Festivals & Events
Video article 4:30
Enjoy the Gorgeous Floats and Beautiful Fireworks at the Chichibu Night Festival in Chichibu, Saitama! The More Than 300 Year Old Festival, Which Has Been Registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Site, Is One of the Three Major Hikiyama Festivals of Japan
Festivals & Events- 37 plays
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埼玉県秩父市の秩父夜祭り紹介動画について こちらの動画は「AQUA Geo Graphic」が公開した「[ 4K Ultra HD ]秩父夜祭り 2016 Chichibu Night Festival ‘Chichibu Yomatsuri’ (3-axis gimbal stabilizer)」です。 日本らしい景観が楽しめるお祭りを探している方はいませんか? そのような方に、迫力のある花火や美しい山車を楽しめる秩父夜祭りを紹介したいと思います。 豪華な屋台(山車)や花火を楽しめる埼玉県秩父市の秩父夜祭りとは ユネスコ無形文化遺産に登録されている埼玉県秩父市の秩父夜祭りは、提灯をともした綺麗な屋台曳き回しと、壮大な花火を楽しめるお祭りです。 国指定重要無形民俗文化財に登録されている京都の祇園祭と飛騨の高山祭とともに、日本三大曳山祭や日本三大美祭と呼ばれています。 秩父夜祭りは埼玉県秩父市にある秩父神社の例大祭。 秩父の神様に感謝の意味を込めてお祭りが行われます。 夜になると屋台(山車)の提灯と花火の幻想的な景色を楽しめる、素晴らしいお祭りです。 豪華な屋台(山車)や花火を楽しめる埼玉県秩父市の秩父夜祭りの歴史 豪華絢爛な屋台と笠鉾が特徴の秩父夜祭りは、江戸時代に秩父地方の特産物であった絹の大市が発展した祭りと言われています。 江戸時代の寛文年間には秩父夜祭りが開催されていた記録が残っています。 現在は、毎年12月2日と3日のスケジュールで開催され、とても人気のあるお祭りになっています。 豪華な屋台や花火を楽しめる埼玉県秩父市の秩父夜祭りの魅力を紹介 豪華な屋台や花火を楽しめる秩父夜祭りは、日本の祭りを楽しみたい方にピッタリの祭りです。 埼玉県秩父市の秩父夜祭りは、夜になると屋台に乗っている提灯が美しく灯され、見入ってしまう光景が広がります。 豪華な花火も打ち上げられるので色とりどりの景色を楽しむことができます。 秩父夜祭り紹介まとめ 日本らしいお祭りを楽しみたい方にぴったりの秩父夜祭り。 気になった方はぜひ訪れてみてください! -
Video article 2:13
The highlight of Nagatoro Funadama Festival, a summer festival in Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture, is the Mantoro Boat Festival, lantern floating, and fireworks display! Make the best memories of summer!
Festivals & Events- 82 plays
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埼玉県秩父の伝統的な夏祭り「長瀞船玉まつり」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「公式チャンネルさいたまつり」が公開した「長瀞船玉まつり 2018 【4K】さいたまつり」です。 埼玉の「長瀞(ながとろ)船玉まつり」をご存知でしょうか? 観光名所・埼玉県秩父郡で行われている夏祭りで、こちらの動画ではその様子を美しい4Kの高画質映像でご覧になることができます。 長瀞船玉まつりとは? 夏の風物詩とも言われる日本の花火は年々進化しており、長瀞船玉まつりでも豪華な花火大会が催されます。 街の人総出で行われる祭りの準備様子は、活気に溢れています。 長瀞船玉まつりの歴史 「長瀞船玉まつり」の歴史は長く、昔荒川の周遊船の船頭が、船下りの際に水上の安全を祈願し、水神様を祀ったことが起源とされています。 この周遊船は現在も船頭さんたちによって運営されています。 長瀞船玉まつりの目玉!荒川に映る日本伝統の灯火 「長瀞船玉まつり」はまず、「万灯船」の運航から始まります。 18時になると水上安全修ばつ祭と呼ばれる神事が行われます。 そしてその後18時すぎには、およそ1,000基もの灯籠が流され、美しい光の川を生み出します。 19時すぎには花火大会がスタート! ここで観衆の高揚はピークに達します。 万灯船、灯籠流し、そして仕掛け花火やスターマインの光が、日本埼玉の美しい景勝地を美しく色付けます。 長瀞船玉まつりの紹介まとめ 「長瀞船玉まつり 2018 【4K】さいたまつり」は、日本の文化を肌で感じられる「長瀞船玉まつり」を美しい映像で紹介してくれています。 祭りの準備の熱気や、夜に映し出される美しい光景を感じられる動画になっているので、長瀞の景勝地観光に興味のある人は是非ご覧ください。 日本の伝統ある文化に触れたい方は、ぜひこの機会に長瀞へ行ってみましょう! -
Video article 24:56
Blue Impulse's Impressive Acrobatics Are Sure to Impress! Japan's Aerobatic Team, Which Draws Loud Cheers From the Crowd, Is a World-Class Entertainment of Japan!
