Video article 7:41
Former Morning Musume Member AI Takahashi Introduces Her Hometown, Fukui Prefecture! You'll Love This City Where You'll Meet Lots of People and Have Lots of Smiles!
Local PR Travel- 88 plays
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元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県の観光動画について 「福井県観光連盟」が公開した「福の便り ~しあわせが届く故郷 福井~」は福井県出身の高橋愛が福井県の魅力を紹介している動画です。 福井県は福井県立恐竜博物館、ソースカツ丼、メガネ、越前和紙などさまざまな魅力があり、観光地としておすすめのスポットです。 美しい景観が見られる自然スポットも充実しているので、心をリフレッシュしたい人にもおすすめですよ。 こちらの記事では、高橋愛の故郷である福井県の観光名所や穴場スポットなどを動画と共に紹介します。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県で人気の歴史スポット 福井県で人気の歴史スポットといえば、曹洞宗の大本山永平寺です。 とても厳しい禅修行をする場所として有名です。 一般人でも短期間の修行体験ができ、座禅などで心身を鍛えることができます。 とても神聖なお寺なので参拝するだけでも気が引き締まり、リフレッシュできますよ。 こちらの動画の1:38より見ることができます。 一乗谷朝倉氏遺跡も福井を代表する歴史スポットのひとつ。 戦国時代に朝倉氏五代が越前の国を支配した城下町で、国の重要文化財に指定されている場所です。 当時の城下町の様子をほぼ完全な姿で再現されており、戦国時代にタイムスリップしたような感覚を味わえます。 他にも、平泉寺白山神社、旧松平家別邸「養浩館庭園」、百名城、丸岡城、羽賀城、国宝明通寺、鯖街道熊川宿、小浜三丁目など人気の歴史スポットがたくさんあります。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県でおすすめの絶景エリア 高橋愛の地元の福井を観光するなら美しい景色を見られるエリアもおすすめです。 龍双ヶ滝は「日本の滝100選」に選ばれている絶景スポットです。 落差60メートルある龍双ヶ滝の姿はとても美しく、マイナスイオンが充実した滝壺の周りにいると心が癒やされるはずです。 お花が好きな人は、足羽神社しだれ桜でゆっくり桜鑑賞するのもおすすめです。 桜の枝が綺麗なドーム型になっており、他ではなかなか見ることができません。 夜はライトアップされ幻想的な景勝を楽しめます。 他にも、金ヶ崎赤レンガ倉庫、足羽川桜並木、西山公園、花はす公園、名水百選瓜割の滝、水晶浜、水島、明鏡洞、九頭竜湖、世界三大奇勝東尋坊、百名山荒島竹、刈込池、もみじ百選萬徳寺などが福井県の見どころです。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県で人気のグルメ 福井県でおすすめのグルメはカニの王様である越前がにです。 日本海で育った立派な越前ガニは、他の産地のカニと比べて身がしっかりしていて美味しいと評判でとても人気があります。 また、高級な若狭ふぐもおすすめです。 身が締まってプリプリで刺し身やしゃぶしゃぶで食べると絶品です。 浜焼き鯖、葛まんじゅう、コシヒカリ、越前・若狭の地酒、越前おろしそばなどが福井県を代表するグルメです。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井観光の記事のまとめ 高橋愛の地元である福井県には、さまざまな観光スポットやグルメが充実しています。 三国祭、三国水中花火、スーパー大火勢、いけだエコキャンドル、永平寺大燈籠流し、今庄羽曽踊りなどがあり、季節ごとにさまざまなイベントを楽しめます。 インスタ映えする景色を楽しみたい方、日本の歴史や文化を感じたい方には福井観光はおすすめですよ。 -
Video article 4:01
Have an exquisite time at Awara Onsen "Grandeur Hosen" in Awara City, Fukui Prefecture! Check out the recommended ways to spend your time and spots for healing!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 151 plays
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Grandeur Hosen" Awara Hot Spring in Awara City, Fukui Prefecture Video Introduction This video, titled "Grandia Housen" (グランディア芳泉), is a PR video for Awara Onsen's 'Grandia Housen' in Fukui prefecture, in the Hokuriku region of Japan. Awara Onsen is located in an Onsen district near the famous tourist spots Tojinbo Cliffs (東尋坊) and Oshima island (雄島) (2:44). Enjoy a relaxing time at the popular inn that has high ratings on hotel review and comparison websites. Watch the video and enjoy the atmosphere of Awara Onsen's 'Grandia Housen,' in Fukui prefecture. About Grandia Housen Source :YouTube screenshot If you are staying at Grandia Housen in Fukui, you might as well enjoy the finest onsen there. At Grandia Housen, you can enjoy a variety of hot springs, including the large footbath "Tenjo-no-SPA," a large Japanese cypress bath, the lie-down bath bath "Neyu," an open-air bath, Tsuki-no-Yu (a moon bath), and Hoshi no Yu. There is also a footbath called 'Ashigaru-no-Yu.' The baths can be enjoyed at your leisure, making it a great place to relax and unwind. The springs are alkaline simple hot springs (a low tonicity alkaline low hot