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Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Aug. 11, 2024
[Racing bike made of wood] Every summer, mainly woodworking instructors Woody Summer School held in 3 days and 2 nights. It is a racing bike that was produced this year. Mr./Ms., which was decorated with wooden dreams, It was an elaborate construction that looked like it was about to start running. Participants cut and scrape parts We will also use the machines in the woodworking room as we work. When I interfered with the work on the second day, Mr./Ms. concentrates while looking at the procedure manual. While I was carefully facing the work, I snapped the camera. Setoushi-kun grilled and blueberry juice drinking tea Thailand Walking around Kamu, making bread sticks on a bonfire, etc. It was a three-day event filled with projects unique to Nishiokoppe. The completed work will have a The original decoration is applied, and you can get a glimpse of the commitment. On the desk after work Handwritten notes and tools used for painting. Although it was a short period of time, it seems that all the participants' works were completed. Restrooms available! #Nishiokoppe Village #Forest Art Museum #Kimu #Woodworking #Woody Summer School #Woody #Racing Bikes #Wooden toys #Handmade #Wood education #Joint inn
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
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  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
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Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Aug. 2, 2024
[A large gathering in a tree dream until night! ] 】 Held every year in July, Kimu Culture Night. Extending the closing time to 8 p.m. From children to adults, non-Village residents can enter for free. This year, it coincided with the morning class day for elementary school students. It was lively after noon. The children were gathered Workshop on making puppets and to experience the behind-the-scenes of puppet shows. Children use work gloves to make dolls such as cats and rabbits. When the shape is formed, the decoration is made with cloth or felt. It is a doll making that exceeded the expectations of the organizers, but it was exciting. In addition, the puppet show started Nature with the puppets I made. It was a venue full of smiles. Elementary school students in the upper grades showed interest in the musical instruments used in the puppet show. They helped me set the stage for the puppet show at night. Even the lighting settings... Reliable! And at night, a performance by the Nishinaka brass band and Performed by the puppet theater Circle Doremi. The music, the dolls' voices, and the children's voices A night of resounding tree dreams. Restrooms available for a wonderful time! #Komu Museum of Art #Nishiokoppe Village #Culture Night #Open until night #Puppet Theater Circle Doremi #Nishinaka Brass Band Club #Children's Theater #Gun Hand Puppets
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Events
  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
  • Summer
  • Doll
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Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Jul. 11, 2024
【PR Nishiokoppe in Asahikawa】 June 29 (Sat) ~ 30 (Sun) I went to AEON MALL Asahikawa West for a PR event for Nishiokoppe! The venue is called Green Court on the first floor. It is a large ~ space under the escalator. In order for the children to have fun, this time Held in a wooden castanet making Workshop! A total of 120 items were expected over the two days. The number of people who came exceeded the capacity. Castanets are made by stacking small wooden boards on top of each other. There are children who carefully color the inner surface and even the edges. There was a child who went home while playing the completed castanet. From the Komu Museum of Art Wooden Sandbox, Miracle CoroCoro Tower, puzzles, etc. I brought Mr./Ms.'s toy! The little Mr./Ms. also entered the wooden sandbox with their parents, I was glad that you seemed to enjoy the sound and feel of the wood. When you come to Nishiokoppe Village, please come and visit Kimume! Restrooms available for elementary school students to ride and play! (^^)! In the hot summer, try the soft serve ice cream. (The soft serve ice cream you eat in winter is also delicious.) Restrooms available to everyone who stopped by our booth! #Nishiokoppe Village #Asahikawa #Aeon Nishi #PR Event #Summer Vacation #Recommended Spots #Kimu #Forest Art Museum #Workshop #Wooden castanets #Wood education #Woodworking #Come to Woody Summer School
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  • Nishiokoppe
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  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
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Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Jul. 6, 2024
