Saitoshi is a city located in the central region of Miyazaki Prefecture. It is a town full of historical romance and such as National Special Historic Site Saitobaru Kofun Tumulus, one of the largest Kofun Tumulus in the Japan, and Togun Castle, the residence of Ito, the lord of Hyuga Country.
Saitobaru Kofun Tumulus is a scenic spot for flowers Spring with 2,000 cherry blossoms and 300,000 rape blossoms, 1 million sunflowers in summer, and 3 million cosmos in autumn.
Access is about 10 minutes from the Nishito IC on the Higashikyushu Automobile Expressway. Use public transportation from Miyazaki Kotsu Saito Bus Center and then take a taxi for about 5 minutes.