Video article 7:28
Hyogo Prefecture Is a Fascinating Tourist Destination With Plenty of Delicious Food, Beautiful Scenery, Rich History, and Natural Landscapes!
Local PR Travel- 135 plays
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人気観光スポット兵庫県紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Hyogo Tourism」が公開した「HYOGO Landscape」です。 兵庫県は関空から約80分(神戸・三宮駅まで)、新幹線の駅もある便利な観光地です。 兵庫県の観光といえば神戸が有名ですが、他の地域も風景、自然、歴史が豊かで観光名所やグルメもたくさん! 日本のいいものが丸ごと詰まった、どの季節でも楽しめる兵庫県の観光名所をご紹介します。 兵庫県の人気観光スポット「神戸・阪神」 兵庫県の中心地。神戸は明治時代に外国人居留区になり、外国人と共存する文化が根付いています。 ぜひ本場の神戸ビーフや灘五郷(神戸~西宮)の搾りたて原酒など、グルメを楽しんで頂きたい場所です。 神戸は日本一紅茶の消費量が多く、多くのカフェがあります。 旧居留地のハイソなカフェから元町の隠れ家カフェまでバラエティ豊かなカフェ文化をお楽しみ下さい。 北野坂は洋館が有名ですがモスクや教会もぜひ。 有馬温泉は鉄分を含む「金泉」と透明な「銀泉」が楽しめる癒しスポット。 六甲山から望む夜景、西宮浜と芦屋浜ヨットハーバーなど風景を楽しめる場所も。 北野坂には各国料理、スイーツなどグルメも多数あります。スイーツ店の午後は混むので時間帯にご注意を! 兵庫県の人気観光スポット「播磨」 日本の歴史的観光スポットと言えば京都が有名ですが、兵庫県播磨地区は歴史上重要な施設がたくさんあります。 播磨は広いので列車やバスを乗り継ぐ旅になりますが、比較的観光客も少なく存分に「日本」の風景が味わえます。 昭和レトロな町並みも必見!リアルな日本の地方都市を観光できます。 兵庫県の人気観光スポット「姫路城」 第二次世界大戦の戦火を逃れた貴重な日本城。 国宝・世界遺産。漆喰の白が特徴で「白鷺城」と呼ばれています。 周辺の城下町の風景も必見! 兵庫県の人気観光スポット「但馬」 兵庫県北部で日本海に面し、雪が多い地域です。 海に山に大自然が溢れ、自然体験ツアーが豊富。 日本の自然を観光したい方にお勧めの地域です。 夏はシーカヤック、冬はスキーなどが満喫でき、雄大な風景に癒されます。 豊岡市では特別天然記念物コウノトリの屋外繁殖に成功し、繁殖期になるとコウノトリ専用の人工塔で子育てする風景が楽しめます。 城之崎温泉は但馬を代表する癒しスポット。 豊岡かばん、柳細工など一世を風靡した工芸品も多数あります。 風景を楽しむならぜひ山陰海岸ジオパークや氷ノ山へ。 グルメが豊富で松葉かに、出石そば、赤花そば、床瀬そば、但馬牛などが楽しめます。 但馬牛の最高級品が神戸牛で、但馬牛は比較的リーズナブル価格です。 兵庫県の人気観光スポット「丹波」 兵庫県と京都府をまたぐ山間部で、農産物で有名です。 丹波は「土」と縁が深い地域です。 立杭には陶器の丹波焼の窯が多数並び、恐竜の骨が発掘された丹波竜の里公園は男の子も楽しめます。 農作物はどれも瑞々しく、お土産にもお勧めです。 篠山は古民家が点在し、巡るだけでも楽しい場所です。 丹波はアクセスが便利な地域なのに日本の里山の風景を体感できる隠れた名所です。 でかんしょ踊り、黒井城跡、篠山城跡、紅葉寺で有名な石上寺など歴史を触れる旅がお薦めです。 陶器好きな方はぜひ立杭陶の郷で名品を探してみましょう。 丹波の黒豆(黒枝豆)、丹波栗など農作物、松茸、ぼたん鍋(冬季)など、四季を通してグルメが豊富です。 兵庫県の人気観光スポット「淡路」 兵庫県、そして日本最大の島、淡路島は日本のふるさと。 古事記の国産み神話の舞台を体感できる観光スポットです。 明石海峡大橋を通って気楽に観光できます。 最近は自転車で淡路一周する「あわいち」が有名で兵庫県を代表するサイクリングスポットに。 道中は急坂や危険な場所が多いので初心者は明石港からフェリー(ジェノバライン)経由で西側だけ走るのをお勧めします。 伊弉諾神社を始め、淡路浄瑠璃、洲本城など歴史豊かな観光地です。 風景も素晴らしく、鳴門のうずしお、花桟敷、夢舞台、神立岩、灘黒岩水仙郷(期間限定)など多数点在します。 淡路たまねぎ、しらす丼、淡路バーガーなど手軽なB級グルメも豊富。 遊び疲れたら洲本温泉で癒されましょう。 兵庫県の人気観光スポット紹介まとめ こんなにも魅力たっぷりな兵庫県。 きっとあなたのお気に入りのスポットが見つかるはず。 是非一度兵庫県に足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 1:39
Baikamo – Flowers That Bloom Only in the Clearest Water. Beautiful Underwater Images of the Summertime Flower
Nature Travel- 164 plays
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Baikamo Blooming on the Takimi River in Hyogo Prefecture: Video Introduction This video, titled "Baikamo|A Flower Only Found in Japan [Shinonsen] 4K" (バイカモ 日本固有種 【新温泉町】4k), was uploaded by "e production.com" (e映像制作.com). Have you ever heard of the plant baikamo? In this article, we'll introduce an underwater flower that blooms in the Takimi River in Shinonsen, Hyogo. Be sure to check out the video to see the beautiful baikamo blooming in the clear stream. Baikamo – A Look at the Flower Blooming on the Takimi River in Hyogo, Japan Source :YouTube screenshot From the beginning of the