Video article 3:51
Sado Kisen "Jetfoil Suisei" in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture: Huge Hull Floats in the Air! What is a super high-speed ship that makes full use of aerospace technology?
Transportation- 638 plays
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Video introduction of "Jetfoil Suisei" in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture This video, created by ‘Sado Steam Ship Official Channel,’ is titled ‘[Drone Footage] Jetfoil SUISEI departing from Ryotsu Port (両津港, Ryotsu-Ko)]’. Sado Island (佐渡島, Sadogashima) floats off the coast of Japan's Hokuriku Region (北陸地方, Hokuriku-Chiho) in the Sea of Japan. Sado Steam Ship (Sado Kisen), an important means of transportation to Sado Island, serves its customers with Jetfoil SUISEI, the ultimate high-speed ferry with aerospace technology. No one gets dizzy aboard Jetfoil SUISEI! This article is about the drone footage of marvelous Jetfoil SUISEI of Sado Steam Ship. Can you believe such a large ship can glide through the waves so easily? You won't be able to take your eyes off wave-cutting wonder! Sado Steam Ship Is the First Option for Tourists to Sado Island! Photo:Sado Steam Ship Ryotsu Port,Scenery from the boat Sado Island is located miles away from the coastline of Niigata Prefecture (新潟県, Niigata-Ken) in the Sea of Japan. Sado Steam Ship will take you directly from Niigata Port (新潟港, Niigata-Ko) in Niigata Prefecture to Ryotsu Port in Sadogashima. In addition to Jetfoil SUISEN, Tokiwamaru and Okesamaru, 2 other ferries, are in service on this route. Jetfoil more than halves the conventional trip of 2.5 hours by car ferry to an astonishing 1 hour 5 minutes! Similarly, AKANE, another high-speed ferry of Sado Steam Ship, serves the route between Naoetsu Port (直江津港, Naoetsu-Ko) in Joetsu City (上越市, Joetsu-Shi), Niigata Prefecture and Ogi Port (小木港, Ogi-Ko) in Sadogashima. What Exactly is Jetfoil SUISEI? Photo:The Sea Jetfoil SUISEI, operated by Sado Steam Ship, started its service in 1991. Its distinct characteristic is its maximum travel speed of 80km/h. Its waterjet pump, powered by a gas turbine engine, fires high-pressure water to make it hover and propel it through the water. It is also called "Plane of the Seas" because the lift of the hydrofoils in the front and back of the hull allows it to rise to the surface of the sea and navigate at high speed. In the video, the vessel starts floating from around 2:40. Watching the clip, the high standard of Japanese technology is sure to impress you. How to Enjoy the Voyage on Jetfoil SUISEI Photo:Sotokaifu from the Sea The experience starts right when you board the boat and set sail. The footage, from 0:14, captures the embarking vessel. The cozy seats onboard will ensure that you are comfortable! For safety reasons, passengers are required to fasten their seatbelts. But, don't worry! The journey on Jetfoil SUISEI is so steady that you can even take a nap and prepare yourself for the awaiting tourism! The view from the windows is exceptional too! The panorama of the vast Sea of Japan and the height of the Osado Mountains (大佐渡山脈, Oosado Sanmyaku), including Mt. Kinpoku (金北山, Kinpoku-San) on Sado Island, is a sight to behold. Get the best possible experience by sitting in a window seat! The ferry is equipped with a toilet and a nursing room. It is kept safe with various safety devices, such as the Automatic Control Systems, an echo sounder, a hydrofoil up/down device, a radar, wireless devices, inflatable rescue rafts, life jackets and an automatic firefighting device. Summary of Jetfoil SUISEI Source :Official website Sado Steam Ship YouTube screenshot introduced Jetfoil SUISEI, operated by Sado Steam Ship of Japan. A single trip on Jetfoil SUISEI between Niigata Port and Ryotu Port will run you 6,510 Yen (~$60 USD) for adults, and 3,260 Yen for children (as of November 2019). Cheaper fares are available during events and for tourism packages. Jefoil SUISEI carries a maximum of 250 passengers. If seats are available, you can buy a ticket on the spot, but we recommend you buy in advance as crowds are expected. The latest travel news is posted on the official homepage of Sado Steam Ship. Are you all set to travel on Jetfoil SUISEI after watching the video? We hope you can enjoy the full experience of Jetfoil SUISEI during your visit to Japan! ◆About Jetfoil SUISEI◆ 【Operator】Sado Steam Ship 【Address】〒952-0014 353, Ryotsu Minato, Sado City, Niigata Prefecture 【Routes】Niigata Port – Ryotsu Port, Sado 【Travel Time】About 65 Minutes 【Details/Timetables】5 to 7 services per day. Please check the official homepage for further information. 