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Video article 2:16
Lake Inawashiro - A Breathtaking Color Makeover of Autumn Leaves, and All You Need to Know to Fully Explore One of the Top Tourist Destinations in Fukushima Prefecture!
Local PR Travel- 312 plays
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An introduction to Inawashiro Lake This video, titled "Lake of the Heart - Lake Inawashiro in Autumn" ([Lake of the Heart] 猪苗代湖PRムービー「秋編」 Lake Inawashiro in Autumn), was released by Koriyama City. It's a promotional video that focuses on the natural environment of Inawashiro Lake during the peak of its autumn foliage. Lake Inawashiro is the 4th largest lake in Japan, extending over the three municipalities of Aizuwakamatsu, Koriyama and Inawashiro. Nicknamed "Heavenly Mirror Lake" (天鏡湖, Tenkyoko), the lake boasts stunningly clear water, and its beautiful natural environments make it a year-round retreat. The view of Lake Inawashiro with its splendid display of autumn colors can be seen in the video as well. Enjoy the beauty of this destination during the autumn season! Popular Outdoor Activities Around Lake Inawashiro Source :YouTube screenshot A cruising tour navigates tourists through the diverse natural landscapes around the lake. Cruising on a turtle or swan-shaped boat will definitely be a highlight of your trip. The video starts with the swan boat elegantly swimming across the lake. A variety of outdoor activities are offered in the lakeside area including camping, and fishing, as well as row or pedal boats, and the auto campsite, "Lake Inawashiro Mobilage" caters to visitors who want to spend their holidays in the great outdoors. The Lake Inawashiro Area Photo:Autumn at Mt. Adatara Lake Inawashiro is also home to some popular sightseeing destinations as well. Mt. Adatara and Mt. Bandai (Both mountains being on the list of "One hundred famous mountains of Japan") offer a splendid overlook of Lake Inawashiro from their high elevation. As the hometown of the Nobel-prize laureate bacteriologist Noguchi Hideyo, Inawashiro-cho founded the Memorial Hall where visitors can learn about his life and achievements. Although not well known, Lake Hibara and Oguni-numa Pond are two attractive destinations for history buffs. Onsen & Local Dishes - Authentic Japanese Experiences Around Lake Inawashiro Source :YouTube screenshot There are some onsen (hot spring) hotels located in the area as well, many of which have a day pass admission plan as well. Spending a night at an onsen hotel helps you to fully appreciate the charms of the location. "Michi-no-Eki (Roadside Station) Inawashiro" is a good place to try the local dishes such as Soba or Kamameshi (a type of Japanese pilaf cooked with local "Aizu" chicken). The soba making process is demonstrated from 1:26 and you can see the flowering buckwheat field at 1:03 in the video. Taking a break at one of the lakeside cafes gives you a moment of peace with the fine view of Lake Inawashiro and Mt. Bandai. The Beauty of Lake Inawashiro Awaits You! Lake Inawashiro is a popular destination in Fukushima Prefecture, and its autumn landscapes displayed in the video are sure to make you want to drop by for a visit. Lake Inawashiro is the perfect destination for appreciating Japan's natural beauty. 【Official Website】Inawashiro-cho, Fukushima Prefecture http://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.town.inawashiro.fukushima.jp%2F 【Official Website】Inawashiro Tourist Information https://bandaisan.or.jp/ib/en/?welcome=hide -
Video article 2:26
The Samurai Spirit Remains in Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki! There Are So Many Spots in Japan Where the Spirit of Japan's Warriors and Samurai Still Lives On!
