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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
May. 20, 2024
Tokachi pork workshop Yutaku, a popular tonkatsu restaurant ✨ in Obihiro Directly managed by a local butcher shop founded in Showa 37, carefully selected pigs raised in Tokachi, one of Hokkaido's leading pork production areas. The meat is aged at low temperature at our own factory to tenderize the meat and bring out the umami completely. ? This time, I had a fin katsu set meal! It is less fatty than the loin, but it was freshly fried and crispy, and the meat was tender and juicy and very tasty ? There are many other menus, so please ? try them - Tokachi Meat Workshop YUTAKU✨ Japan 1962 (Showa 37) (1962)Founding以來,嚴選Tokachi地區產的豬肉,經營肉販和餐酒店,擁有自家的工廠。 餐酒店使用的肉,皆使用低溫Aged的技術製程,肉質變軟並且肉的鮮甜完全被帶出來 ? 這次點了waist 內肉豬排,比キ里skin 肉油fat較少,However肉質flexible and multijuic,very 好吃 ? 店家另外還有非常多品項可以選擇,有來Tokachi地區、帶廣市玩的時候,一定要來試試喔!
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
May. 19, 2024
Recommended sightseeing spot in the neighborhood "Tokachi Hills Hilltop Garden" ? It is a healing garden with the theme of the charm of agriculture and food in Makubetsu! Flowers and trees change with the seasons, and you can enjoy the charm of each. ?? There are also garden events held every month, so please refer to the Tokachi Hills Home page for detailed Information About 20 minutes ? by car from Tokachi River Hot spring - 今天介Sha鄰近Tokachi川溫泉的推薦景點「TOKACHI HILLS」 ? 地點位於北海道Makubetsu町內,是Fusion Tokachi地區「農」和「食」特的園區。 園內的花和樹,會隨著季節的變化,有著各種不一樣的風貌和の魅力。 可以感受到四季分明的美麗 ?? 每個月都有不同的活動,詳細可以參考TOKACHI HILLS的官方網站 從Tokachi川溫泉車程約20分鐘,推薦大家來享受美人湯之外,也可以去感受Tokachi地區的Nature和食文化喔! ✨
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
May. 15, 2024
"Roadside Station Garden Spa Tokachi River Hot spring" ? The location of Deyu-no-Iwaza is entered through the main entrance of Garden Spa Tokachi River Hot spring, through the central corridor, and then outdoors at the end. The megalith is a Hidaka stone, which received a spirit from Yudonosan Shrine and is enshrined as the guardian deity of Tokachi River Hot spring. It is said to have the benefits of family safety, prosperous business, Marriage, and child treasure. ✨ There is also a signboard introducing Tebutsu (hot water for hands) and moor hot spring, so please come and experience ♨️ it - 道之駅Tokachi 川溫泉中,有豎立一個「出湯的磐石」的巨石 ? 巨石豎立於,由前入口入入後,通過中的小賣部廊道,在廊道盡頭的室外。 Megaishi Korehidakaishi, Yuyudonosan Shrine Acquisition Ryobunjin, 從此守護著Tokachi River 溫泉。 有著家裡平安、商業繁榮,結緣和保佑小孩等祈福。 ✨ 也有Tebutsu (hot water for hands)和美人湯的介Shaosign,歡迎大家來享受美人湯的療癒 ♨️
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
May. 8, 2024
Obihiro, Otofuke's Specialties "Indian" ? This time, I went ✨ to the Indian West 18-jo store in Obihiro The Indians here have an "egg" topping menu that other Indians don't have! ? Finely cut hard-boiled eggs and rich roux go well together! ? The overall richness was good, and it was delicious and I couldn't ? stop my hands If you like eggs, please give this phantom set a try ✨ Address: Hokkaido Obihiro City Nishi 18 Jo North 11-30 - 在北海道位於帶廣市、Otofuke,有一家名為「Indian」的咖哩飯chain店?,因在札幌和其他日本地區沒有展店,因此成為當地名店,前來帶廣市、Otofuke、Tokachi地區旅遊的大家,都會去品嚐咖哩的美味 ? 這次介紹於帶廣市西18條的Indian,這家店有別家Indian沒有的「水煮蛋」加點菜單 ? 切碎的水煮蛋加上濃郁的咖哩,讓整體的風味更加的濃郁和fusion,好吃到停不下來~ ? 建議大家一定要來試試這夢幻的咖哩 ✨