【Summer Festival Decoration of Tree Dreams】 The display at the entrance of the tree dream has been updated! There are stalls as soon as you enter. Restrooms available for shooting and takoyaki Mr./Ms. also has a fan character of "katanuki". It seems that you can actually experience shooting by flying a rubber band! At Takoyaki Mr./Ms., I wear a "bovine visor", You can also see the tense little clerk Mr./Ms.. I found a delicious grilled Soba (buckwheat noodles) This was also an inedible grilled Buckwheat noodles made by hand. What makes you feel festival in a tree dream Now is your chance (*^-^*) And if you come to Kimume, there is a recommended day Thereare! July 19 (Fri) 17:00~20:00 On this day, admission is free from 17 o'clock. Nishiokoppe junior high school brass band club concerts and Restrooms available! Culture Night is also for fun! #Nishiokoppe Village #Komu Museum of Art #com #Summer Festival #Cow Festival #Culture Night
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Events
  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
  • Summer
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Jul. 2, 2024
[Woody Summer School 2024] "Woody Summer School" that produces wooden toys for a joint inn system I'll do it again this year!! This time, we will make a "racing bike" with a total length of 42 cm. It seems that even the engine is handmade, There is no doubt that it will tickle the hearts of motorcycle lovers. Schedule: Friday, August 2, 2024 at 2 p.m. to Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 12 p.m. Capacity: 15 groups Application deadline: Wednesday, July 17 by 5 p.m. Participation fee: 14,300 yen per group * Inn fee is not included. It depends on the number of people and their age. For more Information, please contact Kimu HP or the contact information below. Forest Art Museum "Komu" 0158-87-2600 Parents and children can participate as well as Adults only. This is your chance to create a work with the woodworking Kiss part! We look forward to your participation. #Nishiokoppe Village #Summer Vacation #Joint inn #Production #30th celebration #Woody Summer School #Komu Museum of Art #Racing Bikes #Making Wooden Toys
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
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  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
  • Mokuiku
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
May. 15, 2024
【Tree Dream Island Rest】 This is an announcement from the forest art museum "Kimu (com)". Due to internal construction, from May 15 (Wednesday) Use is not available only in the "Tree Dream Island" area. Use will be available again after June. (You can play in other areas as usual.) ) We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Best regards. In addition, new products are on sale at Kimu! It's that face made of wood! (^^)! You can tell something just by the outline. Please come and see the real thing! #Nishiokoppe Village #Forest Art Museum #Kimu #Tree Dream Island #No entry #Signs of getting cooler #New products #Setoushi-kun #Face #Woodworking
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Apr. 21, 2024
[GW Festival of Wood Dreams] Golden Week is approaching! Have you decided on your outing plans? This year, at the forest art museum "Komu" The GW Festival will be held! [May 3 (Fri.)] 11:00~ Parent-child castanet-making class [Saturday, May 4] 11:00~ Parent-child castanet-making class 13:30~ Parent-child building block competition (free participation) [May 5 (Sun) & 6 (Mon)] 11:00~ & 14:30~ Todomatsu distilled water making experience 13:00~ Violin and Piano Concert Todo pine used to make distilled water When I went to see it, I saw lush foliage It was sparkling in the sun. Touch the tree, make it, It is a GW event where you can also enjoy music. We look forward to seeing you there. #Nishiokoppe Village #Hokkaido #GW #Kimu #Forest Art Museum #Woodworking #Kiiku #Concert #Todo pine #Castanets #Building blocks
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
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  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Dec. 13, 2023
[Com Christmas] Saturday, December 2 It was a day when the forest art museum "Kimu" was open to the public for free! Children from inside and outside the village gathered Performances by the Nishinaka Brass Band and puppet theater Circle Doremi I enjoyed playing handbells and other instruments. There is also a collaboration between Setoshi and Santa Claus! In the time of old instruments and piano You can experience tuning and playing the piano with the outer frame removed. It was an exciting time for adults to be able to see. Inside the hall of Kimu Because it is decorated with Christmas decorations Please take a look when you stop by.
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Events
  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
  • Christmas
  • Live・concert
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Nov. 23, 2023
【Kimu Christmas】 At the forest art museum "Komu", We will hold a Christmas festival!! Only on this day Admission is free for everyone. While enjoying the inside of the facility of Kimu Don't miss each event. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. < Event Schedule> 11 o'clock~ Nishikobe Junior High School Brass Band Club Concert 13 o'clock ~ Puppet show circle and gifts from Santa Claus 14:00~ Christmas Concert with Ancient Instruments and Piano To the dream of a tree colored by Christmas Please come and visit us!