【Admission Fee】Niigata Port – Ryotsu Port: Adult 6,510 Yen, Child 3,260 Yen (As of November 2019) 【Official Website】Sado Steam Ship https://www.sadokisen.co.jp/en 【Official Website】Sado Tourism Navigation – Welcome to Sado, an island of four-seasons and tradition https://www.visitsado.com/en/ -
Video article 3:03
Kazazuzuya, a hot spring inn in Niigata Prefecture's Shinbata City, is an absolute must-see if you are visiting Niigata for sightseeing. Enjoy the hot spring baths, which are popular among women for their beautiful skin, and local gourmet food!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 93 plays
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Video introduction of "Kazazuzuya," a hot spring inn in Niigata Prefecture's Shinbata City ここでは、「エリアワン|風鈴屋PV」という動画についてご紹介をさせて頂きます。 風鈴屋とは、新潟県月岡温泉にある情緒溢れる外観と日本ならではのおもてなしが魅力とされている旅館です。 新潟県に観光に来た際にはぜひ泊まって欲しい人気旅館となっています。 動画では、月岡温泉風鈴屋について詳しくご覧になれますので、観光を検討する前にぜひご覧下さい。 月岡温泉・風鈴屋の魅力について! 月岡温泉・美(うつくし)の湯「風鈴屋」は、新潟県新発田市にあり、『月岡ニューホテル冠月』が旅館へとなった際に改名され風鈴屋となりました。 お部屋は人数に合わせた和室・洋室の二つが用意されており好みに合わせることができます。 客室備品も充実しているので、快適な一日を送ることが出来るでしょう。 更に、部屋からの眺めは、四季によって様々な顔を見せてくれるインスタ映え必至の日本庭園。 そして足湯や日本酒バーは、風鈴屋を語る上では外せない観光施設となっています。 美の湯と称されている通り美肌効果の高い大浴場と露天風呂があり、観光で歩き回って疲れた体を癒しながら、美しさに磨きをかけることが出来る素晴らしい旅館となっています。 温泉を楽しんだ後はグルメ! 大浴場と露天風呂を十分に堪能して浴衣に身を包んだ後は、やはり食事でしょう。 夕食は、料理長が新潟の自然の恵みと新鮮な山海の旬の味覚をふんだんに盛り込んだ日本食・和食をふるまってくれます。 おすすめは月岡温泉・風鈴屋自慢の『鈴の膳』で、地元である新潟県原産の新鮮な野菜や海鮮を使用した、食の面からも新潟をとことん楽しめるコースとなっています。 他にも、飲み放題プランや日本のブランド牛である「あがの姫牛」を堪能出来るプランもあり、個人に合わせて充実した食事が出来ることでしょう。 月岡温泉風鈴屋の魅力紹介まとめ 日本の四季とグルメを堪能することが出来る旅館『月岡温泉・風鈴屋』。 日本の風情溢れる月岡温泉風鈴屋へいらしてみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 3:27
At Tokamachi Akashi Chijimi, They Make Kimonos and Yukata That Will Keep You Cool in the Summer Months. With Both High Quality Designs and the Highest Levels of Comfort, These Kimono from Niigata Prefecture Are Something to Be Admired!
Traditional Crafts- 62 plays
- YouTube
十日町明石ちぢみ紹介動画について こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「十日町明石ちぢみ」Tokamachi Akashi Chijimi Weaving/伝統工芸青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 動画で紹介されている十日町明石ちぢみは新潟県十日町市の伝統工芸文化の一つで、八丁撚糸機という特別な機械を使用して1mに4000回もの撚り(より)をかけます。 十日町明石ちぢみの特徴として、織物の表面に「しぼ」と呼ばれる凹凸があり、それによって夏でも涼しく着心地のいい素材の着物になっています。 十日町明石ちぢみの制作工程 製作の工程は以下の5手順になっています。 1, 設計 2, 染色 3, 手延べ 4, 絣巻 5, 製織 十日町明石ちぢみが伝統工芸文化と言われる特徴としては、やはり絣巻の工程で使われる八丁撚糸機です。 絣巻(かすりいと)とは、万力を使って縦絣模様をあわせながら巻き取る技法です。 この工程をスムーズにすすめるためにしっかりとした糊付けが必要ですが、手技によって行われ、職人でなければできない匠の技があります。 ここにも十日町明石ちぢみが日本の伝統工芸文化とよばれる所以があるといえます。 製織においても手作業のよる技法が多く含まれています。 平ゴムとくびりによってほぐしをおこなった経糸を柄合わせをしながら巻き取ります。 その後、湯もみをすると細い糸にかけられた強い撚りによって織物の表面が凸凹になります。これが伝統工芸文化である十日町明石ちぢみ独特の着心地を生みます。 十日町明石ちぢみの爽やかなデザインにも職人の技法がふんだんに使われており、その一つとして摺り込みという技法が挙げられます。 これは絣糸を染める技法で染料をヘラで部分的に摺り込むというものです。 何度も揉みながら繰り返し摺り込みを行い、十日町明石ちぢみ独特のデザインを生んでいます。 夏に合わせた明るいコーディネートがしやすいことや季節に合わせて着物を着ることができるので、伝統工芸文化である着物自体をもっと身近に感じてほしいという十日町明石ちぢみ職人の思いを感じます。 十日町明石ちぢみの歴史 日本で伝統工芸文化の十日町明石ちぢみが生まれたのは400年前、播州明石だったと言われています。 その後、新潟の越後縮問屋の州崎栄助に、西陣織りの業者によって研究されていた十日町明石ちぢみを西陣織りより湿度の高い十日町市で開発することが進められました。 そうして多くの過程を踏み、八丁撚糸機を利用することで伝統工芸としての十日町明石ちぢみは文化的な産業になりました。 伝統工芸文化としての課題は、十日町明石ちぢみを受け継ぐ人材は非常に少なく、多様なニーズに答えるデザインが求められています。 十日町明石ちぢみ紹介まとめ 最高級の強撚糸に伝統工芸の撚糸技術、さらには文化を受け継ぐ職人たちの様々な技法を経て最高級の着心地と最高級のデザインが生み出されています。 この素晴らしい日本の伝統工芸文化を後世へと伝えていくために、夏を涼む着物「十日町明石ちぢみ」を体験してみてください。 -
Video article 8:51
A beautiful video of Oze's skunk cabbages at their best! The video also introduces the best time and places to see skunk cabbages in Oze, famous for the song "Memories of Summer", as well as hiking courses in Oze, which straddles four prefectures, Fukushima, Niigata, Gunma, and Tochigi.
Nature Travel- 231 plays
- YouTube
