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Video article 3:23
There Are So Many Fascinating Places to Visit in Shizuoka Prefecture! One of Japan's Most Scenic Destinations Condensed Into Three Minutes!
Local PR- 36 plays
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魅力たっぷり静岡県紹介動画について こちらの動画は「The Moment SHIZUOKA」が公開した「The Moment SHIZUOKA - 静岡県公式観光プロモーション映像」です。 「静岡」といえば「富士山」や「駿河湾」などの雄大な景色と「緑茶」などがまず連想します。 しかし、静岡の魅力はそれらだけではありません。 こちらの動画では、美しい自然と多くの名所が散在する静岡の見どころが存分に紹介されています。 観光地として日本有数の景勝スポットを誇る静岡の素晴らしさの一端を垣間見ることができるでしょう。 静岡県の素晴らしい絶景の観光スポット 静岡への観光旅行でまず決めるべきなのが宿泊先。 静岡観光で人気なのは伊豆市の「新井旅館」や藤枝市の「岡部宿大旅籠柏屋」など。 どちらも建物自体が貴重な文化財で、日本古来の伝統・文化を感じさせる宿泊施設です。 さて、宿泊先が決まったら、静岡の名所巡りを楽しみましょう。 静岡観光での最大の魅力は、無数にある絶景スポットです。 日本だけでなく海外の観光客からも人気を集めている美しい健勝地は「富士山」「富士川」「駿河湾」「大瀬崎」「柿田川湧水群」「鮎壷の滝」「河津七滝」「龍宮窟」「十国峠」「浜名湖」「弁天島」「新居関跡」「三保松原」「奥石廊崎」「城ヶ崎海岸」など。 これらに加えて「西伊豆の夕日」は静岡随一のインスタ映えする観光スポットとして大人気です。 静岡県の歴史に触れる史跡群と、たっぷり遊べる施設 静岡は「新居関跡」「黒田家代官屋敷」「韮山反射炉」「御前崎灯台」などをはじめとする、日本の歴史的建造物や史跡の宝庫としても知られています。 そして、神社・仏閣では「小國神社」「伊豆山神社」「三嶋大社」「須山浅間神社」「富士山東口本宮」「富士山本宮浅間大社」「松蔭寺(白隠さん)」などが有名です。 そして、日本の近代的な施設および建造物「焼津さかなセンター」「ヤマハスタジアム」「御殿場プレミアム・アウトレット」が人気で、「小山城」「徳川家家康公像」「韮山反射炉」も一度は訪れたい名所です。 さらに、ファミリー層へのおすすめが「小笠山総合運動公園エコパ」と「熱川バナナワニ園」。 どちらも一日たっぷり遊べる楽しいアミューズメントパークです。 また、空からのアクセスならぜひ「富士山静岡空港」の利用を。 建物自体がグルメにも遊びにもショッピングにも満足できます。 そして、美術鑑賞なら「伊豆の長八美術館」も静岡観光には外せないスポット。 スポーツ好きには、日本有数の自転車競技施設として知られる「伊豆ベロドローム」もおすすめです。 遠州の景観を存分に堪能しよう 静岡観光で日本古来の「遠州、駿河国・伊豆国」の歴史に触れたい方は「遠州横須賀街道」と「十国峠」は外せません。 そして、雄大な自然の景色を堪能したい方には「急勾配日本一」として有名な「南アルプスあぷとライン」がおすすめ。 また「世界一の木造橋」として知られる「蓬莱橋」も必見です。 さらに、日本有数の「秘境駅」とされる「奥大井湖上駅」からの眺望はまさに絶景と呼ぶに相応しい名所です。 魅力たっぷり静岡県紹介まとめ 動画をご覧になれば、すぐにでも観光したくなる、見処がいっぱいの魅力あふれる静岡。 あなたも静岡観光でその素晴らしさを存分に堪能してみてください。 -
Video article 3:33
Beautiful tea plantations are beautifully set in the rolling hills of the Okubo district of Mori-machi, Shuchi-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture! There is something about this enchanting land of famous Japanese tea gardens that will touch your heart!
