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Dylan Gibson
Oct. 4, 2021
Had a really good looking and tasting bowl of ramen in Shinjuku over the weekend and decided to take a bunch of pictures of it lol. There's so many ramen shops around Shinjuku Station that it was hard to choose where to go at first but we ended up choosing this place - Manbaken Ramen (萬馬軒). The chashu looked amazing just seeing the photos so I decided to get the miso chashu ramen with an egg topping. The ramen tasted really great and the chashu was thick, had a nice salty flavor, and the texture was really nice as well. My girlfriend ordered the spicy miso ramen and unfortunately we didn't think it tasted as good as the normal miso. It was almost like there was yuzu or sansho pepper inside of it and it gave it a strange tangy flavor that neither of us were huge fans of. I still definitely recommend the normal miso ramen though! The normal miso chashu ramen was ¥1100 and a normal bowl of miso ramen is just ¥790
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  • Tokyo
  • Shinjuku
  • Ramen
  • Miso ramen
  • Gourmet
  • Japan
Dylan Gibson
Sep. 27, 2021
Visited Fujiiya a small eatery in Kameido famous for its gyoza. It was definitely good, and they had an interesting tare for the gyoza as well. I think it had chashu inside of it and it tasted great. I threw in a little soy sauce as well but I think it's probably perfect without it. I recommend shaking the bottle before pouring it as I had a little too much oil come out instead of the actual sauce. It was also my first time getting shoyu ramen in a while. I'm usually a bigger fan of miso, probably because it feels warm and filling on cold days but is great on hot days too. That being said, I was pleasantly surprised by this shoyu ramen, was a really refreshing flavor and the noodles were perfect. The restaurant is really cheap too, I think a normal chashu ramen and 5-piece gyoza was just ¥780, which is super cheap. They also had a lot of cool photos and signatures on the wall from/with famous entertainers like "Downtown," etc. Cool place, definitely recommend it!
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  • Japan
  • Traditional Japanese Food
  • Food reviews
  • Tokyo
  • Koto City
  • Ramen
  • Shoyu ramen
  • Comedian
Dylan Gibson
Sep. 24, 2021
Some photos I took during my visit to the Edo-Tokyo Museum. I really enjoyed seeing the recreations of the Edo cityscape and seeing what the city would have looked like back in the day. I like that you can also get a feel for what life was like at that time and you can even see people doing various jobs or holding tools related to them. I enjoyed seeing the boats as well, as it showed how shipping would been carried out at the time, and you also get to see the architecture of the ships, which was really awesome in my honest opinion. I also tried getting a decent photo of Tokugawa Ieyasu but I was really short on time when visiting as the museum was about to close, so I definitely need to go back there again. I wanted to see some of the other exhibits as well, stuff like the Great Kanto Earthquake exhibits, etc. so I have an excuse to visit again lol.
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  • Japan
  • Tokyo
  • Sightseeing
  • Museum
  • Ship/Boat
  • Architecture
  • History
Dylan Gibson
Sep. 8, 2021
Wow, there's so many awesome photos being posted today. I don't have any autumn related photos to share myself, unfortunately lol. I did take a photo of a building near Tokyo Tower though. I'm not sure what the name is, I didn't get the chance to look and then kanji are too small for me to read in this photo, but it reminded me of Todaiji in Nara prefecture. I think it's related to a temple or maybe a shrine, I'm not sure. The building seemed really massive though, and the people walking in front of it looked like ants lol. If anyone knows the name of this building I'd appreciate it if you told me! I'd like to go back to Nara actually this fall and see all the temples and deer again and even take some photos of the autumn leaves but I'm not sure I'll get the chance to do so unfortunately. I guess I'll just be living vicariously through everyone else's photos for the time being!