Video introduction of "Skunk cabbage in Oze" taken in 2022 This video, titled "The Skunk Cabbage of Oze Marsh, 2022|A Skunk Cabbage Colony in the Shimono Ohori River" (2022 尾瀬の水芭蕉 尾瀬ヶ原 下の大堀川ミズバショウ群生地), was uploaded by "Northen Japanese Alps Nature Video." The bright landscape of Oze National Park, introduced in the nine minutes of video, is as beautiful as an impressionist painting. In the video, taken on May 29th, 2022, you can see there is some snow left on the surface of Mt. Shibutsu (至仏山, Shibutsuzan) and the majestic mountain can be seen towering against the blue sky. Fully bloomed skunk cabbages sway in the wind on the vast marshland at the foot of Mt. Shibutsu. The abundance of water in Oze National Park is also home to frogs and other creatures and you can even hear frogs, a sound you won't hear in the cities. Walking along the boardwalk of Oze Marsh (尾瀬ケ原, Ozegahara) while listening to the bubbling of the Shimono Ohori River (下ノ大堀川 Shimono Ohori River) is therapeutic. Oze, a Place Whose Beauty is Sung About in Traditional Japanese Songs Photo:Oze National Park The beauty of Oze is no secret to the people of Japan, and it has even been featured in traditional Japanese songs dating back to the 1940s. But for those of us not familiar with Oze, here's a quick introduction. Oze is a plateau that straddles the four prefectures of Fukushima, Niigata, Gunma, and Tochigi. Oze is a basin surrounded by 2000-meter-tall mountains, such as Mt.Shibutsu (至仏山, Shibtsusan), Hiuchigatake (燧ヶ岳, Hiuchigatake), Mt. Keizuru (景鶴山, Keizuruyama), and Mt. Nakahara (中原山, Nakaharayama). The marshland centering on Oze Marsh, which is said to have been formed around 10,000 years ago, was designated as Oze National Park (尾瀬国立公園 Oze Kokuritsu Koen) in 2007 and as such, the terms "Oze" and "Oze National Park" are synonymous with one another. Oze National Park is a major scenic spot that has been selected as one of the Top 100 Views of Japan. Other than the marshland of Oze Marsh, many ponds and swamps can be seen on the nearby mountainsides. After the snow melts in May, all the plants and trees bloom at once. There are boardwalks and benches as well, so visitors can enjoy a refreshing walk while taking in all of the natural scenery. The Skunk Cabbage of Oze National Park – A Treat for the Eyes Photo:Skunk cabbage Asian Skunk Cabbage is characterized by its large white petals, but these white petal-like things are not actually petals, rather, they are bracts, which are specialized leaves. Skunk Cabbage is called "Mizubasho" in Japanese (水芭蕉, lit. 'Water Banana'). The name comes from the shape of its leaves, which resemble those of the Japanese banana plant, and from the fact that it grows near water. It's a perennial plant of the arum family that grows in mountainous marshlands, and its flowers are at their best from late May to mid-June in Japan. Although bloom dates are dependent on the amount of snowfall each year, the best time to see skunk cabbage in Oze National Park is the same; late May to early June. In the first week of June especially, Oze National Park is crowded with tourists looking to see the clusters of skunk cabbage in bloom. The Nature of Oze National Park & 2 Popular Hiking Courses in the Area There are many hiking courses in Oze National Park, but the two most popular hiking courses are the Ozegahara Course and the Ozenuma Course. These two courses are recommended for first-time visitors to Oze National Park. Incidentally, the hiking course introduced in the video is the Ozegahara Course. Photo:Ozegahara ●Ozegahara Course This course circles Oze Marsh, the largest marshland on Japan's mainland. The boardwalk is well maintained, so even beginners can walk the course with ease. [Main route] Hatomachi Toge (鳩待峠, Hatomachitoge)→ Yamanohana Visitor Center (山ノ花, Yamanohana)→ Kamino - Ohori River (上ノ大堀川, Kamino Ohori Kawa)→ Ushikubi (牛首, Ushikubi)→ Miharashi (見晴, Miharashi)→ Ryugu Hut (龍宮小屋, Ryugu Goya) (Overnight stay). ※If you're visiting on a day trip, turn back at Kamino - Ohori River or Ushikubi. Ryugu Hut→ Miharashi→ Akatashiro Branch (Akadashiro Bunki)→ Yoppi Suspension Bridge (ヨッピ吊橋 Yoppi Tsuribashi)→ Ushikubi→ Yamanohana Visitor Center→ Hatomachi Toge [Video] 1:28 - Walkers on a Well-Maintained Wooden Path Photo:Oze Marsh and Hiuchigatake ●Ozenuma Course This is a hiking course around Lake Ozenuma and it's the course with the least amount of inclines and declines. Although this course can be hiked on a day trip, it's recommended that you stay