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
May. 7, 2024
We would like to introduce ?♨️ the free "foot bath" of Tokachi River Hot spring ✨ Roadside Station Garden Spa "Sora no Ashiyu" in Tokachi River Hot spring Use a free foot bath and towels are available for a fee. In addition to foot baths, there are spas, markets, and experience factories. ・Address: Hokkaido Tokachigawa Onsen North 14th Street, Otofuke Town, Koto-Gun 1 ・Business hours: 9:00~19:00 (Regular holiday on Tuesdays) ✨ "Tokachi River Moor Hot Spring Footbath" in Tokachigaoka Park It will be an indoor footbath facility, so you can feel free to enter even if the temperature is low. Address: Hokkaido Tokachigawa Onsen North 14th Street, Otofuke Town, Koto-Gun Business hours: 9:00-17:00 Use period: April 27 - October 20 ✨ Behind the Tokachi River Hot spring Tourist Guide Center, "Tokachi River Hot Spring Foot Bath" The tourist guide center has a lot ? of tourist information about Tokachi When you stop by the guide center, please ☺️ enjoy the foot bath Address: Hokkaido Kawato-gun Otofuke Tokachi River Hot spring Minami 12-chome Business hours: 9:00-17:00 Use period: April 27 - October 20 - Tokachi River 溫泉的免費「足湯」以上三個地方可以體驗 ?♨️ 美人湯的足湯,recommend大家有來玩時一定要來體驗喔!
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
May. 6, 2024
How are you spending Golden Week? ✨ Kino no Mori Coffee Shop in Otofuke is a place with ☕️?? authentic coffee, delicious gourmet food using local ingredients, and a calm space This time, I received ? a set of "egg sandwich", soup and salad The special mascarpone sauce and eggs melted together, and I was impression ? by the deliciousness that I never got tired of going along with the sticky toast In addition to the egg sandwich, there are also tokachi peach blossom pork and shrimp avocado ? flavors, so please come and taste ? them (you can take them home). ・Address: 6-1 Kino Odori Nishi, Ondo-cho, Kawato-gun, Hokkaido ・Phone: 0155-65-0640 ・Business hours: 10:00-20:00 (closed during the year-end and New Year holidays) - Hokkaido Otofuke 的「木野之森咖啡店」,有專業好喝的咖啡・當地生產ingredients的美食和放鬆的空間 ☕️?? 這次點了,雞蛋三明治+濃湯、沙拉的套餐 ? 特製的美乃滋醬和雞蛋fusion的口感很滑嫩,加上QQ的吐司,完全不會膩,超好吃 ? Tokachi 烤肉三明治和鮮蝦酪梨?口味,有來Otofuke和Tokachi地區玩時,一定要來嚐嚐喔!
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Apr. 30, 2024
We offer ?✨ electric types of electric mamachari and electric cross bikes, as well as regular types of rental bicycles such as cross bikes and mountain bikes You can ?️ easily explore the sightseeing spots around Tokachi River Hot spring You can also enjoy popular tourist spots in Otofuke, such as "Yanagizuki Sweet Pier Garden" and "Birch Tree" by bicycle.☀️ The Use Fee for inn nights is a great price ?, so we look forward ☺️ to your Use ・Rental hours: 9:00-17:00 ・Return time: Please return by 18:00 - Tokachi川溫泉觀光協會從4月27日開始到10月31日提供自行車租借服務,除了Tokachi川溫泉周邊的景點之外,也可以騎乘自行車到Otofuke的柳月和白樺並木等等的人氣景點 ☀️ 誠心等待大家的Use喔!