Local PR- 53 plays
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福島・栃木・茨城の観光「ダイヤモンド・ルート」の紹介動画 こちらの動画は「Diamond Route Japan」が公開した「【4K】SAMURAI Spirits : Diamond Route Japan 2019 - Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki |」です。 動画の舞台である福島・栃木・茨城は、武士の精神が今も息づく地域です。 こちらの動画では侍や武士といったモチーフだけではなく、日本芸能も登場しています。 現代においても国内外問わず熱中させてくれる侍と武士、そして日本芸能。 日本芸能、そして舞台芸術を融合させた「剣伎衆かむゐ」 動画で演舞しているのは、パフォーマンス集団「剣伎衆(けんぎしゅう)かむゐ」。 武道など日本文化とダンスパフォーマンスを融合させた演技が特徴です。 武士と侍の精神 戦国時代に活躍した侍。 そして侍といえば武士道、というのが海外から見た日本のイメージです。 「道」とは宇宙や物事の道理・本質を表す言葉が起源です。 転じて、道という概念は日本古来の信仰である神道へと変化し、武士道などさまざまな形へ変化させていきました。 戦国時代に始まったこの精神は現代の武道や日本芸能にも浸透しています。 日本芸能として残る能 また、代々世襲制で継承している日本芸能もあります。 戦国時代に開花した能です。 こうした日本芸能は、文化の発展に寄与した人物が人間国宝として数えられます。 福島・栃木・茨城の観光「ダイヤモンド・ルート」紹介まとめ 福島・栃木・茨城は、武士道精神が今もなお強く残る地域です。 日本の伝統、そして和の心を知りたい方は是非、福島・栃木・茨城へ足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 13:42
Feel the Charm of Japan's Four Seasons in Inawashiro, Fukushima! Eat, Play, Learn... You'll Be Amazed at the Beautiful Scenes That Fukushima Has to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 46 plays
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福島県猪苗代湖はどんなところ? こちらの動画は「公式チャンネル猪苗代町」が公開した「猪苗代観光プロモーションビデオ」です。 猪苗代湖は東北地方の南端を占める福島県のほぼ中央に位置し、日本では4番目の広さを誇る湖です。 夏は湖水浴や釣りや遊覧船観光・ボート遊びなど自然の中のマリンスポーツ、花火大会などで多くの旅行客を魅了する人気観光エリアです。 また猪苗代湖周辺には磐梯山や源泉が湧く温泉ホテルも多く、1年を通じて観光が楽しめます。 今回はそんな福島県猪苗代湖の絶景スポットを動画と共にお楽しみください。 福島県猪苗代湖へのアクセスとイベント情報 猪苗代湖周辺には日本の自然豊かな磐梯山があり様々なイベントが楽しめます。 6月に山開きするとキャンプや7月には磐梯まつりが開催され、冬はスキーなどのウィンタースポーツを楽しむことができます。 夏になると湖畔のキャンプや釣り、ボート、遊覧船観光などのアクティビティ、花火大会や自然を楽しみながら走るハーフマラソンなどのイベントが目白押しです。 福島県猪苗代湖へのアクセスはJR猪苗代湖駅からバスで約15分。自動車は磐越自動車道猪苗代磐越高原ICより約3分です。 日本有数の自然豊かな観光地福島県猪苗代湖周辺の花鳥風月 猪苗代湖観光では日本でも珍しい白鳥を始めとした貴重な野鳥の生態を観察することもできます。 湖畔のカフェやキャンプ場でもさまざまな野鳥や桜、紅葉などを楽しむことができますが、アクアマリンいなわしろカワセミ水族館ではカワセミを始めとした猪苗代湖周辺の生態系の資料を閲覧することができる穴場スポットです。 湖畔の自然の中をゆっくりと観光ウォーキングするのなら湘南エリアトレッキングルートがおすすめです。 猪苗代湖の名前の由来と歴史文化 猪苗代湖の名前の由来には諸説ありますが、稲作と深い関係があることは確かなようです。 磐梯山は活火山で大規模な噴火によって猪苗代湖が現出したとされています。 そして今から約1万2000年前頃にはすでに湖畔に先住民が住んでいた痕跡があり、磐梯山の厳しい自然や気候は日本の先住民に豊かな実りをもたらせていたことでしょう。 猪苗代湖は観光だけではなく学術的にも重要なエリアなのです。 科学者野口英世のふるさと 日本が誇る世界的な医学博士の一人が野口英世です。 彼は明治9年に猪苗代町で生まれました。小さい頃は清作と名付けられ、農家の跡取りとして大事に育てられましたが、重度のやけどを負い手が不自由になり医師の道を志します。 その後黄熱病をはじめとする数々の病原体を発見し、その功績を記録した野口英世記念館は日本の医学の歴史にとっても重要な資料館です。 日本の自然が満喫できる観光情報 猪苗代湖はインスタ映えする自然景勝地の宝庫です。 ・磐梯山 ・天鏡閣 ・南ヶ丘牧場 ・西久保彼岸獅子(舞の奉納は毎年春の彼岸頃) ・達沢不動滝 ・福島県迎賓館 ・中津川渓谷 ・世界のガラス館 などの代表的な人気スポットがあります。 猪苗代湖で満喫するグルメ情報 猪苗代湖を有する福島県はグルメの聖地でもあります。 福島産の名産品といえばお米、桃などの農作物、そば、そして日本酒です。 道の駅やカフェ、ホテルのレストラン、猪苗代駅周辺の居酒屋などでは美味しい福島の海と山の幸を堪能することができます。 福島観光のおすすめ景観地猪苗代湖の魅力紹介まとめ 福島県は東北と首都圏を結ぶ重要な地域です。 その福島県のほぼ中央に位置する猪苗代湖は一年を通じて四季折々の自然豊かな景色、そして美味しいグルメとイベントで多くの観光客を魅了します。 そんな風光明媚な猪苗代湖の魅力を高画質な動画でも御覧ください。 -
Video article 4:44
Fukushima Oze - A Plateau Brimming With Natural Scenery! Embark on a Journey Through the Beautiful Scenery of Japan's Four Seasons!
