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  • Nice to meet you? Recently, I've been completely addicted to the camera and ? enjoy taking pictures, so I go ? to various places on weekends. I especially like ? shooting sunsets.
  • oi
    Tokyoites love islands.
  • Photographers ATZSHI HIRATZKA HIRATZKA Atsushi Hiratsuka Full Member, APA Japan Advertising Photographers Association
  • Hello? I'm ? ♂️ Ken who is active as an amateur Mt. Fuji photographer. I was born and raised in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture, at the foot of Mt. Fuji, and have ? lived with Mt. Fuji for 30 years ?. I hope ? you will send out the charm of Mt. Fuji and see it. Thank you ? Has won many awards for photo contests Silent follow OK, likes, and comments are waiting ☀️ for you
  • Hello, I run a Japanese confectionery shop in Fukui Prefecture.
  • Hello, I'm Takuhiro Fujitani and I live in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture.
  • I like to take landscape photos and long exposure photos.
  • In search of the four seasons of Japan, I travel around the country to shoot. Instagram: @kousa_photography Twitter: @kousa_photo
  • @de_a1111 Hello Under the influence of my grandfather, who was a photographer near the Zaodo on Mt. Yoshino, which is famous for cherry blossoms, I am interested in cameras and take memorable selfies in Japan and nearby Asia. The camera is a Fuji XA-5 It's hard to use, and I'm an amateur, I rely on my intuition and mood at the time to take pictures of the scenery and selfies. Come and be your friend
  • Landscape photographer Nikon D850 Tokyo Camera Club Selection 10 U-22
  • Award winning Photographer and Visual Artist from Jakarta Indonesia Tokyo Camera Club Selection 2014
  • A graduate student from Itoshima, Fukuoka and living in Kyoto. From next year, he will be a resident of Kanagawa Prefecture.
  • I like to take photos on a whim while traveling in Japan.
  • I live in Tokyo.
  • I was born Japan and grew up in Japan and likes Japan koukou ┐( ́∀')┌
  • ★ Travel Writer ★ Drone Artist ★ Amami Tourism Ambassador ★ PR assistant, Kannonji City, Kagawa Prefecture "Divorce, India" "Be beautiful in the countries of the world!" (both Gentosha) and 12 other books - Tomako Label Sake Series "DREAMY PILOT" is also a must. Thank you in advance (* 'ω'*) Link from HP "Travel Writer and Mako"
  • ✈️??? I was born and raised in Tohoku, which I love.
  • At the foot of Mt. Fuji is Yoshisumi Suzuki, who lives in Fujinomiya City. I take photos of local and other landscapes.
  • Hello We are holding an arquebus demonstration in Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture. We also participate in the local festival "Soma Nomaoi".
  • He trained in Wajima→ home of human lacquerware made ? with lacquer ❌ samurai opened an independent → workshop "Urushiki Wildcat Hall".
  • A swordsmith in Ome City, Tokyo, Bizen Nagafune Ueda Yusada Ichimon Swordsmith ?✨ Yuhei Hirata works ? We make homemade tamahagane using the old-fashioned method called tatara and produce ✨ blades. We handle a number of blades from Japan swords to kitchen knives to knives. We also accept made-to-order products, so please feel free to contact us!
  • ? Saitama Searching for wildlife in Hokkaido is becoming ???? a part of life
  • Buddha Master I make and repair Buddha statues. We are making a cat Buddha statue, a cat Buddha with a cat motif. Sculpture works are uploaded. Thank you very much.
  • He mainly uses wool to create sculptural works with living things as motifs.
  • This is our blog site called Ramen that is touring ramen that is too delicious in Yamanashi Prefecture and Tokyo.
  • Nice to meet you, I'm Suimitsu Kikuchi, a calligraphy instructor. I was born Japan and raised Japan. I started calligraphy at the age of 5 and obtained my teaching qualification at the age of 29. I post every day to let people know the fun of calligraphy. When they saw my post, they even said a little, "I want to do calligraphy! I would be happy if you could think (*^ω^*)
  • I live in Okinawa!
  • Born in Japan, raised in Japan, and active in Japan, he is a figure sculptor. best regards★
  • We play Japanese taiko in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture. @和太鼓楔
  • Suga jazz dance studio. Representative of Suga IZANAI Federation. With my mother, Kunitomosuka's aspiration "correct lethargy, apathy, and irresponsibility with dance", full of smiles! In cooperation with my friends, I am working with Yosakoi and dance as a tool.
  • Established in 2011, based in Midori-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, it is "Wadaiko Senryu"!
  • We perform in Kabuki, Japan dance, and festival dance! Appeared in famous anime songs, taiga dramas and period dramas, cooperated in the production of sound effects, musicals, guidance for celebrities, and back-stage performances. Please feel free to contact us about anything about Japanese musical instruments. We provide persuasive sounds backed by traditional performing arts upon request.
  • I am a kabuki actor. Thank you in advance!
  • Shakuhachi player. He is active in a wide range of fields, from classical shakuhachi to modern approaches such as rock. He has performed in Germany, Italy, Egypt, the United States, and Korea.
  • Hello. I'm Sakura? Kinohana, born in Kita-ku, ? Tokyo and raised in Ichikawa, Chiba Prefecture.
  • We are performing the Japan traditional performing art of Edo Tai Kagura in various places. I hope that many people will enjoy the performance of taikagura, which is said to be very auspicious!
  • Nice to meet you! I'm going to introduce only ramen, but thank you! Twitter&Instagram ID kazumanoramen
  • I live in Kyushu in Japan.
  • Konniri is Roy and lives in Tokyo. Thank you in advance.
  • We post products that I am glad I used, delicious things, and landscape photos on Twitter and blogs.
  • Glutton. 《For a delicious meal》 #食いしん坊 #お肉大好き #ワインに合わせる食事 #季節を感じる暮らし
  • Hello. This is Hiroyuki Ishimoto, who loves Kochi Prefecture.