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Apr. 23, 2024
Suzuran Park ? in Otofuke It is a park with abundant flowers and greenery, including lily of the valley, which is popular with the townspeople as a famous place for cherry blossoms in spring. ? On Monday morning, I was able to take a picture of the blossoming cherry blossoms and felt the spring mood deeply. It is scheduled to be in full bloom towards the end of April, so please come and experience☺️ the spring feeling of Otofuke! (This is a ? photo received from a townsperson) - Otofuke Suzuran Park ? in Hokkaido 公園裡除了鈴蘭花之外,櫻花在春天期盛開,綠意盎然的環境,受到當地居民們的喜愛。 ? 照片是Otofuke居民提供?星期一上午拍到的櫻花,北海道氣溫雖然還是很低,櫻花的開花更加感受到春天的到來~ 接下來是櫻花滿開的季節,推薦大家春天時也一定要來鈴蘭公園走喔!
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Apr. 15, 2024
I went to the Adult "Goshun" in Otofuke! ✨? On top of the noodles, a large char siu sits like ? a futon The rich dipping broth of seafood pork bones was entangled in the chewy thick noodles and was very delicious! ✨? In addition, I also had soupless tantan noodles, which were moderately spicy and peppery, and I couldn't stop using chopsticks ? until the end There are also Taiwanese mixed soba noodles and Chinese soba noodles! Please try ? it [Address] 2-1-8 Kitasuzuranminami, Otofuke, Kato-gun, Hokkaido [Business hours] 11:00-16:00 [Regular holiday] Sunday - 位於北海道Tokachi地區中的Otofuke的超人氣「日式沾麵」 ✨? 沾麵上會lid上一塊肥瘦恰恰好,像棉被一樣的叉燒肉 ? 醬汁是使用日本famous的魚介牛骨系的湯頭,濃厚的醬汁搭配有粗度的麵,每一條麵都被醬汁包裹著,非常好吃 ? 另外還點了乾的擔擔麵,剛好的辣度和山椒的味道,讓人一口一口停不下來 ? 店裡還有台灣乾麵和湯拉麵等菜單,Recommended 大家來Tokachi地區泡溫泉吃美食喔! ✨
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Apr. 14, 2024
"Tokachi Toteppo Kobo" ✨? It is ?☕️ a popular café with a café and shop You can enjoy a café-limited menu that uses plenty of ingredients from Tokachi and Hokkaido. ??? This time, we had a fragrant croissant, strawberry milk made from 100% strawberries from Tokachi, and a signature product drinking chi! All of them were very tasty! ? The menu is still abundant, so I will definitely ✨ revisit it I hope you will go there as well!? [Business hours] CAFE 10:00-17:00(Lo. 16:30)/SHOP 10:00-18:00 [Regular holiday] Not opens (For details, please visit the Home page of Tokachi Toteppo Kobo) - 位於Tokachi地區 帶廣市的「Tokachi toteppo 工房」 ✨? 有分別為外帶蛋糕甜點區和內用咖啡區 ?☕️ 甜品、drink品皆使用Tokachi地區、北海道產的料理製作,每季也會推出Seasonal的當季菜單 ??? 這次點了可頌麵包、100%Tokachi產草莓的草莓牛奶、店裡的招牌起司蛋糕奶古! 每一樣都非常有特且好吃 ? 大家有到帶廣市觀光時,別錯過當季的限定甜點,推薦一定要去走喔! ✨
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Apr. 11, 2024
"Roadside Station Otofuke Natsuzora no Furusato" ?✨ The weather in Tokachi was gradually getting warmer, so I was invited to CHA-YA GREEN's Soft ice cream and enjoyed it ?? With a vast site and facilities such as full events, gourmet food, and shopping, it will be a ??????? place where everyone who visits can experience various things and feel the liveliness Bicycle storage is also available. Use for ? everyone who came by bicycle In addition, you can see ✨ the cute "Osode-kun" of Otofuke everywhere A little metabolic body type Awaitenbo ? with the motif of Otofuke large sleeve shaking soybeans [Business hours] 9:00-18:00 [Closed days] Every Monday from November to March (if Monday is a holiday, the next day) Year-end and New Year holidays (December 30 - January 2) [Food and beverage] business hours 10:00-18:00 (last order 17:30) [Natsuzora Market] 9:00-18:00 - 於日本各縣市町的道之駅,集合當地生產的農產品和當地famous的食品及商品,Otofuke的道之駅具備食、活動、商物的設施,可以體驗很多Otofuke當地的特徴 ??????? 自行車的停放處也有完全的設施,提供給來的大家使用 ? ? 關於營業時間等相關資訊於上述↑再請確認