Local PR Things to Do- 151 plays
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About the Fukushima Oze Introductory Video This video, titled "OZE.jp Fukushima Oze PR Movie," was released by "PrefFukushima." "Fukushima Oze," introduced in the video, is the nickname for the route and area leading to Oze from the Fukushima Prefecture side. Oze National Park is a vast area of natural marshlands that spans four prefectures: Fukushima prefecture, Gunma prefecture, Niigata prefecture, and Tochigi prefecture. Oze is famous for Ozegahara, a marshland on the Gunma side, but the route that enters Oze from the Fukushima prefecture side is called Fukushima Oze, and it has also been gaining popularity as a sightseeing route full of natural scenery. In this video, you can see two women trekking the mountain while traveling around Fukushima Oze. Hiking at Fukushima Oze Photo:Lake Ozenuma, Fukushima Prefecture Walking along the promenade of Fukushima Oze Route, you can enjoy the natural scenery of Japan's four seasons. Take a shuttle bus to Numayama Pass, the starting point of the Oze Route, and then proceed to the Oe Marsh, which can be seen from 1:15 in the video. You'll also find seasonal alpine plants, such as skunk cabbage and day lilies, blooming in the Oze Highlands and around Lake Ozenuma in the spring, creating a magnificent view, as shown at 0:51 in the video. Sightseeing Locations at Fukushima Oze Photo:Ozegahara seen from Hiuchigatake, Fukushima Prefecture There is a fishing pond full of char in Hinoemata, a village where you can enjoy fishing surrounded by nature. We definitely recommend stopping by Sanjo Falls, one of the Top 100 Waterfalls in Japan. In Oze, be sure to drop by famous places, such as Hashiba no Banba and Seirou-zukuri Itakura (セイロウ造り板倉), a famous place in Nushiri-daira. Hinoemata Shrine also has a stage where you can see traditional Hinoemata Kabuki. The area around Hiuchigatake, one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains, that can be seen from 1:34 in the video, is another recommended sightseeing route. Visit the summit of Hiuchigatake from Lake Miike via Hirosawa Tashiro and Kumazawa Tashiro. After sightseeing in Oze, you can head over to Hiuchi no Yu (燧の湯), a hot spring at the foot of Mt. Hiuchigatake. There is also an open-air outdoors bath, so you can spend an excellent time bathing while gazing at the vast nature. Events and Gourmet Food in Oze Photo:Shrine at Mini Oze Park, Fukushima Prefecture The "Fukushima Oze-Hinoemata Mountain Festival" is held every year at Fukushima Oze. There are hiking tours, outdoor events, stage shows and workshops, and markets where you can shop for outdoor goods, so we recommend lining up your trip to visit Fukushima Oze at the time of this event. If you're looking to enjoy delicious food in Oze, we recommend Aizu's famous mountain dish, "Tachi-soba." At Mini Oze Park, you can buy a mysterious dessert called "salamander gelato" (サンショウウオジェラート). Summary of Fukushima Oze Photo:Fukushima Oze, Fukushima Prefecture Oze, with its abundance of nature, is closed in the winter due to the cold weather, but is a great tourist attraction for hiking in the warmer months. In addition to beautiful natural spots like the ones shown in the video, there are also spots where you can enjoy traditional performing arts and local cuisine, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 6:37
Shimogo in Aizu, Fukushima Prefecture, Spins a Tale of Past and Present. Here You'll Find Traditions Handed Down by the Ancestors of Japan and a Traditional Japanese Spirit That Protects the Town
Local PR- 194 plays
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Shimogo in Aizu, Fukushima This video, titled "Shimogo Promotion Video" (下郷町プロモーションビデオ), was uploaded by "ShimogoKanko." Shimogo is located in the center of Fukushima in Japan's Tohoku region. The area was known as Aizu until the Edo period (1603-1868) and it's a sightseeing spot with many charms. In Shimosato, there's a mountain in the direction of the rising sun where the gods are said to rest. You'll also find Kannon-numa Forest Park at the foot of the mountain, which can be seen from 2:39 in the video. You can enjoy the natural scenery of the four seasons nurtured by the harsh climate of Aizu, and in fall, the area around the swamp is decorated with the colorful, beautiful