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Events
  • Sightseeing
  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
  • Live・concert
  • Christmas
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Nov. 5, 2023
【Making bean dishes】 Greenwoodwork is becoming an annual tradition in Nishiokoppe Village. I participated in the bean dish making session. First, choose whether to use china or yellowfin wood. Cut with a saw and split in half. Next, to the thickness you like The wood was cut while sandwiching it with a special device (sharpening horse and sen). This dedicated instrument is Depending on the thickness and length of the wood, the angle may be changed or the position of the sandwich may be changed. The grass cutting instructor is using it brilliantly, and even just watching the model work It was a lot of fun. Once the thickness can be adjusted Carve it with a chisel to give the plate depth. Depending on the carving, a wave pattern was created, and here too, individuality was visible. Round and square shapes, also for size and depth The commitment of each of them is evident.
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Events
  • Autumn
  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
  • Arigatou
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Oct. 25, 2023
【Grilled potatoes over a bonfire】 Elementary school students who finished their curatorial performance on Sunday Monday, October 16 was a substitute holiday. Due to bad weather The postponed bonfire event It was held in the morning! Meet at 9 a.m. Enjoy until 12 noon! For piercing marshmallows I scrape the tip of the branch with a knife. First, I sharpened a pencil as a practice. Where a pencil with a unique shape was generated Together with the elementary school students, we carry out firewood. After the fire is lit The work of scraping tree branches and Sweet potatoes with wet newspaper and aluminum foil The wrapping work is waiting. Somehow, in a way If you were eating baked potatoes It was time for a breakup in no time. In the chilly season The warmth of the bonfire and the kindness of the children I was drenched.
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Autumn
  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
  • Events
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Oct. 19, 2023
【Fukibe Mini Concert】 On the night of Friday, September 29, At Komu Museum of Art Nishiokoppejunior high school by Brass Band A mini concert was held! This time, there was a solo performance by three third-year students. With the image projected on the wall A trombone and trumpet player with a beautiful tone. The drummer twirls the stick He showed us his brilliant handiwork. At the school festival the other day, the third-year students retired. Thank you very much! #Nishiokoppe Village #Brass Band #Nishiokoppejunior high school Brass Band #Kimu #Forest Art Museum #Tsukimi #Toy Theater
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
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  • School
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Oct. 10, 2023
【Karasu no Panyasan @西おこっぺ】 Picture book "Karasu no Panyasan" Have you read it? In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of publication "Kakosatoshi Reproduction Original Picture Exhibition" in Kimu It is being implemented, and on September 24, during the exhibition period, The bread that appears in the picture book was made. While referring to the picture Tear and roll the fermented bread dough Participants molding. When the baked bread arrives What kind of finish did the bread I made turn out? They looked excited, and the children were looking in. Finally, draw a pattern with chocolate pen Complete! The two people who made saw bread and radish bread They let me take a photo of the collaboration! (^^)! "What form of bread would I be happy to have?" After the event, I was secretly imagining.
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  • Nishiokoppe
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
  • Arigatou
  • picture book
  • Gourmet
  • Experiences
  • Bread
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Oct. 2, 2023
【October Event Information】 Summer has passed Signs of autumn are beginning to drift in the air. What about your area? Today We would like to ? inform you about event information in October. (1) October 6 (Fri) 18:30 start The puppet theater company Pook goes to Nishiokoppe Village! The puppet theater circle Doremi formed in the village serves as an executive committee member, We look forward to seeing you at the venue. Location: Hotel Morimu Main Hall Tickets are on sale now. (2)October 7 (Sat) 13:30~16:00 Those who want to warm up by a bonfire Those who like baked sweet potatoes a lot At Hotel Mori Yumeura's BBQ House Surround yourself with a bonfire! (3) October 7 (Sat) 18:30 start Akogi Concert by Tadahide Yoshikawa! Don't miss the guest appearances of the villagers. Location: Hotel Morimu Main Hall Admission: 2,000 yen (free for junior high school students and younger) (4)October 14 (Sat) 18:00 Twin artist VOICE is coming! Please enjoy it with snacks and all-you-can-drink. Location: Hotel Morimu Main Hall Ticket price: 4,000 yen *Application deadline is October 10. (5)October 15 (Sun) 11:00~ At Burari Cafe Finger yoga, lunch and aroma time! A healing space is here. Reserve lunch at least one day in advance! Aroma and yoga do not require reservation〇 (6)October 28 (Sat) ~ 29 (Sun) Green Woodwork Course! Jam spoon or butter knife, bean plate, curry spoon Why don't you make what you like with your own hands? Location: Komu Museum of Art (7)October 28 (Sat) 10:00~12:00 As a Halloween event We will make craft bags and perform puppet shows! There is also time to parade around looking for funny. Venue: Community Center, Library October is the school festival season There will be many more events! !! Please, autumn shiokoppe Please come and enjoy it.