Local PR Travel Festivals & Events- 126 plays
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Video introduction of a three-dimensional village tea garden in the Okubo community of Mori-machi, Shuchi-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. This video, titled "03 Okubo. Tea plantations Lining the Rolling Hills (Morimachi, Shizuoka)" (03 大久保 立体集落の茶園(静岡県森町)), was produced by "静岡県森町Morimachi Tourism." It shows the breathtaking views of the tea plantations lining the hills of Morimachi (森町), Shizuoka Prefecture, in the Tokai region. Shizuoka Prefecture is famous as a tea-producing district in Japan, and there are many tea farmers in the area. Okubo, located at the foot of Mt. Fuji and known for its mild climate, has scenic tea plantations lining the hills of villages. The Beautiful Scenery of Okubo's Tea Plantations Source :YouTube screenshot Featured in the video at 0:45, you can see a scenic view of the tea plantations where Shizuoka tea is produced, via aerial footage. Okubo is also called the "Little Kyoto in Enshu" because of the beautiful nature and traditions that remain from the old days of Japan. Okubo once prospered from "Akiba-mode," a pilgrimage to Akihasan Hongu Akiha Shrine in Hamamatsu City (浜松市) Shizuoka Prefecture, and the salt trade around Lake Hamana (浜名湖). The area around the Sengoku Yume Kaido (Sengoku Yume Highway), shown at 1:13 in the video, has many historical sites remaining from the Warring States Period. Also Mt. Sanmaru, featured at 1:05, creates a beautiful natural landscape as it overlooks the village. Traditional Events in Okubo, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot The Summer Festival in Okubo, introduced at 1:24 in the video, is a popular summer tradition in the Okubo, Morimachi, Shizuoka. The parade of floats through the Tea plantations on the hills of Okubo brings on a feeling of tradition. Tea plantations coupled with music and taiko drums echoing among the nature-rich mountains will have you feeling like you're in a Japan of the past. If you want to experience the beauty Japan's landscapes, be sure to make your way out to the village to see the festival. Summary of Okubo, Shizuoka's Tea Fields Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces the amazing scenery of Okubo, Shizuoka's tea plantations. The scenic view of the endless tea plantations on the gentle hillsides is great for Instagram as well. For those looking to take a relaxing trip to some of Japan's lesser known sightseeing destinations, consider visiting the tea plantations lining the hills of Okubo, Shizuoka! -
Video article 1:57
Atami, Shizuoka - A Hot Spring Resort Enjoying Renewed Popularity. Introducing the Hidden Attractions of Atami!
Local PR Travel- 54 plays
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魅力がたくさんの「静岡県熱海市」の紹介動画について こちらの動画は「あたみニュース - Visit Atami」が公開した「「意外と熱海」プロモーションムービー」です。 「日本の有名な観光地である熱海の魅力を知りたい」 「熱海に旅行の予定があるんだけど、おすすめの場所はどこかな?」 このように、熱海に興味がある人や熱海に旅をする予定のある人に必見の動画です。 熱海の有名な観光名所や観光スポットが紹介されています。 動画をご覧になれば、熱海の様々な魅力を知り、旅をしたいなと思えてくるはずですよ。 こちらの記事では、日本の人気の観光エリアである静岡県熱海市の情報や魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の観光地である静岡県熱海市の景勝エリア 日本のおすすめの観光地である静岡県熱海市には、景色を楽しめる場所がたくさんあります。 まず、熱海といえば南国のような雰囲気のあるサンビーチでしょう。 綺麗な砂浜にどこまでも広がる海。 景色がいいので、サンビーチを散歩しているだけでも楽しめます。 また、夏の時期なると熱海海上花火大会が開催されます。 熱海のサンビーチは海以外の面が山に囲まれているので花火の音が反響され、ド迫力の花火を鑑賞できます。 熱海に行ったときは熱海城に行くのもおすすめ。 熱海城の天守閣展望台から見る眺望はすごく美しいです。 海や山などの熱海の雄大な自然を一望できます。 他にも熱海駅周辺には、熱海遊覧船のサンレモ号や熱海梅園、伊豆山神社、起雲閣など綺麗な景色を楽しめる人気スポットが多くあります。 日本の観光地である静岡県熱海市の癒しスポット 日本の観光エリアである熱海には、日頃の疲れを取ることができる癒やしスポットも充実しています。 駅からすぐ近くの場所にある足湯(家康の湯)は、観光の起点になっているので多くのお客さんが訪れます。 商店街の買い物などで少し疲れたら、ここで休憩すると疲れも取れるでしょう。 日本で珍しい横穴式の温泉の走り湯もおすすめです。 他にも、たくさん買い物をしてリフレッシュしたい人は、平和通り商店街のお土産や食べ歩き。 温泉地を楽しみたい方は、熱海七湯めぐりがいいでしょう。 日本の観光地である静岡県熱海市のおすすめ絶品料理 日本の観光地である静岡県熱海市は、新鮮な海鮮料理を楽しむことができます。 熱海は毎日港から上がってくる新鮮な海の幸を調理しているお店がたくさんあります。 平和通り商店街や、熱海の近くの初島のお店で食べるのがおすすめ。 絶品の海鮮丼を堪能できます。 日本の観光地である「静岡県熱海市」の紹介記事のまとめ 旅でリフレッシュしたいときにおすすめの静岡県熱海市。 自然の綺麗な景色や温泉、グルメなどで心身をリフレッシュできる、満足いく旅行になるはずです。 -
Video article 3:20
Soak up the Beautiful Scenery Around the Oi River and Enjoy the Fascinating Historical Sites in Shimada, Shizuoka! Don’t Miss the Steam Locomotive Running Through Town, Either!
Local PR- 186 plays
