Video article 3:23
The Various Expressions of the Five Hundred Rakan Statues at Rakan-ji Temple in Oda, Shimane. "Gohyaku-Rakan," a Constituent of Shimane's World Heritage Site "Iwami Ginzan," Is a Mysterious Tourist Attraction With More Than 250 Years of History!
Art & Architecture Travel- 157 plays
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A Look at Rakan-ji Temple's "Gohyaku-Rakan" at the World Heritage Site "Iwami Ginzan"! In this video "Gohyaku-rakan - Shimane|World Heritage Site - 五百羅漢(世界遺産)," you can see the Gohyaku Rakan at Rakan-ji Temple in Shimane Prefecture's Oda City. (*Arhats, Luohans, and Rakans are all the same thing). Speaking of tourist destinations in Shimane Prefecture, Iwami Ginzan is a famous location that was designated as a World Heritage Site in 2007. Rakan-ji Temple’s Gohyaku Rakan, featured in the video, has been registered as a World Heritage Site along with Iwami Ginzan and its surrounding historic sites. If you visit the Gohyaku Rakan statues, which are made using advanced masonry techniques, you'll see the high level craftsmanship of ancient Japan. You can enjoy the spectacular scenery with a rich historical flavor in this video. The Gohyaku Rakan of Iwami Ginzan: History and Origins Source :YouTube screenshot The official name of Rakan-ji Temple, a Shingon Buddhist temple in Odashi, Shimane Prefecture, is Ishimuroyama Muiryouin. It has a history of more than 250 years, having been built by Tsukiumi Join in 1764. In the video, you can see it from the arched stone taikobashi bridge over the creek opposite Rakan-ji Temple. Introduced at 2:14 in the video is the World Heritage Site of the Gohyaku Rakan of Rakan-ji Temple. They are enshrined in three caves. The Gohyaku Rakan of Shimane Prefecture is a historical heritage site that was built in the Edo period (1603-1868) to memorialize those who died in the mines. Nakaba Gorozaemon Nakaba, an official of the Omori magistrate's office at the time, visited Rakan-ji Temple and built the statue of the Gohyaku Rakan together with the chief priest, Tsukiumi Join, based on the techniques and culture of the temple. Arhats, which represent Buddhist enlightenment, were formally called Rakan. All of the five hundred Rakan statues at Rakan-ji Temple are from Fukumitsu and attract attention as one of the most important religious sites in Japan. You can see the various expressions of the statues: smiling, crying, preaching, even fat, and skinny statues. Highlights of Rakan-ji Temple Source :YouTube screenshot The arched stone bridge on the grounds of Rakan-ji Temple has a long history since it's construction. The ceiling of the temple's main hall is decorated with the a legendary dragon that is said to have tormented the local people. In addition to Gohyaku Rakan, which has been designated as a national historic site, there are also statues of Gautama Buddha and wooden statues designated as tangible cultural properties by the city of Daejeon in the temple. you should definitely check out the large Hokyoin Pagoda, the stone caves, and the red seal. If you want to visit the World Heritage Sites of Iwami Ginzan and Gohyaku Rakan, we recommend using a tourist hotel in the area. Find a hotel with good reviews and enjoy a wonderful trip. Summary of Rakan-ji Temple Source :YouTube screenshot This time, we introduced a video of the Gohyaku Rakan statues in Shimane Prefecture, which are also designated as a World Heritage Site. We hope this video has made you want to visit Rakan-ji Temple. Temples called "Rakan-ji Temples" are located in Tokyo, Oita Prefecture, and many other places. Among them, the Gohyaku Rakan statue of Shimane is a popular historical spot with ancient origins. If you want to see the spectacular beauty of the Gohyaku Rakan, be sure to visit Shimane Prefecture! ◆ Shimane Prefecture Rakan-ji Temple 500 Hyakukan◆ 【Address】804 Omoricho, Oda-shi, Shimane 【Address】30 minutes by bus from Oda-shi Station on the San-in Main Line 【Parking】Use the Ginzan Park parking lot (free) 【Phone number】0854-89-0005 【Official Website】|Iwami Ginzan (World Heritage), Omori Town, Shimane Prefecture http://www.rakanji.jp/ -
Video article 5:08
Iwakuni City in Yamaguchi Prefecture Is a Wonderful Sightseeing Spot Where You Can Feel the Nature, Traditions and Atmosphere of Japan. Enjoy the Cormorant Fishing and Fireworks Display That You Can Experience on Kintai Bridge, One of the Three Most Famous Bridges in Japan!
