[画像1]Continuing from last week, we discuss Hachioji and subcultures.We visited the famous Ryohoji Temple
[画像2]Continuing from last week, we discuss Hachioji and subcultures.We visited the famous Ryohoji Temple
[画像3]Continuing from last week, we discuss Hachioji and subcultures.We visited the famous Ryohoji Temple

Continuing from last week, we discuss Hachioji and subcultures.
We visited the famous Ryohoji Temple in Nishi-Hachioji. This temple is known as a "moe temple" and has original anime characters from the temple. It is said that many worshippers come to visit this unusual temple. I got another Goshuin(red seal) this time!
moe=feelings of affection, often towards an ideal anime character
西八王子で有名な「了法寺」を訪れました。 このお寺は「萌え寺」と言われていて、お寺のオリジナルのアニメキャラクターがいます。 この珍しいお寺を見に、多くの参拝者がやってくるそうです。 今回も御朱印をもらってきました!
※萌え… アニメキャラクターをかわいいと思う気持ち