spring), and they are effective against neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, frozen shoulders, motor paralysis, joint stiffness, bruises, sprains, chronic digestive tract disease, hemorrhoids, and cold sensitivity, and they aid in recovery from injury, recovery from fatigue, and improve health. Guest Rooms at Grandia Housen Source :YouTube screenshot When staying at a luxury Japanese ryokan such as this, you'll want to be sure to choose the room that's right for you, such as one with an open-air bath in the garden. You have choices between a suite room with an outdoor onsen, the resort style wing Yutorogi-tei (0:55), or the Annex, Kotobuki-Tei (1:06). Choose the one that suits your style, so you can enjoy your stay to the utmost. You'll also find Japanese-style rooms, barrier-free rooms, and maisonette rooms with Jacuzzi baths. You can rest assured that they'll provide all of the amenities you require. Food at Grandia Housen Source :YouTube screenshot You can enjoy excellent Japanese cuisine at the restaurants 'Yuzen' and 'Kinokura' at Grandia Housen. Enjoy local Echizen crab, Yuzen-kaiseki and Housen-kaiseki, Kaiseki course dishes that use fresh, seasonal ingredients. Their breakfast buffet is also a must-try. There are other facilities, including a banquet hall, conference rooms, a wedding hall, a Karaoke room, a Mah-jong Room, and more. We also recommend having an evening meal at 'Umaimon-dokoro Echizen.' Guests can enjoy cooking their own "onsen egg" for free at 'Yutorogi Tamago Boiled Egg' as well. At 'Grandia Housen' there's plenty of facilities for you to enjoy however you wish. You can enjoy the moon viewing platform and lounge "Kangetsu" with a view of the Japanese garden, and the 200kg feng shui ball, which is said to improve your luck. Summary of Grandia Housen If you're planning on visiting the Awara Onsen area in Fukui Prefecture, you should definitely stop by Mikuniminato and Onsen-Yatai Village Yukemuri-yokocho. The first Echizen crab auction of the year (2:58) and the Awara Yukake festival are also held here. In addition, you can enjoy the Echizen Matsushima Aquarium, Maruoka castle, Roadside Station Mikuni, Angel Land Fukui, Mikui-Minatomachi, Shibamasa World, and a day trip to hot spring facilities in and around Awara Onsen. If you're thinking of going sightseeing in Hokuriku, definitely stay at Grandia Housen. Prices vary by season and plan, so please check the official website or travel websites for more information. ◆Awara Onsen, Grandia Housen Facility information◆ 【Address】43-26 Funatsu, Awara, Fukui 910-4193, Japan 【Access】15 minutes by car from Kanatasu IC and 10 minutes by free shuttle bus from JR Awara Onsen Station. 【Parking】Available. Limited to 300 cars 【Telephone No】0776-77-2555 【Official Website】Awara Onsen, Grandia Housen https://www.g-housen.co.jp/lg_en/ 【Tripadvisor】Grandia Housen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1021158-d654197-Reviews-Grandia_Housen-Awara_Fukui_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 6:52
Video of "Heisenji Hakusan Shrine" in Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture, known as a moss temple, and its mysterious appearance is a sanctuary itself! What is the best time to see the beautiful green moss and its charm?