overnight at a lodge. Lake Ozenuma at sunset with the stars in the night sky makes for an unforgettable experience. The Numayama Pass Observation Deck (沼山峠展望台, Numayama Toge Tenboudai) is located at the end of a conifer forest uphill from the Oze Numayama Pass bus stop. Here you can enjoy a panoramic view of Lake Ozenuma. On the first day, go to Sanpeishita (三平下) via the east bank of Lake Ozenuma. From Sanpeishita, you can see Hiuchigatake (燧ヶ岳, Hiuchigatake) and Lake Ozenuma, making it a popular vantage point. On the second day, start from the south bank of Lake Ozenuma to Numajiri (沼尻, Numajiri). Numajiri is also a beautiful place with ponds and in spring and summer, you can see pygmy water-lilies and Japanese thistle. After passing through the north bank of Oze Marsh, return to Numayama Pass. [Main route] Numayama Pass→ Ozenuma Villa (Overnight stay) Ozenuma Villa→ Numajiri→ Oze Marsh→ Numayama Pass Hotels, Hot Springs, and Where to Eat Near Oze National Park Photo:The Hatomachi Toge Rest Area The Hatomachi Toge Rest Area is located at Hatomachi Toge, the starting point of Ozegahara in Gunma Prefecture. Many tourists use this spot to prepare before hiking and to eat. The Hanamame Soft Cream ice cream is also popular. For visitors to Oze National Park, we recommend the Sky Terrace (天空テラス, Tenku Terasu) located 2,000 meters above sea level and the free Foot Bath in the Sky (天空の足湯, Tenku no Ashiyu). It takes about 15 minutes by the Nikko Shiranesan Ropeway (日光白根山 Nikko-Shirane San) to reach the summit station. Located on the border with Nikko, Tochigi, you can relax while enjoying a view of Mt. Nikko-Shirane. At Oze Katashina, a roadside station in Tone, Gunma Prefecture, visitors can enjoy direct sales of fresh highland vegetables from Katashina Village (片品村, Katashina Mura), as well as delicious meals prepared using locally grown vegetables at Katashina Diner (かたしな食堂, Katashina Shokudo)" and "Village People's Kitchen (村民キッチン, Sonmin Kicchin)." If you are considering staying near Oze National Park, Oze Hut (尾瀬小屋 Oze Koya) is another great spot we recommend. Despite the name of "hut," it's clean and has excellent facilities, such as the Oze Hut Terrace (尾瀬小屋テラス Oze Koya Terasu), which is open to outside visitors, as well as hot springs. The food is so good that it's hard to believe that it's located in the middle of Oze Marsh. How to Get To Oze National Park From Tokyo From Tokyo there are several ways to get to Oze National Park and there are also several different trailheads to enter the park from. From Tokyo, the easiest entry to the park via public transportation is the Hatomachi Toge trailhead. Tokyo Station to Oze National Park: Hatomachi Toge Trailhead From Tokyo Station, take the Joetsu Shinkansen to Jomokogen Station (1 hr. 10 mins), from Jomokogen Station, take a Kan'etsu Bus to Numata Station (25 mins), from Numata Station, take a Kan'etsu Bus to Togura Station (1 hr. 15 mins), and from Togura, once more take a Kan'etsu Bus to Hatomachi Toge (35 mins). In total it will take approximately 4 hours to reach the Hatomachi Toge trailhead from Tokyo Station. Keep in mind that this is just one route and there are many different trailheads with which to start a hike in Oze National Park. Summary of Oze National Park's Charming Skunk Cabbage Oze National Park is the largest high-altitude marshland on Japan's mainland, and straddles the four prefectures of Fukushima, Niigata, Gunma, and Tochigi. Because of its vast geographical area, you can enjoy the nature of Oze with both hiking and overnight stays. When the short summer comes, various flowers bloom in Oze National Park. From late May to June in particular, when skunk cabbages, the representative flower of Oze National Park, are in bloom, many people visit Oze National Park to see the beautiful scenery. We hope this article can help you enjoy your trip to Oze National Park. Be sure to follow the hiking courses introduced above if you visit! 【Trip Advisor】Oze Marsh -
Video article 3:11
An Art Gallery Running at 240 KM per Hour?! The Fastest Form of Art Appreciation: The Genbi Shinkansen - A Combination of Modern Art and Trains Attracting Both Art and Railway Enthusiasts
Transportation- 87 plays
- YouTube
