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Mar. 20, 2024
【茶道と書道の伝統文化体験】 #伝統文化 日本に興味のある方のなかには、古くから伝わる伝統文化について知りたいという方もいるでしょう。 日本の伝統文化のうち、茶道・書道は特に有名です。 SAMURAI⚔HONORでは講師と通訳アシスタントがおもてなしを致しますので外国人の方も体験しやすいでしょう。 Traditional cultural experience of tea ceremony and calligraphy. #Traditional #Culture #Experience Some people who are interested in Japan may want to learn more about the traditional culture that has been handed down from generation to generation. At Samurai⚔Honor, our teachers and interpreter assistants will entertain you, making it easy for foreigners to experience Japanese traditional culture.
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  • samurai tea ceremony
  • Japanese swords
  • Warring States Period
  • Tea ceremony
  • Armor/Helmet
  • Bushido
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Samurai
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Experiences
  • ...and 10 others
Feb. 9, 2024
Nishijin brocade is a luxury material that has been used for costumes of the upper class, including aristocrats and warriors. This photo book and drawstring bag are carefully woven by craftsmen using Nishijin brocade. 西陣織は、貴族や武士ら上流階級の装束等に使われてきた高級素材です。 その西陣織で職人が丹念に織ったフォトブックと巾着袋です。
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  • Nishijin brocade
  • Inbound
  • Great view
  • Japanese heart/Wabisabi
  • What Will You Do, Ieyasu?
  • Pilgrimage
  • Samurai Road (Nagano Prefecture/Gifu Prefecture)
  • Budo Tourism
  • Wagyu
  • Osaka no Jin
  • ...and 10 others
Feb. 8, 2024
SAMURAI offers students on school trips the opportunity to have their photo taken with SAMURAI! The girls said, "This will be a memorable memory of Sincerity Spring. They said... "To the side room!" But the misunderstanding melted away. SAMURAIは修学旅行生達にSAMURAIとフォト撮影を 『思い出に⚔誠春の記念に⚔』 との台詞を彼女らは 『側室にぃぃぃ!』 と聞き間違えて逃げ惑ったんだ… しかし誤解が溶けて✧Σ【◎】ω ̄*)パシャッ
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  • school trip
  • Samurai Road (Nagano Prefecture/Gifu Prefecture)
  • Japanese heart/Wabisabi
  • What Will You Do, Ieyasu?
  • Sanada Yukimura
  • Tokugawa Ieyasu
  • Machiya Residence Inn Buke Yashiki
  • Budo Tourism
  • Martial arts
  • Pilgrimage
  • ...and 10 others
Feb. 5, 2024
【In admiration of the first foreigner who became a Samurai】 Have you ever heard of a samurai named "Yasuke"? About 440 years ago, Yasuke became a vassal under Oda Nobunaga and was later granted samurai status. What is surprising is that he was an exotic man of African origin. Yasuke left his mark on the pages of Japanese history as "the first foreigner to become a samurai.
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  • Samurai lord
  • Bushido
  • Sightseeing
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Osaka (City)
  • Photo Contest
  • Osaka Castle
  • Japanese swords
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Japanese Warrior
  • ...and 10 others
Feb. 2, 2024
How to visit shrines and temples/神社参拝の作法 Samurai were born with a sense of honor. Honor was the highest good. The goal that a young man who wanted to become a samurai had to pursue was not wealth or knowledge, but honor. Honor was a goal to be pursued "within oneself," without regard to profit or loss. Therefore, "honor" that is concerned with public reputation is not real honor. 侍は生まれながらにして「名誉」を自覚していた。 「名誉」は最高の善であった。 侍を目指す若者が追求しなければならない目標は、富や知識ではなく、名誉であった。 「名誉」は損得勘定なく、“自らのなかで”追い求め続ける目標なのだ。 ゆえに世間の評判を気にするような「名誉」は本当の名誉ではない。
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  • Shrine
  • worship
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
  • Calligraphy
  • Tea ceremony
  • Japanese Warrior
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Osaka Castle
  • Warring States Period
  • History
  • ...and 10 others
Jan. 25, 2024
〜The correct way to participate in the "Bushido ⚔ Holy Land Pilgrimage" toured by [Samurai Style], which is more than 4 times more satisfying〜 1. When you look at the places and scenery where historical characters were, you can feel their feelings and immerse yourself in the worldview of the past Warring States period. For example, by walking in the same way as the place that appeared in the scene of the battle, you will notice new elements, understand the bushido of the SAMURAI, and become more sympathetic and your push level will increase. 2. You can take a fantastic and one-of-a-kind photo movie. In SAMURAI taiga dramas and movies, beautiful views and buildings tend to be used as backgrounds in the works. The scenery that makes you feel like you are in a fantasy world is real in various parts of Japan, so take a photo with yourself dressed as SAMURAI against the background. If you like social media, fantasize about this sense of accomplishment and the desire for approval later. ( ̄ー ̄)Grinning 3. Also, if you know the history and the story of a specific SAMURAI, you will see the same scenery differently. While insisting on "let's take a picture with the same angle of view as that scene", welcome to the m(_ _)m world of delusion By the way, I'm the same as Kenshin in his land, the same Hiten Goken-ryu Mystery Tensho Ryu Sen... Since it was unreasonable, I challenged ⚔ the Nine-Headed Dragon Flash 4. You can experience the charm of the area If you deepen your understanding of the place through pilgrimage to the Holy Land, you will be able to learn about the local area and culture. It will also be an opportunity to visit unusual sightseeing spots that are not generally known. There are many pilgrimage spots in SAMURAI, from popular spots known for their tourist spots to places that do not seem to be tourist spots at first glance. Why don't you add "SAMURAI's BUSHIDO⚔ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land" to your next travel theme and sightseeing spot?