Nature Travel Art & Architecture- 263 plays
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Video introduction of "Heisenji Hakusan Shrine" in Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture This video, titled "【Fukui/Famous Tourist Attractions】Heisenji Hakusan Shrine - A Temple Covered in Moss - Heisenji Hakusan Shrine in FUKUI, JAPAN -" (【福井/観光名所】平泉寺白山神社/青苔が広がる苔の宮 - Heisenji Hakusan Jinja in FUKUI, JAPAN -), was uploaded by "channel WASABI." This video shows you the charms and history of Heisenji Hakusan Shrine with a video tour through its moss-covered cobblestone paths. Please enjoy the 7-minute video showing the solemn atmosphere of Heisenji Hakusan Shrine. Heisenji Hakusan Shrine: The History of the Shrine & the Deities Worshipped There Photo:Heisenji Hakusan Shrine, Katsuyama, Fukui Heisenji Hakusan Shrine is located in Katsuyama, Fukui, in Japan's Koshinetsu region. Its history dates back to 717 AD, during the Nara Period (710-794 AD). The shrine is the predecessor of Heisenji Temple and was founded by the monk Taicho Taishi. Later, it became a branch temple of Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hieizan, and as the base of mountain worship in the Echizen Province, it boasted such prosperity that it had 48 shrines, 36 halls, and 6,000 monasteries. However, it was burned down during a civil rebellion in the Sengoku Period (1467-1615 AD). Moreover, Heisenji was banned during the Meiji Period as part of an order to separate Shintoism and Buddhism. Later, Hakusan Shrine was built on the site and became the current "Heisenji Hakusan Shrine." Located within the specially designated Hakusan National Park area, the site is a well-known tourist attraction in Fukui Prefecture, and is designated as a National Historic Site under "Former Precincts of Hakusan Heisenji Temple." Heisenji Hakusan Shrine is dedicated to the oldest goddess of well-being for couples, Izanami no Mikoto. In Japanese mythology, she is the creator of the Japanese continent and other gods in Japan and is considered the greatest god among them. It is believed that she blesses the well-being of couples, families, and future generations. In this vast area, many ruins have been discovered, though only a few have been studied. As researchers dig deeper, they discover more and more artifacts, such as cobbles and items from the schools of monks from medieval Japan. It's believed that there are still many more hidden treasures beneath the ground. The Best Seasons to Visit to See the Beautiful Mossy Temple Photo:Heisenji Hakusan Shrine, Katsuyama, Fukui Heisenji Hakusan Shrine is famous as a moss temple. From the cedar grove, to the boundary stones along the approach to the shrine, to the stone pavement leading to the hall of worship, the spacious shrine grounds are covered in beautiful green moss. The best time to view the approximately 100 varieties of moss is during Japan's rainy season from June to July. During this season, when the mosses are even more beautiful, it can feel as if you've wandered into another world. Spring brings fresh greenery, while in early summer the heavenly water-laden mosses shine even brighter. Autumn brings colorful foliage, and winter brings snowy landscapes. The contrast of the four seasons at Heisenji Hakusan Shrine is so incredible that it's hard to believe such beauty was created by nature. Heisenji Hakusan Shrine is the northern center of worship for Mt. Hakusan and is a popular power spot. If someone is available at the shrine office, have a goshuin stamp put directly into your stamp book if you're collecting them. Beautiful Echizen washi (Japanese paper) is used for the goshuin stamps. Attractions at Heisenji Hakusan Shrine Photo:Heisenji Hakusan Shrine, Katsuyama, Fukui There is much more to see at Heisenji Hakusan Shrine than just moss, and while the time required for a visit varies depending on how you choose to tour the grounds, it generally takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours. You can request a guide up to 7 days in advance, so you can plan your visit in accordance with your travel itinerary. Here are some of the highlights of the shrine. The Cobblestone Paths Leading to the Garden The cobblestone paths at Heisenji Hakusan Shrine are included in the list of Top 100 Roads in Japan. It's said that about 1,000 years ago, ascetic monks carried stones from the Kuzuryu River to make them. [Video] 0:30 - The Cobblestone Path Leading to the First Torii Gate The Second Torii Gate The second torii gate of Heisenji Hakusan Shrine has quietly watched years of history unfold before its eyes, with visitors such as Minamoto no Yoshinaka praying