Check Out the Introductory Video of the Genbi Shinkansen, Running Through Niigata “The ‘fun bullet train to ride’ in Niigata - Steps until its operation begins”(新潟の「のってたのしい列車」~現美新幹線・運行開始までの軌跡~) is a documentary video of the The Genbi Shinkansen. The word “Genbi” is an abbreviation of “Gendai Bijutsu (現代美術),” meaning “modern art” in Japanese. This train, limitedly operated by JR East Joetsu Shinkansen, belongs to the Niigata Shinkansen Vehicle Center. When its operation started in 2016, the Genbi Shinkansen used to run between Echigoyuzawa Station to Niigata Station only within Niigata prefecture. After 2017, however, it now runs between Niigata Station and Tokyo Station as a travel-only train. It also runs from Sendai in Fukushima to Omiyama in Saitama for a special tour. In this three-minute video, you can see the production scene of the Genbi Shinkansen until its debut. Did you know that such a beautiful train runs in Japan...? What Is the Genbi Shinkansen? A Look at Its Designs! Source :YouTube screenshot The Genbi Shinkansen in Niigata attracts the attention of many people, as it’s known as the train of the “fastest art appreciation gallery in the world.” As a train with a brand-new concept of the “moving museum,” the Genbi Shinkansen displays many modern artworks made for this bullet train. The artwork on the body of the train, which you can see at 0:40 in the video, is designed by Japanese photographer Mika Ninagawa. The inside of the train was designed and created by a lot of artists. Many artists designed and created various exteriors and interiors, which make for great photos. In 2018, the exterior design was renewed; the Genbi Shinkansen became a more attractive bullet train. As of November 2019, the Genbi Shinkansen runs as a temporary train of the bullet train “Toki (No. 451-456),” making three round trips a day, mainly on Saturdays and holidays. It operates between Echigoyuzawa Station and Niigata Station within Niigata prefecture, which takes about 50 minutes. It stops at the following five stations: Echigoyuzawa Station, Urasa Station, Nagaoka Station, Tsubamesanjo Station, and Niigata Station. The Interior of the Genbi Shinkansen! Source :YouTube screenshot As seen at 0:59 in the video, people started to work on the interior of the Genbi Shinkansen at the Niigata Shinkansen Vehicle Center in February 2016. Artists started to move their artworks into the train on the very first day. From 1:32, the video shows each interior design of the Genbi Shinkansen. The 11th car (designed by the artist Nao Matsumoto), is a reserved seat car with limited express tickets, and is designed with the concept of the “five harvests,” “festivals,” and “lights,” while the 12th car (designed by the artist Yusuke Komuta) is designed with mirrors to reflect the world through its car windows. You can also enjoy each innovative contemporary art exhibit in the 14th car (designed by the photographer Naoki Ishikawa), the 15th car (designed by the artist Haruka Kojin), and the 16th car (designed by the artist Brian Alfred). In the 13th car, there is a playing room for kids with the toy Pla-rail (designed by the artist paramodel) and a café (designed by the artist Kentaro Kobuke), where you can enjoy drinks from Tsubame Coffee by Tatsuyuki Tanaka and sweet treats of the cake shop Romi-Unie. In the café space, you can also buy some railway items, including the N-scale model railway. Please find your favorite item there. The 12th, 14th, 15th, and 16th cars have non-reserved seats where you can enjoy artworks. The Genbi Shinkansen was completed in March 2016 and its departure ceremony was celebrated on April 29, 2016, as you can see at 1:55 in the video. Summary of the Genbi Shinkansen Source :YouTube screenshot The Genbi Shinkansen, operated as Joetsu Shinkansen’s joyful train, runs at a top speed of 240 kilometers per hour. So we can definitely call it the "fastest art museum in the world." When you travel to Niigata or Sendai, please try out the Genbi Shinkansen. For more information please take a look at the official website of JR East; You can see its schedule, fares, reservations, operation days, operation routes, connections, and so on. At 2:33 in this video, you can see a colorful Shinkansen running through the nature of Japan. I know the beautiful design makes me want to take a ride at least once. 【Official Website】The Genbi Shinkansen: The fun bullet train to ride (JR East Niigata Branch) https://www.jreast.co.jp/e/destinations/niigata_sado.html -