Local PR Travel- 39 plays
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山口県岩国市の「錦帯橋の鵜飼」とは? 「岩本カメラ」が制作する「岩国市 観光 錦帯橋の鵜飼」では、日本の伝統漁法である鵜飼を中心に山口県岩国市の観光スポットを紹介しています。 緑豊かな山々に囲まれた土地で体験できるイベントはとても魅力的。 動画を見たら岩国市に行ってみたいと思うはずです! 「錦帯橋の鵜飼」で有名な山口県岩国市はどんな場所? 山口県の岩国市は緑が豊かな自然に囲まれた観光地です。 雄大な山々や穏やかに流れる錦川など風情のある景観は心を穏やかにしてくれます。 岩国市の名所といえば日本三名橋に選ばれている錦帯橋が挙げられるでしょう。 錦帯橋は国内屈指の木造橋で、遊覧船や川岸から見られる独特な風景には目を奪われます。 伝統工法の木組みによって支えられる歴史ある橋は、岩国市を旅行したら必ずおさえておきたいスポットです。 また、岩国市は8月になると錦川水の祭典で花火大会が行われ、多くの観光客が訪れます。 美しい自然に溢れる公園や温泉など魅力が盛りだくさん。 歴史的な建造物が見られる吉香公園は桜の名所として有名で、お花見の季節になると多くの人で賑わいます。 こちらの動画でも岩国市の自然や錦帯橋などが美しい映像で見ることができますよ。 山口県の「錦帯橋の鵜飼」で伝統行事の風景を楽しむ 動画の2:03より紹介されている錦帯橋の鵜飼は、日本の伝統的な漁法です。 美しい日本の原風景を見ることができるので、観覧客がたくさん訪れます。 篝火(かがりび)で照らし出された錦川で、烏帽子の伝統装束姿の鵜匠が鵜を見事に操り、鮎を捕獲していく様子は幻想的な美しさがあります。 夏の風物詩と言われる錦帯橋の鵜飼は、神秘的でインスタ映えする写真がたくさん撮れるはずですよ。 山口県岩国市で人気のイベントやおすすめスポット 山口県岩国市には錦帯橋の鵜飼以外にも、楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 動画の3:21より紹介されている花火大会は迫力満天の人気のイベント。 周りの美しい景色と一緒に楽しめる花火大会は贅沢な気分に浸れます。 岩国市を観光するなら岩国城も必見でしょう。 岩国城では錦帯橋を一望することができるのでご覧になってみてください。 山口県岩国市「錦帯橋の鵜飼」のまとめ 日本らしい風情のある景観を楽しめる山口県岩国市。 日本の伝統的な漁法である鵜飼を見るのもよし、日本三名橋のひとつである錦帯橋の独自の景観を楽しむのもよし、花火大会で絶景を楽しむのもよしと、岩国市でしか体験できないイベント・景色を楽しめます。 ぜひ動画を参考に山口県を訪ねてみてはいかがでしょう? -
Video article 2:25
Kintaikyo Bridge in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi. The Mystical Scenery of the 350-Year-Old Bridge Floating Under the Summer Night-Sky, Lit up by Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing, Is a Must-See!
Local PR Art & Architecture Travel- 286 plays
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Kintaikyo Bridge & Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing Introductory Video This video is created by "Explore HIROSHIMA: Hiroshima City Regional Area Official Tourism Website" to introduce Yamaguchi prefecture's Kintaikyo Bridge and Iwakuni cormorant fishing. Kintaikyo (Kintai) Bridge, located in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan's Chugoku region, is known as one of Japan's "Three famous bridges," and is also one of Japan's "Three strangest bridges." This video will show the beauty of the historic, Japanese bridge "Kintaikyo." Iwakuni cormorant fishing is also introduced towards the end of the video (2:00). Sit back, relax, and enjoy the stunning Kintaikyo bridge. About Kintaikyo Bridge Photo:Kintaikyo Bridge Kintaikyo Bridge is a wooden bridge over the Nishiki Seiryu river located in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi prefecture in the Chugoku region of Japan. The bridge was first built in 1673 by Iwakuni domain's, Kikkawa Hiroyoshi. The bridge is known as one of Japan's "Three famous bridges" followed by Nihonbashi (Chuoku, Tokyo) and Meganebashi (Nagasaki City, Nagasaki). Also, the bridge is known as one of Japan's "Three strange bridges" due to its peculiar structure, followed by Saruhashi (Katsuragawa, Yamanashi) and Aimotobashi (Kurobegawa, Toyama). Kintaikyo Bridge had other names such as "Ryouunbashi," "Goryubashi," "Taiunbashi," "Sorobanbashi." It is now referred to as the "miraculous bridge". The bridge is 193.3 meters long, 5 meters wide, and has a five-layered arch form that stretches across 4 stone piers. The main structure was built without using a single nail, using braided wood joinery techniques such as joints and fittings, and is a very rare piece of architecture. This Japanese craftsmanship can be seen in the video at 0:23. The Kintaikyo Bridge was washed away by floods many times in the past. To solve this issue, the bridge was built in an arch form based on the "Seiko Yuranshi," a Chinese drawing depicting a flock of birds and a bridge. The bridge is made using several kinds of Japanese woods based on their different traits. There is red pine, cypress, zelkova, chestnut, oak and hiba. Although reconstruction has been done numerous times, the stone pier and pavement are still the one's from the original construction. The area around Kintaikyo Bridge is famous for its cherry blossoms, which have been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom sites in Japan, and you can also enjoy the autumn colors here. Many tourists visit to see the contrast of the historical bridge and the surrounding natural scenery. Foreign tourists often visit in the cherry blossom season to enjoy Hanami (flower viewing). The entry fee for the bridge is 310 Yen for adults and 150 Yen for children (*2019 Dec.). It's approximately 15-20 mins by bus from JR Iwakuni Station. The Iwakuni Kintaikyo Bridge airport is also nearby, and it has 5 round trip flights/day to Haneda Airport. Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing Photo:Cormorant fishing As shown in the video (~2:00), cormorant fishing is a method used to catch sweetfish. You can watch the cormorant fishing under the summer night sky on a sightseeing boat or from the Kintaikyo bridge. The illuminated bridge, the bonfire on the cormorant boats, and the cormorant fishermen's sophisticated work creates a magical scene. There are package plans that go with lunch and dinner too, so be sure to check them out. Cormorant fishing has a long history. It is listed in two of Japan's oldest historical documents, the "Nihon Shoki," and "Kojiki." This fishing method is still used in places like Nagaragawa (Gifu), Ujigawa (Kyoto), and Kisogawa (Aichi) near Nagoya. Tourist spots near Kintaikyo Bridge Photo:Iwakuni Castle There are several spots you must visit when going to Kintaikyo Bridge in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi. First, cross Kintaikyo Bridge and you'll reach the Iwakuni Castle Ropeway (1:07) in about 10 mins. From there hop on the ropeway to see a beautiful view of Iwakuni and Iwakuni Castle, known as one of Japan's "Top 100 Castles" (1:11). Iwakuni Castle was built by Hiroie Kikkawa, the first lord of the Iwakuni domain in Suo Province. In 1615, only seven years after the castle was built, it was demolished in 1615 in accordance with the Edo shogunate's "One Domain, One Castle" decree, but in 1962, the current castle tower was rebuilt. The whole view of Iwakuni, including Kintaikyo Bridge can be seen from the castle tower. As you can see in the video (1:44), the view is absolutely amazing and makes for a great Instagram location. The embankment has been remade as Kikko Park. Iwakuni also has the Iwakuni White Snake Museum, which was built to raise and protect the lucky white snake that lives only in Iwakuni and is designated as a protected species by the Japanese government. Next to the museum, there's Iwakuni White Snake Temple, a famous temple to receive economic fortune. It was established in 2012 and is also a famous tourist spot. In Iwakuni's biggest event, Iwakuni Festival, a huge paper decorated with white snake is paraded through the city to give people economic fortune. The Nishiki River Fireworks Festival, which shoots off about 6,000 fireworks against the backdrop of the Kintaikyo Bridge, is another popular event where you can enjoy food stalls and Iwakuni drums. Don't forget about food and Onsen to relax on your trip. "Sasakiya Kojiro Shouten" and "Takenosato Musashi" featured on TV and other media is located nearby. At these shops, named after the great swordsmen, Musashi Miyamoto and Kojiro Sasaki, we definitely recommend you taste the ice cream. Near the Kintaikyo Bridge, tourists can enjoy great food, including Japanese cuisine, traditional Japanese candy, udon, tea stores to have lunch at, and other places to eat around. Summary What'd you think of this article introducing Iwakuni's Kintaikyo Bridge and cormorant fishing? After watching the video we hope we've sparked your interest in Yamaguchi. There are more videos to see the amazing scenery of the bridge and cormorant fishing; Be sure to check them out while you get ready for your trip to Iwakuni! ◆Kintaikyo Bridge Facilities◆ 【Address】 Iwakuni, Iwakuni-shi, Yamaguchi Prefecture 741-0062 Japan 【Access】 15 mins walk from Kawanishi Station (Gantoku Line) 【Price】Adults: 310 Yen / Children: 150 Yen (Dec. 2019) 【Hours】All-day 【Closures】None 【Parking】Kintaikyo Shimogawara Parking Area / Yokoyama Kasenjiki Ground Parking Area 【Telephone】0827-29-5107 【Official Website】Yamaguchi Prefecture, Iwakuni City Hall Website https://translate.google.co.jp/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ja&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.iwakuni.lg.jp%2F&edit-text= 【Official Website】Iwakuni City Tourism Promotion Section Website "Iwakuni tabi-no-kakehashi" http://honyaku.j-server.com/LUCIWAKUNI/ns/tl.cgi/http%3a//kankou.iwakuni-city.net/?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XCHARSET=utf-8&XJSID=0 -