for victory in battle, or Minamoto no Yoshitsune and Benkei passing through the gates. The second torii gate also has an unusual shape with a roof over it. Mitarashi Pond This spring was discovered by the great Buddhist monk Taicho Daishi on his way to Mt. Hakusan. Legend says that a goddess appeared before him and instructed him to ascend to Mt Hakusan. [Video] 1:48 - Mitarashi Pond Surrounded by Dense Greenery The Giant Cedar of Wakamiya Hachiman Near Wakamiya Hachiman is a massive, majestic 450-year-old cedar tree. It is one of the seven cedars that survived the burning of Heisenji Hakusan Shrine during the Sengoku Period. The Main Shrine Pavilion of Heisenji Hakusan Shrine In 1795 AD during the Edo Period (1603-1868), Shigetomi Matsudaira, the samurai in charge of the Echizen province (today known as northern Fukui Prefecture), rebuilt the main pavilion of Heisenji Hakusan Shrine. The door of this shrine opens only once every 33 years, and the next time the door is scheduled to open is in 2025. On the door, there are spectacular sculptures of mythical creatures, including Kirin and Dragons. The best way to get to Heisenji Hakusan Shrine is by car. It has a parking lot that can accommodate 30 standard vehicles and it costs 300 yen to park, in order to fund maintenance of the historical landmark. Things to Do Near Heisenji Hakusan Shrine Heisenji Hakusan Shrine is located a short distance from the city of Katsuyama, where there are a number of things to see and do. Below we'll introduce a few of them. Echizen Daibutsu A 17-meter-tall Buddha statue. Taller than the Great Buddha of Nara at Todaiji Temple, it features 2 smaller Buddhist statues on each side of it, and Seidaiji Temple, where the Echizen Daibutsu is located, houses 1,281 Buddha statues. The temple is also home to a 5-story pagoda. Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (9:00 am - 4:00 pm during winter) Admission Fee: Adults: 500 yen, Elementary, middle, and high school students: 300 yen. Discounts are available for groups of 15 or more. Katsuyama Castle Museum Katsuyama Castle was built during the Warring States Period (1467-1615 AD) in present-day Katsuyama, Fukui. During the Edo period (1603-1867), it was used as the headquarters of the Katsuyama Clan. The castle museum features swords, guns, armor, etc., with hundreds of years of history to explore. Hours: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm (Admission until 4:00 pm). Closed on Wednesdays Admission Fee: Adults: 700 yen, Children (Elementary, middle, and high school students): 280 yen. Discounts available for groups of 20 or more. Yume Ole Katsuyama Textile Factory Memorial Hall Once a textile factory, the building was repurposed into a museum and now acts as a place where visitors can learn about spinning and weaving machines and techniques used in the past. There are also hands-on experiences available where visitors can make their own coasters, etc. from silkworm cocoons. Hours: 9 :00 am - 5:00 pm. Closed on Wednesdays (If Wednesday is a holiday, closed the following day). Admission Fee: General admission: Free. Hand weaving coaster experience: 600 yen. Hand-woven hemp yarn coaster experience: 800 yen. Mayu dama (cocoon ball) craft experience: 600 yen. High loom weaving experience: 1,500 yen Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum As one of the leading dinosaur museums in the world, the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum is filled with a variety of dinosaur skeletons and fossils of plants and animals, and also features animatronic robots showing how the dinosaurs would have moved. Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Admission until 4:30 pm) Admission Fee: Adults: 730 yen, High school and college students: 420 yen, Elementary school and middle school students: 260 yen, Young children and seniors: Free. Discounts are available for groups of 30 or more. Summary of Heisenji Hakusan Shrine The dense trees, carpets of moss, and cobblestone approaches steeped in history make Heisenji Hakusan Shrine a one-of-a-kind tourist attraction. Enjoy a trip to the mystical shrine and experience the slow flow of time. There are many nearby tourist attractions in the surrounding area to check out as well. Stay at a hotel and enjoy the charms of Fukui to your heart's content! 【TripAdvisor】Heisenji Hakusan Shrine -
Video article 2:53
A condensed animation of summer sightseeing attractions in Echizen-cho, Niu-gun, Fukui Prefecture! Enjoy the Echizen Coast's spectacular scenery, marine sports, seafood gourmet food, festivals, and endless ways to have fun! Let's go out to the sightseeing spots in Hokuriku Region!