Video article 4:54
Takada Joshi Park – One of Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan! Check Out the Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom, the Cherry Blossom Blizzards, and the Nighttime Cherry Blossoms of Niigata Prefecture via Video!
Nature Travel Art & Architecture- 65 plays
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Cherry Blossoms at Takada Castle Site Park: Video Introduction This video, titled "Cherry Blossoms at Takada Castle Site Park|One of the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossoms Spots in Japan|Breathtaking Cherry Blossom Blizzards and Nighttime Cherry Blossom Viewing" (【日本三大夜桜 高田城址公園の桜 圧巻の桜吹雪と夜桜 - Takada Castle Cherry Blossoms 2022 in full bloom - (BMPCC6K)), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." Takada Castle Site Park is located in Joetsu, Niigata, in Japan's Koshin'etsu Region. This video was taken on April 12th, 2022, when the cherry blossoms were blooming beautifully. The flowers had fully bloomed just two days before the shooting! The contrast between the blue sky and pink and white flowers is simply magical. The cherry blossom blizzard is a view that will definitely catch your eye! The illuminated cherry blossoms here are so beautiful that it they have been chosen as one of the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the lovely cherry blossoms of Takada Castle Site Park! What Is Takada Castle Site Park Like? Photo:Takada Castle Site Park, Joetsu, Niigata Takada Castle was built in 1614 by Matsudaira Tadateru, the sixth son of Tokugawa Ieyasu. The castle was built with a moat that utilized the river surrounding it. The castle was built in the Edo Period over the span of four months by order of the shogunate. In 1871, the castle was abandoned and converted into an army garrison. In 1908, the earthen mounds of the Ninomaru and Sanomaru (2nd and 3rd baileys) were removed and part of the moat was filled in. The moat and the restored three-story turret of Takada Castle are reminders of the castle's former glory. Today, the ruins of Takada Castle are maintained as Takada Castle Site Park, and the entire area is designated as a historic site by Niigata Prefecture. Takada Castle Site Park has many facilities, including the Takada Library, a history museum, athletic fields, and even a baseball field. Many citizens visit here because they can use both cultural and sports facilities. With a grass plaza and a promenade around the outer moat, visitors who take a stroll can enjoy the scenery of Japan's four seasons here. Festivals, Cherry Blossom Illuminations, and More! Everything to See at the Takada Castle Site Park Cherry Blossom Viewing Party Photo:Takada Castle Site Park illuminated, Joetsu, Niigata The Takada Castle Site Park Cherry Blossom Viewing Party is one of the biggest events of spring in Joetsu, Niigata. During the festival, the cherry blossoms are at their peak! Trees will be lit up from dusk till 9:00 P.M. In the year 1090 AD, approximately 2,200 cherry trees were planted here by local military personnel. In 1917, citizens were allowed to visit the area for leisure, and in 1926, the event was advertised nationwide and the first cherry blossom viewing party was held. Today, around 4,000 cherry trees bloom around Takada Castle Site Park. Most of them are Someiyoshino cherries, and from the beginning of the video, you can see a beautiful cherry blossom blizzard like a scene from a movie. The reflection of the blue skies and snow-covered Mt. Myoko on the surface of the moat is truly incredible. [Video] 0:59 - Cherry Blossoms and a Snow-covered Mt. Myoko As we mentioned, Takada Castle Site Park is so famous for its nighttime cherry blossoms that it was chosen as one of the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan. The three-story turret of Takada Castle is illuminated, and the illuminated cherry blossoms reflected on the dark surface of the moat creates a mystical scene. [Video] 3:00 - The Illuminated Turret and Cherry Blossoms at Takada Castle If you visit