Can Learn the History of Dazaifu Photo:Dazaifu Government Office Ruins There are many places in the Dazaifu area where you can learn about the history and culture of Dazaifu, such as the Kyushu National Museum and the Dazaifu Exhibition Hall. We also recommend checking out the Dazaifu Government Office ruins. The origin of the new Japanese era “Reiwa” is “Ume-no-hana no Uta” contained in Japan’s oldest songbook “Manyoshu.” The Umehana Banquet described in the preface to the song is said to be held in the vicinity of Sakamoto Hachimangu Shrine in Dazaifu, and has been popular with many tourists since the beginning of the new era. There is also a traditional Dazaifu craft called "Kiuso" that has been handed down from generation to generation in Dazaifu, that depicts a small bird perched in a tree. The thin feathers are carved out of the wood using a chisel. You can see this at 1:03 in the video. Also, the festival “Usokae / Onisube Shinji,” designated as an intangible ethnic cultural property, introduced at 1:32 in the video, is one of the three major fire festivals and is a popular festival that many tourists from Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine visit. Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Dazaifu, Fukuoka Photo:Kanzeon-ji Temple Around the city, there are also many of other famous hidden gems such as Homangu Kamado Shrine, Kaidan-in Temple, and the Ono Castle Ruins, one of the "Japan’s Top 100 Castles." At Kanzeon-ji Temple, which was opened by Emperor Tenchi, there is a 5-meter-tall Bodhisattva and the oldest hanging bell in Japan. The Dazaifu area has a lot to offer, so we recommend enjoying lunch or dinner at one of the city's gourmet spots, or staying at a hotel and spending a night or two exploring the city at your leisure. Summary of the Ancient City, Dazaifu As introduced in this video, Dazaifu has many tourist sites and gourmet spots besides Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. Be sure to check out the video and decide on a sightseeing route in Dazaifu beforehand to get the most out of your trip. Take a tour of Dazaifu and learn about the history of the ancient city, explore the tourist routes, and take a stroll through some of the best places to enjoy the natural beauty of the city. ◆Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine◆ 【Address】4-7-1 Saifu, Dazaifu, Fukuoka, 818-0117 【Access】5 minutes on foot from Nishitetsu Dazaifu Station 【Admission Fee】General 400 JPY (~$4 USD)(As of November, 2019) 【Hours】6:30~19:00 【Average time spent here】About an hour 【Parking】Available 【Tel】+81 92-922-8225 -
Video article 5:00
Fukuoka’s Must-See Tourist Destinations. Historical Structures, Traditional Culture, Local Cuisine and More– A Complete Video Guide to Fukuoka!
Local PR Travel- 111 plays
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Fukuoka: Where sightseeing, Japanese culture, the outdoors, and Japanese cuisine all come together The video “Hyperlapse Fukuoka City, Japan 4k (Ultra HD) - 福岡 Full ver.” is a promotional video created by the city of Fukuoka. It introduces sightseeing locations, Japanese cuisine such as street food, Japanese culture though festivals, and more, all in one of Japan’s most popular sightseeing destinations- Fukuoka, in Japan's Kyushu region. Fukuoka is said to be a gateway to Asia, as it's a popular sightseeing destination welcoming many visitors to Japan. This video introduces more than 20 famous sightseeing areas and places of cultural interest in Fukuoka. 5 impressive minutes of breathtaking views shown through time lapses and aerial shots taken by drones. We guarantee you'll find a spot you want to visit. Sightseeing in Fukuoka- Recommendations and information about commercial facilities Photo:Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome and hotel From 0:05 in the video, the symbol of Fukuoka, the Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome (福岡ヤフオク!