Local PR Travel- 58 plays
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Video introduction of summer sightseeing spots in Echizen-cho, Niu-gun, Fukui Prefecture The video “JAPAN TRIP ECHIZEN COLORS – Summer/ Echizen-town Tourism Promotional Video” is created by “Tourism Echizen JAPAN Channel/ Echizen-town Tourism Federation Fukui Prefecture.” It's a promotional video for Echizen, Fukui prefecture, that introduces sightseeing destinations and local cuisine. Echizen is known for Echizen-crab, a brand of snow crab (queen crab). In summer, there's gorgeous views, marine activities, traditional fireworks and festivals to be enjoyed in Echizen. In this article, we'll introduce recommended destinations and food you should try. The video is taken by drone, so you get some beautiful aerial footage. By the time it ends, you'll be itching to go to Echizen! What is Echizen Like? Photo:Echizen Ono Castle in the Sky, Fukui Prefecture In 2005, the 4 towns of Asahi, Miyazaki, Echizen and Oda, merged together and formed Echizen. The population of Echizen is 21,500. (as of April, 2019) Echizen sits on the coast of the Sea of Japan and its roughly 2 and a half hours from Kyoto by car. There is no train or highways, so you can feel the beauty of the surrounding natural environment. We recommend going by car or rental car. Where's That Beach Shown in the Video? Photo:Kochou gate From 0:10 in the video, we see the main tourist attraction (with a beautiful view), Echizen Coast. Echizen coast is one of the three major places where bunch-flower daffodils are grown. Awaji Island (淡路島, Awajishima) and Boso Peninsula (房総半島, Bosohatou) are the other two areas. The bunch-flower daffodil is the city and prefecture flower. Echizen coast is a Quasi-National Parks, with upheaved seashore. Driving along the coast and seeing the large tunnel, eroded by wind and waves is very popular. Echizen cape was also chosen in the top 100 sunsets of Japan. Scuba diving at the beautiful Echizen coast is popular among tourists in summer. It can be seen at 0:28 in the video. Here, you can try diving and snorkeling as well, without the need for a license. There are a lot of sea-bathing places in Echizen with sandy beaches and rock shores. Families with children can enjoy endless fun here. Enjoy the Culture, Nature and Food of Echizen Source :YouTube screenshot If you head toward the inland from the Sea of Japan, you can see rural landscapes and beautiful green mountains. By visiting the Echizenkogama Museum, (越前古窯博物館, Echizenkogama hakubutsukan) you can learn about the history and techniques of Echizen ware, a Japan Heritage, as well as see one of the six ancient kilns of Japan. You can also enjoy 5 different kinds of hot springs here. The rice field art introduced at 1:09 is breathtaking. Definitely check it out! After sightseeing and enjoying some marine activities, we recommend trying local cuisine. Especially the Echizen soba, packed with grated Japanese radish, and fresh seafood. Usuya Shokuhin’s Ota Tofu is also popular as a souvenir. It uses only domestically grown soybeans. Usuya Shokuhin was established in 1854, in Echizen-cho Ota, which also happens to be the birthplace of Oda Nobunaga’s (one of the three great unifiers of Japan) clan. Another great thing to try during summer in Echizen is the squid-fishing experience. Riding on a fishing boat at night, turning on a fishing lamp and catching squid is sure to make for a lifelong memory. The food in Echizen can be seen from 1:12 in the video. Enjoying both sightseeing and delicious food on vacation... what more could you ask for? Traditional Japanese Festivals in Echizen Photo:Asahi festival Andon floats We highly recommend checking out Echizen's summer festival! In mid-July, “Echizen summer festival” is held. Fifty-thousand tourists visit the port town every year to see the amazing fireworks. “Asahi festival” is a fantastic festival where 20 Andon floats pass in front of the town hall. In Ota, there's a tradition called “Myoujin Bayashi” dedicated to “Tsurugi Shrine” (劔神社, Turugi jinjya) where Lord Oda Nobunaga worshipped. Currently, there is an event called “Ota Festival &O・TA・I・KO Hibike” in mid-August, where you can listen to powerful drum performances. The information is shown in the video at 2:00. The fireworks festival shown at 2:35 is incredibly lively. Summary of Echizen “JAPAN TRIP ECHIZEN COLORS – Summer/ Echizen-town Tourism Promotional Video” introduces tourist attractions in the summer, along with gorgeous views of Echizen. Echizen is a very attractive town where you can enjoy a gorgeous view of the Sea of Japan, marine activities, traditional festivals, fresh seafood, and more. Be sure to watch the video to see the beautiful summer views of Echizen. There are many hotels and hot springs too, so if you want to be active during summer, we highly recommend Echizen. 【Official website】Echizen town hall homepage https://www.town.echizen.fukui.jp/ 【Official website】Echizen: Echizen-town Tourism Federation https://www.town-echizen.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:53
Is Tojinbo in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture, a sacred place for suspense drama fans? The power spot on the precipitous cliff with a spectacular view is a thrilling experience!