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  • Japan
  • Tokyo
  • Temple
  • Autumn leaves
  • Photography
  • Sightseeing
Dylan Gibson
Sep. 6, 2021
Went out and ate ramen over the weekend. Was the first time I've done so in a while. The restaurant was called '背油とんこつらーめん 雷門' in Monzen-nakacho I got the spicy miso ramen (I don't remember the exact name, it was something special) and it was really good. My girlfriend got just a standard miso and it was good as well. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be going back there because I want to try the other ramen they serve now lol. The miso that I got was more of a brown color than the usual orange that I see so I was kind of skeptical at first, but it turn out to be delicious and the chashu was really thickly cut and also tasted great. There was even an egg topping and I didn't have to pay extra for that or the chashu! I definitely recommend it to anyone that likes ramen! Other than that the whether wasn't so bad this weekend, but the leaves have started falling so we're definitely in fall at this point. It's starting to get colder outside as well. I've already starting using the heater instead of the air conditioning. Looking forward to some hot pot and oden though!
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  • Japan
  • Ramen
  • Miso ramen
  • Autumn
  • Tokyo
  • Gourmet
  • Photo Contest
Dylan Gibson
Sep. 2, 2021
Starting to rain more and more lately. I guess we've finally left summer and are headed into fall. I had some nice Okinawan noodles today. Really tasty restaurant. The karaage was really delicious as well. I usually eat the karaage and salad separately but I was curious to try them together this time and it tasted amazing. I regret always eating them separately now lol! I don't remember what the restaurant was called but it was somewhere in a shopping mall. I can't remember what the seaweed dish is called either but it had an.. interesting flavor. Really healthy I imagine though! The cookie was a great dessert too. Just a small little snack and not too sweet either. I definitely want to go back here and try some of the other stuff they serve!
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  • Japan
  • Gourmet
  • Tokyo
  • Deep fried chicken
Dylan Gibson
Sep. 1, 2021
Man, yesterday I was just too busy to even log in. I did manage to eat some delicious pasta though. It was a small restaurant I found at Oji Station called "Ombra." The noodles were really interesting. They were thick and hollow. I forget what they were called but the pasta tasted great and the salad did as well. I definitely recommend eating here. I didn't manage to take a photo of the outside of the restaurant but it shows up on google easy enough if you just search it. The interior was really nice as well. Quiet and dim and there were a lot of photos on the wall as well. It made waiting for my food quite enjoyable. There was also an award on the wall as well, although I forget exactly what it said. If I remember correctly, it had something to do with excellent quality, or something similar to that. Also the pasta seems to change daily so I'll have to go back and try the other kinds
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  • Japan
  • Gourmet
  • Italian Cuisine
  • Pasta/Spaghetti
  • Tokyo
Dylan Gibson
Aug. 30, 2021
Weather wasn't too bad this weekend! I managed to get a little shopping in as well. There were a few things I needed to buy and I went to Akabane for the first time in a while. I really like the layout of the area. It's really convenient and the shopping street has a bunch of stuff that you can look at. I'd like to explore the area more one of these days, but that will have to wait until after the pandemic ends I suppose. I managed to find some interesting statues around one of the shopping centers as well. I wasn't able to take a photo of all of them because people were sitting next to them, but I took a photo of one of them at least. I'll have to go back to get photos of the other 5 or 6 next time. There was one statue of a man fishing, I thought it was pretty cool. Anyways, here's the first one right outside of the entrance. A small warrior in armor holding a spear in one hand and what looks to be some sort of pagoda in the other.
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  • Japan
  • Shopping
  • Sunny
  • Tokyo
Dylan Gibson
Aug. 27, 2021
A photo I managed to take while walking today. Wasn't able to get up close unfortunately. I think it's Katori Shrine although I could be wrong on the reading of the kanji. The weather was pretty decent today, not as cloudy as usual. I'd like to go back here and see what the inner portion of the shrine is like so I guess I'll have to make another trip over here. Been keeping at my workouts. I want to buy a bench but I'm not sure where I'd even keep it lol. I'd rather workout outside if possible anyways, the outdoors in Japan is great. Even in the middle of Tokyo you can find places covered in greenery. I want to start jogging to work on my lung capacity and overall health but I really hate jogging lol. I know the track along the Arakawa River would be perfect for it too, but I'm not sure. Maybe I should get a bike since it's a really nice cycling route. Then again I'm not sure where I'd keep the bike either lol. Anyways, hope everyone is having a great Friday!