video, you can see baikamo growing as birds chirp and the gentle sound of the river plays in the background. The video is very striking, as if it were shot from a bird's eye view. The location shown in the video is Baikamo Park. There are not many areas in Japan where baikamo can be found in such abundance. Baikamo is a plant that grows in tall mountains where the water is very cold, so it's rare to see it growing in clusters. Unfortunately, the baikamo colony on the Takimi River began to shrink in size around 2017, and as of 2022, not many baikamo can be seen anymore. Baikamo, a Flower that Blooms Under Water Photo:Baikamo Baikamo is a species endemic to Japan. The baikamo, which blooms along the Takimi River in Shinonsen, belongs to the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, and has the scientific name of Ranunculus Kazusensis Makino. In floriography (the language of flowers) its meaning is "Happiness will come." Just as the language of flowers suggests, the small, pretty flowers blooming on the surface of the water make people happy just by looking at them. There is also a type of baikamo called ginkgo baikamo, which can be seen in some areas of Japan. This flower blooms from early summer to early fall, with white flowers 1-2 cm in diameter. The flowers resemble plum blossoms, and because of this, baikamo is often written with the kanji 梅花藻 (梅, Bai "Plum"; 花 ka "Flower"; 藻 mo "Algae"). It's a perennial flower that grows underwater and is characterized by its evergreen nature. It is also edible as a wild plant. Where Can Baikamo Be Found in Japan? Photo:The Jizo River, Awai, Shiga The baikamo featured in this video can be seen in Japan's Kinki region, such as the Jizo River in Awai, Shiga, and Kamikawa, Hyogo. Other locations include Echizen, Fukui; Mishima Baikamo Park (三島梅花藻公園), Shizuoka; Chokeiji Temple (長慶寺) in Tsuru, Yamanashi; and the Shimizu River in Konan, Fukushima. There is also a baikamo colony in Eniwa, Hokkaido. Summary of Baikamo, an Aquatic Plant That Blooms Only in Clear Streams Baikamo is an aquatic plant that blooms only in clear streams rich in nature. It's a pity that the number of baikamo has been decreasing due to various climate and environmental changes. However, there is good news from the Shimizu River in Tamba, Hyogo. The number of baikamo had been rapidly decreasing due to the decrease in water flow caused by the proliferation of weeds, but thanks to preservation activities by local residents, the baikamo population has been restored. It would be nice to see baikamo blooming beautifully again in the Takimi River like in the video. 【TripAdvisor】Baikamo Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121310-d8368832-Reviews-Baikamo_Park-Shinonsen_cho_Mikata_gun_Hyogo_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 5:00
Beautiful Natural Scenery, Hot Springs, and Delicious Food in Hyogo Prefecture. A Look at the Wonderful Attractions of Tajima!