Video article 1:03
Spend an Elegant Time on the Cruise Ship Hotel GUNTU; Used in a Commercial for Georgia. Enjoy a Luxury Trip in an Extraordinary Space in Hiroshima!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Transportation Travel- 286 plays
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Video About the Seto Inland Sea Cruise Ship, GUNTU “Seto Inland Sea Cruise ship's GUNTU(瀬戸内海 客船旅館 ガンツウ | Seto Inland Sea Cruise ships GUNTU)” is created by “HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR” and it introduces attractions of the small floating hotel, GUNTU. GUNTU became famous through Georgia’s commercial and reviews. It has high reviews that refer to it as gorgeous and people can spend a wonderful time here. It has great reviews on travel comparison sites as well. In this article, attractions of GUNTU are introduced. By watching this video, you'll want to go sightseeing on GUNTU and enjoy beautiful food and hot springs while looking out at the Seto Inland Sea. What Is GUNTU? Source :YouTube screenshot GUNTU is a small hotel and a cruise ship with 19 hotel rooms, that depart and arrive at Bellavista Marina. It was designed by architect Yasushi Horibe and the wood keeps the inboard facilities warm. You can check it out from 0:21 in the video. GUNTU came from the name of a blue small crab, Guntu. It is not as famous as the Japanese blue crab, but it gives nice broth and the local people love it. The cruise ship was named after this crab, so that local people would love it too. There are one night, two night, and three night cruises. Different kinds of routes exist as well. For example, the west circuit goes around Miyajima which is a World Heritage site, and the east circuit goes around Naoshima and Inujima. There are central circuit and special circuit too. At a port of call, you can enjoy activities and sightseeing outboard. Many people enjoy a special time at GUNTU. But there are cases where routes, times, and activities are changed, due to weather. How to Spend Your Time on GUNTU Source :YouTube screenshot There's a hotel room where you can relax, as well as the "Guntu Suite" located at the bow of the ship, and a beautiful view can be seen from the room. There are other rooms as well, such as the grand suite which has a large window and terrace suite with an outside bath. There are other places where you can relax and enjoy as well. The observation deck where you can see the Seto Inland Sea, the bath and sauna where you can feel the warmth of the ship's architecture, and the balcony where you can be calm and enjoy a nice elevated area, are all places we recommend. Also, there is a spa, gym, bar, lounge, shop and different kinds of massages as well. Amenities are available as well. Food on GUNTU Source :YouTube screenshot GUNTU provides delicious Japanese and western food. All of the food is supervised by Shigeyoshi Sato, who is a chef at “Shigeyoshi.” Cuisine of the Seto Inland Sea is used, and the meals fascinate passengers. As you can see from 0:38 in the video, there is a sushi restaurant and fresh seafood can be enjoyed at the counter. The Japanese sweets are amazing as well, and they are made in front of the passengers. You must try these when you stay on the GUNTU. Summary The “Seto Inland Sea Cruise ships' GUNTU” created by “HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR” is an introductory video of the luxury cruise ship GUNTU. Japan has gorgeous and luxurious cruise ships. Watch the video and feel luxury. It's a bit pricey, but it's definitely a trip you won't forget. ◆GUNTU Information◆ 【Address】depart and arrival: 1344-2 Oobiraki Urasakicho Onomichishi, Hiroshima 720-0551, JAPAN 【Address】40 minute car ride from JR Fukuyama Station, 50 minute car ride from Onomichi Station. 【Parking】available 【Telephone No】0120-873-333 【Official Website】GUNTU https://guntu.jp/