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Shimada, Shizuoka "Shimada, Japan in 8K HDR – Shimada Together with Oi River" (島田市 大井川と生きるまち) is a video created by "Shimada JAPAN," which introduces the charms of Shimada in Shizuoka Prefecture. Shimada is a tourist destination replete with attractions such as the beautiful Oi River flowing through the city, historical sites, and local specialties like green tea. It's a place rich with nature and abundant with photogenic spots perfect for your Instagram. It's a well-recommended destination for anyone seeking to enjoy the scenery and different food cultures of Japan. In this article, you'll find some of the most famous tourist attractions and hidden areas in Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture. The Attractions of the Famous Tourist Destination Shimada, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture, in the Tokai Region (東海地方, Tokai-chiho) is a place of various attractions such as culture and history, centered on scenic spots with beautiful nature. The Oi River that cuts through Shimada is the symbol of the town and there are many popular sightseeing spots in the vicinity. Particularly popular is the Oigawa Main Line (大井川本線, Oi-gawa Honsen) operated by Oigawa Railway Company (大井川鐵道株式会社, Oi-gawa Tetsudo Kabushiki-gaisha) which is full of opportunities to take nice photos with its rare steam locomotives and beautiful scenery. Thomas from Thomas & Friends is here as well. There are many highlights, such as the nostalgic, wooden Ieyama Station, the historic railway bridge, the sight of a steam locomotive running through town, and the cherry blossoms in the spring. We recommend visiting Kawane Onsen Fureai Spring (川根温泉ふれあいの泉, Kawane Onsen Fureai-no-Izumi) and Roadside Station Kawane Onsen (道の駅川根温泉, Michi-no-eki Kawane Onsen) to relax and wind down after a day of sightseeing. In the video, you can see Kawane Onsen Sasamado Station from 1:11 and the steam locomotive from 2:24. In front of Shin-Kanaya Station, which is the base of the Oigawa Railway, there is an SL express ticket sales counter, a souvenir shop, a coffee shop, and the SL Museum at Plaza Loco. Shimada is famous as "the most green tea-loving city on earth" and produces delicious tea leaves. This is shown at 0:11 in the video. You can also see how the artisans make green tea. The production of other seasonings such as miso and soy sauce, which can be seen at 1:46 is also popular. Shimada is also characterized by its mild climate, which is pleasant all year round. Enjoy touring around Shimada on a beautiful sunny day! Historical Sites in Shimada, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture, is full of tourist sites where you can learn about Japan's history. Chimanji Temple (智満寺, Chiman-ji), which can be seen at 1:03 in the video, is a temple with a long history and is said to have been revered by warlords, such as the Tokugawa Shogun. The main deity, the Senju Kannon, has been designated an Important Cultural Property, and its imposing form is a sobering sight. Suwahara Castle Ruins (諏訪原城跡, Suwahara-joseki) is the ruins of a historic castle from the Warring States Period (戦国時代, Sengoku-jidai) and where Suwa-daimyojin (諏訪大明神, Suwa-daimyojin) was enshrined. The ruins are surrounded by tea fields creating a unique landscape. There are also many other historical sites, such as the Shimada-shuku Oi River Kawagoshi Ruins (島田宿大井川川越遺跡, Shimada-shuku Oi-gawa Kawagoshi-iseki), Oi Shrine (大井神社, Oi-jinja), the Fujinokuni Tea Museum (ふじのくに茶の都ミュージアム, Fuji-no-kuni Cha-no-miyako Museum), Shimada Museum (島田市博物館, Shimada-shi Hakubutsukan), and more. Scenic Areas in Shimada, Shizuoka Shimada, Shizuoka has many places where you can enjoy the natural scenery as well. Makinohara Park (牧之原公園, Makinohara-koen), is a signature scenic spot in Shimada with Mt. Fuji (富士山, Fuji-san) in front of it, Suruga Bay to the right, and the Minami-Alps (南アルプス, Minami-Alps) to the left. From here, you can observe the Oi River and the tea fields, capturing every the beautiful natural scenery of Shimada. Other places we recommend are Horai Bridge (蓬莱橋, Horai-bashi), shown from 2:09 in the video, Shimada Rose Hill Park (島田市ばらの丘公園, Shimada-shi Bara-no-oka Koen), and Makinohara Highland (牧之原台地, Makinohara-daichi). You can see a spring view with blooming cheery blossoms at 2:45 in the video as well. You can also enjoy festivals and events such as the