autumn foliage. This article will provide information on recommended sightseeing destinations in Shimogo, where the blessings of Japan's rich natural environment, scenery, history, and culture are intertwined, alongside the video. A Tour That Connects the Past and Present Photo:Ouchi-juku in autumn, Shimogo, Fukushima The history of Aizu was a series of turbulent events that were swallowed up by the swell of Japan's modernization. It's said that after the Meiji Restoration, the Aizu clansmen were forced to move to an undeveloped area called Nakatsuma, where they established Minami Aizu. The traditions such as the Hange Festival and Ouchijuku Snow Festival shown from 3:18 in the video, were handed down from their ancestors. Shimogo is a town where ancient Japanese culture and traditions remain and where the present meets the past. Fukushima is best visited during winter as the snowfall in the region creates beautiful landscapes. There is an event called "Mizuki-no-hana-dango" (みずきの花団子) during Little New Year. It is an event to pray for health and longevity and colorful dumplings are stuck into the branches of trees that haven’t yet sprouted. This is a unique Japanese custom in Aizu to enjoy the long winter. This can be seen from 3:33 in the video. Sightseeing Information for Shimogo Photo:Shimogo, Fukushima, To-no-Hetsuri The beautiful scenery of the nature-rich town of Shimogo has always amazed the tourists who come to see it. To-no-Hetsuri, a marvelous landscape created by the Aga River (阿賀川, Agagawa), is a photogenic spot that you don't want to overlook when sightseeing in Aizu. Also, the buckwheat fields of Sarugaku Plateau is a place where Aizu clansmen lived through the turbulent times of Japan from the end of the Edo period to the Showa period. These can be seen at 2:12 in the video. The Aizu Line is a popular line with direct access to the Tokyo metropolitan area and is full of peaceful views. From 2:07 in the video, you can see mountain cherries in Toaka, and at 3:51the Nakayama Snow, Moon, and Fire Festival, where igloos and lights decorate a snowy Aizu. There are many popular sightseeing spots in Shimogo, Fukushima, including a snowshoe experience which is filled with the wisdom of Fukushima's ancestors who have lived through the harsh winters. The Food Culture of Shimogo, Fukushima Photo:Minamiaizu's local cuisine, Shingoro The Aga River, a quiet, clear stream flowing through Shimogo, is an important river that nurtures abundant life and is necessary for preserving the local culinary culture of Aizu. Upstream, there are many hot spring hotels and inns where you can enjoy a steamy atmosphere. You can relax at hot springs such as Yunokami Onsen after a long day of sightseeing. Fukushima is also famous for rice production. Shingoro is a local delicacy of Shimogo. It's made by rolling up a special type of rice, sticking it on a skewer, coating it with Junen (a kind of egoma) miso, and grilling it over charcoal. At the roadside station and Shimogo Town Local Products Center, you can find a different kinds of souvenirs of local food, such as soba noodles and local sake. Summary of Shimogo, Fukushima Photo:Shimogo, Fukushima The spirits and thoughts of the Aizu clansmen who lived through the turbulent times in Japanese history can still be found in Shimogo. The ancient traditions are kept alive by the people who love their town. The Shingo Furusato Festival, Shingoro, and Hana-dango during Little New Year are designed to heal the hearts of tourists, and to keep the healing alive, they will be passed on to the future. Please enjoy the attractions of Shimogo, Aizu, Fukushima, a town with beautiful, traditional Japanese scenery, by watching this video. 【Official Website】Aizu Shimogo Town, Fukushima Prefecture Town Hall Website https://www.town.shimogo.fukushima.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Shimogo Town https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g1120990-Activities-Shimogo_machi_Minamiaizu_gun_Fukushima_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 3:00
The “Obama Montsuki Festival” in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture: A Festival of Bravery, Where You Can Feel the Power of the Local Residents! Check Out the Attraction of This Traditional Japanese Festival, Along With Its History, and Highlights!
