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Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Apr. 7, 2024
Early Morning Hot Air Balloon Experience ? We visited the morning preparation for the early morning hot air balloon experience hosted by the Tokachi Nature Center! Approximately 5 minutes of aerial walking ?️ You can ? ride in a colorful balloon and see the spectacular views of Tokachi River Hot Springs and Tokachi Bridge from above Tokachi Nature Center Summer Tradition! Children from 2 years old can participate. ・Period: April to December (held every morning from April to September, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from October to December) ・Opening hours: 6:30-7:30 (6:00-7:30 in July & August) ・Meeting place: Tokachi Gaoka Park (Tokachigawa Onsen North 14th Street, Otofuke Town, Koto-Gun) ・Reservations: Not required It may be canceled due to weather conditions. ? For details, please contact ♪ Tokachi Nature Center - Tokachi Nature Center 從4月份開始到12月份有早上熱氣球體驗活動 ? 大約五分鐘的空散步 ?️ 搭乘顏色繽紛的熱氣球升空,從高空俯螰Tokachi川溫泉和Tokachi大橋的全景,四季分明的北海道,春夏秋冬都各有不一樣景 ✨ 推薦大家一定要來體驗看看喔! ? 詳細資訊可以至Tokachi自然中心的網站查詢或Phone、Email詢問 ??
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Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Apr. 7, 2024
【Camellia japonica blooming in the greenhouse】 When I visit to Roadside Station Kamu at the end of March The greenhouse was decorated with Camellia japonica flowers. Even though the entire flower park is covered with snow There is a space where you can enjoy colorful flowers. I'm glad. At this time of year Orange prince orchids blooming in pots, etc. Around the Karakuri Organ It's lively. When you stop by for a drive break We hope that you will take a breath of relief when you see the flowers. #Nishiokoppe Village #Kamu #Greenhouse #Roadside Station #Camellia japonica #Pot #Flower #The scent is also soothing
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Nature
  • Roadside Station "Nishi Okoppe Hanamu
  • Flower Park Hanamu
  • Flowers
Shintoku Tourism Association
Apr. 6, 2024
Day 3 of the birch sap water collection experience. Ready to get started. Yesterday, the Tokachi Mainichi Shimbun published an article about the experience, and there was also a new application. It will be held every day until next Sunday. Please come to Karikachi Kogen Park for participation and tour. * There are times when it is not held, so if you would like to visit, please contact the Tourism Association [0155-64-0522] in advance.
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Tokachi
  • Shintoku
  • Tourism Association
  • Japan National Route 38
  • Hokkaido Garden Road
  • Nature
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  • Kikatsu Highland Garden
  • Experiences
  • ...and 1 others
Shintoku Tourism Association
Apr. 6, 2024
Day 3 of the birch sap water collection experience. Ready to get started. Yesterday, the Tokachi Mainichi Shimbun published an article about the experience, and there was also a new application. It will be held every day until next Sunday. Please come to Karikachi Kogen Park for participation and tour. * There are times when it is not held, so if you would like to visit, please contact the Tourism Association [0155-64-0522] in advance.
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Tokachi
  • Shintoku
  • Tourism Association
  • Japan National Route 38
  • Hokkaido Garden Road
  • Nature
  • Events
  • Kikatsu Highland Garden
  • Experiences
  • ...and 1 others
Shintoku Tourism Association
Apr. 6, 2024
Day 3 of the birch sap water collection experience. Ready to get started. Yesterday, the Tokachi Mainichi Shimbun published an article about the experience, and there was also a new application. It will be held every day until next Sunday. Please come to Karikachi Kogen Park for participation and tour. * There are times when it is not held, so if you would like to visit, please contact the Tourism Association [0156-64-0522] in advance.