Festivals & Events- 53 plays
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国内外問わず注目を集めている日本のブルーインパルス ブルーインパルスとは、日本の航空自衛隊に所属をしている曲技飛行隊(アクロバット飛行チーム)を指す愛称です。 統率の取れた飛行機が織りなすアクロバット飛行の数々は、人々の目を惹きつけ、今では日本でも屈指のイベントとして人気を集めています。 今回紹介をさせて頂いている動画は、日本の入間基地で行われた『入間基地航空祭』でのブルーインパルスの演技です。 ブルーインパルスの主なプログラム 動画の5:00のアクロバットはダイヤモンド・テイクオフと呼ばれるもので、ダイヤモンドの形のまま4機の飛行機が離陸をします。 そして、動画の9:08は、レインフォールと呼ばれるもので、垂直に降下した5機の飛行機がそれぞれの方向へと開花するアクロバット飛行となります。 次に、動画の13:10からご覧になれるのがフォー・シップ・インバートと呼ばれる、4機の飛行機全機が180度回転してからの、背面飛行を行う飛行です。 そして13:38からはブルーインパルスから出されているスモークによって空に描かれる絵の数々を見ることができます。 空に描かれる大きなハートとスターは、それだけでロマンがあります。 最後は、動画の22:12でご覧になれる、2機の飛行機がすれすれで交差する、スリル満点のタッククロスとなっています。 入間基地航空祭とブルーインパルスまとめ 入間基地航空祭ではブルーインパルス以外にも、多くの展示機を見ることが出来ます。 基本的には11月3日、日本では文化の日となっているので、多くの人が参加しやすい日取りとなっています。 航空ショーでは、オープニングフライトでの曲技飛行は勿論のこと、降下展示での落下傘降下も見ごたえがあるものとなっており、一度見れば思い出になること間違い無しでしょう。 日本のみならず、世界でも高い評価を受けているブルーインパルスの展示飛行を見ることが出来る機会の一つである入間基地航空祭。 ブルーインパルスに興味を持たれた方は、ぜひ展示飛行のスケジュールを確認して、足を運んで見てはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 3:28
Introducing the National Udon Summit in Kumagaya, an Event That Brings Together Unique Local Udon From All Over Japan. Which Udon Won the Grand Prize in 2018?!