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Apr. 7, 2024
Early Morning Hot Air Balloon Experience ? We visited the morning preparation for the early morning hot air balloon experience hosted by the Tokachi Nature Center! Approximately 5 minutes of aerial walking ?️ You can ? ride in a colorful balloon and see the spectacular views of Tokachi River Hot Springs and Tokachi Bridge from above Tokachi Nature Center Summer Tradition! Children from 2 years old can participate. ・Period: April to December (held every morning from April to September, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from October to December) ・Opening hours: 6:30-7:30 (6:00-7:30 in July & August) ・Meeting place: Tokachi Gaoka Park (Tokachigawa Onsen North 14th Street, Otofuke Town, Koto-Gun) ・Reservations: Not required It may be canceled due to weather conditions. ? For details, please contact ♪ Tokachi Nature Center - Tokachi Nature Center 從4月份開始到12月份有早上熱氣球體驗活動 ? 大約五分鐘的空散步 ?️ 搭乘顏色繽紛的熱氣球升空,從高空俯螰Tokachi川溫泉和Tokachi大橋的全景,四季分明的北海道,春夏秋冬都各有不一樣景 ✨ 推薦大家一定要來體驗看看喔! ? 詳細資訊可以至Tokachi自然中心的網站查詢或Phone、Email詢問 ??
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Apr. 3, 2024
We visited ☕️ "Kino no Mori Coffee Shop ?" in Otofuke There is ✨ authentic siphon coffee and a menu full of Otofuke love using local ingredients This time, I received ? "Solar Heated Neapolitan" Plenty of local seasonal vegetables are used, and the chewy noodles are intertwined with tomato sauce, and it was so delicious that I couldn't stop my mouth! There are also curry, skillet pizza, Kino sandwiches, and other dessert menus such as hot cakes! ? ・Address: 6-1 Kino Odori Nishi, Otofuke, Kato-gun, Hokkaido ・Phone: 0155-65-0640 ・Business hours: 10:00-20:00 (closed during the year-end and New Year holidays) ・Parking lot: 45 cars - 這次造訪了Hokkaido Otofuke 的「木野的森林咖啡?」 ☕️ 這家咖啡店使用當地生產的食材,咖啡的種類也有非常多選擇 ✨ 這次吃了店內招牌的拿波里義大利麵 ? 使用當地生產的當季食材和寬麵,濃郁的蕃茄醬汁包裹著每一條麵條,好吃到停不下來! 另外也有咖喱、披薩、木野三明治、和甜點的鬆餅等等等的菜單 ? ? 店家營業資訊顯示於上方↑ ✨
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Mar. 30, 2024
Today is the end of March. Tokachi has also been ? in spring for a long time On a clear day, you can clearly see the ridgeline of the Hidaka Mountains from the Tokachi Gaoka Observatory. The Hidaka Mountains are scheduled to become a national park around this summer, and if designated, it will be ? the seventh national park in Hokkaido and the largest in Japan Why don't you enjoy the majestic Hidaka Mountains from the Tokachi Gaoka Observatory? The view of the Tokachi River and the Tokachi Plain is also wonderful ? The observatory is about 5 minutes by car from the Tokachi River hot spring district!
