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Dylan Gibson
Apr. 27, 2021
What a cute picture! Before coming to Japan I never really payed much attention to the natural scenery and wildlife, but, and I don't if it's because I've aged or because Japan has so much natural beauty, I've come to appreciate it much more. Seeing photos like this I just can't help but think how amazing it is. It's so cool that it can just hang upside down like that too lol. It's such a beautiful photo, capturing not only nature in the cherry blossoms and with the cute bird, but the clear blue skies above them as well. It's another one of those photos where you can practically feel what the weather was like on the day it was taken.
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Apr. 26, 2021
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  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Spring
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Photography
  • Sunny
  • Kawaii
Dylan Gibson
Apr. 26, 2021
What an interesting photo... I don't usually associate the buddha with being cute, but this one deserves an exception I suppose lol. Something about the way he's standing and just saying "hey" is really intriguing. It's a really interesting decoration for a chozuya as well. I can't read cursive to save my life, but I think it says something about the Amitabha Buddha? I can only make out the first character and I think it's a longer sutra maybe. Anyways, I've never been to Taisho Temple, it looks like it has a lot of interesting history to enjoy though. It looks like it'd be a nice play to go on a slightly warm day when the cherry blossoms are out, just like in this photo.
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Apr. 26, 2021
Location: Chofu City, Tokyo
Taishoji Temple is close to Chofu Station.
The scenery with the cherry blossoms is Japanese.
  • Japan
  • Temple
  • Sightseeing
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Buddha statue
  • Tokyo
  • Chofu

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