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Tokachi
  • Shintoku
  • Tourism Association
  • Japan National Route 38
  • Hokkaido Garden Road
  • Nature
  • Events
  • Kikatsu Highland Garden
  • Experiences
  • ...and 1 others
New otani inn sapporo
Apr. 4, 2024
\Open from today/ Record café "Oak Room" Record that nostalgic song with the aroma of coffee. Record café "Oak Room" has opened today. In a chic brick store, You can Fun Yokoi Coffee's production [New Otani Inn Sapporo Blend Coffee☕] that can only be tasted here, and [Retro Sweets ?] that the pastry chef is particular about. ☆Menu☆ ☕DRINK ・Coffee  Yokoi Coffee Produced New Otani Inn Sapporo Blend ・Cream soda (melon) ・Orange juice ・Cola ・Ginger ale ・Oolong tea ・Tea ?FOOD ・Showa-style hardened pudding ・Chestnuts with vanilla ice cream ・Canele and today's pound cake ・Fruit Parfait ・Homemade marinated salmon and cream cheese & potato bagel sandwich * Admission fee is ¥1,500 (with one drink) Please Enjoy ♪ the nostalgic [Showa Retro]
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  • Showa Retro
  • Cafe
  • Coffee
  • Music
  • Ice cream soda
  • Parfait
  • Cake/Western sweets
  • New Otani Inn Sapporo
  • Sapporo
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • ...and 10 others
Tokachigawa Onsen Tourist Association
Apr. 3, 2024
We visited ☕️ "Kino no Mori Coffee Shop ?" in Otofuke There is ✨ authentic siphon coffee and a menu full of Otofuke love using local ingredients This time, I received ? "Solar Heated Neapolitan" Plenty of local seasonal vegetables are used, and the chewy noodles are intertwined with tomato sauce, and it was so delicious that I couldn't stop my mouth! There are also curry, skillet pizza, Kino sandwiches, and other dessert menus such as hot cakes! ? ・Address: 6-1 Kino Odori Nishi, Otofuke, Kato-gun, Hokkaido ・Phone: 0155-65-0640 ・Business hours: 10:00-20:00 (closed during the year-end and New Year holidays) ・Parking lot: 45 cars - 這次造訪了Hokkaido Otofuke 的「木野的森林咖啡?」 ☕️ 這家咖啡店使用當地生產的食材,咖啡的種類也有非常多選擇 ✨ 這次吃了店內招牌的拿波里義大利麵 ? 使用當地生產的當季食材和寬麵,濃郁的蕃茄醬汁包裹著每一條麵條,好吃到停不下來! 另外也有咖喱、披薩、木野三明治、和甜點的鬆餅等等等的菜單 ? ? 店家營業資訊顯示於上方↑ ✨
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Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Apr. 3, 2024
[How to collect sap and make chiffon cake] It was held as a winter nature observation event Shirakaba sap collection project. Participants gathered in front of the community center. Hop on the bus and head to the collection point. "Do you know what sap is?" In response to the question, one of the elementary school students explained in detail Whoa! There were cheers. When you get to the point, you will learn how to make a hole to collect sap. An outdoor course on the tools used for collecting has begun. The last few days, it was a little cold. I couldn't get any sap. Using the sap collected last year We also made chiffon cakes. Mix the dough or pour it into a mold. Both children and adults work with lively expressions. The baked chiffon cake is fluffy I finished eating in no time. Chiffon cakes are made at events in the garden of Yume Eup Forest. It is sold irregularly, so if you see it Please buy it! #Nishiokoppe Village #Shirakaba Sap #Kiiku #Chiffon Cake #Garden of Yume Eup Forest
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Events
  • Mokuiku
  • Cake/Western sweets
Shintoku Tourism Association
Apr. 3, 2024
For the rehearsal of the birch sap water collection experience that will start the day after tomorrow, we will do a final check of the flow at the site. I was worried because it snowed the day before yesterday, but thanks to the warmth today, I was relieved by the sap that oozes out when I make a hole in the birch. It seems that it was still a little early for full-scale collection, and the sap that came out was about 50 ml in one hour. From now until the end of the week, the daytime temperature is forecast to exceed 10 degrees Celsius, so I think the amount of collection will stabilize. The birch sap water collection experience will be held from the 5th (Friday) to the 14th (Sunday) of this month, and reservations can be made even the day before. If you are interested, please join us. In addition, those who are only interested in visiting are welcome. * If there are no participants, there will be no event, so please contact the tourism association in advance. For details, please contact the Shintoku Tourism Association [0156-64-0522].
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Tokachi
  • Shintoku
  • Tourism Association
  • Kikatsu Highland Garden
  • Japan National Route 38
  • Hokkaido Garden Road
  • Experiences
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  • Sightseeing
  • ...and 3 others
New otani inn sapporo
Apr. 1, 2024
April has begun ? It's getting warmer and warmer, the snow is melting, and it's becoming a comfortable season! The cherry blossoms bloom around May every year, so it seems that it will be a little later to see them again this year. This is ? an introduction to the limited menu for the first half of April that started today ? Shredded pork soup soba noodles (soy sauce flavor) ? Stir-fried shrimp and egg with chili sauce (with rice and sasai) Both come with ♪ [salad, soup, dessert, coffee buffet] Use it slowly at the hotel restaurant with a sense of freedom! Reservations and details ? 011-222-1522 (direct line to restaurant reservations) Or On the hotel website. We look ✨ forward to seeing you
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  • Lunch
  • Chinese cuisine
  • Restaurant
  • Sapporo
  • Gourmet
  • Sweets/Dessert
  • Viking Buffet
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Hotel
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