Kawane Sakura Festival (かわね桜まつり, Kawane Sakura-matsuri), where thousands of Somei Yoshino cherry trees are in full bloom. Summary of Shimada, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot "Shimada, Japan in 8K HDR – Shimada Together with Oi River," created by "Shimada JAPAN," is a video introducing the nature and culture of Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture. One day is probably not enough to look around the city with all of the appealing tourist attractions it has to offer, but there are many hotels in the area, so you can also stay overnight. Shimada in Shizuoka Prefecture is a great place to visit for those looking to relax in the tranquil landscape of Japan. Consider visiting Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture, on vacation to rid yourselves of all the stress and exhaustion of everyday life. 【Official Website】Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture City Hall Homepage https://www.city.shimada.shizuoka.jp/ -
Video article 7:04
The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Is a Popular Event in Izu, Shizuoka Where the Entire Town Is Dyed Pink With Cherry Blossoms. A Look at Izu's Beautiful Spring Scenery and Recommend Tourist Attractions!
Local PR Travel- 565 plays
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About the Video of Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival If you're looking for a place where you can enjoy viewing cherry blossoms and feeling Japan's unique spring atmosphere, then look no further! There are many others just like yourself looking to relax among the cherry blossoms and enjoy the fresh spring breeze. Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival, held in Kawazu, Shizuoka Prefecture is a festival where you can do just that. The beautiful 4K footage allows you enjoy the blissful atmosphere of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. Be sure to follow along as you read this article! Izu's Popular Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Photo:Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival, held in Kawazu, Izu, is a beautiful festival where you can see the town of Kawazu covered with pink cherry blossoms. Kawazu Sakura is a type of cherry blossom tree that starts blooming earlier than most other cherry blossom trees, starting from around early February to early March. The origin of Kawazu cherry blossoms dates back to 1955, when one of the local townspeople found a tree growing amongst the weeds in his back yard. Back then the trees were called "Komine Sakura," but were renamed to ‘Kawazu Sakura’ in 1974. The Kawazu Sakura is characterized by its large petals and pink color, and when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, a flurry of falling cherry blossoms creates the most beautiful scenery. The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival is a popular festival that approximately one million tourists visit every year. People enjoy the festival by taking a walk along the river, or having a picnic in the park while drinking and enjoying food from food stands. It's often crowded so you might have to save a spot for a picnic beforehand. There are outhouses at the festival, along with regular restrooms throughout the park. Come experience the beautiful cherry blossoms at the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival! Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Schedule and Attractions to Enjoy Japanese Cherry Blossoms in Izu Source :YouTube screenshot The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Kawazu, Izu is a must-see festival for anyone interested in cherry blossoms or Japan's beautiful scenery. The cherry blossoms can be enjoyed in various ways depending on the location and time. There are approximately 8,000 cherry trees in Kawazu and about 850 along the Kawazu River. During full-bloom, these trees showcase the beauty of Kawazu. The one along the the Kawazu river are especially beautiful. You can enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms at full bloom along the river for more than 4 kilometers! We recommend that you try to find your own little secret spot to avoid the crowds. This video shows you the cherry blossoms in full bloom at various spots along the Kawazu River at 0:28. Was there anything that