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Travel
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  • forest
  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
  • Autumn
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Oct. 1, 2023
【Green Wood Work Course】 Although trees and forests are close to us Surprisingly, there are few opportunities to touch trees. In this course Using raw wood, spoons and butter knives, You can make a bean dish. Dragging wood with your own hands Why don't you make small items? Held on October 28 and 29. (1) Jam spoon or butter knife (2) Bean plate (3) curry spoon What you make depends on the time, so Please join us at your favorite time.
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  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Sep. 21, 2023
【Kakosatoshi Reproduction Original Painting Exhibition】 From today, September 22 Original reproduction of picture book writer Satoshi Kako We are exhibiting! The location is the Museum of the Forest, Kimu ? The period is until [October 12]. On September 24 She is the eldest daughter of Satoshi Kako. We will have a [Gallery Talk] by Mari Suzuki. There are 15 original reproductions on display. It seems that there are works that are released for the first time. While comparing with the accompanying picture book I hope you enjoy it. We look forward to seeing you there!
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Sep. 7, 2023
【September Event Information】 Even in September, the hot days continue. The cool breeze is finally starting to blow. Today We would like to inform you about this month's event information. (1)September 9 (Sat) ~ October 9 (Mon) Kamikawa Town, Takikami Town, Nishiokoppe Village 3 Towns and Villages Collaboration Project "Gurufura Drive 2023" will be held. Participate in gardens in 3 towns and villages and events during the period Collect stamps and apply for a special product gift! (2)September 17 (Sun) ~ September 18 (Mon) At Roadside Station Nishiokoppe Kamu We will hold a small "Marche" to thank you for the autumn harvest. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (3) Saturday, September 23 Also at Roadside Station Nishiokoppe Kamu, We will hold a flower park walking event guided by the caretaker ❀ Morning session is 10:30~, afternoon session is 13:30~. Each session is scheduled to last about one and a half hours. For reservations, please contact the tourist information center "Satosumimu". TEL:0158-85-7125 (4) Sunday, September 24 Forest Museum At Kimu There will be an exhibition of original reproductions by picture book author Satoshi Kako, a gallery talk, and a bread-making project. * Exhibition of original reproductions will be held from September 22 (Fri.) ~ October 12 (Thu.) Please come and visit the Nishiokoppe Village.
