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Feb. 24, 2024
It is ✨ a tourist attraction in Biei, Shirogane Blue Pond Mystical colors ? It is recommended ☺️ to go in the morning when there is no wind and it is clear I have visited many times, but the color changes depending on the season and the weather!! Sometimes it's blue, sometimes it's like emerald green, and no matter how many times you go, you'll be soothed! During the heavy rains and typhoons in 2016, I was worried that it would become muddy, but it is a superb view that I ? hope will remain forever
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Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture!

  • Great view
  • Photo Contest
  • Japan
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Biei
  • blue pond
  • Power spot
Feb. 23, 2024
It is the Tauszvets River Bridge. An arch bridge with a total length of 130 meters completed in 1937 (Showa 12). In 1955, with the construction of the Kasuhira Dam, it ended its role as a railway bridge. Currently, it is submerged from spring to autumn when the water level of the dam lake rises, and is popular with tourists as a "phantom bridge" that appears in winter. On a clear, windless day, when the bridge is reflected on the surface of the lake, it looks like glasses. This is the only arch bridge in Japan that can be seen and hidden depending on the season, which is why it is called a "phantom bridge". Due to this fluctuation in the water level, it is affected by water and ice, and the Tauszbetsu Bridge is severely dilapidated, and it has a stately appearance that is hard to believe is a concrete bridge. However, it is said that it will remain in its original appearance for several more years. If you want to see it up close, you need to book your tour early. From a distance, you can see it from the observation deck! It is an area infested with bears, so you need to be careful.
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  • Photo Contest
  • Great view
  • Taushubetsu river bridge
  • Kamishihoro
  • Japan
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
Feb. 22, 2024
It is a Buddha enshrined on the summit of Mt. Shakagatake (1799m) in the Omine mountain range in Nara Prefecture. This statue of Buddha was carried to the summit in 1924 (Taisho 13) by Mr. Masayuki Okada, commonly known as "Oniga", a powerful man of Omine. In honor of his great achievement, the pedestal of the statue of Buddha is inscribed with the words, "Masayuki Okada is the one who carried it alone." When you walk along the Omine Trail, I would like you to take a look.
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  • Nara Prefecture
  • World Cultural Heritage
  • Great view
Feb. 21, 2024
The scenery of Japan that we want to preserve for the future Hiroshima Castle, Hiroshima I took this photo from a prefectural apartment right next to Hiroshima Castle. We looked down on Hiroshima Castle, which we usually only see from below, from a high place, and at the same time, we also saw the changing night view of Hiroshima! It was a landscape that I ? hope will remain forever as a single photograph of history and the present 2024.02 Location:Hiroshima Castle, Hiroshima #Hiroshima #Hiroshima Castle HIT Hiroshima Tourism Ambassador
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Feb. 21, 2024
【大阪城】日ノ本一の書道マスター教室を着物で体験 漢字には一文字一文字に意味が込められています。 外国の方のお名前も漢字にて。 またそれを扇子や掛け軸に書いてお土産にどうぞ Osaka Castle] Experience the best Japanese calligraphy master class in kimono. Each kanji character has its own meaning. You can write the name of a foreigner in Kanji characters. You can also write it on a fan or a hanging scroll as a souvenir.
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  • Calligraphy
  • Photo Contest
  • Samurai lord
  • Osaka (City)
  • History
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Pilgrimage
  • Samurai Road (Nagano Prefecture/Gifu Prefecture)
  • Traditional culture
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
  • ...and 10 others

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