ドーム, Fukuoka yafuoku domu) is shown. This is Japan’s first stadium built with a retractable roof, making it usable no matter the weather. This is also the home stadium of the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks. At 3:23, we can hear the crowd cheering from inside the stadium. Fukuoka Tower (福岡タワー, Fukuoka tawa) is an exquisite 234-meter-tall tower equipped with 8000 pieces of half mirrors reflecting the sky and the city. From the viewing platform, you can enjoy a 360-degree view of Fukuoka, which was chosen as one of Japan’s “Top 100 night views”. The ACROS Fukuoka, reminiscent of a park, as well as the Canal City Hakata, built around a meandering canal to create a unique space, are entertainment complexes. These famous structures of Fukuoka Prefecture can be seen at 0:19 in the video. Access to Fukuoka’s recommended sightseeing areas Hakata Station (博多駅, Hakata-eki) is conveniently located about 5 minutes away from Fukuoka Airport (福岡空港, Fukuoka kuko) by subway. outside of that, Kyushu (九州, Kyushu), Kagoshima (鹿児島, Kagoshima), and Honshu (本州, Honshu), are accessible through the JR bullet train (JR新幹線, JR shinkansen). Besides public transportation such as the trains or buses from Hakata Station, renting a car and driving through the city’s highways is also a convenient way to travel in the city. Sightseeing in Fukuoka- history, culture, nature, and our recommendations Photo:The five-story pagoda at Tochoji Temple From 1:11 of the video, Ohori Park (大濠公園, Ohori koen) is introduced. This is a healing location right in the center of Fukuoka City and home to the five-story pagoda of Tochoji Temple (東長寺, Tochoji) as well as the Buddha of Fukuoka, so it's definitely worth seeing. The Fukuoka Buddha is 16.1 meters (52.8 ft) tall, making it the largest wooden Buddha in all of Japan. Next, the Fukuoka City Museum (福岡市博物館, Fukuoka-shi hakubutsukan) located in Momochihama (百道浜, Momochihama) is a cultural facility that introduces the lifestyle of Fukuokans as well as the history of Fukuoka itself. The well-known National Treasure, the “King of Na gold seal” (金印, Kin-in) is also on permanent display. In addition, the Jotenji Temple (承天寺, Jotenji) near Hakata Station boasts an exquisite stone garden. Umi-no-Nakamichi (海の中道, Umi no nakamichi) and Nokonoshima Island (能古島, Nokonoshima) are also brimming with nature. These can be seen from 1:26 in the video. From 2:10 in the video, craftsmen can be seen producing Hakata-ori textiles (博多織, Hakata-ori) and Hakata dolls (博多人形, Hakata-ningyo). The Hakozaki Shrine (筥崎宮, Hakozakigu), with a main worship hall recognized as an Important Cultural Property of Japan is shown, as well as two of the three main festivals of Kyushu. The first is the Tamaseseri Festival (玉取祭・玉せせり, Tamatori・Tamaseseri), where participants compete to get their hands on a lucky ball. Also shown is the Hakata Gion Yamakasa festival (博多祇園山笠, Hakata gion yamakasa), which is recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage. Fukuokan cuisine Around Tenjin Station (天神駅, Tenjin-eki) and Nakasu (中洲, Nakasu) are more than 100 food stands where you can enjoy a great variety of Japanese cuisine such as Hakata ramen (博多ラーメン, Hakata ramen). Fresh sushi and motsunabe (もつ鍋, Motsunabe) are also popular. These popular Fukuokan foods are introduced at 3:03 in the video. A trip isn't complete without tasting food made from the very best local ingredients! Traveling in Fukuoka - Summary Photo:Fukuokan street food As shown in the video, Fukuoka is an area where you can thoroughly enjoy Japan’s culture, sightseeing, and cuisine. There are many more charming areas in the video that we couldn't get around to in this article, so if you haven't checked it out yet, we recommend giving it a look. You're sure to be charmed by what Fukuoka has to offer! 【Official Website】Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka City Municipal Office Homepage https://www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/english/index.html -
Video article 3:06
Everyone in Kyushu Prays for the End of Corona. Cheer up and Wait for That Day With a Smile!
Local PR- 23 plays
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This video, titled "Until That Day, Let's Do Our Best Together" (その日まで、ともにがんばろう), was released by "Until That Day, Let's Work Together [JR Kyushu]" (その日まで、ともにがんばろう【JR九州】). The video was created by JR Kyushu to support the fight against corona. The novel corona virus (Covid-19) that is sweeping the world today shows no sign of abating in Japan either, and we are forced to live in fear and threat of the virus every day. However, human beings have survived many epidemics in the past. Although the number of cases of new coronaviruses is increasing day by day, the number of critical condition patients and deaths in Japan is very low compared to the rest of the world, so let's do our best to believe that we can return to a safe and secure life again in the near future, as shown in this video.