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Abhi Sen
Oct. 31, 2022
Bandai Azuma skyline in Fukushima is one of the most popular scenic driving route in Japan. Last weekend we went to enjoy this area and drive in skyline, lake line and golden line. It was an amazing experience. The roads are now fully covered with autumn colors. And the the top side of the sky line there is crater, marshland rough stony area and lot of sulpher smell. This photo was taken near the jogodaira in Bandai azuma skyline. I really enjoyed this places and hope you all will like it. If you have any chance please visit Fukushima
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  • Photo Contest
  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Nature
  • Great view
  • Travel
  • Photography
  • Autumn
  • Tohoku region
  • Fukushima Prefecture
Ewan Yoshikawa
Oct. 31, 2022
I took this at a traditional salmon shop in Murakami city, Niigata. Late fall is the season of salmon. The sunlight was like a spotlight shining on the main character of the city, salmon. Imagning the effort put into this, I could feel the pride and love for salmon of the city. They have a restaurant serving traditional salmon dishes. It's called Sennenzake Kikkawa. The waitress will explain every dish and what's unique about the salmon from Murakami city, which was really interesting.
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  • Photo Contest
  • Japan
  • Travel
  • Sightseeing
  • Niigata Prefecture
  • Autumn
  • Traditional Japanese Food
  • Local gourmet
  • Murakami

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