Food & Drink Festivals & Events- 17 plays
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This video, titled "[Tentative title] The 8th National Udon Summit in Kumagaya 2018" (【仮題】第8回 全国ご当地うどんサミット in 熊谷 2018), was released by "National Udon Summit in Kumagaya" (全国ご当地うどんサミット in 熊谷). This video shows the 8th National Udon Summit in Kumagaya, that took place in 2018. Thirty-two restaurants from Hokkaido to Kyushu participated in the event and 120,000 people visited the event over two days. Visitors were able to compare unique local udon dishes and vote for their favorite participating restaurant. 2018's grand prize went to "Kumagai Udon" from Saitama Prefecture. The video introduces 32 different types of "local udon" that vary in shape, color, and soup stock depending on the region. We hope you'll take a look at the excitement of the event! -
Video article 3:49
Discover More Than 5 Million Spider Lilies at the "Red Spider Lily Festival" at Kinchakuda in Hidaka, Saitama, One of the Largest Blooming Areas in Japan! The Sea of Red Will Take Your Breath Away
Nature Festivals & Events- 113 plays
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Introduction of video clips to enjoy the "Manjushage Festival" in Hidaka City, Saitama Prefecture This video, titled "[4k] Lycoris (red spider lily) at Kinchakuda, Saitama|Red Spider Lily Festival (Higanbana) Japan Flower garden" ([4k]巾着田の曼珠沙華(彼岸花)埼玉、Lycoris(red spider lily) in Kinchakuda 曼珠沙華まつり ヒガンバナJapan Flower garden), was released by "Discover Nippon." The video introduces the "Red Spider Lily Festival" (曼珠沙華まつり, Manju-shage Matsuri) held in Hidaka, Saitama, when red spider lilies are in bloom. The Red Spider Lily Festival, held every year from mid-September to early October at Kinchakuda Manjushage Park in Hidaka, Saitama, is an event to admire the beautifully blooming spider lilies in Kinchakuda Manjushage Park. In this article, we'll introduce tourist information, such as transportation access and the best time to see the Red Spider Lily Festival. From 0:46 in the video, you can see the greatest display of red spider lilies in Japan. The sight of so many beautiful spider lilies blooming in one location is truly breathtaking. Kinchakuda, A Famous Sightseeing Location for Flowers in Saitama Prefecture Photo:Red spider lilies at Kinchakuda, Saitama Prefecture Kinchakuda, located in Hidaka, Saitama, in Japan's Kanto region, is a flat land spanning roughly 54 acres, the equivalent of about 4.7 Tokyo Domes. The Komagawa River also crosses through this area. Kinchakuda is also popular as a tourist destination where visitors can observe rape blossoms in spring and spider lilies and cosmos in autumn. The red spider lilies of Kinchakuda creates one of the largest blooming areas in Japan with approximately 5 million flowers, and around 300,000 visitors when the flowers are in bloom. Access to Kinchakuda Manjushage Park are, if coming by train, about a 15-minute walk from Koma Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line. There is a paid parking lot available as well, but the surrounding roads can be quite crowded when the spider lilies are in bloom, so we highly recommend visiting the park by train. The Red Spider Lily Festival of Hidaka, Saitama, One of the Largest Red Spider Lily Displays in Japan Photo:Red spider lilies at Kinchakuda, Saitama Prefecture The “Manjushage Festival” is usually held from around mid-September to early October, although the period varies depending on the blooming conditions. In 2024, the festival will be held from September 18 to October 2. During the festival, local gourmet foods and specialty products will be sold, and a chestnut festival will be held with events such as catching chestnuts. Admission to the venue, Kinchida Manjushage Park, is 500 yen. The scenery of higanbana blooming all around as far as the eye can see is introduced at 0:27 in the video. The largest cluster of higanbana in Japan awaits you. Summary of the Red Spider Lily Festival at Kinchakuda in Hidaka, Saitama Photo:Red spider lilies at Kinchakuda, Saitama Prefecture This video introduces the best spider lily blooming area in Japan. The images in the video are incredibly beautiful, so please enjoy the scenery of Kinchakuda, a famous place of flowers in Japan. In this article, we introduced tourist information, including transportation access and dates for the Red Spider Lily Festival of Saitama Prefecture. We hope this article has you interested in seeing the beautiful natural scenery of Saitama! 【Tripadvisor】Kinchakuda Manjushage Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021408-d1367853-Reviews-Kinchakuda_Manjushage_Park-Hidaka_Saitama_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:24
Chichibu, Chichibu County, Saitama Prefecture, “Ashigakubo no Hyobashira” (Ice Pillars of Ashigakubo) is the highlight event of winter sightseeing in Chichibu! Watch the video to see the highlights!
