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Kenichi Tsukamoto
Oct. 16, 2021
Rice ears and you shine shiny He says this is his first rice harvesting experience. This young lady is unfamiliar at first, and I am anxiously in my heart. I was talking, but maybe because I'm young, in less than an hour. I was working hard to harvest new rice to make a crispy offering to God. It's been hard and hard to work all the time. While answering with a smile, she successfully performed the ritual. Such a healthy smile of accomplishment to everyone!
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  • Autumn
  • Japan
  • Fireworks
  • Fukuoka Prefecture
  • Dazaifu
  • Kawaii
  • Traditional culture
  • Photo Contest
Aug. 30, 2021
This is a photo of fireworks with friends gathered for the first time in years. Since I became an adult, the places where I live have been different, and I can't easily get together like I did when I was a child, but even when I saw them for the first time in a long time, I felt that I was able to return to my youth like I did back then, and I don't want it to end, but I thought that maybe it is because of the time that it ends, that it seems ephemeral like this fireworks.
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  • Summer
  • Japan
  • Instagrammable
  • Park
  • Fireworks
  • Photo Contest
Dylan Gibson
May. 6, 2021
Looking forward to seeing the fireworks this summer, I've been to Omagari in the past and it was really amazing. I know there's tons of places in Japan where there are amazing fireworks as well since Japan has a really long history of fireworks, so hopefully it's possible to see them now that vaccinations are starting to roll out. The whole coronavirus situation has been a bummer for a lot of people and fireworks are sort of like a reminder of all the beauty that the world holds and they help bring people together. I'd love to go out and see Omagari again personally as it was easily one of the most amazing displays I've seen. It was great getting to bring a picnic blanket and everything and just sit under the stars until it started too
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Kazu Kanai
May. 6, 2021
I want you to be able to go see the fireworks as soon as possible
  • Fireworks
  • Three great fireworks festivals
  • Akita Prefecture
  • Summer
  • Events
  • Starry sky
  • Sightseeing
Dylan Gibson
Apr. 15, 2021
This photo reminds me of winter, but not because of the weather, because the trees are all white and it reminds me of rime covered trees that are frozen in winter. I always like seeing white cherry blossoms as they seem a lot more rare. And of course, it's another place in Nagano Prefecture lol. I swear there's no shortage of beautiful scenery in Nagano, I'm not sure as to why that is, but it always has me wanting to go and visit. I guess there's fireworks at the nearby Lake Suwa as well, so that'd be fun to go and see during the summer. I already have so much I want to do in Nagano so this is just a +1 to that list!
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Apr. 14, 2021
"Yokokawa" in Okaya City, Nagano Prefecture
It continues along the river to the depths,
Cherry blossoms ? in full bloom
And if you zoom in on the center of the photo, you can see "Lake Suwa", which is famous for fireworks! !️
  • Nagano Prefecture
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Japan
  • Spring
  • Fireworks
Dylan Gibson
Mar. 12, 2021
I really love seeing these massive fireworks displays and this one is really incredible. Just comparing the height of the fireworks to the height of the builds in the city you can get an idea of just how large-scale this fireworks show is. I know the Minato Kobe Marine Fireworks Festival is in October but I'm hoping to see some fireworks this spring at least. I know summer is a little far off but there's definitely going to be fireworks then, that's for sure. I remember the one trip I went to Kobe I didn't get to see these amazing fireworks, but I was able to dry some delicious Kobe Beef burgers that were really just incredible. I would have liked to go to a steak restaurant but it didn't really fit our itinerary. It ended up working out though, as the burgers were great!
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しんご @shingo_camera
Sep. 25, 2020
Minatokobe Marine Fireworks Festival.
One of the three great night views in Japan
It's a night view of Kobe, but in such a situation
The fireworks that are launched are night views and fireworks.
The collaboration is very beautiful.
It was canceled in 2020, but I can't wait for next year.
  • Fireworks
  • Kobe
  • Hamburger
  • Spring
  • Summer
Dylan Gibson
Feb. 15, 2021
Whoa! Now those are some fireworks! Holy crud, this is insane. I don't think I've ever seen fireworks this bright and colorful and I've been to the Omagari Fireworks Festival before! Didn't know that Mie had such amazing fireworks. All of the good fireworks festivals are so far away from Tokyo ?. Just more reason to explore other areas of Japan though I suppose. Apparently this is the Kihoku Lantern Festival too so I'd get to see some beautiful lanterns on the water as well. Hopefully I can get out some this summer, been cooped up indoors for way too long at this point, and I'm starting to miss the fresh nippon breeze ?. Hopefully spring comes somewhat early this year so I can see some cherry blossoms and drink some plum wine while barbecuing lol!
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しんご @shingo_camera
Oct. 18, 2020
Fireworks at the Kihoku Lantern Festival in Mie Prefecture.
The highlight of this firework is a firework called Colored Senwa,
Colorful flowers dye the sky and the river.
  • Fireworks
  • Mie Prefecture
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Festival
  • bbq
Dylan Gibson
Jan. 29, 2021
Just beautiful. There's so much happening in this photo when you really look at it. The paper lantern is really the cherry on the cake for me in this one. I read an article a little while ago about the funaya in Ine and thought it was really interesting. It's awesome getting to see fireworks happening there as well, it's like I've discovered a new side of the area that I didn't know about before. I really enjoy fireworks over water too, and there's plenty of great fireworks festivals in Japan that do just that. I was already looking forward to being able to see the boathouses in Ine one day but now I'm looking forward to it even more. Going to line it up with the Ine Fireworks Festival if I can. The reflection of the fireworks on the water looks really awesome as well.
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しんご @shingo_camera
Oct. 18, 2020
In Ine-cho, Yosa-gun, Kyoto Prefecture, there are many traditional fishermen's buildings called funaya with the first floor as a dock.
I watched the annual Ine fireworks from the hangar of the boathouse.
The light of the lanterns and the sound of fireworks echoing in the hangar all reminded me of the good old Japan.
  • Fireworks
  • Kyoto Prefecture
  • Sightseeing
  • Travel
  • Summer
  • Traditional culture
Dylan Gibson
Jan. 2, 2021
Looking at this picture I realized I've never actually seen fireworks in the snow. I've done them for New Years of course, but living in Tokyo it doesn't snow much. Also where I was from the in the US we didn't get a lot of snow either. This looks like a lot of fun though. I didn't get to do fireworks this New Years but I was able to have a lot of fun still. Ate some great food with some great people and had fun playing games together. I've visited Aomori a few times in the past though and it was a lot of fun so maybe next year I'll head out there and enjoy these fireworks for New Years! Either way, this Kabushima Shrine looks really beautiful on top of the hill. The path leading up to the shrine and the torii gates are really neat. I looked it up a little more and it looks like a lot of seagulls gather at the shrine as well. Makes sense since it's right next to the beach. Really awesome!
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Dec. 31, 2020
Aomori Prefecture Hachinohe City Kabushima Shrine
I went to the "Zodiac Fireworks Rising Luck Prayer Festival" 2021!
Countdown fireworks again this year
2021.1.1 Launched at 0:00!
  • Torii
  • Shrine
  • Fireworks
  • Japanese New Years
  • Winter

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