caught your eye? There are also places where the cherry blossoms are lit up at night as well. It's an impressive sight that you can only experience at night time. Be sure to check it out if you have the chance, as it's one of the best parts of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. There are also other cherry blossom festivals in the Kawazu area where you can see the cherry blossoms and rape blossoms in harmony with one another. The 2024 Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival will be held from February 1 to 29, 2024. Please check the official website for a map of stalls that will be available in late January 2024. Enjoy Authentic Japanese Cherry Blossoms in Kawazu Source :YouTube screenshot During the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Izu, there are several spots we recommend visiting to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms. As we mentioned above, one of the ways you can enjoy the cherry blossoms is with the illumination at night, shown at 5:02 in the video. Access to the cherry blossoms illumination is 20 minutes walking from Kawazu Station on the Izu Kyuko Line. It's an incredible scenec location, so don't forget to bring your camera! We also recommend going around and collecting your shuin stamp when visiting the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. There's a red stamp that's only available during the festival at Seisoku Temple nearby, so be sure not to miss it! Enjoying both the cherry blossoms and collecting your red seal stamps will make for an unforgettable trip. Summary of Izu's Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival The video, created by "Discover Nippon," is a beautiful 4K video that introduces the charm of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Izu. If you're curious about the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival after reading this article, be sure to check out the video! If you love cherry blossoms or spring in Japan, then you'll love this festival! Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Kawazu! 【Official Website】Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Info|Official Website https://www.kawazuzakura.net/ 【Official Website】Kawazu, Kamogun, Shizuoka, Japan Town Official Website http://www.town.kawazu.shizuoka.jp/ -
Video article 9:51
Higashi-Izu Town, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, is a sightseeing spot with many attractions for adults and children alike! The star-filled night sky was so spectacular that it seemed as if time had stopped!
Local PR Travel Things to Do- 57 plays
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Charming Videos of Higashi-Izu Town, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture This article is all about the introductory video "Higashi-Izu Town - Seaside and Mountains in the Sky - Long Version"(東伊豆町 ~満点の海山空~ ロングVer.), filmed by “higashiizu.” If you're going on a trip, it's good to visit a place where there are plenty of attractions for the whole family to enjoy. If you fancy a bit of splurge, why not stay at some luxurious hotels or ryokan (Japanese-style inns) where you can enjoy delicious gourmet cuisine. If you're up for it, we recommend the town of Higashi-Izu in Shizuoka Prefecture, where you can enjoy leisure facilities and spectacular scenery. You'll see a lot of popular tourist spots introduced in this video, that both Japanese and foreign visitors can enjoy! Follow along with the video to see the beauty of Higashi-Izu Town in Shizuoka Prefecture! Something for Everyone to Enjoy Higashi-Izu boasts a wide range of touristic attractions for all generations to enjoy. Source :YouTube screenshot At the beginning of the video, you can see Hina dolls lined up on the steps of a shrine. Hina dolls are Japanese dolls, only displayed on “Hina Matsuri” (Doll’s Festival), that is a traditional annual event to pray for the healthy growth of girls. The Hina Doll decorations on the steps of Susanoo-Jinja Shrine are a sight to behold and will definitely look good on Instagram! There are a total of 118 steps decorated with Hina dolls! Atagawa Tropical & Alligator Garden is shown next. It is located close to the station, being only a 1-minute walk from Izu Atagawa Station off the Izu Kyuko Line. With water lilies, fruit trees and