Festivals & Events Local PR Travel- 222 plays
- YouTube
The Obama Montsuki Festival in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture This is a video titled “【Official】Obama Montsuki Festival 2018" (【公式】小浜の紋付祭り2018), that introduces the Obama Montsuki Festival, a traditional Japanese festival in Fukushima Prefecture, created by Matsurism. The Obama Montsuki Festival is a traditional Japanese festival passed down in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture in the Tohoku region. In this article we'll introduce the charm, schedule, and highlights of the traditional Japanese event that has been passed down for generations in Fukushima prefecture. Be sure to follow along with the video, as it has a lot of interesting scenes that you won't be able to see in the article! The History of the Obama Montsuki Festival in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Obama Montsuki Festival is a traditional Japanese festival held in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture, during the consecutive holidays in October, and is an annual festival of the Shiomatsu Shrine tradition in the Obama district of former Iwashiro town (岩代町, Iwashiro-Cho). It is said that the festival started with a parade of decorated Mikoshi (portable shrines) praying for recovery from the local famine that occurred in the Edo Period (1603 to 1868 AD). The name "Obama Montsuki Festival" comes from the men wearing montsuki hakama (a formal Japanese attire of men with their family crest). The Obama Montsuki Festival, a unique festival with 230 years of history, where festival participants dress in Montsuki Hakama, is definitely a festival that we recommend to tourists looking to see traditional Japanese festivals. The Schedule for the Obama Montsuki Festival in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture! Source :YouTube screenshot At the Obama Montsuki Festival, traditional floats, called “Taikodai,” are prepared from 4 towns. The Ujiko of each town play the Japanese flute and drums while wearing the formal Montsuki Hakama, and walking around the town with traditional floats. The parade of the floats is introduced at 0:26 in the video, and you can hear the sound of beautiful music resonating throughout the city. The Obama Montsuki Festival is held every year on the first day of the consecutive holidays in October. It starts with the evening festival “Yoi-matsuri,” followed by the main festival the next day, and the “Ato-matsuri” on the last day. The main festival is regarded as the most important event at the Shiomatsu Shrine annual festival. At the evening festival “Yoi-matsuri,” there's the Taikodai, and the main festival has a Mikoshi parade, Montsuki Festival, and lantern festival. On the last day of the “Ato-matsuri,” there are lively events such as the water festival, and there's also a chorus. How to Enjoy the Obama Montsuki Festival in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture The Obama Montsuki Festival is held on a three-day holiday schedule including the October Sports Day. Prior to this schedule, a traditional festival called the "Nihonmatsu Lantern Festival," is held in early October. The Lantern Festival is a lively festival where seven Taikodai, decorated with lanterns, parade through the city. Summary of Obama Montsuki Festival in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot During the Obama Montsuki Festival, there are food stands along the roadside, so you can enjoy delicious Japanese festival food and the local Fukushima cuisine. Be sure to take some pictures of your visit to the festival. They'll look great on Instagram! In the video, the local people talk about how the Obama Montsuki Festival is a festival made possible by the local residents working together, and about how lively it is. In Japanese festivals, it's common for people to wear Yukata or Happi coats, but at the Obama Montsuki Festival in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima, men participate while wearing Montsuki Hakama. Be sure to watch the video to see the sights of this rare festival! 【Official Website】Nihonmatsu City Hall Official Website https://www.city.nihonmatsu.lg.jp/page/page002466.html 【Nihonmatsu tourism association 】Obama Montsuki Festival http://www.nihonmatsu-kanko.jp/?page_id=2441