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Tokachi
  • Otofuke
  • Tokachigawa Hot Spring
  • Sightseeing
  • Great view
  • observation deck​
  • Hidaka Mountains
  • Tokachi River
  • Tokachi Plain
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Mar. 30, 2024
I went to Daichino Takumi in Tokachi River Onsen. The day I visited happened to be the 29th, but the 29th was Meat Day, so there was a steak fair! You can ? eat steak at 29% off Today's recommended menu "Future Memuro Ushi Sune Steak" Rice, soup, salad, and pickles are included in the set. (I ate the salad before I took the picture...) The meat was refreshing, but it was also delicious! Volume filled my stomach ? It seems to be held on the 29th of every month, so please go there. * The menu table is as of March 29, 2024. ・Seasonal vegetables and grilled meat Daichino Takumi  Otofuke Tokachi River Onsen Kita 13-1-19  TEL 0155-67-1129  Business hours 11:30~14:00(L.O.)       17:30~21:00(L.O.)     Regular holiday Thursday
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Otofuke
  • Tokachigawa Hot Spring
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Mar. 25, 2024
This year's Sairinka also opened a store, "Noodle Yabozu". The soy sauce ramen I ate at Sairinka was also very delicious, but this time I had ? spicy miso It's spicy, but it's delicious! I couldn't ? even stop drinking the soup In addition to soy sauce and spicy miso, there are salt, miso, and spicy miso, and other hormone ramen! It's also good to go to eat all kinds of food! Noodle Yabozu Main Store Otofuke Odori 12-11-1    TEL 0155-42-2202 Business hours Mon 11:00~14:00      Tue~Sun 11:00~14:00          17:00~19:45(LO)      It will end as soon as the soup runs out Irregularly
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
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  • Otofuke
  • Tokachi
  • Gourmet
  • tokachi
  • Ramen
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Mar. 19, 2024
Yotsuba Dairy Factory Tour Located in Otofuke, Tokachi Town, Hokkaido, the tour facility of the Yotsuba Dairy Tokachi Main Factory "Deliciousness Straight Museum". In addition to being able to see milk and butter being produced, it is a facility where you can enjoy learning about dairy farming and the dairy industry. Yotsuba's milk is really delicious, isn't it? I learned that there are efforts to improve quality, and that delicious dairy products are delivered in this way. When you visit, you will receive ✨ one tasting (milk or café au lait) and a mini eraser as a souvenir When you come to Tokachi, why don't you ? go on a factory tour of Yotsuba Dairy 【Yotsuba Dairy Industry Tokachi Main Factory Tour】 Admission: Free Held: Monday ~ Friday 3 times a day Time required: about 60 minutes Application and inquiries for tours 0155-42-2121
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Tokachi
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  • Tokachigawa Hot Spring
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Mar. 16, 2024
Tokachi River Onsen in the morning Hello! It's March and it's getting warmer little by little, but the mornings here in Otofuke are still cold. The temperature at 5 a.m. on the day of shooting was -12.1 degrees Celsius. There was river fog, and the Tokachi Chuo Bridge was hidden. After sunrise, the river fog disappears and the bridge becomes clear! At 7 o'clock, we were able ? to see the majestic Hidaka Mountains beautifully There was no wind that day, so I was able to see the hot air balloons going up. Even if it's cold, seeing this kind of scenery will get you excited! Please ? come and see the scenery unique to this time of year
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Tokachi
  • Otofuke
  • Tokachigawa Hot Spring
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Feb. 23, 2024
Otofuke store consisting of a noodle shop Yukkejang Ramen 3 Spicy A spicy soup made by blending beef tail soup with several types of chili peppers. Even the standard 3 spicies were spicy! If you don't like spiciness, there is also 0 spicy that is not spicy at all. The inside of the store was bright and there was a small rise, and there were people with children. Small rice is free, so you can add eggs and cheese as an option to make it into a bowser. The ramen, which was popular at the yakiniku restaurant, was addictively delicious because it was ? served as a specialty store 〒080-0301 Hokkaido, Kato-gun, Otofuke, Kino Odori Nishi 12-3-2 11:00〜21:00