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  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Photo Contest
  • Osaka (City)
  • History
  • Japanese Warrior
  • Warring States Period
  • Calligraphy
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
  • Osaka no Jin
  • Sanada Yukimura
  • ...and 10 others
Jan. 21, 2024
オ・モ・テ・ナ・シの向上のためにスタイル研修 武士道を極める体験 SAMURAIは鍛錬・行使・身の処し方などを徹底します。 それらを生と死のあり方を通じて体験していただきます。 名誉の観念は外聞や面目などの言葉で表されるが、裏を返せばすべて「恥」を知ることである。 「恥ずかしいことをするな」「対面を汚すな」「人に笑われるぞ」武士の間では羞恥心を知ることが幼少の教育においてまずはじめに行われた。 Style training to improve OMOTE NASI Experience to master Bushido At SAMURAI, we thoroughly train, exercise, and carry ourselves. You will experience them through the ways of life and death. The concept of honor is expressed in words such as appearance and face, but on the other hand, it all comes down to knowing ``shame.'' ``Don't do anything embarrassing.'' ``Don't make your face dirty.'' ``People will laugh at you.'' Among the samurai, learning about shame was the first step in childhood education.
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  • Omotenashi
  • Sightseeing
  • Experiences
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
  • Photo Contest
  • Warring States Period
  • Tea ceremony
  • Nishijin brocade
  • Machiya Residence Inn Buke Yashiki
  • ...and 10 others
Jan. 13, 2024
SAMURAI, a man of ambition (a person with determination), strikes the heart and resonates the soul. Pursuing every single stroke for a lifetime, I acquired a 1.8-shaku Japanese drum that represents Japan⚔ 志ある武の人(覚悟ある者)即ちSAMURAIが打つは心、響くは魂。 一瞬一打を生涯追求する、日本を代表する和太鼓1.8尺を手に入れた⚔
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  • Japanese drums
  • Armor/Helmet
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Samurai
  • Japanese swords
  • Bushido
  • Tea ceremony
  • Osaka Castle
  • Japanese Warrior
  • Experiences
  • ...and 10 others
Dec. 25, 2023
From an early age, a warrior learns to distinguish between the bravery of a litterateur and the true courage of "great valor". Mothers send their children to expose their bodies to the cold winter weather and to see the horrific sights of execution sites. My father teaches me how to use a sword from an early age. He starts with a wooden sword, and when he attains the age of 15, he is allowed to carry a serious weapon. At that time, he becomes aware of his self-respect and his sense of responsibility for carrying a dangerous weapon in the street. 武士は幼少のころから匹夫の勇と、真の勇気「大勇」の区別を学びます。 母は冬の寒空の中、肉体をさらさせたり、処刑場の恐ろしい光景を見に行かせます。 父は幼少のころから刀の使い方を教えます。 まずは木刀から始まり、15歳で元服すると真剣を携帯しての行動を許します。 その時、彼が自覚するのは自尊心と、危険な凶器を往来で持ち歩くことに対する責任感です。
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  • Inbound
  • Budo Tourism
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
  • samurai tea ceremony
  • Martial arts
  • Calligraphy
  • Japanese Warrior
  • Japanese swords
  • Samurai
  • Armor/Helmet
  • ...and 10 others
Dec. 23, 2023
辞世の筆/The Book of Resignation A "resignation calligraphy" is a brush stroke that a samurai writes down as his last words in this life when he foresees his death. 侍が死を予見したときにこれまでの人生を振り返り、この世での最後の文字として筆で書き残すもの Shame is the basis of moral consciousness, and honor in Bushido is the basic virtue for pursuing aesthetics as a person. 武士道における名誉とは、人としての美学を追究するための基本の徳である。 Honor in Bushido means respecting one's name and living a noble life without shame.
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  • Performance
  • Calligraphy
  • Japanese swords
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Osaka Castle
  • Sightseeing
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Budo Tourism
  • Inbound
  • samurai tea ceremony
  • ...and 10 others
Dec. 12, 2023
Wabi and sabi are words to appreciate Japanese aesthetic sensibilities, which represents “beauty within simplicity and imperfection.” Wabi and sabi are words that express the aesthetic sensitivity of Japan. We find beauty in imperfection and simplicity. It's the beauty we find in imperfection. It finds beauty in imperfections. Wabi points to beauty coming from simplicity. Wabi is the beauty in simplicity. Sabi represents beauty or serenity that comes with age. Rust represents the quaint beauty or tranquility of time.
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  • Chaki
  • samurai tea ceremony
  • Japanese heart/Wabisabi
  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi
  • Sen no Rikyu
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Armor/Helmet
  • Samurai
  • Tea ceremony
  • Budo Tourism
  • ...and 10 others
Dec. 8, 2023
The tea ceremony teaches us everything that is important. The tea ceremony teaches you everything that is important Samurai tea ceremony enthusiasts enthusiastically enjoy the tea ceremony and are obsessed with collecting specialty items. Nobunaga becomes happy by ``hunting specialties,'' such as offering famous tea utensils and forcing them to buy them. The samurai tea ceremony enthusiastically enjoys the tea ceremony and is absorbed in collecting specialties. Nobunaga becomes happy by "hunting for specialties" such as making him donate his famous tea utensils and forcibly buying them
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  • samurai tea ceremony
  • Tea ceremony
  • Samurai
  • Armor/Helmet
  • Japanese swords
  • Bushido
  • Japanese Warrior
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Osaka Castle
  • Machiya Residence Inn Buke Yashiki
  • ...and 10 others

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