Local PR Travel- 261 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Tajima in Hyogo Prefecture This aerial video, titled “Tajima Sightseeing Promotion Aerial Walk- Tajima Sky Road(但馬観光プロモーション空中散歩~但馬空ノ道~)” was created by “e Video production.com.” There are a lot of tourist attractions where you can enjoy the beautiful landscape of Japan in the Hyogo area. Let's take a look at some of the recommended locations, activities, and food! This video is taken by drone, making it feel as if a stork is introducing Tajima. We hope you enjoy it! Refreshing Tourist Destinations in Tajima ©rikky_photography Modifying The most famous spot in the Tajima are is without a doubt the Takeda Castle Ruins (竹田城,Takedajou), located in Asago city. The castle is called "The Castle in the Sky" and many people come here to see fantastical scenery. The beautiful scenery is shown at the beginning of the video. We recommend stopping by Mikobata Senkoujo in Asago city. Amarube Viaduct (余部橋脚, Amarubekyoukyaku) “Sora-no-Eki” was built in the Meiji era (1868-1912) and it was used as a JR Sanin Main Line train station for about a century. Looking at the Sea of Japan from the Amarube Viaduct makes for a refreshing experience. Tourist Attractions in Tajima Photo:Stork Yabu city in Hyogo prefecture was selected as a National Strategic Special Zone, and is a center for agricultural reform. There are many rice paddies in the Tajima area, such as Bekku in Yabu city; the natural scenery here is breathtaking. In the spring, you can enjoy cherry blossom at Tarumi-no-Ozakura and the Tajima tulip festival. In fall, the leaves of the enkianthus perulati of Ankoku Temple (安国寺, Ankokuji) change to a deep red. In winter, you can enjoy winter sports in Kannabe. There are other popular tourist destinations, such as Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork, which reintroduces stork to the area, and Kamiyama Plateau, where you can enjoy outdoor leisure activities. The beautiful and seasonal views of tourist attractions in the Tajima area is introduced from 3:19 in the video. Enjoy the Geopark, and the Local Cuisine of Tajima! The Japan Sea coast in Hyogo prefecture is listed as a Global Geopark, and the natural scenery of the mountains and of the sea is truly a sight to behold. We highly recommend sea kayaking at Sanin Geopark. We recommend trying Tajima beef and queen crab, both of which are raised free range. These foods can be seen at 4:34 in the video. Izushi city is called " The Little Kyoto of Tajima." There is a local specialty here called Izushi Sara Soba, served in small portions on tiny dishes. Relaxing in Tajima Photo:Kinosaki Onsen There are places where you can relax in the Tajima area, such as Kinosaki Onsen. This hot spring is 1,300 years old, and you can enjoy a hot spring tour while wearing a yukata. Staying at a hotel at Yumura Onsen, a well-kept-secret in the Tajima area, and enjoying a relaxing overnight stay, is another great way to enjoy your trip. Summary of Tajima There are lot of hidden gems in the Tajima area, north of Hyogo prefecture. The 5-minute-long video is full of the charm of the Tajima area. Be sure to check it out! Enjoy delicious food and beautiful natural scenery in Tajima. Are you packing your bags yet? 【Official website】Kobe City Hall https://web.pref.hyogo.lg.jp/fl/index.html