Nature Travel Festivals & Events- 77 plays
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The Ashigakubo Icicles: Video Introduction This video, titled "A Spectacular View [Ashigakubo Icicles] Light-up|A Top 3 Icicle Spot in Chichibu" (絶景「あしがくぼの氷柱」ライトアップ / 秩父三大氷柱2021), was uploaded by "Deep Channel / Shigeo Fukagawa" (Deepちゃんねる / 深川栄生). The Ashigakubo Icicles are generally open to the public from early January to late February in the town of Yokoze in Chichibu, Saitama, in Japan's Kanto Region, and are known as one of the top 3 icicle spots in Chichibu. At night on weekends, the icicles are lit up, attracting many tourists from all over Japan to see the fantastic sight of the icicles changing colors in the darkness. The icicles are just a 10-minute walk from Ashigakubo Station on the Seibu Railway line, making it an easily accessible spot for tourists to stop by. You can even take pictures of the icicles with the Seibu Chichibu Line train running nearby. Enjoy the realistic video of this beautiful icy world, which can only be viewed during the cold winter months in Japan. [Video] 0:51 - The Ashigakubo Icicles and the Nearby Train The Ashigakubo Icicles – How the Must-See Winter Attraction Is Created Photo:The Ashigakubo Icicles, Chichibu, Saitama The Top 3 Icicle Spots of Chichibu, which are normally visible from mid-January to mid-February, are a symbol of winter in Chichibu, a region known for its frigid temperatures. The three icicle spots are the Ashigakubo Icicles, the Misotsuchi Icicles, and the Onouchi Icicles. While the Misotsuchi Icicles are made up of natural icicles, the Onouchi Icicles and Ashigakubo Icicles are both man-made attractions. The magnificent icicles, which make good use of Chichibu's topography, are so impressive that it'is hard to believe that they're man made. The Ashigakubo Icicles are artificially created using sprinklers on the slope of the mountain. The giant field of icicles, standing 30 meters tall and 200 meters wide, covers the entire mountainside and is truly a sight to behold. The project was initiated by local residents of Yokoze and has become a popular tourist attraction since it was opened to the public in 2014. Because the Ashigakubo icicles are man-made rather than natural, it was possible to build a boardwalk where visitors can observe the icicles up close. This allows visitors to walk along the promenade and appreciate the various views of the icicles up close, as they change in height, angle, and color. The beautifully layered icicles are a work of ice art created through the cooperation of nature and man. Highlights & Attractions at the Ashigakubo Icicles Photo:The Ashigakubo Icicle illumination, Chichibu, Saitama The Ashigakubo Icicles are lit up both during the daytime as well as at night, making it a prominent midwinter event for sightseeing in Chichibu. The illumination lasts from sunset to 8 pm on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays during the event period. Advance web reservations are required to view the illumination on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays. The Ashigakubo Icicle illumination slowly changes in color and intensity as it gets darker, adding to the fantastical atmosphere. The romantic view of the beautiful ice world is perfect for dates as well. We recommend enjoying the romantic view of the icicles while walking along the promenade, or from the top of the mountain overlooking the magical field of icicles. Another highlight of the event is the collaboration between the train and the icicles. If you're a photographer, or just looking to get a cool shot for Instagram, you can take an awesome photo of the train as it passes by the picturesque world of ice. [Video] 0:12 - The Ashigakubo Icicles Lit Up [Video] 0:51 - A Collaboration of the Train and Icicles Summary of the Ashigakubo Icicles Photo:Ashigakubo Station There are other places in Japan where large icicles can be seen in addition to the Ashigakubo Icicles, but they are not easy to visit due to long walks along steep paths. However, the Ashigakubo Icicles are the most accessible of the Top 3 Icicle Spots of Chichibu, and can be visited on a day trip from central Tokyo. The nearest station to the Ashigakubo Icicles is Ashigakubo Station on the Seibu Chichibu Line. It takes about 1.5 hours to reach Ashigakubo Station by train from Ikebukuro Station, and from there it's an approximately 10-minute walk. The Ashigakubo Icicles are a rare sightseeing spot where visitors can enjoy a spectacular winter view at just a train's ride from the heart of Tokyo. If you're in Japan this winter, consider visiting Chichibu for an extraordinary experience of ice and art. ◆Ice column with hollow legs◆ [Address] Daiji Ashigakubo, Yokose Town, Chichibu-Gun, Saitama Prefecture [Period] 16th to 25th February 2024 [Business Hours] Monday - Thursday 9:00-16:00 (last admission 16:00) [Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Holiday] Lighting up will be held from 17:00 to 20:00 Light-up varies depending on sunset time *Lighting up on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays is by advance reservation (web) Day and night exchange system [Admission fee] 500 yen (over junior high school students) · 300 yen (elementary school students) [Transportation access] Seibu Chichibu Line Ashigakubo StationGet off and walk 10 minutes [Parking] Yes (free) Accept pets: Yes 【TripAdvisor】The Ashigakubo Icicles