Nature Travel- 163 plays
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Tojinbo" in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture Video Introduction Tojinbo, in Fukui prefecture, located in Japan's Hokuriku region, is a series of vertical cliffs created by the rough waves of the Japan Sea. It is a rare type of sea cliff which can only been seen in 3 other places in the world. This video, titled "(4K) Aerial Drone Footage / Flown in Tojinbo in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture" (【4K】福井県坂井市 東尋坊で飛ばしてみた / ドローン空撮), was produced by "Mattsu." The video shows the exposed rock face and jagged landscape of Tojinbo via aerial drone footage. The geological composition of the cliffs of Tojinbo is made up of pyroxene andesite and some of the cliffs tallest points are approximately 25m tall. Its strangely shaped pillars extend for 1km and it has been designated a Natural National Monument and Scenic Spot, and is also a part of the specially protected area of Echizen-Kaga Kaigan Quasi-National Park. It is also one of the world's 3 most geologically rare scenic spots, and therefore it is well known around the world. The origin of the name Tojinbo is said to have come from the name of a monk "Tojinbo" who lived long ago and was affiliated with Heisenji Temple and lost his life after being thrown off the cliff in a romantic tangle. After Tojinbo was thrown into the sea; another monk, his rival in love, was also pulled into the rough waves and tempestuous weather continued for 49 days. Or so the legend goes anyways... It is also famous for being used as a film location for climactic scenes in which the culprit tries to throw him or herself into the sea after making a confession in suspenseful TV dramas or movies. Tourist Attractions Around Tojinbo Photo:Tojinbo, Fukui Prefecture The Tojinbo cliffs, which is a rare rock formation even outside of Japan, is a famous place that even many Japanese would like to visit at least once. In order to preserve Tojinbo's amazing view there are no safety features such as fences installed there. You are able to walk around Tojinbo freely, however, please watch your step. The recommended tourist sites around Tojinbo are, Tojinbo Tower, Echizen Matsushima Aquarium, the caravan campsite Kyukamura Echizen Mikuni, Echizen Matsushima, Minato-machi Mikuni, Shibamasa World, and the Araiso Shoreline Esplanade. Also, if you take the Tojinbo/Oshima sightseeing boat tour, you will be able to see the cliff face from the ocean and will be able to enjoy all of the Instagrammable locations such as Lion Rock and Candle Rock. In addition, the Mikuni Fireworks Festival is held near Tojinbo in the summer and every year many tourists flock to see this event. Tojinbo's Famous Hot Springs and Gourmet Food! Photo:A crab dish When you the town Mikuni, in Sakai city, Fukui prefecture, that Tojinbo is in, try to stay at the Mikuni Kanko Hotel. Japan's Hokuriku region is famous for Echizen crab and the crab dishes made from Fukui's freshly caught crab are absolutely delectable! You should also definitely go to the nationally famous, Mikuni hot springs. Relax and rid yourself of stress by sightseeing in Tojinbo, eating delicious seafood and relaxing in the hot springs- All at the Mikuni Kanko Hotel. Summary of Tojinbo in Fukui Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot One of the world's most beautiful sights! Directions (access by public transportation such as bus), parking, events and other information about Tojinbo in Fukui prefecture, can be seen on the Mikuni hot springs official website "Mikuni Marugoto Navi." Now that you've seen the beautifully taken drone footage, it’s time to see it in person! Tojinbo|Sakai City Tourist Spots|Sakai Tabinavi, the official tourism guide to Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture https://kanko-sakai.com/spot/k001/ 【Tripadvisor】Tojinbo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021160-d1385002-Reviews-Tojimbo_Cliff-Sakai_Fukui_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html