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Nishiokoppe, Hokkaido
Aug. 31, 2023
Hello COOL JAPAN VIDEOS viewers! Nishiokoppe Village This is Kurashima, Regional Revitalization Cooperation Volunteers in charge of tourism. I would like to deliver the charm of Hokkaido Nishiokoppe Village [tourist information]! Thank you in advance. Hokkaido Nishiokoppe Village is located inland in the Sea of Okhotsk in the eastern Hokkaido region, has a population of 1,002 (as of the end of July 2023 (Reiwa 5)), and forests account for about 90% of the village's area. The contrast with forests and snowy landscapes is beautiful, and the walls of major buildings such as public facilities are unified in orange. The temperature difference in our village is large, and it can be -20 degrees Celsius in winter and over 30 degrees Celsius in summer. Although it is a harsh natural environment, it is full of hidden areas and sightseeing spots such as rich nature and waterfalls! Then, Hokkaido Nishiokoppe Village Here are some of the attractive sightseeing spots. The "Ice Tunnel" at the foot of the Mt. Uenshiri is a fantastic popular tourist destination where the ice world spreads! The tunnel created by the water flowing down due to the melting snow in spring is located in a mountain valley, so the ice does not melt even in summer, showing a mysterious world. It is usually closed due to the risk of collapse, but in July this year, it was opened for one day only for the first time in four years. "Roadside Station Nishiokoppe Kamu" is a spot where a flower park and Roadside Station are fused! In the Roadside Station building, there is a wooden contraption organ "Otogibayashi" that plays sound with the power of the wind, which is rare in Japan, and the shop also sells dairy products such as soft-serve ice cream using grass-fed milk from Nishikobu, as well as processed Yezo sika deer products (processed skin products, pet food, etc.). In the attached flower park, you can enjoy a garden based on the concept of a "natural garden" that reproduces natural plants and flowers that grow according to the climate and climate of the Nishiokoppe Village. Located about 10 minutes by car from the Roadside Station Nishiokoppe Kamu, the Forest Museum Komu is an art museum based on the concepts of "seeing," "touching," "playing," and "creating." Not only are about 3,000 wooden toys and works on display, but you can also actually touch and play with large wooden playground equipment. Among them, the "wooden sandbox" containing 160,000 wooden balls is a popular work! You can enjoy the woodworking bath surrounded by the scent of wood. In addition to seeing, you can also experience actually making it at the "Woodworking Experience Class"! Enjoy a luxurious time to experience art in the forest. The sightseeing spot "Gyoja no Taki" where you can feel the power of nature is a waterfall with a drop of 20 meters. At the end of the Meiji era, it began to be called Gyono Falls because there was a woman who prayed for the cure of her parents' intractable illness after being struck by the waterfall. In the upper reaches of Gyoja Falls, there is the beautiful brick-colored riverbed "Akaiwa Falls" and the "Kuroiwa Falls" that flows through the primeval forest of the Ezo spruce, and you can enjoy three waterfalls on one route. Next, we will introduce campsites where you can enjoy magnificent nature and the outdoors! The Forest Park will undergo large-scale renovation work over two years, 2022 (Reiwa 4) and five years, and preparations are underway for the renewal and opening of the 2024 (Reiwa 6), including the maintenance of tent sites and the installation of new playground equipment. In 2023 (Reiwa 5), the tent site is available until October 15, but the playground equipment cannot be used. In addition, there is a paid log house in the park that can be used all year round, and a BBQ house that can be used for day trips. Surrounded by primeval forest, "Uenshiri Campground" is a recommended campsite for wild camping because there are no cooking facilities. Like the Ice Tunnel, it is located in Mt. Uenshiri and offers free access to one bungalow that can accommodate up to 10 people. In addition, there is a risk of brown bears around the primeval forest, so be careful when using it. Nishiokoppe Village is also known for the guitar factory "Okhotsk Musical Instrument Industry", where instruments with beautiful tones are born. Okhotsk Musical Instrument Industry, which was founded in the form of taking over the timber company, currently produces 20,000 guitar bodies a year. There is also a showroom in the annex of the guitar factory that you can enter for free, so you can feel free to visit it. Access to the Nishiokoppe Village is It takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes from Haneda Airport to Okhotsk Monbetsu Airport. From the Osaka area, from Kansai International Airport and Osaka International Airport, take New Chitose Airport (about 1 hour 50 minutes), take JR to Asahikawa Station (about 2 hours 10 minutes), transfer to JR Limited Express and get off at Nayoro (about 1 hour), and take a bus to Nishiokoppe Village (about 1 hour). It takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes by bus from Okhotsk Monbetsu Airport to Nishiokoppe Village. Beautiful scenery such as ice tunnels, delicious food, etc. You can enjoy a variety of experiences in Nishiokoppe Village. We will continue to tell you about the charm of Hokkaido Nishiokoppe Village, Thank you in advance!
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  • Nishiokoppe
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Ice Tunnel (Nishi Okoppe Village)
  • Wensili Mt.
  • Roadside Station "Nishi Okoppe Hanamu
  • Flower Park Hanamu
  • Forest Art Museum "KoMu"
  • Gyoja Falls (Nishiokoppe Village)
  • Forest Park Camp Ground (Nishi Okokope Village)
  • Wensili Campground
  • ...and 7 others

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