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Tokachi
  • Otofuke
  • Gourmet
  • Ramen
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  • Hokkaido area
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  • Tokachigawa Hot Spring
  • Tourism Association
Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Feb. 2, 2024
The 33rd Shiratori Festival Sairinka is now being held! Approximately 600 light objects set to the music and create a fantastic show. The 30-minute session consists of Part 1 / Light Fantasy Show and Part 2 / Light Elect Dancing Show. The music selection is music that can be enjoyed by children, the elderly, and overseas tourists. On the promenade "Hikari no Alley" that connects the venue from the Tokachi River hot spring district, winter cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and a new photo spot with the image of Japanese has been installed! In -20°C, please enjoy the "winter cherry blossoms" that bloom the earliest in Japan. 【Period】Saturday, January 27, 2024 ~ Sunday, February 18, 2024 [Lighting time] 19:00~21:00 【Place】Tokachigaoka Park [Parking lot] available (about 100 cars, free) 【Event Maintenance Cooperation Fee】Junior high school students and older: 500 yen per person * Tokachigawa Onsen guests (tourism association member facilities), Otofuke residents, elementary school students and younger are free of charge. * Otofuke residents are required to present an official ID card that shows their address.
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Tokachi
  • Tokachigawa Hot Spring
  • Otofuke
  • Sairinka
  • Winter
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Jan. 5, 2024
【Superb view of Tokachi River Onsen】Unryu It is a river fog that appears in the early morning when the temperature is below -15°C in the severe winter season of January ~ February. It came to be called "Unryu" because it looks as if a dragon is floating and lying along the flow of the Tokachi River. You can see this view at the Tokachigaoka Observatory. It is a spectacular view that can only be seen in winter! This year is the Year of the Dragon, so please come to Tokachi River Onsen to see the cloud dragon!
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Tokachigawa Hot Spring
  • Otofuke
  • Great view
  • Winter
  • Tokachi River
  • Tokachi
  • fog
  • Nature
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Jan. 4, 2024
NHK Hokkaido "Domin Handmade Quiz 179Q" will introduce Otosara Town! Please take a look ? [Program Details] Broadcast time: January 12 (Friday) 19:30~ Broadcasting station: NHK Hokkaido Program name: "Domin Handmade Quiz 179Q" Content: Hokkaido municipalities will take up the characteristics and people in their respective towns, and ask the studio guests (Koji Kato, Takatoshi, and Shinobu Otake to answer the quiz)!
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Otofuke
  • Local PR
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  • NHK
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  • Tokachi
  • Tokachigawa Hot Spring
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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Dec. 16, 2023
"Eagle Observation Premium Tour" I participated in the winter-only tour held at the Tokachi Nature Center! In the midst of light snow, we will proceed along the quiet Tokachi River while receiving explanations from the guide of the Wild Bird Society. In addition to sea eagles and white-tailed eagles, we were able to see many wild birds such as striped long-tailed moths, swans, and kawaisa! I was impressed by the fact that I was able ✨ to use binoculars and telescopes to capture the figure clearly The other participants brought cool lenses that looked like bazookas ? It was a very satisfying 45 minutes. The tour will be held until 1/7 and will be held only on Saturdays and Sundays. Please contact the Tokachi Nature Center for details. 【Inquiry】 0155-32-6116 Tokachi Nature Center
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Tokachigawa Hot Spring
  • Otofuke
  • Nature
  • Winter
  • Wild birds
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  • Tokachi River
  • Ship/Boat
  • Tokachi
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