Sakura Road, you can pass through a tunnel of cherry blossoms. Sakura Road is illuminated at night, allowing visitors to take impressive photos, both during the day, and at night. When do Cherry Blossoms Bloom at Takada Castle Site Park? Photo:The Takada Castle Site Park Cherry Blossom Viewing Party, Joetsu, Niigata The cherry blossoms are usually at their best at the beginning of April each year. On April 10, 2022, two days before the video was filmed, the cherry blossoms in Takada Castle Ruins Park were in full bloom, and a beautiful cherry blossom blizzard was observed during the shooting.However, in 2023, cherry blossoms were in full bloom at the end of March, which is earlier than usual. [Video] 0:00 - A Cherry Blossom Blizzard and the Three-story Turret of Takada Castle The Takada Castle Ruins Park Kanzakura-kai, which will be held in accordance with the cherry blossom season, is scheduled from March 29th to April 14th, 2024.The contents of the event during the period will be announced as soon as it is decided, so please check the website of the Joetsu Tourist Convention Association before going out. Summer at Takada Castle Site Park – Beautiful Lotuses In summer, the outer moat of Takada Castle Site Park will be filled with lotuses. At the beginning of the Meiji Period (1868-1912 AD), people grew lotus roots to rebuilt the economy of the Takada Domain. This eventually led to the lovely views of lotuses we see today. The outer moat of Takada Castle was built using the nearby Sekikawa River (関川, Sekikawa). Although the eastern side has been filled in, it is still as large as approximately four Tokyo Domes. Every year, from the end of July to the middle of August, green leaves fill all the surface of this moat, while pink flowers bloom atop them. The scale and beauty of the blooms is said to be the best in the East. Lotus flowers tend to open at dawn or early morning and close around noon. To see the lotus flowers in full bloom, we recommend visiting early in the morning. A Brief Introduction to Niigata, Japan Niigata Prefecture is the fifth largest prefecture in Japan and is divided into three regions: Joetsu, Chuetsu, and Kaetsu (Upper, Middle, and Lower Niigata). With a population of nearly 2.2 million, it's the 15th most populated city in Japan. Niigata is known for its beautiful rice fields which yield delicious rice and make for great sake. Situated along the coast of the Sea of Japan, it also has delicious seafood. Additionally, Niigata is one of the snowiest regions of Japan, which make it a great place to enjoy skiing and snowboarding, but it's also known for its summer festivals, such as the Niigata Festival, which features dancing, parades, portable shrines, fireworks, and more. Summary of Takada Castle Site Park's Cherry Blossoms Photo:Cherry blossoms illuminated in Takada Castle Site Park, Joetsu, Niigata A collaboration of approximately 4,000 cherry trees, historical sites, stunning views of cherry blossoms and Mt. Myoko, and a beautiful tunnel of cherry blossoms at night. The cherry blossoms at Takada Castle Site Park are nothing short of spectacular. Most of the cherry trees at Takada Castle Site Park are Someiyoshino cherries, but the large weeping cherry tree at the end of Sakura Road is a must-see. During the Takada Castle Site Park Cherry Blossom Viewing Party, many stalls and vendors are set up around the area and the park can become quite crowded. This is a major event at a famous sightseeing spot, but there are some restrictions in place to prevent the spread of infectious disease. Be sure to research them before you go. ◆Takada Castle Site Park◆ [Address] 44-1, Motoshiro-cho, Joetsu-shi, Niigata [Access] Train: Approximately 15 minutes on foot from Takada Station on the Echigo Tokimeki Railway's Myoko Haneuma Line Bus: Approximately 1 minute on foot from Takada Joshi Koen Iriguchi (高田城址公園入口) by Kubikino Bus [Closures] None [Admission Fee] Free [Parking] Available (Prices vary by parking lot) 【Official Website】Takada Castle Site Park 【TripAdvisor】Takada Castle Site Park -
Video article 4:06
Walk Through Beautiful Tunnels of Illuminated Cherry Blossoms at Ueno Park, Hirosaki Park, and Takada Park, the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots of Japan!
