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Justin Schultz
Sep. 20, 2021
Went canoeing in Hagure, Saitama and I managed to turn red thanks to a nice sunburn. Was super tired the next day after a ton of canoeing but still managed to get a good amount of sightseeing done in Gyoda. Visited Oshi Castle (忍城) and the nearby museum, bought some tabi shoes from a shop that’s been in business for more than 100 years (創作足袋千代の松), stopped by a couple of shrines and enjoyed some of Japan’s scenic beauty. Had a total blast, and one of the locals even gave us some incense as a gift for visiting Gyoda!
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  • Japan
  • Saitama Prefecture
  • Travel
  • Sightseeing
  • Canoeing
  • Nature
  • Castles
  • Shrine
  • Torii
  • Park
Dylan Gibson
Aug. 27, 2021
A photo I managed to take while walking today. Wasn't able to get up close unfortunately. I think it's Katori Shrine although I could be wrong on the reading of the kanji. The weather was pretty decent today, not as cloudy as usual. I'd like to go back here and see what the inner portion of the shrine is like so I guess I'll have to make another trip over here. Been keeping at my workouts. I want to buy a bench but I'm not sure where I'd even keep it lol. I'd rather workout outside if possible anyways, the outdoors in Japan is great. Even in the middle of Tokyo you can find places covered in greenery. I want to start jogging to work on my lung capacity and overall health but I really hate jogging lol. I know the track along the Arakawa River would be perfect for it too, but I'm not sure. Maybe I should get a bike since it's a really nice cycling route. Then again I'm not sure where I'd keep the bike either lol. Anyways, hope everyone is having a great Friday!
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  • Japan
  • Tokyo
  • Shrine
  • Summer
  • Sunny
  • Photo Contest
Dylan Gibson
Aug. 26, 2021
Lots of awesome photos being posted today. It's kind of making me jealous with how beautiful they all are. I went for a walk today and took a picture somewhere along the Arakawa River. I'll have to try and walk it all the way to Kitasenju someday lol. That or maybe take it all the way to Chichibu in Saitama. I know it's a really long river. I don't think I could make it that far though sadly. Kind of disappointed that summer is basically over already but at the same time I'm excited for the autumn colors this fall. Hopefully I can get out and visit some temples and shrines out in the countryside or something. I saw some photos like that mostly in Kyoto but I'm sure there are some places nearby Tokyo or in the Kanto region in general where I can see some nice scenery. If not then I'll just have to go somewhere and find it!
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  • River
  • Tokyo
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Japan
  • Autumn leaves
  • Walk
  • Temple
  • Shrine
  • Photo Contest

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