other natural spots, this is a theme park that adults can enjoy as well. During Golden Week and other holidays, events where you can interact with giraffes and other animals are held. Thanks to a warm climate, Higashi-Izu in Shizuoka Prefecture produces a wide range of fresh fruits such as Mikan (mandarin oranges) and strawberries. Some fruit farms welcome visitors with mikan-picking and strawberry-picking experiences when they're in season Have a picking contest with your family and then see who can eat the most! Enjoy Spectacular Views of Nature All Throughout the Day! Source :YouTube screenshot Inatori Hosono Kogen is a must-visit place in Higashi-Izu. It is shown in the video from 2:44 “Inatori Hosono Kogen” offers visitors a magnificent panoramic view of nature during daytime and a breathtaking star-filled night sky in the evening. It truly feels as though time has stopped. The video does a pretty good job at showing what it's like, but as one might expect of something so beautiful, it pales in comparison to the real thing. Just looking up at the bright stars in the sky is enough to have you feeling refreshed. You will be surprised and pleased to find that such an amazing place exists in Higashi-Izu. Even during the day, the landscape is vast and expansive, and you can feel the amazement and excitement from this video as it shows wind turbines spinning atop the hills with silver grasses fluttering in the wind. You'll discover more and more about the beautiful town each time you watch the video. Atagawa Ishihiki Dokan: A Well-Known Festival in Higashi-Izu Source :YouTube screenshot Higashi-Izu holds the famous “Atagawa Ishihiki Dokan Festival,” which is another must-see attraction. It is shown in the video from 5:03. The festival is held on the Atagawa Kaigan Dori street and its notable procession, Oishi-hiki (a procession pulling a sacred stone), starts from the Atagawa Yamato-kan hotel. The Atagawa Yamato-kan hotel is easily accessible from Izu Atagawa Onsen Station, at just 8 minutes on foot. What makes the festival special is the unique performance of strong men all pulling one big, heavy, square-shaped stone. If you want to see powerful performances and magnificent fireworks, this is definitely the place to visit. Another must-see feature is “Kashima Odori,” a dancing event held at Kashima shrine! It is a good opportunity for you to experience traditional Japanese culture. More Places to See in Higashi-Izu! Source :Kitagawa Onsen Tourism Association There's still more touristic attractions to visit in Higashi-Izu! Being nominated as one of Japan's "Top 100 Moon Views," "Izu Kitagawa Onsen Moon Road" is also famous as a sacred place with spiritual energy and it's said that visitors may receive divine favor in the form of romantic luck, marriage fortune, and being blessed with children. You can also visit the popular "Kurone Iwa-buro," a stone bath where you can enjoy the beautiful ocean scenery from an open-air spa. An Onsen Ryokan (Japanese inn with hot spring facilities) is a good option for you to experience Iwa-buro. At Higashi-Izu onsen, "Tsuruya Kisshotei" and "Bousui" are two places we recommend staying at. The local cuisine is also something you don't want o pass up when you're in Higashi-Izu. If you're looking for fresh seafood, look no further than "Minato no Asaichi Market," a morning market held at the Higashi-Izu Town Office Parking Lot. You can also enjoy gourmet food such as the delicious, fatty "Inadori Kinmei" (A type of fish). If you're a golfer, then Inatori Golf Club is one of the best options for you, as it provides visitors with the Higashi-Izu cross country course. Playing golf while looking out over the natural landscape of the town of Higashi-Izu is an exhilarating experience. Summary of Higashi-Izu This article may have introduced a lot of fascinating places in Higashi-Izu, but there's still more. There are plenty more charms the city has left to offer. If you're interested, be sure to investigate more about what the city has to offer! The town entertains both Japanese and foreign visitors alike with its beautiful landscape and myriad of sightseeing destinations. You're always welcome to visit the charming town, Higashi-Izu, in Shizuoka! 【Official Website】Izu Animal Kingdom http://www.izu-kamori.jp/izu-biopark/en/