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  • Japan
  • Tokyo
  • Shrine
  • Summer
  • Sunny
  • Photo Contest
Dylan Gibson
Aug. 26, 2021
Lots of awesome photos being posted today. It's kind of making me jealous with how beautiful they all are. I went for a walk today and took a picture somewhere along the Arakawa River. I'll have to try and walk it all the way to Kitasenju someday lol. That or maybe take it all the way to Chichibu in Saitama. I know it's a really long river. I don't think I could make it that far though sadly. Kind of disappointed that summer is basically over already but at the same time I'm excited for the autumn colors this fall. Hopefully I can get out and visit some temples and shrines out in the countryside or something. I saw some photos like that mostly in Kyoto but I'm sure there are some places nearby Tokyo or in the Kanto region in general where I can see some nice scenery. If not then I'll just have to go somewhere and find it!
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  • River
  • Tokyo
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Japan
  • Autumn leaves
  • Walk
  • Temple
  • Shrine
  • Photo Contest
Dylan Gibson
Aug. 25, 2021
I managed to get a good workout in today as well. I can already feel my stomach muscles starting to get sore. I found a pretty decent coffee today. Decided to try something besides a black coffee today. Still a Boss coffee but it has a pretty low sugar content and doesn't taste too sweet or too bitter. Considering trying a new one tomorrow but this one was quite good so I might just be drinking this from now on. I want to keep my options open but it's hard to keep searching once you find something good. I found a photo that I forgot to upload before. I visited the Edo Tokyo Museum and outside there was a statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu riding a turtle lol... It's probably one of the more interesting statues I've seen in Japan but I suppose it symbolizes power and longevity, which Ieyasu certainly had both of.
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  • Tokyo
  • Museum
  • Exercise
  • Coffee
Dylan Gibson
Aug. 24, 2021
I got another good workout done today. Just gotta keep at it. I was hoping to see Blue Impulse today but I didn't see them anywhere overhead and didn't manage to hear any jets in the air either. I saw a lot of photos being posted on social media though so that was pretty cool. I'm looking forward to checking out the Paralympics though, hopefully it gets good coverage on tv. I'm not really a coffee drinker but lately I've been trying different coffees from the local convenience store in an attempt to find one that I like. I tried the Boss coffee today since I always see commercials for it and it seems to be pretty popular, but it seemed a bit watery to me so I think I'm going to have to keep searching. If anyone has any coffee recommendations for me I'd love to hear them lol
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  • Blue Impulse
  • Coffee
  • Exercise
  • Tokyo
  • Olympic/Paralympic
  • Convenience store
Dylan Gibson
Aug. 20, 2021
And it's Friday! Was really feeling the soreness in my muscles today after working out yesterday, but it's a good feeling. Need to get a better workout for my lower stomach though, only feeling it in my mid-section really. I'd like to find a park where I can work out as well. A place with like some pull up bars where I can work on pull ups and general calisthenics besides just weight lifting at home. There are quite a few parks in Tokyo though so it shouldn't be too hard to find something. Just don't to get in the way of other people using the park. Was able to take a nice photo of a river running through Meguro today as well. Not sure which one but I think it'd look nice in the spring or fall, so maybe I'll have to go back in a few months and see if the leaves around it have changed color. Praying for good weather this weekend but we'll see. At the very least I'd like to do some laundry lol. Hope everyone has a good weekend, maybe I'll post something tomorrow as well but I generally stay off social media on the weekends. Until next time!
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  • Exercise
  • Japan
  • Summer
  • Tokyo
  • Meguro City
  • Park
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