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Nighttime Cherry Blossom Viewing at Ueno Park, Hirosaki Park, and Takada Park This video, titled "4K Japan's Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots|Ueno Park|Hirosaki Park|Takada Park|Famous Nighttime Cherry Blossom Locations|Sakura|Hanami|Cherry Blossom Evening" (4K 日本三大夜桜 上野公園 弘前公園 高田公園 Top3 Night cherry Blossom 夜桜の名所 sakura hanami 花見 Cherry blossom evening), was uploaded by "Discover Nippon." The video features plenty of beautiful 4K images showing the fantastic scenery of Ueno Park, Hirosaki Park, and Takada Park, which are known as the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan. This article provides sightseeing information on the nighttime cherry blossom events in Ueno Park, Hirosaki Park, and Takada Park. First, be sure to check out the video to enjoy the fantastic views of the beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom. After seeing this you'll definitely want to visit these spots in person! Cherry Blossom Viewing at Tokyo's Ueno Park Photo:Cherry blossoms at night in Ueno Park, Taito, Tokyo Ueno Park, introduced at 0:19 in the video, is located in Taito, Tokyo, and is the first urban park in Japan, making it a place with a long history. Officially named "Ueno Onshi Park," Ueno Park has been selected as one of the "Top 100 Historical Parks in Japan" and is also home to Ueno Zoo, museums, and art galleries, and cafes such as Starbucks. The park has also been selected as one of "Japan's Top 100 Cherry Blossom Spots" and attracts a total of nearly 3.3 million visitors during the cherry blossom viewing season when all sorts of vendors and food stalls line its paths. In Ueno Park, there are approximately 800 cherry trees of 50 species, and visitors can enjoy cherry blossom viewing for around two full months. The most popular cherry blossom viewing spots are Sakura-dori (さくら通り), Shinobazu Pond (不忍池), and Kiyomizu Kannon-do Temple, an Important Cultural Property. The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in Ueno Park will be held from March 17 to April 9, 2024. During the festival, 800 "bonbori" (Japanese paper lamps) will be lit to create a fantastic illuminated scene. Ueno Park is just a two-minute walk from Ueno Station on all lines, and a one-minute walk from Keisei Ueno Station off the Keisei Main Line. Cherry Blossom Viewing at Aomori's Hirosaki Park Photo:Cherry blossoms at night at Hirosaki Park, Hirosaki, Aomori Hirosaki Park, located in Hirosaki, Aomori, is introduced at 3:02 in the video. The highlights of Hirosaki Park include Hirosaki Castle's castle tower and the three turrets, which have been designated as Important Cultural Properties by the government of Japan. Hirosaki Park has some 2,600 cherry trees of 52 varieties that bloom each year. The most famous cherry tree is the weeping weeping cherry, which was planted in 1914. The Hirosaki Sakura Festival, where you can enjoy cherry blossoms at night, is held from April 19th to May 5th, 2024. There is also a reservation-only "cherry blossom viewing party," which is popular because it allows visitors to enjoy Tsugaru's local cuisine while viewing the cherry blossoms. It's a 20-minute walk from JR Hirosaki Station, and there is a parking lot nearby. Cherry Blossom Viewing at Takada Park in Niigata Photo:Cherry blossoms at night at Takada Castle Site Park, Joetsu, Niigata At 5:19 in the video, Takada Park is introduced. As of April 1, 2020, the name of this park was changed to "Takada Castle Site Park" (高田城址公園). Takada Castle Site Park (Takada Park) in Joetsu, Niigata, is a large 124-acre park that includes the restored three-story turret of Takada Castle, the Municipal Museum (renovated into a Museum of History), and sports facilities. You can also check out live cameras of Takada Castle Site Park on the "Gurutto Shinetsu" (ぐるっと信越, ※Japanese only) website. In addition to cherry blossoms, the park is also famous for its beautiful lotus flowers. "Takada Castle Million-man Viewing Party" (高田城百万人観桜会) , where you can enjoy cherry blossoms at night, will be held from March 29th to April 14th, 2024.Various events will also be held, including fireworks to color the opening, stage events and photo contests. To get to Takada Castle Site Park, it is a 10-minute drive from Joetsu Myoko Station off the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line. A parking lot is available. Summary of the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots of Japan! This video introduces the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots of Japan. Enjoy the spectacular nighttime views of cherry blossoms lit up and glowing beautiful shades of pink. Be sure to check out these locations during the next cherry blossom season! 【Official Website】Ueno Park/Ueno Onshi Park Official Website - Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Bureau of Construction https://www.kensetsu.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/jimusho/toubuk/ueno/en_index.html 【Official Website】Hirosaki Park https://www.hirosakipark.jp/en/